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    • Carreras profesionales
    • Salud conductual

    Cinco consejos para mantener la salud mental mientras busca empleo

    It is no secret that looking for a new job can be stressful and overwhelming. Yet a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs to look for new opportunities, a trend also known as the “Great Resignation.” While there are many reasons why someone might be on the hunt for new work, it’s important for all job hunters to check in with their mental health regardless of their job hunting circumstances. To learn more about maintaining your mental health while looking for a new job, we spoke to Dr. Mavis Major, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Behavioral Health Therapist at Renown Health. 1. Identify Goals When beginning your job-hunting journey, your first step should be to make a plan that focuses on quality over quantity. Make lists of companies you would like to work for and, if you’re looking to change fields or industries, make a list of careers that interest you. At this stage in the process, it’s also important to determine what salary range you’re looking for, what type of work environment you want (in-person, remote or hybrid) and understand what benefits are important to you. Identifying goals makes it easier to narrow down the list of jobs you apply for so you can produce quality applications rather than frantically applying for jobs without putting thought into the process. 2. Set Boundaries It does not matter if you are working full-time while applying for jobs or if applying is your job right now; it can be easy to get lost in the stress of it all. For that reason, it is essential to set intentional boundaries throughout the process. This can look like scheduling days that you fully take off from the job search or going for a walk before a big interview to clear your head. Setting boundaries will make you more productive overall and hopefully help you get your mind off the process. 3. Ask For Help Do not try and tackle this undertaking on your own. Once you have identified goals (see tip #1) make lists of people you know within those industries, and do not be afraid to reach out. Of course, never be afraid to reach out to a mental health professional to talk through why this process might be making you feel anxious. Talking to someone who is not your friend or family can give you a different perspective.

    Read More About Five Tips for Maintaining Your Mental Health While Job Hunting

    • Lunes, 11 de abril de 2022

    Renown Health reconocida como uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar

    Ragan Communications reconoció a Renown Health como un lugar de trabajo que defiende a los cuidadores, la diversidad y el crecimiento profesional y lo nombró uno de los “Mejores lugares para trabajar” de 2022. Las organizaciones galardonadas por Ragan son instituciones que valoran la comunicación interna, promueven lugares de trabajo colaborativos e innovadores que defienden a los cuidadores, cultivan una cultura que prospera con la diversidad de ideas y contextos, y apoyan el crecimiento y el bienestar profesional. Cuando el jurado de Ragan seleccionó a Renown Health para esta distinción señalaron que Renown Health se ganó el reconocimiento como mejor lugar para trabajar por “tomar medidas rápidas para responder a los desafíos de la pandemia”. Observaron que “los equipos de Renown Health, que prestan servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California, están preparados para emergencias 365 días al año. Cuando llegó la pandemia de la COVID-19, los equipos tomaron medidas rápidas para garantizar que Renown y la comunidad permanecieran listos y preparados”. Renown tuvo la visión de crear un centro de atención alternativa (llamado “Alternate Care Site”, ACS) en la estructura de estacionamiento de Mill Street del Regional Medical Center en Reno, Nevada. Ninguna otra organización en el norte de Nevada, pública o privada, se preparó para un desborde de pacientes con COVID-19. Hasta enero de 2021, el ACS atendió a cientos de pacientes hospitalizados y les permitió a los cuidadores permanecer en el campus con acceso a servicios de laboratorio, farmacia, diagnóstico por imágenes y alimentos, entre otros servicios fundamentales. Los pacientes ahora reciben atención en uno de los hospitales de Renown o son monitoreados en sus hogares 24/7 por médicos del Renown Transfer and Operations Center. Muchos empleados trabajaron de forma remota durante toda la pandemia y el Departamento de Recursos Humanos de Renown escuchó las ideas y opiniones que estos tenían para ofrecer. Los comentarios positivos sobre el trabajo remoto (que incluyeron menos tiempo de viaje, menos distracciones, mejor equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, y una menor huella de carbono) permitieron que más de 700 empleados continuaran trabajando de manera remota, con la opción de quedarse en el sitio en cualquier momento. El junio de 2020, el equipo del Laboratorio de Renown entró en acción para ayudar a satisfacer la creciente demanda de pruebas de COVID-19. Renown amplió la plantilla de personal y la capacidad de hacer pruebas de forma interna, lo que les permitió hacer hisopados y procesar hasta 1,000 pruebas de COVID para pacientes cada día y entregar los resultados en cuestión de horas. En su trabajo con el grupo especial del alcalde dedicado a la COVID-19 y los líderes comunitarios y religiosos locales, el hospital también realizó pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 para las comunidades de color a fin de abordar las necesidades de equidad en la salud. Después de varias semanas de eventos exitosos de vacunación desde el automóvil para empleados y voluntarios, Renown también apoyó al Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe y al estado con la vacunación de más de 70,000 vecinos y cuidadores. Aristotle, supervisor de enfermería clínica en Neurociencias, dice: “Como líder de mi unidad, me encanta poder ver el crecimiento y el desarrollo de mi equipo, y ser parte de un sistema de apoyo que los ayuda a emprender iniciativas futuras para realmente transmitir esa cultura de excelencia en Renown”. Vea el video aquí. Los revisores de Ragan hicieron énfasis en lo siguiente: “Los empleados quieren trabajar en organizaciones como Renown, que defienden a su fuerza laboral y brindan orientación, iniciativas y recursos que promueven un lugar de trabajo diverso, equitativo e inclusivo, donde hay mucho espacio para el crecimiento profesional y donde se emplea una comunicación eficaz que los mantiene conectados e informados”. Después de escuchar a los empleados, Renown anunció una serie de beneficios adicionales para promover formas de aumentar el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, apoyar estrategias de descanso y recuperación, y nuevos recursos financieros fundamentales para que los equipos estén satisfechos y tengan un alto desempeño. En los rankings de mejores hospitales de U.S. News y World Report, Renown Regional Medical Center ocupa el primer puesto en el estado de Nevada para 2021. Ningún otro hospital en Nevada obtuvo el reconocimiento de U.S. News. Renown Health está contratando personas para ocupar puestos clave para apoyar la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad, y alienta a aquellos a quienes les apasiona el sector de servicios a unirse a la familia de Renown para luchar por la causa justa. Postúlese en línea en careers.renown.org. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. En los rankings de mejores hospitales de U.S. News y World Report, Renown Regional Medical Center ocupa el primer puesto en el estado de Nevada. Renown tiene una larga trayectoria y un compromiso de larga data con la mejora de la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health reconocida como uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar

    • Viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022

    ¡La comida es una expresión de amor! Nueve opciones de carreras profesionales en Renown para amantes del café y la gastronomía

    ¿Le apasiona la gastronomía y el café? ¿Le interesa servir a pacientes y héroes de la atención médica? ¿Es cortés y diplomático? ¿Tiene un diploma de escuela secundaria? Continúe leyendo para descubrir la carrera profesional para usted. Cuando piensa en la palabra AMOR, ¿piensa en COMIDAS deliciosas o en una taza de CAFÉ caliente? Cuando charla con amigos, ¿las conversaciones comienzan y terminan hablando de una receta, un restaurante o un programa de televisión de cocina nuevos? ¿Le da mucha satisfacción preparar platos deliciosos? ¿Sueña con poder preparar un latte humeante con leche de almendras en cuestión de minutos? ¿Le gusta cuidar de otros y se ve creando y entregando deliciosos y nutritivos platos calientes a personas que se están recuperando de un procedimiento quirúrgico o de una enfermedad? ¿Disfrutaría de hacer una comida especial de celebración para una familia que acaba de recibir a un bebé, o un pastel para celebrar una boda junto a la cama de un paciente o para una familia que se reencuentra con el abuelo tras recibir buenas noticias sobre su recuperación del cáncer? ¿Busca algunas opciones profesionales que lo mantengan conectado con excelentes comidas y café? Renown Health ahora ofrece una serie de opciones profesionales que le permiten satisfacer su amor por la comida, ganar dinero, tener vacaciones pagas/permiso por enfermedad, grandes beneficios de salud, un cronograma regular, progresar en su carrera profesional y obtener un título universitario o terciario al mismo tiempo. Trabajar en el sector gastronómico del mejor empleador de la región y la organización benéfica sin fines de lucro más grande de la región tiene algunos beneficios excepcionales. Los empleados de Renown trabajan todos los días para marcar una diferencia real en la vida de las personas, y queremos que se una a nosotros. Muchos profesionales de servicios gastronómicos comenzaron su carrera en puestos de nivel inicial y fueron ascendiendo. Otros beneficios de trabajar en Renown incluyen habilidades profesionales transferibles, alimentos gratuitos o con descuento y la oportunidad de retribuir y servir a su comunidad. Ya sea que recién esté comenzando su carrera profesional o que esté buscando un nuevo desafío, seguramente encontrará algo perfecto para usted. Muchos puestos requieren solo un diploma de escuela secundaria o GED. Empiece a explorar hoy mismo nuestra lista de nueve excelentes oportunidades laborales relacionadas con los alimentos y las bebidas disponibles hoy en Renown Health y postúlese en línea en renown.org  1) Sea barista en Starbucks; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos Si le encanta hablar con la gente, tiene buen sentido del humor y le gusta el ritmo dinámico, entonces este trabajo es una excelente oportunidad para usted. Conocerá a personas de todas las áreas y se hará amigo de muchas de ellas. Aprenderá a ser un experto en la elaboración de bebidas deliciosas y perfectas, y tendrá el orgullo de usar el delantal verde de Starbucks. Formará parte del primer Starbucks en el área que funciona las 24 horas al día, los 7 días de la semana. El sueldo promedio por hora en Starbucks como barista se encuentra en el promedio nacional de aproximadamente $12.32. Además, recibirá capacitación paga, propinas, un paquete de beneficios completo de Renown Health que incluye atención médica, jubilación, vacaciones/tiempo de enfermedad pagos y acceso a puestos que se publican internamente. Necesitará un diploma de escuela secundaria o GED; sin embargo, no necesita experiencia para este puesto de nivel inicial. Los empleados de Starbucks pueden beber tantos lattes como quieran, ¡ya que la mayoría de las bebidas son gratuitas para los empleados durante los descansos de trabajo! 2) Jefe de cocina y líder de cocina hospitalario; Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. Si le encanta preparar alimentos nutritivos y apetitosos para los demás, comprende la importancia de los requisitos individuales de las dietas médicas y culturales, este puede ser el trabajo perfecto para usted. La mayoría de las personas que trabajan como cocineros en un hospital tienen cinco o más años de experiencia de trabajo en restaurante, pero no tienen un título universitario. Sin embargo, pueden ganar un rango salarial promedio de entre $26,860 y $61,870. Los beneficios incluyen un cronograma predecible, que puede significar más tiempo con su familia y en el hogar. También recibirá vacaciones y días de enfermedad, y beneficios de salud, visión y odontología. Además, sus platos darían energía a los médicos, enfermeros y otras personas para poder atravesar las largas jornadas laborales, marcando una diferencia genuina en las vidas de los otros y teniendo un impacto positivo en la sociedad.  3) ¡Entrega especial! Servidores de alimentos; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. Si le encanta armar y servir comidas a los pacientes, este es el trabajo para usted. Realizará las tareas de preparación, armado y limpieza para el servicio de comidas para pacientes y podrá servir como enlace entre los Servicios de Nutrición y los pacientes. También puede transportar carritos de comida a los pisos de habitaciones de pacientes y ayudar con la limpieza y el saneamiento general de la cocina. 4) Muestre su lado creativo como preparador de alimentos; preparador principal de sándwiches; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. En este puesto, preparará y servirá ensaladas, postres y sándwiches con ingredientes frescos, para entregárselos rápidamente a clientes con hambre y felices. Se buscan preparadores principales de sándwiches en el restaurante Subway ubicado dentro del Renown Regional Medical Center). 5 ¡Hecho especialmente para usted! Representante de nutrición; Renown Regional Medical Center; diario, todos los turnos En este puesto, se reunirá con los pacientes, les ayudará a revisar sus opciones de comidas y se asegurará de que los platos especiales y personalizados se les entreguen en su habitación. Como agente de servicio al cliente, responderá el teléfono para tomar los pedidos de comida, ingresará las elecciones de comida en el sistema informático y comprenderá los menús, las restricciones de las dietas, las recetas y el inventario de alimentos. 6) Cajero de servicios gastronómicos; Regional Medical Center; tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos 7) La alimentación como medicina, dietista clínico; Renown Regional Medical Center; tiempo parcial, días Los pacientes que se recuperan de una enfermedad deben alimentarse con los platos más nutritivos. En este puesto, proporcionará asesoramiento y educación sobre nutrición, evaluaciones de nutrición clínica, planificación y evaluación de bebés, niños, adolescentes, adultos y pacientes geriátricos, y trabajará para satisfacer las necesidades físicas, cognitivas y psicosociales del paciente mediante una educación y nutrición adecuadas.  8) La respuesta es ¡SÍ! Gerente de Hospitalidad; Renown South Meadows Medical Center; tiempo completo Como gerente, su función es brindar una atención al cliente excepcional en todos los aspectos de los servicios gastronómicos y ambientales. Podrá crear, contratar, capacitar y liderar un equipo comprometido y brindar servicio de la más alta calidad para satisfacer las necesidades de los pacientes, empleados, visitantes y médicos. 9) ¿Es fanático del servicio al cliente? Supervisor de alimentos y bebidas de venta minorista; Starbucks En esta función, usted sería un líder muy popular en las operaciones de las franquicias de Starbucks y Subway en el Renown Regional Medical Center. Se encargaría de liderar, empoderar y capacitar a su equipo para que sea el mejor, y se aseguraría de tener un presupuesto equilibrado y de que el servicio al cliente sea excepcional. En Renown Health, compartimos una visión sin límites que nos inspira a aprender, crecer y superar las expectativas de los pacientes, sus familias y los demás. Una carrera profesional con nosotros le ofrece: • Un entorno estimulante y progresista enfocado en iniciativas de salud y bienestar de la comunidad • Una cultura que valore sus contribuciones y apoye su desarrollo personal y profesional • Afiliaciones con la University of Nevada, Reno, el Desert Research Institute y otras organizaciones que ayudan a estimular la innovación y las oportunidades Para postular a estas y otras oportunidades profesionales, visítenos en línea en https://careers.renown.org/ Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de ¡La comida es una expresión de amor! Nueve opciones de carreras profesionales en Renown para amantes del café y la gastronomía

    • Martes, 06 de diciembre de 2022

    Renown Health reduce la edad mínima de empleo a 16 años

    Los estudiantes de 16 años o más ahora pueden presentar solicitudes para oportunidades preclínicas de nivel básico en el principal empleador de la región y uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar del país ® Obtener una carrera en atención médica ha sido el objetivo de muchos que buscan marcar una diferencia positiva en la vida de los demás y mejorar la salud de sus comunidades. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales, se proyecta que el empleo general en las ocupaciones de atención médica crezca un 13 por ciento de 2021 a 2031, mucho más rápido que el promedio para todas las ocupaciones; y se espera que este aumento dé como resultado aproximadamente 2 millones de nuevos empleos durante la década. Hoy, los líderes de Renown Health anunciaron que están aceptando solicitudes de empleo para personas de 16 años de edad para trabajar en funciones no clínicas de nivel básico; anteriormente, los adolescentes debían tener 18 años o más para solicitar empleo en la red de salud sin fines de lucro más grande de Nevada. “Muchos de nosotros que trabajamos hoy como médicos, enfermeros y miembros clave del equipo de atención médica, comenzamos como adolescentes que trabajan o se ofrecen como voluntarios en nuestros hospitales locales”, dice el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Apoyar a los adolescentes locales con sus primeros trabajos en atención médica y brindar apoyo para carreras de por vida ayuda a construir la fuerza laboral del futuro. Nos complace dar la bienvenida a la próxima generación de empleados de Renown a medida que se asocian con nosotros para cuidar de nuestra comunidad y luchar la buena lucha”. “Durante más de 160 años, la base de nuestro éxito ha sido contratar a las personas más brillantes y compasivas”, dice Brittany Brown, MBA, Directora de Reclutamiento. Se alienta a los estudiantes de escuela secundaria curiosos sobre una carrera en atención médica a postularse a uno de los muchos puestos preclínicos de nivel básico disponibles ahora en Renown Health. Todos los puestos de nivel básico ofrecen horarios flexibles para tener en cuenta los horarios escolares. Nombrada como “Mejores lugares para trabajar para 2022” de Ragan, Renown Health fomenta una cultura de valores solidarios que incluyen el cuidado, la integridad, la colaboración y la excelencia. Renown fue galardonada por defender a su fuerza laboral y proporcionar orientación, iniciativas y recursos que promueven un lugar de trabajo diverso, equitativo e inclusivo, ofreciendo amplio espacio para el crecimiento profesional y proporcionando una comunicación efectiva que mantiene a los empleados comprometidos e informados. “Renown Health está a la altura de la ocasión al ampliar las oportunidades de empleo para los estudiantes de secundaria”, dijo la Sra. Brown. “Esperamos ayudar a los adolescentes a desarrollar habilidades profesionales que les sirvan hoy y para un futuro exitoso”. La decisión de reducir la edad mínima de empleo de Renown a 16 años se arraigó en el deseo del sistema de salud de apoyar a los estudiantes en sus objetivos profesionales a largo plazo y fomentar su interés en la atención médica. Los reclutadores expertos de Renown están preparados para dar la bienvenida a los postulantes adolescentes y ser un recurso para ellos durante todo el proceso de contratación. Además de ofrecer oportunidades de educación y crecimiento profesional, Renown cuenta con amplios beneficios para empleados disponibles para empleados de tiempo completo y medio tiempo. Los puestos abiertos de medio tiempo y viáticos disponibles para estudiantes que cumplen con el nuevo requisito de edad mínima de incluyen, entre otros: Representantes de acceso de pacientes Asistentes de seguridad de pacientes Transportadores de pacientes Lavaplatos Trabajadores de servicios de alimentación Personal de limpieza Renown Health también reconoce el valor de los trabajadores experimentados y cree en la igualdad de oportunidades para todos. Los puestos de tiempo parcial, tiempo completo y flexibles también están disponibles para personas mayores de 55 años y jubilados. Las personas pueden presentar su solicitud directamente en renown.org/careers. Renown Health garantiza la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo sin discriminación ni acoso por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, edad, discapacidad, estado civil, ciudadanía, nacionalidad, información genética o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra política de no discriminación en renown.org. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health reduce la edad mínima de empleo a 16 años

    • Empleados
    • Carreras profesionales

    Departamento destacado: Administración de la atención hospitalaria

    Navigating care through the hospital system can be a daunting task for any patient. When faced with a difficult diagnosis or a complex healthcare journey, patients hope for, and deserve, the gold standard of support in helping them get connected with the resources, counseling, follow-up care and action plan to Fight the Good Fight.  That hope quickly turns into reality and relief when the case managers and social workers at Renown Health step in to help.  Renown’s Hospital Care Management department consists of caring, compassionate case managers and social workers who are the ultimate welfare protectors. By tapping into the needs of every patient and bridging any needs gaps with the resources they need, these team members move mountains to ensure every case results in the best possible outcomes.  Your In-House Patient & Family Liaisons  Whether they are providing therapeutic services to patients experiencing behavioral health issues, referring patients in addiction recovery to resources to aid in their recovery process or guiding a patient with cancer through the complicated care process, our case managers and social workers ensure patients and family members stay on course throughout their healthcare journey from beginning to end.  “Our department has teams that cover all areas of the hospital, including the emergency department,” said Mary Matteoni, LSW, Director of Hospital Care Management at Renown Health. “We see all-aged patients, ranging from NICU babies and families to those experiencing the last moments of their life (and everyone in between).”  “All of our cases start in the prevention, or pre-acute, phase and continue through the healthcare continuum,” added Alma Yanez, DNP, Manager of Hospital Care Management at Renown Health. “We are here to partner with patients and families, helping them assess, plan, implement and evaluate options of care and services to meet everyone’s needs.”  These team members are your go-to counselors, crisis interventionists, community resource referrers, and most of all, patient advocates. When patients need a leader to follow if confronted with an intimidating hospital stay or life-altering diagnosis, our experienced Hospital Care Management department gladly steps in to be that support system, easing fears and anxieties along the way. Providing optimal care and guidance is par for the course for this team.  "We help patients understand confusing diagnoses, arrange rehab and other post-hospital supports, help families understand how they can best support a loved one facing a ‘new normal’, navigate end-of-life decisions and so much more,” said Abbie Smith, LSW, MSW, Social Work Care Coordinator at Renown Health.     This department also serves as Renown’s discharge experts. Our case managers and social workers facilitate appropriate length-of-stay and work around the clock to arrange services for patients as they acclimate back home.  “Reviewing each patient’s medical records to ensure every resource and section of care is delivered at the right time is crucial,” said Alma Yanez. “Patients depend on us to use the best judgment when it comes to cost-effective outcomes and the planning and execution of their care after they leave our hospital.”  Expert care coordination, health resource referrals, therapeutic services, workshop facilitation, healthcare financial liaising, crisis support, staff training...a better question for this department might be, “what don’t they do?” These team members are proud “do-it-all-ers.”  “Our team is proudest of being a support to our patients and their families, as well as the positive impact our work has during traumatic and difficult times in people’s lives,” said Abbie Smith.  “Everything is ‘Figure Out-able'”  Those are the wise words said by Abbie Smith, LSW, MSW and emphasized by her entire team. No case is too complex for our Hospital Care Management department, yet every case poses great rewards for both the providers and the patients.  “I love being a social worker for Renown, as every day is filled with new and diverse situations,” said Abbie Smith. “As the social worker assigned to the trauma intensive care unit, my experiences at Renown are challenging but very rewarding. I have the privilege of helping victims of traumatic situations get the social, emotional, psychological and medical assistance they need to help recover from their experience.”   Every team member in the Hospital Care Management department leads with the utmost care and concern for every single patient and their families, leveraging compassionate communication techniques every step of the way.  “For so many patients, they are admitted to the hospital and receive life-changing news,” said Mary Matteoni, LSW. “Our department is the one to answer questions like ‘what do I do now?’ or ‘how am I going to get through this?’ Our team members are experts in their field, and they have a unique holistic lens into the patient’s situation. They spend time learning about the patient’s experiences and circumstances before they were admitted and navigate the next steps of what their new reality means. We spend countless hours ensuring each patient has the resources needed to be successful upon discharge.”  “I always ask open-ended questions to help reduce my patients’ fears, such as, ‘How are you feeling?’ or ‘What can I do?’” added Abbie Smith. “We listen to learn more about the individual’s unique circumstances so we can offer appropriate support and guidance.”  Compassionate communication is especially important when our case managers and social workers approach terminal illness, palliative care options and end-of-life conversations with patients and families. While never easy, these team members always lead with empathy.  “End-of-life conversations, which I help facilitate, frequently occur in the ICU,” said Abbie Smith. “When needed, I help families work through painful, initial moments of grief after losing a loved one.”   Each social worker and case manager takes any opportunity to lessen patient stress, which can make all the difference in the end.  “Patients and families look to us for comfort and support, and we are proud to be a source of solace for them,” said Kami Price, LSW, Supervisor of Social Services at Renown Health. “No matter how complicated the case is, we are always there to guide them through what may otherwise be a daunting journey.”  Now Hiring: Holiday Heroes Needed  This dynamic department is expanding! This team is seeking case managers and social workers in a wide variety of disciplines, including behavioral health, oncology and chronic care management. From social work bachelor’s and master’s students looking for an enriching entry-level opportunity to highly experienced case managers seeking to make a genuine difference, the Hospital Care Management department is the team for you.  “Our team consists of some of those kindhearted and thoughtful individuals I’ve ever worked with,” said Alma Yanez, DNP. “Those attributes are vital to ensuring a positive patient experience, especially as we help them navigate a complicated and intimidating healthcare journey.”  “Respect and compassion are also required characteristics to work in social services,” added Abbie Smith, LSW, MSW. “Having respect for our patients, their personal information and challenges is essential. Social workers interact with highly diverse populations, and it is imperative to keep an open mind and seek understanding of patients’ unique situations.”  The holiday season can be especially difficult for many patients and families dealing with a difficult diagnosis or facing a long hospital stay. That’s why we need social work and case management heroes more than ever this time of year. Giving a patient and family the gift of support can be one of the greatest gifts of all.  “I strongly believe that Case Management/Social Services often gets to be the light in many dark moments,” said Mary Matteoni, LSW. “I have a great passion for the work that is done in Hospital Care Management and am so proud of the team we have built and the work they do daily. We are a team of laughter, enjoyment and solid expertise in our work.”  It’s time to ask yourself: are you ready to change the lives of patients and families?

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    Gestión de atención comunitaria destacada del departamento

    When thinking about taking care of your total health, what comes to mind? Perhaps participating in your annual check-ups, taking your prescribed medication, eating a nutritious diet, checking in with your mental health, the list goes on and on.   Now, put yourselves in the shoes of someone who may not know where their next meal may come from, someone who may be homebound and not have access to transportation, someone who may be on a fixed income, someone facing homelessness or even someone who may be struggling with substance abuse issues. Getting healthy – and staying healthy – comes with a unique set of obstacles, or social determinants of health, for these patients to overcome. Inequities around social determinants and health behaviors have an outsized impact on patient outcomes, and social and economic factors make up 40 percent of those inequities.  This is where the caring and compassionate community health workers, social workers and registered nurses that make up Renown’s Community Care Management (CCM) department rise to the occasion. As the need for resources grows in northern Nevada, these dedicated team members fill those gaps and ensure every patient feels prepared, educated and equipped with everything they need to continue their care journey and live a healthy, fulfilling life.  Defying Disparities  When our community at risk faces healthcare disparities, it can create complications in each patient’s life that may keep them from addressing their healthcare needs and affect the likelihood of them being admitted or readmitted to the hospital or continuing to struggle with their care management – but not on CCM’s watch. Whenever possible, the CCM team steps in to provide critical resources, education and care journey guidance for any patient that finds themselves in need.  “In the simplest terms, we do outpatient case management with vulnerable populations,” said Barb Mader-Scherrer, Director of Community Care Management. “It may be anyone from elderly people who need help managing chronic diseases, to patients experiencing homelessness who are being discharged from the hospital. We work with folks who are facing all sorts of challenges.”  Several roles make up the CCM department, including Community Health Workers. These team members are the resource experts, on the front lines of helping educate patients and supporting them as they navigate through the facets of their care. Their main goals? Avoid admissions and readmissions to the hospital and continue to meet their unique goals.  “I have the pleasure of working with patients who may need financial help, transportation help or even help utilizing the food pantries in our community," added Steve Arm, Community Health Worker. “We help patients navigate healthcare and social services, address social determinants of health, encourage self-efficiency and provide general health education for many chronic conditions. We also provide home visits for our patients who need extra support.”  “The day in the life of a Transitional Community Health Worker is to outreach to the patient while being admitted, do a bedside assessment, complete the social determinants of health evaluation and provide any resources needed to avoid readmission,” added Sherrie Skaggs, Community Health Worker. “Our main population is Medicaid, and many are homeless and financially challenged. As needed, we continue to ensure that follow-up is completed, and all needs and goals are met.”  For those learning to cope with their condition and needing hands-on help especially after discharge, the CCM Social Work Care Coordinators take on this complex aspect of the healthcare journey. These individuals provide support and intervention for Renown patients facing a chronic, behavioral health or substance dependency condition to improve their overall quality of life beyond hospital walls, developing a strong framework to build a long-term healthcare plan.   “As social work care coordinators, we help connect patients with mental health resources, welfare programs, community support, caregiver burnout resources, placement for loved ones with terminal illnesses and much more,” said Irina Osmolovska, Social Work Care Coordinator. “Requests that come to us run the gamut of homelessness, family crisis, food insecurity and even situations where a patient has no electricity for their life-saving medical equipment. We receive challenging requests and are always ready to go above and beyond to advocate for our patients.”  Possessing a profound understanding of the delicate balance between medicine and the patient spirit, the CCM RNs help bridge the gaps between the hospital or primary care practice and post-discharge settings, ensuring a smooth transition for patients as they move from one healthcare setting to another. With their expertise in care coordination and patient education, these RNs help enhance patient outcomes and promote continuity of care.  “Our group is responsible for making discharge follow-up calls to patients who have Medicare, as well as scheduling their hospital follow-up visit if needed,” said Vanessa Alford, Consulting RN. “The goal is to have every patient see their primary care physician within 14 days of discharge for continuity of care and to prevent readmissions. We also screen patients for eligibility for Chronic Care Management or Personal Care Management. In addition to setting up the patient for follow up, I review each patient's medications, answer any questions they may have about their medications and health conditions.”  As another important part of unpacking the intricate web of social determinants impacting health, CCM RN Care Coordinators have the extraordinary opportunity to extend this department’s compassionate care beyond the boundaries of the traditional in-office environment. Whether it be through virtual connections, heartfelt conversations over the phone or in-person encounters outside the hospital, RN Care Coordinators create holistic and enduring plans of care for individuals facing chronic challenges – including behavioral health issues and chemical dependency struggles – at every stage of life.  All in all, the CCM department recognizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional and social well-being for all patients, fostering a sense of wholeness and empowerment to ensure they continue to meet their goals and live healthier, happier lifestyles.  “Our team has a holistic approach to our work,” said Barb Mader-Scherrer. “We look at the whole picture. What are the medical things we can do for this person? What education do they need to help them manage their condition? Do they have food in their house? Do they have a safe living environment? Are there substance abuse issues? Do they need help in managing their medications?”  “My 18 years of experience in various areas of hospital nursing and home health have given me the knowledge to serve patients in our community holistically, and I feel good about what I do,” added Vanessa Alford. “I hope that I am able to lessen the load on the medical assistants and providers in the clinics so they can focus on their patients on site.”

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    • Atención pediátrica
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    Departamento destacado: Vida infantil

    March is National Child Life Month. Join us in recognizing our Child Life team at Renown Health!  The hospital environment can be a daunting and confusing place for a child. Whether they are admitted to the hospital themselves or have a family member who is currently undergoing treatment, they undoubtedly bring along a lot of overwhelming questions and concerns.  No one would be better to guide them through the process than the Child Life department at Renown Health. Our devoted Child Life Specialists and Child Life Assistants dedicate themselves to helping our youngest patients and children of relatives in the hospital cope with their anxieties and fears. With the smiling faces of the Child Life team on their side, children at Renown have a sense of solace while they are in the hospital with a team to cheer them on every step of the way.  Offering a Hand to Hold  From the first moment of a child’s visit to Renown, they are never alone. The Child Life team, which is made up of three specialists and two assistants, is here to provide a helping hand throughout the entire hospital process, explaining each test, procedure and process every step of the way and creating the best possible plan for each patient – all while fostering and maintaining a safe and supportive environment.  “We are specifically trained to help patients and families throughout their healthcare experiences,” said Amanda Cleary, MS, CCLS, Child Life Specialist. “This looks different for every family. We are trained to tailor our services to meet individual family and cultural needs based on our assessment.”  “It does not take long for a Child Life Specialist to create a safe relationship with a pediatric patient,” added Angie McEvers, CCLS, CFLE, Child Life Specialist. “The Child Life department can help any care team do their job by redirecting a child’s focus and distracting them from painful interventions, and this is a win-win for both the patient and the care team.”  This team’s primary goal is to make talking to doctors and undergoing tests a little less intimidating for our youngest patients. Interaction is a crucial part of a child’s healthcare journey. Our Child Life Specialists are masters at procedure preparation, surgery preparation, trauma support and diagnosis education while meeting each child where they are at developmentally.  “A day in the life of a Child Life Specialist is never the same, and every child is different,” said Jennifer Nunzir, CCLS, Child Life Specialist. “To make sure patient care is possible, I make sure I am here mentally for the patients and families. I am ready with a smile to greet them and try to make them comfortable from the start. We are always present to support a patient and family with a new diagnosis, talk to children when there has been a tragic accident, make memories for families and giving children a distraction from tests and procedures.”  “One of the biggest benefits to our job is our ability to provide emotional support and communicate with families in a way that makes them feel seen and heard,” added Amanda Cleary. “We listen to the family’s past medical experiences and work on building rapport by building those connections. When you get a child to open up, you see who they are as an individual, and we build from there.”  The efforts of the Child Life team go beyond helping children with coping skills. They also jump in with activities to keep kids of all ages engaged – from arts and crafts to pet therapy.  “Bringing children smiles through play and giving them fun things to do – whether it’s watching a movie, playing a game, doing an art project, going for a wagon ride or taking them to the Children’s Healing Garden – makes me feel I am making a difference,” said Jennifer Nunzir. “If I can get the child and family to at least smile or laugh, I feel I have already eased some fear and anxiety. It truly is the best feeling to get them smiling and laughing.”  “Through play, conversation, distraction or relaxation techniques, patients cope better, and families are calmer,” added Angie McEvers.  Teaching Every Step of the Way  Education is a crucial aspect in this department. Each Child Life team member works closely with their patient’s care teams to break down “doctor speak” with age-appropriate explanations.   “Children come into the hospital for all sorts of reasons, from a broken bone to cancer; our background in child development and psychology helps us collaborate with the patients’ providers and explaining what each part of the care journey is depending on a child’s developmental level,” said Amanda Cleary. “For example, we can explain what a brain tumor is with playdough and help a child with a new diabetes diagnosis understand what it means to balance sugars using play food. It's all about providing family-centered support so that they feel more in control. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen parents’ eyes light up when the kids play. They are all coping, learning and growing together.”  To Help with the Happy and the Sad  When healthcare journeys don’t go as planned, support from care teams is crucial for families facing grief or loss. The Child Life Specialists are one of the first on the scene to provide support for children and their families, providing education on how to talk to children about death and helping families preserve the memories of their loved ones for years to come.  “One of the most difficult things we do is provide bereavement support,” said Angie McEvers. “Not only do we provide support for families of pediatric patients but also adult patients who have children. Our team takes the time to help families with memory making with handprints, journals, books, the list goes on. No one should have to go through this process alone, and we make sure that doesn’t happen.”  Above all else, the Child Life team are here, first and foremost, for the patients and their families. They are the drive that keeps them going – and helps them reinvigorate that passion for their work every day.  “I have met some of the most amazing children and families, and they definitely are what keep me here at Renown,” said Jennifer Nunzir.  The Road to Child Life  The journey to becoming a Child Life Specialist looks different for every team member, and many of them discovered the field while pursuing careers in other healthcare areas. Beyond their passion for children and families – and their Certified Child Life Specialist credential – our Child Life team members are also highly educated in the fields of human development, nursing and psychology, knowledge that benefits them greatly in their career.  Amanda Cleary had the unique experience of pursuing a Child Life career at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles before she arrived at Renown last year, implementing her knowledge from her bachelor’s degree in human development and family studies into a clinical child life internship and a robust career in Child Life.  “While at Penn State, I learned about the Child Life career path through the Children’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon,” said Amanda. “I knew that this was the path I wanted to take. I did a 600-hour internship, and from there I was hired at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where I stayed for 11 years. As a lifelong learner, I knew I wanted to pursue more – so I achieved my master’s degree online in child life leadership and advocacy at the Erickson Institute in Chicago, and what I learned in that program continues to serve me well in my career at Renown.”  Other Child Life Specialists, like Angie McEvers and Jennifer Nunzir, had already been with Renown for several years in other departments and built up a wealth of healthcare knowledge before discovering their passion for the mission of Renown’s Child Life program.  “I have been here for 23 years; I always knew I wanted to work with children in the hospital because I love kids, and although I originally wanted to be a nurse, I realized that I actually wanted to be on the other side of helping,” said Jennifer. “At the time, I didn’t know there was a job like the Child Life Specialist out there, and I feel so lucky to have found this career. Over the years, as Reno has grown, so has our program, which is very exciting. I knew Renown would be the place where I could grow as well."  “This year is my 24th year with Renown,” added Angie. “Before I worked here, I was an Advanced EMT/Firefighter while pursuing my nursing degree. In working with the medical team from Children's Hospital of Oakland in pediatric hematology/oncology, I was able to see first-hand the benefit of Child Life. I was driven to finish my human development degree and passed my certification testing, and ever since then, I’ve been with Pediatrics, PICU and the Children’s ER.”   We could not have said it better ourselves – this is a field that is constantly evolving and progressing, and while not everyone is familiar with it, our Child Life Specialists are ready to change that narrative.  “There is a lot of opportunity here to continue to grow the Child Life program,” said Amanda. “Not all hospitals have a Child Life program, but we are lucky that Renown does. Any aspiring Child Life Specialist should consider coming here, as it has been a great experience. It is a familial feeling here, and I definitely feel like I am in the right place.”  There is Strength in Numbers  It takes a village to serve the emotional needs of the many children and families that walk through the doors of Renown Children’s Hospital, and our Child Life Specialists are considered some of the key leaders of that village.   The outpouring of support for our Child Life program is astonishing. Not only have our patients and employees made generous donations, but members of the greater Reno-Sparks community are always there ensure kids in the hospital can be kids. The Nevada Wolf Pack, SCHEELS, Great Reno Balloon Race and Atlantis Casino are just a few of the many generous organizations that have donated both toys and time to our youngest patients.  To support any child dealing with a serious illness, especially cancer, Beads of Courage steps in to help children “visually record, tell and own their stories of courage” using beads as a symbol. Representatives from Beads of Courage volunteer their time to help our youngest patients keep track of their valiant fight against their illness, adding a bead to their necklaces after every step in their care journey.  “We rely on our generous community and donations that come in, and we see a lot during the holiday season – we definitely can benefit from this year-round,” said Amanda.  The donations allow the Child Life team to expand their play, coping and distraction opportunities for patients and families, allowing them to reach more children within their small, mighty and growing team of five.   “Our goal as a team is to work with as many pediatric patients and children of relatives seeking treatment as possible, so the opportunity to grow our team would be awesome,” said Amanda.  And grow they will! The team recently welcomed two dedicated Child Life Assistants, Marissa Arriaga and Sydnee Patterson, during Child Life Month. These team members work alongside the Child Life Specialists to help provide opportunities for developmental play, both in the playroom and at the bedside. Marissa and Sydnee ensure that the kids can still be kids, even while they are in the hospital.  Additionally, the Child Life department is currently hiring more Child Life Specialists. If this line of work speaks to you or someone you care about, they are strongly encouraged to apply, because in the end:  "We do it all for the kids,” closes Jennifer Nunzir.

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    • Renown Health

    Departamento destacado: Emergencias

    The emergency department is a central part of Renown Health’s hospitals. Serving patients in need of emergent attention, this team has an incredible level of dedication to not only tending to emergencies big and small, but also saving lives 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This critical work happens daily at Renown Regional, Renown South Meadows and Renown Children’s Hospital. Patients in Renown’s emergency rooms (ER) are in the best hands, and it is all thanks to the devoted, hard-working teams who run the show. Saving Lives Around the Clock  As the only Level 2 trauma center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, taking care of a constant stream of patients in the Renown Regional, Renown South Meadows and Renown Children’s ERs come naturally for these teams. Whether it be 3 a.m. or the lunch hour, this team is always ready to spring into action to attend to virtually any health emergency under the sun. According to Gabby, an RN in the Renown Regional ER, everyone in the ER must be ready for anything. “We are the first line of care that the patient receives before they are admitted or discharged,” which means the team sees a wide variety of emergency situations each day.  Patients rely on the ER to protect them and help them heal from severe conditions. From head injuries and broken bones to heart attacks and strokes, this team has seen it all at every time of the day and night. “The ER is an uncontrolled, unpredictable environment,” said Miriam, an RN in the Renown Regional ER. “It’s essential that we all are ready to jump in and help at any time.”  Beyond the general ER at Renown Regional, Renown Children’s Hospital is the only accredited Children’s Hospital Emergency Room in all northern Nevada. The first and only facility of its kind in the Reno-Tahoe region, this robust emergency department is equipped with pediatric specialists and child-sized equipment to give children the highest level of support. “We are proud to keep a fun atmosphere with vibrant colors to help our young patients ease their anxieties, making them as comfortable as possible while providing excellent care,” said Ginger, Manager of Nursing for Renown Children’s ER.  While the majority of patients are treated onsite and discharged that same day, several ER patients get admitted to the hospital, when that happens, the emergency department works quickly with the Renown Transfer and Operations Center (RTOC) to get patients in a bed as soon as possible.   All day and all night, ambulances and helicopters deliver members of our community in need of care. But never fear – our incredibly capable emergency department is here. Kicking off into immediate action is a core requirement for the emergency department, and it is a task the entire team has nailed down to a science.   Team Tenacious  When asked about their team, members of the emergency department echoed the same notion: “I am not alone.” The emergency department never leaves their colleagues out to dry, and in an emergency environment, always being able to lend a hand whenever needed is vital. For Ashley, an RN at Renown Regional, one of the main reasons why she continues to work at Renown is because of her colleagues, along with a myriad of resources and state-of-the-art technology that are at their disposal. She adds, “It is such a joy to come in to work alongside my team.”  Amy, Supervisor of Nursing for the Renown South Meadows ER, feels the exact same way. “Being an emergency department, we sometimes see things you don’t always see every day,” said Amy. “It’s a relief for our patients to know that they are in the best place in the region for their care. I credit all of that to my team.”  As our emergency room capabilities continue to grow, this also includes our Children’s Hospital ER. Last year, the William N. Pennington Foundation provided a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation to keep pediatric care – including pediatric emergency care – closer to home and expand our availability to our youngest patients. As reported last year, Dr. Joseph Gassen, a pediatric emergency doctor with Children’s Hospital, was the only pediatric emergency physician in the region as of 2021. Thanks to this gift, he was able to move to Reno to provide care in the Children’s Hospital ER.  “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," said Dr. Gassen. “I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.”  Besides achieving optimal outcomes for their patients, their efforts also paid off in the form of awards and recognition. Internally, the emergency department recognizes Employees of the Month for their outstanding work. Recently, Renown Regional Emergency Physician Dr. Patrick Russell and Claire, an RN, were recognized with this honor. Outside organizations have also noticed these exceptional team members. The Reno Gazette Journal’s recognized the Renown Regional ER as the Best Emergency Room in the 2022 Best of Reno Awards, complimenting Renown Regional’s wins as the Best Hospital and Best Place to Have a Baby.   The tenacity of the emergency department continues to surpass expectations, and their published achievements only scratch the surface of what is sure to come.  A Growing Team of Heroes  To continue meeting the growing need for emergency care regionally, especially when it comes to trauma and children’s services, the emergency department is looking forward to welcoming new team members. For those looking for a fast-paced, team-oriented atmosphere and the opportunity to be on the healthcare frontlines, the emergency department is a perfect fit.   As teamwork is clearly essential, the emergency department is an ideal environment for someone who is “not afraid to ask questions and always eager to learn new things,” according to Miriam. While one staff member’s patients may be settled, staff one assignment over could be overwhelmed with patient volume, so it is an imperative skill for a colleague to be a self-starter and take the initiative to help wherever needed.  Bryan, an emergency trauma technician at Renown Regional, emphasizes this point, adding, “A good colleague is one that knows you well and can infer your body language. They know how to read a situation and pre-plan for the next step. Being attentive, a valuable resource and knowledgeable about patient populations – that's the works!”  Career growth and lifelong learning are important to this group, so career-minded individuals will be in good company in the emergency department. “I choose Renown so I can jumpstart my career as a nurse in the top ER in the region,” said Gabby. This team is always learning and always on top of the latest research – which only further solidifies Renown’s place as the preeminent ER in northern Nevada and northeastern California.  If you take one thing from this article, let it be these parting words from Amy: “These are some of the smartest, most devoted individuals you will ever meet, and we are so lucky to have them serving our emergency department. You will only regret not working with this team.”

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    • Atención cardíaca
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    Aspectos destacados del departamento Cardíacos: Laboratorio de cateterismo

    February is American Heart Month, but our incredible heart heroes are here to serve you all year long. So please join us in honoring the Cardiac Cath Lab team at Renown Health! At the core of who we all are, we find the heart: one of the largest sources of life that gives us the blood and oxygen we need to live full and healthy lives. When the heart doesn’t function to the best of its ability, a delicate approach led by cardiac experts might be necessary. These individuals can not only save lives but also help facilitate a higher quality of life.  The team entrusted to protect that vital source of life includes the hard-working and talented individuals in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab (a.k.a. “Cardiac Cath Lab” or “Cath Lab”) at Renown Health. These team members are known for their expertise, precision and quick-thinking in emergencies. When it comes to the function of your heart, you are in the best hands with this team. Their passion for Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people they serve is a testament to what they do every day.  Cardiac Champions  Whether the procedure is emergent or planned, the Cardiac Cath Lab wears many different hats. The team is a well-coordinated group of nurses, imaging professionals, electrophysiology technologists, interventional technologists and more who band together to provide a diverse array of services, including stent placements, pacemakers, balloon pumps, interventional angioplasties, TAVRs and of course, catheters.  “A day in the life in the Cath Lab can go various ways,” said Erica Drummer, RN at Renown Health. “Every day, you are either a part of the electrophysiology team, doing cardiac ablations and placing devises such as pacemakers; the structural heart team, which includes MitraClips for mitral regurgitation and TAVRs; or the heart catheterization team, which includes diagnostic angiograms, heart catheterizations, angioplasties and stents for clogged arteries.”  With the wide variety of cases the team sees daily, an average day in the Cath Lab consists of many moving parts.  “We handle cases from left and right heart catheterizations, where we can diagnose and fix the artery right then, to electrophysiology cases like heart ablations and pacemaker implants, all the way to emergency STEMI (heart attack) patients,” said Michael Blankenship, Electrophysiology Technologist at Renown Health.  “We do so many things in the Cath Lab,” added Laurel Douglas, RN, Imaging Manager at Renown Health. “We ensure we have 24/7 coverage for emergencies, as we often have to act at a moment’s notice to care for emergent situations.”  Many of those emergency situations involve heart catheterization.  If someone has a heart attack, the team immediately steps in to place stents to open the coronary arteries that are causing the attack. If a patient’s heart needs any assistance during an emergency, the team can place devices such as Impella (temporary ventricular support) or intra-aortic balloon pumps. Renown is a major advocate for advanced medical technology, and the Cardiac Cath Lab team embraces these technologies to perform life-saving procedures, all while working together as a cohesive unit.  “We work amongst each other to ensure sterility, safety and the best outcome for each patient,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN at Renown Health. “We try to fit in as many cases as possible into the workday, and sometimes after hours, so patients can get the care they need.”  “Each team usually has 3-4 members, and each member has a critical job to carry out in order to implement excellent cardiac care,” added Erica Drummer, RN. “Many of our patients tell us that we all work well together, and I couldn’t agree more. We have become like a well-oiled machine or a NASCAR pit crew.”  Naturally, patients undergoing any heart procedure might feel frightened and anxious. Never fear – the compassionate Cardiac Cath Lab team is here to ease those fears throughout each patient’s entire visit. Their main solution? Communication.  “Being a patient in the Cath Lab can be daunting,” said Erica Drummer, RN. “When we have patients who may feel scared or have concerns, we try our best to connect with them, keep them informed and educate them on the procedure and the step-by-step process, including what they may feel before, during and after.”  “Overall, we try to keep spirits light,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “Our team is excellent at explaining the procedure as it is happening. We also advocate for comfort throughout the procedure, which helps tremendously with anxiety, including giving patients warm blankets and music of their choice!”  Our experts in the cardiac Cath Lab make sure that no stone goes unturned when it comes to optimal heart function for every patient. Together, the team mends hearts and saves lives, day in, day out.  A Growth Mindset  Always learning, always improving, always reaching new heights – that's the Cardiac Cath Lab team.  This team’s accomplishments speak for themselves on both a local and national scale.  “Over the years, we have achieved several milestones, including becoming a STEMI Receiving Center, gaining our Chest Pain Center Accreditation (which is achieved by Cath Labs who provide emergent percutaneous coronary intervention for heart attack patients 24/7) and having our accredited electrophysiology program,” said Laurel Douglas, RN. “We also offer services that other facilities do not offer. We have brought in several new procedures to the Cath Lab over the years. This is impactful, as the community members get to stay here for treatment.”  The Cath Lab team is anything but ordinary. There is never a dull moment in this department, and despite an ever-growing caseload, the team is always ready to rise to the challenge and continue pushing to surpass the average.  “I am so proud of my team for providing care for such sick patients,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “We never really know how the day is going to go because emergencies happen, and things always change. Recently, we had a record high volume of cases, and my team powered through these busy weeks like champs.”  “We strive to get our STEMI door-to-balloon times at or below 60 minutes,” added Erica Drummer, RN. “Door-to-balloon time refers to the time from when a patient arrives in the ER to the time the Cath Lab has a catheter guide wire crossing the culprit lesion in the coronary artery that is causing the heart attack. The national average (and current guideline) is 90 minutes, so our 60-minute time is a notable accomplishment for us.”  The importance of staying on top of your heart health comes center stage during American Heart Month, which is a prime opportunity for our cardiology professionals to educate the community and help them grow their cardiac knowledge. The cardiac quality team participates in community events throughout the month (and beyond!) to raise awareness for cardiac health. The team also outreaches to other health systems and healthcare partners to highlight what Renown has to offer in the way of heart care. Each Cath Lab team member always reminds patients about lifestyle choices and diet changes that can improve cardiovascular health, and they take this outreach with them all around Renown Regional Medical Center as well, walking through the hallways promoting many different ways of living a heart-healthy life.  The journey continues! The team will soon welcome a new Cardiac Cath Lab at Renown South Meadows Medical Center. The new lab will allow our experts in heart care to treat patients at our South Meadows location experiencing a heart attack and needing immediate intervention to open vessels in their hearts. The team is looking forward to embracing even more access to emergent cardiac care for our community at large.   Learn more about how Renown is building more ways to care for our community.  Now Hiring for Heart Heroes  Those looking to join a caring, committed and tight-knit group of cardiac care professionals will be in good company with the Cath Lab team. According to the members of this department, being a quick-thinking, dependable team member is key to predicting a successful Cath Lab professional.  “A good coworker communicates with everyone and is able to be flexible when things get hectic,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “Our team stays so close with each other because of everyone’s ability to recognize where help is needed. Especially in the Cath Lab, it is important to be always aware of the patient’s vitals and clinical presentation so you can speak up if you notice changes. There are always new procedures or products coming out that become integrated into our practices, so it’s also good to welcome new policies and be adaptive.”  “We are a small team, and everyone sees each other as a friend,” added Laurel Douglas, RN. “We all know we will need help at some point, whether it be covering an on-call shift or helping during a procedure, so we all help each other. Teamwork and positive attitude are really what makes you a good team member.”  Not only are these individuals dedicated to impacting the lives of patients with the very organ that beats life into them, but they also are devoted to Renown – and it shows.  “I started working for Renown when I was 19 years old, and Renown was the medical system I went to for care; as I spent more time working here and becoming a part of the community, I could not see myself working anywhere else or getting care at any other hospital,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “I truly believe Renown provides the best care and best serves the growing community of northern Nevada.”  The Cath Lab team members agree that Renown is a great place to both start and continue your career. Many of them have taken advantage of Renown’s training and educational opportunities, which in turn have helped them expand their knowledge to better serve the community.  “I chose to work at Renown because it gave me the place to grow in my career and experience different avenues within my career,” said Michael Blankenship. “I first started off as a student here, and I quickly realized that everybody I worked with genuinely cares for our patients. I started off in x-ray seeing patients and eventually did rotations up in the operating room, and I got hired full time in the Cath Lab.  After a short time being here, I was crossed trained in the electrophysiology lab, where I furthered my knowledge in my career.”  This dynamic department is actively hiring, and many open positions are sign-on bonus eligible. The team cannot wait to welcome you to their, as Erica Drummer puts it, “well-oiled machine.”  “Being a Cath Lab nurse is very rewarding, especially when you’re able to be a part of a team that can save someone’s life,” Erica closes.

    Read More About Department Spotlight Cardiac: Catheterization Lab

    • lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022

    Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área reconocidos con becas

    Tres becarios galardonados con la beca Cherie Elvin Memorial Scholarship por 2016 tragedias de Reno Air Race; otros diez reconocidos con becas de enfermería por donantes de Renown Health Foundation. Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área fueron las estrellas del espectáculo de hoy en un evento que celebra la educación en enfermería. Los líderes de Renown Health celebraron la ceremonia de 2022 becas de enfermería para reconocer a los futuros enfermeros que marcan una diferencia genuina en las vidas de los demás, y otorgaron becas para ayudarlos a seguir su educación. Se presentaron becas a trece estudiantes de enfermería que también trabajan en Renown Health y que actualmente obtienen sus títulos de enfermería. Los premios financieros de hoy se basan en el apoyo a las becas de The Cherie Elvin Memorial Fund, que fue creado por la familia Elvin como un legado para honrar a su madre, Cherie, que murió en las 2011 carreras de Reno Air. Melodie Osborn, RN Director Ejecutivo de Enfermería; Jana Elliott, RN, DNP, Director de Enfermería de Renown Regional; Erin VanKirk, RN, Directora de Educación de Enfermería y Alicia Glassco, RN, Director de Enfermería Médica-Quirúrgica, presentó las becas con Thomas Graf, MD, director ejecutivo interino de Renown Health durante el evento que se llevó a cabo en Mack Auditorium en Renown Regional Medical Center esta mañana. Los miembros de la familia Elvin asistieron al evento a través de un enlace de video y hablaron con el grupo después de ver un videoclip de Broken Propeller, una película documental en línea de la productora/directora Christine Lazzarini que honra a los héroes que respondieron a la tragedia en 16 de septiembre de 2011. Fue ese día que The Galloping Ghost, una aeronave de carreras norteamericana P-51D Mustang altamente modificada, chocó contra espectadores mientras competía en las carreras Reno Air Races para matar al piloto, James K. "Jimmy" Leeward, y diez personas en tierra. Sesenta y nueve personas más en el suelo resultaron heridas. Fue el tercer desastre más mortal de la historia de los EE. UU. El accidente de dos carreras 2011 aéreas tuvo un impacto inconmensurable en toda la familia Elvin. Cherie, de 73 años, perdió la vida, mientras que Chuck, su esposo de 52 años, sus dos hijos y su nuera perdieron parte de sus piernas derechas. La familia recibió tratamiento en los hospitales del área y aún está agradecida por la atención, la amabilidad y el apoyo recibidos en el norte de Nevada. El hijo de Cherie, Bill, y su nuera, Rachel, habló con el grupo diciendo: “Como la familia Elvin honramos y recordamos a Cherie y trabajamos para apoyar a los enfermeros de nuestra comunidad”. La atención que la familia recibió de los médicos, enfermeros, proveedores de atención hospitalaria, equipos de EMS, y la comunidad inspiró a la familia Elvin a aumentar sus fondos de una beca a tres becas. Las becas Cherie Elvin Memorial Fund se entregaron a Alexis Perkins, Katelynn Mahone, Verónica Wentker, que asisten al programa de enfermería en Carrington College. Para reconocer la dedicación y el sacrificio, y alentar a los demás a seguir una educación de enfermería, el equipo de liderazgo de enfermería y los donantes de Renown Health Foundation, por primera vez, también otorgó becas a diez beneficiarios adicionales para un total de 13 premios. Cada beca tiene un valor de $1,000 y se otorga a los empleados que están comprometidos a trabajar junto a la cama, transmitir las cualidades fundamentales de un enfermero y buscar conectarse con los pacientes que se recuperan de situaciones traumáticas. Kami Sherpa, que es técnica de cuidados críticos en Telemetría, quiere trabajar como enfermera registrada en Telemetría o en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos cuando se gradúe. Actualmente asiste a Orvis School of Nursing en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno. Kami escribió: “Perdí a mi abuelo a una edad muy temprana. Cuando murió, decidí convertirme en enfermera y hacer todo lo posible para que la estadía en el hospital de cada persona fuera buena. Soy la primera persona de mi familia en ir a la escuela y obtener una licenciatura. Esta beca significa mucho. Sé que mi mamá y mi abuela estarán orgullosas. Les prometí que cuidaría de las personas necesitadas y aliviaría su dolor. Enfermería es mi pasión en la vida”. La enfermería es una carrera extremadamente gratificante y tiene el beneficio adicional de tener una alta demanda. Sin embargo, pasar por la escuela de enfermería requiere mucho trabajo arduo, y puede ser costoso. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales (Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS), en 2019, había aproximadamente 3 millones de personas trabajando como enfermeras registradas en los EE. UU. Se espera que la demanda para el puesto aumente un 7 % de 2019 a 2029. El costo promedio de la escuela de enfermería puede variar ampliamente. El costo de una licenciatura en enfermería (BSN) puede ser comparable con cualquier otro título de cuatro años. Según U.S. News, el costo promedio de la matrícula para el año escolar 2020-2021 fue de $9,687 para una escuela pública de cuatro años y de $35,087 para una escuela privada de cuatro años. Algunos pueden seguir otros caminos, como un programa de RN a BSN en línea, que a veces puede ser más asequible y tener un costo de entre $25,000 y $80,000. Si bien esto puede parecer costoso, la mediana del salario anual de un RN en 2019 fue de $75,330. “Nunca ha habido un momento más importante para reclutar y retener candidatos calificados para convertirse en enfermeros”, dijo Thomas Graf, MD, director ejecutivo interino de Renown Health, ya que anunció el mayor compromiso de los donantes con Renown Health Foundation. “Su viaje para convertirse en enfermero incluye un compromiso de por vida con el aprendizaje y la presentación como su mejor versión”, dijo Jana Elliott, directora de enfermería de Renown Regional Medical Center. “Trate a cada paciente como la persona más importante del mundo para usted. No hay más trabajo importante o gratificante que servir como enfermero”. Agregó: “Estás en un viaje increíble lleno de alegría, satisfacción y un profundo sentido de propósito. Ser enfermero requiere pasión por las personas, una profunda creencia en servir a los demás; confianza en sus compañeros de equipo, la capacidad de aceptar el cambio, la flexibilidad y la verdadera determinación. Es un privilegio increíble ser enfermero y servir a los demás en lo que es, quizás, su mayor momento de necesidad. Los beneficiarios de las becas de las 2022 Becas de Enfermería de Renown Health son: Jion Manicdao Emily Thomas Christian Roberts Blake Conger Alaina Galyean Sadie Chalupa Jillian Dutra Leslie Zolan Kami Sherpa Erin Kristin Ramos Renown Health valora y alienta a los empleados a continuar su educación y apoya las aspiraciones y objetivos profesionales. El programa de asistencia educativa ofrece oportunidades de reembolso y pago de préstamos, así como orientación educativa y financiera de expertos. Se proporciona reembolso de matrícula, certificación y certificado a los empleados que actualmente están inscritos en una universidad/facultad o están trabajando por obtener una certificación o certificado profesional. Además, la organización apoya a los empleados que han completado previamente su educación y ahora están gestionando la carga de los préstamos estudiantiles. Renown Health actualmente está contratando enfermeros registrados y otros puestos en https://careers.renown.org/ Como un sistema de salud sin fines de lucro, Renown depende en gran medida del financiamiento de la comunidad. Para donar a Renown Health Foundation y a la educación de enfermería, llame al 775-982-5545 o envíe un correo electrónico a foundation@renown.org.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área reconocidos con becas

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