Mountain biker pausing at the top of a hill in Reno Nevada

Spine, Sports and Pain Management

How We Can Help

You may benefit from treatment for neuromuscular (nerve, muscle and bone) disorders – that cause pain and impair normal functions. But, first, consult your primary care physician for a referral to Renown Health's Spine, Sport & Pain Management.

El Dr. Keating, director médico, y sus colegas, el Dr. Su y el Dr. Storm, personalizarán un plan de tratamiento que se adapte mejor a sus necesidades y estilo de vida mientras le brindan la atención más eficaz posible.

For more information: Llame al 775-982-3608. | Envíe un fax al 775-982-8001.

What is Pain Management?

Los expertos de la División de Columna Vertebral, Deportes y Manejo del Dolor de Renown están listos para ayudarlo a superar sus lesiones y afecciones de salud incapacitantes. We treat spine, sports injuries and orthopedic injuries using a combination of a detailed history and physical combined with imaging to achieve the most accurate diagnosis possible. In addition, our team utilizes interventional procedures and minimally invasive procedures to maximize effectiveness with the least downtime post-procedure.

Afecciones que tratamos

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Lumbar or cervical radiculolpathy
  • Lumbar or cervical stenosis
  • Facet syndrome or facet pain
  • Knee pain
  • Hip pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Elbow pain
  • Compression fracture
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (formerly known as RSD)


  • Cervical or lumbar epidural
  • Steroid injection
  • Cervical or lumbar medial branch blocks
  • Cervical or lumbar radiofrequency ablation
  • Joint nerve blocks
  • Joint nerve ablation
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Peripheral nerve stimulation
  • Percutaneous tenotomy (TENEX)
  • Kyphoplasty
  • Joint injections
  • Carpal tunnel injection

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