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    • Martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

    Donde hay humo; puede haber dolores de cabeza, náuseas y tos

    Los equipos de atención de urgencia y sala de emergencias de Renown lo alientan a mantenerse seguro. La atención de urgencia está disponible los siete días de la semana en 10 ubicaciones en el norte de Nevada y en salas de emergencias 24/7. Millones de personas en todo el oeste viven en áreas donde la contaminación del aire puede causar graves problemas de salud. La calidad del aire local puede afectar nuestras vidas diarias. Al igual que el clima, puede cambiar de un día para otro. La División de Gestión de Calidad del Aire (Air Quality Management Division, AQMD) de Salud Pública del Norte de Nevada (Northern Nevada Public Health, NNPH) ha emitido un Aviso de Calidad del Aire debido al incendio de Davis en el sur del condado de Washoe. Los monitores de aire para la mayor parte de la región alcanzaron el rango “Moderado” el sábado por la noche, que es 151-200 en el Índice de calidad del aire (AQI). Esto significa que algunos miembros del público pueden experimentar efectos en la salud. Se alienta a todos los residentes de las áreas afectadas a monitorear regularmente la calidad del aire más cercana a ellos www.airnow.gov y limitar la exposición al aire libre cuando vean u huelan humo. La exposición a concentraciones elevadas de PM2.5 (materia particulada fina en el humo) puede provocar irritación de los ojos y la garganta, dolores de cabeza, náuseas, falta de aire, congestión, tos, deterioro de la función pulmonar y dolor de pecho, especialmente entre personas sensibles como ancianos, niños, personas con asma, personas con afecciones cardíacas o pulmonares, mujeres embarazadas y cualquier persona que haga ejercicio o trabaje arduamente al aire libre.   Aleise Whitlock, APRN, jefa de sección de Renown Urgent Care, informa que hay personas con más probabilidades de verse afectadas cuando la contaminación por partículas finas alcanza un nivel poco saludable, que incluye: Personas con asma o afecciones respiratorias como enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Personas que padecen enfermedad cardíaca o presión arterial alta. Niños y adultos mayores. Personas que realizan actividad física prolongada o pesada, como practicar deportes o trabajar al aire libre. “Todos debemos tomar precauciones cuando la calidad del aire no es saludable. La contaminación del aire puede agravar las enfermedades cardíacas y cardiovasculares, así como las enfermedades pulmonares como el asma y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC). Cuando la calidad del aire no es saludable, las personas con estas afecciones pueden experimentar síntomas como dolor en el pecho, dificultad para respirar, sibilancia, tos o fatiga. Si experimenta alguno de estos síntomas, use sus inhaladores según las indicaciones y comuníquese con su proveedor de atención médica”, dice la Sra. Whitlock. “Si no tiene un proveedor de atención médica, nos complace verlo. Los consultorios de Atención de urgencia de Renown están en casi todas las esquinas, con proveedores listos para atenderlo”. Ella recomienda tomarlo con facilidad y escuchar su cuerpo, y: Limite, cambie o posponga su actividad física. Beba mucha agua. Manténgase alejado de fuentes locales de contaminación del aire, como carreteras concurridas e incendios de madera. Use un paño húmedo o una mascarilla para reducir la inhalación de humo si debe salir. Si tiene asma u otras afecciones respiratorias como EPOC, lleve su inhalador de alivio/rescate con usted. Las personas con asma deben revisar y seguir las pautas de su plan de acción escrito contra el asma. Programe una cita para visitar a su proveedor de salud a fin de asegurarse de tener un plan de acción para el asma. Cuándo visitar el Departamento de Emergencias Bret Frey, MD, presidente de Western Emergency Physicians y Renown Health Emergency Departments, dice: “Busque atención de emergencia si usted o alguien que conoce experimenta alguno de los siguientes síntomas debido a la exposición al humo: Falta de aire grave o dificultad para respirar: si la respiración se torna dificultosa o dolorosa, no puede respirar incluso después de descansar; esto puede ser un signo de dificultad respiratoria grave. Dolor u opresión en el pecho: cualquier molestia en el pecho, especialmente si está asociada con la respiración, debe evaluarse de inmediato. Tos o sibilancias persistentes: si la tos no mejora o empeora, o si desarrolla sibilancias, debe buscar atención médica de emergencia. Confusión, mareos o desmayos: estos pueden ser signos de falta de oxígeno y la atención inmediata es fundamental. Labios o rostro azulados: un indicador claro de que los niveles de oxígeno son peligrosamente bajos y se necesita tratamiento médico de emergencia. Quemaduras o inhalación de humo por un incendio. Las personas que han estado expuestas al fuego o al humo en un espacio confinado deben ser evaluadas para detectar posibles daños pulmonares y otras complicaciones. “Incluso solo una hora de exposición al humo puede afectar nuestros pulmones y corazones, y estas consecuencias pueden llegar a personas mucho más allá del área directa en peligro de incendio. Niños, adultos mayores, mujeres embarazadas, personas con enfermedades cardiopulmonares preexistentes, comunidades de color, comunidades económicamente desfavorecidas y personas con afecciones médicas crónicas preexistentes como asma, diabetes y obesidad son especialmente vulnerables a la contaminación del aire que causan los incendios forestales”, dice el Dr. Frey. Renown Urgent Care proporciona tratamiento para una amplia gama de lesiones menores, enfermedades e inquietudes médicas que son urgentes pero no ponen en riesgo la vida, que requieren atención médica el mismo día y son más asequibles que la sala de emergencias en 10 sitios convenientes, incluidos Reno, Sparks, Carson City, USA Parkway, Fallon y Fernley. Puede acudir o reservar con anticipación en línea en www.renown.org. Atención de emergencia Si tiene una emergencia, llame al 911. La sala de emergencias regional de Renown y la sala de emergencias infantiles de Renown, ubicadas en 1155 Mill St, Reno, NV, están equipadas para manejar una amplia gama de emergencias, y Regional es el único centro de traumatología de nivel II entre Sacramento y Salt Lake City. La sala de emergencias de Renown South Meadows está ubicada en 10101 Double R Blvd, Reno, NV 89521. Los tiempos de espera para el triaje generalmente son inferiores a 15 minutos y se pueden ver aquí. El equipo dedicado está listo para brindar atención inmediata con empatía y profesionalismo las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, regida localmente, que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Donde hay humo; puede haber dolores de cabeza, náuseas y tos

    • Viernes 23 de agosto de 2024

    A medida que más de 50,000 personas se reúnen para quemar al hombre, a 100 millas al noreste de Reno, los equipos de emergencia y hospitales de Renown Health se preparan para servir

    Burning Man es un evento anual inspirado en los valores reflejados en los Diez Principios y unido en la búsqueda de una existencia más creativa y conectada en el mundo. Como más de 50,000 personas se congregan esta semana, entre el 27 de agosto y el 4 de septiembre, en las grandes altitudes del caluroso y ventoso desierto de Black Rock, los equipos de atención clínica y de emergencia de Renown Health están listos para cuidar a los quemadores que pueden encontrarse enfermos y necesitar atención de urgencia, emergencia u hospitalización adicionales. Este año, se espera que personas de todo el mundo hagan el viaje en vehículos recreativos y automóviles repletos de carpas, comida, agua, obras de arte y disfraces, convirtiendo temporalmente a Black Rock en la tercera ciudad más grande del estado. “El proyecto Burning Man ha hecho un excelente trabajo al preparar a los participantes para pasar un momento seguro, saludable y maravilloso construyendo Black Rock City y viviendo en la playa durante nueve días para nutrir la cultura distintiva que surge de esa experiencia. Sin embargo, reunir a más de 50,000 personas en un entorno desértico de gran altitud con acceso limitado al agua, los alimentos y las condiciones sanitarias siempre presenta un desafío”, dice el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health y un médico experimentado en medicina de emergencia. “Tener una excelente atención en la playa y planes implementados aquí en Reno ayuda a mitigar ese riesgo y a garantizar la salud y la seguridad de todos los participantes”. “Damos la bienvenida a todos los quemadores al norte de Nevada”, dice Bret Frey, MD, el médico de medicina de emergencia certificado por la junta que dirige el departamento de emergencias más grande del Renown Regional Medical Center, que tiene el centro de traumatología de más alto nivel durante 100,000 millas, ubicado en Reno, NV. El Dr. Frey tiene 23 años de experiencia en el campo médico y 23 años de experiencia en el tratamiento de personas que han experimentado el Burning Man. “Burning Man es un evento fascinante, y la mayoría de las personas lo pasan muy bien. Sin embargo, si las cosas salen mal, tienen la suerte de contar con el Departamento de Servicios de Emergencia de BlackRock City, 24/7, para ayudar. De vuelta en Reno, servimos como su “respaldo”, brindando atención según sea necesario, a los enfermos y lesionados y apoyando a los equipos clínicos cuando se sienten abrumados”. Renown Health ofrece tres 24/7 Salas de Emergencia que brindan el más alto nivel de atención de emergencia y trauma en la región. Renown Regional Medical Center Es el único Centro de Trauma de Nivel II entre Sacramento y Salt Lake City. Ubicada cerca del centro de Reno, esta sala de emergencias cuenta con varios helipuertos y bancos de ambulancia para pacientes que requieren atención de emergencia y trauma. Renown Children’s Hospital en Renown Regional Medical Center es el único Roo de emergencia pediátrica en la región diseñado solo para niños. Esta ubicación cuenta con especialistas pediátricos y proporciona equipos para niños y áreas para toda la familia. Renown South Meadows Medical Center Incluye el primer24/7 Sala de Emergencia. Ubicada justo a la salida de la I-580, esta ubicación está diseñada para tratar a pacientes que necesitan atención inmediata para emergencias. Estas ubicaciones están diseñadas para evaluar y atender situaciones de emergencia, que incluyen: Síntomas de ataque cardíaco Síntomas de accidente cerebrovascular Huesos rotos Falta de aire Convulsiones Sangrado grave Lesiones en la cabeza Dolores en el pecho Dolor intenso Picazón y mordida venenosas Todas las salas de emergencia de Renown cuentan con el personal de médicos de emergencia del norte de Nevada, incluidos especialistas pediátricos y médicos que han completado la formación de becas en áreas especializadas como medicina deportiva, ecografía y servicios médicos de emergencia. Algunas afecciones médicas interesantes (Playa Foot y Playa Lung) se asocian con Burning Man. El desierto de roca negra en el noroeste de Nevada es parte del lecho lago del antiguo lago Lahontan, un lago profundo que existía hace 15,000 años. El lago Lahontan dejó sedimentos finos en el fondo del lago para formar la superficie extremadamente plana. El polvo de Playa está hecho de partículas más grandes y más pequeñas. El polvo de Playa está en el aire, en el suelo y en todo en Black Rock City. Las personas combaten el polvo con máscaras, bandanas y respiradores coloridos para mantener el polvo calcáreo fuera de sus bocas y fosas nasales, pero el esfuerzo a menudo es inútil. Playa Foot es una maladía única del desierto de Black Rock causada por el polvo álcali que constituye el desierto. Es, en esencia, una quemadura química. La mejor prevención es mantener los pies cubiertos tanto como sea posible, aplicar una loción humectante para la piel antes de acostarse y usar calcetines y zapatos cerrados todos los días en la playa. “Playa Lung, donde las partículas se inhalan hacia los pulmones, puede causar tos, dolor de garganta y pérdida de voz a corto plazo”, dice William Graham, MD, especialista en Medicina Pulmonar y Medicina de Cuidados Críticos de Renown Health. “El polvo puede causar problemas de salud a fumadores, niños y ancianos, y a personas con afecciones preexistentes como asma y EPOC. La mejor prevención es obtener una mascarilla que sea cómoda con los filtros n99, usar la mascarilla tanto como sea posible y cambiar los filtros con frecuencia. Asegúrese de beber mucha agua y protegerse de las tormentas de viento. Se recomienda una visita al médico si los efectos de respirar el polvo persisten más allá de una o dos semanas”. El Dr. Derek Beenfeldt es el director médico del grupo de seguros sin fines de lucro de Renown, Hometown Health, y ha sido un participante frecuente en la experiencia Burning Man a lo largo de los años. Con el fin de que cada persona tenga una experiencia maravillosa mientras está aquí, especialmente dado que más de la mitad de los participantes viven fuera del sistema de atención médica de los EE. UU., recuerda a las personas la cantidad de recursos gratuitos y de bajo costo de atención médica en el lugar y de pruebas que se proporcionan en la playa de Black Rock City. “Es importante que los participantes de Burning Man sepan que, sin la cobertura del seguro de atención médica de los EE. UU., los costos de transporte fuera de la playa para una evacuación médica, atención en el departamento de emergencias del hospital u hospitalización pueden ser significativos. Incluso para las personas que tienen seguro, en el pasado, algunas han enfrentado algunos gastos de bolsillo significativos para el vuelo o el transporte a los hospitales o departamentos de emergencia del área de Reno”. Comparte la siguiente información: Respuesta médica en el lugar Una comunidad de EMT, paramédicos, enfermeros, estudiantes de medicina y médicos se encuentra en el lugar en Black Rock City en RV para proporcionar respuesta de emergencia y atención de urgencia a los participantes según sea necesario. Respuesta del hospital local Desde 2011, la organización Burning Man, ha contratado a Humboldt General Hospital en Winnemucca, Nev., para que dote de personal y equipe a Rampart Urgent Care, un hospital de campo que ofrece radiografías, ecografías, un escáner de cabeza portátil, análisis de laboratorio y una farmacia. La estructura de madera de una habitación se ve fácilmente: está pintada de rosa y amarillo. Las 40 camas del hospital están ubicadas en tiendas de campaña contiguas. En Rampart, cuando sea posible, los pacientes reciben tratamiento en el centro. Los EMT, los médicos y los enfermeros están facultados para practicar la medicina en la mayor medida posible que sus licencias y credenciales lo permitan. No se cobra a los pacientes por los servicios de atención de urgencia de Rampart, que están cubiertos como parte de la tarifa de su boleto. La Oficina de Servicios de Protección de la Salud de la División de Salud del Estado de Nevada también se encuentra en la playa. Los conocerá con el logotipo de la División de Salud del Estado de Nevada en sus camisas. Todos los médicos de Renown recuerdan a las personas que si experimentan síntomas de un ataque cardíaco o accidente cerebrovascular, deben acudir a la sala de emergencias (emergency room, ER) más cercana para recibir la atención médica necesaria. Posponer la atención de una emergencia médica, como un ataque cardíaco o un derrame cerebral, puede poner en riesgo la vida o provocar complicaciones graves. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de A medida que más de 50,000 personas se reúnen para quemar al hombre, a 100 millas al noreste de Reno, los equipos de emergencia y hospitales de Renown Health se preparan para servir

    • Atención de Emergencia

    Qué significa ser un centro de traumatología de nivel II

    When the sudden need for emergency or critical care arises, the level of a trauma center is an important designation that helps explain the types of resources available. Renown Regional Medical Center is proud to be the only Level II Trauma Center in our region, which is a critical service to provide. We spoke with Bret Frey, MD, an emergency care physician, to discuss what this means for our community.  Requirements for Designation as a Level II Trauma Center To be a designated Level II Trauma Center, a hospital must have 24-hour immediate coverage by general surgeons and multiple specialties, such as orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, emergency medicine and more. In addition, this hospital must provide trauma prevention and ongoing education for its teams and incorporate a comprehensive quality assessment program.  “What it means for this community is nothing short of amazing,” said Dr. Frey, who explained that Renown has over 20 specialty physicians on-call and ready to provide trauma care. According to Dr. Frey, many communities of the same or larger size have fewer specialists ready and available to provide this level of care.  Renown Regional Medical Center is located near downtown Reno. The Emergency Department has several helipads and ambulance banks to intake patients requiring emergency care. Patients can also receive emergency walk-in care. On the same campus is Renown Children’s Hospital, which is home to the only pediatric Emergency Room dedicated solely to pediatric patients.  Emergency and trauma care is just one area in which Renown Health is the regional leader. When patients or families choose Renown during an emergency, they will have access to all the resources provided through the entire health network. This means access to the many specialists available to consult on different conditions or care situations, inpatient care if needed, referrals to other areas of the network and medications to go.  “I’m very happy and proud to be a part of building something very special in this community,” said Frey.

    Read More About What it Means to be a Level II Trauma Center

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Atención pediátrica
    • Medicina del dolor, la columna vertebral y el deporte

    Lesiones en la cabeza, esguinces y huesos rotos

    Participating in sports and physical activities is enjoyable and beneficial for our health. However, the risk of injuries comes with the fun and excitement of sports. Sports-related injuries, including sprains, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones, are more common than we realize and can land you in the emergency room. Dr. Scott Shepherd, Emergency Medicine Physician, provides a wealth of information. Traumatic Brain Injuries: The Invisible Threat Traumatic brain injuries come in many forms. From “mild” brain injuries, concussions, to major brain injuries and bleeds. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the difference between a major injury and a minor injury because many of the symptoms are the same. Concussions Concussions are a type of “mild” traumatic brain injury resulting from a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the body that causes a transient alteration in mental function. They are particularly prevalent in contact sports such as football, soccer and boxing. A concussion can affect memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance and muscle coordination. Typically, concussions are not life threatening and usually short lived. However, multiple concussions can lead to permanent disabilities. So, remember there is nothing “mild” about injuring your brain. Contusions The more serious brain injuries from brain contusions (actual bleeding in the brain material) and bleeding that presses on the brain are life threatening. These injuries are caused by the same blow to the head as a concussion and the symptoms are the same from memory deficits, loss of coordination to coma. Because of this, anyone who has a blow to the head and is not acting normal should be evaluated by a medical professional. Anyone suspected of having a severe head injury should seek immediate medical attention and follow a strict protocol for rest and a gradual return to play. It is important to note a person may not lose consciousness if they suffer a concussion; however, major consequences can occur if not properly managed. If you suspect you have an emergency that needs immediate medical attention, please call 911 or visit an emergency room near you. While it is impossible to prevent traumatic brain injuries altogether, the severity of the injury can be mitigated through proper helmet usage and knowing your skill level when participating in high-risk activities. The guidelines for picking a helmet for summer activities such as mountain biking, dirt biking and riding off highway vehicles are similar to those of picking a helmet for winter sports. Learn more about choosing the right helmet. Any blow to your head, neck or upper body can result in a major head injury Signs to watch for include the following: Headache Dizziness Blurred vision Difficulty with thinking, attention or memory Sensitivity to noise or light Ringing in the ears Changes in hearing Double vision Changes in behavior Balance issues Nausea/vomiting   Sprains: The Annoying Twist One of the most common sports injuries is a sprain, which occurs when ligaments that connect bones are stretched or torn. Sprains typically occur in joints, such as the ankle, knee or wrist, and are often caused by sudden twists or impacts. Symptoms may include: Pain Swelling Bruising Limited range of motion Rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) are the initial recommended treatment, followed by physical therapy to regain strength and mobility.

    Read More About Head Injuries, Sprains and Broken Bones

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Atención de urgencias

    Qué hacer si experimenta una quemadura de verano

    As families spend more time outdoors to enjoy the summer temperatures, it's important to be aware of potential hazards that can lead to burns – be it sunburns, burns sustained while grilling or navigating the hot surfaces often found around pool decks and parks. All these burn types are not only painful but can also cause severe damage to the skin and require immediate medical attention.   Ross Albright, MD, an emergency care physician, explores effective preventive measures to avoid burns during the summer and discusses when it's essential to seek medical care.  Stay Sun Safe While soaking up the sun is a favorite summer pastime for many, it's important to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunburns not only damage the skin but also increase the risk of more severe burns.  Follow these tips for staying safe in the sun:  Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 before heading outdoors and reapply every two hours.  Seek shade during peak hours of sun intensity, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.  Wear protective clothing, such as wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and lightweight, long-sleeved garments.  Fire and Hot Object Safety Summer is full of fun outdoor activities like BBQs, campfires and fireworks, all of which can pose a fire hazard if not handled carefully.   To prevent burns caused by fires:  Maintain a safe distance from open flames and grills and always use oven mitts or potholders when handling hot objects.  Keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit readily available.  Keep children away from hot objects and fireworks and educate them about the dangers of touching or playing with them.  Hot Surface Safety  Asphalt, metal slides and surfaces around the pool retain heat and are likely to be significantly hotter than other materials such as a wooden picnic table to grassy pathway (these can still be hot too!). So, it's crucial to be cautious around these materials to prevent burns:  Use caution when near hot surfaces surrounding water sources, such as pool decks or metal slides.  Always wear shoes when walking on hot surfaces such as asphalt, concrete and even sand.  Ensure that playground equipment such as slides and swings are cool to the touch before your kiddos start climbing around.   Recognizing Severity of Burns and Seeking Care  Despite our best efforts, burns can still occur. It's essential to know when a burn requires medical attention:  First-degree burns, characterized by redness, pain and minor swelling, can typically be treated at home with cool water and over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).  Second-degree burns, which may cause blistering and more intense pain, should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Third-degree burns, indicated by charring or blackened skin, deep tissue damage or burns that cover a large area, require immediate emergency care.  Preventing burns during the summer is paramount to enjoying a safe and enjoyable season. By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of burns and ensure prompt medical attention when necessary. Stay informed, stay safe and have a burn-free summer!  If you or someone you know experiences a burn, it's important to seek immediate medical care.

    Read More About What to do if you Experience a Summer Burn

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Atención de urgencias
    • Atención primaria

    Cuándo buscar atención para el dolor abdominal

    Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints that brings individuals to the emergency room. We spoke with emergency physician Bret Frey, MD, to ask about when and where to seek care for abdominal pain.   Dr. Frey advises that any time you feel something is developing inside your body that is substantially different from what is normal for you, understand that something is wrong. He further explains that warning signs of an acute medical situation include fever, vomiting or a rapid change in function and ability to move due to pain. These symptoms indicate that one needs to be evaluated by a medical professional.   This evaluation will include the care team conducting an examination and asking a series of questions to determine if additional diagnostics, such as lab work or imaging, are needed. Be prepared to discuss where the pain is and what it feels like, in addition to how long it’s been bothering you and if it’s constant or intermittent.  While appendicitis often comes to mind when thinking about abdominal pain, Dr. Frey says that this is not the bulk of cases that the Emergency Department sees. In fact, often the pain does not have a specific diagnosis, but our team of board-certified emergency physicians are experienced in assessing and caring for those experiencing the acute symptoms he described.   “We often don’t come away with an answer about exactly what it is, but we substantially rule out life threats in a very methodical and systematic way,” said Frey.  The abdomen includes many organs, including the stomach, liver, small and large intestines, gallbladder and pancreas. In addition, pain stemming from your chest, pelvis or back may be felt in the abdominal area.  If you are experiencing abdominal issues that are persistent but not an emergency, talk to your primary care doctor about what you are experiencing, and be prepared to review the history of this pain, medications, allergies and diet. He or she will be a good partner to review conditions such as gas, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, inflammation or menstrual and ovulation pain. Drinking plenty of water is always an important part of supporting your health.

    Read More About When to Seek Care for Abdominal Pain

    • Atención de Emergencia

    Qué esperar en una sala de emergencias de Renown Health

    Access to a trusted and efficient emergency room (ER) in times of unexpected medical emergencies is crucial. Renown Health’s emergency and trauma care is available at three ER locations, including the region’s only level II trauma center and ER designed for pediatric patients to provide you and your family with prompt, high-quality and specialized care by board-certified emergency physicians when you need it. Dr. John Hardwick, board-certified emergency physician at Renown Health, describes a guide to emergency care at Renown Health below. Timely and Compassionate Care: Renown ER is committed to delivering timely and compassionate care. Experienced medical professionals at Renown will communicate openly with you, involving you in the decision-making process and addressing any concerns you may have. Upon arrival, you can expect to be promptly assessed by a team of skilled medical professionals who will prioritize your needs based on the severity of your illness or condition. Click here to learn more about the emergency care process, from check-in to discharge. Expert Medical Team: With advanced technology and experienced specialists from Northern Nevada Emergency Physicians, all patients are in good hands for emergency care at Renown Health. Our pediatric and adult emergency physicians have completed fellowship training in specialty areas such as sports medicine, ultrasound and emergency medical services. Team members in the emergency department will ensure you are informed and as comfortable as possible during your visit to minimize any pain or discomfort you may feel. Efficient Triage Process: Renown ER utilizes an efficient triage process to prioritize patients based on the urgency of their medical condition. This ensures that those with more critical conditions receive immediate attention, while still providing timely care for others. Tests such as labs or diagnostic services will often be completed while you wait to see a physician to expedite the process. Comprehensive Diagnostic Services: The ERs at Renown offer comprehensive diagnostic services to quickly identify your symptoms. This may include X-rays, laboratory tests, CT scans and other imaging studies, helping emergency physicians make informed decisions about your treatment plan.   Specialty Care and Collaboration with the Renown Health Network: We offer the area's largest network of specialized providers and services to help ensure you receive industry-leading, personalized care during and after your emergency room visit. This collaboration means you’ll have access to more specialists and a wide range of expertise to continue your care without leaving the Renown Health network. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Renown Health invests in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. Renown ERs are equipped with modern medical technology, allowing board-certified emergency physicians to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions. Post-ER Visit Support and Resources: Your experience with Renown Health doesn't end when you leave the ER. Our team will address your questions and provide you with post-visit instructions, medications and follow-up recommendations to continue your care. With a commitment to timely and compassionate care and a team of expert healthcare professionals, you can trust Renown ER to provide the highest standard of emergency medical services when you need it most.

    Read More About What to Expect at a Renown Health ER

    • Historias de empleados
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    • Atención del cáncer
    • Gestión
    • Empleados

    20 Años de compasión y dedicación

    When you meet Poeth Kilonzo, Director of Oncology Nursing at Renown Health, you are immediately greeted with a warm smile that puts your mind at ease. Within the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, Poeth enjoys a strong reputation among her employees and patients as someone they can always rely on, no matter how rough the tides may flow.   As an incredibly humble oncology professional, you may not realize that behind that smile is the power of a best-in-class nurse and leader holding a 20+ year career of diverse nursing experience and leadership excellence – dedicating the majority of her service to Renown Health.  Join us as we dive into Poeth’s unique journey through Renown.  Finding Her Passion  Ever since she could remember, Poeth has been a “people person.” Above all else, she cared for people – and she cared a lot. What better place for her to be than healthcare?  After moving to northern Nevada from Kenya, she began working in private patient care working with home health and dementia patients while taking classes at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in 2000. One day, a patient asked her a question that would change the course of her career journey: Did you ever think about becoming a nurse?  Driven by not only the words of encouragement of her patients and supervisors in home health but also the rallying support from her family and friends, including her husband and high school friend, who both have decades of experience interacting with nurses in healthcare (with her husband spending many of those years at Renown), Poeth knew this was the path she was meant to take.  “That was it; it was like a light switch had flipped,” said Poeth. “I switched to nursing overnight.”  According to Poeth, TMCC’s nursing program offered her an incredibly supportive environment, which was especially important as she was a young mom at the time. Working in healthcare, going to nursing school and raising a family all at the same time is no easy task, but to Poeth, this was her calling.  “Regardless of my path, I knew I wanted to be a nurse that was close to patients, sitting with them and holding their hand throughout their treatment,” said Poeth.  During nursing school, Poeth completed clinicals at several hospitals in Reno – three of them were at Renown Health (known as Washoe Medical Center at the time). What immediately stood out to her was the passion of the pediatrics unit, especially in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  “While I knew that pediatrics wasn’t going to be my arena, some of the best times in my life were during my pediatrics clinical,” said Poeth. “It opened me up to how welcoming Renown is.”  While doing her rotations, nursing leaders helped Poeth and her fellow classmates discover Renown’s Nurse Apprentice program, an apprenticeship designed exclusively for local northern Nevada nursing students. One of those leaders asked her, “have you considered doing a rotation in oncology?”  And another light switch flipped.  “Bingo. I am becoming an oncology nurse apprentice,” Poeth recalls. And that’s exactly what she did.   After her four-month apprenticeship ended in February 2002, she walked into her interview with Joanna Gold, who would end up being her supervisor and one of her greatest mentors until she passed away in recent years. With her experience and enthusiastic spirit on her side, Poeth fervently expressed her passion and interest in working in oncology. And Joanna saw all of that and more.  In June 2002, Poeth was presented with a two-year oncology RN contract, which she easily signed – however, she knew right then and there but she was not going anywhere. Renown was her home, and oncology ignited the fire within her.  “The nurses in this unit are part of what kept me here,” Poeth remembers. “These nurses would really do anything for their patients. The commitment and love they all had for one another truly was like family. It inspired me to learn more and give even better care to my patients."  To Poeth, it didn’t feel like she was coming to work just to do a job – she was following her dreams.  “You don’t think about the work you do; you think about the service,” said Poeth.  From there, Poeth spent three years on the floor as an oncology RN and became a night shift supervisor in 2005. She was thriving.  But this part of her journey was only the beginning.  When Opportunity Arises, Take It  In March 2007, Poeth and her husband welcomed their third child – and for her, working a day shift position would serve her the best at her current stage of life. This revelation led her down to Renown South Meadows Medical Center, where she became a staff nurse in Medical Telemetry.  It was in the telemetry unit where Poeth contributed to one of the largest digital transformations Renown would ever go through: transitioning from paper records to electronic records on EPIC.  From there, Poeth was inspired to get back into leadership in 2012 as the Supervisor of Clinical Nursing overseeing nurses, clinical outcomes and payroll in the medical/telemetry unit and intensive care unit (ICU). The timing of her leadership role lined up perfectly with her decision to take her skills to the next level, achieving a bachelor’s degree from Nevada State College in 2016. The timing of her degree lined up perfectly with what was about to come; she embarked on her first leadership role at Renown  This is where she would happily stay for 11 years, eventually becoming the Manager of Nursing in telemetry and the ICU, noting that Renown South Meadows felt like a second home to her.  “I wore many hats at South Meadows,” Poeth recalls. “From piloting back coding and handling compliance work to being on the patient floor and heading up South Meadows’ first high school hospital volunteer program, I got very involved. We had seven years without having a single nurse traveler in our unit."  It wasn’t long before Poeth was inspired to expand her education even further, and she graduated in January 2018 with a master’s degree in nursing clinical leadership from Western Governors University. Thanks to Renown’s educational assistance programs, our health system invested directly in Poeth’s education with tuition reimbursement and a $1,000 nursing scholarship.  Soon after celebrating her achievement, Jennifer Allen Fleiner – who was the Director of Nursing at Renown South Meadows at the time – asked Poeth yet another question that would bring her to the precipice of another career detour: “Have you ever considered transferring from South Meadows to Renown Regional?”   Moments later, Alicia Glassco, Director of Nursing for Renown Regional, asked her the same question, noting that the hospital’s neurosurgery unit needed the leadership of someone just like Poeth.  “It took me a whole week to make a decision, because this was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made in my life,” said Poeth. “I truly loved South Meadows. After that week, my leader told me, ‘you know what, Poeth? You’ve reached your pinnacle. You need and deserve a new challenge. Learn from this new team and teach them something. I think you have a huge opportunity for growth.”  So, Poeth decided to apply for the position and shadow the neurosurgery team, where unlike her unit, the majority of the team at the time were travelers. But this was a challenge Poeth was up to – so she was accepted into the role.  “At the end of the day, these patients deserved consistent care,” Poeth emphasized. “I knew I had to take this position for the patients – they were the ones who sold me on this job. They are the reason why we are all here. It was important for me to be an advocate for them.”  The big hills to climb didn’t slow down Poeth; in fact, the exact opposite happened. Within her first year in the neurosurgery unit, her team onboarded 18 new graduates and replaced travelers.  “We were hiring like crazy,” said Poeth. “My standing agenda at all section meetings focused on hiring and our quality metrics. I started having a relationship with our doctors. Once we created a strong doctor/nurse collaboration, our nurses started staying with us longer.”  Everything on the unit was going great.  Then, COVID-19 hit.   “Since we had private patient rooms, our unit became the first COVID unit at Renown Regional,” Poeth recalls. “My whole staff that I had built up had to be distributed elsewhere. I started caring for COVID patients. We relied on our Infection Prevention team a lot. And at the same time, I was worried about my family in Africa.”  Despite the stressful nature that the pandemic brought upon health systems everywhere, according to Poeth, she knew she had to continue on.  “The neurosurgery team ended up merging with orthopedic trauma, which was very difficult,” said Poeth. “We went from 28 beds to 58 beds. The key to success here was training. Nurses are very resilient, and through training, we were able to stabilize the unit.”  Noticing the opportunity for virtual demonstrations that were previously offered only in-person, Poeth spearheaded online trainings for nursing, physical therapy, mobility, head injuries and more, allowing teams across Renown to upskill in safe spaces.  These programs continued throughout the pandemic, and Poeth was proud to be a figurehead through it all, helping to stabilize the unit while creating strong relationships with the entire team, many of whom followed her from Renown South Meadows to Renown Regional.  Then, she gets another visitor – her Chief Nursing Executive – in her office with yet another opportunity.  Have You Considered...  In September 2022, Chief Nursing Executive Melodie Osborn walked into Poeth’s office with those three words that Poeth has heard for decades: “Have you considered...”  “Before Melodie could even finish, I thought, ‘I have considered A LOT in my career!’” said Poeth.  Melodie told Poeth that the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was looking for a Director of Oncology Nursing, noting that this could be yet another growth opportunity for her and a chance for her to go back to her roots.  “I had just celebrated my twentieth year at Renown; I knew this was going to be a decision I really had to think about,” said Poeth. “Everyone believed in me. Alicia Glassco told me, ‘Poeth, you are ready for this. Go for it.’ Once I applied for the position and started getting my updated chemotherapy certifications, I thought, ‘they are right; I got this.’”  At this point in her career, Poeth had been hyper-focused on inpatient care, and this role would be her first time caring for patients in the outpatient setting. After going through the interview process, however, Poeth knew that this was where she was meant to be yet again – and colleagues she hadn’t seen in years reaffirmed that commitment.  “I felt the most excited about the job when I toured the facility,” Poeth recalls. “I’ll never forget what one of the infusion nurses told me on my tour. She told me, ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I remember you; I came from Renown South Meadows, and you were so nice to me as I was precepting as a new nurse. Your kindness was unforgettable to me.’ The fact that people like her wanted me in the unit so badly inspired me to come back.”  Soon enough, Poeth became the Director of Oncology Nursing, a position she still proudly holds to this day. Once she was hired, she immediately went into deep learning mode, mastering skills such as revenue integrity, credentialing and the insurance process. She attributes Supervisor of Infusion Kaitlin Hildebrand and Director of Radiation Oncology Services Susan Cox for helping her succeed.  Shortly after assuming the position, Poeth noticed yet another opportunity for cross-training within the organization to combat short staffing – training nurses from the Float Pool to care for patients in Infusion Services.  “Between May and July of this year, we trained six nurses from Float Pool to do infusion therapy services, which offered so much relief to my team; I am so thankful to Rendee Perry, the Manager of Nursing in our Float Pool unit, and her team for their support,” said Poeth. “My mission in outpatient oncology is to serve the staff and patient population and create those strong relationships."  Poeth's efforts to circumvent nurse burnout go beyond cross-training – as a director, she is always there for her team members no matter what, leading with kindness every step of the way.  “I never miss a 7:45 a.m. huddle unless I am in a ‘cannot miss’ commitment; I want my employees to always know that I am there for them and that they are cared for both on and off the job,” Poeth emphasizes. “I want them to feel like they are valued, their families are valued and their mental health is valued; after all, without my team, we cannot care for patients. It’s important for them to know that I am here to be a security blanket and that there is always something we can do to solve a problem."  Today, Poeth enjoys a full team of core Renown staff members whom patients look forward to seeing – and the high patient satisfaction scores to prove it.  “Our team is so established that patients feel comfort in knowing they are always going to know exactly who they are being treated by,” said Poeth. “We will always work to maintain that consistency.”  Staying True to the Mission  Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of our community resonates closely with Poeth. Before she arrives at the infusion unit every day, she asks herself: What can I do to make it easier for my team to deliver care?  “It takes a village to deliver the care we do,” said Poeth. “Our nurses are priceless. You can’t place a monetary value on dealing with life and death every day. This is what inspires me. It’s all about helping each other out and keeping those relationships strong.”  Maintaining those relationships on the floor, according to Poeth, requires one main ingredient: work-life balance.  “I want my nurses to be able to balance sending their kids to kindergarten and giving their patients their first chemotherapy treatments,” Poeth emphasizes. “I genuinely care about their lives. It’s nice when you get to know your team’s children, grandkids, spouse and hobbies. I’m grateful that Renown has given us the autonomy to foster that flexible environment within our teams. It is so rewarding to have such a strong impact on these employees.”  To Poeth, it’s all about doing and then duplicating. Luckily for her team and infusion patients in northern Nevada, a new infusion center at Renown South Meadows is planned to open in the coming years as part of our commitment to expanding care. Her team is excited to grow their expertise down to south Reno – Poeth's original home hospital.  “I strongly believe that as nurses, we are meant to be where we are meant to be at the time,” said Poeth. “Be kind to yourself and remember your ‘why.’ Take advantage of the opportunity you have.”  To all nurses (and future nurses) out there, Poeth wants you to know that you are welcomed and valued. You are saving lives every day, and to her, that is worth everything.  “Always remain focused, even throughout all the challenges. Never forget why you got into nursing. And lastly, always stay true to your own mission,” closes Poeth.

    Read More About 20 Years of Compassion and Dedication

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Renown Health
    • Atención de urgencias

    Tres opciones de sala de emergencias para usted y su familia

    Renown Health has three emergency rooms open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ready to serve our community. We checked in with Amy Hawkins, Manager of Clinical Nursing at Renown South Meadows, to learn more about the emergency room experience and how each can accommodate your emergency care needs. 1. Renown Regional Emergency Room The emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center is the only Level II Trauma Center between Sacramento and Salt Lake City, treating more than 80,000 ER and trauma patients annually. Services Offered: This location offers immediate emergency care covered by general surgeons and coverage by the specialties of orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology and critical care. In addition, tertiary care needs include cardiac surgery, hemodialysis and microvascular surgery. (Patients may be referred to a Level I Trauma Center.) Renown Regional ER Location 2. Renown South Meadows Emergency Room South Reno is expanding, and so is Renown South Meadows ER! Exciting transformations are happening across this campus, including the new 121,000-square-foot specialty care center and upgrades to the existing medical center—expanding care to our patients. Added benefits to the more intimate setting at South Meadows: Smaller ER also means more personal experience. The team traditionally has more time to spend with each patient at the bedside. A smaller campus means convenient parking, as the ER is just outside the front entrance; however, patients are reminded to follow marked road signs when approaching the campus during construction. Most patients arrive by private vehicle versus an ambulance, so we are very accustomed to thinking quickly on our feet. Benefits to new construction: A new Cath lab will allow us to treat patients experiencing a heart attack and needing immediate intervention to open vessels in their hearts. Additional lab and imaging capabilities for our patients Services Offered: This location offers immediate emergency care staffed with board-certified emergency physicians. Patients can expect one-on-one interactions with trusted providers and shorter wait times. All emergency room services are open during construction, and patients are reminded to follow marked road signs when approaching the campus. South Meadows ER Location 3. Renown Children's Hospital Emergency Room This location offers immediate emergency care, with pediatric specialists always on staff. In addition, the Children's ER lobby is ideal for our littlest patients, with a child-friendly atmosphere and vibrant colors to help decrease the anxiety accompanying emergencies. Medical equipment is sized just for kids, and we offer a distraction machine, games and movies to help children cope with what can be a traumatic experience, like getting an IV. In addition, we have Child Life Specialists available to provide emotional support to both children and their families. When to Bring Your Child to the ER: Allergic reactions Asthma attacks Baby under three months old with a temperature higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit Broken bones Burns Choking or poisoning Difficulty breathing Eye injuries Fainting, dizziness and confusion Head injuries Heart attack Rashes Seizures Severe bleeding Severe headache Severe pain Skin infections Stitches Stroke Venomous stings and bites Renown Children's Hospital Location

    Read More About Three Emergency Room Options for You and Your Family

    • Atención de Emergencia

    Sepa cuándo visitar una sala de emergencias: Las 5 preocupaciones principales

    When a sudden illness or injury occurs, the emergency room (ER) provides immediate medical attention to those in need. Understanding the top reasons for visiting the ER can help people make informed decisions about seeking emergency care. Here are the five most common reasons people in Nevada visited an ER in 2023. 1. Abdominal pain  One of the top reasons people visit the ER is abdominal pain. The abdomen has many organs, including the stomach, liver, small and large intestines, gallbladder and pancreas. Significant pain in this area can be a cause of concern.  Warning signs of a serious problem include abdominal pain with fever, vomiting, and not being able to move or perform everyday tasks due to pain. Seeking medical attention when experiencing these symptoms is essential. Emergency physicians can perform abdominal exams, assess the condition and rule out significant threats.    2. Fever  High fevers that do not get better with medicine and are accompanied by other symptoms can cause concern. This can indicate that the body is fighting off an infection or illness.  Fever with symptoms like vomiting, pain, altered mental status, shortness of breath or inability to perform daily functions are warning signs to watch out for. Adults and children should visit an ER, where the team can assess the causes of the fever.   3. Chest pain and shortness of breath  Chest pain and discomfort, or pain in the upper body can suggest warning signs of a heart attack. If a person is experiencing signs of a heart attack, call 911 immediately to ensure timely treatment or assessment by a medical professional. Heart attack symptoms include:  Chest pain, including pain that can be described as chest pressure, heaviness or squeezing   Discomfort in the chest, arms, back, neck, shoulders and jaw  Difficulty breathing   Sweating with any of the above symptoms   When visiting a Renown ER for chest pain, a trained medical professional will promptly perform an Electrocardiogram (EKG) in an area where preliminary assessments, also known as triage, take place. Individuals experiencing shortness of breath or trouble breathing, whether from a respiratory infection, asthma complications or other pre-existing conditions should not ignore symptoms as these can signify more serious issues.  Warning signs of respiratory distress may include:  A significant change in breathing rate A significant change in the amount of energy used to inhale or exhale when breathing Changing of the skin color to blue, gray or paleness, which can indicate a lack of oxygen Nasal flaring  Chest retractions, which can suggest difficulty bringing air into the lungs What this looks like: the chest sinking in just below the neck, breastbone or rib cage while breathing 4. Neurological symptoms  Sudden and severe headaches or seizures may prompt individuals to visit the ER if symptoms are extremely disorientating or debilitating. These symptoms could be indicative of various conditions, including strokes or neurological disorders that require prompt evaluation.  If a person is experiencing signs of stroke, call 911 immediately to ensure timely treatment.  Stroke symptoms include:  Numbness, weakness or loss of movement in the face, leg or arm, especially on one side Confusion, including trouble speaking or understanding Trouble with vision or loss of balance  When choosing emergency care for signs and symptoms of stroke, a Comprehensive Stroke Center can provide patients with immediate intervention, including evaluation, treatment and education. 5. Cough/flu-like symptoms  Emergency departments are staffed by medical professionals trained to prioritize and treat emergency and trauma situations. Receiving care at an ER should be reserved for severe symptoms and life-threatening conditions. It’s best to schedule a visit with a primary care physician for mild cold and flu symptoms. Most urgent care locations are equipped with rapid testing options, including RSV, COVID-19, influenza, mononucleosis, urinary issues and strep throat. It is critical to distinguish between common respiratory infections and more severe cases, such as pneumonia or complications from the flu.   Symptoms that may warrant a visit to the ER include:  Rapid decline in the ability to perform regular daily activities  Coughing or throwing up blood  Severe dehydration and inability to drink fluids High fever not responsive to medication  Understanding top ER visits in Nevada  While these ER complaints are common reasons for emergency room visits in Nevada, it's important to remember that emergency care is available for all immediate medical needs. Do not hesitate to seek help at an emergency room if someone experiences a sudden or severe health concern. Quick and appropriate action can make a significant difference in keeping you and your loved ones healthy.  Renown Health is the largest locally governed, not-for-profit healthcare network in northern Nevada, providing leading emergency and trauma care by board-certified emergency physicians 24/7 at three locations, including the region’s only pediatric emergency department. Renown Health emergency rooms prioritize swift assessments, advanced diagnostic tools and compassionate care, providing leading emergency and trauma care. Trust Renown ER for not just emergency care but exceptional care. Learn more at renown.org/ER.

    Read More About Know when to visit an ER: Top 5 concerns

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Ahogamiento
    • Seguridad

    Lo que necesita saber sobre el ahogamiento por agua fría

    Northern Nevada's stunning lakes, including Lake Tahoe, with its average summer water temperature of 50 degrees, present a potential risk of hypothermia. Unlike mild 50-degree air, water at the same temperature poses severe, life-threatening risks, including rapid-onset hypothermia and drowning. Awareness of the symptoms and taking proper precautions are crucial to prevent cold-water drowning. The 4 Phases of Cold-Water Drowning 1. Cold Shock Response: This response affects breathing and happens within the first minute. An automatic gasp reflex occurs in response to rapid skin cooling. If the head goes below water, water may be breathed into the lungs, resulting in drowning. A life jacket will help keep your head above water during this critical phase. Additionally, hyperventilation, like the gasp reflex, is a response to the cold and will subside. Panic will make this worse, so the key is to control breathing. 2. Cold Incapacitation: This response occurs within the first five to 15 minutes in cold water. In order to preserve core heat, vasoconstriction takes place decreasing blood flow to the extremities to protect the vital organs. The result is a loss of movement to hands, feet, arms and legs. Unless a life jacket is being worn, the ability to stay afloat is next to impossible. 3. Hypothermia: Important to note, it can take 30 minutes or more for most adults to become hypothermic. So there’s time to take action and survive. Keeping panic at bay is critical, as you have more survival time than you think. Symptoms include: Shivering Slow and shallow breathing Confusion Drowsiness or exhaustion Slurred speech Loss of coordination Weak pulse 4. Circum-rescue Collapse: This experience can happen just before rescue and is not well understood. Symptoms range anywhere from fainting to death. Some experts believe an abrupt drop in blood pressure may cause this final stage of cold water drowning, post-rescue. Additional Safety Tips and Helpful Resources Always wear a personal flotation device as well as a wetsuit or drysuit. Your personal flotation device is the most important piece of water safety gear. Try not to panic as the first phases will subside. Controlled breathing is to staying calm. Research suggests the body can withstand the cold longer than we think. The Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) is a position which helps conserve energy if you’re wearing a personal flotation device. By hugging your knees to your chest, this posture helps maintain body heat for some time.

    Read More About What You Need To Know About Cold Water Drowning

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Testimonio de paciente

    Cuando la atención no puede esperar: Historias verdaderas de Renown ER

    Renown Health is home to three 24/7 Emergency Rooms (ERs) providing comprehensive emergency and trauma care, access to specialists and inpatient services backed by the area's most extensive health system. In 2023, Renown Health cared for 132,340 patients across three ER locations. Renown is also home to the region’s only level II trauma centers for both adult and pediatric patients.   We spoke to three patients who sought immediate medical attention for various ailments and conditions to learn more about their emergency care experience and why they chose Renown ERs.   Kamrin’s Story: From Worrisome to Critical  In the spring of 2021, Danielle and her 13-year-old son Kamrin visited his primary care doctor for unexplained vomiting and were promptly referred to Renown Children's ER via ambulance for further evaluation and seen by board-certified emergency physician, Dr. Lisa Nelson. What initially began as an unassuming doctor's visit quickly turned into something much more severe after several tests confirmed a devastating abdominal tumor and a stage-four cancer diagnosis, unbeknownst to the family.  Kamrin was immediately admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and referred to a Pediatric Oncologist at Renown Children’s Hospital to begin his plan of care with expert pediatric hematology and oncology specialists.  Regarding the board-certified physician, who delivered the results to the family, Danielle said, “She was so calming to us, even as the diagnosis haunted us. She led us by guiding our family through the unknowns. She felt like a family member to us in that moment, letting all the unknowns be well known.”  “The love, empathy, support and guidance these employees gave us carried us. The care team quickly and easily became a source of relief, knowing we were their priority and in the best hands. We are forever grateful for the team at Renown Children's Hospital and Renown Children’s ER; they truly saved our son's life and continue to be our guiding light whenever it's needed in our son’s health journey,” Danielle said.   Today, Kamrin is in remission and navigating the aftereffects of chemotherapy, including an immune system deficiency. However, his family chooses to navigate each day by embracing the positive side of things, such as the life-saving impact of his treatment.  Did you know? Renown Children's Pediatric Hematology and Oncology is located within Renown Regional Medical Center and offers expert pediatric specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment for pediatric hematology and oncology, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and infusion services.  Taylor’s Story: From Crisis to Recovery  Promptly after cosmetic surgery performed by a medical professional not associated with Renown, Taylor Salas (Chacon) began to lose consciousness and notice her post-surgery drainage systems, also known as Jackson-Pratt drains, fill with blood. She was transported to Renown Regional ER via ambulance and immediately seen by ER staff and board-certified emergency physician Thea Berning, MD, for medical assessment.   Taylor drifted in and out of consciousness as the ER team began blood transfusions and a CT scan to determine her plan of care. Dr. Berning began facilitating communication with a community plastic surgeon with privileges at Renown Health and emergency surgery was performed to stop Taylor’s internal bleeding. Taylor was placed on a ventilator due to respiratory distress and trauma from the event, then transferred to Renown’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to continue her care.  Thankfully, Taylor listened to her gut when something didn’t feel right after her surgery and sought immediate medical attention. The ER team's quick response, communication and collaboration with a plastic surgeon saved Taylor from severe internal bleeding. “I was informed every step of the way about what was happening and why. I felt comfort in this,” she said.   Did you know? Because of Renown Regional Medical Center’s Level II Trauma Center distinction, you have immediate access to an extensive list of specialists and physicians trained in a wide array of specialties, in the event of a traumatic injury or accident. This is one of the many benefits of Renown Regional’s Level II Trauma status.  Ted’s Story: The Unsuspected Threat   Bothered by symptoms of heartburn, fatigue, neck pressure and arm discomfort, Ted was in the middle of a busy workweek in June 2023 when he began to suspect something was wrong. Knowing the importance of addressing early heart attack symptoms immediately, Ted and his wife headed to Renown Regional ER because of proximity and some familiarity with Renown’s leading cardiology care and technological expertise. After prompt assessment by the Renown ER team, including blood work, imaging tests and the administration of medication, Ted was admitted to the hospital to treat the blockage and narrowing of his coronary artery. On June 8, Ted was admitted for treatment, where he successfully underwent a single bypass surgery and recovered in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU), before being discharged and following up with the Intensive Cardiac Rehab (ICR) program at Renown. The ICR program at Renown played a pivotal role in Ted's 55-pound weight loss and overall health improvement, empowering him to embrace a healthier lifestyle and find ways to use his newfound energy and strength today. “Overall, I believe I had the best care possible because of the collective group of people at Renown caring for this community, who we could see in the grocery store, at the ball game and in the shopping malls. This community feeling is something you might not get in a big city hospital,” Ted said. Did you know? Intensive Cardiac Rehab at Renown Health is a medically supervised program designed to improve cardiovascular health after a significant heart condition or procedure. Since its inception in 2016, this program has been a pioneer in the region for cardiac rehabilitation focusing on three key pillars including exercise, nutrition and stress management.

    Read More About When Care Can’t Wait: True Stories of Renown ER

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