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    • lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022

    Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área reconocidos con becas

    Tres becarios galardonados con la beca Cherie Elvin Memorial Scholarship por 2016 tragedias de Reno Air Race; otros diez reconocidos con becas de enfermería por donantes de Renown Health Foundation. Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área fueron las estrellas del espectáculo de hoy en un evento que celebra la educación en enfermería. Los líderes de Renown Health celebraron la ceremonia de 2022 becas de enfermería para reconocer a los futuros enfermeros que marcan una diferencia genuina en las vidas de los demás, y otorgaron becas para ayudarlos a seguir su educación. Se presentaron becas a trece estudiantes de enfermería que también trabajan en Renown Health y que actualmente obtienen sus títulos de enfermería. Los premios financieros de hoy se basan en el apoyo a las becas de The Cherie Elvin Memorial Fund, que fue creado por la familia Elvin como un legado para honrar a su madre, Cherie, que murió en las 2011 carreras de Reno Air. Melodie Osborn, RN Director Ejecutivo de Enfermería; Jana Elliott, RN, DNP, Director de Enfermería de Renown Regional; Erin VanKirk, RN, Directora de Educación de Enfermería y Alicia Glassco, RN, Director de Enfermería Médica-Quirúrgica, presentó las becas con Thomas Graf, MD, director ejecutivo interino de Renown Health durante el evento que se llevó a cabo en Mack Auditorium en Renown Regional Medical Center esta mañana. Los miembros de la familia Elvin asistieron al evento a través de un enlace de video y hablaron con el grupo después de ver un videoclip de Broken Propeller, una película documental en línea de la productora/directora Christine Lazzarini que honra a los héroes que respondieron a la tragedia en 16 de septiembre de 2011. Fue ese día que The Galloping Ghost, una aeronave de carreras norteamericana P-51D Mustang altamente modificada, chocó contra espectadores mientras competía en las carreras Reno Air Races para matar al piloto, James K. "Jimmy" Leeward, y diez personas en tierra. Sesenta y nueve personas más en el suelo resultaron heridas. Fue el tercer desastre más mortal de la historia de los EE. UU. El accidente de dos carreras 2011 aéreas tuvo un impacto inconmensurable en toda la familia Elvin. Cherie, de 73 años, perdió la vida, mientras que Chuck, su esposo de 52 años, sus dos hijos y su nuera perdieron parte de sus piernas derechas. La familia recibió tratamiento en los hospitales del área y aún está agradecida por la atención, la amabilidad y el apoyo recibidos en el norte de Nevada. El hijo de Cherie, Bill, y su nuera, Rachel, habló con el grupo diciendo: “Como la familia Elvin honramos y recordamos a Cherie y trabajamos para apoyar a los enfermeros de nuestra comunidad”. La atención que la familia recibió de los médicos, enfermeros, proveedores de atención hospitalaria, equipos de EMS, y la comunidad inspiró a la familia Elvin a aumentar sus fondos de una beca a tres becas. Las becas de Cherie Elvin Memorial Fund se entregaron a Alexis Perkins, Katelynn Mahone, Verónica Wentker, que asisten al programa de enfermería en Carrington College. Para reconocer la dedicación y el sacrificio, y alentar a los demás a seguir una educación de enfermería, el equipo de liderazgo de enfermería y los donantes de Renown Health Foundation, por primera vez, también otorgó becas a diez beneficiarios adicionales para un total de 13 premios. Cada beca tiene un valor de $1,000 y se otorga a los empleados que están comprometidos a trabajar junto a la cama, transmitir las cualidades fundamentales de un enfermero y buscar conectarse con los pacientes que se recuperan de situaciones traumáticas. Kami Sherpa, que es técnica de cuidados críticos en Telemetría, quiere trabajar como enfermera registrada en Telemetría o en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos cuando se gradúe. Actualmente asiste a Orvis School of Nursing en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno. Kami escribió: “Perdí a mi abuelo a una edad muy temprana. Cuando murió, decidí convertirme en enfermera y hacer todo lo posible para que la estadía en el hospital de cada persona fuera buena. Soy la primera persona de mi familia en ir a la escuela y obtener una licenciatura. Esta beca significa mucho. Sé que mi mamá y mi abuela estarán orgullosas. Les prometí que cuidaría de las personas necesitadas y aliviaría su dolor. Enfermería es mi pasión en la vida”. La enfermería es una carrera extremadamente gratificante y tiene el beneficio adicional de tener una alta demanda. Sin embargo, pasar por la escuela de enfermería requiere mucho trabajo arduo, y puede ser costoso. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales (Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS), en 2019, había aproximadamente 3 millones de personas trabajando como enfermeras registradas en los EE. UU. Se espera que la demanda para el puesto aumente un 7 % de 2019 a 2029. El costo promedio de la escuela de enfermería puede variar ampliamente. El costo de una licenciatura en enfermería (BSN) puede ser comparable con cualquier otro título de cuatro años. Según U.S. News, el costo promedio de la matrícula para el año escolar 2020-2021 fue de $9,687 para una escuela pública de cuatro años y de $35,087 para una escuela privada de cuatro años. Algunos pueden seguir otros caminos, como un programa de RN a BSN en línea, que a veces puede ser más asequible y tener un costo de entre $25,000 y $80,000. Si bien esto puede parecer costoso, la mediana del salario anual de un RN en 2019 fue de $75,330. “Nunca ha habido un momento más importante para reclutar y retener candidatos calificados para convertirse en enfermeros”, dijo Thomas Graf, MD, director ejecutivo interino de Renown Health, ya que anunció el mayor compromiso de los donantes con Renown Health Foundation. “Su viaje para convertirse en enfermero incluye un compromiso de por vida con el aprendizaje y la presentación como su mejor versión”, dijo Jana Elliott, directora de enfermería de Renown Regional Medical Center. “Trate a cada paciente como la persona más importante del mundo para usted. No hay más trabajo importante o gratificante que servir como enfermero”. Agregó: “Estás en un viaje increíble lleno de alegría, satisfacción y un profundo sentido de propósito. Ser enfermero requiere pasión por las personas, una profunda creencia en servir a los demás; confianza en sus compañeros de equipo, la capacidad de aceptar el cambio, la flexibilidad y la verdadera determinación. Es un privilegio increíble ser enfermero y servir a los demás en lo que es, quizás, su mayor momento de necesidad. Los beneficiarios de las becas de las 2022 Becas de Enfermería de Renown Health son: Jion Manicdao Emily Thomas Christian Roberts Blake Conger Alaina Galyean Sadie Chalupa Jillian Dutra Leslie Zolan Kami Sherpa Erin Kristin Ramos Renown Health valora y alienta a los empleados a continuar su educación y apoya las aspiraciones y objetivos profesionales. El programa de asistencia educativa ofrece oportunidades de reembolso y pago de préstamos, así como orientación educativa y financiera de expertos. Se proporciona reembolso de matrícula, certificación y certificado a los empleados que actualmente están inscritos en una universidad/facultad o están trabajando por obtener una certificación o certificado profesional. Además, la organización apoya a los empleados que han completado previamente su educación y ahora están gestionando la carga de los préstamos estudiantiles. Renown Health actualmente está contratando enfermeros registrados y otros puestos en https://careers.renown.org/ Como un sistema de salud sin fines de lucro, Renown depende en gran medida del financiamiento de la comunidad. Para donar a Renown Health Foundation y a la educación de enfermería, llame al 775-982-5545 o envíe un correo electrónico a foundation@renown.org.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Trece estudiantes de enfermería del área reconocidos con becas

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    Departamento destacado: Seguridad

    “Safety is Number One,” isn’t just a saying – it's a fact of life, especially at Renown Health. The safety of all patients, visitors, staff and volunteers is always the top priority, and our Security Department takes that commitment seriously. This team is devoted in their efforts to provide a safe environment for all, building cooperative and proactive security processes leveraging crime prevention techniques and state-of-the-art technology. Renown Security sets the safety and well-being bar high, and they continually exceed that standard day in, day out at all of our hospitals and urgent care, primary care and lab locations.  Specially Trained, Continually Present  Our Security Department isn’t staffed with your run-of-the-mill Security Officers; these team members surpass security and safety expectations. Think city and state police-level standards. You read that right – many of Renown’s Security Officers come from Nevada Highway Patrol, the Washoe County and Carson City Sheriff’s Offices, the state probation and parole board and more.   This team fosters specialized training in a collaborative environment. Every member of the security team has extensive training in compassion, empathy and de-escalation techniques to provide the highest levels of safety and security. They implement this training in all their daily duties, whether they are saying a simple ‘hello’ to a patient passing by or preventing harm to a staff member.  Before their shift begins, the team meets to debrief meeting to discuss major incidents that occurred on the previous shift. These meetings ensure the next shift is aware of situations to be on special alert for and individuals to look out for. After, the team members head off to their assignments.  “The day could be as mellow as greeting someone at the welcome table, or it could be as chaotic as de-escalating someone in distress,” said Emmanuel Fernandez-Orozco, Supervisor of Security at Renown Regional. “Regardless of the day, every experience is rewarding in its own way. The only thing that is promised is that every day will be different.”  While every Security Officer has varying experiences, one aspect of their job always stays the same: they are always on alert for any potential safety issue. Even on the “slowest” days, it is important for this team to stay vigilant in order to mitigate any potential risks. There are several security programs that the team uses to keep everyone at Renown safe and secure: Renown's security operations center team (also known as dispatch) monitors all cameras in real time, with security officers patrolling parking areas 24/7.   Security escorts are always available for any employee, patient or guest at every Renown location. Security Officers can escort anyone to their designated site, check surroundings for danger and monitor the person until they safely leave for their next destination.     Rescue officers are available for any Renown location where an employee feels unsafe.  Security maintains a strong relationship with the Reno Police Department (RPD) and assists with reporting and providing information that aids RPD in pursuing and deterring criminal activity.  “In security, we are a counselor, teacher and rule enforcement officer, all rolled into one,” said Bob Stone, Supervisor of Security for Renown Health. Talk about master multitaskers!  Protection is only one part of the job. Through positive and meaningful interactions with guests, patients, community and staff, regardless of where they are posted, the Security Department continually helps Renown achieve its mission of making a difference for the people they serve.  Devoted Dispatch Speaking of multitasking, no one does this better than the Security Dispatch Center. Security Dispatchers are the “eagle eyes in the sky” at Renown, keeping a close watch on everything that happens within every Renown location, as well as REMSA (including Care Flight). From overlooking the many cameras around campus and administering codes over the PA system to manning the radio and phones to ensure Security Officers are dispatched quickly, our dispatch team helps ensure every safety or security issue at Renown is immediately addressed.  When a call comes in, dispatchers like Jessica Fernandez, Security Dispatcher for Renown Health, go through a quick discovery process (sometimes in seconds) to figure out the details of the situation or code and what level of security is needed to assess and de-escalate.   According to Jessica, the ability to prioritize is something she values in her work. “80 percent of our duties are on the phone and the radios, and we are skilled in prioritizing concerns based on the sheer volume of calls we get,” she said.  Jessica and her teammates are proud of the outcomes from their calls. Their attentiveness to every nook and cranny at Renown and their quick response times to make them not only a valued partner to the Security Department but also a necessity to our health system.  Your In-House De-Escalation Experts  Being in a hospital environment is undoubtedly stressful for any patient, and many factors can increase these emotions. The Security Department takes these feelings seriously and never hesitates to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of everyone at Renown. With the unfortunate rise of violence against healthcare workers, especially amid the pandemic, our first-rate security team has been crucial in countering violence with specialized de-escalation techniques.  The key to de-escalating, according to the Security Department, is to put yourself in the shoes of whoever you are working with. As stated by Bob Stone, the team approaches each situation by asking themselves: How would I want to be treated if I was in the same circumstance?  “Being empathetic to their situation and listening to what is going on in their lives is key to re-directing them accordingly,” said Bob. “Applying real-life experience to similar circumstances can make them feel like they are not alone. Educating people on hospital policies can also help them reduce their anxieties and solve the problems.”   Jhorddy Lopez, Security Officer at Renown Regional, approaches each situation with the mindset of knowing that each person’s reactions are different. “Different techniques need to be implemented every time,” said Jhorddy. “You have to use your best judgment call.”  Quick and effective judgment calls are a task that the Security Department has conquered. Rosie Garcia, Security Officer at Renown Regional, knows that using your best judgment means getting both sides of the story. “Whenever I need to step in and de-escalate a situation, I first speak with whoever is attending to the patient and gather information,” said Rosie. “Then, I always get the patient’s side as well. I want to understand how they’re feeling, so both the staff member and the patient can meet in the middle and come up with a collaborative solution.”  An example of the heroism and advanced de-escalation displayed by our Security Officers takes us back to last spring. In the middle of the night, a Care Flight helicopter transporting a patient and their family was about to touch down on the landing pad outside of Renown Regional. Right as the helicopter was about to land, an individual jumped over the safety barricade and onto the landing pad. Alexander Pico, a former Security Officer Lead at Renown Regional (who recently joined the Carson City Sheriff’s Department) immediately communicated with the individual to leave the area. The individual then went under the rear blade, which is the most dangerous part of the helicopter. Knowing that he had to risk his own life at this point to save another, Alexander ran around the back of the helicopter and tackled the individual, preventing catastrophic injury or even death. Steve Perkins now uses this example of a swift judgment call, which was captured on dispatch cameras, as training material for new staff.  Exceptional character, compassion and emotional intelligence are the attributes that every member of the Security Department holds. As noted by Steve Perkins, these attributes “allow for a quick assessment of each situation in order to de-escalate and move towards the best possible solution."  Securing the Job  The Security Department at Renown is actively hiring caring, dedicated team members who are ready to jump in and perform exceptional high-risk healthcare security services for our health system.  “We seek people with the right combination of ability and demeanor,” said Steve Perkins. "The training and skills development we provide result in a high caliber of success.”  Every team member in the Security Department is passionate about the same thing: helping others. And in a healthcare environment, this is important.  “Working a healthcare security job is far different than working any other security job,” said Jhorddy Lopez. “At a hospital, you get the chance to interact with people one-on-one. I get to experience the feeling of, ‘I can make a difference in this person’s life.’”  Any interaction can change the course of a person’s day, and the Security Department embraces this fact. “I really do love helping people so much, whether it be an elderly patient who needs help with their wheelchair or a situation where I need to step in and de-escalate,” said Rosie Garcia.   In order to succeed in this fast-paced department, being a collaborative team member is crucial. “A good coworker is a team player – someone that loves to work in a team atmosphere,” said Emmanuel Fernandez-Orozco.  Jhorddy Lopez reiterates this, adding that “communication and trust are also extremely important. Everyone has to have great communication skills and have each other’s backs.” For people like Bob Stone, having a special connection to Renown inspires him to serve. As someone who experienced two life-saving hospital stays here, he is proud to give back to the organization that gave so much to him. “It was only natural to return to a facility I was familiar with my entire life,” said Bob. “After serving as a paramedic and transporting patients into Renown from Plumas County, I knew I was not done giving back to the community. Renown was the place to do exactly that.”  All Genders Welcome  A common misconception about the security field is that it is strictly a “man’s job.” In Renown’s Security Department, that couldn’t be further from the truth.   As a female Security Officer, Rosie Garcia is a prime example of proving that idea wrong. As a master patroller and de-escalation expert, she ensures everything is running smoothly and that everyone feels safe at all times.  “When I first started here, I knew right away that nobody that works here is biased,” said Rosie. “Everyone is equal, and I am treated as an equal in this department. I know I can do the job as well as any man."  Both Rosie and her counterparts in the Security Department firmly believe that this line of work is for everyone, and they continually lift each other up and support one another.  “No matter your gender, as long as you have confidence and integrity, you will do well,” adds Rosie.  The Bottom Line If you are passionate about creating a secure environment to ensure patients get the care they deserve and employees receive the safety they merit, the Security Department is your team to join.  “I come into work with pride,” said Jhorddy Lopez. “Knowing that I can change someone’s life – that makes me proud to work here.”  “You’re in good hands with us,” closes Steve Perkins.

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    Departamento destacado: Ingeniería de instalaciones

    When an appliance or fixture stops working at home, who do you contact? If your lights stop working, you call an electrician. Is your air conditioning unit out of order? Reach out to an HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) technician. What about if your sewer drains start backing up? Time to contact a plumber. And if your fire safety equipment needs servicing? Better call a fire safety technician.  Regular maintenance and repairs on the inner workings of your household are always important, and when something goes wrong, it can be distressing and inconvenient to you and everyone living with you. You feel the need to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible, right?  Now imagine that those needs are magnified – to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people every year. Who could potentially take on such a monumental task? Enter: Facilities Engineering at Renown Health. Crucial to ensuring our health system performs at its peak, these team members step in to make sure every patient, team member and visitor who walks through any of our doors are able to access the facilities they need and make their time with us as comfortable – and as successful – as possible.   The Silent Heroes  As our care teams move heroic mountains to save lives, another set of heroes emerge behind-the-scenes. As a strong backbone of our health system, the Facilities Engineering department plays a key role in maintaining the infrastructure that supports patient care, from ensuring the HVAC systems are functioning optimally to maintaining the plumbing and electrical systems that keep the lights on and the equipment running smoothly.  Renown is fortunate to have some of the most dedicated journeymen in the business. This team boasts many experts, including:  Plumbers Fire Safety Technicians Craftsmen HVAC Journeymen Electricians Boiler Operators Facilities Technicians As one can imagine, every day brings on a new challenge for our Facilities team members.  “Each workday is always different; it could be water, power or HVAC issues or anything in between,” said Nhil Dado, Supervisor of Facilities Services. “We are proud of the services we provide for the needs of patients and employees.”  “Every day, we have a variety of equipment to work on,” added Alfred Santos, HVAC Journeyman.  “Whether it’s facility upkeep, plumbing, HVAC or electrical, we want to help,” added Brian McCarty, Facilities Technician.  This department works around the clock to ensure that every aspect of our hospitals and outpatient care locations meets the highest standards of safety and efficiency, from routine maintenance and equipment improvements to emergency repairs. These are huge responsibilities – all of which they perform with pride.  “As an HVAC journeyman, we are responsible for making sure the air circulating in the hospital is clean,” said Christopher Bobis, HVAC Journeyman. “It is also our job to make sure the air is positive and negative in isolation rooms and ensure patients are satisfied with the temperature in their rooms.”  “In addition to performing regular maintenance tasks like changing air and water filters, we complete any random work order that may come up,” added Brett Courtney, Facilities Technician. “We also recently switched out our lighting at Renown South Meadows to LED lights, which helps with energy savings.”  “I overlook the boiler house equipment and coordinate the fixing of maintenance issues reported by hospital staff,” added Arnt Utnes, Boiler Operator. “We also respond to every single alarm."  It’s difficult for us to imagine what our health system would be like without the Facilities team providing us with the comfortable and safe environment our patients need and deserve. Luckily, we’re never alone in our efforts to keep us running, and this department expertly leads that charge.  “Along with writing down the PSI readings in the gas rooms and answering calls from dispatch and the boiler rooms, I go through all the daily work orders and complete them,” said Ken Carrillo, Facilities Technician. “It always feels good to see when we complete all the work orders for the day, especially as the next shift arrives.”  “We fix, replace and dispose of pieces that are no longer in service – bottom line, we help keep the building up and running,” added Alejandro Cardenas, Craftsman.  But it doesn’t stop there – Facilities Engineering is currently in the midst of creating a whole new fleet vehicle program to improve the operations of our many on-site vehicles, including trucks, forklifts and more.  “I am the point of contact for all things fleet,” said Michelle Bay, Administrative Assistant. “We are building a new fleet program and working closely with leadership to move the program forward. I am involved with setting up new fleet fuel cards and can set up the program in the best interest of our internal customers while looking to the future for growth.”  It’s clear that the Facilities team is indispensable to Renown. Through their expertise, professionalism and commitment to quality, they stop at nothing to keep our health system functioning at its highest level.

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    • Jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

    Renown Health da la bienvenida a la nueva directora de Enfermería

    Debra Adornetto-Garcia, DNP (licenciada en enfermería), RN (enfermera certificada), NEA-BC (certificación avanzada en enfermería ejecutiva), AOCN (enfermera certificada en oncología avanzada), se une como directora de Enfermería de Servicios Agudos, para prestar servicios a generaciones futuras y mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los nevadenses. Renown Health se complace en anunciar que Debra Adornetto-Garcia, DNP, RN, se une a Renown Health como directora de Enfermería (chief nursing officer, CNO) para servicios hospitalarios de agudos. En su función como directora de Enfermería de Servicios Agudos, la Dra. Adornetto-Garcia liderará la enfermería hospitalaria de cuidados agudos y colaborará con el liderazgo en el diseño de una atención al paciente y servicios que garanticen una atención excelente para los pacientes y las familias. “Nos complace darle la bienvenida a nuestra organización y al norte de Nevada a una líder con tanta experiencia y talento como la Dra. Debra Adornetto-Garcia”, comentó Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Como directora de Enfermería de Servicios Agudos, Debra seguirá fomentando una cultura de cuidado y excelencia, y, a la vez, garantizará el más alto nivel de práctica y experiencia en enfermería para nuestros enfermeros registrados y pacientes hospitalarios. Dawn D. Ahner, DSc, FACHE, director de Operaciones de Servicios Agudos, señala: “Debra es una ejecutiva sénior dinámica, colaboradora e innovadora con experiencia en hospitales académicos, comunitarios, ambulatorios y de servicios agudos. La Dra. Adornetto-Garcia ha sido un agente de cambio influyente en la creación de modelos de entrega innovadores y ha elevado la práctica de enfermería a través de la responsabilidad compartida”. Debra llega a Renown desde CHRISTUS Health en Corpus Christi, Texas, donde se ha desempeñado como directora de Enfermería. También ha desempeñado funciones de enfermería sénior en Banner Health y Banner MD Anderson en Arizona, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center en Houston y University of Colorado Health Sciences Center en Denver. Comenzó su carrera profesional como enfermera oncológica con experiencia en radiación, quimioterapia y trasplante de médula ósea. “Es un honor para mí tener la oportunidad de servir a la comunidad de enfermería y a los pacientes de Renown Health en Nevada”, dijo la Dra. Adornetto-Garcia. “Es muy emocionante poder ofrecer a los pacientes la atención compasiva y de alta calidad que caracteriza a Renown, y ayudar a servir y liderar la profesión de enfermería hospitalaria”. Debra tiene una licenciatura en Enfermería especializada en Liderazgo Ejecutivo del Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, una maestría en Enfermería de Salud para Adultos (enfermera clínica especializada/especialidad en oncología) y una licenciatura en Ciencias de la Enfermería de la Universidad del Norte de Illinois. La Dra. Jennifer Richards, exdirectora de Enfermería de Servicios Agudos, dejó su puesto en Renown después de 21 años de servicio en el área de enfermería. Los hospitales de Renown Health incluyen a Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown South Meadows Medical Center, Renown Children’s Hospital y Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. En el ranking de mejores hospitales de U.S. News and World Report, el Renown South Meadows Medical Center ocupa el primer puesto en el estado de Nevada (junto con Carson Tahoe Medical Center). Renown Regional Medical Center fue nombrado en el puesto n.º 2 de los mejores hospitales en Nevada.  Renown también recibió el máximo galardón de la American Association of Critical Care Nurses, el Premio Beacon a la Excelencia, por sus Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) en función del desempeño y los resultados de los pacientes, que superan los puntos de referencia nacionales. Renown cuenta con las únicas unidades de cuidados intensivos galardonadas con esta distinción en Nevada. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración y propiedad local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. El modelo del instituto de Renown aborda determinantes sociales de la salud e incluye: salud infantil, salud conductual y adicciones, envejecimiento saludable e innovación en la salud. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health da la bienvenida a la nueva directora de Enfermería

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    Ruta de Zarah desde el viajero hasta el enfermero del quirófano

    As many nurses can attest, the journey they have taken to arrive at where they are today is full of twists and turns. For Zarah Jayco, an operating room nurse at Renown Regional Medical Center, her journey is nothing short of a fulfilling and exciting one. Zarah is no stranger to taking detours to find what truly makes her feel the bursts of passion she had been looking for her entire life. She found that passion in the operating room – and travel nursing led her to Renown Health. Today, she is a firm believer that she is exactly where she is supposed to be.  “I Just Want to Help People”  Throughout her life, Zarah knew she was destined for a meaningful career – but didn’t exactly know what. One day, she sat down with her mom, a nurse herself, where she asked the question that would ignite Zarah’s curiosity: What is important to you?  “That’s when I told my mom: ‘honestly, I just want to help people.’”  It was at that moment that she realized nursing could be a fit for her. Everything about venturing into the nursing field started to make sense.  So, that’s precisely what she did. Zarah went to nursing school. When she stepped into the OR during her clinical rotation, she was immediately inspired.  Zarah’s core values as a nurse were rooted from caring for her 90-year-old grandmother while she was in hospice. Her grandmother gave her some powerful lessons and words as she set off on her career: “You are in the right place.”  Upon completion of her perioperative program, Zarah the OR Nurse we know and love started her journey. She began her trek as a travel nurse, going up and down California to do exactly what she was meant to do: care for surgical patients.  “I Traded the Ocean Waves for the Mountains”  As Zarah continued to travel and find different locations for new assignments, her husband received an opportunity for work to transfer to the Biggest Little City. The duo packed up their California lives and moved to northern Nevada, where Zarah signed up for a night shift OR nurse position at Renown Regional Medical Center.  But the traveler’s mindset wouldn’t last long.  Renown embraced Zarah with open arms, and she was immediately drawn into the community-feel that our health system offered. She felt welcomed and surrounded by “loving, hardworking people” across her department and all other teams she encountered.  As Renown cares for patients across 100,000 square miles, Zarah was especially impressed with how rooted Renown is in northern Nevada, noting how it “truly feels like we are caring for the community” with our health system’s wide reach. She was inspired to live up to that mission and more.  “Reno and Renown really reeled me in, and I fell in love with the city and everything it has to offer,” said Zarah. “I traded the ocean waves for the mountains, and the more we got to know Reno, the more we realized that this change of pace and lifestyle was definitely a good fit for us.”  Zarah the OR Travel Nurse became Zarah the Renown OR Core Staff Charge Nurse. And she knew she made the right decision.  Working in the OR, according to Zarah, is challenging in the best way possible. At night, all surgery cases at Renown are emergencies. The team springs into action to answer one vital question: How do we provide the best care for this patient?  “It is essential for us to anticipate potential outcomes,” said Zarah. “When we book a surgical case, we look at everything to make sure we are absolutely prepared and ready.”  Staying at Renown was an easy choice for Zarah. To her, there is nothing like being a part of a core team that inspires her every day and ‘has each others’ back,’” Zarah stated. “During the course of my assignment at Renown, the culture harnessed a kind of environment that felt like a hardworking family. This was the hook that reeled me into considering being part of core staff. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to build relationships that I hold in the highest esteem.”

    Read More About Zarah Path from Traveler to OR Nurse

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    20 Años de compasión y dedicación

    When you meet Poeth Kilonzo, Director of Oncology Nursing at Renown Health, you are immediately greeted with a warm smile that puts your mind at ease. Within the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, Poeth enjoys a strong reputation among her employees and patients as someone they can always rely on, no matter how rough the tides may flow.   As an incredibly humble oncology professional, you may not realize that behind that smile is the power of a best-in-class nurse and leader holding a 20+ year career of diverse nursing experience and leadership excellence – dedicating the majority of her service to Renown Health.  Join us as we dive into Poeth’s unique journey through Renown.  Finding Her Passion  Ever since she could remember, Poeth has been a “people person.” Above all else, she cared for people – and she cared a lot. What better place for her to be than healthcare?  After moving to northern Nevada from Kenya, she began working in private patient care working with home health and dementia patients while taking classes at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in 2000. One day, a patient asked her a question that would change the course of her career journey: Did you ever think about becoming a nurse?  Driven by not only the words of encouragement of her patients and supervisors in home health but also the rallying support from her family and friends, including her husband and high school friend, who both have decades of experience interacting with nurses in healthcare (with her husband spending many of those years at Renown), Poeth knew this was the path she was meant to take.  “That was it; it was like a light switch had flipped,” said Poeth. “I switched to nursing overnight.”  According to Poeth, TMCC’s nursing program offered her an incredibly supportive environment, which was especially important as she was a young mom at the time. Working in healthcare, going to nursing school and raising a family all at the same time is no easy task, but to Poeth, this was her calling.  “Regardless of my path, I knew I wanted to be a nurse that was close to patients, sitting with them and holding their hand throughout their treatment,” said Poeth.  During nursing school, Poeth completed clinicals at several hospitals in Reno – three of them were at Renown Health (known as Washoe Medical Center at the time). What immediately stood out to her was the passion of the pediatrics unit, especially in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  “While I knew that pediatrics wasn’t going to be my arena, some of the best times in my life were during my pediatrics clinical,” said Poeth. “It opened me up to how welcoming Renown is.”  While doing her rotations, nursing leaders helped Poeth and her fellow classmates discover Renown’s Nurse Apprentice program, an apprenticeship designed exclusively for local northern Nevada nursing students. One of those leaders asked her, “have you considered doing a rotation in oncology?”  And another light switch flipped.  “Bingo. I am becoming an oncology nurse apprentice,” Poeth recalls. And that’s exactly what she did.   After her four-month apprenticeship ended in February 2002, she walked into her interview with Joanna Gold, who would end up being her supervisor and one of her greatest mentors until she passed away in recent years. With her experience and enthusiastic spirit on her side, Poeth fervently expressed her passion and interest in working in oncology. And Joanna saw all of that and more.  In June 2002, Poeth was presented with a two-year oncology RN contract, which she easily signed – however, she knew right then and there but she was not going anywhere. Renown was her home, and oncology ignited the fire within her.  “The nurses in this unit are part of what kept me here,” Poeth remembers. “These nurses would really do anything for their patients. The commitment and love they all had for one another truly was like family. It inspired me to learn more and give even better care to my patients."  To Poeth, it didn’t feel like she was coming to work just to do a job – she was following her dreams.  “You don’t think about the work you do; you think about the service,” said Poeth.  From there, Poeth spent three years on the floor as an oncology RN and became a night shift supervisor in 2005. She was thriving.  But this part of her journey was only the beginning.  When Opportunity Arises, Take It  In March 2007, Poeth and her husband welcomed their third child – and for her, working a day shift position would serve her the best at her current stage of life. This revelation led her down to Renown South Meadows Medical Center, where she became a staff nurse in Medical Telemetry.  It was in the telemetry unit where Poeth contributed to one of the largest digital transformations Renown would ever go through: transitioning from paper records to electronic records on EPIC.  From there, Poeth was inspired to get back into leadership in 2012 as the Supervisor of Clinical Nursing overseeing nurses, clinical outcomes and payroll in the medical/telemetry unit and intensive care unit (ICU). The timing of her leadership role lined up perfectly with her decision to take her skills to the next level, achieving a bachelor’s degree from Nevada State College in 2016. The timing of her degree lined up perfectly with what was about to come; she embarked on her first leadership role at Renown  This is where she would happily stay for 11 years, eventually becoming the Manager of Nursing in telemetry and the ICU, noting that Renown South Meadows felt like a second home to her.  “I wore many hats at South Meadows,” Poeth recalls. “From piloting back coding and handling compliance work to being on the patient floor and heading up South Meadows’ first high school hospital volunteer program, I got very involved. We had seven years without having a single nurse traveler in our unit."  It wasn’t long before Poeth was inspired to expand her education even further, and she graduated in January 2018 with a master’s degree in nursing clinical leadership from Western Governors University. Thanks to Renown’s educational assistance programs, our health system invested directly in Poeth’s education with tuition reimbursement and a $1,000 nursing scholarship.  Soon after celebrating her achievement, Jennifer Allen Fleiner – who was the Director of Nursing at Renown South Meadows at the time – asked Poeth yet another question that would bring her to the precipice of another career detour: “Have you ever considered transferring from South Meadows to Renown Regional?”   Moments later, Alicia Glassco, Director of Nursing for Renown Regional, asked her the same question, noting that the hospital’s neurosurgery unit needed the leadership of someone just like Poeth.  “It took me a whole week to make a decision, because this was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made in my life,” said Poeth. “I truly loved South Meadows. After that week, my leader told me, ‘you know what, Poeth? You’ve reached your pinnacle. You need and deserve a new challenge. Learn from this new team and teach them something. I think you have a huge opportunity for growth.”  So, Poeth decided to apply for the position and shadow the neurosurgery team, where unlike her unit, the majority of the team at the time were travelers. But this was a challenge Poeth was up to – so she was accepted into the role.  “At the end of the day, these patients deserved consistent care,” Poeth emphasized. “I knew I had to take this position for the patients – they were the ones who sold me on this job. They are the reason why we are all here. It was important for me to be an advocate for them.”  The big hills to climb didn’t slow down Poeth; in fact, the exact opposite happened. Within her first year in the neurosurgery unit, her team onboarded 18 new graduates and replaced travelers.  “We were hiring like crazy,” said Poeth. “My standing agenda at all section meetings focused on hiring and our quality metrics. I started having a relationship with our doctors. Once we created a strong doctor/nurse collaboration, our nurses started staying with us longer.”  Everything on the unit was going great.  Then, COVID-19 hit.   “Since we had private patient rooms, our unit became the first COVID unit at Renown Regional,” Poeth recalls. “My whole staff that I had built up had to be distributed elsewhere. I started caring for COVID patients. We relied on our Infection Prevention team a lot. And at the same time, I was worried about my family in Africa.”  Despite the stressful nature that the pandemic brought upon health systems everywhere, according to Poeth, she knew she had to continue on.  “The neurosurgery team ended up merging with orthopedic trauma, which was very difficult,” said Poeth. “We went from 28 beds to 58 beds. The key to success here was training. Nurses are very resilient, and through training, we were able to stabilize the unit.”  Noticing the opportunity for virtual demonstrations that were previously offered only in-person, Poeth spearheaded online trainings for nursing, physical therapy, mobility, head injuries and more, allowing teams across Renown to upskill in safe spaces.  These programs continued throughout the pandemic, and Poeth was proud to be a figurehead through it all, helping to stabilize the unit while creating strong relationships with the entire team, many of whom followed her from Renown South Meadows to Renown Regional.  Then, she gets another visitor – her Chief Nursing Executive – in her office with yet another opportunity.  Have You Considered...  In September 2022, Chief Nursing Executive Melodie Osborn walked into Poeth’s office with those three words that Poeth has heard for decades: “Have you considered...”  “Before Melodie could even finish, I thought, ‘I have considered A LOT in my career!’” said Poeth.  Melodie told Poeth that the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was looking for a Director of Oncology Nursing, noting that this could be yet another growth opportunity for her and a chance for her to go back to her roots.  “I had just celebrated my twentieth year at Renown; I knew this was going to be a decision I really had to think about,” said Poeth. “Everyone believed in me. Alicia Glassco told me, ‘Poeth, you are ready for this. Go for it.’ Once I applied for the position and started getting my updated chemotherapy certifications, I thought, ‘they are right; I got this.’”  At this point in her career, Poeth had been hyper-focused on inpatient care, and this role would be her first time caring for patients in the outpatient setting. After going through the interview process, however, Poeth knew that this was where she was meant to be yet again – and colleagues she hadn’t seen in years reaffirmed that commitment.  “I felt the most excited about the job when I toured the facility,” Poeth recalls. “I’ll never forget what one of the infusion nurses told me on my tour. She told me, ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I remember you; I came from Renown South Meadows, and you were so nice to me as I was precepting as a new nurse. Your kindness was unforgettable to me.’ The fact that people like her wanted me in the unit so badly inspired me to come back.”  Soon enough, Poeth became the Director of Oncology Nursing, a position she still proudly holds to this day. Once she was hired, she immediately went into deep learning mode, mastering skills such as revenue integrity, credentialing and the insurance process. She attributes Supervisor of Infusion Kaitlin Hildebrand and Director of Radiation Oncology Services Susan Cox for helping her succeed.  Shortly after assuming the position, Poeth noticed yet another opportunity for cross-training within the organization to combat short staffing – training nurses from the Float Pool to care for patients in Infusion Services.  “Between May and July of this year, we trained six nurses from Float Pool to do infusion therapy services, which offered so much relief to my team; I am so thankful to Rendee Perry, the Manager of Nursing in our Float Pool unit, and her team for their support,” said Poeth. “My mission in outpatient oncology is to serve the staff and patient population and create those strong relationships."  Poeth's efforts to circumvent nurse burnout go beyond cross-training – as a director, she is always there for her team members no matter what, leading with kindness every step of the way.  “I never miss a 7:45 a.m. huddle unless I am in a ‘cannot miss’ commitment; I want my employees to always know that I am there for them and that they are cared for both on and off the job,” Poeth emphasizes. “I want them to feel like they are valued, their families are valued and their mental health is valued; after all, without my team, we cannot care for patients. It’s important for them to know that I am here to be a security blanket and that there is always something we can do to solve a problem."  Today, Poeth enjoys a full team of core Renown staff members whom patients look forward to seeing – and the high patient satisfaction scores to prove it.  “Our team is so established that patients feel comfort in knowing they are always going to know exactly who they are being treated by,” said Poeth. “We will always work to maintain that consistency.”  Staying True to the Mission  Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of our community resonates closely with Poeth. Before she arrives at the infusion unit every day, she asks herself: What can I do to make it easier for my team to deliver care?  “It takes a village to deliver the care we do,” said Poeth. “Our nurses are priceless. You can’t place a monetary value on dealing with life and death every day. This is what inspires me. It’s all about helping each other out and keeping those relationships strong.”  Maintaining those relationships on the floor, according to Poeth, requires one main ingredient: work-life balance.  “I want my nurses to be able to balance sending their kids to kindergarten and giving their patients their first chemotherapy treatments,” Poeth emphasizes. “I genuinely care about their lives. It’s nice when you get to know your team’s children, grandkids, spouse and hobbies. I’m grateful that Renown has given us the autonomy to foster that flexible environment within our teams. It is so rewarding to have such a strong impact on these employees.”  To Poeth, it’s all about doing and then duplicating. Luckily for her team and infusion patients in northern Nevada, a new infusion center at Renown South Meadows is planned to open in the coming years as part of our commitment to expanding care. Her team is excited to grow their expertise down to south Reno – Poeth's original home hospital.  “I strongly believe that as nurses, we are meant to be where we are meant to be at the time,” said Poeth. “Be kind to yourself and remember your ‘why.’ Take advantage of the opportunity you have.”  To all nurses (and future nurses) out there, Poeth wants you to know that you are welcomed and valued. You are saving lives every day, and to her, that is worth everything.  “Always remain focused, even throughout all the challenges. Never forget why you got into nursing. And lastly, always stay true to your own mission,” closes Poeth.

    Read More About 20 Years of Compassion and Dedication

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    Departamento destacado: Piscina flotante

    Ring in the New Year and the rest of the holiday season by celebrating Renown’s Float Pool team!  After coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's no mystery that healthcare across the country has shifted and adapted to the growing needs and new demands of our patient populations. Renown Health is no different. As the largest not-for-profit health system in the region, we are no stranger to change, even when change presents challenges. Who do we call on when a unit needs more team members in the eleventh hour? Who can help when our patient volume spikes up with seconds to spare?  This is where the Float Pool at Renown comes to the rescue. Skilled in a wide variety of healthcare specialties, from acute care nursing and critical care to care aiding and patient safety, this is the team that can seamlessly step in to provide crucial patient care to the units that need it most, whether a team is understaffed for the day or needs extra all-hands-on-deck for a specific patient or procedure. Float Pool team members are equipped to work in virtually any clinical area at Renown, making a genuine difference with every patient they encounter.  A Pool of Relief Teams across Renown can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Float Pool has their back in times of need. As the backbone of our health system, these dedicated team members possess a wealth of clinical knowledge and the ability to navigate diverse medical environments. Their flexibility allows them to fill staffing gaps and provide essential support to many different units.  “We fill in the gaps of staffing to make everyone's day better,” said Patti Crepps, Critical Care Float Pool RN. “A float nurse has to be flexible and able to adapt to different situations and places – basically, ‘go with the flow.’ Patient care is basically the same all over; we make patient care possible by being familiar with all the various specialties and providing the specific care needed depending on the population we are taking care of on that shift.”  “Float Pool staff members are like healthcare chameleons, transitioning between different departments,” added Shelby Riach, Acute Float Pool RN. “We incorporate flexibility, teamwork and a commitment to ensuring patients receive the best care, regardless of the setting or circumstances.”  This team thrives in uncertainty; in fact, no workday is the same in Float Pool – and that’s exactly the way they like it. Working with many different teams across a multitude of specialties, these Care Aides, RNs, Critical Care Techs, Patient Safety Assistants (PSAs), Certified Nurses Assistants (CNAs) and more enjoy facing change, while they all share a goal of providing the best patient care possible.  “No day looks the same; since we are the Float Pool, we are assigned a different assignment on Smart Square every day, whether it be as a care aide, a patient safety assistant, a unit clerk or patient transport,” said Melina Castenada, Care Aide. “If we are assigned as a care aide on the floor, we help assist with call lights and help with whatever nurses and CNAs may need, including feeding, transporting, walking, helping patients use the restroom, etc. When we are assigned as a PSA ‘sitter,’ we sit for the patient to help keep them safe. If we are assigned as unit clerk, we help answer phones and direct patients appropriately, file paperwork, answer call lights if needed and assist with office work.”  “I love that every day is a different floor with different tasks and a different atmosphere,” added Julia Chappell, Critical Care Technician. “I find out which floor that I will be on right before my shift starts and head to the floor to find out my assignment for the day. Depending on the specialty, such as the medical-surgical floor versus an intensive care unit (ICU), my daily job tasks can vary.”  When it comes to high-risk patients, who require special attention, PSAs within Float Pool step in to help.  “The PSA role within Float Pool largely consists of adverse event prevention for our high-risk patients, and being a Float Pool employee allows us to work wherever we are needed,” said Dimitri Macouin, Patient Safety Assistant. “Whether it be in the emergency department, neurology or pediatrics, the PSA will be the eyes and ears for the nurses working with this patient population.”  “Great strides have been made to ensure that PSAs remain vigilant and are recognized as an integral part of the patients' care team rather than 'just a sitter,’” added Karla Phillips, Patient Safety Assistant.  Float Pool also oversees our Discharge Lounge, which offers patients and their families a dedicated space to reconnect and prepare for their discharge from the hospital.  “The increase in utilization of the Discharge Lounge is something we are very proud of,” said Kara Abshier, Care Aide. “We assist in discharging patients from all over the hospital to help the floor and get new patients into rooms.”  Every day brings a new challenge for Float Pool. As these team members wake up with uncertainty, they are ready to embrace the diverse demands of caring for patients of all ages.  “The fact that Float Pool exists is amazing,” said Hannah Luccshesi, Acute Float Pool RN. “We wake up with no clue as to whether we will be working with babies, children or adults and then fill in the needs of the hospital.”

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Float Pool

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    Conozca al futuro enfermero de Renown Jeromy Hughes

    When Jeromy Hughes became one of the 29 nursing students accepted into the first Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic-Practice Partnership cohort, he almost couldn’t believe it. Life as both an Orvis School of Nursing student and a future nurse in our community was about to change. Not only was he about to receive full tuition support, but he also was set up for a guaranteed start to his career as a nurse at Renown Health.   The Academic-Practice Partnership was named in honor of Jerry Smith of the Nell J. Redfield Foundation. Supported by a generous gift from the Redfield Foundation and Stephanie Kruse, Foundation Board Director, the goal of this partnership is to help foster a lasting nursing workforce in northern Nevada, with nurses like Jeromy leading the charge.  From the Courtside to the Bedside Jeromy grew up playing basketball in his hometown of Las Vegas and was on the team at Bishop Gorman High School. His talent resulted in a scholarship to play basketball for Wenatchee Valley College in Washington, which would put him on a trajectory to play professionally – even though nursing was always in the back of his mind. Jeromy received a unique opportunity to play for De La Salle University in the Philippines, and with much excitement, he set off across the world.  Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit.  When the world shut down, Jeromy had no choice but to stay in the Philippines, waiting to return to the Silver State. Three months later, he flew home to Las Vegas.  In those moments, Jeromy’s entire mindset shifted. A career in nursing was no longer in the back of his mind; it came right to the forefront. With a plan to now stay in-state, he set off to attend the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).  “My whole family is involved in the healthcare field, and I’ve always been surrounded by healthcare in some way,” said Jeromy. “My parents own an elder care facility, my dad is a respiratory therapist in Las Vegas and my grandparents own a hospice facility down in southern California. My grandma was also a nurse for more than 50 years, and throughout her career, she worked in labor and delivery, psychiatry and medical-surgical units. I’ve always wanted to help people like my family has, and nursing resonated with me the most out of every option.”

    Read More About Meet Future Renown Nurse Jeromy Hughes

    • Martes, 07 de noviembre de 2023

    Celebrando más de 150 años de enfermería, el primer premio del Nevada Hospital and Nursing School, el primer apoyo a la matrícula estudiantil de Jerry Smith

    Donantes, Orvis School of Nursing en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno y Renown Health crean historia al otorgar asistencia para la matrícula a 29 estudiantes de enfermería y crear un futuro canal académico y profesional. La Universidad de Nevada, Reno, ha comenzado oficialmente su celebración del sesquicentenario de un año (del 2023 de octubre al 2024 de octubre). Hoy, se realizó una celebración como donantes, Renown Health y la Universidad de Nevada, Reno Orvis School of Nursing otorgó a 29 estudiantes de enfermería el apoyo de la matrícula como parte de la Asociación de Práctica Académica Gerald “Jerry” Smith establecida con la Fundación Renown Health. La Asociación de Práctica recibe su nombre en honor al fallecido Jerry Smith de la Fundación Nell J. Redfield y está respaldada por un generoso regalo principal de la Fundación Redfield y Stephanie Kruse, propietaria de KPS3 y presidenta de la Junta de la Fundación Renown Health mientras trabajan para crear una fuerza laboral de enfermería sostenible en el norte de Nevada durante los próximos años. Kruse hizo una generosa donación planificada a Renown Health Foundation y al Fondo de dotación de Renown Nursing Excellence. Este fue el regalo principal para la dotación, después de un importante regalo en efectivo para el Fondo de Educación de Enfermería el verano pasado. Kruse of Reno recibió recientemente el prestigioso premio 2023 Trustee of the Year de la Nevada Hospital Association por su excepcional liderazgo, excelencia profesional, logros sobresalientes, logros innovadores y compasión extraordinaria en el cuidado de la comunidad. Los beneficiarios de Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic-Practice Partnership reciben fondos para matrícula, libros y honorarios de enfermería, junto con una carrera garantizada en enfermería en Renown Health después de la graduación y la obtención de la licencia. Los estudiantes elegibles de University of Nevada, Reno Orvis School of Nursing, los residentes de Nevada y aquellos comprometidos a trabajar en Renown durante al menos tres años después de la graduación que estén interesados en solicitar el apoyo de la matrícula pueden encontrar la solicitud en Canvas, el sistema de gestión del aprendizaje de University of Nevada. “A pesar del crecimiento constante en la cantidad de nuevos graduados de enfermería de los programas de enfermería de Nevada y enfermeros registrados que se mudan a Nevada desde otros estados, nuestro estado necesita enfermeros registrados adicionales simplemente para satisfacer el aumento del crecimiento y la demanda de la población”, señaló Brian Erling, MD, MBA, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de Renown Health. “La hija de una enfermera y una ex enfermera ella misma, Stephanie, comprende la importancia de atraer y retener enfermeras dentro de nuestros sistemas de atención médica. Stephanie ha hecho una contribución significativa y duradera al ayudar a capacitar y hacer crecer a la próxima generación de enfermeros, y apreciamos tanto su servicio y sus muchas contribuciones a Renown y a nuestra comunidad”. “Desde que nuestra Universidad dio la bienvenida por primera vez a los estudiantes a las clases en 1874, la institución ha sido un lugar donde los sueños se pueden hacer realidad para el bien de todos. Estamos increíblemente agradecidos por la Asociación de Práctica Académica de Enfermería de Gerald ‘Jerry’ Smith”, dijo Brian Sandoval, presidente de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR). “El apoyo de la matrícula no solo afecta las vidas y los sueños de los estudiantes de enfermería que son honrados hoy, sino que influye positivamente en la salud general de nuestra comunidad al garantizar que los excelentes profesionales de atención médica permanezcan aquí en el norte de Nevada”. “Jerry Smith tenía una fuerte creencia en la colaboración comunitaria, y estamos más que orgullosos de que esta asociación sea nombrada en su memoria. Estaría encantado de ver el impacto que estos regalos están teniendo en estos estudiantes de enfermería hoy”, dijo Greg Walaitis, director de Desarrollo de Renown Health Foundation. “Stepanie Kruse trabaja incansablemente para mejorar el acceso a mejores servicios humanos y de salud, y ahora alienta a otros a unirse a la lucha donando al fondo Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic-Practice Partnership en Renown para ayudar a financiar la asistencia de matrícula adicional y apoyar la educación del personal de enfermería para nuestro estado. Su objetivo es poder brindar apoyo completo a cada uno de los 192 estudiantes del programa Orvis School of Nursing cada año”. Según un informe técnico publicado por el Nevada Health Workforce Research Center (el Centro) en diciembre de 2022, el análisis del Centro reveló una escasez persistente y generalizada de profesionales de la salud en Nevada. A pesar del crecimiento constante en la cantidad de nuevos graduados de enfermería de los programas de enfermería de Nevada y enfermeros registrados que se mudan a Nevada desde otros estados, el Centro estimó que Nevada actualmente necesita más de cuatro mil enfermeros registrados adicionales simplemente para alcanzar el promedio nacional de población a RN. La asociación permite que Orvis School of Nursing amplíe sus clases de graduación en 8 estudiantes adicionales al año. “En Renown, nos enorgullece poner énfasis en la educación y el desarrollo profesional. Asociarse con la Orvis School of Nursing para crear un canal académico es imperativo para abordar la escasez de enfermería en Nevada”, dijo Melodie Osborn, directora ejecutiva de enfermería de Renown Health. “Renown Health y la colaboración de Orvis School of Nursing han sido de larga data, y lograr este hito reafirma nuestra asociación y nuestro largo legado que ambas organizaciones tienen para la enfermería y la educación”. Además de anunciar la Asociación de Práctica, la Orvis School of Nursing ha fusionado el programa tradicional de Licenciatura en Ciencias en Enfermería con el programa de Licenciatura Acelerada en Ciencias en Enfermería. Esta fusión ha ampliado el programa tradicional de Licenciatura en Enfermería de 72 estudiantes a 96 estudiantes admitidos dos veces al año. El programa de Licenciatura en Enfermería ahora admite un total de 192 estudiantes en el programa cada año. “Estamos entusiasmados de aceptar nuestra primera clase de estudiantes de enfermería de Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic-Practice Partnership y de aumentar la cantidad de estudiantes de enfermería que pueden inscribirse en el programa BSN de Orvis School of Nursing”, dijo Cameron G. Duncan, Decano Interino de Orvis School of Nursing. “Es fundamental que los estudiantes de enfermería obtengan experiencia práctica en un entorno que haga hincapié en la calidad y la excelencia, por lo que estamos orgullosos de colaborar con Renown Health. Estamos muy agradecidos con Stephanie y los generosos donantes que harán posible la educación para los estudiantes que de otro modo no podrían seguir una carrera en enfermería”. Fundado en 1864, Washoe County Hospital (que más tarde se convirtió en Renown Health) fue el primer hospital en abrir después de que Nevada se convirtiera en un estado y ahora es la organización de atención médica sin fines de lucro más grande del estado y el hospital n.o 1 en Nevada (US News & World Report). Fundada en 1956, la Orvis School of Nursing (OSN) es la escuela de enfermería más antigua del estado y está comprometida a atender las necesidades de atención médica de las personas de Nevada a través de la excelencia en la enseñanza, la investigación y el servicio. En 2021, Renown Health se afilia a University of Nevada Reno, School of Medicine, creando el primer sistema de salud integrado del estado. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 asociados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Renown actualmente está contratando excelentes médicos, enfermeros y asociados para carreras en servicio; postúlese en renown.org/careers y voluntarios para ayudar a los pacientes y sus familias en renown.org/about/volunteers. Acerca de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno La Universidad de Nevada, Reno, es una universidad de investigación pública comprometida con la promesa de un futuro impulsado por el conocimiento. La universidad de becas de tierras de Nevada, fundada en 1874, presta servicios a 21,000 estudiantes. La Universidad es una universidad doctoral integral, clasificada como una institución R1 con una actividad de investigación muy alta por la Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Además, ha alcanzado la prestigiosa clasificación “Carnegie Engaged”, que refleja su impacto estudiantil e institucional en el compromiso y el servicio cívico, fomentado por amplias colaboraciones comunitarias y estatales. Desde 2009, se han invertido más de $800 millones en laboratorios avanzados, residencias e instalaciones en el campus. Es el hogar de la Universidad de Nevada, la Escuela de Medicina de Reno y Wolf Pack Athletics, mantiene una misión de alcance y presencia en todo el estado a través de programas como la Universidad de Nevada, Reno Extension, la Oficina de Minas y Geología de Nevada, el Centro de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas, el Laboratorio Sesilógico de Nevada y forma parte del Sistema de Educación Superior de Nevada. A través de un compromiso con la investigación que mejora el mundo, el éxito de los estudiantes y el alcance que beneficia a las comunidades y las empresas de Nevada, la Universidad tiene un impacto en todo el estado y en todo el mundo. Para obtener más información, visite unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de Celebrando más de 150 años de enfermería, el primer premio del Nevada Hospital and Nursing School, el primer apoyo a la matrícula estudiantil de Jerry Smith

    • miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

    Renown Health y Orvis School of Nursing anuncian un programa de asociación académica y un proyecto académico para estudiantes de enfermería

    La asociación de larga data entre la Universidad de Nevada, Reno y Renown Health alcanza un nuevo hito con el programa de becas recientemente establecido. Hoy, Renown Health y la Universidad de Nevada, Reno Orvis School of Nursing anunciaron un hito en la asociación de larga data y un nuevo fondo para proporcionar a los estudiantes de enfermería becas de viaje completo y, a su vez, ayudar a crear una fuerza laboral de enfermería sostenible en el norte de Nevada durante los próximos años. La Asociación de Práctica Académica de Gerald “Jerry” Smith establecida con la Fundación Renown Health proporcionará fondos para hasta 24 estudiantes al año. Los beneficiarios reciben fondos para matrícula, libros y honorarios de enfermería, junto con una carrera garantizada en enfermería con Renown Health después de la graduación y la obtención de la licencia. La Asociación de Práctica Académica Gerald “Jerry” Smith también brindará a los beneficiarios la oportunidad de completar un aprendizaje en Renown. Para ser elegible para la beca, los estudiantes deben estar al día en sus obligaciones en University of Nevada, Reno Orvis School of Nursing; los residentes de Nevada; y deben comprometerse a trabajar en Renown durante al menos tres años después de la graduación. La Asociación de Práctica ha sido establecida por la familia Gerald Smith y iniciada por Stephanie Kruse, presidenta de la junta directiva de Renown Health Foundation. Kruse hizo una generosa donación planificada a Renown Health Foundation al Fondo de dotación de Renown Nursing Excellence. Este fue el regalo principal para la dotación, después de un importante regalo en efectivo para el Fondo de Educación de Enfermería el verano pasado. La hija de una enfermera y una enfermera jubilada ella misma entiende la importancia de atraer y retener enfermeras dentro de nuestro sistema de atención médica, por lo que decidió honrar la memoria de su madre y proporcionar financiamiento a otras personas interesadas en la lactancia. “Estamos increíblemente agradecidos por los generosos donantes que han ayudado a establecer la Asociación de Práctica Académica de Enfermería de Gerald ‘Jerry’ Smith. Estos fondos no solo afectarán la vida de los estudiantes de enfermería premiados, sino que también influirán positivamente en la salud general de nuestra comunidad al garantizar que los excelentes profesionales de atención médica permanezcan aquí en el norte de Nevada. Jerry tenía una fuerte creencia en la colaboración comunitaria, y estamos más que orgullosos de nombrar esta asociación en su honor”, dijo Greg Walaitis, director de Desarrollo de Renown Health Foundation. Según un informe técnico publicado por el Nevada Health Workforce Research Center (el Centro) el 2022 de diciembre, el análisis del Centro reveló una escasez persistente y generalizada de profesionales de la salud en Nevada. A pesar del crecimiento constante en la cantidad de nuevos graduados de enfermería de los programas de enfermería de Nevada y enfermeros registrados que se mudan a Nevada desde otros estados, el Centro estimó que Nevada actualmente necesita más de cuatro mil enfermeros registrados adicionales simplemente para alcanzar el promedio nacional de población a RN. La asociación permite que Orvis School of Nursing amplíe sus clases de graduación en 8 estudiantes adicionales al año. “En Renown, nos enorgullece poner énfasis en la educación y el desarrollo profesional. Asociarse con la Orvis School of Nursing para crear un canal académico es imperativo para abordar la escasez de enfermería en Nevada”, dijo Melodie Osborn, directora ejecutiva de enfermería de Renown Health. “La colaboración de Renown Health y Orvis School of Nursing ha sido de larga data, y lograr este hito afirma nuestra asociación”. Además de anunciar la Asociación de Práctica, Orvis School of Nursing anunció su fusión del programa de Licenciatura Tradicional en Ciencias en Enfermería con el programa de Licenciatura Acelerada en Ciencias en Enfermería. Esta fusión hará crecer el programa tradicional de Licenciatura en Enfermería de 72 estudiantes a 96 estudiantes admitidos dos veces al año. El programa de Licenciatura en Enfermería ahora admitirá un total de 192 estudiantes en el programa cada año. “Estamos muy emocionados de aumentar la cantidad de estudiantes de enfermería que pueden inscribirse en el programa BSN de Orvis School of Nursing”, dijo Cameron G. Duncan, Decano Interino de Orvis School of Nursing. “Es integral que los estudiantes de enfermería obtengan experiencia práctica en un entorno que haga hincapié en la calidad y la excelencia, por lo que estamos orgullosos de colaborar con Renown. Estamos muy agradecidos por los generosos donantes que harán posible la educación para los estudiantes que de otro modo no podrían seguir una carrera en enfermería”. Los estudiantes elegibles de University of Nevada, Reno Orvis School of Nursing, los residentes de Nevada y aquellos comprometidos a trabajar en Renown durante al menos tres años después de la graduación que estén interesados en solicitar la beca pueden encontrar la solicitud en Canvas, el sistema de gestión del aprendizaje de University of Nevada. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada sin fines de lucro, de administración local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 asociados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Renown actualmente está contratando excelentes médicos, enfermeros y asociados para carreras en servicio; postúlese en renown.org/careers y voluntarios para ayudar a los pacientes y sus familias en renown.org/about/volunteers.Acerca de University of Nevada, Reno La Universidad de Nevada, Reno, es una universidad de investigación pública comprometida con la promesa de un futuro impulsado por el conocimiento. La universidad de becas de tierras de Nevada, fundada en 1874, presta servicios a 21,000 estudiantes. La Universidad es una universidad doctoral integral, clasificada como una institución R1 con una actividad de investigación muy alta por la Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Además, ha alcanzado la prestigiosa clasificación “Carnegie Engaged”, que refleja su impacto estudiantil e institucional en el compromiso y el servicio cívico, fomentado por amplias colaboraciones comunitarias y estatales. Desde 2009, se han invertido más de $800 millones en laboratorios avanzados, residencias e instalaciones en el campus. Es el hogar de la Universidad de Nevada, la Escuela de Medicina de Reno y Wolf Pack Athletics, mantiene una misión de extensión y presencia en todo el estado a través de programas como la Universidad de Nevada, Reno Extension, la Oficina de Minas y Geología de Nevada, el Centro de Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas, el Laboratorio Sesilógico de Nevada y forma parte del Sistema de Educación Superior de Nevada. A través de un compromiso con la investigación que mejora el mundo, el éxito de los estudiantes y el alcance que beneficia a las comunidades y las empresas de Nevada, la Universidad tiene un impacto en todo el estado y en todo el mundo. Para obtener más información, visite unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health y Orvis School of Nursing anuncian un programa de asociación académica y un proyecto académico para estudiantes de enfermería

    • Renown Health
    • Enfermería

    El viaje dentro de: Ayudar a los demás durante el duelo

    Learn more about a Renown Health nurse who formed a nonprofit to help other families through loss. After the unexpected loss of her young husband, a Renown Health nurse turned her grief into helping other families navigate the loss of a family member. Jen Walker, RN, MSN, director of clinical excellence, lost her high school sweetheart and husband of eight years when he passed away in October 2015, while their two boys, age 7 and 9, lost their father. Walker, a nurse at Renown since 2003, was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support she received from the Reno community. It inspired her to want to help others in the same situation. “After Travis passed, the community did some amazing things for me,” Walker says. “I got really motivated to do the same thing and to give back, so that’s when I came up with starting The Journey Within.” The Journey Within organization provides support and resources for young families who have lost a close family member. Before officially starting her organization, Walker used some of the money she received after her husband passed and personally donated to three families. And with the help of four board members, Jen officially started The Journey Within in February 2017, and they have helped six families so far. One of the board members is her sister, Anny Goff. “She thought of creating this foundation in the darkest time of her family’s life,” Goff says. “She knew there would be other families that would need help and support and immediately wanted to help others. It showed incredible strength and courage to keep moving forward.” Nursing Careers at Renown Health Nurses at Renown Health demonstrate a commitment to patients and their families through the integration of care, clinical expertise, education, evidence-based practice and the pursuit of quality patient outcomes. Learn more about our mission, vision and values and the benefits of a career in nursing at Renown Health today. Explore Nursing at Renown Walker’s organization supports families through financial donations, which she funds through two yearly fundraisers. The Travy Tourney is a golf tournament held in memory of Travis, and the “Let’s Toast to Travis Fundraiser” event raffles prizes and merchandise. Along with financial support, The Journey Within helps families connect with other community resources, such as counseling and grief therapy services. Walker hopes to expand her nonprofit’s fundraising and support for families beyond the Reno-Tahoe community. Because of her outstanding work at Renown and in the community, Walker recently received a 20 Under 40 award from the Reno-Tahoe Young Professionals Network. She has also received a Women of Achievement award, a Leader of the Quarter award and has been nominated four times for Northern Nevada Nurses of Achievement. “She is strong and resilient and cares a lot about people,” says Jen Richards, chief nursing officer, acute care services. “She never settles for the status quo and is always pushing our team to do better.” In navigating her own loss and starting a nonprofit to give back, Walker has learned a lot about the community. “I’ve gained a tremendous amount of respect for the community as a whole, but especially for the young community,” she says. “Seeing the young people in the community who have been willing to give back and live really selflessly has been amazing to me.” As someone who lost her husband, helping young families who have gone through the loss of a close loved one can hit close to home for Walker, but that doesn’t stop her — it fuels her. “That’s one of the hardest parts about doing this — it takes you back a little bit,” she says. “But it’s just a very good reminder of ‘why.’ Because when I get to talk with these families, I realize that now I am that person who is there to listen. I just want them to know that they’re talking to someone who’s been through something similar.”

    Read More About The Journey Within: Helping Others Through Grief

    • Viernes 22 de septiembre de 2023

    Reno es el hogar de CNO para saber: Enfermera ejecutiva en jefe Melodie Osborn, nombrada en la lista nacional de Becker

    Se ha publicado la lista anual de Becker de Directores de Enfermería para Conocer para 2023, en la que se reconoce a los líderes profesionales de la salud de enfermería de todo el país. Melodie Osborn, MBA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC de Renown Health, la única organización benéfica de atención médica sin fines de lucro de Reno, es uno de los 153 líderes profesionales de enfermería a nivel nacional que figura en la lista, y uno de los dos de Nevada. “Estos líderes aportan una combinación única de experiencia clínica y de liderazgo a sus funciones. Estos líderes de atención médica de enfermería han navegado por sus hospitales y sistemas de salud durante la pandemia de COVID-19, y ahora están abordando la escasez de personal, gestionando los presupuestos laborales y creando vías profesionales para la próxima generación de enfermeros”, declaró Becker. En su anuncio, Becker’s destacó que Melodie Osborn, MBA, BSN, RN, directora ejecutiva de enfermería de Renown Health (Reno, Nev.), supervisa la enfermería y la atención sin problemas en todo el sistema de entrega integrado sin fines de lucro más grande de Nevada. En 2023, trabajó con donantes y la Universidad de Nevada, Reno, para crear un canal académico para abordar la escasez de enfermería a través de la financiación de becas de viaje completo para hasta 24 estudiantes de enfermería cada año. Los beneficiarios de becas también pueden completar una pasantía remunerada en Renown con un trabajo hospitalario garantizado después de la graduación y la licencia. En 2020, la Sra. Osborn se ofreció como voluntaria para liderar el esfuerzo de vacunación contra la COVID-19 de Renown y ayudó personalmente a vacunar a más de 50,000 miembros de la comunidad. Fue presidenta de la Organización de Nevada para Líderes de Enfermería. Bajo su liderazgo, las UCI de Renown son tres veces ganadoras del premio Beacon de la AACN por demostrar excelencia en la atención al paciente, un entorno de trabajo saludable y atención continua y basada en la evidencia”. “Estamos muy contentos de que Melodie haya sido reconocida a nivel nacional por su liderazgo estelar”, dijo Brian Erling, MD, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Durante los últimos doce años, ha construido equipos de alto desempeño y creado un entorno de apoyo que mejora la atención centrada en el paciente. Melodie tiene una ética de trabajo increíble, principios sólidos y ha trabajado para lograr un estándar constantemente alto de práctica de enfermería en Renown Health. Melodie se toma muy en serio su responsabilidad como la voz ejecutiva de enfermería de más de 2,700 enfermeros. Su dedicación para mejorar la salud y la atención ha inspirado a los equipos a trabajar juntos para lograr resultados significativos que han beneficiado a muchos. Melodie es la definición de líder dedicado y comprometido, y merece este reconocimiento. Estamos muy orgullosos de sus logros y le agradecemos su liderazgo excepcional”. Melodie Osborn es miembro del equipo de liderazgo ejecutivo de Renown Health. Renown Health obtuvo el premio al Mejor empleador de atención médica de Forbes en Nevada por combatir el agotamiento y garantizar el bienestar y la seguridad de los cuidadores. Renown Health está contratando enfermeros excepcionales y ofrece una cultura de dignidad y respeto con oportunidades de flexibilidad y crecimiento. Como líder nacional en salud, Renown proporciona acceso a tecnologías de última generación, instalaciones avanzadas y sistemas integrados para pacientes. Para obtener más información, visite renown.org/careers.

    Leer más Acerca de Reno es el hogar de CNO para saber: Enfermera ejecutiva en jefe Melodie Osborn, nombrada en la lista nacional de Becker

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