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    • Neurología
    • Vida activa
    • Buen estado físico

    Mantener su cerebro sano, sin importar su edad

    It’s true there is no cure for dementia, yet studies suggest your life choices today can reduce brain decline in the future. How important is diet to brain health? Food is the foundation of your body. Fats, carbs and protein provide the energy for your cells and metabolism. So the quality and amount of food you eat directly affects your brain. Specifically, researchers are paying special attention to the link a high sugar diet and/ or an unhealthy fat diet may have on your brain. Your brain on sugar According to the Alzheimer’s Association, when too much sugar is in the bloodstream for long periods of time, it can damage the brain cells. Many people with diabetes may develop brain abnormalities, and these changes may increase chances of dementia — research is still being done to understand this connection. Many U.S. adults have prediabetes with blood sugar higher than normal. Insulin resistance often leads to diabetes. Insulin resistance has been linked to metabolic syndrome, which is a precursor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (heart attack, stroke). Some signs of metabolic syndrome include: Large waist size (40 inches or more for men, 35 inches and up for women) Low HDL (good) cholesterol level Higher than normal blood pressure — 130/85 and above Current research suggests too much sugar in the blood causes inflammation, which can damage brain cells. High carbohydrate foods, such as sweetened beverages, chips, white rice, white potatoes, bagels, cereals and desserts, have been shown to raise blood sugar. Although anyone can get diabetes, Hispanic Americans and African Americans are at greater risk.

    Read More About Keeping Your Brain Healthy, No Matter Your Age

    • Buen estado físico
    • Ortopedia

    5 consejos de entrenamiento para una temporada invernal épica

    Whether it’s cross-country or downhill skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing, your off-season preparation is vital to an injury-free and healthy experience once the snow starts to fall. We’ve got you covered with expert tips that will make you the king or queen of the hill. Millions of skiers and snowboarders hit the slopes annually. So whether you’re a weekend warrior or stay active year-round, you need to prepare your body for the demands of your favorite winter sport to avoid minor aches, pains or even severe injury. Count on two to three weeks for your body to adapt to the physical challenges ahead if you’re active. Otherwise, give yourself a minimum of six weeks to gear up for the snow. Ready to shred? Here are some conditioning tips to help put you on the path to a fun, successful winter season. 1. Start With Cardio Cardiovascular exercise increases endurance as it conditions the heart, lungs and muscles and provides a solid foundation for other forms of exercise. And when you live and play at altitude, you need even more endurance. “Research shows that our maximum heart rate, cardiac output and ability to exercise are suppressed at altitudes over 5,000 feet,” explains Daniel Staffa, PT, DPT, OCS, of Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “In the Reno-Tahoe area, altitudes can quickly rise over 8,000 feet when we exercise in the Sierras, so it’s critical to have cardiovascular fitness to avoid associated fatigue and decreased mental alertness on the slopes.” Try this: Pick an aerobic activity you enjoy — speed walking, running, hiking, biking or a cardio machine like the elliptical trainer. Build up to a minimum of 30 minutes, three days a week. 2. Increase Your Strength Your core works overtime to stabilize the body and absorb the shock of pivots and turns and variable snow conditions. Strengthen your core, lower back, hamstrings and calves and you’ll go a long way toward guarding against ligament tears and damage to other joint structures. Stronger muscles will also allow you to relax while maintaining control and making those quick adjustments that uneven terrain demands. Try this: Squats, wall sits and lunges. Work your core and lower and upper extremities with a variation of sit-ups, crunches, back extensions and planks. 3. Integrate Plyometrics Staffa explains that if your legs aren’t used to absorbing the impact of landing, severe injuries can occur. Preempt such trauma with plyometric exercises, or “explosive movements,” that simulate the movements of your favorite sport. You’ll develop greater power in your legs when you combine plyometrics with your strength training. Try this: Incorporate multi-directional drills — such as lateral jumps and forward and backward jumps — on variable surfaces like a trampoline, solid ground, or a box or step. Here’s a challenge for the more advanced: Stand in front of a bench or box (12 inches or so). Jump up and then immediately back down. Do this 10 to 30 seconds at a time, rest and repeat. Or get old school and bust out the jump rope. 4. Improve Your flexibility Flexibility is the ability to move joints through their entire range of motion, from a flexed to an extended position. Being flexible will allow you to pivot, twist and turn and navigate varying snow conditions with ease. You can increase your flexibility while maintaining bone alignment with stretching. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down. Try taking it easy the first 15 minutes of your day on the hill; try starting with a beginner’s run or walk to warm up and prepare your body. Do the same at the end of the day or go for a brisk walk to cool down. Stretching will help return muscles to their normal length. Try this: Dynamic stretches such as leg swings, arm swings and torso twists. Target your quads, hamstrings, calves, and lower back. 5. Fuel for the Hill Staffa suggests loading up on healthy complex carbohydrates the day before you go out and bring along your favorite protein snacks. Assess the slopes before making that first run — is the snow heavy, fresh or wet — and stay mindful of your fatigue level throughout the day. Don’t forget to hydrate and re-hydrate before, during and after exercise. And most important, have fun! Visit Renown Physical Therapy and Rehab for more information. Or call 775-982-5001 to consult with our sports and orthopedic experts who can help you develop an individualized training program in preparation for the winter season, including methods for overcoming previous injuries and limitations.

    Read More About 5 Training Tips for an Epic Winter Season

  • Servicios quirúrgicos

    Renown Surgical Services is with you every step of the way, providing the support, guidance and information you need throughout the entire surgical process — from preparation to recovery. Whether you need same-day surgery or an advanced procedure, our team helps you find the option that provides the best possible outcome. Need help with your pre-admitting appointment or a price estimate? Call 775-982-3993.   Preparing for Your Procedure Now that you have your surgery scheduled, let’s help get you ready for your pre-admitting appointment. The following checklist provides steps for you to follow from the time it’s determined you need surgery. The checklist covers: How to prepare 1-28 days before your procedure How to prepare the night before your procedure How to prepare the day of your procedure How to take care of yourself after your procedure View the Checklist (English) Ver en Español

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    • Buen estado físico
    • Medicina deportiva

    Cómo detectar los signos de una conmoción cerebral

    Concussions are an unfortunate occurrence in youth sports and other physical activities. Learning the signs now will help you respond if you suspect that someone near you has suffered a concussion. A concussion is a mild type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can occur after any injury to the head/neck area. It’s important to seek the appropriate level of care if they occur. Brandon Hockenberry, MD with Renown Sports Medicine shares tips on concussion signs to look for and what to do next. Look for these Dangerous Signs First Call 911 or visit an ER right away if you notice one of the following in the person who suffered a blow to the head or body: One pupil is larger than the other Severe or worsening headaches Drowsiness or inability to wake up, including any period of unconsciousness Slurred speech, weakness, numbness or decreased coordination Multiple episodes of vomiting Convulsions, shaking or twitching Monitor for Concussion Signs and Symptoms If someone suffers a bump, blow or other jolt, it’s important to look out for changing symptoms. Symptoms can continue to evolve for up to 24 hours after the injury. Seek care from your primary care provider, an urgent care or a sports medicine provider if you notice any of the following: Cannot recall events prior to or after the incident Appears confused or disoriented Clumsy movements Slow reaction, including movements and speech Changes to normal behavior or mood You should also question the person about how they are feeling. If they report any of the following symptoms, seek care: Headache or feelings of pressure in their head Nausea or vomiting Dizziness or balance issues Problems with eyesight, such as blurriness or double vision Increase sensitivity to light or sound Sluggishness, or feelings described as “hazy” or “foggy” Struggles with remembering or concentration Just “not feeling right”

    Read More About How to Spot the Signs of a Concussion

    • Medicina deportiva
    • Buen estado físico
    • Manejo del dolor

    Cómo tratar un esguince o una torcedura

    Injuries happen to everyone. They are caused by participating in sports, recreational activities like hiking, and even by accidentally stepping off a curb wrong. If you experience a sprain or strain, the first few days are often the most painful. Renown Sports Medicine physicians Luis Palacio, MD and Brandon Hockenberry, MD walked us through what to do after an injury.  Listen to Your Body See a medical professional right away if: You know or suspect that a bone is broken You are having difficulties putting full weight on a joint of the leg Pain or swelling is severe There is a sign of an infection, such as redness and warmth in the joint  The First 24-72 Hours Joint sprains tend to swell more than muscle strains. You can use ice as needed for comfort and to relieve any pain, but do not use ice for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Ice and NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen) can help prevent excessive swelling and mask the pain, but they do not speed recovery. Some research shows that overuse of ice actually delays recovery.    During the first 24-72 hours, your injury will go through an inflammation phase. Inflammation is your body’s natural way to dispose of dead tissue cells, build new healthy structures, and hopefully heal even stronger than before.

    Read More About How to Treat a Sprain or Strain

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Buen estado físico
    • Alimentos y nutrición

    El No-So-Fab-Five: Alimentos que aumentan el riesgo de accidentes cerebrovasculares y enfermedades cardíacas

    Did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable? Learn which foods should be eaten in moderation to reduce your family's risk of stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the nation and a major cause for disability, killing 130,000 people each year. But did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable, according to the American Stroke Association? Several stroke risk factors -- high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical activity level, obesity, high cholesterol and heart and artery disease -- can be controlled, treated and improved, right down to the foods we choose to consume each day. Diets high in sodium can increase blood pressure, putting you at greater risk for stroke. A high-calorie diet can lead to obesity -- another risk factor. And foods high in saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol will raise your blood cholesterol levels causing blood clots, which -- you guessed it -- can lead to a stroke. The “not-so-fab” five foods listed below play a large role in damaging your body and causing vascular disease, stroke and heart disease and should be avoided on a regular basis. However: Moderation is the key to life, in my opinion. Sure, everyone is going to have a soda here and there or a steak off the grill, but keep it off the main menu.  1. Packaged and Fried Food Have you noticed foods like hot dog buns and bottled salad dressings rarely go bad? Ever asked yourself why? This is due to the use of hydrogenated oils, which are trans fats. Hydrogenated oils stay solid at room temperature and do not require refrigeration. Convenient? Yes. Healthy? No. Unfortunately, many frozen foods and meals also fall into this category, except for frozen fruits and veggies. So here’s the lowdown on trans fats: They’re considered by many experts as the worst type of fat you can consume, raising your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lowering your HDL (“good”) cholesterol. While some meat and dairy products contain small amounts of naturally occurring trans fat, most dietary sources are formed through an industrial process adding hydrogen to vegetable oil, causing the oil to solidify at room temperature.  The FDA is in the process of restricting or possibly banning trans-fats from food in the U.S. A study published in JAMA Cardiology compared data from counties with and without trans-fat restrictions and the findings were substantial: There was a 6 percent decline in hospitalizations for heart attack and stroke in counties with trans-fat restrictions.  Bottom line: Ideally no processed food should pass your lips, but realistically, aim for less than 2 grams of trans fat per day. Skip the store-bought treats at the office and fries at lunch. Also avoid crackers, regardless of what you are dipping them in. Choose to eat fruits to satisfy your sweet cravings and veggies and hummus to satisfy the savory.  2. Lunch meat Processed meats, including bacon, smoked meats and hot dogs, are all on the DNE (Do Not Eat) list, unless you want to play with fire. Processed meats are a no-go if you want to keep your arteries clear of plaque buildup. So what is the alternative to your salami sandwich?  Try a healthy alternative like a tuna sandwich with avocado (a great alternative to mayo) or a veggie sandwich. 3. Diet soft drinks First of all, when a drink is sweeter than a candy bar but it contains zero sugar and zero calories, buyer beware. Many consumers think because a soda is labeled “diet” it’s a better choice, but studies have linked diet soft drink consumption with an increased risk of stroke and vascular disease. In a nine-year study of more than 2,500 people, those who drank diet soda daily were 48 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from those events, compared with those who rarely or never drank soda. What else are you supposed to drink? If you must drink soda, break the everyday habit and drink it on special occasions; otherwise water rules. And if you don’t like water, try flavoring your water with fruit slices. 4. Good-old red meat So is there ANY good meat out there you ask? The answer is yes, but it’s not red. In the journal Stroke, an article showed women who consumed large servings of red meat regularly had a 42 percent higher incidence of stroke. Red meat is high in saturated fat, which clogs arteries with plaque. The alternative to red meat is a heart-healthy protein like poultry or fish, or even non-animal products like beans, nuts and tofu.  5. Canned foods Steer clear of factory processed soups, beans and sauces. Canned items all have incredible amounts of sodium or MSG or baking soda/powder to maintain their freshness and shelf life. One study showed if you consume more than 4,000 mg of salt per day, you more than double the risk of stroke compared to diets with less than 2,000 mg. Another tip: When possible, plan and make meals from scratch. Making the wrong meal or snack choices is one of the biggest contributing risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Most people know what good food choices are, but they don’t realize the serious impact the bad choices have on overall health. Learn what is most beneficial to your body to consume. It will be a life changer – literally.

    Read More About The Not-So-Fab-Five: Foods That Increase Stroke and Heart Disease Risk

    • Buen estado físico
    • Medicina deportiva
    • Manejo del dolor

    Cómo manejar y prevenir la tendinitis

    Tendonitis occurs when a tendon in your body is inflamed or irritated. This painful condition can impact your day-to-day activities, but can be managed and prevented. Luis Palacio, MD, shared some insights into how to manage tendonitis. Overuse and Repetitive Motion Tendons are complex tissues in our body that connect muscles to bones, allowing us to move. Unfortunately, sometimes these tendons become inflamed, worn down or injured, a condition called tendonitis. Symptoms of tendonitis include pain or dull ache, tenderness and mild swelling at the site. While tendonitis can be caused by a sudden injury, it is more commonly seen in frequent motions, including: Repetitive motions in exercise, work or other physical activities. Awkward positions in a movement, including poor posture. Forced movements that strain your body. Sudden increase in frequency of movement or level of difficulty, including little to no recover time between new activity. Shoes without proper support or hard surfaces, such as concrete floors. Evaluation is Key If you suspect that you have tendonitis and it does not resolve on its own after a few days, you should get it evaluated by a primary care or sports medicine doctor. They can make recommendations to aid your recovery and refer you to the right sub-specialist if needed. With some intentional actions, you can help reduce the risk of tendonitis with the following suggestions: Add variety: Mixing up the type of exercise you do will help prevent repetitive motions that can result in overuse. Stretch and condition: Make sure the keep up with proper stretching and muscle strengthening to support your physical activities. Do it right: Make sure that the way you are completing exercise or work-related physical activities is correct. Seek out a professional for lessons or guidance if you are unsure.

    Read More About How to Manage and Prevent Tendonitis

    • Martes, 08 de agosto de 2023

    El condado de Lander, Renown Health y la campaña nacional de acondicionamiento físico hacen que el acondicionamiento físico sea gratuito para la comunidad

    Renown Health, Lander County y National Fitness Campaign (NFC) anunciaron hoy una asociación para llevar un Fitness Court® al aire libre al Battle Mountain Recreation Center. La cancha de acondicionamiento físico, ubicada en 560 Altenburg Ave, abrirá el martes 15 de agosto a las 10AM. con una ceremonia de corte de cinta. Esta cancha de acondicionamiento físico fue desarrollada por Renown Health, Lander County y NFC para ampliar el acceso gratuito a entrenamientos de alta calidad y crear un acceso equitativo al ejercicio para las comunidades de todo el estado. El condado de Lander es una de las cinco canchas de acondicionamiento físico al aire libre en una serie de canchas de acondicionamiento físico presentadas por Renown Health que han sido financiadas en comunidades saludables que priorizan la equidad en la salud y el acondicionamiento físico al aire libre de clase mundial. La cancha de fitness es el mejor gimnasio al aire libre del mundo que permite a las personas usar su propio peso corporal para realizar una rutina de ejercicios completa con siete estaciones de ejercicios. Creada con personas mayores de 14 años y con todas las capacidades en mente, las rutinas de ejercicios son adaptables para todos los niveles de fitness, lo que permite a los participantes moverse a su propio ritmo. Los usuarios también pueden descargar la aplicación gratuita Fitness Court, que actúa como entrenador en su bolsillo y mejora el gimnasio al aire libre en una experiencia de bienestar respaldada digitalmente. “La proximidad a las oportunidades de ejercicio, como parques e instalaciones recreativas, se ha relacionado con un aumento en la actividad física entre los residentes”, dijo el Dr. Brian Erling, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “La actividad física regular tiene una amplia gama de beneficios para la salud, que incluyen control del peso, fortalecimiento muscular y óseo, mejora de la salud mental y el estado de ánimo, y mejora de la expectativa de vida. Estamos orgullosos de brindar acceso adicional a oportunidades de ejercicio, sin cargo, a todos en nuestra comunidad”. “Durante más de 50 años, Battle Mountain General Hospital ha proporcionado acceso a atención médica de calidad. Contamos con tecnología y servicios médicos actualizados para que pueda recibir su atención médica cerca de su hogar, en su propia comunidad”, dijo Jason Bleak, FACHE, presidente y director ejecutivo. “Nos complace asociarnos con Renown Regional Medical Center en Reno, que proporciona el más alto nivel de Trauma Care, es el hogar del único hospital infantil de la región, instituto de cirugía robótica, servicios integrales de corazón, cáncer, ortopedia y neurología, y nos brinda acceso a algunos de los especialistas médicos más brillantes del país”. “Nunca deja de sorprenderme cuando las empresas de Nevada y el condado se asocian para hacer cosas increíbles por sus comunidades”, dijo Kaydra Stewart, directora ejecutiva de la Cámara de Comercio de Battle Mountain. “Esta cancha de acondicionamiento físico es una incorporación maravillosa al Battle Mountain Recreation Center, y sé que muchos miembros de la comunidad se beneficiarán de ella”. “El Departamento de Recreación del Condado de Lander se compromete a servir a todos los residentes del Condado de Lander, proporcionando actividades recreativas y recreativas, eventos y otros servicios que promuevan la salud, la relajación y el aprendizaje en un entorno seguro. Creemos que la recreación y el ocio son importantes para la calidad de vida general y el bienestar social de nuestros ciudadanos individuales y nuestra comunidad en su conjunto”, dijo el Departamento de Recreación del Condado de Lander. “National Fitness Campaign se enorgullece de dar la bienvenida al condado de Lander a la campaña como líder en salud y bienestar para sus residentes. Esperamos continuar con su colaboración e inversión como una comunidad saludable en Nevada”, dijo Mitch Menaged, fundador de National Fitness Campaign. Los residentes están invitados a asistir al evento de lanzamiento el 15 de agosto a las 10AM. para probar la cancha de fitness. Para obtener más información, visite la página de Facebook de BM Rec Center o comuníquese con Danielle en Recreation Center al 775-635-9209. Para obtener más información sobre el apoyo de Renown Health a NFC, visite https://nationalfitnesscampaign.com/nevada. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Acerca de National Fitness Campaign Fundada en San Francisco en 1979, National Fitness Campaign (NFC) es una firma consultora de bienestar que brinda programas y servicios a ciudades, escuelas y patrocinadores con la misión de construir comunidades saludables. NFC ofrece una iniciativa de bienestar integrada, centrada en el mejor gimnasio al aire libre del mundo: La cancha de fitness®. La Campaña está planificando su 500.o Comunidad Saludable, uniendo la asociación público-privada más grande del país para apoyar el bienestar con el objetivo de construir una cancha de fitness a 10 minutos en bicicleta de cada estadounidense. Síganos en las redes sociales @NatFitCampaign y #Fitnesscourt.

    Leer más Acerca de El condado de Lander, Renown Health y la campaña nacional de acondicionamiento físico hacen que el acondicionamiento físico sea gratuito para la comunidad

    • Buen estado físico
    • Reno

    Los 5 principales beneficios para la salud de Pickleball

    Over the past couple of years, pickleball has become the fastest-growing sport among people of all ages.  It’s a combination of tennis, ping-pong and badminton that originated in 1965. This sport can be played indoors or outdoors on a pickleball court where two players (singles) or four (doubles) hit a perforated hollow plastic ball over a 36-inch-high net using solid-faced paddles. A pickleball court is the same size as a double’s badminton court and measures 20×44 feet.  Pickleball is a fun, low-impact game that keeps people healthy and active. Kaitlyn Jacobson, Physician Assistant at Renown Urgent Care – Ryland, plays pickleball herself and is a big fan of the sport. Here she shares the top five health benefits of playing pickleball.

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    • Neurología
    • Esclerosis múltiple
    • Buen estado físico

    El levantamiento de energía a través del diagnóstico de EM

    When Tabitha Cox received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS), she was in shock, denial and felt that she was too strong for something like this to be happening to her. As the disease progressed, Tabitha realized she needed to do what she could to stay as healthy as possible. “I heard, ‘You have a quarter-size lesion on your brain,'” recalls Tabitha Cox. “At that moment, that was literally all I heard come out of her mouth.” Tabitha’s official diagnosis was multiple sclerosis (MS), an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that slowly debilitated her mom. “I was numb,” says Tabitha. After her diagnosis, Tabitha went on with her life as if the disease was nothing more than a doctor’s diagnosis. However two years later, Tabitha realized something wasn’t right and sought care at Renown Institute for Neurosciences – Brain and Nerve Care. Her form of MS was aggressive, and her doctor recommended treatment right away.

    Read More About Powerlifting through MS Diagnosis

    • Vida activa
    • Asociaciones comunitarias
    • Buen estado físico

    A Senior Care Plus le encanta Pickleball

    Senior Care Plus is pleased to announce we are now a proud sponsor of Jam On It Pickleball, open to the community seven days a week at the Reno Sparks Convention Center. We’re excited to help promote this fun activity to our members, employees and the public. Pickleball has many wonderful health benefits – particularly for seniors. It’s a low-impact game that raises the heart rate, improves hand-eye coordination and increases mobility. In addition to the obvious physical benefits, pickleball is a great social activity. Getting out of the house and playing a fun, easy-to-learn game with others is a great way to make new friends while improving your physical and mental health!   Ralph Barbato, a Senior Care Plus member from Reno, is a huge fan of pickleball and all it has to offer. “Pickleball has made such a positive impact on my life. I love the physical and mental health benefits along with the social aspect – it’s a great way to meet new people and I’m excited to have it in our community,” said Ralph.

    Read More About Senior Care Plus Loves Pickleball

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