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    • Viernes 26 de febrero de 2021

    Renown lanza verificador de síntomas virtual

    Renown Health acaba de anunciar una nueva herramienta digital diseñada para mantener a nuestra comunidad segura y saludable. Symptom Checker, que se lanzó hoy, es una plataforma fácil de usar basada en la web que evalúa los síntomas de los pacientes y los dirige sin contratiempos al nivel adecuado de atención dentro de la red Renown. Se puede acceder a Symptom Checker las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Para ello, visite Renown Symptom Checker. A partir de allí, un paciente puede identificar cuál es la parte del cuerpo responsable de sus molestias y especificar sus síntomas. Al ingresar sus síntomas, los pacientes reciben un resumen de salud detallado y una guía de atención médica, que los ayuda a determinar la medida más adecuada que deben tomar. Los pacientes pueden programar una visita en una ubicación de Renown directamente a través del portal de Symptom Checker. Los pacientes que experimenten una emergencia médica no deben usar Symptom Checker y, en su lugar, deben llamar al 911. “Gracias a Symptom Checker, nuestros pacientes dispondrán de un apoyo permanente al alcance de su mano que les ayudará a tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus necesidades de atención médica”, declaró Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Comprendemos que determinar el nivel adecuado de atención para usted o sus seres queridos puede generar cierta incertidumbre, por lo que nos enorgullece ofrecer de manera continua tecnologías nuevas e innovadoras que hagan que sea más fácil para los miembros de nuestra comunidad llevar vidas más saludables”. “A medida que continuamos viendo casos de COVID-19 en el condado de Washoe, muchas personas con COVID no están seguras de cuándo deben buscar atención médica, como tampoco de la ubicación correcta para recibir atención”, explicó Melodie Osborn, enfermera certificada, directora de Calidad y Enfermería en Servicios de Salud. “Con el Verificador de síntomas, las personas pueden ingresar fácilmente sus síntomas e incluir la gravedad de los síntomas, entonces se les indicará el mejor nivel de atención para sus necesidades de salud individuales. Esto hace que sea una herramienta sumamente valiosa mientras nos esforzamos por mantener a nuestra comunidad segura y saludable en medio de esta pandemia”. El Verificador de síntomas es de uso gratuito y no requiere que los usuarios sean pacientes de Renown. Además de las casi 200 guías de atención sintomática para niños y adultos, la plataforma también incluye 55 artículos sobre primeros auxilios, 147 artículos sobre asesoramiento para la crianza de los hijos y 25 tablas de dosificación de medicina de venta sin receta para niños y adultos. El contenido de Symptom Checker está escrito por los médicos Barton Schmitt y David Thompson, que son expertos en triaje de enfermería; las guías de atención de síntomas surgen de los protocolos clínicos utilizados por los médicos y enfermeros de todo el mundo. La evidencia que respalda al Verificador de síntomas se puede consultar aquí. Para obtener más información o para usar el Verificador de síntomas, visite Verificador de síntomas de Renown.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown lanza verificador de síntomas virtual

    • martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

    Reciba atención desde la comodidad de su sillón: Renown Health ofrece visitas virtuales

    A lo largo de la pandemia de la COVID-19, los proveedores de Renown permanecen comprometidos a cuidar de manera segura de los miembros de la comunidad, tanto en persona como de forma virtual. Renown Health se enorgullece de ofrecer visitas virtuales para el mismo día con el fin de ayudar a los miembros de la comunidad a mantenerse saludables y abordar inquietudes médicas en medio de la crisis de la COVID-19 y después. Las visitas virtuales son visitas de videoconferencia con un proveedor de salud a las que se puede acceder fácilmente. Se usan para atención primaria, atención especializada y atención de urgencia para permitir que los pacientes consulten a un proveedor de atención desde la facilidad y la comodidad de sus hogares. “Si hay un punto positivo en medio de esta pandemia, es que la COVID-19 nos está obligando a adoptar rápidamente nuevas formas de pensar y brindar atención médica mediante nuevas tecnologías”, dijo el Dr. Tony Slonim, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown. “Nuestro equipo ha trabajado con diligencia para hacer que las visitas virtuales estén disponibles para nuestra comunidad como una comodidad adicional para aquellos que prefieren quedarse en su hogar. Mientras trabajamos para mantener la seguridad y salud de todos nuestros pacientes, queremos que nuestra comunidad sepa que estamos aquí para atender cualquier necesidad de atención médica que tengan mediante la ampliación de nuestras opciones de atención”. Visitas virtuales para atención de urgencia Cuando necesiten atención de urgencia, las personas pueden iniciar sesión en MyChart y usar la opción “Talk to a Doctor” (Hablar con un médico) para recibir atención de un proveedor de Renown. Después de completar cierta información y confirmar sus inquietudes de atención médica, el equipo de atención médica de Renown les notificará por mensaje de texto o correo electrónico cuando un proveedor esté listo para hablar con ellas de manera virtual. Los proveedores ayudarán a los pacientes a determinar si sus necesidades de salud pueden resolverse desde el hogar o si necesitan recibir atención en persona. Las visitas virtuales de atención de urgencia pueden abordar los siguientes síntomas: síntomas comunes de resfrío y tos Dolores musculares, articulares o de tendones no causados por lesiones Síntomas de alergia o de sinusitis Conjuntivitis Molestias urinarias Diarrea sin vómitos Erupciones o llagas cutáneas Dolor de espalda Problemas en las uñas Exámenes de detección de enfermedades de transmisión sexual (sin síntomas) Resurtido de medicamentos (sustancias no controladas) Las visitas virtuales de atención de urgencia de Renown están disponibles de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 10:30 p.m. y sábados y domingos de 9:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.. Visitas virtuales para atención primaria y atención especializada Muchas citas de atención primaria y especializada para adultos y niños están ahora disponibles virtualmente a través del Renown Medical Group. Se recomienda a las personas que tienen un proveedor del Renown Medical Group llamar al 775-982-5000 si prefieren consultar a un proveedor desde su hogar. Visitas médicas en el hogar La semana pasada, Renown anunció su sociedad con DispatchHealth, que ahora está realizando visitas a domicilio a personas que prefieren que un profesional médico autorizado les atienda en su hogar. Esta opción de atención médica de alta calidad está disponible para todos los residentes de Reno/Sparks, tanto asegurados como no asegurados. Si un paciente no tiene seguro, hay una tarifa plana de $275, que incluye todos los medicamentos administrados y los análisis de laboratorio en el sitio. “Ya sea que un paciente prefiera que lo atiendan en su hogar o en uno de nuestros consultorios tradicionales, estamos preparados para proporcionar el nivel correcto de atención, en el lugar y el momento adecuados”, expresó el Dr. Slonim. “Desde exámenes de rutina y controles hasta enfermedades y otras afecciones que puedan surgir, es fundamental seguir ocupándonos de sus necesidades únicas de atención médica”. Todas las visitas virtuales requieren una cuenta de MyChart gratuita. Aquellas personas que no tengan una cuenta en MyChart, pueden inscribirse en línea hoy mismo. La mayoría de las compañías de seguros aplican los mismos cargos de copago que se cobran por las visitas en persona. Para obtener más información sobre las visitas virtuales, visite https://www.renown.org/explore/virtual-visits/.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Reciba atención desde la comodidad de su sillón: Renown Health ofrece visitas virtuales

  • Renown Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation - E 2nd.
    Renown Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation - E 2nd.
    901 E 2nd St Ste 101
    Reno, NV 89502
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  • Servicios quirúrgicos

    Renown Surgical Services is with you every step of the way, providing the support, guidance and information you need throughout the entire surgical process — from preparation to recovery. Whether you need same-day surgery or an advanced procedure, our team helps you find the option that provides the best possible outcome. Need help with your pre-admitting appointment or a price estimate? Call 775-982-3993.   Preparing for Your Procedure Now that you have your surgery scheduled, let’s help get you ready for your pre-admitting appointment. The following checklist provides steps for you to follow from the time it’s determined you need surgery. The checklist covers: How to prepare 1-28 days before your procedure How to prepare the night before your procedure How to prepare the day of your procedure How to take care of yourself after your procedure View the Checklist (English) Ver en Español

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  • Telesalud

    Renown TeleHealth is improving the health of everyone – even our most distant neighbors. That’s why we’re leading the region in using video conferencing technology to give you the best care possible – no matter where you are. Be it an emergency, an ongoing condition, or even the need for convenient health and wellness education and support, we are always just a connection away. Renown TeleHealth is telemedicine that gives you access to top-level care and better outcomes with less stress and fewer travel costs.

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    • Atención de urgencias
    • MyChart
    • Visita virtual
    • Telesalud

    Visitas virtuales: la atención médica que necesita en su hogar

    Virtual visits are basically secure, video conferencing visits with your health provider. Of course if you are sick, you want to avoid going outside of your house. With Renown Health’s virtual visit program, you can now see a provider from the comfort of your own home. As we work to keep all of our patients home and healthy, we’re here for any ongoing healthcare needs you have. There are two easy ways to access a virtual visit with Renown Health. If you need an urgent care visit, you can get in line using your MyChart account You can make a virtual visit with some Renown Health providers you see currently Virtual Urgent Care from a Renown Provider By using MyChart, you can now login and request to “Talk to a Doctor.” After filling in some information and confirming your healthcare concern, you will be put into a virtual line. The healthcare team will notify you by text or email when a provider is ready to talk to you virtually. Virtual urgent care visits are available for all ages. Get To Know MyChart Virtual urgent care visits are available for all ages, and can address: Common cold and cough symptoms Muscular, tendon or joint pains not caused by injury Allergy or sinus symptoms Pink eye Urinary discomfort Diarrhea without vomiting Rashes or skin sores Backache Nail problems Screening examination for sexually transmitted illness (without symptoms) Medication refills (not controlled substances) Symptoms for In-Person Urgent Care Visits Shortness of breath Chest pain Abdominal pain Numbness or weakness of any location that is new Traumatic injuries (including eye injuries or something in the eye) Severe pain of any other body location Dizziness or confusion Bleeding from any location High fever (greater than 102 degrees for all ages) Persistent vomiting Loss of vision Ear pain Substance abuse or psychiatric problems Virtual visits are open 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday for Nevada residents. Renown Provider Virtual Visits Many primary and specialty care appointments for adults and children are now available virtually. If you have a provider with Renown Medical Group, call 775-982-5000 to see if you can have a virtual appointment from the comfort of your home. MyChart Assistance If you need assistance with your MyChart account, please call 775-982-6686. For all other questions about scheduling and appointments, please call 775-982-5000.

    Read More About Virtual Visits – Healthcare You Need At Home

    • Salud conductual
    • Prevención y bienestar
    • Cuidado personal

    Envejecimiento saludable 5 consejos para mejorar la felicidad y la calidad de vida

    There are a few simple ways to encourage healthy aging that can translate to an improved quality of life. Here are some expert tips.  What does healthy aging mean to you? If you’re like most people, you’re looking forward to removing the negative from your life — negative energy, thoughts, people and activities that don’t contribute to your best life.  And while that’s a noble goal, too often we forget about ways to strengthen the positive parts of our lives. Expert Herbert “Buddy” Coard III, Ed.D, psychologist with Renown Behavioral Health, provides us with five positive behaviors to focus on to improve happiness and life satisfaction. Healthy Aging in 5 Easy Steps: 1. Connect – Make connections with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. When you build strong connections, they can help enrich your life with new experiences and opportunities. Besides, having a support system to call upon when you need a favor is valuable as you age. 2. Be Active – Make time to get moving and work those muscles. Being active can include walking, practicing yoga, playing a game of pickleball or dancing. Exercise makes you feel good and keeps you health. Pick a physical activity that you enjoy, and don’t make excuses. Not only will being active help you build stronger muscles, it also helps you build strong connections with others. If you need a workout buddy, Meetup is a great resource to find like-minded people that share common exercise goals. 3. Take Notice – Be mindful and become more curious. Like a child, see the wonder and beauty of the world. Notice the things around you — the weather, the landscape, the mood and feelings of the people around you. By taking notice, it’s easier to learn to appreciate the things that matter. 4. Keep Learning – We never stop learning. Keep trying something new — a new course you’ve always wanted to try or a more challenging task someone has solicited for your help. Challenges keep us on our toes and increase our confidence and excitement in our day. OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nevada, Reno), brings diverse educational and social opportunities to active older adult learners (50+). EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community), offers a divers curriculum ranging from art classes to Accelerated training certificate courses. 5. Give – Be generous with your time, your knowledge and your talents by giving to friends, family and even strangers. Some easy ways to give is to show thankfulness, smile at people and volunteer. Sharing of yourself to a wider audience gives you a greater reward than just doing things for yourself. Nevada Volunteers Volunteer at Renown Health Practice these five tips to improve happiness and quality of life at any age.

    Read More About Healthy Aging 5 Tips to Improve Happiness and Quality of Life

    • Salud de la mujer
    • Salud del hombre
    • Visita virtual

    Hágase cargo de su salud sexual

    Much like general physical and mental health, sexual health is an essential aspect of your overall well-being. Therefore, educating yourself on your sexual health is an important piece regarding your overall wellness. Secure & Private Virtual Visits Did you know that many sexually transmitted disease appointments can happen virtually, in the privacy of your own home? Our providers can perform a screening examination for sexually transmitted illness (without symptoms) when it’s convenient for you. This is a great option if the topic makes you uncomfortable during an in-person visit, or if you can’t find time to visit your primary care provider or local urgent care. After the telehealth appointment, your provider will determine the  next steps for you. Remember, in-person visits are always an option as well.   Here’s how you can take charge of your sexual health:  Get Comfortable with Getting Tested  Surprisingly, some people with STDs don't show symptoms, meaning they may not even know they have an STD unless they get tested. Even if an STD shows no symptoms, the result of non-treatment can be serious. Bret Michael Bellard, MD, with Renown Medical Group, shares that it’s important for people to get tested for STDs because if left untreated, they can cause the following health problems: Loss of fertility Pregnancy complications Other health issues  When to Visit Your Primary Care Provider  Who should get tested and how often? “The recommendations are that everyone from ages 13 to 64 should get tested at least once for HIV. All sexually active adults should also be tested for other STDs once a year, and all pregnant women should be tested at the start of their pregnancy,” says Dr. Bellard. Some STDs, like syphilis, can be passed from mother to baby, so it's important for women to get tested as soon as they know they’re pregnant.  Dr. Bellard recommends going to your primary care provider for testing. “They can also give advice on prevention and other health topics.” If you don’t have a primary care provider, this is a great reason to get established with one. Women with an established OB/GYN can have STD testing done simultaneously with their annual pelvic exam. The providers in Renown's network care for patients of all ages and specialize in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics and OB/GYN.   Practice Safe Sex  STDs are preventable. Practicing safe sex and getting tested routinely are your best defenses against all types of STDs.  For many, the conversation about sexually transmitted diseases is awkward and many avoid it. To lower your risk of contracting an STD, don’t wait until you’re “in the moment” to have the conversation with your partner about the last time you were both last tested. If you haven’t gotten tested in-between new partners, use latex condoms every time you have sex until you are both confirmed negative of STDs. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly.   To establish Primary Care, visit renown.org/virtualvisits or call 775-982-5000

    Read More About Take Charge of Your Sexual Health

    • Atención de urgencias
    • Visita virtual

    10 datos que quizás no conozca sobre la atención de urgencia

    Visiting a Renown Urgent Care location is an excellent option when you have a non-severe condition, such as a skin rash or sore throat, can't get in to see your primary care provider in a timely manner or if you need an appointment after regular business hours. To learn more about the ins and outs of Urgent Care, we spoke to David Lemak, MD, Division Chief Urgent Care, who let us know some reasons to visit Urgent Care, how to make your visit as efficient as possible, and more. Remember, for a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately! Urgent Care is similar to a Primary Care provider Urgent Care providers can do most of the things your Primary Care provider can do, with visits billed the same as an office visit. If you could put the word “severe” in front of your reason for visiting Urgent Care, please go to the emergency department right away For a list of what is an appropriate visit for Urgent Care click here. Also, we recommend that babies 2 months old and younger should go to the Renown Children’s Emergency Department, not Urgent Care.  Renown Health has 10 Urgent Care locations across northern Nevada There are five locations in Reno, two in Sparks, one in Carson City, one in Fernley and one in Fallon. For a complete list of Renown Urgent Care locations, click here.  Many of your Urgent Care needs can be accomplished via a virtual visit, from the comfort of your home or office Conditions Appropriate for a Virtual Visit Included:   - Common cold and cough symptoms - Muscular, tendon or joint pain not cause by injury  - Allergy or sinus symptoms   - Pink eye  - Urinary discomfort  - Backache  - Sexually transmitted illness screening   - Rashes or skin sores - Medication refills (no controlled substances) Some conditions are not appropriate for a virtual visit. They include:  - Chest or abdominal pain   - Shortness of breath  - Traumatic injuries  - Dizziness or confusion   - Bleeding    - High fever   - Persistent vomiting  - Loss of vision   - Substance abuse or psychiatric problems Book ahead for shorter wait times, but remember walk-ins are always available. Click here to make your appointment. This booking page conveniently shows the next available appointment at each location. Typically, mornings and late afternoon (right before dinner time) have the shortest wait times if you plan on walking in.   You will be asked to wait in your car when you arrive at a Renown Urgent Care facility. While you wait (or even before you arrive), patients are encouraged to complete all registration paperwork and co-pay information online.  Urgent Care is great for visits such as back-to-school physicals, camp physicals, commercial motor vehicle exams and more. Sometimes you cannot get in to see your primary care provider to meet the last-minute deadlines for certain school or work-related physicals. Many of these appointments can be completed at Urgent Care; we just recommend you call ahead and confirm that our facility offers what you need.  An Urgent Care provider can virtually order a PCR COVID-19 test.  Whether you have a possible exposure, are not feeling quite like yourself or need a negative test for upcoming travel, a COVID-19 test can be ordered for you. The cost for a visit to Urgent Care is dependent on your benefits, but the visit is billed the same as a standard office visit. If you don’t have insurance, a basic visit to a Renown Urgent Care will cost $125.

    Read More About 10 Things You Might Not Know About Urgent Care

    • Buen estado físico
    • Cuidado personal

    6 Escapadas que te harán una campista feliz

    Some people drive for hundreds of miles just to pitch a tent in what we're fortunate enough to call our backyard. From alpine hiking trails and miles of remote forest to desert lakes and spectacular night skies, there's no better way to unwind and explore the outdoors than camping. If you've been daydreaming of hiking trails and swimming holes or looking for a tranquil and adventurous family vacation,  it's time to clear your schedule, pack up the car and venture into the Great Outdoors.  We've got six fun and beautiful camping getaways you need to experience this summer that will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. And best of all, they're just a short drive away.  Emerald Bay State Park South Lake Tahoe, Calif. Highway 89 Summer Boat-In Camping: Available by reservation. Accessible by boat or foot.  Cost: $35 per night Dogs? Allowed in campground on a 6 foot leash. They cannot be on trails or roads into Emerald Bay or on the beach.  Information/Reservations: 530-525-7232 or www.reserveamerica.com To say this camping location is stunning is an understatement. If you're seeking a view from your campsite of blue lake waters, thick forest and jutting rocks, than this is the spot for you. This campsite is located on the north side of Emerald Bay, at old Emerald Bay Resort, and offers hiking and walking trails and easy access to Lake Tahoe. There are also large rocks you can jump from into the lake.   Davis Creek Regional Park West Side of Washoe Valley US 395 South  Cost: $20, cash only Dogs? Yes. $1 per night fee per pet and they must be leashed. Information/Reservations: (775) 823-6501 or www.washoecounty.us/parks Located in the foothills of the Carson Range 20 miles south of Reno, Davis Creek campground offers over 60 overnight sites along with equestrian trailheads that provide access to the Toiyabe National Forest. The campsite is well-known for outstanding views of Washoe Valley and Slide Mountain and includes picnic areas, a small pond and nature trails. Showers are also available.  Donner Memorial State Park Truckee, Calif.  12593 Donner Pass Road Cost: $35 per night Dogs? Contact for information. Information/Reservations: (530) 582-7892 or www.parks.ca.gov If you're looking for a little more to your camping adventure than what nature has to offer, Donner Memorial State Park may be the ideal campground for you. The park includes the Emigrant Trail Museum, with historical and regional exhibits including the Donner Party tragedy during the severe winter of 1846, as well as hiking trails, Donner Lake swimming and picnic areas. Fallen Leaf Campground South Lake Tahoe, Calif. 2165 Fallen Leaf Road Cost: $33 to $84/day Dogs? Allowed at tent and RV sites (a maximum of two pets per site); prohibited on beaches. Information/Reservations: (530) 544-0426 Nestled among pine and aspen trees and wildflower meadows, Fallen Leaf offers campers the best of both worlds: mountain landscapes and lake recreation. Located less than a mile away from the south shore of Lake Tahoe, the campground features more than 200 camping sites including tent, RV and several yurt rentals.   There are many shady campsites for campers to choose from, as well as food lockers, toilets, showers and a general store. The lake is only a short walk from the sites and features views of Cathedral Peak (8,200 feet) and Mount Tallac (9,738 feet) and there are several trails for hikers. Pyramid Lake Marina & Beach Camping Pyramid Lake Pyramid Lake Store, 29555 Pyramid Lake Road Cost: $9 per day Dogs? Allowed without restrictions. Information/Reservations: 775-476-0555 or www.pyramidlake.us The largest natural lake in Nevada, just 40 miles from Reno, is located between the Virginia and Lake Mountains on Paiute Indian land -- the Pyramid Lake Reservation. It's an ideal locale for boating and fishing and for those who are looking for remote beach camping and easy access to swimming. There are multiple camping spots around the lake -- including an RV park and designated and open camping -- but campers must obtain a tribal camping permit prior to settling in. Note: This is a desert lake and therefore, has limited shade. Campers should plan accordingly with shade sails and pop up shade tents.  Camp Richardson Resort South Lake Tahoe, Calif.  1900 Jameson Beach Road Cost: Contact for specifics.  Dogs? No.   Information/Reservations: 800-544-1801, reservations@camprichardson.com  Whether you're seeking the solace of a shaded forest or craving lazy beach days, Camp Richardson offers a wide variety of camping and lodging needs. Located on the south shore of Lake Tahoe, Camp Richardson features over 30 cabins, 26 lodge hotel rooms, a beachside inn, duplex and house, as well as 200 tent camping sites and 100 RV sites.  The resort campground offers year-round camping and a wide variety of services, including a marina, sports center, restaurant and a store.

    Read More About 6 Getaways That Will Make You a Happy Camper

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