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    • Martes 23 de julio de 2024

    Renown Health lanza clases gratuitas de parto para futuros padres

    Renown Health se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de clases gratuitas de embarazo, parto y paternidad temprana y abuelos. A partir de este mes, la selección integral de educación y apoyo para el parto de Renown para futuros padres y nuevos padres ahora está disponible para todos en la comunidad como un recurso gratuito, y como parte de la misión de beneficios comunitarios de Renown. “Como la única organización de atención médica académica integrada sin fines de lucro de Reno, invertimos constantemente en beneficios y servicios comunitarios esenciales. Nuestro objetivo es mejorar el acceso a la atención prenatal y la educación sobre el parto para ayudar a mejorar los resultados de salud para las madres y los niños en el condado de Washoe”, dijo el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Al ofrecer estas clases gratuitas, buscamos proporcionar a los padres el conocimiento y el apoyo que necesitan para dar la bienvenida a sus bebés al mundo con confianza y para criar niños sanos”. “Estamos encantados de ofrecer clases de parto a nuestra comunidad sin costo alguno. Reconocemos los profundos beneficios para la salud que estas clases proporcionan, no solo a las futuras madres, sino también a sus familias y al público en general”, dice Jennifer Timmons, RN, Gerente de Enfermería de Posparto y la Sala de recién nacidos de Renown. “Queremos promover embarazos más saludables y fomentar familias más fuertes y resilientes. Al eliminar las barreras financieras, esperamos llegar y apoyar a todos los futuros padres en el condado de Washoe”. Todas las clases ahora son GRATUITAS, incluidas las clases de embarazo y nacimiento. Un curso de educación sobre el parto todo en un día ofrecido virtualmente o en persona, o una clase de preparación para el parto de la serie de jueves en persona de 7 semanas, prepara a la madre y a su pareja para los muchos aspectos del parto, el posparto, el cuidado del bebé y la educación sobre la lactancia. Los instructores certificados ofrecen apoyo y orientación para satisfacer las necesidades individuales. Medidas de comodidad para la clase de nacimiento. En esta sesión de dos horas, los futuros padres aprenden habilidades de afrontamiento del trabajo de parto, que incluyen práctica de relajación/meditación, técnicas de respiración, masajes y acupresión. Clase para padres sobre bebés que giran. Una clase de cuatro horas diseñada para futuras mamás después de la semana 20 de embarazo. Esta clase destaca la rotación del bebé hacia abajo y fuera de la pelvis. Preparación para la clase virtual posparto. Esta clase de 2 horas ayuda a preparar a la mamá y a la pareja sobre qué esperar después del nacimiento y las semanas siguientes, la diferencia entre la depresión posparto y la depresión posparto, las señales de advertencia de la madre y los ajustes una vez que regrese a casa. Aspectos básicos de la lactancia y más allá de la clase. En esta clase impartida por una consultora de lactancia certificada por la Junta Internacional, las madres comienzan mejor con la lactancia. La reunión Circle Gathering alienta a las madres que amamantan a encontrar apoyo, intercambiar experiencias y analizar cualquier inquietud. Los temas populares incluyen el suministro de leche, la extracción de leche, el regreso al trabajo, el sueño o la falta de sueño, el peso y más. Cultivar a su recién nacido. Esta clase 2 en 1 incluye la clase de atención para recién nacidos y los aspectos básicos de la lactancia y más. La parte matutina de esta clase incluye los beneficios y las técnicas de lactancia. El segmento de la tarde cubre la apariencia y el comportamiento del recién nacido, la atención diaria, los signos de enfermedad y cuándo llamar al médico. Se analizan el tiempo boca abajo, la comodidad y las técnicas relajantes, cómo mantener a su bebé seguro y los exámenes de detección para recién nacidos. Se recomienda a las parejas que asistan a la clase Baby Safe. Esta clase ayuda a preparar a los padres para las emergencias que pueden ocurrir en el primer año del bebé. Junto con la seguridad de los asientos de seguridad y la prueba básica para bebés, la discusión incluirá primeros auxilios básicos, prevención y tratamiento de lesiones comunes. Los abuelos y otros cuidadores pueden asistir. Clase de RCP para bebés y niños: este curso es ideal para escuelas y estudiantes, padres primerizos, abuelos, niñeras y otras personas interesadas en aprender a salvar una vida. Excursión de suites para bebés y familias; y Excursiones para hermanos (de 2 a 8 años). Únase a un educador de parto para obtener más información sobre nuestras suites para bebés y familias, las salas de trabajo de parto y parto alojadas en la nueva área de evaluación del trabajo de parto y el taller virtual para abuelos William N. Pennington Nursery. Los abuelos han cambiado mucho en la última generación. Los abuelos aprenderán sobre la atención del recién nacido, los ambientes seguros para dormir, la lactancia materna, los asientos para el automóvil, la seguridad del producto y cómo ayudar a apoyar a los nuevos padres. Para obtener más información y registrarse en línea para cualquier clase sin cargo, visite www.renown.org/events. Las clases gratuitas de parto son una forma más de retribuir a Renown para crear una comunidad más saludable para todos los residentes de Renown Health es la única red de atención médica benéfica sin fines de lucro de propiedad local en Reno. Ser una organización sin fines de lucro o una organización 501 © 3 significa que todos los ingresos de Renown se mantienen localmente y se reinvierten en personas, programas y tecnología para mejorar la salud de la comunidad. De hecho, el nombre de Renown, además de ser la aspiración de la atención, significa “Reno’s Own”. Con la comunidad en el centro de la misión de la organización, y a través de la afiliación con la Universidad de Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Renown Health asume el compromiso de marcar una diferencia genuina en la creación de un Nevada más saludable para todos. Salud materna e infantil: Un área de enfoque de beneficios comunitarios, 2025 o 2027 áreas de enfoque de beneficios comunitarios de Renown Health se basan en investigaciones primarias y secundarias recopiladas como parte de la evaluación de necesidades de salud 2023 comunitaria (Community Health Needs Assessment, CHNA). La CHNA incluye aportes de las partes interesadas de la comunidad que representan los amplios intereses de las diversas comunidades a las que Renown Regional Medical Center y Renown South Meadows Medical Center prestan servicios, incluidas aquellas partes interesadas con experiencia en salud pública y comunitaria. Las necesidades de salud se identificaron en la CHNA y posteriormente fueron priorizadas por las partes interesadas de la comunidad. De las necesidades de salud priorizadas, las áreas de enfoque de salud se eligieron en función de criterios que consideran la capacidad del equipo de Renown Health para impactar en las necesidades de la comunidad, la fortaleza de las asociaciones comunitarias y la alineación con los esfuerzos de planificación estratégica organizacional de Renown. A través de esta estrategia de implementación, Renown Health se compromete a identificar y cerrar las brechas de equidad sanitaria en las comunidades históricamente marginadas y vulnerables. Las áreas de enfoque en la salud para 2025 a 2027 son la salud mental; el acceso a la atención médica y los servicios comunitarios y la salud materna e infantil. “La misión de beneficios comunitarios de Renown es reducir las desigualdades de salud, promover el bienestar comunitario y mejorar el acceso a la atención para las poblaciones vulnerables”, dice Kerry Kelly, MPH, gerente de salud comunitaria de Renown. “Esto incluye ofrecer atención gratuita y con descuento a aquellos que no pueden pagar la atención médica, y asociaciones para abordar la salud y el bienestar. Nuestro proceso de CHNA mostró la salud materna e infantil como una prioridad para la comunidad. Las mejoras en los servicios de atención médica, un mejor acceso a la atención prenatal y la educación gratuita sobre la salud materna e infantil pueden ayudar a disminuir la tasa de mortalidad infantil y mejorar los resultados de salud para las madres y los niños en el condado de Washoe. Al trabajar juntos y ofrecer clases gratuitas sobre el parto, podemos ayudar a tener un impacto positivo en la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad”. Asegure un futuro más brillante para las madres y los niños locales donando a Renown Health Foundation al 775-982-5545 o en renown.org/About/Renown-Health-Foundation.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología para adultos y niños, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health lanza clases gratuitas de parto para futuros padres

    • Jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

    ¡Deje que esos oídos respiren! El aumento en el uso de auriculares y auriculares conduce a la acumulación de cera en los oídos; Renown Urgent Cares ofrece alivio

    Usar auriculares es una actividad diaria para muchos de nosotros. Escuchar música, podcasts, reuniones, llamadas telefónicas; hay un sinfín de razones para ponerlos en sus oídos o en ellos. Sin embargo, si sus oídos comienzan a sentirse tapados, llenos; o si se siente mareado, aturdido o escucha zumbidos en los oídos, es posible que esté experimentando acumulación de cera en el lugar donde los canales auditivos se bloquean y afectan su audición. Si ha intentado limpiarse los oídos (no use Q-Tips®), pero aún tiene síntomas, dolor o pérdida de la audición, es hora de ver a su médico, enfermero practicante, asistente médico o visitar Renown Urgent Care. “La cera de los oídos no está sucia. Es normal”, dice Ryan Bristol, APRN, Profesional Avanzado de Enfermería de Renown Urgent Care. “Los oídos son milagros autolimpiantes y se limpian naturalmente con la ayuda del movimiento de la mandíbula y la migración de la piel. Sin embargo, el uso de auriculares o audífonos durante horas impide que la cera se drene naturalmente del oído. Además, la suciedad y las bacterias que estos auriculares suelen transportar pueden causar una infección por sí solos, y la acumulación de cera en los oídos puede atrapar la suciedad en el oído y bloquear el canal por completo. El ajuste ceñido de los audífonos puede crear un entorno propicio para la acumulación de cera en los oídos. Es crucial que las personas sean conscientes de esto y tomen las precauciones necesarias para prevenir complicaciones”. “Se alienta a las personas que experimentan síntomas como dolor de oído, disminución de la audición o sensación de saciedad en los oídos a buscar evaluación y tratamiento en su centro de atención de urgencia más cercano”, dice el Dr. Rahul Mediwala, director ejecutivo de Renown Medical Group. “Al abordar rápidamente la acumulación de cera en los oídos, las personas pueden mitigar el riesgo de complicaciones y mantener una salud óptima de los oídos. Afortunadamente, Renown Urgent Care ofrece un tratamiento rápido, sin dolor y eficaz. Ofrecemos procedimientos profesionales de remoción de cera para oídos realizados por personal capacitado, que brindan alivio a aquellos que experimentan molestias o deterioro auditivo debido a la acumulación excesiva de cera para oídos”. Los expertos de Renown Health nos dieron algunos antecedentes. ¿Qué es la cera para oídos y por qué es saludable? La cera es una sustancia protectora llamada sebo, compuesta de grasa, células de la piel y sudor. La cera es producida por las glándulas del canal auditivo. Ayuda a proteger el oído de gérmenes y suciedad, y evita que la piel sensible del canal auditivo se irrite. Es normal y saludable tener un revestimiento delgado de cera para oídos en el canal. A veces, la cera del oído se acumula y se mueve hacia el canal auditivo externo, donde normalmente se cae o se limpia. Esto también es normal. ¿Cuándo debo buscar atención? Un canal auditivo tiene demasiada cera si el oído se siente obstruido o si la audición se ve afectada. La acumulación de cera ocurre muy gradualmente, por lo que las orejas no necesariamente se sienten cerosas. El problema generalmente se nota debido a cambios en la audición. Los remedios de venta libre pueden ofrecer alivio. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, la cera del oído se ha acumulado o se ha visto afectada, y es necesario tratar los oídos. ¿Cuál es el tratamiento? En Renown Urgent Care, ofrecemos procedimientos profesionales de extracción de cera para oídos realizados por personal capacitado, que brindan alivio a aquellos que experimentan molestias o deterioro auditivo debido a la acumulación excesiva de cera para oídos. La cera se enjuaga del canal auditivo con una jeringa llena de agua tibia y solución salina o peróxido de hidrógeno diluido. La mayoría de los pacientes consideran que el procedimiento es rápido, sin dolor y eficaz. ¿Cómo puedo evitar la acumulación de cera en los oídos por los auriculares y audífonos? La mayoría de las personas que usan audífonos o auriculares ocasionalmente o intermitentemente no tienen dificultades con el exceso de cera para los oídos. La acumulación de cera también depende del tamaño de los canales auditivos y de la productividad de las glándulas oleosas en el canal auditivo. Puede optar por usar los auriculares. Si prefiere usar audífonos dentro de la oreja, los mejores modos de prevención del exceso de cera en la oreja son: Limpie los audífonos y audífonos regularmente con un paño o toallitas desinfectantes; evite compartir audífonos o audífonos con otras personas; tome descansos de los audífonos y audífonos para que los oídos puedan respirar y volver a la normalidad; preste atención a la salud de sus oídos. ¿Deberíamos hablar de Q-tips? ¡Sí! Los Q-tips (y productos similares) rara vez son útiles para el manejo de la cera en los oídos. El algodón en el extremo del Q-tip generalmente no puede sacar la cera del canal. Peor aún, pueden empujar la cera en lo profundo del conducto auditivo y puede terminar impactada. ¿Dónde debo buscar atención? Se recomienda a las personas que experimenten síntomas como dolor de oído, disminución de la audición o sensación de saciedad en los oídos que busquen evaluación y tratamiento en un centro médico. Al abordar la acumulación de cera en los oídos de inmediato, las personas pueden mitigar el riesgo de complicaciones y mantener una salud óptima de los oídos. Renown Urgent Care atiende a pacientes 365 días al año por inquietudes médicas que son urgentes pero no ponen en riesgo la vida en muchos lugares del norte de Nevada. Reserve con antelación un lugar en una de nuestras diez ubicaciones de Urgent Care. Si no ve franjas horarias que funcionen para usted, aún puede ir a cualquier ubicación que tenga "sin cita previa" en la lista. Para obtener más información o para reservar una cita, visite renown.org/Health-Services/Urgent-Care. Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro y con gobernación local de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,200 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health.

    Leer más Acerca de ¡Deje que esos oídos respiren! El aumento en el uso de auriculares y auriculares conduce a la acumulación de cera en los oídos; Renown Urgent Cares ofrece alivio

    • Atención cardíaca
    • RCP

    RCP que salva vidas: ¿Están sus habilidades actualizadas?

    If CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, a person’s chance of survival can double or even triple. Troy Wiedenbeck, MD, cardiologist with the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health, explains how you can be ready to perform it in case of an emergency. According to the American Heart Association, over 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the U.S. This highlights the importance of CPR to everyone, not just medical personnel. Most people do not have heart trouble at a hospital or fire station, they have it going about their everyday lives. And when someone has a heart attack outside of a hospital, their survival often depends on receiving help from a bystander. Signs of Heart Trouble First, how do you know when someone is experiencing cardiac arrest? The signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest are immediate and drastic, including: Sudden collapse No pulse Not breathing Loss of consciousness And sometimes, patients can experience symptoms beforehand, such as fatigue, fainting, blackouts, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath or vomiting. CPR Change Many of us know CPR as both mouth-to-mouth and pumps to the chest, but the rule now is hands-only. Can you explain the change? Hands-only CPR is exactly what the name says -- it's CPR without mouth-to-mouth. The American Heart Association recommends using only your hands. So if you see someone suddenly collapse, it’s recommended to call 9-1-1 and push hard and fast in the center of their chest. Doing this will get blood flowing back to the brain, lungs and other organs for someone having heart problems. Performing CPR on Adults vs. Children Hands-only CPR is just as effective as mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions for teens and adults who may have gone into cardiac arrest. Remember, it’s important to act fast. First, call 9-1-1 and then start chest compressions right away. If you perform CPR on someone within the first few minutes, it can double or triple their chance of survival. Keep in mind, for infants and children younger than 12 years old, regular CPR with mouth-to-mouth, as well as chest compressions, is still recommended. Two Steps to Save a Life If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse follow these two steps: Call 911 so care providers can begin to respond. When calling 911, be specific about your location, especially if you are calling from a cell phone. Knowing the street address, building, floor and closest entry point can save precious time for first responders. Answering the dispatcher’s questions will make sure help arrives fast, and at the correct location. Push hard and fast in the center of the chest. The goal during CPR is 100 to 120 compressions per minute, about the same tempo as the song “Stayin’ Alive,” or “Thriller.”  For hand placement, it’s also important to put the heel of your hand on the center of their chest and place the other hand on top. Push down on their chest at least two inches. It may seem severe at the time, but pushing this hard can truly save a life. Continue performing compressions as long as possible. If you tire, have someone take over compressions, if possible, and take turns until medical help arrives. For information on a CPR course in Reno, please contact REMSA at 775-858-5700.

    Read More About Life-Saving CPR: Are Your Skills up to Date?

    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

    Read More About Generic Drugs – What You Need to Know About Them

    • Consejos de expertos
    • Vacaciones
    • Niños seguros

    Mantener a los niños seguros en Halloween

    Halloween is around the corner. So while you're prepping pumpkins for carving, putting together creative costumes and coordinating trick-or-treating plans, safety is one more detail to remember.   Masks, haunted houses, witches, ghosts and ghouls — it all spells Halloween, and what could be more frighteningly fun, right? For children, however, Halloween can indeed be frightening and not so fun.  According to Dr. Kristina Deeter, Physician-in-Chief of Renown Children’s Hospital and Chair of Pediatrics for the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, it is common for younger children to express Halloween fears — being afraid of monsters, the dark or really anything out of the norm. “It's normal for children to struggle with separating reality from fantasy,” she explains.   For children who fall into this category, the month of October can be traumatizing. Halloween may not come until the end of the month. Still, in the weeks building up to the spookiest night of the year, little ones are bombarded on all sides with decorations — mummies, skeletons, coffins, vampires, you name it. For a child with a blossoming imagination who, as Dr. Deeter said, is still learning to differentiate real from pretend, this can cause additional fears and anxieties. In commemoration of Halloween Safety Month, Dr. Deeter shares safety tips for the spooky holiday from the American Academy of Pediatrics:  Dressing Up & Heading Out  Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Ensure shoes fit well and that costumes are short enough to prevent tripping, tangling or coming into contact with flames.   Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costumes and trick-or-treat bags and baskets for greater visibility.  Masks can limit or block eyesight. Instead, consider non-toxic makeup and hats, which should fit properly to prevent them from sliding over the eyes. Test makeup ahead of time on a small patch of skin to test for allergies before full application.  When shopping for costumes, wigs and accessories, look for and purchase those with a label clearly indicating they are flame resistant.  If a sword, cane or stick is a part of your child's costume, make sure it is not sharp or long. A child may be easily hurt by these accessories if he stumbles or trips.  Do not use decorative contact lenses without an eye examination and a prescription from an eye care professional. While the packaging on decorative lenses will often make claims such as "one size fits all," or "no need to see an eye specialist," obtaining decorative contact lenses without a prescription is both dangerous and illegal. This can cause pain, inflammation, serious eye disorders and infections, which may lead to permanent vision loss.  Review with children how to call 9-1-1 (or their local emergency number) if they ever have an emergency or become lost.  Carving Pumpkins  Leave the carving to the grownups. Have children draw the pumpkin design with markers, but keep knives away.  Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. If you do use a candle, a votive candle is safest.  Candlelit pumpkins should be placed on a sturdy table, away from curtains and other flammable objects, and not on a porch or any path where visitors may pass close by. They should never be left unattended.  Prepping Your Home  Keep your entryway safe for trick-or-treaters by removing all items from the porch or front yard that a child could trip over, like garden hoses, toys, bikes and lawn decorations.  To ensure visibility, check outdoor lights and replace burned-out bulbs.  Sweep leaves (or snow) from sidewalks and steps.  If there are dogs in the home, take steps to ensure they don't jump on trick-or-treaters. Hunting for Treats  Young children should always be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.   Give each child and adult a flashlight (with fresh batteries).  If older children are heading out to trick-or-treat alone, plan and review a route you can agree on, as well as a specific time they are supposed to return home.   Only visit homes with a lit porch light. Never enter a home or a car for a treat.  Notify law enforcement authorities of any suspicious or unlawful activity immediately.  Since pedestrian injuries are the most common injuries to children on Halloween, remind youngsters to take crosswalk safety precautions.  For more key tips regarding Halloween safety for your young trick-or-treaters, visit our partners at Safe Kids Worldwide for a variety of spooky safety resources.

    Read More About Keeping Kids Safe on Halloween

    • Asociaciones comunitarias
    • Consejos de expertos
    • Familia

    Tome una postura contra la violencia doméstica

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States. We spoke with Renown Health experts and local domestic violence prevention organizations who gave us a deeper look into understanding the warning signs of abuse and the many proactive and reactive resources in our community that you can reach out to today.  Domestic violence, also referred to as domestic abuse, is an everyone issue. Whether you identify as male or female, an adult or a child, single or partnered – domestic violence can affect anyone. In fact, it may be closer to home than you might think.   According to the Nevada Quality Parenting Initiative, in Nevada, 43.8% of women and 32.8% of men experience domestic violence in their lifetime, and the risk of that figure rising is imminent. This year alone, the Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC) in Reno experienced a 55% increase in overnight emergency stays, according to the Reno Gazette-Journal.   This problem also, unfortunately, extends to children. More than 5,000 children in Nevada were reportedly primary or secondary victims of domestic abuse in 2021, as stated by the Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence.  “Domestic violence can manifest in many different ways,” said Kami Price, Supervisor of Social Services for Renown Health. “Abuse isn’t always strictly physical. It can also be emotional, verbal, sexual and even digital. Understanding those differences can help you prepare accordingly and respond safely if you or a loved one are experiencing domestic violence.”   Knowing what to look out for is crucial in protecting yourself and others against the effects of domestic abuse and taking action when warning signs appear. The National Domestic Violence Hotline shares the common signs of an abusive partner, no matter how old they are or what gender they identify as:  Telling you that you never do anything right.  Showing extreme jealousy of your friends or time spent away from them.  Preventing or discouraging you from spending time with friends, family members or peers.  Insulting, demeaning or shaming you, especially in front of other people.  Preventing you from making your own decisions, including about working or attending school.  Controlling finances, including taking your money or withholding money for needed expenses.  Pressuring you to perform sexual acts you’re not comfortable with.  Pressuring you to use drugs or alcohol.  Intimidating you through threatening looks or actions.  Threatening to harm or take away your children or pets.  Intimidating you with weapons.  Destroying your belongings or your home.  "People experiencing domestic violence may feel as though they are trapped,” said Kami Price. “The reality is – this often couldn’t be further from the truth, especially with the resources we have at our disposal in northern Nevada.”  Respected Resources Ending the Silence on Domestic Violence  While these facts and figures might be staggering, those experiencing domestic violence at any age are not alone. There is hope at the end of the tunnel, especially here locally.  Devoted to meeting the growing needs of the communities we serve, Renown Health proudly supports and sponsors several organizations in our community that are committed to educating children and adults on the signs and symptoms of domestic violence, along with what each child and family member can do today to prevent abuse in the household. These essential organizations are on the frontlines of shifting attitudes from “I don’t want to get involved” to “How can I help?”  Serving children across northern Nevada, the Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Project offers “education and prevention programs designed to increase children’s safety from bullying, abuse and assault” and break the cycle of domestic abuse. During 2021 and the first half of 2022, CAP led about 500 different workshops, teaching 10,000 second-grade and fourth-grade children in Washoe, Storey, Lyon and Churchill Counties how to keep themselves safe from domestic violence.   “As domestic violence is on the rise, open communication, early intervention and education are key to protecting children from the effects of domestic violence," said Rebecca LeBeau, Executive Director of the CAP Project. “That’s why I begin speaking about child assault prevention and stranger danger to kids as young as six years old. It's important to explain the true reality of domestic violence to both children and adults, tailoring language specifically to whatever age they are, and allowing them to process it. Kids of all ages will learn how to deal with extremely dangerous situations this way.”  According to Rebecca, common symptoms of abuse to be on the lookout for at school include grades dropping, a lack of focus and feelings of not wanting to return home after the school day ends. If someone in a child’s home is being hurt or abused, children are always encouraged to speak with a trusted adult or school counselor. From there, organizations like the CAP Project develop a safety plan moving forward.  Adults and family units aren’t alone either. The DVRC provides a wide variety of services to Washoe County residents experiencing domestic abuse. To date, the DVRC has helped more than 100,000 victims of domestic violence, and with the recent launch of their crisis text line, they are poised to serve many more. Like the CAP Project, the DVRC also believes that education is one of the first lines of defense against domestic violence.  “Education on what domestic violence looks like is so much more than talking about physical violence,” said Aria Overli, Volunteer Coordinator at the DVRC. “Educating the community, and particularly youth, about what healthy relationships look like is a major factor in preventing abuse. Understanding the intersection of how other issues – such as race, mental illness and immigration status – affect domestic violence risk factors is key to addressing those issues.”   The list doesn’t stop there. Renown Health Foundation has provided financial support for many more organizations that are dedicated to ending the silence on domestic violence, sexual violence and family abuse, including:  The Children’s Cabinet – A child-focused organization offering many support services for youths and families, including Safe Place, a program that partners with local businesses to offer safe locations for children to seek help if they feel threatened at school or at home. The organization also provides free family counseling, providing a pathway to better communication for families experiencing a myriad of issues ranging from domestic violence to substance abuse.  Awaken – A nonprofit committed to increasing awareness and education regarding sex trafficking and providing housing and healing to all survivors.  Safe Embrace – The largest and most inclusive safe house in Reno-Sparks for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, offering a wide range of resources including counseling, emergency transportation, court support and more.  Eddy House – A safe space for at-risk individuals aged 18-24 recovering from the effects of domestic abuse, unsafe housing conditions, homelessness and more.  Being an advocate starts with us – if you see something, say something. Keeping a transparent line of communication is key to preventing, noticing and combating domestic violence.   “The more you reach out and talk about the issues, the better,” closed Kami Price. “No one has to go through their struggles alone.”

    Read More About Take a Stand Against Domestic Violence

    • Renown Health
    • Consejos de expertos

    Evite el agotamiento por calor con esta sencilla lista de verificación

    Young children under 4 and adults over 65 are especially vulnerable to heat exhaustion. Avoid heat exhaustion this summer with some expert tips. Northern Nevada summers can be downright hot, and although the balmy temperatures can feel great, they may cause heat-related illness, also known as heat exhaustion. Infants and children under 4 and adults over 65 are particularly vulnerable to heat exhaustion because their bodies adjust to heat more slowly. Without proper intervention, heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke, which can damage the brain and other vital organs and even cause death. The Warning Signs of Heat Exhaustion Heavy sweating Elevation of body temperature Paleness Muscle cramps Tiredness, weakness, dizziness Headache Fainting Nausea or vomiting Cool and moist skin Fast and weak pulse Fast and shallow breathing Heat stroke happens when the body’s temperature rises rapidly and the body loses its ability to sweat. The Symptoms of Heat Stroke Body temperatures rising to 106 degrees or higher within 10 to 15 minutes Red, hot and dry skin (no sweating) Rapid, strong pulse Throbbing headache Dizziness or nausea Prevention and Treatment Make sure your air conditioner works Stay indoors and drink plenty of fluids Limit strenuous outdoor activities to mornings and evenings Drink plenty of water throughout the day Avoid caffeine and alcohol Do outdoor activities in the shade and wear light, loose clothing Take plenty of breaks and drape a wet bandanna around your shoulders to cool down If you suspect you or someone else is headed toward heat exhaustion or heat stroke, call 911 immediately.

    Read More About Avoid Heat Exhaustion With This Simple Checklist

    • Empleados
    • Terapia física
    • Terapia ocupacional
    • Terapia del habla

    Departamento destacado: Terapia de rehabilitación de cuidados agudos

    Being admitted to the hospital is never easy. Being admitted for a traumatic injury can be even harder. Whether it's learning how to walk again or powering through a new speech therapy routine, recovering from an injury that may affect the course of your life can be daunting.  But it doesn’t have to be, thanks to the Acute Care Rehab Therapy team at Renown Health.  The smiling faces of the Acute Care Rehab Therapy team at both Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center will make you see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your dedicated physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech language pathologists are here to serve you and place you back on the right path to recovery and function.  The Role of Acute Inpatient Therapy  The Acute Care Rehab Therapy team comes in at a critical juncture in a patient’s care process after hospital admission. As one of the primary rehabilitation partners on a care team, these dedicated therapists are here to maximize every patient’s safe and independent living before they set off back home – all while reducing the risk of hospital readmission.  “As physical therapists, we address musculoskeletal deficits and assess a patient’s current function after acute injury or illness from their baseline and develop a plan for functional recovery,” said Kristie Eide-Hughes, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional. “We also use our clinical expertise to assist with the discharge process and make sure each patient has the best durable medical equipment the first time around, removing the guesswork.”   “On the occupational therapy side, we work with patients to facilitate their independence with basic life skills, such as dressing, bathing and using the restroom,” added Jeanne Clinesmith, Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional.  “In the pediatric setting, we help babies and kids get back to what they were doing before they came into the hospital,” continued Rhonda Yeager, Pediatric Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional. “In the NICU specifically, we support the development of babies, trying to prevent problems from worsening. It’s nice to be a source of positivity in an otherwise intimidating situation.”  The role of therapy in this setting reaches all ages, from babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to adults approaching end-of-life care. Every therapeutic approach is tailored specifically to each patient.  “Therapy is more of a habilitative approach for infants in the NICU, while it is more of a rehabilitative approach for kids and adults following injury or illness,” said Sara Carolla, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional.   Each team member in the Acute Care Rehab Therapy department is dedicated to each patient, helping them make progress from start to finish and giving them the tools to succeed along the way.  “I enjoy the variety of the patients we get to see and the ability to see them make gains from the wonderful treatment they get in the hospital from my team,” said Kelly Schwarz, Occupational Therapist at Renown South Meadows.  “We provide education as each patient’s acute issues evolve,” added Nicole Leeton, Speech Language Pathologist at Renown Regional. “One of my favorite parts of my work is the patient and family education aspect, and that includes other healthcare provider education as well. It’s a moving picture.”  Moreover, every team member gives each patient tools to learn how to be themselves again and empowers them to continue striving for the best possible result of their therapy  “We get the opportunity to make a person’s bad experience in life better even by spending one session with them, giving them the keys to unlock something that they didn’t think they had the ability to do,” said Dana Robinson, Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional.  On the Road to Independence  Our dedicated therapists in the Acute Care Rehab Therapy team set the stage for a patient’s recovery process after trauma, showing them their potential for independence. With a multitude of patients coming into the hospital with many degrees of medical complexity, each day is different while the end goal is always the same: to optimize function as early as possible while overcoming any barriers and paving the way for a comfortable and effective quality of life.  “Early intervention is a big piece,” said Nicole Leeton. “Us seeing patients early can get them recovered and independent more quickly and help prevent future illness and injuries. For example, in speech therapy, getting in early and facilitating communication skills for patients with impaired speech can make a huge difference.”  Acute Care Rehab therapists dig deeply to see the whole picture of each patient’s situation to foster their independence – their history, social skills, support system and more.  “Sometimes, we are the difference between independence and dependence,” said Dana Robinson. “We are the eyes and ears because we have so much time with the patients. Our team is extremely collaborative and develops a great rapport with patients, so they feel comfortable telling us everything going on with them.”  “For kids, we teach parents ways they can help their kids by setting up their homes and the equipment they need to succeed,” added Rhonda Yeager.  According to the team, one of the biggest keys to independence is repetition. A continual flow of getting up and trying again is crucial for recovery.  “Repetition helps people regain their quality of life back sooner and control their recovery process,” said Megan Hough, Physical Therapist at Renown Health.  “Helping people continue to get stronger and more independent makes my job so rewarding,” added Sam Brown, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional.  Knowing that they have made a difference and help shape a patient’s overall development inspires each therapist to never give up, regardless of how difficult an injury presents. There is no set schedule for recovery, and the therapists are always in the patient’s corner.  “This team has the most passionate, caring and dedicated individuals that I know,” said Kendra Webber, Manager of Acute Inpatient Rehab Therapy Services at Renown Regional. They give 110 percent to every patient every time to ensure they have what they need to regain function and independence.”  “By tailoring therapy to the individual, the bounds are virtually limitless for what we can accomplish,” added Dana Robinson.  It Takes a Village  Since acute inpatient therapy is never a one-size-fits-all approach, it truly takes a village for this team to move the mountains they do for patients every day. These teams are fact-finding masters, gathering all the necessary information from the patient, their family and their care team to figure out their precise needs.  “We are a consistent presence for our patients, identifying a lot of different needs and meeting those needs to help patients grow in their treatment process,” said Kelly Schwarz. “By collaborating with each patient’s diverse care team, we are able to employ the clinical judgment to help patients overcome physical, emotional and environmental struggles and set them up with the proper resources once they leave our setting.”  “Our team has steady communication with physicians, nurses, acute care technicians, respiratory staff, physician assistants, case managers and more to ensure the best possible care,” added Jet Manzi, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional.  Constant communication and collaboration are also necessary beyond the acute treatment process. These skills are vital in order to facilitate discharge planning, and the Acute Care Rehab therapists are an essential resource in the discharge process alongside our Hospital Care Management team.  “Often times, a patient’s family needs a lot of guidance in helping their loved ones determine the next level, and we help them navigate those steps and the resources available to them,” said Mark Stumpf, Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional. “And it’s all a team effort.”  “Our therapists are the most committed, generous, hardworking people,” added Courtney Phillips-Shoda, Supervisor of Rehab Therapy Services at Renown Regional. “Despite being short-staffed, we come to work every single day and give everything to our patients. They are the priority.”  If you take away one thing, know this for certain: Renown’s Acute Care Rehab occupational, speech and physical therapists will always be there to help patients continue on a positive trajectory to physical, mental and emotional recovery.  “Whether you are a patient or a provider, if there is a problem, never hesitate to reach out to us,” said Nicole Leeton. “We are always receptive to anyone seeking our help.”  With the Acute Care Inpatient Therapy team on their side, a patient’s journey to recovery is only just beginning.

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    • Consejos de expertos
    • Obesidad
    • Cirugía
    • Pérdida de peso

    Estrategias para una pérdida de peso duradera

    Managing weight is a complicated and often difficult journey for many individuals, and obesity stands as a common and serious chronic health condition. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the prevalence of obesity in the US is greater than 40% in adults and 20% in children, and those numbers are continuing to climb. In Nevada, according to the 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 28.7% of adults reported being obese. By 2030, almost 80% of American adults may be overweight and half of them will be obese. But obesity isn't just about the numbers on the scale; it's a multifaceted, lifelong, neurobehavioral disease triggered by a combination of factors. These include abnormal eating patterns, reduced physical activity levels, environmental stressors, genetics and various other contributors. Obesity extends far beyond appearance, often leading to the development of numerous medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, elevated blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, liver disease, various cancers and infertility. Join us as we delve into the complexities of obesity and explore strategies for effective weight management available right here in northern Nevada. Why Can Losing Weight be so Difficult? The challenge behind weight loss finds its roots in the Set-Point Theory of Obesity, a concept that says our bodies have a predetermined weight, or fat mass, within a defined set-point range. In other words, when an individual's weight deviates from this set point, the body initiates mechanisms to bring it back to the established range. So, if someone loses weight below their set point, the body may respond by increasing hunger and reducing metabolism, making it challenging to sustain weight loss. There Isn’t One Right Answer, But Renown is Here to Help Various weight management strategies can be utilized by patients struggling with obesity, which may lead to substantial weight loss, resolution of associated medical conditions and improved psychosocial health. In fact, the most successful strategy involves a multidisciplinary approach under the guidance of trained specialists that includes a combination of tactics, including: Behavioral adaptations Dietary modifications Physical exercise  Anti-obesity medications  Weight loss surgery

    Read More About Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Atención primaria
    • Salud mental
    • Consejos de expertos

    3 Formas de fomentar el bienestar de los niños y adolescentes LGBTQIA+

    Ensuring a healthier and more inclusive future for LGBTQIA+ children and teens is of utmost importance to health systems in our community, especially Renown. Supporting the physical and mental health of youth in this community is key to those efforts, especially as they face unique challenges in terms of identity acceptance and social integration.   Dr. Caroline Barangan, Adolescent Medicine Physician with Renown Children’s Pediatric Specialty Care, discusses what you as a parent, caregiver, friend or support system can do to be a safe space for children and teens who identify as LGBTQIA+. 1.  Create a Safe Space at Home The most important action you can take for your LGBTQIA+ teen or child is to accept and support them for who they are, regardless of how they identify. “Being a teenager is already difficult enough, especially within the LGBTQIA+ community, which puts them at risk of being stigmatized, rejected and targets for bullying,” said Dr. Barangan.  Your supportive words and actions can make a huge difference as a profound expression of love and understanding. Being patient and willing to learn are the foundations to a healthy and loving relationship with your LGBTQIA+ teen or child.  2.  Encourage Regular Check-Ups with a Primary Care Provider (PCP)  Establishing your child or teen with a PCP is not only important when an illness occurs but also for annual preventative visits and regular check-ups. “A primary care provider can screen for high-risk behaviors that would put a patient’s health in jeopardy, such as sexual experience, substance use, suicidality and self-harm,” said. Dr Barangan. “These screenings are an opportunity to provide the education and support these kids and teens need to stay healthy.”  One of the main concerns LGBTQIA+ youth often have is that they will experience judgment from their provider, or the PCP will disclose sensitive information, including their sexuality or gender identity to their parents, when they are not ready to do so. Dr. Barangan emphatically reminds us that this legally cannot happen. “If a patient asks me to keep something confidential, unless they disclose that they have plans to harm themselves or others, I am legally not allowed to share that information with anyone without their permission,” said Dr. Barangan.  3.  Locate Local Resources  Northern Nevada is home to a variety of resources for the LGBTQIA+ community at large, including youth members of this community. "Finding resources to help them develop in a positive way and provide them with the information they need, whether it be in school, the household, the community or through a medical or mental health provider, is incredibly important,” said Dr. Barangan.  Below is a list of local LGBTQIA+ community resources open to you and your children:  Our Center LGBTQIA+ Health Services at Northern Nevada HOPES Northern Nevada Pride Festival & Community Parade (happens every July in Reno) Sassabration (happens every September in Carson City) Lake Tahoe Pride (events and resources shared on Facebook)  © alessandrobiascioli via Canva.com

    Read More About 3 Ways to Foster the Wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ Kids and Teens

    • Medicina del dolor, la columna vertebral y el deporte
    • Consejos de expertos
    • Medicina deportiva

    Guía para la cicatrización de lesiones: ¿Calor o hielo?

    Heat and ice are two of the most common treatments used to relieve pain and reduce swelling in injuries. However, each one is better suited for certain types of injuries Dr. Luis Palacio, MD explores the differences between the two.  When it comes to treating aches and pains, the debate between heat and ice has been ongoing for quite some time. Both have their benefits making it crucial to understand which option is better suited for your specific needs.   Determining which method is better depends on various factors such as the type of injury or pain you are experiencing. For instance, if you have recently sprained your ankle or pulled a muscle during exercise, applying ice within the first 48 hours can help minimize swelling and alleviate discomfort.   It's worth noting that some individuals find alternating between heat and ice therapy beneficial as well. This approach combines the benefits of both methods by using heat to increase blood flow followed by ice to reduce inflammation.  Cold Therapy  Cold therapy can help to reduce inflammation after an injury, heat can have the opposite effect. Therefore, heat therapy should be reserved for those who have chronic pain issues and are not dealing with an acute injury. Cold therapy is often recommended immediately after an injury or during the initial stages of inflammation.  Cold therapy such as ice packs are especially effective in treating: Sprains  Strains Any injury that involves swelling Heat Therapy  Heat therapy is known for its ability to relax muscles, increase blood flow and soothe pain. It is often used for chronic conditions or injuries that are not inflamed. Applying heat can help alleviate stiffness, promote healing and provide a comforting sensation. This increased circulation can bring more nutrients and oxygen to the area, helping it to heal faster.  Heat therapy such as heating packs are especially effective in treating:  Stiffness with associated pain   Injuries that are not inflamed  Muscle pain

    Read More About Guide to Injury Healing: Heat or Ice?

    • Prevención y bienestar
    • Atención primaria
    • Vacuna
    • Prueba de evaluación
    • Consejos de expertos
    • University Health

    6 Elementos de acción de atención médica para la comunidad LGBTQIA+

    Every patient, regardless of how they may identify, greatly benefits from preventive healthcare and early detection. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community face unique considerations when it comes to their health, and a proactive approach to preventive screenings and vaccines is important in order to address their individual health needs.  Dr. Karen Thiele, Family Medicine Physician with University Health and Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, breaks down key steps that LGBTQIA+ patients should take to safeguard their health.  PrEP and PEP  Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a strategy to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It is an important measure for those who are HIV-negative but may be at risk of contracting it. The highest risk sexual practice is receptive anal intercourse, due to the relative fragility of rectal tissue. This medication can stop HIV from spreading in the body and help patients maintain their HIV-negative status. PrEP is available in both pill form, which is taken every day, and injection form, of which the first two injections are initiated one month after another while all other injections are initiated every two months.  Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is an antiretroviral drug regimen taken after potential HIV exposure to prevent an HIV-negative individual from converting to HIV-positive status. PEP is only for emergency situations and must be started within 72 hours of exposure – sooner is always better than later – and must be taken for 28 days.  PrEP and PEP are available in many ways, including visiting your primary care provider (PCP) or an urgent care location.   HPV Immunization  All genders and identities can protect themselves against human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can lead to the risk of cervical, mouth, head, neck, throat, anal, vaginal, penile and vulvar cancers. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active people, regardless of sexual orientation and practices, will be exposed at some point in their lifetime.  The HPV vaccine (common brands include Gardasil and Cervarix) is a safe and effective method to prevent HPV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This vaccine protects against infections that can lead to HPV-related cancers and precancers, as well as genital warts. While patients should start receiving the vaccine at 9 years old years old, unvaccinated adults up to the age of 45 can also receive the vaccine through their PCP – better late than never!

    Read More About 6 Healthcare Action Items for the LGBTQIA+ Community

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