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    • Jueves 19 de septiembre de 2024

    Ahora es rápido y fácil programar una cita de atención primaria o pediátrica en línea con Renown Medical Group

    Ahora puede programar una nueva cita de paciente 24/7 desde su computadora o teléfono celular, sin necesidad de llamar. Llegas a casa del trabajo, miras la nota en el refrigerador y recuerdas por tercer día consecutivo que no programaste una cita con un nuevo médico de atención primaria ni programaste esa visita al pediatra para tu niño pequeño. Trató de hacerlo en la hora del almuerzo, pero se distrajo con otras cosas. ¡Frustrante! Ahora, un sistema de salud está haciendo que sea fácil para las personas programar sus citas médicas de atención primaria y pediatría en línea, y 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Hay más de 3,000 citas nuevas disponibles con pediatras de Renown Children’s. “Reservé una cita de esa manera y pensé que funcionaba muy bien”, dijo Daryl Hendery, un paciente que acaba de programar su chequeo anual con su médico de Renown. “Fue muy fácil de usar. Acabo de hacer clic en el nombre de mi médico y programé una cita para la próxima semana. Me sorprendió lo fácil que fue programar”. Hendery dice que volverá a reservar en línea, en lugar de llamar. Muchas personas como Daryl aman la capacidad de programar una cita sin necesidad de hablar con una persona real. Los pacientes a los que se les animó a usar la programación en línea con la nueva función de programación en línea de Renown ahora pueden reservar sus citas de atención primaria y pediátrica con Renown Medical Group sin hacer una llamada telefónica al consultorio. Nuestro equipo dedicado de médicos de atención primaria y pediatras ofrece una gama completa de servicios, incluidos chequeos anuales, exámenes físicos completos, vacunas, análisis de laboratorio y derivaciones a especialistas, en múltiples ubicaciones en el norte de Nevada. “Una de las mayores ventajas es que puede programar una cita cuando y donde le resulte conveniente hacerlo”, dijo Sierra Kelly-Martinez, MPH, directora del Centro de Participación del Cliente de Renown. “Puede programar esa cita cuando lo desee, a las 9 en punto de la noche, mientras espera en fila en la tienda de comestibles o durante la recogida después de la escuela, o cuando piense en hacerlo”. “Es muy fácil y empoderador tener el control de su propia programación”, agrega. “Cualquier persona que desee un nuevo médico o proveedor de atención primaria de Renown, o un pediatra de Renown Children’s, puede programar a través del www.renown.org sitio web. Si es un paciente nuevo o no tiene configurado su perfil de MyChart, visite www.renown.org y haga clic en el botón CITAS EN LÍNEA o en la pestaña Buscar un médico. En la pestaña Nuevo cuidado primario o Nuevos pacientes pediátricos, haga clic en “Reservar su cita”. Seleccione su proveedor de seguros, haga clic en la ubicación que está buscando o en “cualquier ubicación”. Luego, puede elegir la hora y el proveedor y programar su cita. Renown acepta la mayoría de los seguros, incluidos Hometown Health, Senior Care Plus, Anthem Blue Cross, Cigna, United, Medicare y Medicaid. Si usted es un paciente que regresa, puede programar una cita de atención primaria o pediátrica haciendo clic en Reservar su cita a través del www.renown.org sitio web que lo llevará automáticamente a su cuenta de MyChart. Se le harán algunas preguntas sobre su visita para asegurarse de que para programar una cita con MyChart, puede: 1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de MyChart 2. Seleccione “Programar una cita” en el menú principal o “Visitas” en el menú superior 3. Seleccione un proveedor o el motivo de su visita 4. Responda las preguntas sobre la decisión en la visita 5. Seleccione una fecha y hora de las opciones disponibles 6. Ingrese el motivo de su visita 7. Verifique la información de la cita y haga clic en Programar También puede programar una cita seleccionando el icono de nombre en la esquina superior derecha, seleccionando el nombre del niño para el que está programando y luego seleccionando “Programar una cita”. Si no ve una fecha y hora que le convenga, puede hacer clic en el enlace Buscar citas disponibles adicionales para ver las citas disponibles en todas las ubicaciones. MyChart MyChart es un portal en línea conveniente donde los pacientes pueden comunicarse con sus médicos, ver sus medicamentos, solicitar resurtidos de recetas, acceder a los resultados de las pruebas, enviar mensajes a su médico, pagar su factura y ahora programar citas en línea. Beneficios de la programación de citas en línea Aunque la nueva herramienta de programación en línea es nueva, es fácil de usar y no es muy diferente de hacer una reservación en línea en un restaurante. Beneficios incluidos: · Acceso 24/7: Los pacientes pueden reservar citas en cualquier momento, desde cualquier lugar. · Disponibilidad en tiempo real: Vea los espacios de citas en tiempo real y seleccione una hora que se adapte a su horario. · Gestión de citas: Los pacientes pueden cancelar o reprogramar fácilmente las citas con solo unos pocos clics. · Recordatorios de citas: Reciba recordatorios automáticos por correo electrónico o mensaje de texto para evitar citas perdidas. Renown se compromete a mejorar la atención del paciente y la experiencia de atención médica. Con el lanzamiento de la opción de programación en línea, los pacientes tienen más control y flexibilidad sobre su recorrido de atención médica. “Siempre estamos buscando maneras de mejorar la experiencia del paciente y hacer que el acceso a nuestros médicos y proveedores de práctica avanzada sea más fácil y rápido”, dijo el Dr. Rahul Mediwala, MBA, director ejecutivo de Renown Medical Group. “Nuestra nueva herramienta de programación en línea es solo una de las muchas maneras en que estamos trabajando para hacer que la atención médica sea más conveniente para nuestros pacientes. Durante el próximo año, aumentaremos la cantidad de médicos y proveedores médicos de Renown que tienen disponibilidad de citas en línea, a medida que buscamos mejorar la salud de nuestra comunidad”. Para obtener más información o programar una cita, visite www.renown.org. Renown atiende a más de 1 millón de personas y 100,000 millas cuadradas. En los rankings de mejores hospitales de U.S. News y World Report, Renown Regional Medical Center ocupa el primer puesto en el estado de Nevada para 2021. Ningún otro hospital en Nevada obtuvo el reconocimiento de U.S. News. Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local, más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Ahora es rápido y fácil programar una cita de atención primaria o pediátrica en línea con Renown Medical Group

    • Miércoles, 04 de octubre de 2023

    Salvando más vidas; Renown amplía la atención para el cáncer de mama y agrega a dos cirujanos mamarios de primera clase

    Renown Medical Group se complace en dar la bienvenida al equipo a dos distinguidos oncólogos quirúrgicos de mama, la Dra. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy y la Dra. Michelle K. Chu. Estos cirujanos de mama altamente capacitados se centrarán únicamente en brindar atención de mamas y, por lo tanto, desempeñarán un papel fundamental en el compromiso del Instituto de Cáncer William N. Pennington de Renown Health de brindar atención subespecializada a las personas que viven en nuestra comunidad y más allá. La Dra. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy es oncóloga quirúrgica de mama con becas de investigación y certificada por la junta, con una impresionante experiencia en cirugía de cáncer de mama. La Dra. Priddy nació en Washoe Medical Center (que luego se convirtió en Renown Regional Medical Center) y creció en Susanville, CA, antes de asistir a la Universidad de Stanford para sus estudios de pregrado. Se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno. “Estoy encantado de regresar a Reno para ayudar a aumentar el acceso a la atención quirúrgica de clase mundial para el cáncer de mama”, dijo el Dr. Priddy. “Mi objetivo es brindar una atención excepcional, especialmente a los jóvenes con cáncer de mama. Me entusiasma continuar mi misión aquí en el norte de Nevada". La Dra. Michelle K. Chu, cirujana general certificada por la junta, aporta su amplia experiencia en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama avanzado al equipo de Renown. La Dra. Chu obtuvo su título universitario de la Universidad de Pensilvania y su título médico de la Western Reserve School of Medicine en Cleveland, Ohio. El Dr. Chu se especializa en cirugía oncoplástica de conservación mamaria y mastectomías de preservación de pezones. “Creo en adaptar las opciones de tratamiento a las necesidades únicas de cada paciente”, dijo el Dr. Chu. “Ya sea que se trate de preservar la forma natural de la mama o apoyar el movimiento ‘Going Flat’, nuestro equipo se esfuerza por proporcionar el mejor resultado posible para cada paciente”. Renown Breast Surgery Care, la incorporación más reciente al William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, proporciona atención integral de cirugía de mama en 1500 E. 2nd Street en Reno, junto al campus del Renown Regional Medical Center. “El cáncer de mama representa aproximadamente el 20 % de los casos de cáncer recientemente diagnosticados en el condado de Washoe, con aproximadamente 520 nuevos casos al año, lo que lo establece como el tipo de cáncer más prevalente dentro de nuestra comunidad”, dice Brian Erling, MD, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Estamos orgullosos, como el sistema de atención médica sin fines de lucro más grande de la comunidad, de invertir en la prevención del cáncer y los diagnósticos tempranos, incluidos los exámenes de mamografía y la investigación genética. Para aquellos diagnosticados con cáncer de mama, Renown ahora ofrece dos excelentes cirujanos de mama que se especializan en cirugía de preservación de mamas y un centro de cirugía de mama que brinda atención integral y compasiva. Nuestro objetivo es salvar la vida de las mujeres, salvar a las familias y garantizar una mejor atención y mejores resultados. Este es un gran paso hacia adelante para la atención médica de las mujeres y nuestra comunidad”. Como parte de esta expansión, Renown asume las operaciones de Reno Surgical Advocates, una respetada práctica privada en Reno. “El acceso a la atención experta para el cáncer de mama cerca de casa es crucial, y nuestro equipo dedicado en Renown Breast Surgery Care trabajará incansablemente para proporcionar el más alto nivel de atención a las pacientes mientras trabaja estrechamente con nuestros otros especialistas en cáncer”, dijo el Dr. Max Coppes, PhD, MBA, Director del William N. Pennington Institute for Cancer. “Con la experiencia excepcional de la Dra. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy y la Dra. Michelle K. Chu, junto con nuestro centro de última generación, Renown Health es un verdadero socio en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama en el norte de Nevada”. “Las personas se están reubicando cada vez más en el norte de Nevada y, de hecho, el condado de Washoe experimentó un crecimiento de la población del 2.1 % desde el 2020 de abril hasta el 2022 de julio. En consecuencia, aunque el norte de Nevada no muestra una tasa de cáncer superior al promedio, estamos observando un aumento en los casos en nuestras instalaciones”, dijo el Dr. Lee Schwartzberg, director de la Sección de Oncología Médica del William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. “Renown Health está posicionada para satisfacer esta creciente demanda, y nos enorgullece agregar constantemente proveedores de atención médica reconocidos a nivel nacional a nuestro equipo para salvar la vida de las mujeres en el norte de Nevada.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health.

    Leer más Acerca de Salvando más vidas; Renown amplía la atención para el cáncer de mama y agrega a dos cirujanos mamarios de primera clase

  • Mamografías

    Breast Screening at Renown Women's Health: Because breast health is YOUR health. 1 in 8 women in the U.S. face a breast cancer diagnosis each year. Early detection through annual mammograms significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. At Renown Women’s Health, we provide expert, compassionate care, guiding you through each step of your mammogram. Our advanced 3D technology detects 41% more cancers and reduces false positives, lowering the need for rescreening. Join the thousands of women in northern Nevada getting screened and putting their health first. We offer mammograms at our four imaging locations in Reno and Sparks, Nevada, providing up to 40 daily appointments with short wait times.

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  • Telesalud

    Renown TeleHealth is improving the health of everyone – even our most distant neighbors. That’s why we’re leading the region in using video conferencing technology to give you the best care possible – no matter where you are. Be it an emergency, an ongoing condition, or even the need for convenient health and wellness education and support, we are always just a connection away. Renown TeleHealth is telemedicine that gives you access to top-level care and better outcomes with less stress and fewer travel costs.

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    • Atención de urgencias
    • MyChart
    • Visita virtual
    • Telesalud

    Visitas virtuales: la atención médica que necesita en su hogar

    Virtual visits are basically secure, video conferencing visits with your health provider. Of course if you are sick, you want to avoid going outside of your house. With Renown Health’s virtual visit program, you can now see a provider from the comfort of your own home. As we work to keep all of our patients home and healthy, we’re here for any ongoing healthcare needs you have. There are two easy ways to access a virtual visit with Renown Health. If you need an urgent care visit, you can get in line using your MyChart account You can make a virtual visit with some Renown Health providers you see currently Virtual Urgent Care from a Renown Provider By using MyChart, you can now login and request to “Talk to a Doctor.” After filling in some information and confirming your healthcare concern, you will be put into a virtual line. The healthcare team will notify you by text or email when a provider is ready to talk to you virtually. Virtual urgent care visits are available for all ages. Get To Know MyChart Virtual urgent care visits are available for all ages, and can address: Common cold and cough symptoms Muscular, tendon or joint pains not caused by injury Allergy or sinus symptoms Pink eye Urinary discomfort Diarrhea without vomiting Rashes or skin sores Backache Nail problems Screening examination for sexually transmitted illness (without symptoms) Medication refills (not controlled substances) Symptoms for In-Person Urgent Care Visits Shortness of breath Chest pain Abdominal pain Numbness or weakness of any location that is new Traumatic injuries (including eye injuries or something in the eye) Severe pain of any other body location Dizziness or confusion Bleeding from any location High fever (greater than 102 degrees for all ages) Persistent vomiting Loss of vision Ear pain Substance abuse or psychiatric problems Virtual visits are open 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday for Nevada residents. Renown Provider Virtual Visits Many primary and specialty care appointments for adults and children are now available virtually. If you have a provider with Renown Medical Group, call 775-982-5000 to see if you can have a virtual appointment from the comfort of your home. MyChart Assistance If you need assistance with your MyChart account, please call 775-982-6686. For all other questions about scheduling and appointments, please call 775-982-5000.

    Read More About Virtual Visits – Healthcare You Need At Home

    • Servicios quirúrgicos
    • Pérdida de peso

    ¿Es la cirugía bariátrica adecuada para usted?

    You’ve likely heard about bariatric surgery — and perhaps even have friends who’ve done it. But is it a potential solution for you? Here, Dawn Remme, RN, Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Program Manager, provides insight. You may have been struggling with excess weight for years. You’ve tried high-protein diets, low-carb diets and more. Most patients considering weight loss surgery have tried numerous dieting methods. The truth is, some patients who suffer with obesity are successful dieters. Unfortunately though, excess weigh often returns. This impacts their health and the quality of their life. It can be a disheartening battle. Weight loss surgery is a big decision. In making this decision, keep in mind that surgery is only one step toward your goal of achieving better health. It is neither magic, nor is it the “easy way out.” Weight loss surgery can offer you a TOOL to help you become more successful in controlling the disease of morbid obesity. By combining this tool with a lifelong commitment to important lifestyle changes, medical follow-up and nutritional modifications, you have the potential to become a healthier you. Bariatric Surgery By the Numbers Exploring the facts about obesity, how it impacts your health, and how surgery can resolve or significantly improve your chronic medical conditions is the first step to making a decision. Obesity is medically defined as “excess body fat” and is measured by a mathematical ratio known as the Body Mass Index (BMI). To calculate your BMI, we consider your height, weight, age, gender and body build. Here are the standards: “Normal” BMI: less than 25 Overweight: 25 – 29.9 Obese: BMI of 30 – 39.9 Morbid obesity: BMI of 40 or more Morbid obesity (BMI over 40) is a lifelong, progressive disease, and the prevalence of morbidly obese Americans (100 or more pounds over a healthy weight) is increasing rapidly. According to the CDC, the disease of obesity affects 78 million Americans. Further estimates indicate about 24 million have morbid obesity. Serious medical problems known as co-morbidities often occur when someone is morbidly obese. Studies tell us conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and degenerative arthritis increase in severity as the BMI is increasing in patients. When may weight loss surgery be an option? When someone has a BMI greater then 40. If a person’s BMI is 35 – 39.9 and they have significant health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, or other diagnosed health conditions related to obesity. Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass Explained To resolve or significantly reduce these health conditions, bariatric surgery can be done when diet and exercise haven’t worked. Weight loss surgery makes changes to your digestive system to help you lose weight. The gastric sleeve limits how much you can eat, whereas gastric bypass limits how much you can eat and reduces the absorption of certain nutrients. Other Benefits of Surgery You can greatly increase life expectancy by resolving or significantly improving conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and obesity itself. Infertility can also be positively affected. A significant weight loss and relief from serious health conditions and diseases will greatly improve your quality of life. Studies tell us that type 2 diabetes is resolved or significantly improved in 84 percent of patients following bariatric surgery. Cholesterol levels dropped in 95 percent of patients. And hypertension and sleep apnea showed improvement in 68 and 80 percent of patients, respectively, following bariatric surgery. Bariatric Surgery at Renown In making the decision to move forward to better health, it is important to remember: Obesity is a disease, and the desire to have a healthier, longer, more fulfilling life is possible. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the Bariatric Surgery Program page to view more information about Renown Regional Medical Center’s MBSAQIP accredited bariatric program, as well as information about upcoming educational seminars. Or call 775-982-RSVP (7787) to reserve your seat. Learn More

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    • Rehabilitación física
    • Envejecimiento saludable
    • Testimonio de paciente

    La recuperación de una caída permite a una paciente volver a vivir y a moverse

    Standing at the top of the stairs to the basement Sharon Sturtevant was chatting with her grandson in the kitchen. Suddenly, Sharon stumbled and fell down the stairs. “The last thing I remember was my head hitting the floor before everything went black,” she recalls. Her grandson, Oliver, quickly called 911 and paramedics arrived on the scene, taking her by ambulance to Renown Regional Medical Center where she was diagnosed with a broken collarbone and a neck fracture that would require complex surgery involving fusion of her neck. Fall Recovery Begins After her surgery, Sharon was transported to the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital and her recovery process began. Sharon smiles as she describes the rehab hospital team “They are fabulous here, I learned so much about how my body moves, and the proper way to move it. At home I wouldn’t have known what to do,” she confesses. “They set me up for success to return home and not get injured again.” At Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, different therapists coordinated a custom plan to help Sharon recover from her injuries. Ultimately, the goal of her physical therapy was to help restore and improve her strength, reduce pain and increase her mobility for stamina and balance. Physical Therapy Key to Successful Treatment of Falls “My recovery after the operation was an eye-opener,” Sharon declares. “I had no idea how much went into regaining everyday moment.” During her rehabilitation hospital stay, she had to re-learn how to swallow, go up and down stairs, as well as successfully get in and out of a wheelchair, which involved transferring her body weight safely. Due to hormonal changes after menopause women are 50% more at risk for falls than men, according to research. Sharon now has a greater awareness of how to move her body and is significantly stronger than before entering her physical rehabilitation sessions. Not everyone knows that everyday mobility is impacted by four basic skills: stepping, trunk flexibility, upright posture and weight shifting. “I don’t know how I could have gotten this far without the wonderful therapists here,” she shares. “They are so thorough. Proper alignment was encouraged helping me to walk and stand correctly. They were all so nice and patient with me,” she states. “I actually had less pain because I didn’t hurt myself moving the wrong way.” Falls Are Common Among Aging Adults As we age balance becomes more important. Unfortunately falls are common among older adults with negative quality of life effects, even fatalities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four seniors fall each year in the U.S. A comprehensive physical therapy plan for sudden falls or chronic conditions is a safe, effective alternative treatment to medication such as opioids. Today Sharon is back at home with a new banister installed on the basement stairs. As a music lover she is enjoying her musical grandchildren Oliver and Eliana who play instruments. She looks forward to attending their upcoming school concerts. Sharon remembers the staff at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital fondly, “They were unfailingly patient, supportive, informative and understanding.” Her advice to those unexpectedly finding themselves in the rehabilitation hospital is, “Listen to your therapists carefully and follow their instructions.”

    Read More About Fall Recovery Gets Patient Back to Life and Movement

    • MyChart
    • Atención de urgencias
    • Vacuna contra la influenza

    Lo que debe saber sobre las vacunas contra la influenza

    Flu shots don’t just protect those who get vaccinated; they guard everyone, including your family and the community. Renown Health experts help us understand why everyone should get a flu shot, including children, pregnant women and older adults. Ways to Schedule Your Flu Shot Call Us! 775-982-5000 Urgent Care Appointments Renown Pharmacy Vaccinations Make an Appointment via MyChart Need a Doctor? Find One Now Flu Shot Information Whitney Robinson, Renown Health Infection Prevention Expert Chills, body aches, fever and congestion; getting the flu isn’t fun. When you get a flu shot, you’re not just protecting yourself, you’re also helping reduce the total flu cases and hospitalizations. The ideal time to get your flu shot is September through October. This timing allows the vaccine to provide the strongest protection during the length of flu season. However, getting the vaccine later is better than not at all as it's still flu season well into spring. Flu Symptoms In general, influenza (flu) is worse than the common cold and shares symptoms with COVID-19, causing mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Symptoms include: Fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone will have a fever) Cough and/or sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Headaches, muscle or body aches Fatigue (tiredness) Vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults Who Needs a Flu Shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers it the first and most crucial step in protecting against the flu virus. Therefore, they recommend the yearly flu shot for those six months of age and older. Does the Flu Shot Help with COVID-19? The short answer is no. However, flu vaccines can reduce the risks of flu illness and hospitalization. Therefore, it is crucial for you to get your flu shot to not only protect yourself and the community, but also to help conserve vital, local healthcare resources. CDC Resource: Who Needs a Flu Vaccine and When Kids, the Elderly and Flu Shots  Vanessa Slots, M.D., Renown Medical Group The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year and it happens like clockwork. The onset of flu season is fall and lasts through winter into the spring months. This lung illness is caused by viruses, with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and anyone can catch  to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms Quick onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory symptoms including cough Sore throat and nose Who's at Risk for the Flu? Children and the elderly are at greater risk of complications from the flu, specifically toddlers less than two years old. At this age, their immunity is still developing. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depends on age and prior exposure to the virus. With young children, for example, the flu is more problematic since they cannot talk and communicate their symptoms. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. This can be coupled with issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, all of which put children at risk of dehydration and other complications that can require hospitalization. An average of 20,000 children are hospitalized for flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Ongoing health conditions including asthma, heart conditions, diabetes and more can intensify flu symptoms. Still, many children without risk factors can experience severe flu complications. CDC Resource: Flu Information for Parents Pregnant Moms and Flu Shots Tamsen Carson, PAC, Surgical First Assistant, OB/GYN, Renown Medical Group “During pregnancy, your immune system wards off infection for your baby, leaving you more susceptible to infection and adverse health conditions,” Tamsen explains. She   highly recommends flu shots for ALL women during pregnancy. You must receive the injected vaccine versus the live vaccine, a nasal spray, which can cause the flu to occur. Passing Flu Immunity on to Your Baby Also, remember that you will also be able to pass the immunity onto your baby if you breastfeed, which will protect your baby from the flu. CDC Resource: Flu Safety and Pregnancy

    Read More About What You Need To Know About Flu Shots

    • MyChart
    • Vacunas

    Acceso a MyChart Proxy

    What is Proxy Access? Proxy access allows parents, legal guardians and caregivers to log into their personal MyChart account and connect to the health information of a patient they represent. As a proxy, you can view upcoming appointments, request appointments, view lab results, email a doctor on the patient’s behalf, view medications, request prescription refills and view health reminders. How Do I Establish Proxy Access? Login to your MyChart account with your username and password Go to the Profile menu at the top of the screen, then select Personalize From this screen you can see whose records you currently have access to Click Request Access to a minor’s chart Complete all of the fields When finished click Submit Request What if I Don’t Have a Renown MyChart Account? If you don’t have a Renown MyChart account, call 775-982-2781 and someone from the Renown Health MyChart team can help you set up proxy access. Keep in mind, the ability to request proxy access is only available on the MyChart website and not via the mobile app. However, the website can be accessed with your smartphone or tablet by using the web browser and going to mychart.renown.org.

    Read More About MyChart Proxy Access

    • Envejecimiento saludable
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    La salud de la vejiga no puede esperar

    Millions suffer from urinary incontinence (urine leakage). Often people feel as if their bladders control their lives. But this doesn't have to be your story. Bladder control issues are treatable and you can take steps to help control your bladder. What is urinary incontinence? Men and women of all ages can have difficulty controlling their bladders. Urinary incontinence occurs when the muscles in the bladder that control the flow of urine contract or relax involuntarily. Is there more than one type of urinary incontinence? Yes, there are three main types: Stress incontinence is when the bladder leaks small amounts of urine as a result of physical stress or pressure on the muscles supporting the bladder caused by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or any sudden physical exercise such as running or jumping. Urge incontinence is the inability to control a strong urge to go without advance warning, limiting the time needed to get to the bathroom. Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder does not empty properly. As a result, over time, large quantities of urine are stored, causing the bladder to overflow (this is more common in men and is often the result of an enlarged prostate blocking the bladder opening). Are there any tests that can determine the cause and type of incontinence? Your doctor may have you track your fluid intake and output in a Bladder Diary. A urinalysis can be checked for infection, traces of blood, or other abnormalities. Blood tests can look for chemicals or substances that may relate to contributing causes. Other testing may be an ultrasound, cystogram or post voiding residual measurement. How is urinary incontinence treated? Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles or restrain the bladder to hold on for longer. Medication can relieve and control the troublesome symptoms. If there is an infection an antibiotic is used. Surgery can repair weakened muscles or remove blockage. Special products such as pants, pads, collection devices, and chair and bed protection may be needed if the problem cannot be controlled. How do you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles? To make your pelvic floor muscles stronger, alternate between squeezing and relaxing them. Following the steps below may help: Squeeze your muscles for one second and hold. Relax your muscles for two seconds. Each time you squeeze and relax, it counts as one set. Complete five sets. When you can do the exercises easily, increase to doing them 10 times per day. When that gets easy, try to squeeze and hold the muscles for three seconds and then relax the muscles for three seconds. As your pelvic muscles get stronger, you can progress to longer squeezes for about 10 seconds. Be sure to relax between squeezes so that your muscles can rest before squeezing again. You should do these exercises in three different positions. Do 10 sets lying down, 10 sitting and 10 standing. It is important that you develop the habit of doing the exercises every day. You may want to exercise just after you get up in the morning and right before you go to bed at night. What can I do to help control incontinence? Watch your weight, practice pelvic floor muscle exercises, eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and fiber to prevent constipation. Most importantly, talk to your doctor regarding incontinence issues, don’t be embarrassed!

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    Su guía 9-Step para prevenir caídas

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of four adults aged 65 or older, fall each year. But less than half of those who fall talk to their healthcare provider about it. What’s more, among older adults, falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Senior Care Plus, a Medicare Advantage Plan by Hometown Health, and Renown Health Nurse Educator, Nicholas Mannering, worked together to provide a list with simple tips to help you prevent falls.  1. Exercise Exercise strengthens both your muscles and bones and improves balance which is a key factor to preventing falls. The stronger you are, the less likely you are to fall. And, if you do fall, you are less likely to be injured.   2. Vision Check Vision is an import part of fall prevention, have your eyes check by an eye doctor at least once a year. Update your vision prescription and replace your eyeglasses as needed.   3. Install Safety Equipment in Your Bathroom Installing grab bars in your home bathroom provides a way for you to help yourself in and out of challenging situations. It also provides support if you suddenly feel week or unstable. Having a grab bar to lean on or hold onto when you feel yourself falling or slipping can help prevent falls. Rubber mats eliminate slick surfaces that increase your risk of falling.   4. Helpful Items in Your Bedroom A light within reaching distance is an important item to have in your bedroom. One reason adults fall is because they wander through a dark room, often to get to the bathroom at night, and can’t see where they are walking. Having a light within reach that is quick and easy to turn on before walking around a room can make it safer and decrease your risk of falling. Having a bedroom that is organized and furnished in a way that is easy to navigate is also important. If your bedroom is cluttered and hard to walk around without tripping or running into things, it might be worth reorganizing the area to define a clear walking path.   5. Helpful Items in Your Living Room Similar to your bedroom, your living room should have a light that is easily accessible. Sofas with armrests are helpful for support when getting up and sitting down. Avoiding clutter in your walkways, rugs that are not secured down and unstable furniture are important to consider when preventing falls.   6. Actions to Avoid in Your Home There are other ways to fall besides slipping or tripping while walking. Never stand on chairs, boxes or other unstable items in your home. Walkways should be tidy and free of objects that you could trip on. Spills should be cleaned up right away to prevent slipping.   7. Wear Appropriate Footwear Wearing shoes with non-slip soles and closed toes can help prevent you from falling.  Having shoes that fit properly, are made from hard rubber (like tennis shoes) and provide good support help prevent tripping and falling. Shoes with a collar that support the ankle and a well-padded tongue for the top of your foot can also help prevent injury to your feet.   8. Review Your Health & Medications at your Annual Health Check-Up It is important to review your health and medications with your healthcare provider so they can assess if you are at risk for falls. You should discuss your vision, heart health and blood pressure at your annual health check-up. These things can play a role in the risk of falling. Reviewing your current medications is also important. If medications are making you dizzy, talk to your provider about adjusting the dosage so you can feel more stable and balanced. When talking to your doctor about medications be sure to include your vitamins and supplements. Finally, Have your healthcare provider check your feet and discuss proper footwear yearly.   9. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Balance is important in preventing falls. Alcohol consumption negatively affects balance and increases your risk for falls and fractures. It also increases your risk for cancer, liver damage, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and strokes. Smoking is connected to frailty in older adults. It prevents the development of muscle tissue and breaks down healthy muscle tissue due to the lack of oxygen in your body.

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    5 Consejos para un envejecimiento saludable

    September is National Healthy Aging Month, which is described by Healthy Aging Magazine as a “month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.”   What does healthy aging mean to you? If you're like most people, you're looking forward to removing the negative from your life – negative energy, thoughts, people and activities that don't contribute to your best life.   While we remain focused on ridding ourselves of the negatives, we can forget about ways to strengthen the positive parts of our lives. Dr. Shruti Basho, a family medicine physician at Renown Health’s senior-focused medical group, provides us with five positive behaviors to focus on to improve happiness and life satisfaction.  Healthy Aging in 5 Easy Steps  Connect – Humans are naturally social creatures! Build connections with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. Strong interpersonal connections help enrich your life with new experiences and opportunities. Having a support system to call upon in both times of need and times of celebration is priceless, especially as you age. Forming these bonds helps you stay healthier and happier well into your aging journey. Joining the Sterling Silver Club is a great place to meet more people in the community who want to live a healthy, fulfilled life just like you. Be Active – Regular exercise, particularly as you grow older, is vital to increase and maintain your endurance, strength and balance. But exercise doesn’t have to be a chore! Pick a physical activity that you enjoy – whether it be enjoying a nature walk, taking a power weightlifting class or anything in between. Being active will also help you build strong connections with others. If you need a workout buddy in your neighborhood, Nextdoor is a great resource to find people who live right around the block from you and may be looking for their next exercise partner.   Take Notice – Curiosity and mindfulness can be an impactful motivator in positive cognition and behavior as you age. Like a child, see the wonder and beauty of the world. Notice the things around you – the weather, the landscape, the mood and the feelings of people. According to Harvard Medical School, changes in the aging brain "enable us to become better at detecting relationships between diverse sources of information, capturing the big picture, and understanding the global implications of specific issues.” By taking notice, it’s easier to learn to appreciate the things that matter.  Keep Learning – Engaging with lifelong learning is one of the best ways to keep your mind active. Keep trying something new! Challenges keep you on your toes and increase your confidence and excitement in your day. Don’t know where to start? EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community) offers a diverse personal enrichment and professional development curriculum at Truckee Meadows Community College ranging from art classes to accelerated training certificate courses.  Give – Be generous with your time, your knowledge and your talents by giving to friends, family and the community when you have the capacity. Lending yourself to others doesn’t have to be taxing – saying thank you and even just giving someone a smile can change the course of someone’s day. If you’re looking for a hands-on way to give back, Nevada Volunteers is a great place to find volunteer opportunities near you. Renown Health is also always looking for volunteers who are passionate about making an unforgettable difference to the people and communities we serve.   Practice these five tips to improve happiness and quality of life at any age.

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