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    • Mamografía
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    • Atención del cáncer

    ¡Damas! Hágase un examen de detección de cáncer de mama

    Early detection is a significant piece of the breast cancer puzzle. Susan Cox, Renown Health Senior Director of Cancer Operations, discusses what you need to watch for and how the latest technology can help detect potential cancer sooner. When should women start getting breast exams? It depends on risk factors: Average-risk women: Most medical organizations recommend the first mammogram between 40 and 44. Higher-risk women: Dependent on their high risk, which will dictate when they start screening, but generally around the age of 30 and not before 25 years old.

    Read More About Ladies! Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    • Salud de la mujer
    • Mamografía

    ¿Las mamografías duelen? 4 Mitos desacreditados

    Mammograms are an effective means for early detection of breast cancer. Still, many women shy away from them for fear of pain or discomfort. Let us debunk a few mammogram myths that will remove your worries and encourage proactive breast health. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Myth 1: Mammograms Are Painful Reality: Although some women experience discomfort during a mammogram, most say it is not painful. Breast compression, which is important to get a clear image, can cause a sensation of pressure, but this lasts for a few seconds. Let your technician know how much pressure you can handle so you're not uncomfortable. Myth 2: Discomfort Persists Long After the Procedure Reality: The sensation of pressure developed through the compression process diminishes quickly after the procedure. Most women go about their day afterward without experiencing any residual pain.

    Read More About Do Mammograms Hurt? 4 Myths Debunked

    • Salud de la mujer
    • Atención del cáncer
    • Mamografía

    7 Síntomas del cáncer de mama en mujeres jóvenes

    Cancer can develop at any age, and that’s why the experts at Renown are ready to help you stay ahead of breast cancer, especially if you're in your 20s or 30s. We're talking about early detection, signs to be aware of, and why being proactive is a big deal. Studies show there has been an increase in breast cancer in younger women. Although breast cancer is rare in women under 40, when it occurs, it tends to be aggressive. The tricky part? Many young women don't think it can happen to them, so they don't check for the signs as often as they should. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Early Signs and Symptoms New or Different Lump in the Breast: A lump is probably the most well-known symptom. Breast cancer is usually painless and firm, but it can also be soft. If you find a new lump, don't panic, but don't ignore it either. Changes in Breast Size or Shape: Have you noticed that one breast looks a little different? Whether it's swelling, shrinking, bulging, dimpling, or seems off, it's worth mentioning to your doctor. Skin Changes: If the skin on your breast starts to thicken or turn red, it's time to pay attention. If your skin starts looking like an orange peel (thickened, with prominent pores), that warrants evaluation. Nipple Discharge: Spontaneous drainage coming from your nipple that isn't breast milk—especially if it's clear or bloody—should be checked out. Nipple Changes: If your nipple starts to invert, flatten, or look different, call your doctor. Breast Pain: Continuous pain in your breast or nipple that isn't linked to your menstrual cycle is another symptom to note. However, breast pain is very common and is only rarely a sign of cancer, so don’t panic. Swelling or Lumps in the Armpit: When it spreads, breast cancer usually first goes to the lymph nodes in the armpit, so swelling or lumps under your arm should be on your radar.

    Read More About 7 Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Young Women

    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Atención del cáncer
    • Reno

    Las piezas del rompecabezas: Thonet LaBadie’s Breast Cancer Journey

    “A breast cancer diagnosis begins much like a jigsaw puzzle to be worked through. It’s an overwhelming mess of scattered pieces that make no clear sense, poured out of the box into a crumbling pile of confusion. But slowly with persistence, focus, determination, a positive attitude and working through the challenges day by day and piece by piece, they in time both become whole and beautiful again.” – Thonet LaBadie On Feb. 13, 2015, Thonet’s life as she knew it took a drastic turn. In just one moment, everything shifted. The happy and healthy wife, mother of 17-year-old twins, former teacher and immunization specialist was about to face the fight for her life. That fateful day nearly a decade ago was when she received the unsettling news: she had breast cancer, and it had metastasized to her lymph nodes.   Though she was faced with a daunting diagnosis, Thonet’s positive spirit and zest for life never wavered. Never did she think, “why me?” Nor did she think, “I’m not strong enough.” Her thought process was quite the opposite – “I am going to ride this rollercoaster until it stops, and I walk away cancer free.”  With her loving family and friends rallying behind her, as well as her expert Cancer Care teams at Renown Health and Cancer Care Specialists (formerly known as Reno Oncology Consultants), Thonet knew that her journey would not be traveled alone, and she was determined to defeat cancer once and for all. She promised her daughter Jourdyn she would stay strong and not give up the fight. The Unexpected Discovery Thonet did everything she believed was right in her preventative healthcare journey. She lived an active lifestyle, she filled her life with love and happiness, she did not have any genetic markers for breast cancer and never missed a preventive check-up. Someone like her shouldn’t develop such a debilitating disease, right?  As it turns out, she was told by professionals that with this disease, it’s become more often not about who develops breast cancer – but when.   Breast cancer makes up for about 30% of cancer diagnoses in women across the U.S. So, when Thonet felt a lump in her breast in Nov. 2014, she knew she had better play it safe than sorry. She took her concerns to her doctors, who ran all the necessary tests.  The unfortunate result: invasive ductal carcinoma (stage 2B), the most common form of breast cancer.  Though Thonet was terrified, she was also tenacious. She was ready to Fight the Good Fight right then and there.  Thonet chose to undergo a bilateral mastectomy. So that’s precisely what she did in April 2015 at Renown Regional Medical Center.  Thonet was ready to put breast cancer behind her, but unfortunately, the trek was just beginning. During her mastectomy, her care team tested her lymph nodes. Four were removed.  What came next was her most valiant fight of all: chemotherapy coupled with radiation, as well as more reconstructive breast surgeries along the way. Courageous Connections With 36 radiation treatments, 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 6 surgeries and 1 brave spirit, Thonet's healthcare journey has been nothing short of vigorous. Fortunately, she had an expert oncology team on her side every step of the way.  And it goes even further – Thonet’s college acquaintance Dr. Jennifer Sutton, an oncology physician at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute (formerly the Renown Institute for Cancer), was her radiation oncologist. She felt comfort knowing that a significant aspect of her care was in the hands of a trusted physician and a team of loving nurses, cancer care navigators and radiation therapists, whom she calls the “Renown Radiation Rockstars.”  Thonet felt an immense connection not only to her warm and welcoming care team but also the other oncology patients she met along the journey. Patients facing cancer often receive radiation treatments several times a week, so Thonet had a chance to make close relationships with the other patients who were on a similar path as she was.  Throughout her treatment process, Thonet participated in cancer support groups, which she believes are vital for anyone diagnosed with the disease.  “Had it not been for my diagnosis, I would have never met all the amazing people I did at Renown and beyond,” she recalls. “At the end of my treatments, I knew I was going to miss them.”  The love and support of Thonet’s care team, fellow patients, family, friends and community helped her remain positive throughout the entire process, always focusing on the positive – even during the most physically and emotionally tolling parts of treatment. Crossing the Finish Line Every day brought a new obstacle to overcome, whether it was a treatment, a side effect or an emotional response to the intense journey. Thonet’s motto throughout it all was “day by day, one foot in front of the other, from start to finish.”  In Dec. 2016, Thonet finally made it to that finish line. With the completion of chemotherapy and radiation behind her, she walked out the front doors of the Pennington Cancer Institute, threw her fist in the air in excitement and finally got to revel in the fact that she had her health back. She had survived.  Inspired by her journey and her breast cancer “sisters” she met while in treatment, Thonet wanted to give the same level of care and attention she received back to her fellow community members battling cancer. She proudly serves as a breast cancer “angel,” offering comfort and support to those who need it most. Thonet is also looking forward to the completion of the Pennington Cancer Institute’s Conrad Breast Center, currently under construction at Renown South Meadows Medical Center, noting how important it is for breast cancer patients to have expanded access to crucial cancer care in south Reno.  Today, at nine years cancer-free, Thonet is thoroughly enjoying her life. She loves traveling, spending time with family and seeing her now-adult son and daughter thrive in their own lives. She also recently underwent hip replacement surgery and is proud to be back on her tandem bike with her loving husband of 33 years, Mike, who she credits for his never-ending support in sickness and in health.  “No looking back – only forward to healthy living. Onward!” Thonet exclaims.  And for anyone out there going through cancer treatments, Thonet has some words of wisdom to take to heart:  “Cancer chose the wrong person when it tried to tackle us. Stay strong and fight on, day by day. On even the most difficult, darkest day, remember that you are stronger than you know.”

    Read More About The Pieces of the Puzzle: Thonet LaBadie’s Breast Cancer Journey

    • Sterling Silver Club
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    Conozca a Hanley Wong, miembro del Sterling Silver Club

    This summer, we’re excited to introduce our featured Sterling Silver Club member, Hanley Wong. You may recognize him from the newest Senior Care Plus television commercial that has been airing locally since last October. Hanley happens to be a former employee of Renown Health and worked in the information technology (IT) department for 13 years. Today, he’s enjoying his retirement here in northern Nevada, with the occasional traveling to visit his family.    Looking Back  Hanley was born in San Francisco in 1944. He was in the U.S Army Reserve from 1966-1972, having traveled to various places including North Carolina, Salt Lake City, Long Beach, Hong Kong and Taiwan. While he was in the U.S. Army Reserve, he also attended college part-time and graduated from San Francisco State University in 1970 with a degree in business administration, emphasis in accounting. Hanley went into the IT field after he gained computer experience through his accounting background. “I started learning how to program with computers, then became a systems engineer where I did troubleshooting, maintenance and more,” said Hanley. “I’ve always enjoyed the challenging work in the IT field, and I got to meet all kinds of people.”    Hanley started his first IT job at a small insurance company in San Francisco. He went on to work for the GAP headquarters and met his late wife there, who also worked for the company. They were married for 40 years and had two sons together. The family moved to Reno 21 years ago when Hanley was recruited by Washoe Medical Center, before it became Renown Regional Medical Center. “My favorite part about working at Renown was the camaraderie in the IT department; it was like a big family,” said Hanley. “I enjoyed making employees happy by solving their computer problems.” In 2005, Hanley was part of the team that helped install Epic, Renown’s electronic medical record system. Through that project, he traveled to a few different conferences and trainings with his team.

    Read More About Get to Know Sterling Silver Club Member Hanley Wong

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Mamografía

    Guía para exámenes de detección de cáncer

    One of the most crucial aspects of maintaining health and wellness is staying proactive about regular cancer screenings. Early cancer detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. The multidisciplinary care team at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute at Renown Health provides compassionate care and support to the community for early detection and diagnoses. This comprehensive guide outlines the various cancer screenings available for breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, prostate and skin cancer. Breast Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Mammograms are recommended starting age 40 for those considered at average risk for breast cancer. Women with a family history or other risk factors should discuss appropriate screening options with their healthcare provider. Women under 40 with a family history should discuss risk factors with a healthcare provider. Screening Methods Mammogram: This provides an X-ray of the breast and can detect tumors that are not yet palpable. Breast MRI: This type of scan is recommended for women at high risk for breast cancer due to genetic factors or family history. Screening Breast Ultrasound: This scan can help in identifying masses in denser breast tissue that might not be visible on mammogram. It is recommended in addition to a mammogram for patients at a higher risk for breast cancer. What to Expect During a mammogram, the breast is compressed between two plates to capture X-ray images. Some pressure or discomfort may be felt, but the procedure is brief and critical for early detection. Colorectal Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Adults aged 45 to 75 should undergo regular colorectal screenings. Some adults under 45 may need to be screened earlier depending on family history or other genetic risks. Those over 75 should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if continued screening is necessary. Screening Methods Colonoscopy: This procedure uses a flexible tube with a camera to examine the entire colon. Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): A non-invasive test that detects hidden blood in the stool. CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy): Uses Computed tomography (CT) imaging to provide detailed views of the colon. What to Expect A colonoscopy can detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Screening is usually advised every ten years, but if you are at risk, screening may be recommended every 3 to 5 years after your initial colonoscopy. Colonoscopy preparation includes bowel cleansing the day before and sedation during the procedure. FIT is a simple at-home test requiring no special preparation. Lung Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Adults aged 50 to 80 with a significant smoking history (20 pack years or more) and who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Screening Methods Low-dose Computed Tomography (LDCT): A CT scan with low radiation doses to create detailed images of the lungs. What to Expect LDCT is a non-invasive scan that requires you to hold your breath for a few seconds. Cervical Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Women aged 21 to 65 should undergo regular screenings. Women aged 21 to 29 should have a Pap test every three years. Women aged 30 to 65 should have a Pap test and HPV test every five years, or a Pap test alone every three years. Screening Methods Pap Test (sometimes called a Pap Smear): Collects cells from the cervix to detect precancers. HPV Test: Identifies high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types that can cause cervical cancer. What to Expect The Pap test involves collecting cells from the cervix using a small brush. Some discomfort may be felt, but the procedure is brief and crucial for early detection. Prostate Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Men aged 50 and older should discuss screening options with their healthcare provider. Men at higher risk (African American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer or are a BRCA2 gene carrier) should begin discussing screenings  at age 40. Screening Methods Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: Measures PSA levels in the blood. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A physical examination where the provider feels the prostate through the rectum to detect abnormalities. What to Expect The PSA test is a simple blood test. The DRE may cause slight discomfort but is quick and essential for early detection. Skin Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Anyone with a suspicious lesion or abnormal area on their skin. Individuals with more than 50 moles or dysplastic moles. Those with a personal history of melanoma or history of other skin cancers. Those who have more than one member of immediate family with a history of cancers (melanoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer) or a family member who was diagnosed with melanoma before they were 50 years old. Positive gene testing for BRACA2, Lynch syndrome genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 or EPCAM). Screening Methods Skin Exam: A visual examination by your provider to check for unusual moles, birthmarks, or other skin changes. Biopsy: Removal of a small sample of skin for testing if an abnormal area is identified. What to Expect A skin exam is non-invasive and visual. A biopsy involves minor discomfort and local anesthesia if needed. Expert Advice Although the cadence of these skin screenings may or may not be annual, as one's age increases, the risk of many cancers rises. Everyone benefits from attentive sun protection, including avoiding direct sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. by seeking shade and wearing hats, clothing and sunscreen. When purchasing sunscreen, look for SPF 50, UVA/UVB broad spectrum. Questions to Discuss with Your Healthcare Provider What is my risk level for different types of cancer? Which screening tests do you recommend for me and why? What are the potential risks and benefits of each test? How often should I get screened? What steps to follow if a test result is abnormal? Importance of Cancer Screenings Regular cancer screenings are vital for maintaining your health and catching cancer early, when it is most treatable. Renown Health is dedicated to guiding you through the process and providing the highest quality of care. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate screenings for your specific needs and to take proactive steps toward a healthier future.

    Read More About Guide to Cancer Screenings

    • Sterling Silver Club
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    Conozca a Janelle Wood: Familia, pasatiempos y todo lo demás

    Janelle Wood’s life has been filled with moves across several states, travel, different jobs, multiple hobbies and best of all – her big family. She is very close to and proud of her entire family, including her six children, six grandchildren and extended family members. New Chapters Janelle was born in 1950 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She lived there her entire childhood and attended the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville where she received her Associate degree in Accounting. She then moved a few different times to various states including Louisiana and Arizona. In 1981, she and her family moved to Reno where she worked for a construction and mining supply company. In 1993, they relocated to a small town in southern Georgia called Thomasville, where Janelle worked for another mining and manufacturing company. “I was ready for a change of scenery and wanted to explore living in a new area,” said Janelle. “I was intrigued by moving to a smaller town to raise my children.” She and her family lived there for about 10 years when she eventually got transferred to Chicago for her job, to work at the company’s headquarters. “I was once again excited for another change and was happy to experience living in a big city,” said Janelle. “I loved my job and getting to travel as much as I did.” Janelle worked for the company in Chicago until 2014 when she decided to retire and move back to Reno to be closer to her son, daughter and grandchildren. Living to the Fullest Today, Janelle lives in Damonte Ranch in south Reno. She loves spending time outdoors, especially in the mountains and by the water. Her other hobbies include reading, cooking, doing puzzles, playing computer games antique shopping and something very unique – exploring old graveyards. “I love how they’re full of history and each one is different – I also enjoy reading what the headstones say, and the stories they tell,” said Janelle. “When I travel, I like to explore the old cemeteries that are nearby.” Janelle’s son even bought her a book called 129 Cemeteries to Visit Before You Die. She’s been to a few of them. As for traveling, Janelle’s favorite destination she’s been to is Catalina Island – she loves the history there. She also loves Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Canada and Mexico. “I’m always up for going someplace new,” said Janelle .  Janelle Wood hiking to Rainbow Falls in Mammoth, CA When Christmas rolls around, Janelle loves to decorate. Her family finds it interesting just how crazy about Christmas she is. “I have 31 totes of Christmas décor and a dozen large decorations,” said Janelle. “My entire storage room is full of Christmas decorations. I start decorating the day after Thanksgiving and it takes me about 2 to 3 days to put everything up.” Janelle said Halloween is her second favorite holiday, which she also loves to decorate for. Family Values Above all else, Janelle’s favorite thing about being retired is having so much free time to spend with her children and grandchildren who live here in Reno. “I love helping my grandkids with their schoolwork and attending their sports and activities,” said Janelle. She has been volunteering at her grandchildren’s schools here in Reno ever since her now 14-year-old grandson started kindergarten. “Family is the highlight of my life,” said Janelle. She also makes sure to stay in contact and visit as often as possible with all of her family that lives out of state, including three of her children, one of her grandkids and some of her extended family. “One of my great nieces, Madison Marsh, was recently crowned Miss America, and another one of my great nieces, Madeline Bohlman, will be competing this summer for the title of Miss USA, as the current Miss Arkansas USA,” said Janelle. “I’m very proud of both of them for using their platforms to further such important issues; pancreatic cancer research and mental health, respectively.”

    Read More About Meet Janelle Wood: Family, Hobbies & Everything In Between

    • Atención de Emergencia
    • Testimonio de paciente

    Cuando la atención no puede esperar: Historias verdaderas de Renown ER

    Renown Health is home to three 24/7 Emergency Rooms (ERs) providing comprehensive emergency and trauma care, access to specialists and inpatient services backed by the area's most extensive health system. In 2023, Renown Health cared for 132,340 patients across three ER locations. Renown is also home to the region’s only level II trauma centers for both adult and pediatric patients.   We spoke to three patients who sought immediate medical attention for various ailments and conditions to learn more about their emergency care experience and why they chose Renown ERs.   Kamrin’s Story: From Worrisome to Critical  In the spring of 2021, Danielle and her 13-year-old son Kamrin visited his primary care doctor for unexplained vomiting and were promptly referred to Renown Children's ER via ambulance for further evaluation and seen by board-certified emergency physician, Dr. Lisa Nelson. What initially began as an unassuming doctor's visit quickly turned into something much more severe after several tests confirmed a devastating abdominal tumor and a stage-four cancer diagnosis, unbeknownst to the family.  Kamrin was immediately admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and referred to a Pediatric Oncologist at Renown Children’s Hospital to begin his plan of care with expert pediatric hematology and oncology specialists.  Regarding the board-certified physician, who delivered the results to the family, Danielle said, “She was so calming to us, even as the diagnosis haunted us. She led us by guiding our family through the unknowns. She felt like a family member to us in that moment, letting all the unknowns be well known.”  “The love, empathy, support and guidance these employees gave us carried us. The care team quickly and easily became a source of relief, knowing we were their priority and in the best hands. We are forever grateful for the team at Renown Children's Hospital and Renown Children’s ER; they truly saved our son's life and continue to be our guiding light whenever it's needed in our son’s health journey,” Danielle said.   Today, Kamrin is in remission and navigating the aftereffects of chemotherapy, including an immune system deficiency. However, his family chooses to navigate each day by embracing the positive side of things, such as the life-saving impact of his treatment.  Did you know? Renown Children's Pediatric Hematology and Oncology is located within Renown Regional Medical Center and offers expert pediatric specialists dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment for pediatric hematology and oncology, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and infusion services.  Taylor’s Story: From Crisis to Recovery  Promptly after cosmetic surgery performed by a medical professional not associated with Renown, Taylor Salas (Chacon) began to lose consciousness and notice her post-surgery drainage systems, also known as Jackson-Pratt drains, fill with blood. She was transported to Renown Regional ER via ambulance and immediately seen by ER staff and board-certified emergency physician Thea Berning, MD, for medical assessment.   Taylor drifted in and out of consciousness as the ER team began blood transfusions and a CT scan to determine her plan of care. Dr. Berning began facilitating communication with a community plastic surgeon with privileges at Renown Health and emergency surgery was performed to stop Taylor’s internal bleeding. Taylor was placed on a ventilator due to respiratory distress and trauma from the event, then transferred to Renown’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to continue her care.  Thankfully, Taylor listened to her gut when something didn’t feel right after her surgery and sought immediate medical attention. The ER team's quick response, communication and collaboration with a plastic surgeon saved Taylor from severe internal bleeding. “I was informed every step of the way about what was happening and why. I felt comfort in this,” she said.   Did you know? Because of Renown Regional Medical Center’s Level II Trauma Center distinction, you have immediate access to an extensive list of specialists and physicians trained in a wide array of specialties, in the event of a traumatic injury or accident. This is one of the many benefits of Renown Regional’s Level II Trauma status.  Ted’s Story: The Unsuspected Threat   Bothered by symptoms of heartburn, fatigue, neck pressure and arm discomfort, Ted was in the middle of a busy workweek in June 2023 when he began to suspect something was wrong. Knowing the importance of addressing early heart attack symptoms immediately, Ted and his wife headed to Renown Regional ER because of proximity and some familiarity with Renown’s leading cardiology care and technological expertise. After prompt assessment by the Renown ER team, including blood work, imaging tests and the administration of medication, Ted was admitted to the hospital to treat the blockage and narrowing of his coronary artery. On June 8, Ted was admitted for treatment, where he successfully underwent a single bypass surgery and recovered in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU), before being discharged and following up with the Intensive Cardiac Rehab (ICR) program at Renown. The ICR program at Renown played a pivotal role in Ted's 55-pound weight loss and overall health improvement, empowering him to embrace a healthier lifestyle and find ways to use his newfound energy and strength today. “Overall, I believe I had the best care possible because of the collective group of people at Renown caring for this community, who we could see in the grocery store, at the ball game and in the shopping malls. This community feeling is something you might not get in a big city hospital,” Ted said. Did you know? Intensive Cardiac Rehab at Renown Health is a medically supervised program designed to improve cardiovascular health after a significant heart condition or procedure. Since its inception in 2016, this program has been a pioneer in the region for cardiac rehabilitation focusing on three key pillars including exercise, nutrition and stress management.

    Read More About When Care Can’t Wait: True Stories of Renown ER

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Salud de la mujer
    • Testimonio de paciente

    Celebración de la resiliencia: El viaje notable de Raquel a través del tratamiento del cáncer de mama

    Raquel was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was April 2023, when she found a lump in her breast and was referred to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. After comprehensive imaging, she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Between June 2023 and January 2024, she received a total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation at Renown Health. “Breast cancer is uncommon in women under 40, but any woman with a mass or lump in her breast should have an exam by a physician and imaging at any age,” said Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 9% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45. “It was a pretty scary diagnosis, but I’ve been led by great people through the process,” she said. “They were so helpful and there for me throughout the chemo and radiation.” Raquel's journey through breast cancer treatment at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was marked by the exceptional care provided by the Renown Health team, including nurses, nurse navigators, therapists, support teams and providers. Among the dedicated professionals, Dr. Michelle Chu and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg played pivotal roles in Raquel's diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. Their expertise, compassion and commitment to patient care left an indelible impact on Raquel's experience. Their thorough examination and comprehensive approach ensured that Racquel received the best possible care for her invasive lobular carcinoma. In addition to the care provided at Renown, Raquel greatly benefitted from being connected with a mentor by Dr. Chu. This mentor, Kayla, had undergone a similar diagnosis and treatment plan, and at the same age Raquel. They texted and called each other throughout Raquel’s treatment, providing additional support through a challenging time. As of January 2024, Raquel is done with her treatment and continues to see her care team for follow-up appointments. “I’m through the worst and ready to rebuild my life,” Raquel said. To help celebrate this milestone, Nevada Athletics invited Raquel to receive the game ball at a Nevada Men’s Basketball game. She was joined on the basketball court for this special recognition by her husband, Raul; mother, Arlene; and two daughters, Ryleigh and Rhiannon. Racquel's journey is not only a testament to her resilience but also a tribute to the invaluable contributions of Dr. Chu and Dr. Schwartzberg in guiding her towards triumph over breast cancer.

    Read More About Celebrating Resilience: Raquel's Remarkable Journey Through Breast Cancer Treatment

    • Servicios quirúrgicos
    • Pérdida de peso
    • Obesidad
    • Testimonio de paciente

    Un viaje transformador: Historia de cirugía bariátrica de Mary en Renown Health

    Embarking on the path to bariatric surgery is a unique and deeply personal journey. Individuals like Mary Escobar choose this life-changing route for reasons ranging from improved cardiovascular health to managing diabetes or finding relief from various health complications. In Mary's case, her two-decade-long healthcare journey not only underscores the challenges she faced but also highlights the support and expertise that ultimately led to her successful transformation through bariatric surgery. Mary's Resilience: December 2002 through February 2003 More than two decades ago, Mary experienced unforeseen health complications just days after giving birth via c-section. Septic shock, hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, renal failure and a blood clot in her lung plunged her into a critical state. Intensive care, plasma exchange and a long recovery followed. After being discharged with compromised kidney function, Mary faced complete renal failure two years later, leading to dialysis and a spot on the donor list. Mary's brother, a perfect match, selflessly donated his kidney on Dec. 14, 2007, marking a turning point in Mary's health. However, the post-transplant period brought new challenges, including diabetes, high blood pressure and a significant weight gain, reaching 230 pounds. Determined to regain control, Mary explored various diets without success until she consulted with a bariatric doctor. Journey to Bariatric Surgery: November 2009 - April 2021 In November 2009, Mary opted for a gastric band, shedding 40 pounds within a year. Despite initial success, issues with the gastric band arose, prompting a consultation with Dr. John Ganser at Renown Health in April 2021. Together, they decided to transition to a gastric sleeve, with comprehensive education provided to ensure long-term success.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
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    Estrellas brillantes del Sterling Silver Club: Mark y Dana peines

    Dana and Mark Combs met through mutual friends and had a long friendship before they became a couple in 2009. They were married in 2011 in a private ceremony at a small Reno chapel, and a few months later had a big celebration with their family and friends.   Encouraging Others to Succeed  Over the years, the happy couple has spent much of their time volunteering and giving back to others in their community. Twenty-six years ago, Mark became a bilateral lower limb amputee. For the past 10 years, he has been a prosthetic consultant, helping other amputees learn how to cope with various challenges and encouraging them to keep living life to the fullest. “Mark is great with helping people,” said Dana.   Dana also does a lot of rewarding work through a Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O). She is an advocate for raising money to help women ages 18 and up gain an education. Dana also enjoys tutoring English as a second language.   Enjoying Quality Time, Hobbies & Travel When Dana and Mark aren’t helping others, they are spending time with their family and friends, their dog Mia (a 3-year-old Maltipoo) or enjoying one of their many hobbies. Some of Mark’s favorite things to do include playing Solitaire and strumming on his guitar.  “I love to garden and play crossword puzzles and word games,” said Dana. “I’m really looking forward to the springtime to spend more time in the garden.” She loves to work out and has a membership at the UFC gym in Reno through her Senior Care Plus gym benefit. Dana also has her own online Etsy store, where she sells homemade jam jars, candle holders and vintage dolls. “Last summer I sold my first edition Barbie that I got when I was 9 years old,” said Dana. “I made quite a profit on it.”

    Read More About Sterling Silver Club Shining Stars: Mark & Dana Combs

    • Proyecto HealthyNV
    • Investigación y estudios
    • Mamografía
    • Genética
    • Atención del cáncer

    Optimización de las mamografías: Un enfoque genético para un cronograma de pruebas de detección personalizado

    © Arthon Meekodong via Canva.com Breast cancer screening has long been a cornerstone of women's healthcare. With 1 in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime1, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has developed screening recommendations to help detect early-stage cancer. Notably in 2023, the USPSTF revised the recommended age for biennial mammogram screenings for women with average risk to start at age 40 instead of 502, estimated to result in 19% more lives being saved3 by starting screening earlier. While initiating screening at an earlier age offers advantages to a wide demographic, concerns about the potential of over-screening prompted research into the feasibility of identifying women with lower breast cancer risk who could safely delay mammograms. While guidelines address high-risk individuals, a notable gap exists in providing recommendations tailored to those at lower risk. To gain insight into a patient's risk level, physicians are able to utilize genetic testing to understand an individual's genetic makeup, providing precise insights into their predisposition to various health conditions, including breast cancer. Armed with this genetic information, healthcare providers could craft tailored screening strategies that align with an individual’s specific risk profile. This genetic risk-based approach underscores the value of genetics in individualizing the onset of screening to help avoid over-screening and its associated costs. Surprisingly, genetic information is not currently being widely utilized to identify women at risk of breast cancer or other diseases in clinical practice, despite its potential to make a significant positive impact for patients. A recent retrospective analysis of 25,591 women from the Healthy Nevada Project4 sheds light on the potential benefits of this genetic risk-based approach. The study classified 2,338 (9.1%) of these women as having a low genetic risk for breast cancer. What's remarkable is that these women exhibited a significantly lower and later onset of breast cancer compared to their average or high-risk counterparts. This finding suggests that it might be safe for low-risk women to delay mammogram screening by 5 to 10 years without compromising their health.

    Read More About Optimizing Mammogram Screenings: A Genetic Approach to a Personalized Screening Schedule

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