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    • Lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

    Renown Health recibió la prestigiosa designación “Gold Stars Level 10” por implementar el registro médico electrónico más avanzado del paciente

    El nivel 10 es el nivel más alto de reconocimiento que se puede alcanzar, lo que coloca al sistema de salud en el 3 % superior de todos los usuarios de Epic a nivel internacional. Por primera vez, Renown Health ha recibido la designación de Epic Gold Stars Nivel 10 por la utilización excepcional de la tecnología de registros médicos electrónicos (EMR) más avanzada disponible en la actualidad. La designación "Perfect 10" Gold Stars Nivel 10 es el nivel más alto de reconocimiento que se puede alcanzar, colocando al sistema de salud en el 3 % superior de todos los usuarios de Epic a nivel internacional. “Tener acceso instantáneo a los antecedentes médicos integrales y a los registros médicos electrónicos de un paciente permite una toma de decisiones más informada y una mejor atención para los pacientes”, dice el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Este premio por el más alto nivel de adopción del registro médico electrónico de Epic/MyChart es el resultado de años de arduo trabajo, una inversión sustancial en tecnología y capacitación, y una cultura de colaboración entre los miembros del equipo clínico, de operaciones y de tecnología para brindar el más alto nivel de atención a nuestros pacientes. Estamos muy orgullosos”. El compromiso de Renown con la atención al paciente y la seguridad de los registros médicos electrónicos (Electronic Medical Records, EMR) ha revolucionado la forma en que los médicos y los proveedores de atención médica gestionan la información del paciente, mejoran la calidad de la atención y mejoran la atención y la seguridad del paciente. Epic Systems Corporation (Epic) es un proveedor líder de sistemas de EMR que utilizan las organizaciones de atención médica de todo el mundo. El premio Epic Gold Star Level 10 representa el mayor logro para los usuarios del software. El sistema almacena información médica personal de los pacientes, incluidos tratamientos, procedimientos, resultados de pruebas, alergias, medicamentos y más. Los pacientes y proveedores pueden acceder a las historias clínicas, ver los resultados de las pruebas y leer resúmenes posteriores a las visitas de manera conveniente y segura. Además de la operabilidad integral de los registros médicos, el sistema hace que sea conveniente para los pacientes programar citas, resurtir recetas y comunicarse rápidamente con sus médicos y proveedores médicos. El compromiso de Renown con la innovación “Alcanzar una designación de Nivel 10 de estrellas de oro demuestra la dedicación de Renown Health para mantenerse a la vanguardia de la tecnología de atención al paciente”, dice Chuck Podesta, director de Información de Renown Health. “Estoy muy orgulloso del compromiso de nuestro equipo con la colaboración y la innovación. Este premio es un testimonio de la dedicación de nuestros médicos y clínicos que se esfuerzan diariamente por brindar los más altos estándares de atención a nuestros pacientes”. El programa Gold Stars de Epic proporciona una tarjeta de puntuación de la eficacia con la que una organización utiliza el sistema y proporciona una hoja de ruta para mejorar los resultados clínicos y financieros. El Nivel 10 de Gold Stars refleja que Renown Health ha adoptado al menos el 95 % de las características de Epic Gold Star y se clasifica como una práctica de vanguardia en el uso de tecnología. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health recibió la prestigiosa designación “Gold Stars Level 10” por implementar el registro médico electrónico más avanzado del paciente

    • Miércoles, 04 de octubre de 2023

    Salvando más vidas; Renown amplía la atención para el cáncer de mama y agrega a dos cirujanos mamarios de primera clase

    Renown Medical Group se complace en dar la bienvenida al equipo a dos distinguidos oncólogos quirúrgicos de mama, la Dra. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy y la Dra. Michelle K. Chu. Estos cirujanos de mama altamente capacitados se centrarán únicamente en brindar atención de mamas y, por lo tanto, desempeñarán un papel fundamental en el compromiso del Instituto de Cáncer William N. Pennington de Renown Health de brindar atención subespecializada a las personas que viven en nuestra comunidad y más allá. La Dra. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy es oncóloga quirúrgica de mama con becas de investigación y certificada por la junta, con una impresionante experiencia en cirugía de cáncer de mama. La Dra. Priddy nació en Washoe Medical Center (que luego se convirtió en Renown Regional Medical Center) y creció en Susanville, CA, antes de asistir a la Universidad de Stanford para sus estudios de pregrado. Se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno. “Estoy encantado de regresar a Reno para ayudar a aumentar el acceso a la atención quirúrgica de clase mundial para el cáncer de mama”, dijo el Dr. Priddy. “Mi objetivo es brindar una atención excepcional, especialmente a los jóvenes con cáncer de mama. Me entusiasma continuar mi misión aquí en el norte de Nevada". La Dra. Michelle K. Chu, cirujana general certificada por la junta, aporta su amplia experiencia en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama avanzado al equipo de Renown. La Dra. Chu obtuvo su título universitario de la Universidad de Pensilvania y su título médico de la Western Reserve School of Medicine en Cleveland, Ohio. El Dr. Chu se especializa en cirugía oncoplástica de conservación mamaria y mastectomías de preservación de pezones. “Creo en adaptar las opciones de tratamiento a las necesidades únicas de cada paciente”, dijo el Dr. Chu. “Ya sea que se trate de preservar la forma natural de la mama o apoyar el movimiento ‘Going Flat’, nuestro equipo se esfuerza por proporcionar el mejor resultado posible para cada paciente”. Renown Breast Surgery Care, la incorporación más reciente al William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, proporciona atención integral de cirugía de mama en 1500 E. 2nd Street en Reno, junto al campus del Renown Regional Medical Center. “El cáncer de mama representa aproximadamente el 20 % de los casos de cáncer recientemente diagnosticados en el condado de Washoe, con aproximadamente 520 nuevos casos al año, lo que lo establece como el tipo de cáncer más prevalente dentro de nuestra comunidad”, dice Brian Erling, MD, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Estamos orgullosos, como el sistema de atención médica sin fines de lucro más grande de la comunidad, de invertir en la prevención del cáncer y los diagnósticos tempranos, incluidos los exámenes de mamografía y la investigación genética. Para aquellos diagnosticados con cáncer de mama, Renown ahora ofrece dos excelentes cirujanos de mama que se especializan en cirugía de preservación de mamas y un centro de cirugía de mama que brinda atención integral y compasiva. Nuestro objetivo es salvar la vida de las mujeres, salvar a las familias y garantizar una mejor atención y mejores resultados. Este es un gran paso hacia adelante para la atención médica de las mujeres y nuestra comunidad”. Como parte de esta expansión, Renown asume las operaciones de Reno Surgical Advocates, una respetada práctica privada en Reno. “El acceso a la atención experta para el cáncer de mama cerca de casa es crucial, y nuestro equipo dedicado en Renown Breast Surgery Care trabajará incansablemente para proporcionar el más alto nivel de atención a las pacientes mientras trabaja estrechamente con nuestros otros especialistas en cáncer”, dijo el Dr. Max Coppes, PhD, MBA, Director del William N. Pennington Institute for Cancer. “Con la experiencia excepcional de la Dra. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy y la Dra. Michelle K. Chu, junto con nuestro centro de última generación, Renown Health es un verdadero socio en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama en el norte de Nevada”. “Las personas se están reubicando cada vez más en el norte de Nevada y, de hecho, el condado de Washoe experimentó un crecimiento de la población del 2.1 % desde el 2020 de abril hasta el 2022 de julio. En consecuencia, aunque el norte de Nevada no muestra una tasa de cáncer superior al promedio, estamos observando un aumento en los casos en nuestras instalaciones”, dijo el Dr. Lee Schwartzberg, director de la Sección de Oncología Médica del William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. “Renown Health está posicionada para satisfacer esta creciente demanda, y nos enorgullece agregar constantemente proveedores de atención médica reconocidos a nivel nacional a nuestro equipo para salvar la vida de las mujeres en el norte de Nevada.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health.

    Leer más Acerca de Salvando más vidas; Renown amplía la atención para el cáncer de mama y agrega a dos cirujanos mamarios de primera clase

  • Mamografías

    Breast Screening at Renown Women's Health: Because breast health is YOUR health. 1 in 8 women in the U.S. face a breast cancer diagnosis each year. Early detection through annual mammograms significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. At Renown Women’s Health, we provide expert, compassionate care, guiding you through each step of your mammogram. Our advanced 3D technology detects 41% more cancers and reduces false positives, lowering the need for rescreening. Join the thousands of women in northern Nevada getting screened and putting their health first. We offer mammograms at our four imaging locations in Reno and Sparks, Nevada, providing up to 40 daily appointments with short wait times.

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  • Seguridad del asiento de bebé

    Keeping Your Children Safe The Point of Impact Car Seat Inspection and Installation program offers checkpoints throughout the region. Renown Health is proud to partner with REMSA Health to assure the safety of our community.     Nevada State Requirements Nevada state law requires those children less than 6 years of age and weighing 60 pounds or less to be secured in an appropriate child restraint system while being transported in a motor vehicle.

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    • Buen estado físico
    • Niños seguros

    Seguridad en la piscina: Cosas que debe saber sobre el ahogamiento

    The warm weather is here and pools are open. Swimming is a great way to keep your kids cool, occupied and exercised throughout summer, however pools come with their fair share of risks. Before you take your children swimming, check out these pool safety tips. Pool safety is something every parent needs to take more seriously. Why? Because drownings of young children ages one to four have increased in recent years. Unfortunately, drownings are the number one cause of death in this age group - we lose the equivalent of 10 school buses full of children to fatal drownings in the U.S. each year. With warmer temps and hopes of cooling off in a local pool, you can’t be too careful when it comes to protecting your children from the risk of drowning. Children are naturally drawn to water, so parents must be extra aware in order to protect their kids from diving in headfirst. Kris Deeter, MD, pediatric intensive care physician at Renown Children’s Hospital, offers tips to keep your littles safe in the water. Preparing Your Child for the Pool People aren’t born knowing how to swim. This means parents must teach their children about swimming and pool safety if they want them to be safe and confident around water. It can take years to develop these skills, so the key is to start when your children are very young. Here are some ground rules: Teach your child to swim starting at age one. We recommend enrolling your toddler in swim classes; there are several organizations in the Reno-Tahoe area that offer baby and toddler swim classes. Keep your kids away from plastic and inflatable pools - they’re easy for children to fall or climb into and drown. They’re also a breeding ground for bacteria. Floaties and water wings are not safe! They are not a safe substitute or “crutch” for learning how to swim and they can lead to drowning if the child is using them incorrectly or while unsupervised. Stay within arm’s reach of babies and toddlers when at the pool. Supervision alone is not enough – you must be within arm’s reach in case they fall in and need to be rescued quickly. Learn child and infant CPR. If a drowning does occur, the best course of action is to call 911, get the child onto dry land and conduct CPR until breathing is restored or the EMTs arrive.   Pool Parties: A Risk for Drowning? Surprisingly, pool parties, a common summer pastime, actually increase the risk of drowning incidents. Although responsible adults are usually at pool parties, distractions ranging from alcohol to pool toys can actually make it easier for drownings to occur unnoticed. Does this mean you should RSVP “no” to the next pool party your child is invited to? Not if you follow the pool safety tips below: Attend the party with your child so you can supervise them while they swim. Remove unused floaties and toys from the pool. They can obscure visibility, making it difficult to see a child in the pool. Don’t drink alcohol while supervising a pool party. Assign an adult “water watcher” to pay constant attention to children in the pool.   Pool Safety Precautions for Homeowners If you own a pool, there are several more precautions to ensure the safety of your children. Even if your kids are strong swimmers who have mastered the rules of pool safety, there may be neighbors or friends who are younger and more vulnerable to drowning. You must undertake precautions for these children too. Some of these may seem time-consuming or expensive, but they are worth it to prevent a child from a fatal drowning. To keep your pool or spa safe, please: Cover your pool or spa when not in use. Choose a pool or spa cover with safety features like locks, safety sensors or alarms. Fence in your pool or spa area. The fence should be locked and at least four feet tall. Do not leave toys in the pool area as these may attract children.

    Read More About Pool Safety: Things To Know About Drowning

    • Salud infantil
    • Niños seguros

    Cómo cambiar el asiento para el automóvil de su hijo

    Car seat technicians often find parents are moving their child to their next car seat stage too soon, as they get older. Here are a few reminders of when to transition your child from their booster seat to a seat belt. Moving to a booster seat too soon According to Safe Kids Worldwide, nearly 9 in 10 parents remove children from their booster before they’ve reached the recommended height, weight, or age of their car seat recommendations, which leaves the seat belt in a position on the child that could injure them. If the child is not the proper height, the seat belt can rise up on the belly, instead of the hips where it’s supposed to sit, which can lead to spinal cord damage or whiplash in the event of a car crash. Solution: You can switch from a car seat to a booster seat when your child has topped the weight allowed by the car seat manufacturer; typically 40 to 80 pounds (18 to 36 kilograms). Remember, however, that your child is safest remaining in a car seat with a harness for as long as possible. Booster seats must always be used with a lap and shoulder belt — never a lap-only belt.  Transitioning to a safety belt too soon Older children need booster seats to help ensure the seat belt stays properly positioned on their body. The lap belt should lie low across the child's hips and pelvis with the shoulder belt crosses the middle of the child's chest and shoulder, so that in the event of a crash, the forces are applied to the hip bones and not the abdomen. If the lap belt is not positioned properly then it could lead to injuries to the spinal cord and abdominal organs.  Solution: Most kids can safely use an adult seat belt sometime between ages 8 and 12. Always use a booster seat until the child passes the 6-step test Your child reaches a height of 4 feet, 9 inches (nearly 1.5 meters) Their back is flat against the seat back. Knees bend over the edge of the seat and feet are flat on the floor. The shoulder belt sits on their shoulder and chest (not face or neck.) The lap belt sits low on their hips and touches their upper thighs (not on their stomach.) Your child can sit comfortably this way for the entire trip.   The American Academy of Pediatrics reminds us that the back seat is the safest place for children younger than age 13.

    Read More About Transitioning Your Child Out of Their Car Seat

    • Salud infantil
    • Niños seguros

    Conozca los tipos de asientos de automóvil

    Parents often struggle with installing and choosing car seats for their children. Picking out a car seat for your child is a never-ending battle. Safe Kids Washoe County has made it simple for you to understand the types of car seats that will work for your child. Types of Car Seats Rear-Facing Only Seat. Your baby's first car seat is often used from 5 to 40 pounds. People usually buy this type of seat because it is portable. Convertible Car Seat. This seat is larger and stays in the car; it may be rear-facing until your child is two years or more. After that, it can change to a forward-facing seat. Forward-facing-only car seat. This type of seat is used in one direction and has a 5-point harness and top tether.  Combination seat. This is a forward-facing seat with a 5-point harness and top tether and can change into a booster seat when you remove the harness.  3-in-1 car seat. This seat also stays in the car. You can use it rear-facing, forward-facing, and then later, as a booster seat. Booster seat.  It boosts the child for a safer and more comfortable fit of the adult seat belt. Make sure your child has outgrown the weight or height limits allowed in the forward-facing car seat. The seat belt must lie flat across your child's chest, on the bony part of the shoulder, and low on the hips or upper thighs. Most children will be between the ages of 8 to 12 years old before they are ready for the seat belt alone. Have a trained car seat technician check your installation Why: 3 out of 4 car seats are installed improperly, with some studies show that the misuse rate is 90%, with the average car seat having three mistakes. Solution: Ensuring that your child's car seat is installed correctly by a certified car seat technician will ensure your child's safety.

    Read More About Get to Know the Types of Car Seats

    • Consejos de expertos
    • Vacaciones
    • Niños seguros

    Mantener a los niños seguros en Halloween

    Halloween is around the corner. So while you're prepping pumpkins for carving, putting together creative costumes and coordinating trick-or-treating plans, safety is one more detail to remember.   Masks, haunted houses, witches, ghosts and ghouls — it all spells Halloween, and what could be more frighteningly fun, right? For children, however, Halloween can indeed be frightening and not so fun.  According to Dr. Kristina Deeter, Physician-in-Chief of Renown Children’s Hospital and Chair of Pediatrics for the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, it is common for younger children to express Halloween fears — being afraid of monsters, the dark or really anything out of the norm. “It's normal for children to struggle with separating reality from fantasy,” she explains.   For children who fall into this category, the month of October can be traumatizing. Halloween may not come until the end of the month. Still, in the weeks building up to the spookiest night of the year, little ones are bombarded on all sides with decorations — mummies, skeletons, coffins, vampires, you name it. For a child with a blossoming imagination who, as Dr. Deeter said, is still learning to differentiate real from pretend, this can cause additional fears and anxieties. In commemoration of Halloween Safety Month, Dr. Deeter shares safety tips for the spooky holiday from the American Academy of Pediatrics:  Dressing Up & Heading Out  Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Ensure shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, tangling or coming into contact with flames.   Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costumes and trick-or-treat bags and baskets for greater visibility.  Masks can limit or block eyesight. Instead, consider non-toxic makeup and hats, which should fit properly to prevent them from sliding over the eyes. Test makeup ahead of time on a small patch of skin to test for allergies before full application.  When shopping for costumes, wigs and accessories, look for and purchase those with a label clearly indicating they are flame resistant.  If a sword, cane or stick is a part of your child's costume, make sure it is not sharp or long. A child may be easily hurt by these accessories if he stumbles or trips.  Do not use decorative contact lenses without an eye examination and a prescription from an eye care professional. While the packaging on decorative lenses will often make claims such as "one size fits all," or "no need to see an eye specialist," obtaining decorative contact lenses without a prescription is both dangerous and illegal. This can cause pain, inflammation, serious eye disorders and infections, which may lead to permanent vision loss.  Review with children how to call 9-1-1 (or their local emergency number) if they ever have an emergency or become lost.  Carving Pumpkins  Leave the carving to the grownups. Have children draw the pumpkin design with markers, but keep knives away.  Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. If you do use a candle, a votive candle is safest.  Candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table, away from curtains and other flammable objects, and not on a porch or any path where visitors may pass close by. They should never be left unattended.  Prepping Your Home  Keep your entryway safe for trick-or-treaters by removing all items from the porch or front yard that a child could trip over, like garden hoses, toys, bikes and lawn decorations.  To ensure visibility, check outdoor lights and replace burned-out bulbs.  Sweep leaves (or snow) from sidewalks and steps.  If there are dogs in the home, take steps to ensure they don't jump on trick-or-treaters. Hunting for Treats  Young children should always be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.   Give each child and adult a flashlight (with fresh batteries).  If older children are heading out to trick-or-treat alone, plan and review a route you can agree on, as well as a specific time they are supposed to return home.   Only visit homes with a lit porch light. Never enter a home or a car for a treat.  Notify law enforcement authorities of any suspicious or unlawful activity immediately.  Since pedestrian injuries are the most common injuries to children on Halloween, remind youngsters to take crosswalk safety precautions.  For more key tips regarding Halloween safety for your young trick-or-treaters, visit our partners at Safe Kids Worldwide for a variety of spooky safety resources.

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    • Salud del bebé
    • Lactancia
    • Niños seguros

    Los mejores consejos seguros para dormir para su bebé

    Becoming a parent for the first time means lots of new unknowns – from learning to breastfeed and swaddle to buckling your newborn into the car seat for the first time. But when it comes to putting them to bed safely, it’s important to remember it really can mean life or death. It’s something we’re taught before our little one is even here: the correct way to put your baby to bed safely. Sadly though, the number of infant deaths continues to climb. The main culprit of sleep-related infant death continues to be all the items parents leave in the crib with their babies. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among babies each year. “The best advice is ‘bare is best.’ Keep your infant’s sleep space clutter free – no blankets, bumpers, toys or pillows,” said Karen Wagner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Follow the ABCs for Safe Sleep Remembering the ABCs is an easy way to remember how to put your little one to bed safely. A: Alone No blankets, toys or pillows. “We do recommend using a sleep sack as a blanket alternative,” said Karen. “It prevents the risk of suffocation and keeps your baby warm.” Keep in mind, the greatest risk for suffocation happens when babies are under 1 year of age, so it’s best to save the toys, blankets and pillows for their “big kid bed,” or around 18 months old. B: Back The slogan “back is best” is another good reminder. Keeping your baby on their back until they’re old enough to rollover helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). C: Crib It is best to have your baby sleep alone in their crib. While co-sleeping may be enticing, especially after a late-night feed, it increases the risks of possible suffocation. However, “having your child in your room, in their own crib or bassinet, is protective for SIDS,” Karen said. “In fact, we think co-rooming reduces SIDS risk by almost 50 percent.” Co-rooming allows parents to keep new babies in close reach and helps parents oversee their baby’s sleep, just in case something happens.

    Read More About Top Safe Sleep Tips for Your Baby

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Niños seguros

    Lo que todos los padres necesitan saber sobre el SIDS

    Although the exact cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is unknown, there are steps parents and caregivers can take to reduce the risk. Here's what every parent needs to know. SIDS is the leading cause of death in the country in infants in their first year of life. However, the exact cause of SIDS still remains a mystery, though it is often attributed to unsafe sleeping practices. Karen Wagner, a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at Renown Health answers some of the most commonly asked SIDS questions. Protecting Babies from SIDS: Always place babies on their backs when putting them to sleep for naps and at night. Use a firm sleep surface, such as a mattress in a safety-approved crib, covered by a fitted sheet. Share your room – not your bed – with your baby. Your baby should not sleep in an adult bed, on a couch, or on a chair alone, with you, or with anyone else. Keep soft objects, such as pillows and loose bedding, out of your baby's sleep area. Do not smoke during pregnancy or around the baby; these are strong risk factors for SIDS. The risk of SIDS is even greater when a baby shares a bed with a smoker. To reduce risk, do not smoke during pregnancy, and do not smoke or allow smoking around your baby. Your SIDS Questions Answered:  Who's most at risk? Three out of five SIDS victims are boys. African American and Native American infants are twice as prone to the syndrome. Other groups at increased risk include preemies, low-birthweight babies, and infants exposed to cigarette smoke. Is putting my baby down on their back really that important? It's vital. Back-sleeping increases a baby's access to fresh air and makes her less likely to get overheated (another factor linked to SIDS). I put my child to sleep on their back at night, but can I let this rule slide for a short nap? It's not worth the risk. Babies who normally sleep on their back are 18 times more likely to die of SIDS when placed down on their tummy for a snooze. Is side-sleeping safe? No. Studies show that putting a baby down on her side rather than on her back doubles the SIDS risk. It's easier for an infant to roll onto her tummy from her side than from her back. I'm worried about my baby getting cold. Is it safe to cover them with a blanket? Wait until their first birthday. Blankets, pillows, comforters and stuffed toys can hinder your child's breathing; even soft or improperly fitting mattresses can be dangerous. If you're worried that your little one may get chilly, swaddle them in a receiving blanket or use a sleep sack.

    Read More About What Every Parent Needs to Know About SIDS

    • Neurología
    • Rehabilitación física
    • Niños seguros

    Sepa antes de ir

    Grab your skis, goggles, coat – and don’t forget that helmet. Skiing and snowboarding are fun activities for all ages but come with the risk of injury. Read on for tips to make it a safe day on the mountain. Daydreaming about your next trip to the slopes? We talked to Jared Worchel, DO, about his top tips for gearing up. Get the Gear Before you head out to ski or snowboard, make sure you have all your gear ready and in good condition. Everything should fit correctly so that it keeps you as safe as possible. Wearing proper gear will also help keep you warm. Items to check on before you head out include: Boots Bindings Goggles Poles Helmet Outwear Gloves Pack water and snacks in case the drive takes longer than you except due to weather or traffic. You’ll also want to make sure that your cell phone is fully charged before you head out in case you need to contact friends of staff for help while on the mountain.  Helmet, Helmet, Helmet Having a helmet that fits correctly is the most important thing you can do to prepare for a safe day on the mountain. According to a National Ski Areas Association study, helmet use has increased over the last 15 years, with 80 percent of skiers and snowboarders using helmets. Schubert would like to see that number increase to 100 percent. “If you have a head injury it could take you out for the rest of your life,” Dr. Worchel said. “The most important things to think about when fitting a helmet are making sure that it really fits you appropriately. You want to go into a store and try on as many different helmets as they have available. I know it’s tempting to buy one online, but you’re never going to know if it fits correctly.” If you are in an accident, your helmet’s fit can help protect you. Dr. Worchel has some tips on fitting: A helmet should fit low and snug over the head. Make sure that the helmet doesn’t wiggle or feel loose. Look for a model that has adjustability in the back, which will help you make sure it fits snugly. F ind a helmet with a chin strap that will help it stay in place throughout the day.

    Read More About Know Before You Go

    • Atención primaria
    • Vacunas
    • Registro médico

    3 datos importantes de atención médica para la generación milenial

    Many millennials are fortunate to have good health, but it’s important to be prepared for your next doctor’s visit. Here are three things that millennials should stay on top of for tracking and maintaining their health. For many millennials, doctor visits and preventive healthcare fall by the wayside. Alison Lynch, MD, a family medicine provider with Renown Medical Group says there are a few key things you can do now to set yourself up for a healthy future. 1. Establish with a Primary Care Provider Millennials are more likely to go to urgent care or consult the internet when a healthcare issue arises. While these are helpful tools, here’s a better one: a primary care provider. The benefit of establishing with a primary care provider is that your medical records, history and a baseline for your health will be documented. That means that when a problem or question comes up, your doctor will already have helpful information on file and can help you navigate your needs. Having a primary care provider is often required for prescription refills and referrals to a specialist. By establishing now, you’ll be able to get what you need in the future much faster. Make an Appointment Today 2. Protect Yourself and Your Community There are a few vaccinations and screenings that Dr. Lynch recommends for millennials. Flu Shots: These are available every year and are recommended for protecting not only yourself against the flu but also others you may come into contact with. Flu shots are usually available from August through December through your healthcare provider, pharmacies and pop-up events. Tetanus or Tdap: Most people receive a tetanus shot as a child, but it’s recommended that everyone get a booster every 10 years. If you are overdue, talk to your primary care provider or pharmacist about getting updated. Pap smear: If you’re a woman, a pap smear is recommended every three years in your 20s and every five years in your 30s. HPV vaccine: This vaccine helps prevent the virus that causes cervical cancer as well as the majority of head and neck cancers and warts. The HPV vaccine is recommended for all genders up until age 45. STD screening: Consider an STI/STD screening if you’re sexually active.

    Read More About 3 Healthcare Musts for Millennials

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