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    • Martes, 20 de abril de 2021

    Investigadores de Renown buscan participantes en el estudio de plasma de convaleciente

    Los médicos investigadores tratan de entender cómo responde el sistema inmunitario a la COVID-19 y crear un Nevada más saludable. Durante las primeras fases de la pandemia, el plasma de convalecencia se consideraba la única opción de tratamiento viable disponible para los pacientes con COVID-19. El plasma de convaleciente es el componente de la sangre de los pacientes recuperados que puede contener anticuerpos de COVID-19 que ayudan a combatir la infección. Desde entonces, los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud han elaborado directrices de tratamiento para la COVID-19 basadas en los datos de los estudios clínicos, y todavía se están realizando muchos estudios en todo el mundo que evalúan diversas opciones de tratamiento adicionales. El plasma de convaleciente tenía una gran demanda pero era difícil de localizar para los pacientes con COVID-19 en la zona del norte de Nevada. Austin Meegan, un auxiliar de enfermería de 24 años, fue hospitalizado y pasó semanas evitando la insuficiencia renal y pulmonar antes de enterarse de que cumplía los requisitos para recibir una transfusión de sangre experimental que parecía prometedora para el tratamiento de la COVID-19. Los médicos estimaron que Meegan solo tenía un 3 % de posibilidades de encontrar un donante compatible con su raro tipo de sangre. Thomas Gibson, un sobreviviente de la COVID-19 y residente de Texas con el mismo tipo de sangre, viajó a Reno para donar sus anticuerpos víricos y realizar una donación de plasma de convaleciente, la cual se cree que ayudó a salvar la vida de Meegan. Los investigadores clínicos y los científicos de Renown y de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR Med) sabían que necesitaban crear mejores opciones para los pacientes y los médicos. Los investigadores clínicos desarrollaron un estudio para ayudar a otros pacientes como Austin, y solicitaron donaciones de pacientes recuperados de COVID-19 para que donaran su plasma de convaleciente. Los equipos de investigadores trataron de entender cómo responde el sistema inmunitario del cuerpo al virus a lo largo del tiempo, para ayudarles a desarrollar nuevos tratamientos para la COVID-19. “La capacidad del mundo para atravesar la crisis de la COVID dependerá de cuatro cosas: ciencia, tecnología, innovación y asociaciones”, dice el Dr. Tony Slonim, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “La capacidad del mundo para superar la crisis de la COVID dependerá de cuatro elementos: ciencia, tecnología, innovación y asociaciones, pero con UNR Med y nuestros socios, estamos haciendo grandes progresos en el avance de la investigación clínica que tiene el poder de salvar vidas y crear un estado de Nevada más saludable”. “Es tremendamente prometedor colaborar en la investigación clínica que no solo nos ayudará a entender mejor la enfermedad, sino que también ayudará a informar sobre el tratamiento para aquellos que combaten el COVID-19 que ha tenido un impacto tan devastador en los nevadenses, en nuestro país y en el mundo”, afirma Dean Thomas L. Schwenk, MD, de UNR Med. Renown, UNR Med y otros socios de atención médica del área colaboraron con Vitalant para recolectar plasma de donantes recuperados para un estudio sobre la eficacia del tratamiento. Los donantes elegibles tenían al menos 18 años, pesaban más de 110 libras y estaban sanos. Los donantes se habían recuperado completamente de un diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19. Los coordinadores del proyecto en la Oficina de Investigación de Renown se vieron abrumados por el apoyo de la comunidad y las donaciones de plasma. Las asociaciones adicionales con el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el estado de Nevada y la Oficina del Gobernador, Saint Mary’s Medical Center, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Carson Tahoe Health y VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, junto con muchos proveedores de atención médica del área, ayudaron al equipo a alcanzar sus objetivos de inscribir a 120 participantes elegibles en el estudio. “Nuestro éxito en este estudio depende en gran medida del apoyo de nuestra gran comunidad, así como de la innovación y la colaboración demostradas por Renown y UNR Med”, afirmó Sara Healy, MD, MPH, investigadora principal del estudio y médica de enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas en Renown Children’s Hospital y UNR Med. “Estamos orgullosos de estar a la vanguardia respecto de la realización de investigaciones esenciales durante un tiempo tan importante de la historia, y esperamos que nuestra asociación se prolongue en el tiempo a medida que continuamos con esta importante labor”. “El control de la COVID-19 en nuestras comunidades depende de las pruebas. El estudio, que se está realizando para desarrollar una forma sensible, específica y más sencilla de recoger muestras (sangre), está avanzando en este campo y promete alcanzar nuestro objetivo común de tener la prueba de diagnóstico correcta para la situación clínica correcta en el momento correcto”, explica Mark Riddle, MD, DrPH, FISTM, investigador asociado del estudio, decano asociado de Investigación Clínica y profesor del Departamento de Medicina Interna e Investigación Médica de UNR Med. El equipo de investigación pide ahora a los residentes del área que participen en un estudio para analizar la eficacia de dos pruebas de detección de la COVID-19. Los participantes se someterán a dos análisis de sangre: uno de ellos consiste en una punción digital para obtener los resultados de una prueba rápida, y el otro consiste en una venopunción tradicional que confirma la presencia o ausencia de anticuerpos contra la COVID-19. Este estudio es una colaboración con InBios International, Inc. una empresa líder en biotecnología con sede en Seattle. Los investigadores buscan: Personas que han dado positivo para COVID-19 y que se han recuperado recientemente del virus. Los participantes del estudio deben estar en un período de entre 7 y 28 días posteriores al inicio de sus síntomas. Personas que recientemente hayan dado negativo para COVID-19 y nunca hayan dado positivo. Los interesados en participar en el estudio pueden ponerse en contacto con los coordinadores del proyecto en la Oficina de Investigación de Renown al (775) 982-3646, o por correo electrónico a covidplasmascreening@renown.org, de lunes a viernes, de 7:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Se anima a las personas de entre 18 y 75 años con buena salud en general a que consideren la posibilidad de participar en este estudio en curso. No hay costo alguno por participar en este estudio y la participación es voluntaria. Su decisión de participar no afectará sus relaciones actuales o futuras con sus proveedores de atención médica, con el distrito de salud ni con la comunidad. Aquellos que decidan participar son libres de retirarse en cualquier momento. “El tiempo es vital cuando se trata de la COVID-19. Si podemos entregar los resultados de las pruebas a las personas y sus médicos de manera más oportuna, podremos hacer un diagnóstico más rápido del estado de salud de un paciente”, explica Christopher M. Kozlowski, MD, MHA, funcionario de Investigación Institucional de Renown y director médico/vicepresidente del Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health. “A medida que perfeccionamos la precisión de nuestras pruebas, aplicamos las pruebas de sensibilidad y especificidad para obtener resultados verdaderos negativos y verdaderos positivos. Esto proporciona a las personas resultados más oportunos y precisos y una atención de calidad mejorada”.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown tiene una larga trayectoria y un compromiso de larga data con la mejora de la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad.     Acerca de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR Med), la primera facultad de medicina pública de Nevada, es una facultad basada en la comunidad, con un gran énfasis en la investigación y una visión a nivel estatal de un estado de Nevada saludable. Fundada en 1969, la UNR Med está mejorando la salud y el bienestar de todos los residentes de Nevada y sus comunidades mediante excelencia en la educación estudiantil, capacitación de posgrado y atención clínica, investigación con impacto local, nacional y global y una cultura de diversidad e inclusión. Para obtener más información, visite med.unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de Investigadores de Renown buscan participantes en el estudio de plasma de convaleciente

  • Cuidados paliativos

    Serious Illness Care - Delivered Directly to Your Home At Renown Health, our team of palliative care providers are here to provide clinical support and compassionate guidance for patients with chronic and life-limiting illnesses. Palliative Care is a consultative service that can be used at any time in the disease process. Patients can continue to see their providers and receive treatment (such as chemotherapy or dialysis) while on Palliative Care service. Our nurse practitioners will come to your home to discuss your individual needs and concerns. We work closely with your other providers and care teams such as primary care, oncology, and home health to ensure you receive the best care possible.

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  • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Compassionate Care in the Comfort of Your Home Welcome to Renown Hospice, where compassion meets comfort in life’s most tender moments. Renown Hospice is a not-for-profit hospice, founded solely on a mission to care for and support those in our community. With a dedicated team of professionals and comprehensive services provided in the comfort of your home, our hospice program is one of the highest-rated quality care and experience agencies in northern Nevada.

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    • Atención espiritual
    • Cuidador
    • Atención de apoyo y cuidados paliativos
    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Fundación de Renown Health

    Cuidadores serviciales hacen realidad el sueño de una boda

    A wedding is a big day for the wedding couple, but it’s also special for loved ones. A patient at Renown, Ken, got to take part in his daughter’s special day as her wedding plans changed to accommodate his medical condition. Grab some tissues and read how Renown’s team of compassionate caregivers and chaplains planned a wedding in Fianna’s Healing Garden. Ken was hospitalized at Renown Regional Medical Center where he was battling a lung problem – which was unrelated to COVID-19 – and his condition worsened rapidly on Wednesday, Aug. 12. His family made the decision to transition him to palliative care, which helps patients near the end of their lives remain comfortable, while supporting their dignity and quality of life.  Ken’s medical condition altered wedding plans for his daughter, Chandra, and her fiancé, Tyler, who were planning to tie the knot later in 2020. Chandra wanted her father there, but knew he could not leave the hospital. That’s why Chandra’s sister, Heather, approached Ken’s care team with a request to have a small wedding ceremony at the hospital.  Planning the Wedding A member of Ken’s care team, Amy Heston, registered nurse (RN), began planning how the wedding could be held outdoors in Fianna's Healing Garden in the E. L. Wiegand Pavilion, which was donated by the E. L. Wiegand Foundation.   In 24 hours, Amy planned a wedding ceremony with the help of her colleague, Breyanna Aufiero, RN; the Renown Spiritual Care team; and nursing leaders on the coronary intensive care unit (ICU). Together, they decorated the aisle in the garden with flowers and battery-operated candles. They also made a sign for Ken’s hospital bed, which read, “Father of the Bride,” and crafted a bow tie for him to wear for the special occasion.  With visitor restrictions in place at the hospital due to coronavirus (COVID-19), having the wedding outside in the Healing Garden allowed for more members of Ken’s family to attend including his wife, Charlotte, and his dog, Bella.   Every step in planning the wedding required thoughtful and thorough care coordination so Ken could participate. His breathing was supported by oxygen and special arrangements were made to transport the oxygen tanks he needed to take part in his daughter’s wedding. Amy worked with respiratory technician, Kasey Benfield, and critical care technician, Ruben Duckworth, to ensure Ken’s oxygen needs were met using portable machines.  Celebrating Love and Life Together Ken’s team of caregivers bathed him and shaved his face so he could look and feel his best for the ceremony. They put on his bow tie, covered his bed in decorations and his favorite blue, flannel blanket, and wheeled his bed outside for the ceremony.  Renown associate chaplains Terri Domitrovich and Susan Palwick coordinated music and performed the ceremony for Chandra and Tyler on Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020. The bride and groom shared their first dance in the garden and Ken’s care team provided water and treats to give the family a full wedding experience.   Shortly after the ceremony, Ken passed away. This wedding provided Ken and his family meaningful memories for their big life-changing moments as they celebrated and said goodbye.  “Seeing Ken surrounded by family he never would have gotten to see again while in the hospital, watching him get to share a father-daughter dance with Chandra on her wedding day, and having him tell me that this day meant more to them than we would ever know were some of the most moving moments I’ve witnessed as a nurse,” Amy said. “I am so thankful for the team we have here. I know that this beautiful day wouldn’t have happened without the help of every single person who gave their time, money, creativity and passion to make it a day to remember.”

    Read More About Helpful Caregivers Make a Wedding Dream Come True

    • Fumar
    • Salud infantil

    Los riesgos del vapeo y los cigarrillos electrónicos

    In this article reprinted with permission from the Galena Times,  Dr. Max J Coppes, Physician-in-Chief, Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield, Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talk about adolescents vaping, and how an estimated additional 10 million teens are at risk to start using e-cigarettes. What are E-cigarettes? E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices heating a liquid (e-juice) into an aerosol to be inhaled. Breathing in this flavor vapor, which usually contains nicotine, anti-freeze or other cancer-causing chemicals is called ‘vaping.’  There are many forms of these electronic nicotine delivery devices - and they're not always obvious. They not only appear to be cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, but also pass for everyday items, such as flashlights, flash drives or pens.   The Effects of Vaping and E-cigarettes Regardless of the nicotine delivery, vaping is addictive and is quickly becoming a public health concern. Nicotine levels in e-cigarettes vary greatly, and they may also contain toxic chemicals. Currently there is a wide range of variability among vaping products. In other words - they deliver different ingredients, hardware, levels of nicotine, and possible toxic chemicals to the user. This makes it challenging to create an overall public health recommendation on their use. Nevertheless, there is no confusion about the harmful effects of the chemicals used in e-cigarettes to the young brain, which develops until age 25. Studies show e-cigarette use serves as an introductory product for teens to go on using ‘regular’ tobacco products. The American Academy of Pediatrics has several recommendations on their use. Such as increasing the minimum age to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to age 21 nationwide. (Update: nationwide the age as of January 2, 2020 is now 21.) A common misunderstanding with teenagers is the belief e-cigarettes are less harmful than other tobacco products. Moreover, there is a wide range of flavor choices, from mint, mango, crème brûlée to cucumber to attract users. As of September 6, 2019, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting over 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarette products in 33 states.    What Should Parents Know about Vaping? Parents and teachers should know JUUL is a very popular e-cigarette among teenagers, capturing about 68% of the market. JUUL is sleek, small, hides easily, and resembles a flash drive. Surprisingly it charges in an USB port, and can also instantly be mistaken for a real flash drive. One JUUL cartridge contains twice the nicotine found in other e-cigarette cartridges. This roughly equals the amount of nicotine in an entire pack of cigarettes. To repeat, the use of JUUL in young people continues to grow, and this is why parents and teachers need to be aware. Be alert, teach, communicate, and talk to your child about the serious risks of smoking in all forms, whether at home or parties. Tell them how difficult it is to quit and why they should not start. Loving your children is caring; caring for their current and future health and well-being.

    Read More About The Risks of Vaping and E cigarettes

    • Neurología
    • Enfermedad de Alzheimer
    • Cuidador

    Consejos de seguridad sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer para que los cuidadores los conozcan

    November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. At Renown Health, we know that Alzheimer's safety for your loved one is a priority, as the symptoms can sometimes lead to unsafe situations. We asked Dr. Jonathan Artz – a neurology physician with Renown Health and an assistant professor of clinical neurology at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine – for tips on keeping loved ones safe and secure.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease affects safety in various ways, specifically due to body and brain adjustments. These changes can include: Judgment, including forgetfulness  Sense of place – getting lost on the way home  Behavior – being suspicious or fearful  Body difficulty – losing balance Sensing ability – noticeable sensitivity in hearing, seeing or temperature  Dr. Artz gives us four major tips to ensure your loved one’s safety as you both navigate this disease together.  Watch for Wandering  Those experiencing Alzheimer’s disease tend to wander and get lost. Try the following tips to reduce the risk of wandering:  Get your loved one an ID bracelet and have them wear it at all times. You can also enroll your loved one in “Wandering Support.”  Install door chimes so you know when exterior doors are open.  Ask neighbors to call you if they see your loved one out alone. Go with your loved one when they insist on leaving the house. Don’t argue or yell. Instead, use distraction or gentle hints to get them to return home.  Discourage Driving  Driving can be unsafe for someone with this disease. With this in mind, ask a doctor whether it’s safe for your loved one to drive. For example, on a case-by-case basis, there are certain situations where doctors are required to report individuals with particular cognitive impairments, wherein a form of a driving assessment will be recommended.  Limit access to the car. Keep the keys with you or lock them away.  Ask an authority figure, such as an insurance agent or a doctor, to tell them not to drive.  Adult-Proof Your Abode  A simple living space is a safe living space. This means reducing clutter and removing any issues that may pose a safety concern. You may also want to get advice from an occupational therapist (home safety expert). Keep in mind that some changes may not be needed right away. Focus on major safety concerns first.  Try the following tips:  Add lighting (or glow-in-the-dark tape) to brighten dark areas, including stairways and halls.  Use color contrast or texture indicators for dials, knobs and appliance controls.  Remind your loved one not to carry items while walking to avoid a fall.  Remove sharp objects from drawers and countertops.  Avoid using small throw rugs or doormats, as they are easy to trip on.  Move frequently used items so that they are easy to reach.  Lock away alcohol and tobacco products, as they are not recommended for dementia patients.  Install handrails in the shower, tub and near the toilet. Bathroom falls are especially common.  Adjust the setting on your hot water heater so water does not scald. Those with Alzheimer’s can lose their sensitivity to temperature.  Move and lock up hazardous chemicals and cleaning supplies, such as bleach and insecticides.  Disable and remove guns or any weapons. Supervise any medication taken by your loved one.  Promote a Positive & Healthy Lifestyle  Continually emphasize the strengths of your loved one by promoting participation in meaningful activities, wellness visits and healthy habits to help them improve their well-being. Here are some ways to keep them physically and mentally active:   Maintain regular vision and hearing screenings and make necessary adaptations.  Establish a routine for daily activities.  Encourage participation in self-care and leisure activities.  Work with your loved one’s doctor to establish a healthy diet.  Ensure proper hydration. It may help to set reminders for your loved one to drink fluids.  Encourage regular exercise. Exercise delivers oxygen to the brain, improving brain health. Promote good sleep habits. Good quality sleep can increase overall brain health and has been associated with improving memory, attention and concentration.  Resources and support are available with the Renown Memory Disorders Program. Providers within this program are specifically dedicated to treating several different memory-related disorders. Memory Disorders Resources & Support.

    Read More About Alzheimer's Safety Tips for Caregivers to Know

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil
    • Niños seguros
    • Fumar

    Cómo hablar con sus hijos sobre el vapeo

    According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), e-cigarette use isn’t just up among adults, but it has also tripled in usage for teens. Dr. Jose Cucalon Calderon, a Pediatrics Physician at Renown Health and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, provides helpful insight into e-cigarettes and the dangers it poses to kids and teens.   What Are E-Cigarettes? E-cigarettes are electronic nicotine delivery devices. e-cigarettes use liquid nicotine as an alternative to traditional smoked cigarettes. e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance with known toxic side effects that, when released in very high doses, that can have health consequences and causes addiction. Nicotine is described as “toxic,” but the most "toxic" part of e-cigarettes' is everything else within the E-juice. Nicotine mainly keeps people coming back for more. According to the CDC, e-cigarettes are also advertised using the same themes and tactics that have been shown to increase youth use of other tobacco products, including cigarettes. In 2021, approximately 76% of students reported exposure to tobacco product marketing through traditional sources, and approximately 74% of students who used social media had seen e-cigarette–related content. What Does This Mean for the Health My Teen? We know that nicotine can affect brain development in kids and teens, so it is important to educate your teen on the risks of exposure. If you have young children in the home, it is important to be vigilant as well. One teaspoonful of liquid nicotine can be fatal for a young child. How Do I Monitor My Teen for E-Cigarette Use? Monitoring your children can be tricky for parents. E-cigarettes can be harder to detect, unlike traditional cigarettes that were easy to detect by smell and residual odor. E-cigarette use, or “vaping,” is often associated with a dry cough or chronic throat/mouth irritation. Overall, increasing research shows strong links between mental health conditions and posterior combustible tobacco use along with increased risk of marijuana use. Nicotine is addictive, but it does not cause altered mental status like the other drugs of abuse can. All parents are strongly encouraged to talk to their children about the potential dangers of e-cigarettes.   What are the health risks of vaping? Vaping devices have been on the market for a relatively short period of time, with evidence-based health effects and complications still being discovered. Vaping effects poses many harmful risks to children and teens. The risks of vaping include: Chest pain Difficulty breathing Dizziness Headaches Impaired response to infection in the airway Inflammatory problems of the airway Nausea Nicotine addiction Seizures Vomiting   For more information for both parents and teens about quitting smoking or vaping, you can click here. Parents can also use this tip sheet from the U.S. Surgeon General to talk to their child about vaping. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration free national helpline number is 1-800-662-4357 (HELP). It is available 24/7, 365 days a year offering confidential treatment referral and information (in English and Spanish). If you or someone you know is facing a substance (or mental health) problem, please reach out to them.

    Read More About How to Talk to Your Children About Vaping

    • Consejos de expertos
    • Obesidad
    • Cirugía
    • Pérdida de peso

    Estrategias para una pérdida de peso duradera

    Managing weight is a complicated and often difficult journey for many individuals, and obesity stands as a common and serious chronic health condition. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the prevalence of obesity in the US is greater than 40% in adults and 20% in children, and those numbers are continuing to climb. In Nevada, according to the 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 28.7% of adults reported being obese. By 2030, almost 80% of American adults may be overweight and half of them will be obese. But obesity isn't just about the numbers on the scale; it's a multifaceted, lifelong, neurobehavioral disease triggered by a combination of factors. These include abnormal eating patterns, reduced physical activity levels, environmental stressors, genetics and various other contributors. Obesity extends far beyond appearance, often leading to the development of numerous medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, elevated blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, liver disease, various cancers and infertility. Join us as we delve into the complexities of obesity and explore strategies for effective weight management available right here in northern Nevada. Why Can Losing Weight be so Difficult? The challenge behind weight loss finds its roots in the Set-Point Theory of Obesity, a concept that says our bodies have a predetermined weight, or fat mass, within a defined set-point range. In other words, when an individual's weight deviates from this set point, the body initiates mechanisms to bring it back to the established range. So, if someone loses weight below their set point, the body may respond by increasing hunger and reducing metabolism, making it challenging to sustain weight loss. There Isn’t One Right Answer, But Renown is Here to Help Various weight management strategies can be utilized by patients struggling with obesity, which may lead to substantial weight loss, resolution of associated medical conditions and improved psychosocial health. In fact, the most successful strategy involves a multidisciplinary approach under the guidance of trained specialists that includes a combination of tactics, including: Behavioral adaptations Dietary modifications Physical exercise  Anti-obesity medications  Weight loss surgery

    Read More About Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss

    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Fumar

    Explicación de la EPOC: Protección de los pulmones y manejo de los síntomas

    COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a progressive lung condition often mistaken for typical aging signs, like shortness of breath and coughing. While smoking and pollution can contribute to its development, lifestyle changes and medications can help manage its progression. Diagnosis typically involves lung function tests, chest X-rays, or CT scans, with treatments available through a pulmonologist or primary care provider. Renown’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program offers insights into living with COPD. What is COPD? According to the COPD Foundation, it is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases including: Emphysema: Damage to the small air sacs in the lungs (alveoli). Chronic Bronchitis: Irritation and swelling of bronchial tubes, causing shortness of breath and coughing for long periods of time. Asthma (non-reversible): When asthma medications cannot reduce swelling in the airways. COPD Risk Factors Smoking is the most significant COPD risk factor, and the American Lung Association (ALA) says it accounts for nearly 90 percent of cases. If you are a smoker, it is essential to seek help and quit. Other COPD risk factors include: Air pollution Genetics Second-hand smoke Chemical, fumes or dust in the workplace How Can You Protect Yourself?  Stop smoking Renown Health provides support offering 4-week Smoking Cessation Virtual Classes, free of charge! Sign up today. Use natural cleaning products Many household chemicals, especially those containing bleach, can irritate the lungs – a condition called, chemical pneumonitis. Stay away from all types of smoke This includes smoke from fireplaces. Likewise, plan to stay indoors when it is smoky outside, or air quality is poor. Get active Of course, it’s never too late to start an exercise program. When exercising your heart pumps, circulating your blood and sending oxygen to every part of your body. Notably it strengthens your lungs, making it easier to breath. Talk to your doctor to see if you are healthy enough to begin exercising. Eat a healthy diet Surprisingly what you eat can affect your breathing. The American Lung Association encourages those with COPD to watch their sodium intake, eat smaller, more frequent meals (instead of three large ones), limit high fat foods and drink plenty of water. Avoid scented products Perfumes, aerosol sprays and plug-in air fresheners can trigger flare-ups. Get a flu shot Did you know chronic lung conditions, as well as, heart disease, cancer and diabetes, can be made even worse by the flu? Now is the time to get your flu shot for the season if you haven’t already. Renown’s Pulmonary Rehab staff is certified through the American Association for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).  Recently, Renown Regional Medical Center successfully completed a disease specific COPD certification survey by The Joint Commission. For two accreditation cycles in a row, the COPD Program has had zero findings during the rigorous survey.

    Read More About COPD Explained: Protecting Your Lungs and Managing Symptoms

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Fumar

    Celebración del Día Mundial del Pulmón en el norte de Nevada

    In the United States, electronic cigarettes are the most popular form of tobacco product used among high school students. Approximately 21% of Washoe County area high schoolers report current use of e-cigarettes, higher than the national average of 14% reported in the most recent national data. While often viewed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarette use, e-cigarette use, commonly referred to as vaping, exposes users to nicotine and harmful chemicals that stunt brain development, results in lung damage and harms overall health. In partnership with Reno area school principals and nurses, the Renown Health – UNR Med Clinical Research Office was able to provide this year’s World Lung Day Anti-Vaping Program to Galena High School, Robert McQueen High School and Sage Ridge School, reaching hundreds of high school students.

    Read More About Celebrating World Lung Day in Northern Nevada

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