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    • Martes 23 de julio de 2024

    Renown Health lanza clases gratuitas de parto para futuros padres

    Renown Health se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de clases gratuitas de embarazo, parto y paternidad temprana y abuelos. A partir de este mes, la selección integral de educación y apoyo para el parto de Renown para futuros padres y nuevos padres ahora está disponible para todos en la comunidad como un recurso gratuito, y como parte de la misión de beneficios comunitarios de Renown. “Como la única organización de atención médica académica integrada sin fines de lucro de Reno, invertimos constantemente en beneficios y servicios comunitarios esenciales. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar el acceso a la atención prenatal y la educación sobre el parto para ayudar a mejorar los resultados de salud para las madres y los niños en el condado de Washoe”, dijo el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Al ofrecer estas clases gratuitas, buscamos proporcionar a los padres el conocimiento y el apoyo que necesitan para dar la bienvenida a sus bebés al mundo con confianza y para criar niños sanos”. “Estamos encantados de ofrecer clases de parto a nuestra comunidad sin costo alguno. Reconocemos los profundos beneficios para la salud que estas clases proporcionan, no solo a las futuras madres, sino también a sus familias y al público en general”, dice Jennifer Timmons, RN, Gerente de Enfermería de Posparto y la Sala de recién nacidos de Renown. “Queremos promover embarazos más saludables y fomentar familias más fuertes y resilientes. Al eliminar las barreras financieras, esperamos llegar y apoyar a todos los futuros padres en el condado de Washoe”. Todas las clases ahora son GRATUITAS, incluidas las clases de embarazo y nacimiento. Un curso de educación sobre el parto todo en un día ofrecido virtualmente o en persona, o una clase de preparación para el parto de la serie de jueves en persona de 7 semanas, prepara a la madre y a su pareja para los muchos aspectos del parto, el posparto, el cuidado del bebé y la educación sobre la lactancia. Los instructores certificados ofrecen apoyo y orientación para satisfacer las necesidades individuales. Medidas de comodidad para la clase de nacimiento. En esta sesión de dos horas, los futuros padres aprenden habilidades de afrontamiento del trabajo de parto, que incluyen práctica de relajación/meditación, técnicas de respiración, masajes y acupresión. Clase para padres sobre bebés que giran. Una clase de cuatro horas diseñada para futuras mamás después de la semana 20 de embarazo. Esta clase destaca la rotación del bebé hacia abajo y fuera de la pelvis. Preparación para la clase virtual posparto. Esta clase de 2 horas ayuda a preparar a la mamá y a la pareja sobre qué esperar después del nacimiento y las semanas siguientes, la diferencia entre la depresión posparto y la depresión posparto, las señales de advertencia de la madre y los ajustes una vez que regrese a casa. Aspectos básicos de la lactancia y más allá de la clase. En esta clase impartida por una consultora de lactancia certificada por la Junta Internacional, las madres comienzan mejor con la lactancia. La reunión Circle Gathering alienta a las madres que amamantan a encontrar apoyo, intercambiar experiencias y analizar cualquier inquietud. Los temas populares incluyen el suministro de leche, la extracción de leche, el regreso al trabajo, el sueño o la falta de sueño, el peso y más. Cultivar a su recién nacido. Esta clase 2 en 1 incluye la clase de atención para recién nacidos y los aspectos básicos de la lactancia y más. La parte matutina de esta clase incluye los beneficios y las técnicas de lactancia. El segmento de la tarde cubre la apariencia y el comportamiento del recién nacido, la atención diaria, los signos de enfermedad y cuándo llamar al médico. Se analizan el tiempo boca abajo, la comodidad y las técnicas relajantes, cómo mantener a su bebé seguro y los exámenes de detección para recién nacidos. Se recomienda a las parejas que asistan a la clase Baby Safe. Esta clase ayuda a preparar a los padres para las emergencias que pueden ocurrir en el primer año del bebé. Junto con la seguridad de los asientos de seguridad y la prueba básica para bebés, la discusión incluirá primeros auxilios básicos, prevención y tratamiento de lesiones comunes. Los abuelos y otros cuidadores pueden asistir. Clase de RCP para bebés y niños: este curso es ideal para escuelas y estudiantes, padres primerizos, abuelos, niñeras y otras personas interesadas en aprender a salvar una vida. Excursión de suites para bebés y familias; y Excursiones para hermanos (de 2 a 8 años). Únase a un educador de parto para obtener más información sobre nuestras suites para bebés y familias, las salas de trabajo de parto y parto alojadas en la nueva área de evaluación del trabajo de parto y el taller virtual para abuelos William N. Pennington Nursery. Los abuelos han cambiado mucho en la última generación. Los abuelos aprenderán sobre la atención del recién nacido, los ambientes seguros para dormir, la lactancia materna, los asientos para el automóvil, la seguridad del producto y cómo ayudar a apoyar a los nuevos padres. Para obtener más información y registrarse en línea para cualquier clase sin cargo, visite www.renown.org/events. Las clases gratuitas de parto son una forma más de retribuir a Renown para crear una comunidad más saludable para todos los residentes de Renown Health es la única red de atención médica benéfica sin fines de lucro de propiedad local en Reno. Ser una organización sin fines de lucro o una organización 501 © 3 significa que todos los ingresos de Renown se mantienen localmente y se reinvierten en personas, programas y tecnología para mejorar la salud de la comunidad. De hecho, el nombre de Renown, además de ser la aspiración de la atención, significa “Reno’s Own”. Con la comunidad en el centro de la misión de la organización, y a través de la afiliación con la Universidad de Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Renown Health asume el compromiso de marcar una diferencia genuina en la creación de un Nevada más saludable para todos. Salud materna e infantil: Un área de enfoque de beneficios comunitarios, 2025 o 2027 áreas de enfoque de beneficios comunitarios de Renown Health se basan en investigaciones primarias y secundarias recopiladas como parte de la evaluación de necesidades de salud 2023 comunitaria (Community Health Needs Assessment, CHNA). La CHNA incluye aportes de las partes interesadas de la comunidad que representan los amplios intereses de las diversas comunidades a las que Renown Regional Medical Center y Renown South Meadows Medical Center prestan servicios, incluidas aquellas partes interesadas con experiencia en salud pública y comunitaria. Las necesidades de salud se identificaron en la CHNA y posteriormente fueron priorizadas por las partes interesadas de la comunidad. De las necesidades de salud priorizadas, las áreas de enfoque de salud se eligieron en función de criterios que consideran la capacidad del equipo de Renown Health para impactar en las necesidades de la comunidad, la fortaleza de las asociaciones comunitarias y la alineación con los esfuerzos de planificación estratégica organizacional de Renown. A través de esta estrategia de implementación, Renown Health se compromete a identificar y cerrar las brechas de equidad sanitaria en las comunidades históricamente marginadas y vulnerables. Las áreas de enfoque en la salud para 2025 a 2027 son la salud mental; el acceso a la atención médica y los servicios comunitarios y la salud materna e infantil. “La misión de beneficios comunitarios de Renown es reducir las desigualdades de salud, promover el bienestar comunitario y mejorar el acceso a la atención para las poblaciones vulnerables”, dice Kerry Kelly, MPH, gerente de salud comunitaria de Renown. “Esto incluye ofrecer atención gratuita y con descuento a aquellos que no pueden pagar la atención médica, y asociaciones para abordar la salud y el bienestar. Nuestro proceso de CHNA mostró la salud materna e infantil como una prioridad para la comunidad. Las mejoras en los servicios de atención médica, un mejor acceso a la atención prenatal y la educación gratuita sobre la salud materna e infantil pueden ayudar a disminuir la tasa de mortalidad infantil y mejorar los resultados de salud para las madres y los niños en el condado de Washoe. Al trabajar juntos y ofrecer clases gratuitas sobre el parto, podemos ayudar a tener un impacto positivo en la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad”. Asegure un futuro más brillante para las madres y los niños locales donando a Renown Health Foundation al 775-982-5545 o en renown.org/About/Renown-Health-Foundation.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología para adultos y niños, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health lanza clases gratuitas de parto para futuros padres

  • Trabajo de parto y parto

    Having Your Baby at Renown Renown Health’s Labor & Delivery Center, located at Renown Regional is nationally ranked for our maternity care. We proudly deliver more babies annually than any other hospital in the region. As your trusted care partner, we work to provide a personalized birthing experience that begins long before your first contraction and continues well after delivery. With state-of-the-art amenities and a compassionate team of care providers, we deliver advanced maternity care while making your birth experience as joyous and comfortable as possible.

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    • Fumar
    • Salud infantil

    Los riesgos del vapeo y los cigarrillos electrónicos

    In this article reprinted with permission from the Galena Times,  Dr. Max J Coppes, Physician-in-Chief, Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield, Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talk about adolescents vaping, and how an estimated additional 10 million teens are at risk to start using e-cigarettes. What are E-cigarettes? E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices heating a liquid (e-juice) into an aerosol to be inhaled. Breathing in this flavor vapor, which usually contains nicotine, anti-freeze or other cancer-causing chemicals is called ‘vaping.’  There are many forms of these electronic nicotine delivery devices - and they're not always obvious. They not only appear to be cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, but also pass for everyday items, such as flashlights, flash drives or pens.   The Effects of Vaping and E-cigarettes Regardless of the nicotine delivery, vaping is addictive and is quickly becoming a public health concern. Nicotine levels in e-cigarettes vary greatly, and they may also contain toxic chemicals. Currently there is a wide range of variability among vaping products. In other words - they deliver different ingredients, hardware, levels of nicotine, and possible toxic chemicals to the user. This makes it challenging to create an overall public health recommendation on their use. Nevertheless, there is no confusion about the harmful effects of the chemicals used in e-cigarettes to the young brain, which develops until age 25. Studies show e-cigarette use serves as an introductory product for teens to go on using ‘regular’ tobacco products. The American Academy of Pediatrics has several recommendations on their use. Such as increasing the minimum age to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to age 21 nationwide. (Update: nationwide the age as of January 2, 2020 is now 21.) A common misunderstanding with teenagers is the belief e-cigarettes are less harmful than other tobacco products. Moreover, there is a wide range of flavor choices, from mint, mango, crème brûlée to cucumber to attract users. As of September 6, 2019, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting over 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarette products in 33 states.    What Should Parents Know about Vaping? Parents and teachers should know JUUL is a very popular e-cigarette among teenagers, capturing about 68% of the market. JUUL is sleek, small, hides easily, and resembles a flash drive. Surprisingly it charges in an USB port, and can also instantly be mistaken for a real flash drive. One JUUL cartridge contains twice the nicotine found in other e-cigarette cartridges. This roughly equals the amount of nicotine in an entire pack of cigarettes. To repeat, the use of JUUL in young people continues to grow, and this is why parents and teachers need to be aware. Be alert, teach, communicate, and talk to your child about the serious risks of smoking in all forms, whether at home or parties. Tell them how difficult it is to quit and why they should not start. Loving your children is caring; caring for their current and future health and well-being.

    Read More About The Risks of Vaping and E cigarettes

    • Lactancia
    • Salud del bebé
    • Lactancia

    Cómo almacenar la leche materna de manera segura

    Breast milk. It's often referred to as liquid gold. And fortunately, it can be safely refrigerated or frozen for later use, which can allow you to be a bit more flexible in your new routine with baby. Whether you're getting ready to return to work, planning for the chance date night out or just exclusively pumping, it's crucial to understand the guidelines for proper breast milk storage. Storing Breast Milk Use clean bottles with screw caps, hard plastic cups that have tight caps or nursing bags (pre-sterilized bags meant for breast milk). Be sure to label each container with the date the milk was pumped and your baby's name if the milk is going to childcare providers. You can add fresh, cooled milk to milk that is already frozen, but add no more than is already in the container. For example, if you have two ounces of frozen milk, then you can add up to two more ounces of cooled milk. For healthy full-term infants, milk can be stored as follows: Room temperature - six to eight hours (no warmer than 77°F, or 25°C). Refrigerator - up to five days at 32°-39°F (0°-3.9°C). Freezer– Varies depending on freezer type. Up to two weeks in a freezer compartment located within the refrigerator. Three to six months in a freezer that is self-contained (standard kitchen fridge/freezer combination) and kept at 0°F (-18°C). Breast milk should be stored in the back of the freezer and not in the door. Six to 12 months in a deep freezer that is kept at -4°F (-20°C). Be sure to leave about an inch of space at the top of the container or bottle to allow for expansion of the milk when it freezes. Thawing Breast Milk Place frozen breast milk in the refrigerator to thaw (about 24 hours) then warm by running warm water over the bag or bottle of milk and use it within the next 24 hours. If you need it immediately, remove it from the freezer and run warm water over it until it's at room temperature. Never microwave breast milk and do not refreeze it. Once your baby has started to drink from the bottle, you should use it within one hour. You may find that different resources provide different recommendations about the amount of time you can store breast milk at room temperature, in the refrigerator and in the freezer. Talk to your doctor or lactation consultant if you have any concerns or questions.

    Read More About How to Safely Store Breast Milk

    • Lactancia
    • Salud del bebé
    • Embarazo y parto

    Qué alimentos comer y qué evitar cuando está embarazada

    Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet when pregnant is one of the more essential things you can do for your baby and yourself. The basic principles of what to eat when pregnant are quite similar to how we should be eating all the time. This includes focusing on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. Of course, there are a few areas that you should pay close attention to when you’re pregnant and a few foods you should avoid. We consulted Renown Health’s Caitlin Bus, RD, LD, CDE to learn more about pregnancy nutrition. Foods to Eat Regularly: Veggies Vegetables of all kinds -- and in all forms -- are beneficial for you and your baby during pregnancy. Veggies ensure your body is getting the fiber, vitamins and minerals it needs. However, fresh or frozen veggies are considered best, but if you choose to eat canned veggies, make sure you choose a low sodium product. The more greens, the better! If you have an aversion to vegetables, especially in the first trimester, try sneaking them into smoothies. Healthy Proteins Protein-rich foods support your baby's growth while giving your body the nutrients to build and repair tissues, including your muscles, hair, skin and nails. Although protein requirements vary from person to person, a pregnant woman needs additional protein for her baby's growth, especially in the second and third trimesters. Regularly eating high protein foods -- like fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, peanut butter, nuts and beans –– promotes your baby's healthy brain and heart development. Grains Food like brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta and oatmeal are great to eat while pregnant. They are rich in fiber, iron, B vitamins and folic acid, which are all beneficial to physical development. Grains also help alleviate constipation and hemorrhoids. Fruits Fruit can help satisfy any sugar cravings you have when pregnant while also supplying your baby with nutrients – it's a win-win. Some people advise against fruit consumption while pregnant, but this is a myth. Like with all foods, moderation is key. Fruit can be high in sugar, so it is important to be aware of your intake. Also, make sure you are mindful of your preparation – thoroughly rinse produce under running water for 30 seconds to help avoid foodborne illness. Pasteurized Dairy Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt can be great sources of protein and calcium needed for the healthy development of a baby's bones, teeth and muscles. These foods also help with ensuring healthy heart function and nerve transmission. When buying these products, make sure to choose pasteurized products to avoid exposing your body to germs and bacteria. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends 1,000mg of calcium per day for pregnant and lactating women. This equates to 4 servings of dairy or calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens, broccoli, tofu, almonds or dried figs. DHA Omega-3 Fats Omega-3s like DHA help support the health of a baby's brain and parts of their eyes. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should eat at least 8 ounces and up to 12 ounces of seafood each week. Ideally, food sources that offer DHA omega-3 and that are lower in mercury should be emphasized in your diet, including fish like salmon, sardines and anchovies. If you do not eat fish or omega-3 fortified foods, a DHA omega-3 supplement is recommended. Choline Did you know that 92% of pregnant women fail to meet the daily choline recommendation? Choline is crucial for an infant's brain and central nervous system development. One egg supplies 33% of the recommended daily intake. Although choline is often absent or low in prenatal vitamins, the best food sources include eggs, meats, fish, dairy, navy beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and spinach. Iron and Folic Acid Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency during pregnancy. Foods with high and moderate amounts of iron include red meat, chicken, fish, fortified cereals, spinach and beans. Folic acid is used to make the extra blood your body needs during pregnancy. Consuming adequate folic acid early in pregnancy reduces the risk of birth defects that affect the spinal cord. It is recommended to consume 400 micrograms (mcg) per day for pregnant women. This amount is included in your prenatal vitamins. Water Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby when pregnant. In addition to just being good for you, hydration alleviates morning sickness and nausea, while dehydration can lead to contractions and even pre-term labor. Aim for 10 cups of fluids per day, on top of the water naturally occurring in foods. Foods to Avoid: Raw Fish and Fish with High Mercury Content Sorry sushi fans, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pregnant women are 10 times more likely to get infected by Listeria, a bacteria found in raw or undercooked fish. Also, avoid fish often found to be high in mercury, including swordfish, king mackerel, tuna and marlin. Processed or Raw Meat Similar to eating raw fish, eating undercooked or raw meat increases your risk of infection while pregnant. Hot dogs and lunch meats should also be avoided, unless they have been reheated to be steaming hot (for example, in a microwave). Alcohol Drinking alcohol when pregnant can impact your baby’s brain development and increases your risk of premature birth, low birth weight or miscarriage. Just don’t do it! Minimize Caffeine High caffeine intake during pregnancy can restrict your baby’s growth; therefore, it is recommended that pregnant people limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day – that’s roughly two cups (16 fl oz) of coffee per day. Runny Eggs Eating raw or runny eggs when pregnant increases your risk of Salmonella, which can cause fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Always make sure your eggs are cooked through or use pasteurized eggs.

    Read More About What Foods to Eat and What to Avoid When Pregnant

    • Lactancia
    • Salud del bebé
    • Lactancia

    4 Consejos sobre la lactancia para nuevas mamás

    While breastfeeding is natural, it's not always easy. We asked Certified Lactation Counselor Sarah Mitchell for some tips to help make the process easier for mom and baby. From increased infant immunity to improved maternal health and well-being, the benefits of breastfeeding are many. Still, only 60 percent of U.S. moms in the United States continue to breastfeed past their baby's first six months. There are for many reasons for why moms stop, including the mother's their need to return to work. We reached out spoke to Sarah Mitchell, a certified lactation counselor at The Lactation Connection at Renown, for some expert advice. Tip 1 At first, it's normal to expect obstacles. Even in cultures where close to 100 percent of moms breastfeed, they can experience issues, including getting the baby to "latch on," sore nipples, and milk production. In addition, it sometimes can take several weeks for mom and baby to get comfortable. Tip 2 Line up a coach, even before the baby is born. This can be a professional lactation coach, family member, or friend who is experienced and encouraging. While online videos can be helpful, most new moms need the one-on-one guidance that a coach can provide. Renown offers outstanding resources in its Lactation Connection center, including expert consultants, products, and support. Tip 3 Well ahead of the due date, set up a support network of friends, family members, or community groups such as La Leche League. Women historically have relied on extended support systems to help them with raising children, and breastfeeding is one of those areas that, while natural, still needs encouragement from the women who’ve been there. Tip 4 Don’t get discouraged if you need to supplement at times with formula. This, too, as it turns out, is not uncommon in other cultures. In other parts of the world, babies are given beverages and foods such as tea, broth, soup, juice, mashed bananas, and papaya. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends supplementation only with approved formula -- but the point is, it’s ok to supplement if you need to. Finally, don’t forget the importance of breastfeeding for connecting with your baby. It’s essential to maintain breastfeeding over the weekends, preferably “on-demand,.” and will keep that special bond strong after you have returned to your job.

    Read More About 4 Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

    • Lactancia
    • Salud del bebé
    • Lactancia

    La lactancia no tiene por qué significar dolor en los pezones

    If you think sore nipples are just a normal part of breastfeeding, think again. Robin Hollen, APRN, and Breastfeeding Medicine Specialist, says that nursing can be an enjoyable experience for mom and baby without pain and discomfort. A top concern of nursing moms within the first week after delivery is how to prevent sore nipples. Even moms who’ve nursed before struggle with this common issue. While many women think it is a regular part of the nursing experience, it is actually a sign that something isn’t quite right. “Nursing your baby should be enjoyable,” says Robin Hollen, Breastfeeding Medicine Specialist with Renown Health. For over 30 years Robin has been supporting moms to breastfeed. Below she shares some valuable information and tips, helping you create a happy and healthy breastfeeding experience for you and your baby. What causes sore nipples? The most common cause of sore nipples involves incorrect latching. For a proper latch, a baby’s mouth takes in the entire nipple and some of the breast, so that the nipple rests at the back of the mouth where the palate is soft. With an improper latch, the mouth may slip down to the tip of the nipple while the baby nurses. This constant pressure on your sensitive skin may cause discomfort and pain. A board-certified lactation consultant can help assess if your baby is latched correctly and troubleshoot your breastfeeding concerns. Less common causes of sore nipples include: • Improper tongue placement of baby • Clenching • Incorrect breast pump use How can a mother prevent sore nipples from an improper latch? Breastfeeding is a learning experience for both mom and baby. Ask for help with the latch so your baby learns it correctly and maintains its depth. In the past, new mothers were surrounded by a community of women — their own mothers, grandmothers, or other family and friends — to provide assistance and guidance with every latch at the beginning of an infant’s life. In today’s culture, new moms can find themselves on their own with no extended family to lend their knowledge. Nurses, pediatricians and lactation consultants now fill that role; they are the eyes and hands along with the much-needed experience to guide new mothers. Our Breastfeeding Medicine experts assist nursing moms with latch every day. Even a single visit with a lactation consultant observing your breastfeeding baby can provide valuable insight on achieving, and maintaining, the proper latch - preventing future nipple soreness and discomfort. How to heal sore nipples from breastfeeding To heal sore nipples, you must first fix the cause, and correcting the latch prevents further damage. A lactation consultant can also help you address the pain. Below are some breast healing tips: • Your own expressed breast milk is excellent to rub into the nipple for anti-bacterial protection. • For those moms who need more lubricant or fat than breast milk offers, use a lanolin or a cream that is labeled safe for the baby. • Soothies are a gel pads providing comfort in between feedings, but should not be used with lanolin products. • Breast shells, not to be confused with shields, can guard the nipples from irritation or pressure in between feedings. If you have more questions about preventing and healing sore nipples or general breastfeeding concerns, talk to your pediatrician or a Renown Health Breastfeeding Medicine specialist at 775-982-6365.

    Read More About Breast Feeding Doesn't Have To Mean Sore Nipples

    • Salud del bebé
    • Lactancia
    • Niños seguros

    Los mejores consejos seguros para dormir para su bebé

    Becoming a parent for the first time means lots of new unknowns – from learning to breastfeed and swaddle to buckling your newborn into the car seat for the first time. But when it comes to putting them to bed safely, it’s important to remember it really can mean life or death. It’s something we’re taught before our little one is even here: the correct way to put your baby to bed safely. Sadly though, the number of infant deaths continues to climb. The main culprit of sleep-related infant death continues to be all the items parents leave in the crib with their babies. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among babies each year. “The best advice is ‘bare is best.’ Keep your infant’s sleep space clutter free – no blankets, bumpers, toys or pillows,” said Karen Wagner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Follow the ABCs for Safe Sleep Remembering the ABCs is an easy way to remember how to put your little one to bed safely. A: Alone No blankets, toys or pillows. “We do recommend using a sleep sack as a blanket alternative,” said Karen. “It prevents the risk of suffocation and keeps your baby warm.” Keep in mind, the greatest risk for suffocation happens when babies are under 1 year of age, so it’s best to save the toys, blankets and pillows for their “big kid bed,” or around 18 months old. B: Back The slogan “back is best” is another good reminder. Keeping your baby on their back until they’re old enough to rollover helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). C: Crib It is best to have your baby sleep alone in their crib. While co-sleeping may be enticing, especially after a late-night feed, it increases the risks of possible suffocation. However, “having your child in your room, in their own crib or bassinet, is protective for SIDS,” Karen said. “In fact, we think co-rooming reduces SIDS risk by almost 50 percent.” Co-rooming allows parents to keep new babies in close reach and helps parents oversee their baby’s sleep, just in case something happens.

    Read More About Top Safe Sleep Tips for Your Baby

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil
    • Niños seguros
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    Cómo hablar con sus hijos sobre el vapeo

    According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), e-cigarette use isn’t just up among adults, but it has also tripled in usage for teens. Dr. Jose Cucalon Calderon, a Pediatrics Physician at Renown Health and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, provides helpful insight into e-cigarettes and the dangers it poses to kids and teens.   What Are E-Cigarettes? E-cigarettes are electronic nicotine delivery devices. e-cigarettes use liquid nicotine as an alternative to traditional smoked cigarettes. e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance with known toxic side effects that, when released in very high doses, that can have health consequences and causes addiction. Nicotine is described as “toxic,” but the most "toxic" part of e-cigarettes' is everything else within the E-juice. Nicotine mainly keeps people coming back for more. According to the CDC, e-cigarettes are also advertised using the same themes and tactics that have been shown to increase youth use of other tobacco products, including cigarettes. In 2021, approximately 76% of students reported exposure to tobacco product marketing through traditional sources, and approximately 74% of students who used social media had seen e-cigarette–related content. What Does This Mean for the Health My Teen? We know that nicotine can affect brain development in kids and teens, so it is important to educate your teen on the risks of exposure. If you have young children in the home, it is important to be vigilant as well. One teaspoonful of liquid nicotine can be fatal for a young child. How Do I Monitor My Teen for E-Cigarette Use? Monitoring your children can be tricky for parents. E-cigarettes can be harder to detect, unlike traditional cigarettes that were easy to detect by smell and residual odor. E-cigarette use, or “vaping,” is often associated with a dry cough or chronic throat/mouth irritation. Overall, increasing research shows strong links between mental health conditions and posterior combustible tobacco use along with increased risk of marijuana use. Nicotine is addictive, but it does not cause altered mental status like the other drugs of abuse can. All parents are strongly encouraged to talk to their children about the potential dangers of e-cigarettes.   What are the health risks of vaping? Vaping devices have been on the market for a relatively short period of time, with evidence-based health effects and complications still being discovered. Vaping effects poses many harmful risks to children and teens. The risks of vaping include: Chest pain Difficulty breathing Dizziness Headaches Impaired response to infection in the airway Inflammatory problems of the airway Nausea Nicotine addiction Seizures Vomiting   For more information for both parents and teens about quitting smoking or vaping, you can click here. Parents can also use this tip sheet from the U.S. Surgeon General to talk to their child about vaping. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration free national helpline number is 1-800-662-4357 (HELP). It is available 24/7, 365 days a year offering confidential treatment referral and information (in English and Spanish). If you or someone you know is facing a substance (or mental health) problem, please reach out to them.

    Read More About How to Talk to Your Children About Vaping

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