7 consejos de cuidado matutino de la piel para protegerse todo el día

Por: Mikalee Byerman

3 de mayo de 2022

Mujer joven haciendo su rutina matutina de cuidado de la piel en el hogar

Hablamos con Heidi Nicol, esteticista con licencia de Renown Dermatology, Laser and Skin Care, para conocer los 7 mejores consejos de cuidado matutino de la piel que le brindarán protección durante todo el día.

“Su piel utiliza las horas de la noche para repararse a sí misma, y segrega aceites y toxinas durante ese proceso”, explica Heidi Nicol, una esteticista con licencia de Renown Dermatology, Laser and Skin Care. “Cleansing your skin in the morning is very important. It removes these oils and toxins and any nighttime products you use that are not suitable for daytime use — such as retinol and exfoliating acids.”

Nicol’s process includes choosing the right products for your skin type, using them in the proper order and applying them correctly.

Steps to Perfect Your Morning Routine

  1. Paso 1: Limpiador. Use un limpiador adecuado para su tipo de piel. Many lines of products produce unique formulas for your specific skin, including dry skin, oily skin, and a combination of the two. Be sure to rinse, rinse, and rinse again!
  2. Paso 2: Tónico. After cleansing, you should apply a toner quickly. This is like a big drink of water for the skin and helps trap moisture into your skin and prevent evaporation.
  3. Paso 3: Sérum. Choose a serum that addresses your skin’s needs. If you use more than one type of serum, alternate them instead of layering. Nicol recommends using a Vitamin C serum, an antioxidant serum, and hydrating serums.
  4. Paso 4: Humectante. Select a daily moisturizer that fits your skin type.
  5. Paso 5: Crema para el contorno de ojos. “A good eye cream is refreshing and can help the delicate skin around the eyes,” says Nicol.
  6. Paso 6: Protector solar. This is the most essential step when it comes to protecting your face. Some sunscreens come tinted, which can replace foundation. “Do not forget to also apply to the neck, chest, and hands,” says Nicol. “It is important to reapply every few hours when you are out in the sun.”
  7. Paso 7: Maquillaje. After you’ve completed the above steps, proceed with your make- up routine. This is a crucial step for protecting your skin. Many aestheticians recommend wearing makeup every day.
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