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    • Viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

    El Dr. Rahul Mediwala fue ascendido a director médico

    El liderazgo del Dr. Mediwala en tiempos difíciles ayuda a Renown a prosperar a pesar de la incertidumbre que genera la pandemia de la COVID-19. Rahul Mediwala, MD, CPE, ha sido ascendido a director médico de la División de Servicios de Salud de Renown Health después de servir como director médico interino desde el comienzo de la pandemia de la COVID-19 y haber trabajado incansablemente para dirigir un equipo en primera línea que continuó proporcionando atención de calidad y compasiva a nuestra comunidad más allá de la incertidumbre y la presión de la pandemia. El Dr. Mediwala ha trabajado con Renown durante 11 años, y originalmente se unió a Renown Medical Group para liderar el programa de nefrología y como director médico de la Unidad de Diálisis. A lo largo de los años, ha asumido otras funciones de liderazgo en Renown Medical Group; ha sido presidente de Especialidades Médicas y director médico de Renown Accountable Care Organization. “Estoy agradecido con nuestro equipo de médicos, proveedores de atención médica, asistentes médicos, representantes de acceso para pacientes, administradores y todos los que han trabajado a través del cambio para continuar marcando una diferencia genuina en la salud y el bienestar de las personas y las comunidades a las que prestamos servicios”, dijo el Dr. Mediwala. “Espero seguir dirigiendo a este talentoso equipo de Renown mientras trabajamos para encontrar la manera de adaptarnos a las necesidades cambiantes de nuestro sistema de salud y de la comunidad para triunfar en el futuro”. El Dr. Mediwala tiene una licenciatura en Ingeniería Biomédica de Texas A&M y un título médico de la Escuela de Medicina de Baylor en Texas. Se desempeñó como jefe de residentes de Medicina Interna en los hospitales universitarios de Cincinnati y posteriormente completó una subespecialidad en nefrología en Cincinnati. Antes de incorporarse a Renown, el Dr. Mediwala ejerció en un gran grupo especializado en nefrología en Ohio.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de El Dr. Rahul Mediwala fue ascendido a director médico

    • Martes, 22 de marzo de 2022

    8 Beneficios financieros y de bienestar para empleados

    Escuchamos las principales necesidades actuales y futuras de los empleados; nos aseguramos de que las familias estén sanas y tengan seguridad financiera La semana pasada, la Reserva Federal aumentó la tasa de interés de referencia por primera vez desde marzo de 2020. Esto significará un costo más alto para los endeudamientos con tarjetas de crédito, los préstamos para estudio y vivienda, el financiamiento de automóviles, entre otras. También podría representar mayores ganancias en las cuentas de ahorros, según la institución. Esta noticia, junto con las inquietudes sobre la salud mental y el bienestar físico de los cuidadores a medida que superan la pandemia, ha presentado a los líderes de Renown una oportunidad única de reformular los enfoques sobre cómo ayudar a sus empleados a crecer, a sentirse apoyados económicamente e involucrarse como parte de un equipo saludable y pujante. Después de escuchar a los empleados, el Departamento de Recursos Humanos de Renown Health anunció una serie de beneficios adicionales para promover formas de aumentar el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, apoyar estrategias de descanso y recuperación, y brindar nuevos recursos financieros fundamentales para que los equipos estén satisfechos y tengan un alto desempeño. Renown Health está contratando personas para ocupar puestos clave para apoyar la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad, y alienta a aquellos a quienes les apasiona el sector de servicios a unirse a la familia de Renown y luchar por la causa justa. Para ello, deben postularse en línea en careers.renown.org Los beneficios nuevos y ampliados de 2022 para los empleados incluyen los siguientes: 1. Beneficios ampliados del plan de salud física, del plan médico y del dental. El programa MOBE, que se ofrece sin cargo, brinda a cada empleado una Guía de salud personal para apoyar cuatro elementos centrales de la salud: dieta, sueño, movimiento físico y bienestar emocional, con el fin de ayudarles a desarrollar hábitos saludables, impulsar una vida mejor, cargarse de energía y promover la sanación. Este año, Renown amplió su cobertura del plan médico al agregar nuevos beneficios, sin aumentar las tasas que pagan los empleados. Renown ofrece beneficios de seguro de salud a través de Hometown Health, la única y más grande compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local del norte de Nevada con cobertura médica de amplio alcance. Hometown Health ofrece acceso a la red más grande de servicios clínicos de la mayor calidad prestados por 1,200 médicos y especialistas en 150 centros de atención, incluidos los del Renown Medical Group: los centros de atención de urgencia, los servicios de laboratorio y de diagnóstico por imágenes, y los mejores hospitales del estado según el Us News & World Report, el Renown Regional Medical Center (2022) y el Renown South Meadows Medical Center (2021). Los nuevos beneficios médicos que se agregaron este año incluyen visitas de telesalud con un copago de $0; recetas de Renown Pharmacy sin deducible y, si los empleados y sus familias necesitan viajar fuera del área para recibir atención esencial, ahora se ofrece un estipendio para viajar al University Medical Center en Las Vegas o al University of Utah Health. La organización también redujo el costo de las primas del seguro de salud que pagan los empleados a tiempo parcial (entre 20 y 30 horas). Además de las mejoras en los beneficios para la salud, la red dental se amplió con MetLife Dental, sin aumentos en las primas de las tasas del plan dental que pagan los empleados en 2022. Como organización sin fines de lucro, Renown puede ofrecer a los empleados la capacidad de establecer cuentas de gastos flexibles como una forma de usar dinero libre de impuestos para pagar gastos médicos que no cubren otros planes de salud. 2. Mejoras en los programas de apoyo para el bienestar y la salud mental. Renown Health es el hogar del Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addictions Institute. Como líderes, están trabajando para eliminar el estigma y las barreras al uso de servicios de salud mental cuando se necesitan. Para ello, hacen énfasis en que buscar ayuda demuestra fortaleza, no debilidad. Esto incluye alentar a los miembros del equipo a tomarse un día libre para renovarse y recargar energía o aprovechar las visitas de consejería de salud mental que son confidenciales y sin cargo. Renown actualizó su política para incluir el bienestar mental y emocional como categoría elegible para el uso de la licencia por enfermedad. Durante la pandemia, para asegurarse de que los empleados contaran con el tiempo necesario llegado el caso, el equipo de liderazgo agregó 80 horas de licencia por enfermedad a la licencia por enfermedad a la que tienen derecho los empleados, así como un copago de $0 para sesiones de salud conductual y servicios de nutrición de Teladoc (servicio virtual). Renown fomenta el buen estado físico y estimula la salud y el bienestar de los empleados al apoyar la participación en carreras (a pie o en bicicleta) en sus comunidades. Los empleados que participan en carreras, que corren, caminan, que participan en triatlones o realizan ciclismo pueden solicitar un reembolso por el cargo de una entrada individual de hasta $100. 3. Aprecio y participación de los empleados. Es posible que muchos equipos ahora estén trabajando en el lugar, de manera híbrida o de forma remota, lo que significa que reunirse para crear nuevos recuerdos resulta más difícil. Los líderes de Renown Health continúan generando camaradería y vínculos en el lugar de trabajo al invertir en realizar eventos mensuales de orgullo para el personal, y organizar todo tipo de encuentros, desde reuniones sociales en línea hasta noches de juegos, con el fin de ayudar a restablecer los vínculos. En Renown, la participación de los empleados también adopta la forma de programas de reconocimiento. El programa Everyday Amazing alienta a los empleados a darse las gracias unos a otros por un servicio excepcional mediante una plataforma en línea, y a obtener certificados y puntos para tarjetas de regalo y premios. Se alientan los programas de educación profesional y liderazgo dirigidos por empleados y organizaciones, así como las oportunidades de voluntariado remunerado (cuatro horas cada trimestre) y las contribuciones paralelas de hasta $1000 para las juntas de organizaciones sin fines de lucro en las que prestan servicios los empleados de Renown Health. Renown ofrece eventos y anuarios para ayudar a los empleados a celebrar su historia y logros. También organiza Celebrate Amazing, un evento especial para celebrar los hitos de servicio y honrar a los galardonados como “Mejores Talentos” y “Mujeres de Logros”. Renown apoya a la comunidad e invita a los proveedores médicos y a los empleados para que asistan a eventos de los Reno Aces, a partidos de fútbol y básquetbol de la UNR, a la Great Reno Balloon Race y a cientos de eventos de la comunidad cada año. 4. Vivir sin deudas con programas de bienestar financiero. Hay disponible un programa gratuito de bienestar financiero de Salary Finance para los empleados, con un préstamo vinculado al salario. Este beneficio permite a los empleados tomar préstamos o ahorrar dinero directamente a través de su cheque de pago. Los préstamos vinculados al salario permiten a los empleados acceder a crédito asequible que pueden pagar fácilmente mediante su salario, lo cual les ayuda a pagar deudas existentes o a evitar el uso de tarjetas de crédito con altos intereses, los cargos por sobregiro o los préstamos de días de pago. Salary Finance ofrece opciones de préstamo asequibles para momentos de necesidad, así como un componente de educación financiera que ayuda a los empleados a comprender su nivel actual de contenido financiero específico según sus necesidades. Desde su lanzamiento, más del 40 % de los empleados ha participado en la oferta de Salary Finance, y más de 500 han accedido a créditos asequibles a través del Financial Wellbeing Hub de Salary Finance para Renown. “Ha tenido un impacto maravilloso y ha disminuido el estrés frecuente que sentía respecto a mi deuda”, expresó un empleado de Renown inscrito en el programa. En total, se calcula que los empleados han ahorrado casi $275,000 en intereses, y esa cifra continúa aumentando a medida que más empleados aprovechan el beneficio. El programa Greater Perks de Greater Nevada Credit Union, la cooperativa de crédito oficial para empleados de Renown, ofrece una serie de beneficios que incluyen un bono de $100 por abrir una nueva cuenta corriente, $25 por abrir una nueva cuenta “I Can Save”, $500 de crédito por una valoración para un préstamo para vivienda, tasas bajas para préstamos personales a corto plazo y préstamos para automóviles, además de seminarios regulares sobre bienestar financiero en línea. No se requiere ser miembro de la cooperativa de crédito para aprovechar las ofertas de Greater Nevada Mortgage. Además, los donantes han aportado, mediante la Fundación de Renown Health, fondos para ayudar a los empleados que han sufrido una catástrofe financiera personal y necesitan financiamiento de emergencia para pagar facturas, sin necesidad de pago. 5. Reembolso de asistencia educativa, pago de préstamo estudiantil y educación continua para estudiantes. Renown valora y alienta a los empleados a continuar estudiando y apoya las aspiraciones y metas profesionales. El programa de asistencia educativa ofrece oportunidades de reembolso y pago de préstamos, así como orientación educativa y financiera de expertos. Se proporciona reembolso de matrícula, certificación y certificado a los empleados que actualmente están inscritos en una universidad/facultad o están trabajando por obtener una certificación o certificado profesional. Además, la organización apoya a los empleados que han completado su educación anteriormente y que ahora enfrentan la carga de los préstamos estudiantiles. Los empleados también tienen la opción de invertir en un plan de ahorros para la universidad 529, un programa de inversión diseñado para ayudar a las personas a ahorrar para gastos educativos futuros de hijos/dependientes en casi cualquier universidad privada o pública o institución de educación superior acreditada. 6. Asistencia para el cuidado infantil y de adultos en el lugar. Organizar el cuidado infantil ha sido un obstáculo para los padres que trabajan a lo largo de la pandemia. Renown es uno de los pocos sistemas de salud que ofrecen cuidado infantil en el lugar. En Renown Health Child Care Center, se recibe a los hijos de los empleados que tienen entre seis semanas y seis años (que aún no asisten al jardín de infantes). El centro está autorizado para 176 niños y cuenta con 11 aulas: tres aulas para bebés, cuatro para niños pequeños y cuatro aulas para niños en edad preescolar. El personal ayuda a los padres con recursos para buscar cuidado infantil en el lugar o con proveedores de servicio de guardería autorizados en la comunidad. Los empleados cuidan cada vez más de los adultos mayores en sus familias. Como organización sin fines de lucro, los empleados pueden contribuir en sus cuentas FSA con ahorros libres de impuestos que cubran el cuidado de niños y adultos mayores. 7. Horarios y ubicaciones flexibles. Renown ahora brinda a los proveedores médicos y a los empleados la posibilidad de trabajar en el lugar, de manera híbrida o remota. Este año, dado que muchos empleados que trabajaban de forma remota se mudaron del estado para estar más cerca de sus amigos o familiares, Renown no se quedó atrás y contrató a una organización de empleo profesional llamada Tri Net, en un modelo de empleo conjunto para obtener ayudar con los beneficios y la administración de impuestos a nivel nacional. Ahora, Renown puede reclutar y conservar empleados que trabajan de forma remota en ubicaciones que van desde Maine hasta Minnesota y ofrecer, para una amplia variedad de puestos de TI, servicios de apoyo de finanzas y otros tipos, horarios remotos y flexibles que resultan atractivos para muchos empleados en todo el país. Los médicos ahora cuentan con una gran variedad de puestos disponibles en más de 100 ubicaciones en todo el estado. El 7 de marzo, Renown aumentó el límite del diferencial de turno a 10 % hasta $6 por ahora y agregó un diferencial de fin de semana para el personal de hasta un 5 %. En los hospitales de Renown, hay puestos de trabajo disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para servir a la comunidad. Otros proveedores y empleados aprovechan las opciones de semana laboral comprimida, turnos de 12 horas, entre otras, que les permiten tener flexibilidad para llevar la vida que desean en el trabajo y en el hogar. 8. Plan de ahorros para la jubilación de Renown. Hay disponibles planes de ahorro para la jubilación, incluido el plan 401(k) completo a través de Vanguard, para que los empleados ahorren para el momento de jubilarse. Los empleados pueden contribuir entre el 1 y el 75 % del pago antes de aplicados los impuestos (hasta el límite anual que establece el IRS) y recibir una contribución equivalente de Renown del 4 % cuando aportan un 4 % o más a un plan 401(k). Se pueden hacer traspasos de planes 401(k), 403(b), 457 u otros planes calificados de un empleador anterior a un plan de Vanguard en cualquier momento. Además, se permiten retiros en servicio la edad de 59 años y medio 2de la cuenta 401(k) y se agregó una nueva opción de Roth 401(k). Únase al equipo de Renown: Renown Health está contratando personas para ocupar puestos clave en la organización para apoyar la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad. Para unirse a la familia de Renown y luchar por la causa justa, postúlese en línea en careers.reown.org. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

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    • Miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

    Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, da la bienvenida a su nuevo director ejecutivo

    David Hansen, MBA, se une a Hometown Health para seguir sirviendo a las futuras generaciones y mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los nevadenses. Renown Health y Hometown Health se complacen en anunciar que David Hansen, MBA, se une a Hometown Health como director ejecutivo. En su función como director ejecutivo, Hansen supervisará Hometown Health, y contribuirá a su crecimiento para garantizar que la compañía sin fines de lucro esté aquí para las generaciones futuras y para ayudar a Renown en el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de atención que ofrezcan atención médica accesible y asequible. “Nos complace dar la bienvenida a nuestra organización y al norte de Nevada a un líder con tanta experiencia y talento como David”, afirmó Tony Slonim, MD, D.Ph., presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Como director ejecutivo de Hometown Health, David seguirá fomentando una cultura de cuidado y excelencia, y, a la vez, garantizará una amplia cobertura médica y un excelente servicio al cliente a los más de 138,000 miembros de Hometown Health en todo el estado”. Hansen ha pasado los últimos veinte años de su carrera profesional trabajando para UnitedHealthcare, una compañía de seguros de salud con sede en Minnetonka, Minnesota. Durante su tiempo en UnitedHealthcare, Hansen ocupó varios puestos, entre ellos el de director financiero de Servicios Clínicos y de Red, presidente Servicios de Red y de Proveedores para la región oeste, director ejecutivo del Plan de Salud de California y director ejecutivo del Plan de Salud del Noroeste del Pacífico. También ha desempeñado funciones ejecutivas en PacifiCare y TransAmerica Occidental Life, y comenzó su carrera profesional en la práctica de auditoría y consultoría de gestión de Deloitte & Touche. “Elegir la cobertura de atención médica es una de las decisiones más importantes que toman las personas. Me entusiasma comenzar mi trabajo con Hometown Health y Renown para ayudar a nuestros miembros a recibir una cobertura de calidad que mejore su salud y bienestar”, dijo Hansen. “Hometown Health es una organización muy centrada en la comunidad y estoy ansioso por formar parte de un equipo que retribuye para mejorar la salud y el bienestar de las comunidades a las que servimos. ”David tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas especializada en Finanzas y Política Empresarial de la Universidad de Chicago, y una Licenciatura en Artes con especialidad en Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles.     Acerca de Hometown Health Establecida en 1988, Hometown Health es la división de seguros de Renown Health y es la compañía de seguros de salud sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande del norte de Nevada. Hometown Health, que ofrece a los miembros una amplia variedad de cobertura médica y un excelente servicio, representa una filosofía de atención médica que hace hincapié en las asociaciones activas entre los miembros y los médicos. Para obtener más información, llame al 775-982-3000 o visite www.hometownhealth.com. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración y propiedad local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. El modelo del instituto de Renown aborda determinantes sociales de la salud e incluye: salud infantil, salud conductual y adicciones, envejecimiento saludable e innovación en la salud. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, da la bienvenida a su nuevo director ejecutivo

    • Respiratorios
    • Empleados
    • Carreras profesionales

    Departamento destacado: Atención respiratoria

    This Department Spotlight is dedicated to Jason Simpson, Manager of Respiratory Services at Renown Children’s Hospital.  Take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale in, exhale out. We rely on our lungs to provide us with the air we need to live a healthy life – and this essential bodily function is something that many of us don’t think twice about since it comes easily for us. Now, imagine yourself as someone who is living with severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or someone who was recently diagnosed with a frightening respiratory condition like COVID-19 or pneumonia. The simple act of breathing can prove to be an intimidating venture requiring the care of a professional. Who are the people that take on the challenge?  Meet Renown Health’s Respiratory Care Services department. Serving patients across 13 service lines, three acute facilities, outpatient locations and telehealth, our respiratory specialists – including respiratory therapists, respiratory care aides, inpatient COPD respiratory therapy navigators and educators and more – use their expertise to help restore the vitality of all their patients with every inhale and exhale, shaping a healthier livelihood one lung at a time.  The Guardians of Respiratory Wellness  Whether they are managing lifelong respiratory conditions or offering crucial support in emergencies, the Respiratory Care team strives to enhance the quality of life for every patient. As an indispensable member of the clinical team at Renown, our respiratory therapists work collaboratively with doctors and nurses to tackle a wide range of tasks, tailoring care for each patient’s unique needs.  “Respiratory care is involved with all stages of life, from beginning to end,” said Sarah Kurtz, Respiratory Therapist. “We work closely with nurses and doctors and perform arterial punctures, breathing treatments, weaning maneuvers for patients on life support, intubations and much more. We assess patients constantly to see if their care needs to be upgraded or if they can be weaned to get them back home with their families.”  “You start your morning researching your assigned patients,” added Tim Start, Respiratory Specialist. “We go over lab values and chest radiographs and decide the best plan of care for each patient. Our objective is to improve their respiratory status by giving them medications and doing breathing exercises. We participate in other forms of care with nurses, such as activities of daily living (ADLs) and mobilization. We work as a team, and that enables us to provide great patient care.”  For patients living with COPD, enjoying all that life has to offer comes with a separate set of obstacles. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 200,000 people across the Silver State are living with this chronic condition. Luckily for them, Renown has a specialized team to help these patients optimize their life and manage their condition with individualized treatment and education.  “We run a report every morning to identify all the patients currently admitted who have a history of COPD, take respiratory medications or smoke,” said Amber Beck, Inpatient COPD RT Navigator. “After looking through their charts, we visit with the patient (and possibly their family) at the bedside to help them better understand how to manage their breathing issues.”  As a vital part of the Respiratory Care team, Renown’s respiratory care aides help ensure the seamless operation of our respiratory care services. These dedicated professionals provide essential support to respiratory therapists not only during intricate procedures but also outside of face-to-face patient care by transporting equipment, restocking supplies, assisting in the mobilization of patients and more.  “We are responsible for the maintenance of unit supplies and making decisions regarding levels of stock to be maintained,” said Dia Ramos, Respiratory Care Aide. “We also transport equipment, refill the oxygen tanks on the floors and intensive care units (ICUs), order and stock respiratory care supplies, mobilize patients and assist the respiratory therapists during bronchoscopies in the ICUs. In addition, we clean respiratory equipment like mechanical ventilators, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilateral positive airway pressure (BiPAP) machines, high flows and aerosol poles.”  Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, a special spotlight shined upon respiratory care teams across the country for the heroic care they provided patients in respiratory distress. While their roles in health systems have gained a better understanding nationwide, this team understands it is vital for them to educate the community about the important jobs they hold for our patients.  “Respiratory care can be under the radar,” said Pam Umek, Respiratory Specialist. “Once, when I told someone that I am a Respiratory Therapist, they said, ‘Oh, like a yoga breathing instructor?’ I then explained all the things we do: intubation, extubation, bronchoscopies, transports, traumas, codes, rapid responses, pediatrics/NICU, breathing medications/therapies, open heart rapid ventilator weaning … needless to say, that individual walked away with a better understanding of not just Respiratory Care Services but also the enormous effort it takes to care for our community.”  The accolades and achievements continue to pour in, from national awards and certifications to implementing different jobs in care units to optimize the patient care experience.  “We have earned and continue to maintain the Joint Commission Disease-Specific Certification for COPD,” said Amber Beck. “We are well below national averages for 30-day readmissions, lengths of stay and mortality due to COPD. Sandy, one of our COPD Coordinators, was a recipient of a patient advocacy award from the American Association of Respiratory Care and FACES Foundation.”  “We have started implementing Respiratory Care Aides in the critical units, starting with the Cardiac ICU,” added Dia Ramos. “We work as one team and are always helping each other with their tasks.”  Education and mentorship are at the core of Renown’s mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of every patient. Nurturing the next generation of medical professionals – including respiratory care professionals – is a task that the Respiratory Care team takes seriously.  “It has been great being able to help educate students in different disciplines,” added Pam Umek. “We have been able to offer shadow shifts to students in emergency medical services (EMS), nursing and medical school. These opportunities help students entering the medical field have a better understanding of the many ways we can help care for our respiratory patients.”  From the moment of birth to the final stages of life, Renown is fortunate to have a Respiratory Care team that tirelessly ensures every breath counts, safeguarding their role as a trusted partner within our health system.  A Tribute to Jason Simpson, Healthcare Hero

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    • Medicina del dolor, la columna vertebral y el deporte
    • Manejo del dolor
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    Cómo manejar el dolor con Renown Spine, Sports & Pain Management

    Chances are you or someone you know will deal with chronic pain at some point in life. In fact, in the U.S. alone, one in five adults have experienced chronic pain in recent years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The road to relief is a frequently traveled one that can be filled with twists and turns, so it’s important for patients to have a trusted provider by their side navigating that journey.  We interviewed Dr. Sharlene Su, a pain management physician with Renown Medical Group, who told us what patients can expect when seeking care with Renown Spine, Sports & Pain Management (RSSPM) and all about the variety of pain relief options available to patients.  What pain management treatment options are available outside of painkillers? This depends on someone’s root cause of pain. For example, for pain from arthritis of the spine or major joints, radiofrequency ablation can relieve most of the pain for six months to two years, which can be life changing. If someone is suffering from a pinched nerve in the neck or back, an epidural can be useful. Nerve stimulators can also be a great option to relieve pain for years. One of the advantages of the procedures we perform at RSSPM is that they reduce the need for painkillers, which are notorious for having side effects of their own. Physical therapy can also be a very helpful tool to treat pain.  It is an exciting time in the field of pain medicine right now because new advances are -constantly being made. At Renown, we pride ourselves on staying current with the most cutting-edge treatments to ensure our patients always have the best available to them.  What are some at-home tips and tricks that patients experiencing pain can do on their own for some relief? If pain is related to posture or physical activity, consider doing stretching and strengthening exercises. YouTube can be a great (and free) resource for this. In terms of medications, over the counter topical pain creams can be great. Tylenol is one of the safest pain medications for those without preexisting liver conditions. On a short-term basis, anti-inflammatory medications can often be used safely depending on one’s overall health. Ice and heat can both be useful for treating muscle pain.  Can you tell us more about the services Renown Spine, Sports & Pain Management offers? Our team specializes in identifying the root cause of each patient’s pain and partnering with them to develop a custom plan tailored to their individual needs, which can involve injections, physical therapy and medications. We treat patients ranging from top-level athletes, to weekend warriors, to grandparents who’d like to be able to keep up with their grandkids. Once we relieve a patient’s pain, our role then transforms into a coach, educating and guiding our patients on how to prevent their pain from coming back.  At RSSPM, you’ll see the same doctor every time, which means that your provider will get to know you very well, and you’ll receive the same high-quality consistent care whenever you come for a visit.  Renown has a unique pain management team called “Special Procedures” that not many people may realize is a great option for care. How does this team treat pain? Our Special Procedures team is crucial to the high-quality pain management care that we provide. We have an amazing staff that assists with X-ray guided procedures including epidurals, radiofrequency ablations, joint injections and nerve stimulators. Dr. Casey Keating, our division chief, and I work with this team to ensure that every procedure is done with the same precision, attention to detail and quality. The Special Procedures team regularly receives feedback from patients on how well taken care of they felt during their procedure.  If someone is experiencing pain from an injury or even an unknown reason, what should they do to get care for their concerns? Contact your primary care provider for a referral to have an evaluation with us! RSSPM accepts most insurance plans and are proud that our wait times are averaging less than one week to be seen as a new patient. Two more doctors will be joining us in the next few months, which should reduce our wait times even more.  There are so many targeted and effective ways to treat pain nowadays, and it is worth addressing to live the life you want to live.

    Read More About Navigating Pain with Renown Spine, Sports & Pain Management

    • Lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

    Renown Health obtiene la designación de “Mejor lugar para padres que trabajan”

    Renown Health ha obtenido la designación de “Mejor lugar para padres que trabajan” para 2024 como un lugar de trabajo familiar en Nevada. “Nos sentimos honrados de ser reconocidos como el mejor lugar para padres que trabajan”, dijo Brian Erling, MD, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. Esta designación refleja el compromiso de Renown de crear un lugar de trabajo comprensivo e inclusivo donde nuestros médicos, clínicos y empleados puedan prosperar profesional y personalmente. Comprendemos los desafíos que enfrentan los padres que trabajan, y estamos trabajando para fomentar un entorno más familiar. Juntos, estamos construyendo una cultura que prioriza a las personas y que valora el cuidado, la integridad, la colaboración y la excelencia”. “Esta designación reconoce el compromiso de Renown Health de apoyar a los padres que trabajan con políticas y prácticas familiares”, dijo Sandeep Randhawa, MS, director de Personal. “Nuestra cultura y mentalidad People First apoya el bienestar de los más de 7,500 médicos y empleados excepcionales de Renown. Nuestros mejores programas de gestión de talentos se centran en atraer y retener profesionales de la salud; garantizar que los valores de Renown se refuercen con decisiones estratégicas destinadas a empoderar a nuestros empleados para que se desempeñen al máximo. Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de nuestro equipo y del paquete de recompensas totales que ofrecemos. Seguimos buscando maneras significativas de reconocer y recompensar a nuestro extraordinario equipo por sus contribuciones y logros”. “Esta designación reconoce el compromiso de Renown Health de apoyar a los padres que trabajan con políticas y prácticas familiares”, dijo Sandeep Randhawa, MS, director de Personal. “Nuestra cultura People-First apoya las necesidades personales y el bienestar de los más de 7,500 médicos y asociados excepcionales de Renown. Nuestros mejores programas de gestión de talentos se centran en contratar, capacitar y hacer crecer a nuestros profesionales; garantizar que los valores de Renown se refuercen con cada decisión estratégica. Estamos increíblemente orgullosos de nuestro equipo y de los beneficios que ofrecemos. Continuaremos buscando nuevos beneficios y comodidades para aportar a nuestro extraordinario equipo”. “El mejor lugar para padres que trabajan” está compuesto por empresas comunitarias que trabajan para educar a las organizaciones sobre la importancia de promover la familia en el lugar de trabajo. Renown fue reconocida por ofrecer los siguientes beneficios para toda la familia. La salud física ampliada, médico, beneficios dentales y de medicamentos recetados para empleados de tiempo completo y de medio tiempo Cuentas de gastos flexibles Apoyo mejorado de salud mental y bienestar Valoración y participación de los empleados Oportunidades de voluntariado remuneradas Eventos importantes de Everyday Amazing and Celebrate Amazing Descuentos en eventos comunitarios y familiares Programa de bienestar financiero libre de deuda Fondo financiero de emergencia a través de Renown Health Foundation Reembolso de asistencia educativa, pago de préstamos estudiantiles, educación continua Centro de cuidado infantil en el lugar Horarios y ubicaciones flexibles Planes de ahorro para la jubilación y coincidencias Para obtener más información o para unirse a la familia de Renown, postúlese en línea en renown.org/careers. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health obtiene la designación de “Mejor lugar para padres que trabajan”

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    Gestión de atención comunitaria destacada del departamento

    When thinking about taking care of your total health, what comes to mind? Perhaps participating in your annual check-ups, taking your prescribed medication, eating a nutritious diet, checking in with your mental health, the list goes on and on.   Now, put yourselves in the shoes of someone who may not know where their next meal may come from, someone who may be homebound and not have access to transportation, someone who may be on a fixed income, someone facing homelessness or even someone who may be struggling with substance abuse issues. Getting healthy – and staying healthy – comes with a unique set of obstacles, or social determinants of health, for these patients to overcome. Inequities around social determinants and health behaviors have an outsized impact on patient outcomes, and social and economic factors make up 40 percent of those inequities.  This is where the caring and compassionate community health workers, social workers and registered nurses that make up Renown’s Community Care Management (CCM) department rise to the occasion. As the need for resources grows in northern Nevada, these dedicated team members fill those gaps and ensure every patient feels prepared, educated and equipped with everything they need to continue their care journey and live a healthy, fulfilling life.  Defying Disparities  When our community at risk faces healthcare disparities, it can create complications in each patient’s life that may keep them from addressing their healthcare needs and affect the likelihood of them being admitted or readmitted to the hospital or continuing to struggle with their care management – but not on CCM’s watch. Whenever possible, the CCM team steps in to provide critical resources, education and care journey guidance for any patient that finds themselves in need.  “In the simplest terms, we do outpatient case management with vulnerable populations,” said Barb Mader-Scherrer, Director of Community Care Management. “It may be anyone from elderly people who need help managing chronic diseases, to patients experiencing homelessness who are being discharged from the hospital. We work with folks who are facing all sorts of challenges.”  Several roles make up the CCM department, including Community Health Workers. These team members are the resource experts, on the front lines of helping educate patients and supporting them as they navigate through the facets of their care. Their main goals? Avoid admissions and readmissions to the hospital and continue to meet their unique goals.  “I have the pleasure of working with patients who may need financial help, transportation help or even help utilizing the food pantries in our community," added Steve Arm, Community Health Worker. “We help patients navigate healthcare and social services, address social determinants of health, encourage self-efficiency and provide general health education for many chronic conditions. We also provide home visits for our patients who need extra support.”  “The day in the life of a Transitional Community Health Worker is to outreach to the patient while being admitted, do a bedside assessment, complete the social determinants of health evaluation and provide any resources needed to avoid readmission,” added Sherrie Skaggs, Community Health Worker. “Our main population is Medicaid, and many are homeless and financially challenged. As needed, we continue to ensure that follow-up is completed, and all needs and goals are met.”  For those learning to cope with their condition and needing hands-on help especially after discharge, the CCM Social Work Care Coordinators take on this complex aspect of the healthcare journey. These individuals provide support and intervention for Renown patients facing a chronic, behavioral health or substance dependency condition to improve their overall quality of life beyond hospital walls, developing a strong framework to build a long-term healthcare plan.   “As social work care coordinators, we help connect patients with mental health resources, welfare programs, community support, caregiver burnout resources, placement for loved ones with terminal illnesses and much more,” said Irina Osmolovska, Social Work Care Coordinator. “Requests that come to us run the gamut of homelessness, family crisis, food insecurity and even situations where a patient has no electricity for their life-saving medical equipment. We receive challenging requests and are always ready to go above and beyond to advocate for our patients.”  Possessing a profound understanding of the delicate balance between medicine and the patient spirit, the CCM RNs help bridge the gaps between the hospital or primary care practice and post-discharge settings, ensuring a smooth transition for patients as they move from one healthcare setting to another. With their expertise in care coordination and patient education, these RNs help enhance patient outcomes and promote continuity of care.  “Our group is responsible for making discharge follow-up calls to patients who have Medicare, as well as scheduling their hospital follow-up visit if needed,” said Vanessa Alford, Consulting RN. “The goal is to have every patient see their primary care physician within 14 days of discharge for continuity of care and to prevent readmissions. We also screen patients for eligibility for Chronic Care Management or Personal Care Management. In addition to setting up the patient for follow up, I review each patient's medications, answer any questions they may have about their medications and health conditions.”  As another important part of unpacking the intricate web of social determinants impacting health, CCM RN Care Coordinators have the extraordinary opportunity to extend this department’s compassionate care beyond the boundaries of the traditional in-office environment. Whether it be through virtual connections, heartfelt conversations over the phone or in-person encounters outside the hospital, RN Care Coordinators create holistic and enduring plans of care for individuals facing chronic challenges – including behavioral health issues and chemical dependency struggles – at every stage of life.  All in all, the CCM department recognizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional and social well-being for all patients, fostering a sense of wholeness and empowerment to ensure they continue to meet their goals and live healthier, happier lifestyles.  “Our team has a holistic approach to our work,” said Barb Mader-Scherrer. “We look at the whole picture. What are the medical things we can do for this person? What education do they need to help them manage their condition? Do they have food in their house? Do they have a safe living environment? Are there substance abuse issues? Do they need help in managing their medications?”  “My 18 years of experience in various areas of hospital nursing and home health have given me the knowledge to serve patients in our community holistically, and I feel good about what I do,” added Vanessa Alford. “I hope that I am able to lessen the load on the medical assistants and providers in the clinics so they can focus on their patients on site.”

    Read More About Department Spotlight Community Care Management

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    Departamento destacado: Centro de participación del cliente

    Do it for the patient. That’s the motto that each employee in the Customer Engagement Center (CEC) lives by every single day. This team spins all the existing stereotypical thoughts about call centers on their side by empowering and partnering with patients to achieve their best health. Being transferred around several times just isn’t in this team’s DNA – being a one-stop-shop for patient scheduling, referrals, insurance matters and more is how they proudly operate. Through elevating the customer engagement experience, the CEC closes care gaps to ensure patients get the right care at the right time. From employees who work from our home base in Reno, all the way to the southeastern corner of Florida, this primarily remote team stays firmly connected and collaborative to make patient care possible for all Renown Health patients and Hometown Health and Senior Care Plus members.  The “Make It Happen” Department  Back-to-back phone calls about a wide variety of patient needs? They make it happen. Referrals that need to go directly to the provider? They make it happen. Complex insurance questions that need to be resolved? They make it happen. The CEC is the keeper of all things customer service and all things patient satisfaction, leveraging technology to improve engagement and accessibility – and they wear that badge with pride.  “Patient care is our first priority,” said Cindy Arevalo, Supervisor of Customer Engagement. “Even though we aren’t face-to-face with them, we are always there to help them over the phone with whatever their needs are.”  The CEC has a lot of different sub-departments under its umbrella: scheduling, referrals, insurance, patient outreach, personal assistants, MyChart customer service and more. Each team handles calls for a different section of our health system, including the hospitals, imaging, primary care and specialty care. While their individual teams may be different, one aspect of their jobs remains the same: they care. Deeply.  “We advocate for the patient, especially when they can’t advocate for themselves,” said Amanda Ishii, Referral Specialist.  “We are the first people that patients speak to, and we all have empathy to listen to them, help them solve their problems and take as much time as they need to care for their needs,” added Susana Arroyo Garcia, Supervisor of Customer Engagement.  Customer loyalty is key to the CEC. Every CEC team member builds strong relationships with patients and members. Whether they manage patient outreach or manage back-to-back inbound calls, each employee feels a special connection to the helpful work they do to solve a variety of patient concerns.  “As Senior Care Plus Personal Assistants, for instance, we help guide our members through complex situations, and we eliminate the process of transferring them to different departments, becoming a ‘one-stop-shop' for them,” said Stephanie Perez Campbell, Senior Care Plus (SCP) Health Coordinator. “While every day is different, we are constantly learning new things and helping members navigate through the health system."  With the 4.5 million calls the CEC handles per year, the nature of their jobs is undoubtedly fast paced. However, this does not intimidate the CEC team members; instead, it inspires them to continue reaching new milestones, helping thousands of patients and members every year by handling all the scheduling and referral work on the backend so that they can receive the care needed.  “I never find myself sitting around asking, ‘what should I do next,’” said Gina Briles, Supervisor of Customer Engagement. “We always support each other to stay on top of it all in order to take care of our patients.”  By wearing a lot of hats and managing many different work queues all while staying engaged with each patient, the CEC is full of natural problem-solvers, helping our healthcare network run smoothly.  “The Engagement Center is the front door for the community; serving as the voice of the customer, we ensure patients do not fall through the cracks of the complex healthcare system and are able to easily access the right care at the right time through an exceptional experience,” said Candace Dietrich, Director of Customer Engagement.   Consistently Connected  With thousands of referrals to process and millions of calls to field, the ways the CEC stays connected to patients and members as well as each other can be related closely to magic. No concern goes unnoticed, and no problem is too complicated.  “The sheer volume of patients we engage with is incredible,” said Rene Jacinto, Manager of Customer Engagement. “We processed nearly 200,000 referrals and authorizations last year.”  “We expect a steady increase of calls year-over-year. My team processed 1,259 referrals in one day alone recently,” added Arielle Gomes, Referral Specialist.  A superpower that every CEC team member holds is the ability to listen. According to this department, active listening is key when problem-solving with every patient and member, as that skill helps them anticipate patient needs and resolve their issues quickly and efficiently.  “I’ll always listen,” said Alex Gomez, Customer Engagement Representative. “I want them to know that they are in good hands, especially when they are feeling scared or frustrated.”  Team members like Alex help carefully guide customers through the Hometown Health and Senior Care Plus enrollment process, increasing membership and engaging patients to find the perfect plan for them.  One of the largest challenges the CEC faces is the departures and arrivals of providers. The ebbs and flows of all hospital systems include provider departures and shifting provider availabilities. Despite this challenge, the CEC staff work hard to ensure communication with all patients regarding provider changes is consistent and that all patients are scheduled in a slot that works for both their schedule and the provider’s schedule.  “It’s important for us to be flexible, because things can change at a moment’s notice,” said Gina Briles. “This is more than just a job – we are here for our patients. What we are doing impacts everyone.”  Throughout all times of transition, the CEC builds robust relationships with both patients and providers within our organization and community, a skill that this team emphasizes as “fundamentally important.” For example, SCP Personal Assistants like Stephanie Perez Campbell will coordinate care with community resources and offices, giving members one less call to make and one less hurdle to cross in order to get the care they need.  On top of it all, even though this team has the ability to work from all 50 states (and many of them work outside of Nevada!), every employee feels connected to their colleagues and their work.  “This is the best group of people I’ve ever worked with,” said Riley Petro, Manager of Customer Engagement – Imaging. “I am super lucky for this job and am so thankful for these people.”  Proud and Powerful  The proof is in the pudding – or rather, the proof is in the numbers. Within the 4.5 million calls they successfully field every year, approximately 1.6 million of those calls route through the private branch exchange (PBX) team – the team that oversees the main operator lines – under the guidance of Jess Nater, Supervisor of Customer Engagement. The CEC is also on track to handle nearly 300,000 referrals this year alone. Additionally, the Hometown Health CEC team was recognized nationally this year with a five-star rating from Medicare.  “We all have the initiative to grow, and because of this, we are always learning something new,” said Cindy Arevalo. “Our leaders also support our growth, especially if we want to skill-build or advance in our careers.”  The CEC is frequently the first stop on the career ladder for many employees as they start their journey in healthcare, and CEC leadership is committed to the growth and development of their teams to reach their career goals at Renown.  The secret formula for all this success can be in part attributed to the pride each CEC employee has for their team, their work and Renown.  “We have a very supportive team,” said Holly Coffey, Supervisor of Customer Engagement. “I’ve seen our leaders support their teams tremendously.”  “We rely on each other,” added Ashleigh Carty, Customer Engagement Representative. "I love the relationships we create with one another.”  Employees in the CEC come from many walks of life, choosing to work at Renown and Hometown Health for a variety of different reasons, many related to the positive power our health system holds. Team members in this department hold a myriad of different career backgrounds, including pharmacy technicians, medical assistants, population health professionals, community health workers and more.  Some team members, like Nikki Clifford, Customer Engagement Representative Lead, heard wonderful things about Renown from her mother, who also works for Renown. According to Nikki, “seeing how happy my mom has been in her career made me want to join too. I’ve loved it here ever since.”   Katie Lunau, Supervisor of Customer Engagement, also grew up in a family involved in healthcare, and she wanted to follow in their footsteps. Choosing Renown as the place to follow her family path was a simple one, because “Renown stood out as the company that was actively involved in the community helping others.”  For other team members, like Susana Arroyo Garcia, Ashleigh Carty and Stephanie Perez Campbell, Renown and Hometown Health’s impact on the local healthcare landscape was their primary driver for choosing a career here and in the CEC specifically.  “Renown is very well-known in the area,” said Stephanie Perez Campbell. “I went to school in Reno for public health, so Renown came up all the time in my schooling. I knew Renown had a lot of different opportunities available for career growth, and with the friendly environment I always experienced here, it was an easy decision.”  “Once I went through the interview process and joined the team, I immediately realized that there are outstanding managers, support systems and communication skills here. People genuinely care,” added Ashleigh Carty.  Ashleigh is exactly right. As emphasized by every team member, employees in the CEC care. Their heightened levels of care and empathy set the bar high for all at Renown and Hometown Health, and their impact will be felt for years to come.

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Customer Engagement Center

    • lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022

    Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área reconocidos con becas

    Tres becarios galardonados con la beca Cherie Elvin Memorial Scholarship por 2016 tragedias de Reno Air Race; otros diez reconocidos con becas de enfermería por donantes de Renown Health Foundation. Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área fueron las estrellas del espectáculo de hoy en un evento que celebra la educación en enfermería. Los líderes de Renown Health celebraron la ceremonia de 2022 becas de enfermería para reconocer a los futuros enfermeros que marcan una diferencia genuina en las vidas de los demás, y otorgaron becas para ayudarlos a seguir su educación. Se presentaron becas a trece estudiantes de enfermería que también trabajan en Renown Health y que actualmente obtienen sus títulos de enfermería. Los premios financieros de hoy se basan en el apoyo a las becas de The Cherie Elvin Memorial Fund, que fue creado por la familia Elvin como un legado para honrar a su madre, Cherie, que murió en las 2011 carreras de Reno Air. Melodie Osborn, RN Director Ejecutivo de Enfermería; Jana Elliott, RN, DNP, Director de Enfermería de Renown Regional; Erin VanKirk, RN, Directora de Educación de Enfermería y Alicia Glassco, RN, Director de Enfermería Médica-Quirúrgica, presentó las becas con Thomas Graf, MD, director ejecutivo interino de Renown Health durante el evento que se llevó a cabo en Mack Auditorium en Renown Regional Medical Center esta mañana. Los miembros de la familia Elvin asistieron al evento a través de un enlace de video y hablaron con el grupo después de ver un videoclip de Broken Propeller, una película documental en línea de la productora/directora Christine Lazzarini que honra a los héroes que respondieron a la tragedia en 16 de septiembre de 2011. Fue ese día que The Galloping Ghost, una aeronave de carreras norteamericana P-51D Mustang altamente modificada, chocó contra espectadores mientras competía en las carreras Reno Air Races para matar al piloto, James K. "Jimmy" Leeward, y diez personas en tierra. Sesenta y nueve personas más en el suelo resultaron heridas. Fue el tercer desastre más mortal de la historia de los EE. UU. El accidente de dos carreras 2011 aéreas tuvo un impacto inconmensurable en toda la familia Elvin. Cherie, de 73 años, perdió la vida, mientras que Chuck, su esposo de 52 años, sus dos hijos y su nuera perdieron parte de sus piernas derechas. La familia recibió tratamiento en los hospitales del área y aún está agradecida por la atención, la amabilidad y el apoyo recibidos en el norte de Nevada. El hijo de Cherie, Bill, y su nuera, Rachel, habló con el grupo diciendo: “Como la familia Elvin honramos y recordamos a Cherie y trabajamos para apoyar a los enfermeros de nuestra comunidad”. La atención que la familia recibió de los médicos, enfermeros, proveedores de atención hospitalaria, equipos de EMS, y la comunidad inspiró a la familia Elvin a aumentar sus fondos de una beca a tres becas. Las becas de Cherie Elvin Memorial Fund se entregaron a Alexis Perkins, Katelynn Mahone, Verónica Wentker, que asisten al programa de enfermería en Carrington College. Para reconocer la dedicación y el sacrificio, y alentar a los demás a seguir una educación de enfermería, el equipo de liderazgo de enfermería y los donantes de Renown Health Foundation, por primera vez, también otorgó becas a diez beneficiarios adicionales para un total de 13 premios. Cada beca tiene un valor de $1,000 y se otorga a los empleados que están comprometidos a trabajar junto a la cama, transmitir las cualidades fundamentales de un enfermero y buscar conectarse con los pacientes que se recuperan de situaciones traumáticas. Kami Sherpa, que es técnica de cuidados críticos en Telemetría, quiere trabajar como enfermera registrada en Telemetría o en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos cuando se gradúe. Actualmente asiste a Orvis School of Nursing en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno. Kami escribió: “Perdí a mi abuelo a una edad muy temprana. Cuando murió, decidí convertirme en enfermera y hacer todo lo posible para que la estadía en el hospital de cada persona fuera buena. Soy la primera persona de mi familia en ir a la escuela y obtener una licenciatura. Esta beca significa mucho. Sé que mi mamá y mi abuela estarán orgullosas. Les prometí que cuidaría de las personas necesitadas y aliviaría su dolor. Enfermería es mi pasión en la vida”. La enfermería es una carrera extremadamente gratificante y tiene el beneficio adicional de tener una alta demanda. Sin embargo, pasar por la escuela de enfermería requiere mucho trabajo arduo, y puede ser costoso. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales (Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS), en 2019, había aproximadamente 3 millones de personas trabajando como enfermeras registradas en los EE. UU. Se espera que la demanda para el puesto aumente un 7 % de 2019 a 2029. El costo promedio de la escuela de enfermería puede variar ampliamente. El costo de una licenciatura en enfermería (BSN) puede ser comparable con cualquier otro título de cuatro años. Según U.S. News, el costo promedio de la matrícula para el año escolar 2020-2021 fue de $9,687 para una escuela pública de cuatro años y de $35,087 para una escuela privada de cuatro años. Algunos pueden seguir otros caminos, como un programa de RN a BSN en línea, que a veces puede ser más asequible y tener un costo de entre $25,000 y $80,000. Si bien esto puede parecer costoso, la mediana del salario anual de un RN en 2019 fue de $75,330. “Nunca ha habido un momento más importante para reclutar y retener candidatos calificados para convertirse en enfermeros”, dijo Thomas Graf, MD, director ejecutivo interino de Renown Health, ya que anunció el mayor compromiso de los donantes con Renown Health Foundation. “Su viaje para convertirse en enfermero incluye un compromiso de por vida con el aprendizaje y la presentación como su mejor versión”, dijo Jana Elliott, directora de enfermería de Renown Regional Medical Center. “Trate a cada paciente como la persona más importante del mundo para usted. No hay más trabajo importante o gratificante que servir como enfermero”. Agregó: “Estás en un viaje increíble lleno de alegría, satisfacción y un profundo sentido de propósito. Ser enfermero requiere pasión por las personas, una profunda creencia en servir a los demás; confianza en sus compañeros de equipo, la capacidad de aceptar el cambio, la flexibilidad y la verdadera determinación. Es un privilegio increíble ser enfermero y servir a los demás en lo que es, quizás, su mayor momento de necesidad. Los beneficiarios de las becas de las 2022 Becas de Enfermería de Renown Health son: Jion Manicdao Emily Thomas Christian Roberts Blake Conger Alaina Galyean Sadie Chalupa Jillian Dutra Leslie Zolan Kami Sherpa Erin Kristin Ramos Renown Health valora y alienta a los empleados a continuar su educación y apoya las aspiraciones y objetivos profesionales. El programa de asistencia educativa ofrece oportunidades de reembolso y pago de préstamos, así como orientación educativa y financiera de expertos. Se proporciona reembolso de matrícula, certificación y certificado a los empleados que actualmente están inscritos en una universidad/facultad o están trabajando por obtener una certificación o certificado profesional. Además, la organización apoya a los empleados que han completado previamente su educación y ahora están gestionando la carga de los préstamos estudiantiles. Renown Health actualmente está contratando enfermeros registrados y otros puestos en https://careers.renown.org/ Como un sistema de salud sin fines de lucro, Renown depende en gran medida del financiamiento de la comunidad. Para donar a Renown Health Foundation y a la educación de enfermería, llame al 775-982-5545 o envíe un correo electrónico a foundation@renown.org.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área reconocidos con becas

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Empleados
    • Carreras profesionales

    Departamento destacado: Oncología radioterápica

    Up to half of all men and one-third of all women will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, according to the Nevada Cancer Coalition. Chances are, you or someone you care about has been affected by cancer and has witnessed the ultimate fight for life. More than likely, your loved one’s cancer journey involved radiation therapy – and in fact, more than half of cancer diagnoses are treated in whole or in part with radiation. At first glance, this treatment plan can sound scary to any person. With a cancer care journey, it takes a village, and at Renown Health, we have top-notch leaders of the village roads that lead to radiation.  Meet our Radiation Oncology team at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. From intake to inpatient, this department of passionate physicians, radiation therapists, registered nurses, medical assistants, intake coordinators, schedulers and more are here to help every patient dealing with the intimidating diagnosis of cancer. Any patient that needs radiation as a part of their treatment is in the best of hands with this team, who will stop at nothing to ensure each patient under their care knows that they have a village Fighting the Good Fight right alongside them.  Teamwork in Tackling Tumors One of the most common forms of cancer treatment, radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to minimize cancerous cells. But with Renown’s Radiation Oncology department, the impressive cancer care doesn’t stop there – this team leverages advanced technology right at their fingertips. In fact, our cancer institute has the most state-of-the-art radiation therapy system of its kind – the ultra-precise Varian TrueBeam radiation therapy system – and is the very first program holding American College of Radiology accreditation in the entire region.  Given the advanced nature of their jobs and the high standard of care their patients expect them to uphold, it’s no question that the days-in-the-life of each team member is complex and can continually change every day.  “There are many moving parts in radiation oncology on any given day,” said Sandra Bailey, Manager of Radiation Oncology Services. “The radiation oncologists consult newly diagnosed patients, follow up with previously treated patients and oversee daily treatments for patients actively receiving treatments. Nurses and medical assistants move around the clinic to support the physicians with patients and provide education and other supportive care.”  The physics and dosimetry teams work diligently alongside the physicians to design the most beneficial treatment plan for each patient. Once a patient begins their treatments, the radiation therapists administer the daily treatments with the utmost precision. Intake coordinators, schedulers and patient access representatives make surethe patients have their insurance authorization and are processed through the system appropriately. Like any well-oiled machine, each part is necessary for the other to function at peak performance to ensure our patients receive the quality care they deserve and expect. Like many other clinical departments at Renown, teamwork coupled with education is crucial to best serve radiation therapy patients. Our nurses on this team are experts at exactly that, serving as a reminder of the transformative power of care in the face of a daunting disease.  “Radiation oncology is a unique world,” said Kristen Reed, Registered Nurse. “We have many different team members that play a role in how we function as a department. We all work together in some aspect to provide care for our patients. As a nurse, I provide patient education to all my patients before starting treatment to go over potential side effects and expectations on their treatment. Daily, we see new patients and follow-ups, plan simulations to start patients for radiation treatments and provide radiation treatments, among many other daily tasks.”  The unique role of our radiation therapists, the team members who are on the frontlines of giving radiation treatments, helps this department stand out from the rest with their tireless dedication to fighting against cancer with compassion and expertise. Not only are they armed with technology, but they are also armed with hands that deliver healing rays of radiation.  “As a radiation therapist, our daily tasks can vary pretty widely,” said Casey Johnson, Radiation Therapist. “We rotate between three radiation treatment machines called linear accelerators – one of which we use for stereotactic radiosurgery, a minimally invasive form of surgical intervention. We also staff the CT simulation room where we construct all the patients' treatment devices and perform their ‘mapping’ scan. We then coordinate with the dosimetrists and physicians to determine the specifics of the patients’ course of treatment. The most important parts of our job are patient care and education. Even though our job is very technical and requires tremendous attention to detail, the critical part is remembering that our average workday could be a monumental day for a new patient.”  “Our day-in-the-life in Radiation Oncology is centered around patient care,” added Haley Longfield, Radiation Therapist. “Although we do not spend a ton of time with our patients, we see them every day. We are able to build a wonderful rapport with our patients that is top-notch. We set up the room with their treatment devices, get them set up appropriately and administer their radiation treatment. On average, our patients are here for about 15 minutes.”  The bottom line: our Radiation Oncology team’s unified commitment to both excellence and innovation promises a brighter future for those battling cancer. No one is ever alone in their fight, and this team makes sure of that, no matter what.  Radiating Excellence in Cancer Care The Pennington Cancer Institute boasts a stellar reputation in our community for offering best-in-class, evidence-based care and cutting-edge research, improving outcomes for patients battling cancer. This fact is what inspired many Radiation Oncology team members to take their talents to this department in the first place.   “I chose to work at the Cancer Institute because I believe we offer the best patient care experience, along with the most advanced radiation treatments in the area,” said Casey Johnson.  "I am a fifth generation Reno resident, and I am part of this community through and through,” added Haley Longfield. “I always knew that I wanted to work here.” The success of our cancer institute starts with our people – and many members of the Radiation Oncology team witnessed this firsthand upon their arrival in this department. “I was initially inspired to move across the country to work in the Cancer Institute by the vision of the senior leaders and the future growth plans for the entire institute; once I arrived, I quickly realized what a great team I am now leading,” said Sandra Bailey. “The compassion and care the Radiation Oncology team provides our patients is second to none. Medical errors are rare in our department, and this can be attributed to not only the processes in place to prevent them, but everyone working together to deliver radiation treatments safely. Each day I witness a patient relationship being nurtured and developed. I am truly honored to be part of this team.”  Inspired by Renown's integral role in the northern Nevada community, several team members were drawn to this department because of the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on patients' lives in a quiet healing environment.  “As a student nurse, I had clinical and practicum on the cancer nursing unit here at Renown; I noticed the quiet, healing environment and a patient population enduring some of life’s most challenging hurdles,” said Rachel Bales, Registered Nurse. “It is in these moments that you can really make a difference as a nurse. After pursuing critical care as a new grad and working in Interventional Radiology with cancer patients, I knew that I had to find my way back to oncology. I applied to Radiation Oncology, and I am working towards my third year in this department. I have always known that I enjoy helping others, and the fulfillment that comes from working with this patient population is unmatched.”  “Renown is a huge part of the community in northern Nevada, and I knew while I was in nursing school that I wanted to have a career here,” added Kristen Reed. “I ended up joining the Cancer Institute about two years ago. My patients are a huge part of why I stay. We really get to know these patients and their families well, especially because they come in from Monday through Friday for up to six weeks for treatments. Building connections and being able to support these patients during a difficult time in their life makes my job fulfilling.”  From the initial consultation to the administration of therapy, the staff's commitment to personalized care remains strong. Patients and their families develop profound connections with these team members as they navigate through the challenges of treatment.  “We have knowledgeable and caring staff that help guide our patients through treatment,” said Kristen Reed. “This starts on the day of their consultation and continues even after completion of treatment. The patients and families get to know the staff through their treatment, and having a familiar face can be reassuring to them. We also take time every week to see how they are doing physically and mentally while undergoing treatment and we give them a chance to check in with their doctor. Taking this time helps reassure patients and allows them to ask questions, and in turn, reduce some anxiety and worry.”

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Radiation Oncology

    • Martes, 06 de diciembre de 2022

    Renown Health reduce la edad mínima de empleo a 16 años

    Los estudiantes de 16 años o más ahora pueden presentar solicitudes para oportunidades preclínicas de nivel básico en el principal empleador de la región y uno de los mejores lugares para trabajar del país ® Obtener una carrera en atención médica ha sido el objetivo de muchos que buscan marcar una diferencia positiva en la vida de los demás y mejorar la salud de sus comunidades. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales, se proyecta que el empleo general en las ocupaciones de atención médica crezca un 13 por ciento de 2021 a 2031, mucho más rápido que el promedio para todas las ocupaciones; y se espera que este aumento dé como resultado aproximadamente 2 millones de nuevos empleos durante la década. Hoy, los líderes de Renown Health anunciaron que están aceptando solicitudes de empleo para personas de 16 años de edad para trabajar en funciones no clínicas de nivel básico; anteriormente, los adolescentes debían tener 18 años o más para solicitar empleo en la red de salud sin fines de lucro más grande de Nevada. “Muchos de nosotros que trabajamos hoy como médicos, enfermeros y miembros clave del equipo de atención médica, comenzamos como adolescentes que trabajan o se ofrecen como voluntarios en nuestros hospitales locales”, dice el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Apoyar a los adolescentes locales con sus primeros trabajos en atención médica y brindar apoyo para carreras de por vida ayuda a construir la fuerza laboral del futuro. Nos complace dar la bienvenida a la próxima generación de empleados de Renown a medida que se asocian con nosotros para cuidar de nuestra comunidad y luchar la buena lucha”. “Durante más de 160 años, la base de nuestro éxito ha sido contratar a las personas más brillantes y compasivas”, dice Brittany Brown, MBA, Directora de Reclutamiento. Se alienta a los estudiantes de escuela secundaria curiosos sobre una carrera en atención médica a postularse a uno de los muchos puestos preclínicos de nivel básico disponibles ahora en Renown Health. Todos los puestos de nivel básico ofrecen horarios flexibles para tener en cuenta los horarios escolares. Nombrada como “Mejores lugares para trabajar para 2022” de Ragan, Renown Health fomenta una cultura de valores solidarios que incluyen el cuidado, la integridad, la colaboración y la excelencia. Renown fue galardonada por defender a su fuerza laboral y proporcionar orientación, iniciativas y recursos que promueven un lugar de trabajo diverso, equitativo e inclusivo, ofreciendo amplio espacio para el crecimiento profesional y proporcionando una comunicación efectiva que mantiene a los empleados comprometidos e informados. “Renown Health está a la altura de la ocasión al ampliar las oportunidades de empleo para los estudiantes de secundaria”, dijo la Sra. Brown. “Esperamos ayudar a los adolescentes a desarrollar habilidades profesionales que les sirvan hoy y para un futuro exitoso”. La decisión de reducir la edad mínima de empleo de Renown a 16 años se arraigó en el deseo del sistema de salud de apoyar a los estudiantes en sus objetivos profesionales a largo plazo y fomentar su interés en la atención médica. Los reclutadores expertos de Renown están preparados para dar la bienvenida a los postulantes adolescentes y ser un recurso para ellos durante todo el proceso de contratación. Además de ofrecer oportunidades de educación y crecimiento profesional, Renown cuenta con amplios beneficios para empleados disponibles para empleados de tiempo completo y medio tiempo. Los puestos abiertos de medio tiempo y viáticos disponibles para estudiantes que cumplen con el nuevo requisito de edad mínima de incluyen, entre otros: Representantes de acceso de pacientes Asistentes de seguridad de pacientes Transportadores de pacientes Lavaplatos Trabajadores de servicios de alimentación Personal de limpieza Renown Health también reconoce el valor de los trabajadores experimentados y cree en la igualdad de oportunidades para todos. Los puestos de tiempo parcial, tiempo completo y flexibles también están disponibles para personas mayores de 55 años y jubilados. Las personas pueden presentar su solicitud directamente en renown.org/careers. Renown Health garantiza la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo sin discriminación ni acoso por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, edad, discapacidad, estado civil, ciudadanía, nacionalidad, información genética o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra política de no discriminación en renown.org. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health reduce la edad mínima de empleo a 16 años

    • Servicios quirúrgicos
    • Empleados
    • Cirugía
    • Carreras profesionales

    Departamento destacado: Preadmisión quirúrgica

    Heading into surgery of any kind can bring along feelings of intimidation. With a best-in-class surgery team at Renown Health, patients rest assured that they are in the most capable hands for their entire procedure from start to finish – and while the physical preparation is vital, mental and emotional preparation is equally as important to ensure each patient has a smooth and comfortable experience. The Surgical Preadmission department (a.k.a. “preadmit”) at Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center is a dynamic and compassionate group of nurses, case managers, chart managers and more who are dedicated to guiding each patient through the surgical process. With extensive knowledge and expertise under their belt, the teams are equipped to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of all patients, for all surgeries, at all times of the year. Surgery Starting Ground The Surgical Preadmission teams are crucial aspects in the successful outcome of every surgical procedure. Comprised of skilled healthcare professionals, this department is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and care before heading into the pre-operating room. “Our job is to prepare every patient for surgery, make sure all their pre-surgery testing is done, ensure they understand their fasting and medication instructions, have had their questions answered, have a ride home and know what to expect during surgery and after so their recovery can go smoothly and without complications,” said Debra Bennett, RN, Supervisor of Surgical Preadmission at Renown Regional. “Each patient is unique, so each experience is different.” Our preadmit nurses are the masters of communication, directing thorough assessments – including medications, tests and clearances – and addressing any questions or concerns patients may have, never missing the opportunity to inform them of exactly what they will expect in surgery. “I do a complete history on every patient while giving them detailed pre-operating instructions and helping them answer any questions to the best of my ability,” said Nancy Hilts, Surgical Preadmission RN at Renown Regional. “I am proud to be able to help allay their fears and concerns using my 30 years of pre-op experience. I offer an avenue for them to feel comfortable opening up to me.” “We always tell patients that they have great surgeons and a fantastic team that will be watching over them and taking care of them every step of the way,” added Jon Capallupo, Surgical Preadmission RN at Renown South Meadows. “We also give them plenty of educational handouts and video content, in addition to verbal instruction, to ensure they are as prepared as possible.” The nurses then pass the reigns onto the chart managers, who prepare the charts for surgery and ensure all documentation is up-to-date before sending them to the pre-operative team. The expert surgical case managers also step in to prepare a thorough discharge plan, along with reviewing pre-operation orders for status, consent, codes and more. The team does several of these initial visits virtually, and they are looking forward to soon phasing all preadmit case manager preliminary visits into a virtual model. From assisting the pre-op and post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) teams with discharge planning concerns to helping on the outpatient side with anything from oxygen equipment and catheters to transportation issues and those experiencing homelessness, our pre-admit case managers are always up to the challenge. "We are true patient advocates, alleviating concerns and fears along the way,” said Mary Carl, RN, Case Manager at Renown Regional. “Just to name a few things we do on a daily basis, we see our total joint and non-weight bearing patients during their preadmission appointment, so they are aware of the medical equipment they need and if it is covered by insurance; provide education for Aspira catheters and gastrostomy tubes; advocate to ensure tube feeding and dressing changes are set up for hospice and home health patients; and escalate concerns of patient safety to ensure a safe discharge.” In the midst of it all, there is never a dull moment in the preadmit teams. At Renown Regional alone, the preadmit professionals see more than 1,600 patients a month – and each one has a hyper-personalized experience with their very own preadmit team. “Many times, we are the first impression a patient has on our organization; after all, we touch more than 97 percent of patients that are scheduled for surgery, cardiac catheterization lab procedures or interventional radiology,” said Amy Schler, Surgical Preadmission RN at Renown Regional. “We also collaborate with many other departments in the hospital as well, from surgeons and anesthesiologists to case managers and nurse navigators. Our work in preadmit impacts the entire surgical process.” Holding a diverse array of experiences, our preadmit department plays an integral role in our commitment to providing the highest quality of care to every patient. Knowledge is Power Heading into surgery feeling fearful and worried is normal for any patient. However, how would you feel knowing that each individual member on your preadmit team has, on average, 23-25 years of experience in the field? This is the reality for our Surgical Preadmission department – and they put that vast knowledge to great use to bring a sense of calm to patients. “Our team members have worked in various departments within our organization, and they bring a wealth of knowledge that we share with each other, and most importantly, with our patients,” said Amy Schler, RN. “If you have hundreds of years of nursing experience, you can speak not only as a nurse but also as a patient. It allows you to give a more personal perspective on what patients can expect in their recovery. Being able to assess their emotions and provide feedback to our pre-op and PACU teams help the patient have a better experience.” “Many of our nurses have close to 40 years of experience each, and they have an extremely large knowledge base since we see patients from newborn to geriatric and from easy procedures to complex surgeries,” added Debra Bennett, RN. “Another great aspect of our team is the varied nursing backgrounds we all hold – surgery, pre- and post-op, labor and delivery, pediatric intensive care, cardiology, gastroenterology, urology, cardiac cath lab, home health and everything in between. Communication between departments is so important!” All members in this department, regardless of which clinical area they came from, surgical or non-surgical, can easily translate their skills into the work they do in preadmit – and they only continue to grow. “As a surgical preadmission nurse, I have used my years of experience as a nurse in surgical services,” said Terri Delatorre, Surgical Preadmission RN at Renown Regional. “I started as a floor nurse with orthopedics for 12 years, and then I worked with the PACU for 11 years. This has helped me give great understanding and care to our surgical patients.” “Because we have staff with such a vast knowledge base, we can rely on our years of working within our organization to help alleviate fears that the patient may have,” added Amy Schler, RN. We can prepare them for what to expect in pre-op and PACU and educate them on what to expect post-op, including any barriers they may face. For example, mastectomy patients may not realize they will not be able to raise their arms for 7-10 days post-op, and total knee patients have to navigate stairs and housing access. Helping patients think about barriers at home that they may not have thought about helps them prepare prior to surgery, enhances their healing and provides a better surgical experience.” The preadmit team works closely with our best-in-class surgeons and anesthesiologists, continuing to grow their expertise along the way while learning alongside our talented providers. For instance, when it comes to our Renown South Meadows preadmit department, anesthesiologist Nariman Rahimzadeh, MD provides excellent guidance for the entire team on state-of-the-art anesthesiology practices. “I am very proud of the work we do with Dr. Rahimzadeh,” said Lisa Closson, Surgical Preadmission RN at Renown South Meadows. “Together, we ensure patients are safe for both surgery and anesthesia.” Despite the challenges that come their way – whether it be changes to process and workflow to navigating support for patients after they leave the surgery floor – the preadmit team cleverly uses their collective wealth of knowledge to bring hope and comfort to all patients. “Our nurses are such warm, caring and compassionate humans that do their best to ease any fears and anxieties patients may have,” said Debra Bennett, RN. The Pride of Preadmission The pride of our preadmit team lies in their ability to make a positive impact on all patients they serve. To them, their work is not just a job – it's a calling. And they do it all while working together to elevate their team and performance. “Our team is most proud of the quality of care we provide to our patients and our abilities to troubleshoot difficult situations to ensure they have a great surgical experience here at Renown,” said Mary Carl, RN. The entire department supports each other by working collaboratively and relying on each other’s expertise to provide the best possible care for patients. They understand that their success as a team depends on their abilities to support and help each other. “Our team is awesome here at South Meadows,” said Jon Capallupo, RN. “We can turn to each other for support, and we all work very well with each other. I am glad to be a part of this team.” “I am proud of how well all of us in preadmit works with each other every day,” added Lisa Closson, RN. “We try to make patients feel comfortable from the moment they arrive to the time they leave the department.” The pride that our preadmit team expends goes beyond their departmental limits – these team members are also trusted teachers. They work closely with cancer nurse navigators to teach weekly classes for patients who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer, coupled with lymphedema prevention and education classes. The team also encourages participation in Renown’s free smoking cessation programs to help their patients learn the risks and benefits of quitting smoking. When not serving patients or teaching classes, you can find many of these team members taking charge of multidisciplinary committees within our health system, including breast leadership, gastroenterology leadership, shared governance, infection control and recruitment and retention. On top of it all, this team certainly knows how to celebrate, with several of their members being a part of their own department-wide Celebration Committee, where they gather for retirement parties, baby showers and team get-togethers. Always active and never passing up a challenge, our preadmit department are shining examples of Renown’s Culture Commitments, especially Caring and Collaboration, and the pride in the vital work they do every day is limitless. “I am so happy my position in preadmit opened up for me at a time when I was really feeling challenged in my career,” said Nancy Hilts, RN. “The team that we have here is amazing. I am so grateful and thankful every day for the opportunity. It is an amazing place to work!”

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Surgical Preadmission

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