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    • Lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

    Renown Health recibió la prestigiosa designación “Gold Stars Level 10” por implementar el registro médico electrónico más avanzado del paciente

    El nivel 10 es el nivel más alto de reconocimiento que se puede alcanzar, lo que coloca al sistema de salud en el 3 % superior de todos los usuarios de Epic a nivel internacional. Por primera vez, Renown Health ha recibido la designación de Epic Gold Stars Nivel 10 por la utilización excepcional de la tecnología de registros médicos electrónicos (EMR) más avanzada disponible en la actualidad. La designación "Perfect 10" Gold Stars Nivel 10 es el nivel más alto de reconocimiento que se puede alcanzar, colocando al sistema de salud en el 3 % superior de todos los usuarios de Epic a nivel internacional. “Tener acceso instantáneo a los antecedentes médicos integrales y a los registros médicos electrónicos de un paciente permite una toma de decisiones más informada y una mejor atención para los pacientes”, dice el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Este premio por el más alto nivel de adopción del registro médico electrónico de Epic/MyChart es el resultado de años de arduo trabajo, una inversión sustancial en tecnología y capacitación, y una cultura de colaboración entre los miembros del equipo clínico, de operaciones y de tecnología para brindar el más alto nivel de atención a nuestros pacientes. Estamos muy orgullosos”. El compromiso de Renown con la atención al paciente y la seguridad de los registros médicos electrónicos (Electronic Medical Records, EMR) ha revolucionado la forma en que los médicos y los proveedores de atención médica gestionan la información del paciente, mejoran la calidad de la atención y mejoran la atención y la seguridad del paciente. Epic Systems Corporation (Epic) es un proveedor líder de sistemas de EMR que utilizan las organizaciones de atención médica de todo el mundo. El premio Epic Gold Star Level 10 representa el mayor logro para los usuarios del software. El sistema almacena información médica personal de los pacientes, incluidos tratamientos, procedimientos, resultados de pruebas, alergias, medicamentos y más. Los pacientes y proveedores pueden acceder a las historias clínicas, ver los resultados de las pruebas y leer resúmenes posteriores a las visitas de manera conveniente y segura. Además de la operabilidad integral de los registros médicos, el sistema hace que sea conveniente para los pacientes programar citas, resurtir recetas y comunicarse rápidamente con sus médicos y proveedores médicos. El compromiso de Renown con la innovación “Alcanzar una designación de Nivel 10 de estrellas de oro demuestra la dedicación de Renown Health para mantenerse a la vanguardia de la tecnología de atención al paciente”, dice Chuck Podesta, director de Información de Renown Health. “Estoy muy orgulloso del compromiso de nuestro equipo con la colaboración y la innovación. Este premio es un testimonio de la dedicación de nuestros médicos y clínicos que se esfuerzan diariamente por brindar los más altos estándares de atención a nuestros pacientes”. El programa Gold Stars de Epic proporciona una tarjeta de puntuación de la eficacia con la que una organización utiliza el sistema y proporciona una hoja de ruta para mejorar los resultados clínicos y financieros. El Nivel 10 de Gold Stars refleja que Renown Health ha adoptado al menos el 95 % de las características de Epic Gold Star y se clasifica como una práctica de vanguardia en el uso de tecnología. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health recibió la prestigiosa designación “Gold Stars Level 10” por implementar el registro médico electrónico más avanzado del paciente

    • Miércoles, 03 de agosto de 2022

    El Dr. Max Coppes liderará el Instituto William N. Pennington

    Max Coppes, M.D., Ph.D., MBA, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Pediatría de Nell J. Redfield en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada (UNR Med) y pediatra en jefe en Renown Children’s Hospital durante los últimos seis años, anunció que renuncia para dirigir el Pennington Cancer Institute de Renown a tiempo completo. El Dr. Coppes continuará desempeñándose como Profesor de Pediatría y Medicina Interna en UNR Med. “Nuestro objetivo es mejorar la salud de los nevadenses y reducir la carga del cáncer”, dijo Thomas Graf, director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Contar con el Dr. Coppes como nuestro líder clínico para el William N. Pennington Cancer Institute a tiempo completo refleja el compromiso de Renown y UNR Med de aumentar el acceso a la atención del cáncer, fomentar una asociación más profunda con UNR Med en ensayos clínicos, colaborar en oportunidades de investigación del cáncer y mejorar la educación médica y la capacitación de posgrado. Estamos encantados de que el Dr. Max lidere este importante esfuerzo”. El anuncio de hoy llega dos semanas después de que la Fundación William N. Pennington anunciara un regalo de $15.5 millones para la Fundación Renown Health para ayudar a establecer el William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown. El Dr. Coppes, oncólogo pediátrico con capacitación, tiene experiencia en liderar equipos de centros oncológicos académicos reconocidos a gran escala a nivel nacional tanto en los EE. UU. como en Canadá. El Dr. Coppes llegó a Reno en 2014 procedente de la British Columbia Cancer Agency de Vancouver, donde ocupó el cargo de presidente responsable de seis centros oncológicos regionales y dos centros de investigación del cáncer. Fue médico tratante en BC Children's Hospital y profesor de Medicina y Pediatría en la Universidad de Columbia Británica. A lo largo de su carrera, Coppes fue vicepresidente sénior del Children’s National Medical Center en Washington, D.C., y ocupó cargos en varios centros de prestigio de Estados Unidos y Canadá, como el Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) en Toronto, la Universidad de Georgetown, el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer y la Cleveland Clinic. Desde 2016, el Dr. Coppes se ha desempeñado en la función de liderazgo conjunto como presidente de Pediatría de Nell J. Redfield en UNR Med y pediatra en jefe en Renown Children's Hospital, un puesto posible gracias al generoso apoyo filantrópico de la Fundación Nell J. Redfield junto con las inversiones de Renown Health y la Facultad de Medicina. En 2016, la Fundación Pennington reconoció la necesidad de una mejor atención y experiencia para la pediatría y donó $7.5 millones al Renown Children’s Hospital para establecer el William N. Pennington Fund for Advanced Pediatric Care. “Como presidente de pediatría de Nell J. Redfield en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno School of Medicine y pediatra en jefe en Renown Children's Hospital, el Dr. Coppes abrió el camino para la integración de misiones académicas y clínicas en UNR Med y Renown. Demostró un liderazgo visionario y sin duda aportará la misma energía y visión que el líder clínico del William N. Pennington Cancer Institute”, dijo Melissa Piasecki, decana interina de UNR Med y directora académica de Renown Health. “El Dr. Max Coppes es un líder extraordinario. En los últimos seis años, ha hecho mucho para elevar el estándar de atención pediátrica disponible en nuestra comunidad”, dijo Sy Johnson, presidente y jefe de personal de Renown. “Gracias al liderazgo del Dr. Coppes, a la generosidad de la donación de Pennington y a otros donantes, 100,000 niños del área ahora tienen acceso a especialistas pediátricos y servicios de atención médica contemporáneos en el único hospital infantil de la región. Ahora, menos del 3 % de todos los pacientes pediátricos y sus familias deben abandonar el área para recibir atención especializada. Ese es un logro increíble”. Los logros significativos logrados bajo el liderazgo del Dr. Coppes incluyen: Avanzando en el Renown Children’s Hospital, el único hospital infantil dedicado en el norte de Nevada, que ofrece programas y servicios para familias de un área de 100,000 millas cuadradas, desde Sacramento, CA hasta Salt Lake City, Utah. Renown Children’s cuenta con la única sala de emergencias para niños; una UCI pediátrica (PICU); un centro de imágenes para niños; y la UCI neonatal (NICU) más grande, una unidad de cuidados intensivos de nivel III. Bajo su liderazgo, se establecieron las siguientes líneas de servicio: medicina adolescente, hematología/oncología pediátrica, nefrología pediátrica, enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas, oftalmología pediátrica, cirugía ortopédica pediátrica, cirugía de hendidura y craneofacial pediátrica, urología pediátrica, odontología pediátrica y medicina pediátrica de emergencia. Contratar y apoyar a un equipo de más de 40 especialistas médicos pediátricos. Estos médicos brindan 30,000 visitas de pacientes al año, ofreciendo un nivel excepcional de atención para ayudar a las familias. Como testimonio de la confianza de la comunidad en la atención brindada, la participación en el mercado de los servicios pediátricos en Renown Health ahora está cerca del 90 %. La membresía de Renown en el Grupo de Oncología Infantil (Children’s Oncology Group, COG), que brinda a los pacientes pediátricos con cáncer locales acceso a la organización más grande del mundo dedicada exclusivamente al cáncer infantil y a la mayoría de los tratamientos de vanguardia. Solicitud para establecer un programa de residencia pediátrica acreditado de 3 años (por el Consejo de Acreditación para la Educación Médica de Graduados (ACGME) en Reno. Si se aprueba el 2022 de septiembre, Renown Health y UNR Med comenzarán a capacitar a cuatro nuevos pediatras cada año a partir del 2023 de julio. Solicitud exitosa a la Oficina de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología del Gobernador de Nevada para recibir apoyo financiero para financiar un nuevo programa de Educación Médica para Graduados. Renown Children’s Hospital recibió $870,433 por el nuevo programa de residencia pediátrica. Nueva construcción de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, NICU) expandida con mayor capacidad para 49 basinatos, una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, PICU) expandida con mayor capacidad para 16 salas privadas de pacientes y familiares, y un nuevo piso para pacientes internados del Renown Children's Hospital con mayor capacidad para 38 salas privadas de pacientes y familiares con capacidad total de 58 camas pediátricas en el Nivel 4 del Renown Regional Medical Center. En 2021, el Dr. Coppes fue nombrado socio comunitario de héroes de atención médica por la revista Northern Nevada Business Magazine.

    Leer más Acerca de El Dr. Max Coppes liderará el Instituto William N. Pennington

  • Medicina adolescente

    Supporting and Empowering Adolescents Adolescence marks a pivotal time of transformation, both in body and mind. The Adolescent Medicine team recognizes the unique challenges faced by this age group and provides tailored care that addresses their physical and mental health needs. We believe in empowering adolescents to take charge of their health and well-being. Through personalized approaches, we engage adolescents in their healthcare journey, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health. With a focus on comprehensive care, our team is committed to supporting adolescents and young adults through every step of their transition to adulthood.

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    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Adolescentes y redes sociales: ¿Cuándo es demasiado?

    Dr. Max J. Coppes, Physician-in-Chief Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talks about how much is too much when it comes to teens and social media. Social apps (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) have become an integral part of most people’s lives. In contrast to traditional media — where one source goes to many receivers — social media operates in a dialogic transmission system. Many sources interact, sometimes simultaneously, with many receivers and provide for superior interactivity between its users. Not surprisingly, it also plays a significant role in our children’s lives once they are old enough to understand how to access and use these apps. On average, children start exploring social media at around ages 10 to 12. They rapidly discover that electronic communication allows for unique and personalized ways to make and keep friendships. They also use it to develop and expand family ties, get help with homework, share music, art, and experiences, and learn and discover the world. Social Media and Teens Surveys suggest that more than 90 percent of teenagers use social media. Additionally, approximately 75 percent have at least one active profile by age 17. Access to social media is greatly facilitated because more than two-thirds of teens have their own mobile devices with internet capabilities, a substantial change relative to previous generations. The use of social apps can have many positive aspects. But we now also recognize that it can also have negative impacts. The use of hazardous sites or the inherent risks of using social media (identity theft, being hacked, cyber-bullying, etc.) are indeed damaging to children. Any use of hazardous social apps is too much and carries serious hazards. But what about the use of “normal” and/or “safe” social media? Well, data suggest that too much use of “non-hazardous” apps can indeed affect health. How Much Do Teens Use Social Media? First, some basic data. For example, how much do normal teenagers use social media? A study from Pew Research found that more than 50 percent of 13- to 17 year-olds go online several times a day. This quickly increases during the teenage years to more than 70 minutes per day. Teenage girls have the highest usage at just over 140 minutes per day. It is important to recognize that non-school related use of the internet and social media is often beheld by teenagers as important for developing their self-esteem, their acceptance among peers, and their mental health in general. As parents, we recognize that the use of social media can indeed contribute, in many positive ways, to our children’s growth. At the same time, we also worry about them spending too much time online. We worry about their ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face settings or in writing. Many of us also feel and/or worry that our children are addicted. Social Media and Addiction Recent studies suggests that the overuse of social media indeed mirrors addiction. Reports now show that teenagers and college kids experience anxiety when deprived from their connected devices and consequently feel a compulsion to access their social applications. The emotional symptoms they experience are very similar to those seen in substance abuse. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association is considering making internet addition a bonafide diagnosis. Pediatricians therefore encourage limits on the use of social media, a recommendation more easily suggested than accomplished. So when should a parent consider seeking help? Aside from unhealthy use of these apps (cyber-bullying, sexting, online users asking for sexual relations, etc.), which should always trigger concern, the use of social media for more than 120 minutes per day should trigger parental concern. If you feel unable to address the overuse of social media, contact your pediatrician for help and guidance. Renown Children’s Hospital Whether it’s seeing a pediatrician, getting a sports physical or looking for advice, our care is centered around supporting and nurturing patients and families at our many locations. We have pediatricians dedicated to children who have experience recognizing children’s illnesses. They also have knowledge about tests and treatments for young ones to ensure your child gets the best care possible. Explore Children’s Services

    Read More About Teens and Social Media: When Is it Too Much?

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Cómo hacer que sus hijos duerman sin pantallas

    If you’re a parent, you’ve probably been there — the sometimes-nightly struggle to get your little ones off to bed. Elaina Lantrip, an APRN with Renown Pediatrics, offers some tips and explains how your child’s electronics may be getting in the way of a good night’s sleep. These days, kids are consuming media from a very early age on all types of devices — from tablets and phones to TVs. While they can benefit from some media use, it can have a negative impact on bedtime. We asked Elaina Lantrip, an advanced nurse practitioner with Renown Pediatrics, for some advice on downloading a better bedtime routine. What are the most important practices for parents to establish for their children’s bedtime routines? I often have parents tell me that their child won’t go to bed — or to sleep. Parents frequently ask for tips on bedtime routines that work. My first question is whether their regular bedtime routine involves television, iPad, tablet, phone or anything with a screen. It’s very important that bedtime includes a bath, reading a story, talking, singing and bonding with young ones, rather than using any devices. Why shouldn’t children have a device at bedtime? A growing body of research supports that screen time at bedtime contributes to delays in a child’s falling to sleep; overall inability to reach the important REM, or deep sleep; waking up during the night; nightmares and night terrors. For older youth, engaging with social media before bedtime can bring up stresses, emotions and relationship issues with peers that don’t exactly create peaceful bedtime thoughts. Bedtime should be a screen-free, stress-free, peaceful time of day. It’s a great time for parents to promote self-esteem, talk through things going on in the child’s life, to encourage and build them up. Children grow up fast — bedtime is a great the opportunity with younger children to cuddle up and read a story or sing a lullaby. What are other major considerations in making bedtime smooth and relaxing for kids and their parents? Another factor that contributes to positive sleep habits includes children getting enough activity during the the day so they’re genuinely tired at night. Also helpful are ambient noise makers, peaceful music, avoiding sugar two hours prior to bedtime, consistency in bedtime routine, comfortable pajamas and comfortable temperature in the home. Is it important to keep the child’s bedroom dark? Dimming the lights is important, regardless of the time of year. This is another reason to ban screens, as they emit light that stimulates wakefulness.

    Read More About How to Get Your Kids to Sleep, Screen-Free

    • Atención primaria
    • Vacunas
    • Registro médico

    3 datos importantes de atención médica para la generación milenial

    Many millennials are fortunate to have good health, but it’s important to be prepared for your next doctor’s visit. Here are three things that millennials should stay on top of for tracking and maintaining their health. For many millennials, doctor visits and preventive healthcare fall by the wayside. Alison Lynch, MD, a family medicine provider with Renown Medical Group says there are a few key things you can do now to set yourself up for a healthy future. 1. Establish with a Primary Care Provider Millennials are more likely to go to urgent care or consult the internet when a healthcare issue arises. While these are helpful tools, here’s a better one: a primary care provider. The benefit of establishing with a primary care provider is that your medical records, history and a baseline for your health will be documented. That means that when a problem or question comes up, your doctor will already have helpful information on file and can help you navigate your needs. Having a primary care provider is often required for prescription refills and referrals to a specialist. By establishing now, you’ll be able to get what you need in the future much faster. Make an Appointment Today 2. Protect Yourself and Your Community There are a few vaccinations and screenings that Dr. Lynch recommends for millennials. Flu Shots: These are available every year and are recommended for protecting not only yourself against the flu but also others you may come into contact with. Flu shots are usually available from August through December through your healthcare provider, pharmacies and pop-up events. Tetanus or Tdap: Most people receive a tetanus shot as a child, but it’s recommended that everyone get a booster every 10 years. If you are overdue, talk to your primary care provider or pharmacist about getting updated. Pap smear: If you’re a woman, a pap smear is recommended every three years in your 20s and every five years in your 30s. HPV vaccine: This vaccine helps prevent the virus that causes cervical cancer as well as the majority of head and neck cancers and warts. The HPV vaccine is recommended for all genders up until age 45. STD screening: Consider an STI/STD screening if you’re sexually active.

    Read More About 3 Healthcare Musts for Millennials

    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Donación
    • Filantropía

    Por qué doy: La historia de Tami y Richard

    If you have the chance to meet Tami and Richard Dethmers, you will quickly discover a remarkable couple who embody a heartwarming spirit. Married for 44 years, they cherish family above all else. With five children and 10 grandchildren, their family is not just their priority—it's their whole world. It is this love and their steadfast faith that led Tami and Richard to make a transformative donation to Renown Children’s Hospital. The Heart of Giving In 2023, Tami toured the construction of the new Wilbur D. May Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Renown Children's Hospital. She was touched by the idea of creating a special place for sick children and their families. That night, she talked with Richard about how they could help. Together, they both agreed to make a generous donation that could help ease the pain for families with children in the hospital. A Comforting Consultation Room Their donation established a consultation room in the Wilbur D. May NICU and PICU at Renown Children's Hospital. Tami and Richard's motivation stems from personal experience, having seen their grandson endure four open-heart surgeries. "I remember challenging conversations with doctors, surrounded by other families in the open PICU. It was difficult,” said Tami.  In this new consultation room, families have a private space to learn about the next steps in their journey, gaining insights into the illnesses affecting their children. It is a dedicated space where doctors can discuss treatment plans and medical information with families. Designed to be a supportive and calming environment, the room features art on the walls, and a window bathes the space in beautiful, natural light, offering comfort to families in need. Tami and Richard’s donation ensures that families in the NICU and PICU can navigate difficult conversations with doctors in a thoughtfully designed space. Because We Love You and We Care In the new consultation room, a powerful message is printed and framed: 'Because we love you and we care.' This phrase is an important part of Tami and Richard’s donation, reflecting words they spoke to their children while they were growing up. For them, it symbolizes love, care, and a commitment to offering support. A Legacy of Comfort Tami and Richard, along with their family, are dedicated to an ongoing legacy of giving. Together, they also donated blankets to patients and families who use the consultation room. “I hope they provide an added layer of comfort,” said Tami. Each blanket includes a custom tag repeating those same words 'Because we love you and we care.' Richard echoes Tami's sentiments. “We do what we can because we love children, and there is no greater pain than a child in distress,” Richard said, emphasizing their shared dedication to helping children in need. Together, with their children and grandchildren, they continue to make a difference, embodying the power of compassion and generosity in their family's legacy.

    Read More About Why I Give: Tami and Richard's Story

    • Empleados
    • Cirugía
    • Registro médico

    Departamento destacado: Programación de cirugías y procedimientos

    When it comes to intimidating procedures such as surgery, cardiac catheterization (Cath) or interventional radiology (IR), there can be a lot of unknowns. What can I expect on the big day? What will happen after I’m all done? Will I have to worry about my orders not being in the system? Who can I call if I have any last-minute questions? It’s easy for your thoughts to race as you approach your procedure date, but luckily, there is a team who puts your mind at ease.  With Renown Health’s Surgery & Procedure Scheduling department, patients can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that all the nitty-gritty is taken care of before they step foot in the procedure room. This team operates in the mindset of a complex Tetris board – fitting in all the pieces to make sure every patient is set on the path for surgery success.  Consistent Contact Our Surgery & Procedure Scheduling team has a unique history. Initially operating as two separate teams, over the last year, our leaders skillfully combined the two teams together under one umbrella. That allows the now singular team to have line of sight across every surgery and Cath or IR procedure plan and be better stewards of the resources they have at their fingertips to provide streamlined, more-connected care for patients.  As one might imagine, with the merger of the two teams, the day-in-the-life of each team member is full of a variety of crucial checklist items to cross off – all supporting constant communication from patients to providers.  On the surgery scheduling front, these team members are resource rockstars. From working with referring providers to get patients scheduled appropriately to ensuring rooms and equipment are available for every patient, this team makes sure everything and everyone is in place when the time comes to help create a successful procedure and the best possible patient experience.   “In surgery scheduling, we handle inbound calls for the outside offices to get time scheduled for each patient in the operating room (OR),” said Lydia Sharkey, Senior Scheduler. “We make sure there are plenty of anesthesia resources and equipment for every surgery, including any important information that we need to schedule patients appropriately and adding all documents to the OR board. If we need to swap rooms or move patients around, we handle that process too.”  Over on the IR/Cath scheduling side of things, this team is on the frontlines of patient communication. They are experts in helping patients navigate their procedure from start (seeing their provider and obtaining the proper referrals) to finish (the day of the procedure and post-procedure process).  “My day is a little different than the hospital schedulers; our part of the team handles the outpatient aspect,” said Adrienne White, Senior Scheduler. “We are in constant contact with patients and the IR and Cath departments. We help them navigate their procedure, including what to expect during and after the procedure. We get them through the process as easily as possible and ease their minds, so they know what is going to happen every step of the way. It’s all about communication, communication, communication!”  This department has a significant overarching role: make sure all documents and ancillary information is set up for all our clinical teams that help with surgeries and procedures. This critical work means that every process is followed, and no important details are left out.  “No one wakes up and says, ‘I want to have surgery;” our team goes above and beyond to make sure every single detail is taken care of so that when patients arrive, everything is in place,” said Trisha White. “Our team works hard to ensure everything runs as efficiently as possible because we want to use our resources in the best way possible to serve our patients without delays. We make sure we receive all the orders, codes and insurance and that the teams that follow after us – including our pre-admit team and nurses – have all the information they need to do their job seamlessly."  With all the work they accomplish daily – not to mention how they wholeheartedly support each other through it all – it’s no question that the entire team has a lot to be proud of. Besides helping make patient care possible, the team puts their departmental merger and the move to fully remote work at the top of the list.  “We’re most proud of merging the surgery scheduling and procedure scheduling teams together and therefore more cohesive,” said Mary Gray, Senior Scheduler. “The merger has made our team blossom and be able to connect with and rely on one another even more. We aren’t afraid to speak up and say something. At the end of the day, we’re here to take care of the patient, but we also help each other out. Our morale has gone up, and everybody is happier. Even though we all work remotely, we are more connected and have a great work-life balance.”  “Along with transitioning the two teams into one big team, the move to being fully remote was huge," added Patricia Cruz-Hernandez, Surgical RN Scheduling Coordinator. “We worked through all the glitches, and it was a seamless transition to move into a remote setting. What’s great is that it did not affect patients at all; everything still gets done exactly as it should.”  No matter how busy the days may get, Renown’s surgery and procedure schedulers always remember one thing: they are incredibly grateful for their fellow team members.  “We have a very efficient and hard-working team of women,” said Pam Chapa Valencia, Senior Scheduler.  “I could not have handpicked better people for our team,” added Trisha White. “I feel so lucky to have the team that we have.”  A Renown “Why” Our Surgery and Procedure Scheduling team members all have diverse stories to tell about their road to Renown and why they’ve stayed in the department for as long as they have. Whether they’ve been with us for two years or two decades, they all share the same strong calling to care for their community.  “I always wanted to help people, and my grandma was a nurse,” said Pam Chapa Valencia, Senior Scheduler.  “I loved hearing her stories, and it made me want to be involved in patient care.”  “I have a caring nature, and a hospital nature seemed like the right fit – I've been here for 25 years,” added Mary Gray.  Several of our schedulers recognized the influence Renown has within our community and the ability to grow professionally and personally, both of which were a driving factor in their decision to make our health system their long-term career.  “I’m originally from southern California, and I moved here about eight years ago; my husband always talked so positively about Renown, especially with how big it is and how it has the only level II trauma center in northern Nevada, so my goal was always to get a job here,” said Lydia Sharkey. “It’s been a great environment to be a part of.”  “I’ve been with Renown for 17 years, and I chose to come here because of the reputation of the services Renown provided and care they gave,” added Trisha White. “I also knew what opportunities there were for me professionally, and in doing so, we are taking care of our community. I’ve had the chance to grow within my own professional skills and leadership skillset.”  A profound feeling of ‘home’ is a common theme among this department. These team members appreciate the sense of community Renown has, the strides we’ve made in expanding our reach and how our health system gives healthcare professionals who are new to the field a chance to succeed.  “At the time, Renown was the only hospital that would train nurses, and as a brand-new nurse, I had no experience – Renown took a chance on me,” said Patricia Cruz-Hernandez. “I feel like this is home. Our health system is so community-based and people-first minded, keeping ‘mission over margin.’ We’re growing, we’re expanding, we’re everywhere!”  “I was a part of a transition as the cardiology private practice I worked with became a Renown practice, and it was great,” added Adrienne White. “This transition enabled us to provide more services and better care to patients. I stay here because I see the leaps and bounds we’ve been able to make in terms of procedures, accessibility and patient experience.”  As true advocates for both patients and each other, the team is proud to have found their niche – and the ultimate beneficiaries? Everyone undergoing a surgery or procedure at Renown.  A Culture of Kindness and Gratitude When you meet the Surgery & Procedure Scheduling team, you are greeted with warm smiles and an enthusiastic “Nice to meet you!” You can’t help but smile back and feel the infectious kindness they exude.  Renown operates with a People-First mindset, a vision that this department especially takes to heart. They emulate the exact definition of our “Collaboration” cultural commitment.  “We’ve built very good relationships and rapport with the OR managers and board runners,” said Lydia Sharkey. “The communication that we have at all three locations is very solid.”  “The OR leadership is always so willing to help out whenever they can, and the resources they’ve provided have been huge for us,” added Adrienne White.  “All the teams that see the patients after us – especially the surgical pre-admit team and the case managers, are fantastic about collaborating with us and reaching out to solve any issues they may have,” added Trisha White. “We all work so well together, especially since we all impact patient care.”  In any organization, strong and compassionate leadership is key to a thriving team. Luckily for our surgery and procedure schedulers, they have Trisha White on their side. They attribute a lot of their success to having a supportive leader who “gets it.”  “Trisha has been a scheduler like us, so she completely understands when we’re having an issue, because she’s struggled with the same thing and knows where we are coming from,” said Mary Gray. “It makes us feel like we are not alone – I can always reach out to her, or any of my other coworkers, to ask questions and figure out a solution together.”  Despite being a remote-only team that meets in-person only one or two times a month, this group never misses an opportunity to reconnect both online and offline. They frequently shout out their Culture Ambassadors, schedulers Pam Chapa Valencia and Roxanne Abundis, for their team’s high morale.  “Even though we all primarily work remotely, our in-person days are some of my favorite days of the month,” said Trisha White. “We feel so uplifted, we laugh and we have fun. We love being with each other. Pam and Roxanne are our Culture Ambassadors, and they both have been amazing at planning fun things for our teams. They go above and beyond to make our team feel cohesive and included.”  “Pam and Roxanne have been leaders in creating a fun environment and supportive culture for us,” added Lydia Sharkey. “Whether it’s creating care packages or making sure we all have a good time when we see each other in person, they deserve a lot of credit.”  As this team excels in their roles and foster a culture rooted in kindness and gratitude, we can trust that Renown’s surgeries and procedures will continue to thrive, and patients will continue to benefit from their diligent efforts and commitment to efficiency.  “We make the magic happen!” closes Mary Gray.

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Surgery & Procedure Scheduling

    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Donación
    • Filantropía

    El papel impactante de la Junta Directiva de Renown Health Foundation

    Above: Brian Cushard (left), Renown Health Foundation Board Chair, with his family At Renown Health Foundation, our mission is simple yet powerful – to raise funds that support Renown Health, the largest not-for-profit health system in northern Nevada. We are the driving force behind initiatives that bring state-of-the-art equipment, conduct groundbreaking research, enhance healthcare services, improve patient outcomes and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.  Our Dedicated Board of Directors  Our impactful work would not be possible without our Board of Directors – a fantastic team of 27 local volunteers. They bring diverse skills to the table, working together to create positive changes in healthcare for northern Nevada. Our board is at the core of our Foundation's success by guiding important decisions, sharing valuable insights and actively engaging in community relationships.  Meet Brian Cushard – Renown Health Foundation’s Chair  Brian Cushard took on the role of Foundation Board Chair at the beginning of 2024. Brian, who is the President of LP Insurance Services in Reno, will lead us for the next two years, bringing a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to community well-being. Since joining Renown Health Foundation’s Board in 2018, Brian has been instrumental in shaping our strategic direction.  Brian’s Vision: Advocating for Renown Health’s Mission and Making a Difference  We had the opportunity to sit down with Brian and explore his passion for healthcare philanthropy and the positive changes he envisions. Brian's 'why' is firmly rooted in the belief that a robust health system serves as the backbone of the community. His vision extends beyond fundraising; it's about inspiring the community by sharing remarkable stories of care and championing Renown's impactful contributions.  Q: Why does Renown's mission matter to you, and how do you see your role making a difference?  A: Renown's mission matters deeply to me because, without a highly functioning healthcare system, the economic structure of the community can be impacted. At LP Insurance, where I work, we see ourselves as guardians of our clients' hopes and dreams. This translates to my role on the Board as stewards for the health of others. Advocating for a highly functioning health system is crucial in supporting community members and clients alike. Surrounding ourselves with a solid network is essential. As advocates, our voices are integral in ensuring that everyone's voices are heard.  Q: Can you share a moment that made you want to support healthcare causes?  A: There are those stop-in-your-tracks healthcare moments that make you reassess life's priorities. I've had moments where life comes to a standstill, and what you once thought was important takes a backseat to the basics of life—getting better, one step at a time. In those vulnerable moments, you realize the importance of every person at the hospital. In desperate need, we rely on them. It's eye-opening and gives perspective on what's truly valuable in life.  Q: Tell us about a time when you saw the positive impact of healthcare or philanthropy. How did that influence your decision to get involved?  A: One impactful moment in philanthropy stands out — the Music and Miracles concert featuring the Beach Boys. LP Insurance was a major donor, contributing $100,000 to benefit Sophie’s Place, a music therapy room coming to Renown Children's Hospital. On the day of the event, my wife and I volunteered and saw the remarkable community support for Renown Children’s Hospital. The collective efforts that day raised over $1 million, specifically designated to establish Sophie’s Place. This experience inspired me to want to do more, as I recognized the profound positive impact that philanthropy can have on healthcare and the community.  Note: Sophie’s Place, opening later this year, will offer vital care and healing experiences for young patients at Renown Children’s Hospital.

    Read More About The Impactful Role of Renown Health Foundation's Board of Directors

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Inicio temprano de la pubertad en las niñas en aumento

    Many factors are contributing to the rise of early onset puberty in girls. Learn what they are below and how you can support your daughter. The number of girls experiencing early puberty has increased dramatically over the last few years and continues to grow. More and more girls in the U.S. are starting to show signs of development before the age of 8. Recent studies show that up to 10 percent of Caucasian girls and 23 percent of African American girls are showing signs of puberty by age 7. What’s Contributing to Early Puberty in Girls? Determining the exact cause is difficult. But experts agree that several factors may be contributing to these growing numbers. Increasing rates of childhood overweight and obesity. Excess body fat alters the levels of hormones responsible for the acceleration of pubertal timing. Physical inactivity may decrease melatonin levels, which can also trigger pubertal development. Increased animal protein intake. Higher total protein, animal protein and meat intake in children ages 3 to 7 have been associated with earlier onset of menstruation. High protein intake elevates IGF-1 levels and promotes growth, which could accelerate the onset of puberty. Poor diet. Children with lower-nutrient diets tend to enter puberty earlier. A diet rich in processed foods and meats, dairy, and fast food is disruptive to normal physical development. Exposure to EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals). EDCs are synthetic chemicals found in plastics, pesticides, fuels and other industrial chemicals that inhibit or alter the action of natural hormones. Because EDCs accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals, animal foods contain higher levels of these chemicals than plant foods. Exposure to BPA (bisphenol A). BPA is an industrial petrochemical found in a variety of products including plastics, tin-can linings and even cash register receipts. Because it acts as a synthetic estrogen it may speed up pubertal development. Soy products. Soy contain isoflavones which are converted to phytoestregens in the body, and are similar to the hormone estrogen, Dr. Chelsea Wicks says. “Soy consumed from natural food sources is likely safe and will not cause abnormal hormones levels. However, when consumed in large amounts, such as with soy supplements or in more processed foods, there have been links to chronic medical problems due to elevated estrogen levels. I feel a good answer to this is to continue working on eating fresh foods and trying to avoid the processed, packaged foods as this will be best for overall general nutrition as well,” she adds. What You Can Do While some genetic factors play a role in the early onset of puberty, parents can help lessen environmental causes of the condition. Encourage and help your child to maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition and exercise. Avoid exposure to hormones such as estrogen and testosterone that may be found in hair products, medications and nutritional supplements. Avoid exposure to EDCs and BPA. Offer your child a diet centered around whole plant foods rather than animal foods, which will help keep protein intake within a safe range and reduce consumption of EDCs. Create a supportive environment for your daughter. Avoid commenting on her appearance and instead focus on her achievements, academic successes or artistic talents. Speak to her openly and honestly about the physical changes she’s experiencing — that although these changes are normal, she’s simply developing early — and that ultimately her peers will undergo the same changes. Encourage your daughter to continue participating in social activities and pursuing her interests, and reassure her you are always open to discuss any questions or worries. If you are concerned that your child may be going through these changes before expected, speak with your pediatrician. Sources: Early Puberty: Causes and Consequences When Is Puberty Too Early? Precocious Puberty (Early Puberty) Precocious Puberty

    Read More About Early Onset of Puberty in Girls on the Rise

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