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    • Martes 23 de julio de 2024

    Renown Health lanza clases gratuitas de parto para futuros padres

    Renown Health se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de clases gratuitas de embarazo, parto y paternidad temprana y abuelos. A partir de este mes, la selección integral de educación y apoyo para el parto de Renown para futuros padres y nuevos padres ahora está disponible para todos en la comunidad como un recurso gratuito, y como parte de la misión de beneficios comunitarios de Renown. “Como la única organización de atención médica académica integrada sin fines de lucro de Reno, invertimos constantemente en beneficios y servicios comunitarios esenciales. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar el acceso a la atención prenatal y la educación sobre el parto para ayudar a mejorar los resultados de salud para las madres y los niños en el condado de Washoe”, dijo el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Al ofrecer estas clases gratuitas, buscamos proporcionar a los padres el conocimiento y el apoyo que necesitan para dar la bienvenida a sus bebés al mundo con confianza y para criar niños sanos”. “Estamos encantados de ofrecer clases de parto a nuestra comunidad sin costo alguno. Reconocemos los profundos beneficios para la salud que estas clases proporcionan, no solo a las futuras madres, sino también a sus familias y al público en general”, dice Jennifer Timmons, RN, Gerente de Enfermería de Posparto y la Sala de recién nacidos de Renown. “Queremos promover embarazos más saludables y fomentar familias más fuertes y resilientes. Al eliminar las barreras financieras, esperamos llegar y apoyar a todos los futuros padres en el condado de Washoe”. Todas las clases ahora son GRATUITAS, incluidas las clases de embarazo y nacimiento. Un curso de educación sobre el parto todo en un día ofrecido virtualmente o en persona, o una clase de preparación para el parto de la serie de jueves en persona de 7 semanas, prepara a la madre y a su pareja para los muchos aspectos del parto, el posparto, el cuidado del bebé y la educación sobre la lactancia. Los instructores certificados ofrecen apoyo y orientación para satisfacer las necesidades individuales. Medidas de comodidad para la clase de nacimiento. En esta sesión de dos horas, los futuros padres aprenden habilidades de afrontamiento del trabajo de parto, que incluyen práctica de relajación/meditación, técnicas de respiración, masajes y acupresión. Clase para padres sobre bebés que giran. Una clase de cuatro horas diseñada para futuras mamás después de la semana 20 de embarazo. Esta clase destaca la rotación del bebé hacia abajo y fuera de la pelvis. Preparación para la clase virtual posparto. Esta clase de 2 horas ayuda a preparar a la mamá y a la pareja sobre qué esperar después del nacimiento y las semanas siguientes, la diferencia entre la depresión posparto y la depresión posparto, las señales de advertencia de la madre y los ajustes una vez que regrese a casa. Aspectos básicos de la lactancia y más allá de la clase. En esta clase impartida por una consultora de lactancia certificada por la Junta Internacional, las madres comienzan mejor con la lactancia. La reunión Circle Gathering alienta a las madres que amamantan a encontrar apoyo, intercambiar experiencias y analizar cualquier inquietud. Los temas populares incluyen el suministro de leche, la extracción de leche, el regreso al trabajo, el sueño o la falta de sueño, el peso y más. Cultivar a su recién nacido. Esta clase 2 en 1 incluye la clase de atención para recién nacidos y los aspectos básicos de la lactancia y más. La parte matutina de esta clase incluye los beneficios y las técnicas de lactancia. El segmento de la tarde cubre la apariencia y el comportamiento del recién nacido, la atención diaria, los signos de enfermedad y cuándo llamar al médico. Se analizan el tiempo boca abajo, la comodidad y las técnicas relajantes, cómo mantener a su bebé seguro y los exámenes de detección para recién nacidos. Se recomienda a las parejas que asistan a la clase Baby Safe. Esta clase ayuda a preparar a los padres para las emergencias que pueden ocurrir en el primer año del bebé. Junto con la seguridad de los asientos de seguridad y la prueba básica para bebés, la discusión incluirá primeros auxilios básicos, prevención y tratamiento de lesiones comunes. Los abuelos y otros cuidadores pueden asistir. Clase de RCP para bebés y niños: este curso es ideal para escuelas y estudiantes, padres primerizos, abuelos, niñeras y otras personas interesadas en aprender a salvar una vida. Excursión de suites para bebés y familias; y Excursiones para hermanos (de 2 a 8 años). Únase a un educador de parto para obtener más información sobre nuestras suites para bebés y familias, las salas de trabajo de parto y parto alojadas en la nueva área de evaluación del trabajo de parto y el taller virtual para abuelos William N. Pennington Nursery. Los abuelos han cambiado mucho en la última generación. Los abuelos aprenderán sobre la atención del recién nacido, los ambientes seguros para dormir, la lactancia materna, los asientos para el automóvil, la seguridad del producto y cómo ayudar a apoyar a los nuevos padres. Para obtener más información y registrarse en línea para cualquier clase sin cargo, visite www.renown.org/events. Las clases gratuitas de parto son una forma más de retribuir a Renown para crear una comunidad más saludable para todos los residentes de Renown Health es la única red de atención médica benéfica sin fines de lucro de propiedad local en Reno. Ser una organización sin fines de lucro o una organización 501 © 3 significa que todos los ingresos de Renown se mantienen localmente y se reinvierten en personas, programas y tecnología para mejorar la salud de la comunidad. De hecho, el nombre de Renown, además de ser la aspiración de la atención, significa “Reno’s Own”. Con la comunidad en el centro de la misión de la organización, y a través de la afiliación con la Universidad de Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Renown Health asume el compromiso de marcar una diferencia genuina en la creación de un Nevada más saludable para todos. Salud materna e infantil: Un área de enfoque de beneficios comunitarios, 2025 o 2027 áreas de enfoque de beneficios comunitarios de Renown Health se basan en investigaciones primarias y secundarias recopiladas como parte de la evaluación de necesidades de salud 2023 comunitaria (Community Health Needs Assessment, CHNA). La CHNA incluye aportes de las partes interesadas de la comunidad que representan los amplios intereses de las diversas comunidades a las que Renown Regional Medical Center y Renown South Meadows Medical Center prestan servicios, incluidas aquellas partes interesadas con experiencia en salud pública y comunitaria. Las necesidades de salud se identificaron en la CHNA y posteriormente fueron priorizadas por las partes interesadas de la comunidad. De las necesidades de salud priorizadas, las áreas de enfoque de salud se eligieron en función de criterios que consideran la capacidad del equipo de Renown Health para impactar en las necesidades de la comunidad, la fortaleza de las asociaciones comunitarias y la alineación con los esfuerzos de planificación estratégica organizacional de Renown. A través de esta estrategia de implementación, Renown Health se compromete a identificar y cerrar las brechas de equidad sanitaria en las comunidades históricamente marginadas y vulnerables. Las áreas de enfoque en la salud para 2025 a 2027 son la salud mental; el acceso a la atención médica y los servicios comunitarios y la salud materna e infantil. “La misión de beneficios comunitarios de Renown es reducir las desigualdades de salud, promover el bienestar comunitario y mejorar el acceso a la atención para las poblaciones vulnerables”, dice Kerry Kelly, MPH, gerente de salud comunitaria de Renown. “Esto incluye ofrecer atención gratuita y con descuento a aquellos que no pueden pagar la atención médica, y asociaciones para abordar la salud y el bienestar. Nuestro proceso de CHNA mostró la salud materna e infantil como una prioridad para la comunidad. Las mejoras en los servicios de atención médica, un mejor acceso a la atención prenatal y la educación gratuita sobre la salud materna e infantil pueden ayudar a disminuir la tasa de mortalidad infantil y mejorar los resultados de salud para las madres y los niños en el condado de Washoe. Al trabajar juntos y ofrecer clases gratuitas sobre el parto, podemos ayudar a tener un impacto positivo en la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad”. Asegure un futuro más brillante para las madres y los niños locales donando a Renown Health Foundation al 775-982-5545 o en renown.org/About/Renown-Health-Foundation.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología para adultos y niños, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health lanza clases gratuitas de parto para futuros padres

    • Lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

    Renown Health obtiene la designación de “Mejor lugar para padres que trabajan”

    Renown Health ha obtenido la designación de “Mejor lugar para padres que trabajan” para 2024 como un lugar de trabajo familiar en Nevada. “Nos sentimos honrados de ser reconocidos como el mejor lugar para padres que trabajan”, dijo Brian Erling, MD, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. Esta designación refleja el compromiso de Renown de crear un lugar de trabajo comprensivo e inclusivo donde nuestros médicos, clínicos y empleados puedan prosperar profesional y personalmente. Comprendemos los desafíos que enfrentan los padres que trabajan, y estamos trabajando para fomentar un entorno más familiar. Juntos, estamos construyendo una cultura que prioriza a las personas y que valora el cuidado, la integridad, la colaboración y la excelencia”. “Esta designación reconoce el compromiso de Renown Health de apoyar a los padres que trabajan con políticas y prácticas familiares”, dijo Sandeep Randhawa, MS, director de Personal. “Nuestra cultura y mentalidad People First apoya el bienestar de los más de 7,500 médicos y empleados excepcionales de Renown. Nuestros mejores programas de gestión de talentos se centran en atraer y retener profesionales de la salud; garantizar que los valores de Renown se refuercen con decisiones estratégicas destinadas a empoderar a nuestros empleados para que se desempeñen al máximo. Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de nuestro equipo y del paquete de recompensas totales que ofrecemos. Seguimos buscando maneras significativas de reconocer y recompensar a nuestro extraordinario equipo por sus contribuciones y logros”. “Esta designación reconoce el compromiso de Renown Health de apoyar a los padres que trabajan con políticas y prácticas familiares”, dijo Sandeep Randhawa, MS, director de Personal. “Nuestra cultura People-First apoya las necesidades personales y el bienestar de los más de 7,500 médicos y asociados excepcionales de Renown. Nuestros mejores programas de gestión de talentos se centran en contratar, capacitar y hacer crecer a nuestros profesionales; garantizar que los valores de Renown se refuercen con cada decisión estratégica. Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de nuestro equipo y de los beneficios que ofrecemos. Continuaremos buscando nuevos beneficios y comodidades para aportar a nuestro extraordinario equipo”. “El mejor lugar para padres que trabajan” está compuesto por empresas comunitarias que trabajan para educar a las organizaciones sobre la importancia de promover la familia en el lugar de trabajo. Renown fue reconocida por ofrecer los siguientes beneficios para toda la familia. La salud física ampliada, médico, beneficios dentales y de medicamentos recetados para empleados de tiempo completo y de medio tiempo Cuentas de gastos flexibles Apoyo mejorado de salud mental y bienestar Valoración y participación de los empleados Oportunidades de voluntariado remuneradas Eventos importantes de Everyday Amazing and Celebrate Amazing Descuentos en eventos comunitarios y familiares Programa de bienestar financiero libre de deuda Fondo financiero de emergencia a través de Renown Health Foundation Reembolso de asistencia educativa, pago de préstamos estudiantiles, educación continua Centro de cuidado infantil en el lugar Horarios y ubicaciones flexibles Planes de ahorro para la jubilación y coincidencias Para obtener más información o para unirse a la familia de Renown, postúlese en línea en renown.org/careers. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health obtiene la designación de “Mejor lugar para padres que trabajan”

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    Si es un futuro próximo, tenemos consejos para usted

    “You’re gonna be a dad!” Whether you’ve been waiting years to hear those words or still think you’re too much of a kid to have a kid, the reality of impending fatherhood can be terrifying for any first-time, soon-to-be-dad. But not to worry, Best Medicine has some timely tips to help calm those bundle-of-joy fears and help you rock your new role as a brand-new, baby daddy.   Winter is Where Babies Come From Fact: More babies are born in September than any other month, with spill over (and spit-up) into October. Subtract ten months for the typical 40-week, bun-in-the-oven baking time and early winter stands out as the top baby-making part of the year. Is it the cozy nights before a fire as people avoid the snowman-friendly temperatures outside? Possibly. There could be any number of reasons, both seasonal and otherwise, for what will eventually arrive in the fall and immediately steal your heart — and untold hours of your sleep. Though moms carry most of the baby burden traditionally (and literally for three trimesters), that’s no excuse for the soon-to-be-dad not to step up to the plate and take a swing at being the best partner and father on the planet. Below is a list of tips and resources to help you do just that. So read on, daddy-o.  Tip #1: Don’t Freak Out Ok, you’re probably going to freak out even if we tell you not to. But once you calm down, consider this: human beings have been having babies for millions of years, and many of those soon-to-be-dads had it much tougher than we do today. And guess what? The human race is still going strong. Those first moms and dads did a good job — and you will too, with a little help. Tip #2: Take a Class Knowledge is power. In this case, it's diaper-changing, swaddle-wrapping, 2 a.m.-feeding power. And for you and your partner, taking a parenting class or two should be a no-brainer. You'll both learn what to expect and prepare for as you support each other and bond with your baby even before he or she arrives.   Tip #3: Learn From Other Dads If the thought of sitting in a room full of full-bellied women and their partners makes you uncomfortable, you may opt to stick with bros for your lesson plan. Dad-only classes and soon-to-be-dad support groups — taught and led by seasoned fathers with tales to tell and words of wisdom to share — are available online and in cities and communities around the country. Dad-focused sites also offer advice for new and still-learning proud papas. Here are a few options to check out:  Boot Camp for New Dads City Dads Group Wilderdad.com Fatherly.com Fathers.com  Tip #4: Babies are Required Reading Haven't read a good book lately? Well, if you're expecting a baby, now is the time to flip through a few pages that could make your life a whole lot easier in a few months. There's no such thing as being too-well-read when it comes to your fast-approaching, adorable little poop machine. The least you can do is read a book or two, or seven.  We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook From Dude to Dad: The Diaper Dude Guide to Pregnancy We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook  What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding Be Prepared: A Practical Handbook for New Dads  The New Dad's Survival Guide: Man-to-Man Advice for First-Time Fathers What to Expect When You're Expecting  Tip #5: Be a Prepared Soon-To-Be-Dad Tips 1 through 4 are meant to help alleviate some of your jittery, new-dad anxiety. And we hope they do just that. But if you really want to hold that "Best Dad Ever" coffee mug starting on day one, there are also some practical things you can do to prepare. Check these items off your list now to make life with baby more baby-, mommy- and daddy-friendly from the get-go.  Buy a baby/child car seat. Three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly. Protect your children by ensuring they are riding in a properly secured and age-appropriate car seat. Renown Children’s Hospital Car Seat Station is staffed by certified technicians who provide child vehicle safety restraint education, inspection and installation. Set up the baby's nursery early, including furniture  Stock up on diapers and baby supplies  Cook and freeze 2 weeks of food for nights when no one wants to cook  Research family healthcare  Agree upon a shared diaper-changing/feeding schedule  Ask about paternity leave from work  Get bills and finances up-to-date or pre-pay to avoid late charges   Give the home a thorough cleaning before the baby arrives

    Read More About If You're a Soon-To-Be-Dad, We've Got Tips for You

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    Departamento destacado: Finanzas

    Help celebrate the end of tax season by recognizing Renown's Finance team!  The financial health of every organization is integral to their mission delivery. A health system like ours is no different – and it comes with many intricacies that require a top-notch finance team. The work of financial professionals in healthcare goes far beyond just balancing the books and ensuring bills are paid on time; their work is instrumental to the sustainability and growth of every organization.  The Finance department at Renown Health makes a genuine difference by partnering with every team across our health system to safeguard their financial vitality. From accounting and payroll to financial planning and analysis, this team manages our financial resources effectively to assure we can continue providing the highest quality of care to all patients.  Money-Minded  The team members in Renown’s robust Finance department run the gamut of financial expertise:  Accounts Payable pays all our bills to our vendors. Tax and Treasury handles our business licensing and investments. Accounting records our financial transactions, prepares financial statements and reports transactions to the public and the government. Payroll ensures all our employees are paid for their service. Financial Planning and Analysis focuses on long-range planning and evaluates projects for a positive return on investment. As our in-house finance experts, this team’s workdays are anything but ordinary. Every day – and even every month and season – looks different than the last. On top of it all, these team members know exactly what it means to represent Renown’s cultural commitment to collaboration.  “We handle a varied set of tasks daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly,” said Minty Huynh, Database Administrator for Renown Health. “We could be churning through a planning cycle involving multiple reports and leader meetings, or we could be diving into details about why a specific department has a charge that brings them over budget.”  “Given that my role is tied with a lot of other finance and accounting departments, there is a lot of variability in the role on a day-to-day, week-to-week and monthly basis,” added Michaell Poertner, Financial Systems Administrator for Renown. “Regarding cross-functional collaboration, we meet with team leaders to address any issues or concerns they have with process or data, then work to alleviate those concerns. We all work together to ensure we record and account for our businesses within established rules and regulations.”  Helping lead our leadership team through financial and strategic goals plays a major part in Renown’s success. Our Finance team has nailed this down to a science. That guidance is driven by two key aspects: data and determination.  “Our team performs specific activities around planning and budgeting, financial effectiveness of current operations and planning for the future,” said Deirdre Maurer, Director of Financial Planning and Analysis for Renown. “We analyze data and provide support for our operations teams. Additionally, we manage Axiom, our financial performance management tool used for all our financial activities: capital planning and tracking, budgeting, long-term planning, management reporting and productivity.”  The excitement of solving problems and presenting high-quality analyses drives this team to succeed. However, given the complexities of their everyday work, one may believe that they stay siloed in their own areas.  The reality is the opposite – these team members appreciate each other immensely and attribute many triumphs to their colleagues.  “I get to work on puzzles every day, such as taking capital projects and building a complete package of reports and documentation to support the many assets at Renown,” said Debra Reyes, Accountant for Renown. “I need and appreciate everyone: Accounts Payable for reclassing items, Finance for project funding, leadership for direction and departments across our health system for working with me on serial numbers and in-use information for capital items.”  Our entire Finance team is committed to providing the necessary support and guidance to everyone at Renown, ensuring our financial well-being every step of the way.  “The finance team supports business partners in managing current and future financial well-being,” said Nancy Perryman, Principal Financial Analyst for Renown. “We are here to help and work with every department that needs it.”  Change Agents  As an organization, Renown Health went through a significant change in 2022 that helped set us on a positive financial trajectory. Last year, our senior leadership decided to transition from a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year to a calendar fiscal year from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 to link up with Hometown Health’s fiscal year and the fiscal years of most health systems nationwide. From July 1 to Dec. 31, Renown navigated through a “stub period,” which was an opportunity for our team to build upon and deeply analyze our financial health in preparation for a strong, year-long fiscal year.  This transition was accomplished with the dedicated, efficient Finance team, who led Renown through this tough time. In addition, their proactive approach to our calendar year planning during the stub period directly impacted Renown’s margin improvements and financial longevity into 2023 and beyond.   “Changing our fiscal year meant that we needed a special audit only a few months after our last audit for the six-month ‘stub’ period between the old and new fiscal years,” said Shanna Entin, CPA, Senior Accountant for Renown. “There are a lot of challenges with a smaller audit, as some are familiar while some are new, but I’m proud to say we knocked that audit out of the water.”  Despite this uniquely busy season, none of the Finance department’s additional duties fell by the wayside. They celebrated an expedited five-year plan completion, planning turnarounds and much more, all while guiding Renown through the stub period.  “I am proud of this team for finishing our rolling forecasting within two weeks and completing the five-year plan within another couple of weeks,” said Michaell Poertner. “We converted our system to a calendar fiscal year and ensured data integrity was maintained the entire time."  “We’ve had many great accomplishments involving expedited planning cycle turnarounds such as our five-year financial plans in two weeks, the calendar year 2022 finances in another two weeks and a fiscal-to-calendar year conversion,” added Minty Huynh. “We are proud of having pulled together to deliver our plans to the board on time.”  Who can forget the ramifications of the pandemic? During this trying time, our Finance team supported COVID-19 initiatives to ensure all our care teams had the resources they needed to provide the highest standard of care for our most critical patients.  “I am proud that our team was able to support the accounting team with data to reinforce the funding we received for COVID-related expenses,” said Deirdre Maurer. “Our team continues to be here to help any Renown employee, which we are happy to do.”  And the successes of our finance change agents keep on coming – full speed ahead.  “Simply put, we rock,” said Debra Reyes. “We have been able to record assets with more details than before, such as adding locations, serial numbers and more. We have had great audits because our reporting and eye for detail have been keen. We understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, becoming friends in the process."  Falling in L.O.V.E. with Renown   Respect, reputation, relationships – this is the Finance department’s “Renown Why.” Acknowledging Renown’s community impact and giving back to the health system that provided vital support during some of their most daunting times were common themes among this team for why they joined our purple family.  “I wanted to give back to the organization that had given me so much,” said Shanna Entin. “In March 2009, the ICU team went above and beyond trying to keep my late husband alive. He was a professional ski patroller caught in an avalanche while doing snow control work in Lake Tahoe. Even though he succumbed to his injuries, I will always be grateful to them for not giving up on him. Some 21 months later, my current husband landed in the same ICU with a flailed chest and various injuries from a skiing accident. The care he received in those nine days healed him enough to continue his care at home.”  “I chose to work at Renown because we spent much time at this hospital when I was younger,” added Nancy Perryman. “My sister and I interacted with patients and delivered homemade cards to the elderly, and nurses brought us hot chocolate. Renown felt like home as much as possible when we were here with my father. Then, as an adult, when my father was in his final days, our family surrounded my father, and the amazing Renown staff surrounded us.”  “Renown is a well-known name within the Reno area, and I wanted to work with a company with a good reputation and longevity,” added Michaell Poertner.  Now, why do they stay? For this department, the answer is simple: their colleagues. Like many other departments at Renown, the encouraging and uplifting team atmosphere inspires them to continue making a difference. It helps them remain dedicated to Renown’s mission and vision.  “What keeps me at Renown is the awesome team of professionals I get to call my colleagues,” said Shanna Entin. “We take our jobs seriously. And at the same time, dealing with life is always prioritized over work. So many people are willing and able to jump in to cover you when life throws a curve ball.”  The proof “is in the pudding” – many members of this team have a 20+ year-long tenure at Renown, and they remain loyal to this day, excited for the journey ahead of them.  “I applied here in 1999 to be an Accounts Payable Clerk at Renown South Meadows while I was wrapping up my courses at Career College of Northern Nevada; I’m thankful I’m still here,” said Debra Reyes. “I have a very interesting history with Renown and have experienced a wide range of things. That’s why I stay – for what lies ahead.”  “I chose to work at Renown 20 years ago to make a ‘genuine difference,’ and I like that Renown had and still has a focus on the community and quality healthcare,” added Deirdre Maurer. “I am here today because I enjoy the people, our values and our continued commitment to our patients, community and each other. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a great organization.”  The gratitude among this team transcends beyond office walls, and they welcome any fellow finance experts to consider joining their department and embracing the future together.  “I’m thankful every day, even on the hard days,” closes Debra Reyes.

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    Cómo detectar los signos de una conmoción cerebral

    Concussions are an unfortunate occurrence in youth sports and other physical activities. Learning the signs now will help you respond if you suspect that someone near you has suffered a concussion. A concussion is a mild type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can occur after any injury to the head/neck area. It’s important to seek the appropriate level of care if they occur. Brandon Hockenberry, MD with Renown Sports Medicine shares tips on concussion signs to look for and what to do next. Look for these Dangerous Signs First Call 911 or visit an ER right away if you notice one of the following in the person who suffered a blow to the head or body: One pupil is larger than the other Severe or worsening headaches Drowsiness or inability to wake up, including any period of unconsciousness Slurred speech, weakness, numbness or decreased coordination Multiple episodes of vomiting Convulsions, shaking or twitching Monitor for Concussion Signs and Symptoms If someone suffers a bump, blow or other jolt, it’s important to look out for changing symptoms. Symptoms can continue to evolve for up to 24 hours after the injury. Seek care from your primary care provider, an urgent care or a sports medicine provider if you notice any of the following: Cannot recall events prior to or after the incident Appears confused or disoriented Clumsy movements Slow reaction, including movements and speech Changes to normal behavior or mood You should also question the person about how they are feeling. If they report any of the following symptoms, seek care: Headache or feelings of pressure in their head Nausea or vomiting Dizziness or balance issues Problems with eyesight, such as blurriness or double vision Increase sensitivity to light or sound Sluggishness, or feelings described as “hazy” or “foggy” Struggles with remembering or concentration Just “not feeling right”

    Read More About How to Spot the Signs of a Concussion

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud del bebé
    • Salud infantil
    • Crianza de los hijos

    10 Preguntas esenciales para hacer en la visita al pediatra de su hijo

    Taking a few minutes to prepare for your child's pediatrician visit helps ensure that all your child's medical needs are met. Knowing the right questions to ask your provider can help you get the most out of your visit and ensure you and your child feel comfortable and informed. It is essential to base your questions on your child's specific health needs, but the ten options below are a great place to start. How is my child's overall health and development progressing? Is my child meeting their developmental milestones, and are there any areas where they may need extra support? What vaccinations does my child need, and are they up to date on all required immunizations? Are there any nutritional recommendations or concerns for my child's age and stage of development? What are some strategies for promoting healthy habits and physical activity for my child? Are there any warning signs I should look out for regarding my child's health or behavior? What can I do to help prevent common childhood illnesses like colds, flu strains or ear infections? What should I do if my child gets sick, and when should I seek medical attention? Are there any changes to my child's medication or dosage that I should be aware of? Is there anything else I should know or be aware of regarding my child's health or development?

    Read More About 10 Essential Questions to Ask at Your Child's Pediatrician Visit

    • Buen estado físico
    • Medicina deportiva
    • Manejo del dolor

    Cómo manejar y prevenir la tendinitis

    Tendonitis occurs when a tendon in your body is inflamed or irritated. This painful condition can impact your day-to-day activities, but can be managed and prevented. Luis Palacio, MD, shared some insights into how to manage tendonitis. Overuse and Repetitive Motion Tendons are complex tissues in our body that connect muscles to bones, allowing us to move. Unfortunately, sometimes these tendons become inflamed, worn down or injured, a condition called tendonitis. Symptoms of tendonitis include pain or dull ache, tenderness and mild swelling at the site. While tendonitis can be caused by a sudden injury, it is more commonly seen in frequent motions, including: Repetitive motions in exercise, work or other physical activities. Awkward positions in a movement, including poor posture. Forced movements that strain your body. Sudden increase in frequency of movement or level of difficulty, including little to no recover time between new activity. Shoes without proper support or hard surfaces, such as concrete floors. Evaluation is Key If you suspect that you have tendonitis and it does not resolve on its own after a few days, you should get it evaluated by a primary care or sports medicine doctor. They can make recommendations to aid your recovery and refer you to the right sub-specialist if needed. With some intentional actions, you can help reduce the risk of tendonitis with the following suggestions: Add variety: Mixing up the type of exercise you do will help prevent repetitive motions that can result in overuse. Stretch and condition: Make sure the keep up with proper stretching and muscle strengthening to support your physical activities. Do it right: Make sure that the way you are completing exercise or work-related physical activities is correct. Seek out a professional for lessons or guidance if you are unsure.

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    • Medicina deportiva
    • Buen estado físico
    • Manejo del dolor

    Cómo tratar un esguince o una torcedura

    Injuries happen to everyone. They are caused by participating in sports, recreational activities like hiking, and even by accidentally stepping off a curb wrong. If you experience a sprain or strain, the first few days are often the most painful. Renown Sports Medicine physicians Luis Palacio, MD and Brandon Hockenberry, MD walked us through what to do after an injury.  Listen to Your Body See a medical professional right away if: You know or suspect that a bone is broken You are having difficulties putting full weight on a joint of the leg Pain or swelling is severe There is a sign of an infection, such as redness and warmth in the joint  The First 24-72 Hours Joint sprains tend to swell more than muscle strains. You can use ice as needed for comfort and to relieve any pain, but do not use ice for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Ice and NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen) can help prevent excessive swelling and mask the pain, but they do not speed recovery. Some research shows that overuse of ice actually delays recovery.    During the first 24-72 hours, your injury will go through an inflammation phase. Inflammation is your body’s natural way to dispose of dead tissue cells, build new healthy structures, and hopefully heal even stronger than before.

    Read More About How to Treat a Sprain or Strain

    • Empleados
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    • Renown Health

    Departamento destacado: Marketing y comunicaciones

    Nov. 12-18 is Health Care Strategy & Market Development Week. Please join us in celebrating the Marketing and Communications team at Renown Health!  When you think of the brand of Renown Health, what comes to mind? Perhaps you think about our Fight the Good Fight motto that you see integrated throughout our commercials and advertisements. Or maybe your mind drifts to our signature purple that you saw on a print design or social media post. You may even think of a local news story that showcases the essence of who we are as an organization. Or you may gravitate toward the look and feel of our patient-friendly website. Managing the brand of our health system is crucial as patients look to Renown to be the voice of not-for-profit healthcare – and it takes a wide range of expertise to solidify that voice.  The masters of our voice can be found within Renown’s Marketing and Communications (“MarComm”) team. From branding and business-to-business to content and community relations, this robust department is the minds behind our reputation within the communities we serve. This team is chock-full of expert writers, speakers, designers and marketers who craft positive and memorable communications that lead to a lifetime of patient and employee loyalty.  The Connoisseurs of Communicating  As the keyholders of Renown’s brand position and promise, our MarComm team are experts at ensuring the community at large remembers precisely who Renown is and what our health system stands for. This all-hands-on-deck department encompasses a wide variety of talents:  Marketing and creative services: Traditional and digital advertising, brand templates and collateral and brand image and awareness Communication and public relations: Employee and provider communications, intranet management, social media, media relations, photography and videography, community relations, crisis communications and strategic planning and advisement Digital specializations: Website and microsites, email marketing, customer journey mapping, blogs and chatbots  Our Marketing and Creative Services team members are the ultimate dreamers, starting diverse campaigns from the ground up.  “In marketing and creative services, we are always dreaming up something new,” said Emily MacMillan, Manager of Marketing & Creative Services. “Between our brand advertising, to service line campaigns to external partnerships, you can always find our team working on a marketing plan and creating ads, content, messaging, videos, graphics, emails, photoshoots and more.”  “From Fight the Good Fight brand work to a service line promotion or a sponsorship creative package, the variety of projects my role allows me to bring to life for Renown is almost endless,” added Chad Norton, Senior Creative Specialist. “That can make every day at my job nothing like the day before – which keeps things interesting and my creativity flowing.”  For all things storytelling and public image management, Renown looks to the Communications team for expert guidance.  “As the Manager of Communications, I get to lead the most talented group of professionals I have ever had the pleasure of working with,” said Caroline Ackerman, Manager of Communications & Public Affairs. “Sometimes there is an urgent matter to tend to, and we drop everything to support larger-scale communications. Other days, we get last-minute requests from our local media partners for TV interviews. On top of that, the communications team supports event planning and employee recognition. It’s so fun to work in this hybrid space where we can get our work done from home while also being present at meaningful Renown events.”  At Renown, we believe our external image is just as vital as our internal culture. Keeping our employees informed and engaged every step of the way is of utmost importance to MarComm.  “While most of our department supports projects that focus on our patients, guests and visitors, our employee communications team supports internal clients (our employees),” said Dani Vogel, Communications Business Partner. “Therefore, I spend a good portion of my time working with internal departments and service lines to deliver important communications across the organization using a variety of channels. In a nutshell, my day starts with the question, ‘what do our employees need to know today?’ We get to work with so many amazing internal teams.”  “I internally project manage some of the marketing campaigns, from open enrollment to our annual report, and each project is different and requires its own approach,” added Colleen McLellan, Senior Production Specialist. “I create the framework for each project, such as establishing a kickoff and ongoing meeting cadence during the project, ensuring we track lessons learned and decisions made for each, create the folder structure in Sharepoint, and opening a project and maintaining the tasks and deadlines in Workfront. I am also often part of a quality circle, proofing ads and other materials created as part of a campaign. As with all of my colleagues in MarComm, we are often resources for where to learn more or find information for other departments.”  “One of my roles is to maintain the Brand HQ site and review approval requests,” added Aurora Boles, Creative Services Specialist. “I enjoy hopping on Teams calls to assist our employees with their questions about the site or templates.”  Maintaining a high standard of digital excellence comes easy for the Marketing Technology team, who manage the complexities of Renown’s digital front door – starting with our website.  “Think about how many health service lines Renown has to offer; now, let's create an organized set of pages for that specific service line on Renown.org – that a lot of pages!” said Sarah LaBarge, Digital Specialist. “It takes time to curate the layout, work with providers and the Communications team to ensure the content is correct and create components and images for the page to give the user the best digital experience while continually updating and maintaining all our pages. We don't just have Renown.org; we have many other microsites that we maintain as well. It is a nice challenge to make both our team and users happy and have a good experience.” "The user experience is always at the forefront of whatever I do," added Tori Bowlin, Digital Content Editor. "When writing health blogs, emails, or health service web content, it's essential to attribute the information to one of our outstanding providers and link the post to a Renown Health Service or reputable source. A thoughtful workflow helps our customers make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being." As a not-for-profit health system, Renown reinvests right back into the community we serve. Our Community Benefit team serves as the overseers of this promise, ensuring our local non-profits that share our mission are able to deliver on their own goals.  “I absolutely love the role of community impact and partnership liaison and the opportunity it provides to work with so many wonderful local nonprofits,” said Melissa Dahir, Community Benefit Liaison. “Our local community is filled with so many organizations designed to help those in need, and it is an honor to be contributing to and supporting the work these amazing groups do. My work with this department involves partnering with nonprofit organizations by providing funding for program support through groups identified in our Community Health Needs Assessment, and providing grants for traditional events such as community walks, golf tournaments, dinners, galas and more.”  The MarComm team’s paramount focus on maintaining a caring and collaborative culture stems from the impact they have on patients' lives and the crucial trust placed in the organization. For this team, no project to benefit the health and well-being of Renown’s patients is too big nor too small.  “As someone holding a core leadership position on this team, I can see firsthand that our team is all about culture and retention,” said Cristal Woodley, Senior Director of Marketing, Communications and Customer Engagement. “At the end of the day, we have an impact on patients’ lives and trust in the organization. I’ve surrounded myself with such smart people.”

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    • Empleados
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    • Renown Health

    Departamento destacado: Experiencia del paciente

    At Renown Health, our commitment to the experience of all our patients and guests is not just a mission – it's a way of life. Our unwavering dedication to creating exceptional experiences for the communities we serve is what sets us apart. Every day, we strive to build a service culture of excellence, one that ensures that every person who walks through our doors has an extraordinary encounter that exceeds their expectations.  Renown’s Patient Experience department is the team that fulfills this mission and more. These passionate individuals intimately understand that top-of-the-line service involves the entire healthcare continuum, from the first phone call when scheduling an appointment to the final discharge and follow-up instructions and everything in between. With this collective dedication, Patient Experience is consistently on a journey to redefine what it means to leave a lasting impact in the minds of patients, setting a new standard for healthcare excellence in our community.  Our In-House Jack-of-All-Trades  It takes a village to ensure every patient and guest continues to have a positive experience at every Renown location and maintains trust in our providers and employees. Our Patient Experience team serves as the mayors of that village, encompassing four main aspects of healthcare service:  Service Excellence: Compiles, reviews and resolves patient complaints and concerns to help with service recovery and identify opportunities for improvement. Volunteer Services: Enhances the patient experience by leveraging dedicated youth, adult and college-aged volunteers in a variety of volunteer programs, including pet therapy, healing arts, hospice and more. Language Access: Provides qualified interpretation and translation services to assist our limited- or non-English-speaking populations. Data Management: Uses patient experience data, research and surveys to prioritize system, location and unit-specific service needs to improve clinical and quality outcomes.  “Because our department has many segments, no day is the same, which keeps the work week exciting,” said Shelbi Whitehead, Manager of Patient Experience. “Whether we are hosting a pet therapy parade for patients, de-escalating and rounding with upset patients to provide service recovery, offering interpretations for our Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients, or managing data for the organization, we have one goal in mind: to enhance the experience for our patients and guests at Renown Health.”   Cultivating a sense of community and fostering trust in our health system, the Service Excellence team steps in to ensure no concern goes unnoticed and every opportunity to make a positive chance is addressed.  “My day consists of listening to patient concerns, connecting with different department leaders and providing support, and working on projects to improve processes,” said Julianne Revilla, Customer Experience Specialist. “To help enhance the patient experience, I round with patients on different floors to know more about their stay and experience with us. If they have any issues or concerns, I let floor staff know and do our best to resolve the issue in the moment.”  “My team and I have an amazing opportunity to work with multiple leaders throughout the organization to resolve any patient concerns and provide valuable feedback on how patients are doing while using services that we offer,” added Ricky Garcia Sanchez, Senior Patient Experience Specialist. “A typical day will involve calling patients, rounding with patients, communicating with leaders to resolve events, handling grievances and staying in compliance with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines.”  “It’s all about hearing what is upsetting them and letting them know that we care about them,” added Shay Morgan, Customer Experience Specialist. “We ask ourselves, what is the main concern the patient has, and what is it they are seeking? From there, we do our internal investigation through Midas and send it to leadership, and then we find a reasonable and appropriate solution or response to let the patient know we are looking into their concern.”  As the only not-for-profit health system in the region, Renown depends on the dedicated service of our volunteers. Our Volunteer Services team deploys volunteers across many programs who make a significant difference in the lives of patients and their families.  “On a typical day, I may be going between the volunteer information desks assisting that team with anything that comes up while they are helping guests,” said Wendy Peukert, Volunteer Coordinator. “We find wheelchairs for departments, provide guest escorts, deliver flowers and mail to patients, locate doctors’ appointments or anything else that helps someone that walks in the door. We ensure all our programs go smoothly by planning ahead while also being flexible to be ready for anything that comes our way and by keeping communication open with our volunteers. Patients and guests being greeted by friendly, knowledgeable volunteers who show empathy and care is my goal!”  “Some of my best days at Renown are volunteering with my dog Moose, who is a certified therapy dog, and watching the healing he provides to patients and employees,” added Shelbi Whitehead.  At Renown, we believe that language should never be a barrier to receiving care. Our Language Access team ensures that this goal is realized through providing expert interpretation and translation services.  “Renown has many different resources we use to ensure LEP patients and visitors receive a positive, quality visit to our health system,” said Seth Rubin, Supervisor of Language Access. “With signage strategically placed at front desks and check-in areas, patients can point to their preferred language, and we can use the Language Line iPads, phone lines or a dual-role Qualified Medical Interpreter to communicate with the patient or visitor. Within EPIC, we can also set a patient’s preferred language indicating to Renown staff what language to use with the patient and prepare forms in that language. I always ensure all patients are provided with these proper language services, and I also help with employees taking our online interpreter certification course, as well as help when a department needs new Language Line equipment. Additionally, I enjoy meeting with community groups to stay informed on community updates, events and trends around language, immigration and more.”  Renown values and utilizes the opinions of our patients across all corners of our health system Maintaining service transparency is a promise, and that promise is fulfilled by our Data Management team, who use all the research and survey tools at their disposal.  “My daily work includes a lot of updating scorecards across the network, working with the tech teams to ensure the patient data is getting to the right places, training leaders, analyzing market data and maintaining the reports that go to every corner of Renown,” said Brooke Cyphers, Market Data Analyst. “Through a partnership with our patient satisfaction survey vendor, PRC, Renown ensures data integrity, neutrality and credibility in surveying patients in all our care areas. The data from completed surveys are compiled and disseminated to our providers and leadership at all levels with the goal of transparency and patient-centric practice. These surveys are incredibly important to process improvement directly targeted at addressing areas that have been mentioned by our patients. I love it when people reach out to dive into a particular initiative they want to track or an issue they want insights on.”  In their relentless pursuit of excellence in service across many programs, the Patient Experience team remains steadfast in their commitment to delivering the highest quality care and experiences.

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    • Medicina del dolor, la columna vertebral y el deporte
    • Consejos de expertos
    • Medicina deportiva

    Guía para la cicatrización de lesiones: ¿Calor o hielo?

    Heat and ice are two of the most common treatments used to relieve pain and reduce swelling in injuries. However, each one is better suited for certain types of injuries Dr. Luis Palacio, MD explores the differences between the two.  When it comes to treating aches and pains, the debate between heat and ice has been ongoing for quite some time. Both have their benefits making it crucial to understand which option is better suited for your specific needs.   Determining which method is better depends on various factors such as the type of injury or pain you are experiencing. For instance, if you have recently sprained your ankle or pulled a muscle during exercise, applying ice within the first 48 hours can help minimize swelling and alleviate discomfort.   It's worth noting that some individuals find alternating between heat and ice therapy beneficial as well. This approach combines the benefits of both methods by using heat to increase blood flow followed by ice to reduce inflammation.  Cold Therapy  Cold therapy can help to reduce inflammation after an injury, heat can have the opposite effect. Therefore, heat therapy should be reserved for those who have chronic pain issues and are not dealing with an acute injury. Cold therapy is often recommended immediately after an injury or during the initial stages of inflammation.  Cold therapy such as ice packs are especially effective in treating: Sprains  Strains Any injury that involves swelling Heat Therapy  Heat therapy is known for its ability to relax muscles, increase blood flow and soothe pain. It is often used for chronic conditions or injuries that are not inflamed. Applying heat can help alleviate stiffness, promote healing and provide a comforting sensation. This increased circulation can bring more nutrients and oxygen to the area, helping it to heal faster.  Heat therapy such as heating packs are especially effective in treating:  Stiffness with associated pain   Injuries that are not inflamed  Muscle pain

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