The Healthy Nevada Project Changed My Life: la historia de una mamá local

14 de noviembre de 2018

Couple with two kids

Lea acerca de Jordan Stiteler, una mamá local que dice que el Healthy Nevada Project le proporcionó información sobre la composición genética de su familia y la causa probable de las muertes de su papá y su bisabuelo. Now she is changing her life due to her new diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia, which will allow her to take steps toward preventing the same fate.

El papá de Jordan Stiteler murió repentinamente de un derrame cerebral hace casi diez años; tenía tan solo 45 años. Su abuelo murió a los 40 años.

Ahora, a través de las pruebas genéticas sin costo del Healthy Nevada Project, está más cerca de comprender por qué puede haber sucedido eso. And she can take proactive steps to prevent the unhealthy symptoms that often lead to a stroke and heart problems.

After getting her Geno 2.0 by National Geographic ancestry report, Stiteler got a call from Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health Cardiologist and Renown IHI Director of Research, Dr. Christopher Rowan.

“They told me that I have FH, which is familial hypercholesterolemia,” she said. “I have genetically very high cholesterol because I have a non-functioning gene that doesn’t get rid of my cholesterol like a normal body would.”

Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Simple Life Changes

Dr. Rowan told Stiteler it is curable with medication and a change in lifestyle. Stiteler has embraced healthy lifestyle changes by exercising more and eating healthier.

“It is so important. Being a mom, I think you have so much more to live for. Having this information has changed my life.”

Stiteler feels confident FH affected her Dad.

“It is helping my family realize that we need to get tested,” she said. “There were big milestones that my Dad missed. He didn’t get to see either of us get married or have our children. That was huge.”

She has become passionate about sharing the need to join the Healthy Nevada Project as her way of helping to prevent other families from possibly going through what she and her family did with the early loss of her Dad.

Además de los resultados de la HF, el Healthy Nevada Project entrega los resultados clínicos del BRCA 1 y 2 (cáncer de pecho y ovario hereditario) y el síndrome de Lynch (cáncer colorrectal y endometrial) a los participantes del estudio que dan su consentimiento. Para inscribirse en el Healthy Nevada Project, visite

Join the Healthy Nevada Project

Recruitment for phase two is still open. Además de optar por recibir los resultados clínicos, los participantes reciben la aplicación de información de ascendencia Geno 2.0, de National Geographic, sin coste alguno. They also have the chance to pick an additional app for health and wellness after completing a follow-up survey.

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