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    • Jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

    Empresas locales ayudan a Renown a luchar contra los gérmenes en medio de la pandemia

    Seven Troughs Distilling Co., Damon Industries, The Depot y Forsaken River han trabajado juntos para suministrar a Renown Health 726 galones de desinfectante para manos hasta la fecha. Gracias al apoyo de las empresas locales, se está cubriendo la necesidad de desinfectantes para manos de Renown Health. Seven Troughs Distilling Co., con la ayuda de varias destilerías del área, incluidas The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery y Forsaken River Spirits, está utilizando su equipo de destilación para producir alcohol etílico. Damon Industries mezcla el alcohol etílico con otros ingredientes clave de acuerdo con la receta de desinfectante para manos emitida por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (Food & Drug Administration, FDA) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud, envasa el contenido en frascos y los distribuye a Renown. Esta colaboración de toda la comunidad le ha proporcionado a Renown 726 galones de desinfectante para manos hasta la fecha. Seven Troughs había fabricado durante años desinfectante para manos y superficies con un alcohol distinto al de grado alimentario, que los empleados utilizaban en la empresa para higienizar sus manos y limpiar las máquinas. Al comienzo de la pandemia, la destilería continuó produciendo el desinfectante para la familia y los amigos. La noticia acerca de las capacidades de Seven Troughs se propagó rápidamente, y fue entonces cuando Renown se puso en contacto con la destilería para ver si podían ayudar. “De repente, en lugar de hacer un lote de desinfectante para manos de 50 galones, necesitábamos hacer un lote de 500 galones”, declaró Tom Adams, presidente de Seven Troughs. “Rápidamente nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos muy desbordados. Pensamos que el plan sería mejor si pudiéramos centrarnos en lo que hacemos bien, que es fabricar etanol, y si pudiéramos conseguir un socio que se centrara en la formulación y el embotellado. Y así se sumó Damon Industries”.  Antes de la pandemia, Damon Industries fabricaba principalmente zumos para tiendas de smoothies e instalaciones de atención médica, un mercado que básicamente había colapsado. El equipo de Damon Industries respondió rápidamente al llamado de ayuda de Adams, ya que era una oportunidad para servir a la comunidad y mantener a su personal con empleo. “No hizo falta convencer a nadie”, dijo el vicepresidente de Ventas de Damon Industries, Brandon Halvorson, cuando se le preguntó por el impulso de la empresa para entrar en el sector de los desinfectantes para manos. “Sabíamos que la comunidad necesitaba un producto y sabíamos que contábamos con las asociaciones que podían hacerlo. Ha sido un placer trabajar con las personas sobresalientes de Renown y del norte de Nevada para mantener a nuestra comunidad abastecida durante esta difícil situación”. Antes de empaquetar y distribuir el desinfectante de manos a las instalaciones de Renown, los empleados de Damon Industries pegan una etiqueta con la frase “Fight the Good Fight” con la marca de Renown en cada botella, un recordatorio de que la lucha contra la COVID-19 se extiende más allá de las paredes de los centros de atención de Renown. “Estoy sorprendido por la rapidez con la que Seven Troughs y Damon Industries entraron en acción para satisfacer nuestra necesidad de desinfectante para manos”, declaró el director de Operaciones de Renown, Ian Wayman. “Además de su rápida fabricación, nos venden el desinfectante para manos a un precio muy razonable, ya que cobran lo justo para pagar los suministros y mantener a su personal con empleo. Este tipo de apoyo genuino y sincero por parte de nuestros socios comunitarios sirve para recordar que realmente estamos todos juntos en esto”.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información. Acerca de Seven Troughs Distilling Co. Seven Troughs Distilling Co., LLC se estableció en 2012 como la primera destilería con licencia de la Gran Cuenca desde 1877. La oferta de Seven Troughs, centrada en licores de estilo histórico, incluye whiskies, ginebras y rones galardonados. Cuando no está fabricando desinfectante para manos, Seven Troughs ofrece visitas y degustaciones en nuestra destilería de Sparks, Nevada, y un restaurante completo con un menú de cócteles artesanales en nuestro local del centro de Reno, el Seven Troughs Speakeasy. www.7troughsdistilling.com. Acerca de Damon Industries A Damon Industries le apasiona crear productos que ayuden e inspiren. Comercializamos millones de galones al año, pero siempre partimos de nuestros valores fundamentales. La familia, la diversión, la integridad y la gratitud nos guían desde el proceso de compra hasta el de producción. Nuestras asociaciones son tan importantes para nosotros como la amplia gama de productos que producimos. Desde bebidas y limpiadores hasta salsas y whisky, nos aseguramos de tratar a nuestros clientes, empleados y proveedores como si fueran de la familia. Damonpacking.com

    Leer más Acerca de Empresas locales ayudan a Renown a luchar contra los gérmenes en medio de la pandemia

  • Reumatología

    The board-certified rheumatologists at Renown Rheumatology provide state-of-the art care for a wide range of autoimmune rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus, Sjogren syndrome, vasculitis, gout, and many more. We use the most advanced evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic measures to restore health and enhance well-being.

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  • Cuidados paliativos

    Serious Illness Care - Delivered Directly to Your Home At Renown Health, our team of palliative care providers are here to provide clinical support and compassionate guidance for patients with chronic and life-limiting illnesses. Palliative Care is a consultative service that can be used at any time in the disease process. Patients can continue to see their providers and receive treatment (such as chemotherapy or dialysis) while on Palliative Care service. Our nurse practitioners will come to your home to discuss your individual needs and concerns. We work closely with your other providers and care teams such as primary care, oncology, and home health to ensure you receive the best care possible.

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  • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Compassionate Care in the Comfort of Your Home Welcome to Renown Hospice, where compassion meets comfort in life’s most tender moments. Renown Hospice is a not-for-profit hospice, founded solely on a mission to care for and support those in our community. With a dedicated team of professionals and comprehensive services provided in the comfort of your home, our hospice program is one of the highest-rated quality care and experience agencies in northern Nevada.

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    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

    Read More About Generic Drugs – What You Need to Know About Them

    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Asociaciones comunitarias
    • Luche por la causa justa

    Arraigada con Renown, historia de una familia de probabilidades notables

    Renown Health is proud to debut our newest commercial spot, Days, on Thanksgiving Day 2022. This commercial features members of the greater northern Nevada community, former Renown patients and employees. Chris and Ann Cook are some of these community members, and we are grateful we get to tell their story. Family is everything for Chris and Ann Cook. Their loved ones span across the United States and even farther to Germany, so time spent with their children and grandchildren means the world to them. When Chris went to the emergency room for a persistent headache and drooping eye over twenty years ago, they could have never predicted the number of hours their family would spend at Renown care facilities in the coming years. “Whenever we step inside a building with that purple logo, we know right away we will be supported by friends, family and Renown staff. Our family has turned countless hours inside hospital walls into memories of gratitude for the care we receive.” Chris Cook said. “It is these memories that make us appreciate the health of our family today.”   A Relationship with Renown that Spans Decades The Cooks can remember a time before Renown Regional Medical Center’s inception when Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) stood in its place. It was at Washoe Med that Chris received emergency brain surgery after a visit to the emergency room over 20 years ago. Immediately following a CT scan, Chris was transported to Washoe Med, now Renown Health, for emergency brain surgery and eventually to treat a hematoma. Doctors close to his case were amazed by his survival, considering Chris’ divergent situation resulting from a raisin-size colloid cyst and dissected corotated artery. He spent three weeks in the ICU recovering at the hospital, his spirits lifted by the amazing staff who brightened his day with gestures of kindness. From there, he was supported by countless friends and family members over the next three months while recovering at home. A Home Away from Home Later, the Cooks’ daughter received cancer care at Renown at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Ann, Chris and their daughter found small comforts when running into the familiar faces of their daughters' past schoolmates, who are now Renown employees, in the hallways. The family became well-acquainted with the food options at Renown Regional’s Sierra Café, even finding favorites like the sushi bar. Reliable Care, Close to Home  The Cooks have also experienced many happy and comforting memories at Renown and Washoe Med over the past twenty years, including the births of three of their seven grandchildren. And when Chris needed an emergency appendectomy on a Friday night four years ago, they felt confident that the best care would be received at Renown Regional Medical Center.    From lab work to routine procedures or visits to urgent care, the Cooks feel rest-assured knowing Renown will be the place they can consistently trust for care with many locations close to their home in Sparks, Nevada.  After spending many hours within Renown walls, Chris and Ann remarked how impressed they were by Renown Regional Medical Center’s growth in the past decade from their first encounter over twenty years ago. With a deep appreciation for the care received at Renown facilities and the technology used to help treat patients, Chris and Ann said, “We really feel confident that if something bad were to happen, you’d want to be in the care of Renown.”  Family, Health and The Future "Our care at Renown has changed the course of our family’s lives and led to the success of who we are today. So, when the team at Renown approached us about participating in the commercial shoot, we knew this was meant to be the next piece in our Renown story." Chris and Ann said. "Of course, it was nice to be back at Renown, not as a patient this time, but to help the team create something great."

    Read More About Rooted with Renown, One Families Story of Remarkable Odds

    • Trastorno autoinmunitario
    • Servicios de dermatología

    ¿Por qué me cae el cabello? Explicación de la alopecia

    © MikeSaran via Canva.com Hair is often considered a symbol of identity and self-expression, from scalps and eyebrows to beards and bodies. But what happens when this symbol starts to fall out? The 6.7 million people across the country living with alopecia know this feeling all too well. Alopecia, or hair loss, is a medical condition with variable causes, presentations and treatments. Experts at Renown Health dive into the world of alopecia, its causes and how to address it – especially as we embrace National Alopecia Awareness Month this September.   Types of Alopecia  The term “alopecia” is a broad umbrella term that encompasses many different forms of hair loss that can present itself at any age, no matter your gender or ethnicity. The most common types include:  Alopecia Areata: An autoimmune disorder where the immune system targets hair follicles, typically resulting in patches of hair loss on the scalp and/or other body parts. More severe forms of alopecia areata also exist, such as alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. Androgenetic (or Androgenic) Alopecia: A disorder also known as male or female pattern baldness that causes gradual hair thinning and loss often around the temples and crown. Unlike alopecia areata, this form of alopecia is usually hereditary. Telogen Effluvium: A condition resulting in hair shedding, typically after high-stress or infectious events, such as after giving birth or after a COVID-19 infection. This usually resolves itself within a few months to a year. Traction Alopecia: Hair loss resulting from the effects of tight braiding or styling of the hair, which can cause permanent loss over time. Scarring and Inflammation-Mediated Hair Loss: Patterns of hair loss related to lupus, lichen planus or other autoimmune conditions that can unfortunately be permanent and progressive.  Options to Treat Alopecia  While there isn’t a cure for most types of alopecia, some treatments are available to help minimize the effects of the condition and promote hair growth. Treatment varies depending on the type of alopecia. Potential options can include:  Topical Minoxidil: An FDA-approved over-the-counter medication available in foam or liquid form and applied directly to the scalp, which helps stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles. Hormone Therapies: A hormone regimen that can help minimize the resulting hair thinning and balding. Corticosteroids: A topical cream or ointment – or an injection for severe cases – that help reduce inflammation and re-grow hair. Low-Level Laser Therapy: A therapeutic, non-invasive intervention involving wearing special caps or combs that release painless, low-level lasers to stimulate hair follicles. Healthy Diets and Nutritional Supplements: A diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for hair health, such as biotin and collagen, can aid in recovery. Vitamin D and iron are also important hair growth nutrients. Stress Management: Stress can impact the speed and frequency of hair loss. Managing your stress can help mitigate the effects of alopecia.  Treatment for alopecia is not a one-size-fits-all approach. A scalp skin biopsy may help determine a cause for hair loss and help guide the best management strategies with your provider.  Addressing the Emotional Impacts  Even though alopecia isn’t life-threatening, the impacts of the condition can affect your self-esteem and self-image. The most powerful tool to help you manage alopecia is knowledge. Keeping yourself educated about your condition, and encouraging your loved ones to do the same, can help arm yourself with the acceptance and self-compassion you need and help combat misconceptions.  With the rise in awareness in the mainstream media for alopecia and other hair conditions, beauty standards and fashion are shifting to become more inclusive for those experiencing hair loss. Celebrating the many diverse hairstyles and fashion statements can help you regain your confidence. There are many options you can advantage of to help style your hair and protect your scalp:  Hairpieces: Wigs, extensions and other hairpieces can help cover up balding or thinning patches and add volume to your hair. Hairpieces have come a long way in the past few decades, and many use real human hair. Hats: Hats serve a dual purpose – a fun fashion accessory to help boost your confidence and a method of protecting your scalp from the sun. As someone with alopecia, your scalp is more exposed, and hats can provide that extra layer of protection you need. Scalp Sunscreens: While regular body sunscreens can provide good scalp sun protection, they can result in oily scalp and hair appearance. Sunscreens that are specifically designed for the scalp are available at most beauty stores or online. Remember, patience is fundamental, as many treatments require consistent use over time to see noticeable results. Stay resilient, and don’t give up – you are not alone in your alopecia journey.

    Read More About Why Is My Hair Falling Out? Alopecia Explained

    • Medicamentos
    • Consumo de drogas

    Tenga precaución: Mezclar medicamentos de venta libre puede ser perjudicial

    When you’re too sick to go to work but not sick enough for a doctor’s visit, over-the-counter medicines are a welcome relief to help alleviate that fever, runny nose or allergies. But because those medicines aren’t signed off on or managed by your doctor and pharmacist, you must be especially mindful of what you put into your body. Whenever you pop a pill, you want to ensure you’re taking the correct dosage, waiting the right amount of time before taking another dose and not mixing certain medicines. Too Much Tylenol/Acetaminophen Tylenol — or acetaminophen — is a popular pain reliever for many, but too much can be bad for your liver. “Our bodies have a finite ability to metabolize Tylenol,” says Andy Wright, clinical pharmacist at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “When too much builds up in the liver, it becomes toxic. In patients with medical conditions like cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, this could be disastrous.” Remember, acetaminophen is in more than just Tylenol and generic pain relievers. You may also see acetaminophen in flu, cold and cough medicines, like Nyquil, and some prescription medications including Norco and Percocet. Keep a list of the medications you take, and limit daily acetaminophen use to 3,000 mg per day. When you’re scanning medicine bottle contents, remember acetaminophen is also referred to as APAP, AC, acetam or paracetamol. Mixing Painkillers When you’re dealing with pain and not getting any relief, taking a different medication may seem like the easy solution. Maybe you take some Aleve — a form of naproxen — for a headache, but it isn’t working, so you switch to Motrin, an over-the-counter form of ibuprofen. Not a smart idea. Ibuprofen and naproxen along with aspirin are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Because these medicines work in similar ways, they should never be combined or used in larger doses or more frequently than directed. Otherwise your risk of side effects can increase, which range from mild nausea to severe gastrointestinal bleeding.  It’s also important to consider your family history when taking NSAIDs because, “recent studies have shown NSAIDs may have greater cardiovascular risks for people taking blood thinners or those with hypertension,” explains Andy. “A good example is ibuprofen: It has a relatively low gastrointestinal bleed risk while it has a moderate to high cardiovascular risk. The opposite is true for naproxen.” Rather than experimenting with multiple medicines, figure out which drug works best for you. You may find muscle soreness improves with aspirin, whereas when a headache hits, naproxen is best. Keep in mind that these medications aren’t always best for everyone in the family. “Aspirin in children and teens is not recommended unless under the supervision of a doctor,” Andy says. And pregnant and lactating women should generally avoid NSAIDS due to risk of birth defects and bleeding. “In both of these cases, acetaminophen or Tylenol are preferred but only if approved by an OB/GYN.” Fighting Allergies Over-the-counter antihistamines like Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra have made fighting itchy eyes and runny noses a little easier. But these daily medicines — when taken inappropriately or in the wrong combinations — can also have an adverse effect. Similar to acetaminophen, you need to watch for antihistamines in other products. Sleep aids — like Tylenol PM and Unisom — commonly use an antihistamine known as diphenhydramine, which may increase your risk of overdose. “Combining antihistamines, or overdosing, can cause many adverse effects including dry mouth, blurred vision — even arrhythmias,” Andy says. “Only take these medications on their own.” If you’re still struggling with symptoms, you can talk to your doctor about adding an over-the-counter nasal steroid.  Andy confirms the importance of closely following the directions listed on antihistamine (and all medicine) bottles. He has seen extended release nasal decongestants cause significant arrhythmias requiring medical care after a patient took the medicine with warm fluids. “The decongestant in question is designed to slowly release, but it can dissolve suddenly in the presence of warm liquids like coffee,” Andy explains. “This can cause the pill to deliver 12 to 24 hours of medication all at once.” Taking an Antidiarrheal with Calcium Calcium supplements and antidiarrheal medicines are another harmful combination. Calcium firms up your stool, but if taken with an antidiarrheal, can cause severe constipation. If you need to take an antidiarrheal, take a break from your calcium for a few days until you’re back to normal. Another consideration when taking calcium supplements or calcium-based antacids is gas. “I’ve had several patients report cases of excessive gas using Tums or calcium carbonate-based supplements.” Andy suggests instead “trying Maalox or Mylanta for indigestion and Citracal as a supplement.” Talk with Your Doctor or Pharmacist About Your Medications If over-the-counter drugs aren’t providing the relief you need, it’s time to see your doctor. And remember, for your safety it is important to keep your doctor and pharmacist up-to-date with any medications — prescribed or over-the-counter — that you are taking.

    Read More About Use Caution: Mixing Over-the-Counter Medications Can Be Harmful

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