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    • Viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022

    ¡La comida es una expresión de amor! Nueve opciones de carreras profesionales en Renown para amantes del café y la gastronomía

    ¿Le apasiona la gastronomía y el café? ¿Le interesa servir a pacientes y héroes de la atención médica? ¿Es cortés y diplomático? ¿Tiene un diploma de escuela secundaria? Continúe leyendo para descubrir la carrera profesional para usted. Cuando piensa en la palabra AMOR, ¿piensa en COMIDAS deliciosas o en una taza de CAFÉ caliente? Cuando charla con amigos, ¿las conversaciones comienzan y terminan hablando de una receta, un restaurante o un programa de televisión de cocina nuevos? ¿Le da mucha satisfacción preparar platos deliciosos? ¿Sueña con poder preparar un latte humeante con leche de almendras en cuestión de minutos? ¿Le gusta cuidar de otros y se ve creando y entregando deliciosos y nutritivos platos calientes a personas que se están recuperando de un procedimiento quirúrgico o de una enfermedad? ¿Disfrutaría de hacer una comida especial de celebración para una familia que acaba de recibir a un bebé, o un pastel para celebrar una boda junto a la cama de un paciente o para una familia que se reencuentra con el abuelo tras recibir buenas noticias sobre su recuperación del cáncer? ¿Busca algunas opciones profesionales que lo mantengan conectado con excelentes comidas y café? Renown Health ahora ofrece una serie de opciones profesionales que le permiten satisfacer su amor por la comida, ganar dinero, tener vacaciones pagas/permiso por enfermedad, grandes beneficios de salud, un cronograma regular, progresar en su carrera profesional y obtener un título universitario o terciario al mismo tiempo. Trabajar en el sector gastronómico del mejor empleador de la región y la organización benéfica sin fines de lucro más grande de la región tiene algunos beneficios excepcionales. Los empleados de Renown trabajan todos los días para marcar una diferencia real en la vida de las personas, y queremos que se una a nosotros. Muchos profesionales de servicios gastronómicos comenzaron su carrera en puestos de nivel inicial y fueron ascendiendo. Otros beneficios de trabajar en Renown incluyen habilidades profesionales transferibles, alimentos gratuitos o con descuento y la oportunidad de retribuir y servir a su comunidad. Ya sea que recién esté comenzando su carrera profesional o que esté buscando un nuevo desafío, seguramente encontrará algo perfecto para usted. Muchos puestos requieren solo un diploma de escuela secundaria o GED. Empiece a explorar hoy mismo nuestra lista de nueve excelentes oportunidades laborales relacionadas con los alimentos y las bebidas disponibles hoy en Renown Health y postúlese en línea en renown.org  1) Sea barista en Starbucks; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos Si le encanta hablar con la gente, tiene buen sentido del humor y le gusta el ritmo dinámico, entonces este trabajo es una excelente oportunidad para usted. Conocerá a personas de todas las áreas y se hará amigo de muchas de ellas. Aprenderá a ser un experto en la elaboración de bebidas deliciosas y perfectas, y tendrá el orgullo de usar el delantal verde de Starbucks. Formará parte del primer Starbucks en el área que funciona las 24 horas al día, los 7 días de la semana. El sueldo promedio por hora en Starbucks como barista se encuentra en el promedio nacional de aproximadamente $12.32. Además, recibirá capacitación paga, propinas, un paquete de beneficios completo de Renown Health que incluye atención médica, jubilación, vacaciones/tiempo de enfermedad pagos y acceso a puestos que se publican internamente. Necesitará un diploma de escuela secundaria o GED; sin embargo, no necesita experiencia para este puesto de nivel inicial. Los empleados de Starbucks pueden beber tantos lattes como quieran, ¡ya que la mayoría de las bebidas son gratuitas para los empleados durante los descansos de trabajo! 2) Jefe de cocina y líder de cocina hospitalario; Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. Si le encanta preparar alimentos nutritivos y apetitosos para los demás, comprende la importancia de los requisitos individuales de las dietas médicas y culturales, este puede ser el trabajo perfecto para usted. La mayoría de las personas que trabajan como cocineros en un hospital tienen cinco o más años de experiencia de trabajo en restaurante, pero no tienen un título universitario. Sin embargo, pueden ganar un rango salarial promedio de entre $26,860 y $61,870. Los beneficios incluyen un cronograma predecible, que puede significar más tiempo con su familia y en el hogar. También recibirá vacaciones y días de enfermedad, y beneficios de salud, visión y odontología. Además, sus platos darían energía a los médicos, enfermeros y otras personas para poder atravesar las largas jornadas laborales, marcando una diferencia genuina en las vidas de los otros y teniendo un impacto positivo en la sociedad.  3) ¡Entrega especial! Servidores de alimentos; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. Si le encanta armar y servir comidas a los pacientes, este es el trabajo para usted. Realizará las tareas de preparación, armado y limpieza para el servicio de comidas para pacientes y podrá servir como enlace entre los Servicios de Nutrición y los pacientes. También puede transportar carritos de comida a los pisos de habitaciones de pacientes y ayudar con la limpieza y el saneamiento general de la cocina. 4) Muestre su lado creativo como preparador de alimentos; preparador principal de sándwiches; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. En este puesto, preparará y servirá ensaladas, postres y sándwiches con ingredientes frescos, para entregárselos rápidamente a clientes con hambre y felices. Se buscan preparadores principales de sándwiches en el restaurante Subway ubicado dentro del Renown Regional Medical Center). 5 ¡Hecho especialmente para usted! Representante de nutrición; Renown Regional Medical Center; diario, todos los turnos En este puesto, se reunirá con los pacientes, les ayudará a revisar sus opciones de comidas y se asegurará de que los platos especiales y personalizados se les entreguen en su habitación. Como agente de servicio al cliente, responderá el teléfono para tomar los pedidos de comida, ingresará las elecciones de comida en el sistema informático y comprenderá los menús, las restricciones de las dietas, las recetas y el inventario de alimentos. 6) Cajero de servicios gastronómicos; Regional Medical Center; tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos 7) La alimentación como medicina, dietista clínico; Renown Regional Medical Center; tiempo parcial, días Los pacientes que se recuperan de una enfermedad deben alimentarse con los platos más nutritivos. En este puesto, proporcionará asesoramiento y educación sobre nutrición, evaluaciones de nutrición clínica, planificación y evaluación de bebés, niños, adolescentes, adultos y pacientes geriátricos, y trabajará para satisfacer las necesidades físicas, cognitivas y psicosociales del paciente mediante una educación y nutrición adecuadas.  8) La respuesta es ¡SÍ! Gerente de Hospitalidad; Renown South Meadows Medical Center; tiempo completo Como gerente, su función es brindar una atención al cliente excepcional en todos los aspectos de los servicios gastronómicos y ambientales. Podrá crear, contratar, capacitar y liderar un equipo comprometido y brindar servicio de la más alta calidad para satisfacer las necesidades de los pacientes, empleados, visitantes y médicos. 9) ¿Es fanático del servicio al cliente? Supervisor de alimentos y bebidas de venta minorista; Starbucks En esta función, usted sería un líder muy popular en las operaciones de las franquicias de Starbucks y Subway en el Renown Regional Medical Center. Se encargaría de liderar, empoderar y capacitar a su equipo para que sea el mejor, y se aseguraría de tener un presupuesto equilibrado y de que el servicio al cliente sea excepcional. En Renown Health, compartimos una visión sin límites que nos inspira a aprender, crecer y superar las expectativas de los pacientes, sus familias y los demás. Una carrera profesional con nosotros le ofrece: • Un entorno estimulante y progresista enfocado en iniciativas de salud y bienestar de la comunidad • Una cultura que valore sus contribuciones y apoye su desarrollo personal y profesional • Afiliaciones con la University of Nevada, Reno, el Desert Research Institute y otras organizaciones que ayudan a estimular la innovación y las oportunidades Para postular a estas y otras oportunidades profesionales, visítenos en línea en https://careers.renown.org/ Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de ¡La comida es una expresión de amor! Nueve opciones de carreras profesionales en Renown para amantes del café y la gastronomía

    • Empleados
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    • Alimentos y nutrición

    Departamento destacado: Servicios de alimentos y nutrición

    Nutrition is a vital aspect of patient care. At Renown Health, the Food & Nutrition Services (FNS) teams take their mission of delivering patients high-quality, cost-effective, nutritious and attractive foods to the next level. From a thrice-daily trayline service with a wide variety of delicious food to the personalized dietitian services that ensure every patient gets the nutrients they need for optimal healing and recovery, Renown’s FNS teams at Regional, South Meadows and Rehab are unmatched.  Food for the Good Fight  The hustle and bustle of early morning food preparations gears the FNS team up to, as Renown Regional Food Service Worker Molly Kalsman puts it, “provide patients with adequate nutrition to heal.” From morning until nighttime, the team prepares three meals a day along with late trays and snacks.  This isn’t your run-of-the-mill hospital food, either. Think anywhere from cheeseburgers and salads to pork roasts and baked potatoes. As you can imagine, food of this caliber requires all hands on deck in the kitchen, especially during trayline times, to ensure all patients receive quality meals that meet their individual nutrition needs. “We make an impact with good service and great food,” said Mario Nunez, a Food Service Worker at Renown South Meadows.  As the food service workers are hard at work cooking and assembling, the nutrition representatives visit each patient to learn their individual dietary restrictions, allergies and food preferences. For Julie Macaluso, Nutrition Representative at Renown South Meadows, “letting the patients choose their meals” is one of the highlights of her job. “We go over meal choices for their stay, so the patient can pick out something they would like to eat and find enjoyable,” added Tara Sprehe, Nutrition Representative at Renown Regional.  The immense care and attention our nutrition representatives give to every patient paves the way for our clinical dietitians to build a nutrient-dense diet plan based on the individual patient’s preferences. Dietitians are the only licensed providers that can leverage nutrition to treat, manage and prevent illness and disease to improve patient outcomes. Every day, our experienced dietitians “make recommendations in the adjustment of macro and micronutrients in order to best manage a person’s health status in the setting of trauma, diabetes, heart disease and other morbidities,” said Jessica Blauenstein, a Registered Dietitian and Board-Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Overall, for this department, the phrase “that’s not my job” will never be heard, according to Lupe Ayala, a Cook at the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Day-in and day-out, it’s a massive group effort – and that’s the way they like it.  Setting the Service Bar High  Hitting milestones and accomplishments comes naturally to this crew. The FNS team sets the bar incredibly high for food and service standards across the Renown Regional, South Meadows and Rehabilitation hospitals.   The key ingredient? Synchronized teams that operate like a well-oiled machine. The meticulous trayline schedules and assembly lines, the cooks that put their heart into patient meals, the nutrition representatives and dietitians who ensure patient food wants and dietary needs are being met... the list goes on. And to top it all off, these teams certainly know the meaning of “service with a smile.”  Their efforts do not go unnoticed. “I am very proud of the team I have,” said Monica Lara-Yanez, Supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services at Renown South Meadows. “They have improved their knowledge and participated in cross-training, and they are very efficient doing their jobs and helping each other. Moreover, they care about the service we provide.”  One major accomplishment the FNS department achieved in recent years was implementing Room Service Connect, which aids in direct communication with patients, letting them know what foods are available to them during their stay at Renown based on their dietary needs. Locating trays of food has also never been easier. According to Tara Sprehe, “This system is also beneficial for letting food service workers know when a diet has been upgraded, discontinued, changed to NPO status or downgraded. This reduces the risk of giving the patient a diet that is not appropriate for them,” which saves both time and money for the department.  At the end of the day, the FNS department has one mission, and it’s the same mission we all employ as Renown team members: do it for the patient.  “It’s all about patient care,” said Jesse Holman, Cook Lead at Renown Regional. “That is the best accomplishment!”  A Dedication to Renown   The patients, the providers, and the passion: these are the most common themes that keep the FNS department passionate about Renown and their team. Whether they are just starting out in a career in food service or have established themselves in the clinical field, the FNS department proudly upholds the greatest standards of nutritional care that enhance Renown’s status as a top healthcare leader in northern Nevada.  “I choose Renown because it is a very distinguished institution with an amazing reputation, offering a lot of benefits and growth opportunities to employees,” said Monica Lara. “It makes me feel proud to say, ‘I work at Renown.’” Renown Rehab Food Service Worker Margretta Corbet echoes this sentiment, adding, “There are good people here with happy dispositions.”  Many FNS team members are especially enthusiastic about Renown’s robust benefits and career growth opportunities. For Molly Kalsman, working at Renown gives her the experience necessary to enter a career in dietetics. “Food service and hospital experience is encouraged to be accepted into a dietetics internship program, and Renown was the perfect opportunity for me to gain that experience,” said Molly. Carleigh Bates, Nutrition Representative at Renown South Meadows, is on a similar path: “Renown is a vehicle for so many things I am aspiring towards, such as getting my foot in the door for working in healthcare, improving the experiences of patients and gaining experience that will aid in my future goals.”  Carleigh emphasizes that the team’s commitment to Renown’s mission is at the core of what they do every day. “We impact patient care by providing nutrition to fuel their wellness and improve their stay.”  Lupe Ayala wraps up this strong conviction from the team very well: “I didn’t choose Renown; Renown chose me.”  Fight the Good Fight With Us This future-minded, patient-centric department is growing! The Food & Nutrition Services teams at Regional, South Meadows and Rehab are actively hiring eager, collaborative new team members. Natasha Frisbie, FNS Lead at Renown Regional, reports that the team has “successfully hired and trained 24 new employees in the past three months” and is still expanding. “Teamwork, communication, and enthusiasm are very valuable skills to have in this department,” said Molly Kalsman.   If you or anyone you know is looking for their next growing career opportunity, apply today!

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Food & Nutrition Services

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    • Atención del cáncer
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    20 Años de compasión y dedicación

    When you meet Poeth Kilonzo, Director of Oncology Nursing at Renown Health, you are immediately greeted with a warm smile that puts your mind at ease. Within the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, Poeth enjoys a strong reputation among her employees and patients as someone they can always rely on, no matter how rough the tides may flow.   As an incredibly humble oncology professional, you may not realize that behind that smile is the power of a best-in-class nurse and leader holding a 20+ year career of diverse nursing experience and leadership excellence – dedicating the majority of her service to Renown Health.  Join us as we dive into Poeth’s unique journey through Renown.  Finding Her Passion  Ever since she could remember, Poeth has been a “people person.” Above all else, she cared for people – and she cared a lot. What better place for her to be than healthcare?  After moving to northern Nevada from Kenya, she began working in private patient care working with home health and dementia patients while taking classes at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in 2000. One day, a patient asked her a question that would change the course of her career journey: Did you ever think about becoming a nurse?  Driven by not only the words of encouragement of her patients and supervisors in home health but also the rallying support from her family and friends, including her husband and high school friend, who both have decades of experience interacting with nurses in healthcare (with her husband spending many of those years at Renown), Poeth knew this was the path she was meant to take.  “That was it; it was like a light switch had flipped,” said Poeth. “I switched to nursing overnight.”  According to Poeth, TMCC’s nursing program offered her an incredibly supportive environment, which was especially important as she was a young mom at the time. Working in healthcare, going to nursing school and raising a family all at the same time is no easy task, but to Poeth, this was her calling.  “Regardless of my path, I knew I wanted to be a nurse that was close to patients, sitting with them and holding their hand throughout their treatment,” said Poeth.  During nursing school, Poeth completed clinicals at several hospitals in Reno – three of them were at Renown Health (known as Washoe Medical Center at the time). What immediately stood out to her was the passion of the pediatrics unit, especially in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  “While I knew that pediatrics wasn’t going to be my arena, some of the best times in my life were during my pediatrics clinical,” said Poeth. “It opened me up to how welcoming Renown is.”  While doing her rotations, nursing leaders helped Poeth and her fellow classmates discover Renown’s Nurse Apprentice program, an apprenticeship designed exclusively for local northern Nevada nursing students. One of those leaders asked her, “have you considered doing a rotation in oncology?”  And another light switch flipped.  “Bingo. I am becoming an oncology nurse apprentice,” Poeth recalls. And that’s exactly what she did.   After her four-month apprenticeship ended in February 2002, she walked into her interview with Joanna Gold, who would end up being her supervisor and one of her greatest mentors until she passed away in recent years. With her experience and enthusiastic spirit on her side, Poeth fervently expressed her passion and interest in working in oncology. And Joanna saw all of that and more.  In June 2002, Poeth was presented with a two-year oncology RN contract, which she easily signed – however, she knew right then and there but she was not going anywhere. Renown was her home, and oncology ignited the fire within her.  “The nurses in this unit are part of what kept me here,” Poeth remembers. “These nurses would really do anything for their patients. The commitment and love they all had for one another truly was like family. It inspired me to learn more and give even better care to my patients."  To Poeth, it didn’t feel like she was coming to work just to do a job – she was following her dreams.  “You don’t think about the work you do; you think about the service,” said Poeth.  From there, Poeth spent three years on the floor as an oncology RN and became a night shift supervisor in 2005. She was thriving.  But this part of her journey was only the beginning.  When Opportunity Arises, Take It  In March 2007, Poeth and her husband welcomed their third child – and for her, working a day shift position would serve her the best at her current stage of life. This revelation led her down to Renown South Meadows Medical Center, where she became a staff nurse in Medical Telemetry.  It was in the telemetry unit where Poeth contributed to one of the largest digital transformations Renown would ever go through: transitioning from paper records to electronic records on EPIC.  From there, Poeth was inspired to get back into leadership in 2012 as the Supervisor of Clinical Nursing overseeing nurses, clinical outcomes and payroll in the medical/telemetry unit and intensive care unit (ICU). The timing of her leadership role lined up perfectly with her decision to take her skills to the next level, achieving a bachelor’s degree from Nevada State College in 2016. The timing of her degree lined up perfectly with what was about to come; she embarked on her first leadership role at Renown  This is where she would happily stay for 11 years, eventually becoming the Manager of Nursing in telemetry and the ICU, noting that Renown South Meadows felt like a second home to her.  “I wore many hats at South Meadows,” Poeth recalls. “From piloting back coding and handling compliance work to being on the patient floor and heading up South Meadows’ first high school hospital volunteer program, I got very involved. We had seven years without having a single nurse traveler in our unit."  It wasn’t long before Poeth was inspired to expand her education even further, and she graduated in January 2018 with a master’s degree in nursing clinical leadership from Western Governors University. Thanks to Renown’s educational assistance programs, our health system invested directly in Poeth’s education with tuition reimbursement and a $1,000 nursing scholarship.  Soon after celebrating her achievement, Jennifer Allen Fleiner – who was the Director of Nursing at Renown South Meadows at the time – asked Poeth yet another question that would bring her to the precipice of another career detour: “Have you ever considered transferring from South Meadows to Renown Regional?”   Moments later, Alicia Glassco, Director of Nursing for Renown Regional, asked her the same question, noting that the hospital’s neurosurgery unit needed the leadership of someone just like Poeth.  “It took me a whole week to make a decision, because this was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made in my life,” said Poeth. “I truly loved South Meadows. After that week, my leader told me, ‘you know what, Poeth? You’ve reached your pinnacle. You need and deserve a new challenge. Learn from this new team and teach them something. I think you have a huge opportunity for growth.”  So, Poeth decided to apply for the position and shadow the neurosurgery team, where unlike her unit, the majority of the team at the time were travelers. But this was a challenge Poeth was up to – so she was accepted into the role.  “At the end of the day, these patients deserved consistent care,” Poeth emphasized. “I knew I had to take this position for the patients – they were the ones who sold me on this job. They are the reason why we are all here. It was important for me to be an advocate for them.”  The big hills to climb didn’t slow down Poeth; in fact, the exact opposite happened. Within her first year in the neurosurgery unit, her team onboarded 18 new graduates and replaced travelers.  “We were hiring like crazy,” said Poeth. “My standing agenda at all section meetings focused on hiring and our quality metrics. I started having a relationship with our doctors. Once we created a strong doctor/nurse collaboration, our nurses started staying with us longer.”  Everything on the unit was going great.  Then, COVID-19 hit.   “Since we had private patient rooms, our unit became the first COVID unit at Renown Regional,” Poeth recalls. “My whole staff that I had built up had to be distributed elsewhere. I started caring for COVID patients. We relied on our Infection Prevention team a lot. And at the same time, I was worried about my family in Africa.”  Despite the stressful nature that the pandemic brought upon health systems everywhere, according to Poeth, she knew she had to continue on.  “The neurosurgery team ended up merging with orthopedic trauma, which was very difficult,” said Poeth. “We went from 28 beds to 58 beds. The key to success here was training. Nurses are very resilient, and through training, we were able to stabilize the unit.”  Noticing the opportunity for virtual demonstrations that were previously offered only in-person, Poeth spearheaded online trainings for nursing, physical therapy, mobility, head injuries and more, allowing teams across Renown to upskill in safe spaces.  These programs continued throughout the pandemic, and Poeth was proud to be a figurehead through it all, helping to stabilize the unit while creating strong relationships with the entire team, many of whom followed her from Renown South Meadows to Renown Regional.  Then, she gets another visitor – her Chief Nursing Executive – in her office with yet another opportunity.  Have You Considered...  In September 2022, Chief Nursing Executive Melodie Osborn walked into Poeth’s office with those three words that Poeth has heard for decades: “Have you considered...”  “Before Melodie could even finish, I thought, ‘I have considered A LOT in my career!’” said Poeth.  Melodie told Poeth that the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was looking for a Director of Oncology Nursing, noting that this could be yet another growth opportunity for her and a chance for her to go back to her roots.  “I had just celebrated my twentieth year at Renown; I knew this was going to be a decision I really had to think about,” said Poeth. “Everyone believed in me. Alicia Glassco told me, ‘Poeth, you are ready for this. Go for it.’ Once I applied for the position and started getting my updated chemotherapy certifications, I thought, ‘they are right; I got this.’”  At this point in her career, Poeth had been hyper-focused on inpatient care, and this role would be her first time caring for patients in the outpatient setting. After going through the interview process, however, Poeth knew that this was where she was meant to be yet again – and colleagues she hadn’t seen in years reaffirmed that commitment.  “I felt the most excited about the job when I toured the facility,” Poeth recalls. “I’ll never forget what one of the infusion nurses told me on my tour. She told me, ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I remember you; I came from Renown South Meadows, and you were so nice to me as I was precepting as a new nurse. Your kindness was unforgettable to me.’ The fact that people like her wanted me in the unit so badly inspired me to come back.”  Soon enough, Poeth became the Director of Oncology Nursing, a position she still proudly holds to this day. Once she was hired, she immediately went into deep learning mode, mastering skills such as revenue integrity, credentialing and the insurance process. She attributes Supervisor of Infusion Kaitlin Hildebrand and Director of Radiation Oncology Services Susan Cox for helping her succeed.  Shortly after assuming the position, Poeth noticed yet another opportunity for cross-training within the organization to combat short staffing – training nurses from the Float Pool to care for patients in Infusion Services.  “Between May and July of this year, we trained six nurses from Float Pool to do infusion therapy services, which offered so much relief to my team; I am so thankful to Rendee Perry, the Manager of Nursing in our Float Pool unit, and her team for their support,” said Poeth. “My mission in outpatient oncology is to serve the staff and patient population and create those strong relationships."  Poeth's efforts to circumvent nurse burnout go beyond cross-training – as a director, she is always there for her team members no matter what, leading with kindness every step of the way.  “I never miss a 7:45 a.m. huddle unless I am in a ‘cannot miss’ commitment; I want my employees to always know that I am there for them and that they are cared for both on and off the job,” Poeth emphasizes. “I want them to feel like they are valued, their families are valued and their mental health is valued; after all, without my team, we cannot care for patients. It’s important for them to know that I am here to be a security blanket and that there is always something we can do to solve a problem."  Today, Poeth enjoys a full team of core Renown staff members whom patients look forward to seeing – and the high patient satisfaction scores to prove it.  “Our team is so established that patients feel comfort in knowing they are always going to know exactly who they are being treated by,” said Poeth. “We will always work to maintain that consistency.”  Staying True to the Mission  Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of our community resonates closely with Poeth. Before she arrives at the infusion unit every day, she asks herself: What can I do to make it easier for my team to deliver care?  “It takes a village to deliver the care we do,” said Poeth. “Our nurses are priceless. You can’t place a monetary value on dealing with life and death every day. This is what inspires me. It’s all about helping each other out and keeping those relationships strong.”  Maintaining those relationships on the floor, according to Poeth, requires one main ingredient: work-life balance.  “I want my nurses to be able to balance sending their kids to kindergarten and giving their patients their first chemotherapy treatments,” Poeth emphasizes. “I genuinely care about their lives. It’s nice when you get to know your team’s children, grandkids, spouse and hobbies. I’m grateful that Renown has given us the autonomy to foster that flexible environment within our teams. It is so rewarding to have such a strong impact on these employees.”  To Poeth, it’s all about doing and then duplicating. Luckily for her team and infusion patients in northern Nevada, a new infusion center at Renown South Meadows is planned to open in the coming years as part of our commitment to expanding care. Her team is excited to grow their expertise down to south Reno – Poeth's original home hospital.  “I strongly believe that as nurses, we are meant to be where we are meant to be at the time,” said Poeth. “Be kind to yourself and remember your ‘why.’ Take advantage of the opportunity you have.”  To all nurses (and future nurses) out there, Poeth wants you to know that you are welcomed and valued. You are saving lives every day, and to her, that is worth everything.  “Always remain focused, even throughout all the challenges. Never forget why you got into nursing. And lastly, always stay true to your own mission,” closes Poeth.

    Read More About 20 Years of Compassion and Dedication

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