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    • Jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

    Empresas locales ayudan a Renown a luchar contra los gérmenes en medio de la pandemia

    Seven Troughs Distilling Co., Damon Industries, The Depot y Forsaken River han trabajado juntos para suministrar a Renown Health 726 galones de desinfectante para manos hasta la fecha. Gracias al apoyo de las empresas locales, se está cubriendo la necesidad de desinfectantes para manos de Renown Health. Seven Troughs Distilling Co., con la ayuda de varias destilerías del área, incluidas The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery y Forsaken River Spirits, está utilizando su equipo de destilación para producir alcohol etílico. Damon Industries mezcla el alcohol etílico con otros ingredientes clave de acuerdo con la receta de desinfectante para manos emitida por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (Food & Drug Administration, FDA) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud, envasa el contenido en frascos y los distribuye a Renown. Esta colaboración de toda la comunidad le ha proporcionado a Renown 726 galones de desinfectante para manos hasta la fecha. Seven Troughs había fabricado durante años desinfectante para manos y superficies con un alcohol distinto al de grado alimentario, que los empleados utilizaban en la empresa para higienizar sus manos y limpiar las máquinas. Al comienzo de la pandemia, la destilería continuó produciendo el desinfectante para la familia y los amigos. La noticia acerca de las capacidades de Seven Troughs se propagó rápidamente, y fue entonces cuando Renown se puso en contacto con la destilería para ver si podían ayudar. “De repente, en lugar de hacer un lote de desinfectante para manos de 50 galones, necesitábamos hacer un lote de 500 galones”, declaró Tom Adams, presidente de Seven Troughs. “Rápidamente nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos muy desbordados. Pensamos que el plan sería mejor si pudiéramos centrarnos en lo que hacemos bien, que es fabricar etanol, y si pudiéramos conseguir un socio que se centrara en la formulación y el embotellado. Y así se sumó Damon Industries”.  Antes de la pandemia, Damon Industries fabricaba principalmente zumos para tiendas de smoothies e instalaciones de atención médica, un mercado que básicamente había colapsado. El equipo de Damon Industries respondió rápidamente al llamado de ayuda de Adams, ya que era una oportunidad para servir a la comunidad y mantener a su personal con empleo. “No hizo falta convencer a nadie”, dijo el vicepresidente de Ventas de Damon Industries, Brandon Halvorson, cuando se le preguntó por el impulso de la empresa para entrar en el sector de los desinfectantes para manos. “Sabíamos que la comunidad necesitaba un producto y sabíamos que contábamos con las asociaciones que podían hacerlo. Ha sido un placer trabajar con las personas sobresalientes de Renown y del norte de Nevada para mantener a nuestra comunidad abastecida durante esta difícil situación”. Antes de empaquetar y distribuir el desinfectante de manos a las instalaciones de Renown, los empleados de Damon Industries pegan una etiqueta con la frase “Fight the Good Fight” con la marca de Renown en cada botella, un recordatorio de que la lucha contra la COVID-19 se extiende más allá de las paredes de los centros de atención de Renown. “Estoy sorprendido por la rapidez con la que Seven Troughs y Damon Industries entraron en acción para satisfacer nuestra necesidad de desinfectante para manos”, declaró el director de Operaciones de Renown, Ian Wayman. “Además de su rápida fabricación, nos venden el desinfectante para manos a un precio muy razonable, ya que cobran lo justo para pagar los suministros y mantener a su personal con empleo. Este tipo de apoyo genuino y sincero por parte de nuestros socios comunitarios sirve para recordar que realmente estamos todos juntos en esto”.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información. Acerca de Seven Troughs Distilling Co. Seven Troughs Distilling Co., LLC se estableció en 2012 como la primera destilería con licencia de la Gran Cuenca desde 1877. La oferta de Seven Troughs, centrada en licores de estilo histórico, incluye whiskies, ginebras y rones galardonados. Cuando no está fabricando desinfectante para manos, Seven Troughs ofrece visitas y degustaciones en nuestra destilería de Sparks, Nevada, y un restaurante completo con un menú de cócteles artesanales en nuestro local del centro de Reno, el Seven Troughs Speakeasy. www.7troughsdistilling.com. Acerca de Damon Industries A Damon Industries le apasiona crear productos que ayuden e inspiren. Comercializamos millones de galones al año, pero siempre partimos de nuestros valores fundamentales. La familia, la diversión, la integridad y la gratitud nos guían desde el proceso de compra hasta el de producción. Nuestras asociaciones son tan importantes para nosotros como la amplia gama de productos que producimos. Desde bebidas y limpiadores hasta salsas y whisky, nos aseguramos de tratar a nuestros clientes, empleados y proveedores como si fueran de la familia. Damonpacking.com

    Leer más Acerca de Empresas locales ayudan a Renown a luchar contra los gérmenes en medio de la pandemia

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    Departamento destacado: Patología

    Celebrate Leap Day by leaping into the world of Pathology at Renown Health! Think of discovering a diagnosis like solving a mystery: the condition is the suspect, the nurses are the frontline police force and the doctors are the lieutenants or captains finalizing the results of the case. You may notice that one crucial role is missing on this list – the detectives. In the diverse network of healthcare, the detectives are a significant part of each patient’s mystery-solving care team and represent many roles across our health system. When it comes to figuring out the elaborate details of a growth, disease, organ abnormality or cause of death, one team of detectives, quite literally, goes as deep as possible. Those detectives are the team members within Renown Pathology. For each specialized field within medicine or surgery, the Pathology department is here to play a crucial role in accurate diagnoses. With each slide examined and each test meticulously conducted in their bright laboratories, these dedicated professionals shape a path towards wellness and recovery.  Meet Your Anatomy Experts  Whether you have a chronic disease that needs consistent testing, a high-risk birth that requires placenta testing, a suspected cancerous tumor that needs a biopsy or a gall stone that must be removed (or anything in between), Renown’s Pathology team steps in to provide biological answers to your body’s questions. This department offers the most comprehensive in-house diagnostic testing in the region, from routine histology to full pathology.  As the busiest pathology department in northern Nevada, this team boasts the fastest turnaround times from respected experts, including:  Pathologists Pathology Assistants Histotechnicians Histotechnologists Clinical Lab Assistants Let’s break down the complex nature of these team members' jobs by walking through their everyday responsibilities at work!  Pathologists  Pathologists are medical doctors who specialize in the study and diagnosis of disease. With every slide they scrutinize and every sample they analyze, pathologists unravel the mysteries of disease with precision and compassion. Their responsibilities include interpreting laboratory tests, analyzing tissue and fluid samples (obtained from a variety of different sources, including biopsies and surgeries), staging cancer diagnoses and providing diagnostic insights that guide treatment decisions.  “Our job is to help the patients and their doctors figure out what’s wrong,” said Dr. Christie Elliott, Pathologist and Medical Director of the Clinical Laboratory at Renown Regional Medical Center. “As the bulk of our cases deal with cancer, almost every day we start with a tumor board alongside fellow surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and geneticists. From there, we order extra studies, run through our cases to make diagnoses, review slides and ensure all information goes into the charts, which is especially important as 70% of data in medical charts is from the lab. A patient’s history is everything.”  Pathology Assistants With the steadiest of hands, pathology assistants, also known as PAs (not to be confused with physician assistants), guide the diagnostic journey from patient specimen to diagnosis. They can typically be found processing surgical and biopsy specimens (includes accessioning, gross examination, description, and sampling for microscopic analysis), preparing tissue samples for microscopic evaluation, helping the pathologist determine a cause of death for autopsies by conducting organ dissections and maintaining detailed records of all diagnostic findings.  “As a PA, I still impact patient care without being directly patient-facing,” said Andrew Whitner, Pathology Assistant. “I handle 300-350 small tissue blocks a day. During dissections, I identify landmarks, document what I see and turn those landmarks into slides, looking for things that don’t look normal.”  “Our job is 90% all about gross specimens, and we also do eviscerations for autopsies,” added Leslieann Haffner, Pathology Assistant. “We are trained on what normal looks like; our goal is to find the abnormal.”  Histotechnicians Histotechnicians work behind the scenes to help transform ordinary tissue into extraordinary windows of insight, revealing the inner workings of the human body. As vital members of the Pathology team, histotechnicians embed tissue specimens in paraffin wax blocks (a process that preserves the tissue's structure for examination), cut thin sections of tissue from the paraffin blocks using a microtome, mount tissue onto glass slides and stain the tissue slides using histological stains to highlight structures or cells.  “With all the patient specimens we work with, we get to see a lot of organs and learn what is causing the abnormalities,” said Reiny Hitchcock, Histotechnician. “I enjoy the opportunities to expand my knowledge, especially while working alongside the doctors.”  “Our job can change by the week,” added Jessica Fahrion, Histotechnician. “One week I’ll be in the grossing room, and the next week I might be training in cytology." Histotechnologists In a world where every slide holds the key to a patient's future, histotechnologists are the champions of progress. One career ladder step above histotechnicians, these team members often have a broader scope of responsibilities, including more complex laboratory procedures, developing and validating new techniques, managing laboratory operations, interpreting results and troubleshooting technical issues. You can count on histotechnologists for validating antibodies and handling orders from pathologists, oncologists, emergency physicians and more.  “My day always involves looking into cases, reading reports, getting orders together and working with pathologists to help them with their diagnoses; I also work a lot with immunohistochemistry, helping out with routine slides,” said Charles Koeritz, Histotechnologist. “I especially enjoy doing validations, which help maintain the integrity of lab testing and our diagnostic processes.” Clinical Lab Assistants Our pathology clinical lab assistants are the masters at “filling in the blanks,” assisting in whatever area needs it most, especially in cytology and the grossing room. They are essential aspects of the Pathology team, collecting and storing specimens for further testing, assisting in managing test results, gathering data, managing supply inventory and more.  “As a Clinical Lab Assistant, I can be scheduled anywhere, from tissue cassetting to grossing,” said Ellie Somers, Clinical Lab Assistant. “Working in cytology is one of my favorite parts of my job. It’s very rewarding to work with the doctors to uncover what treatments will help each patient. We do cytology very well here.” The Bottom Line Even though the Pathology department doesn’t always experience a lot of patient face-to-face time, they interact with patients in a different way – by uncovering the story that is the inner workings of the human body, one slide and one sample at a time.  “It’s important to remember that the slide IS a patient,” said Dr. Elliott. “We are constantly learning from every case so we can continue to provide the best patient care possible.”  Take a Photo Tour of the Pathology Lab!

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    • Luche por la causa justa

    Arraigada con Renown, historia de una familia de probabilidades notables

    Renown Health is proud to debut our newest commercial spot, Days, on Thanksgiving Day 2022. This commercial features members of the greater northern Nevada community, former Renown patients and employees. Chris and Ann Cook are some of these community members, and we are grateful we get to tell their story. Family is everything for Chris and Ann Cook. Their loved ones span across the United States and even farther to Germany, so time spent with their children and grandchildren means the world to them. When Chris went to the emergency room for a persistent headache and drooping eye over twenty years ago, they could have never predicted the number of hours their family would spend at Renown care facilities in the coming years. “Whenever we step inside a building with that purple logo, we know right away we will be supported by friends, family and Renown staff. Our family has turned countless hours inside hospital walls into memories of gratitude for the care we receive.” Chris Cook said. “It is these memories that make us appreciate the health of our family today.”   A Relationship with Renown that Spans Decades The Cooks can remember a time before Renown Regional Medical Center’s inception when Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) stood in its place. It was at Washoe Med that Chris received emergency brain surgery after a visit to the emergency room over 20 years ago. Immediately following a CT scan, Chris was transported to Washoe Med, now Renown Health, for emergency brain surgery and eventually to treat a hematoma. Doctors close to his case were amazed by his survival, considering Chris’ divergent situation resulting from a raisin-size colloid cyst and dissected corotated artery. He spent three weeks in the ICU recovering at the hospital, his spirits lifted by the amazing staff who brightened his day with gestures of kindness. From there, he was supported by countless friends and family members over the next three months while recovering at home. A Home Away from Home Later, the Cooks’ daughter received cancer care at Renown at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Ann, Chris and their daughter found small comforts when running into the familiar faces of their daughters' past schoolmates, who are now Renown employees, in the hallways. The family became well-acquainted with the food options at Renown Regional’s Sierra Café, even finding favorites like the sushi bar. Reliable Care, Close to Home  The Cooks have also experienced many happy and comforting memories at Renown and Washoe Med over the past twenty years, including the births of three of their seven grandchildren. And when Chris needed an emergency appendectomy on a Friday night four years ago, they felt confident that the best care would be received at Renown Regional Medical Center.    From lab work to routine procedures or visits to urgent care, the Cooks feel rest-assured knowing Renown will be the place they can consistently trust for care with many locations close to their home in Sparks, Nevada.  After spending many hours within Renown walls, Chris and Ann remarked how impressed they were by Renown Regional Medical Center’s growth in the past decade from their first encounter over twenty years ago. With a deep appreciation for the care received at Renown facilities and the technology used to help treat patients, Chris and Ann said, “We really feel confident that if something bad were to happen, you’d want to be in the care of Renown.”  Family, Health and The Future "Our care at Renown has changed the course of our family’s lives and led to the success of who we are today. So, when the team at Renown approached us about participating in the commercial shoot, we knew this was meant to be the next piece in our Renown story." Chris and Ann said. "Of course, it was nice to be back at Renown, not as a patient this time, but to help the team create something great."

    Read More About Rooted with Renown, One Families Story of Remarkable Odds

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    Departamento destacado: Unidad de decisión clínica

    Entering the emergency room (ER) is intimidating for any person, let alone when you’re unsure what condition or illness you might have. Many may also spend their time in the ER wondering if they will need to be admitted to the hospital.  Now, let’s say you don’t need to be admitted. That’s great news! But in order to figure out what’s going on in your body, you may need to stay a little longer – say, under 24 hours – for observation, tests or further treatment. This work is done swiftly by a specific team at the hospital to get you home sooner.  That team at Renown Health is the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU). These nursing and acute care professionals seamlessly fill in the gaps between inpatient and outpatient care, helping patients return home sooner through rapid tests and treatment.  Quick Interventions for Efficient Care The key goal at the forefront of the CDU’s patient care philosophy lies in their name: decisions. The team makes quick decisions in order to deliver timely, accurate assessments so they can treat patients efficiently and get them home. Not only do these efforts help reduce the amount of time patients have to stay in the hospital, but they also achieve cost savings for both the patient and our health system. And in cases where patients do end up needing to be admitted, the CDU walks them through everything they can expect during their stay.  The main duties of our CDU team include:  Observation and monitoring, where patients with conditions that are not immediately life-threatening but need closer monitoring Diagnostic testing, including blood work and imaging, to help providers gather critical information quickly Treatment and stabilization to receive treatments like IV fluids, medications or other therapies to prevent the need for inpatient admission Decision-making to determine whether the patient should be admitted for further care or discharged with follow-up plans  Think of the CDU as the ER and inpatient admission go-between. By diverting patients who don’t necessarily need emergency intervention away from the ER, the CDU helps relieve high patient volumes and reduce wait times.  “The CDU offloads patients from the emergency room who require slightly longer observation status to complete more complex testing or exams,” said Kristine Barnes, RN. “You could consider us a ‘limbo’ unit between the ER and admission to the hospital, if required.”  As with many other teams at Renown, every day is different for this team. They enjoy the variety of cases they see and solving the puzzles that present with patient care.  "The CDU is always fast moving, with discharges and admissions all day,” said Tyler Cathcart, Acute Care Technician-Advanced. “As an observation unit, we function as both an extension of the ED and PACU, with Medical, Telemetry and post-op patients. We have a wide range of patients and responsibilities to keep the unit moving quickly.”  “We see a variety of patients and enjoy the variety each day brings,” added Angie Marrale, Acute Care Technician-Basic. “A day in the life as a tech on CDU is full of surprises because we have such a wide variety of patients. It requires all team members to be attentive, hardworking and communicative in order to provide our patients with the care they need.”  If you’re ever looking for an example of a team that moves and acts quickly, the CDU is a shining example of that. Due to their hyper-focused attention, patients are able to embrace better outcomes and higher satisfaction.  “We move quickly to get today's group of patients comfortable, complete the tests ordered, make the appropriate interventions and get them discharged back home or transferred in less than 24 hours; then, we refill the unit, and each patient receives excellent, expedited care,” said Tyler Cathcart. “Efficient patient care within 24 hours is our goal, and we strive to meet that goal daily.”  A place to get extra care and attention without needing to stay for a long time while also having a team of professionals solely dedicated to figuring out what is going on in your body? Sign us up!

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    Departamento destacado: Punto de atención

    When you visit your provider for your annual exam or to address a health concern, or if you’re admitted to the hospital for any reason, lab draws – including blood tests, urine samples and saliva swabs – are common. When it comes to lab draws when you’re sick with a virus, such as strep, flu, RSV or COVID, or routine tests for chronic conditions, such as blood glucose or hemoglobin A1C, the last thing you’d want to do as a patient is wait a long time to get your results back. You’re focused on getting your results, receiving the proper medication and feeling better as soon as possible. Luckily for patients at Renown Health, we have a talented team to meet that need.  Meet the Point-of-Care team at Renown, an important subset of the larger Core Laboratory department. With decades of collective experience in the field and some of the finest point-of-care technology at their fingertips, this team works with our healthcare teams to ensure you have access to fast, accurate test results to help you on a quicker road to recovery.  Pointed Towards Efficient Solutions Point-of-care testing can be defined as exactly how it sounds – lab testing at or near the patient or their care area, otherwise known as “at the point-of-care.” While our clinicians utilize this specialized equipment every day for point-of-care testing on patients, they rely on the Point-of-Care department for training, everyday guidance, quality checks, audits and leadership.   At Renown, Point-of-Care testing is used in nearly every nursing unit across our hospitals and 53 outpatient care locations, including primary care, urgent care, pediatrics and women’s health – alleviating some of the workload of our central lab. Because so many teams rely on this crucial technology and test processes, this team accomplishes a great deal each day, from checking equipment to ensuring test accuracy.  “Our day starts early, with our first team member opening the department at 5 a.m. and circulating on the nursing units to address broken point-of-care equipment issues or supply shortages that could impact patient testing,” said Joni Boury, Lab Program Coordinator. “Once the point-of-care scientists arrive, they will address any charting issues that arose overnight and ensure all test results are correctly charted in Epic. After critical issues are addressed, we visit the testing locations and performing audits to ensure all testing equipment is functioning, clean and being appropriately maintained.”  In order to provide these efficient tests – in minutes! – to patients anxiously awaiting their results, our first step is to make sure our equipment and processes are up-to-code. Point-of-care testing is regulated at both the state and federal levels, and this team never leaves a checkbox unmarked when it comes to testing regulations.  “As a part of the ambulatory side of the Point-of-Care team, I make sure that state and federal licensing is maintained so the practices that perform these tests can continue to perform in-office testing for patients,” said Wende Lane, Clinical Lab Assistant Lead. “I also round in these practices to make sure they are adhering to state and federal guidelines, as well as Renown policies.”  And it’s not just existing equipment that needs oversight – the Point-of-Care department also implements new equipment and processes across Renown. These team members are expert jugglers when it comes to this effort, handling training, collaborating with leaders, recommending the proper placement of equipment and much more.   "Each day, we work on our many deployments scheduled throughout the hospital and outpatient locations,” said Joni Boury. “That work includes meeting with leaders to ensure new spaces are correctly built to accommodate the point-of-care devices, configuring new equipment, training new leaders and device operators and ensuring appropriate ordering and charting of the test results.”  “In being able to perform these tests in the outpatient setting instead of having to send them somewhere else for a test, providers can begin treating their patients within a matter of a few minutes, rather than hours,” added Wende Lane.  For a small-but-mighty team of six employees, the heights this team reaches knows no bounds. They’ve celebrated many achievements and expansions this year, including offering new-and-improved PCR testing across various outpatient practices.  “Our team has had several notable accomplishments over the past year,” said Breanna Van Dyck, Medical Lab Scientist and Lab Program Coordinator. “We successfully rolled out a massive Cepheid PCR testing initiative to over 30 Renown outpatient locations within the community. This expansion significantly improved our testing capacity and accessibility and will help ensure timely and accurate diagnostic tests for respiratory viruses and strep to a broader patient population, including our rural practices.”  By combining cutting-edge technology with compassionate patient care, our Point-of-Care team members are essential to contributing to Renown’s goal of providing efficient, high-quality care tailored to each patient’s individual needs.  Take a Point-of-Care Tour! The Point-of-Care department covers a lot of ground around Renown, reaching Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Fernley and Fallon. Take a glance at the photo carousel below to put yourself in the shoes of our Point-of-Care team members on a regular day!

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    • Allied Health

    Departamento destacado: Laboratorio central en Renown Regional Medical Center

    When it comes to your health, tests are not only common but often also required to receive the most ideal treatment plan. From your routine urinalysis to more complex hematology cases, these tests help open the doors to proper diagnosis. Thousands of patients are seen at Renown Regional Medical Center every year, which results in thousands of lab samples needing to be processed every day. So, who rises to the occasion?  Answer: The Core Laboratory team at Renown Regional. With the largest lab workload in our health system, the Renown Regional Core Lab is where compassionate care meets scientific excellence.  While under the care of the Core Lab Team, patients can rest assured that they are in the greatest of hands - literally and figuratively - with every scientist, technical specialist and lab assistant that serves in this department.  A Core Mission of Accuracy and Precision At Renown Regional, the only Level II Trauma Center in the region, the Core Laboratory works on a wide variety of lab tests to help providers diagnose, treat and monitor each patient’s condition. Those testing processes, known as “benches,” include: Blood Gas Chemistry & Immunoassay Coagulation Hematology & Differentials Urinalysis Working together in harmony, each member of the Core Lab team has an equally vital role in our health system, and all share a common goal.  “Our number one priority is to provide accurate results for our patients, ensuring that the providers have all the correct information they need to treat them,” said Lauren Anderson, Manager of Core Laboratory.  As one can imagine, there are several factors involved when it comes to ensuring those accurate patient lab results that Lauren mentioned above.  “Throughout the day in the core laboratory, there are many tasks to be performed for the accuracy and validity of our patient results,” said Jackie Blazquez, Sr. Medical Lab Scientist. “The medical lab scientists perform maintenance on the instruments daily while accommodating patient samples and releasing results. Our clinical lab assistants help the scientists with receiving samples, reviewing patient labels for any discrepancies, answering phone calls and assisting with the automated lab sample line.”  “The roles and responsibilities will vary depending on the bench assignment, but every bench will have one responsibility in common: performing preventative maintenance on our analyzers and running quality controls afterwards,” added Brittany Oliver-Stergiou, Medical Lab Scientist.  From start to finish, there is rarely a dull moment in Renown Regional’s Core Lab. In fact, this capable team can process up to 7,000 samples per day at this hospital alone.  "As a Medical Lab Scientist, for each instrument we use, we have to perform maintenance, calibration and quality control to ensure that the analyzer is ready for patient testing,” said Lauren Anderson. “Once the analyzers are ready for patient testing, we perform analysis on the samples, ensuring that the patient's results are consistent with their condition and no errors are found. Between our inpatient and outpatient centers, we run thousands of samples every day, prioritizing and juggling many tasks at once while producing accurate results.”  “Right when we get in, we are putting samples on the analyzers, reading results and calling critical alerts or recollects,” added Rosalina Lunsford, Medical Lab Scientist. “Our chemistry analyzers have all the analytes one can think of. Each individual chemistry test that the hospital uses is calibrated, quality checked and reviewed by our chemistry maintenance experts.”  Although there are many moving pieces when it comes to the work of our Core Lab experts, these team members work like a well-oiled machine in order to keep patient care at Renown Regional running efficiently.   “I start my shift by reviewing my pending worklist and verifying any outstanding STAT tests; then, I track all my untracked samples for easy retrieval, and I'll go through my pending worklist again to make sure that everything is on track for proper turn-around time,” said Lindsey Randle, Medical Lab Scientist. "I'll retrieve anything that may need further special testing, and before releasing results, I will check the sample for any interferences or contamination. This process is on a constant loop throughout my shift in addition to performing analyzer maintenance and quality control testing at timed intervals. This is all done to ensure that we are releasing precise and accurate test results so that patients can receive proper treatment.”  “We play a major role in keeping the hospital functioning,” added Rosalina Lunsford. “While the hospital doesn’t see us, we keep patient care moving. Core Lab is not stagnant; it is evolving each day. Tests are being added, machines are being updated and policies are changing. We see hundreds of patient results from different departments throughout the hospital. We analyze, question and conclude many times throughout the day and night.”  Think of discovering a diagnosis and monitoring a condition as an ongoing investigation. Our Core Lab professionals are key detectives in the investigation, playing an essential – and often life-saving – role in the diagnosis, treatment and maintenance of each patient’s condition.  “Oftentimes, we are the first to detect a patient's problem and escalate it to their provider,” said Lauren Anderson. “For example, looking under the microscope at a patient's white blood cells, Medical Lab Scientists may be the first to see a patient's leukemia and, with the collaboration of our pathologists, ensure that the next steps are taken towards diagnosis and treatment.

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Core Laboratory at Renown Regional Medical Center

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