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    • Martes, 20 de abril de 2021

    Investigadores de Renown buscan participantes en el estudio de plasma de convaleciente

    Los médicos investigadores tratan de entender cómo responde el sistema inmunitario a la COVID-19 y crear un Nevada más saludable. Durante las primeras fases de la pandemia, el plasma de convalecencia se consideraba la única opción de tratamiento viable disponible para los pacientes con COVID-19. El plasma de convaleciente es el componente de la sangre de los pacientes recuperados que puede contener anticuerpos de COVID-19 que ayudan a combatir la infección. Desde entonces, los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud han elaborado directrices de tratamiento para la COVID-19 basadas en los datos de los estudios clínicos, y todavía se están realizando muchos estudios en todo el mundo que evalúan diversas opciones de tratamiento adicionales. El plasma de convaleciente tenía una gran demanda pero era difícil de localizar para los pacientes con COVID-19 en la zona del norte de Nevada. Austin Meegan, un auxiliar de enfermería de 24 años, fue hospitalizado y pasó semanas evitando la insuficiencia renal y pulmonar antes de enterarse de que cumplía los requisitos para recibir una transfusión de sangre experimental que parecía prometedora para el tratamiento de la COVID-19. Los médicos estimaron que Meegan solo tenía un 3 % de posibilidades de encontrar un donante compatible con su raro tipo de sangre. Thomas Gibson, un sobreviviente de la COVID-19 y residente de Texas con el mismo tipo de sangre, viajó a Reno para donar sus anticuerpos víricos y realizar una donación de plasma de convaleciente, la cual se cree que ayudó a salvar la vida de Meegan. Los investigadores clínicos y los científicos de Renown y de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR Med) sabían que necesitaban crear mejores opciones para los pacientes y los médicos. Los investigadores clínicos desarrollaron un estudio para ayudar a otros pacientes como Austin, y solicitaron donaciones de pacientes recuperados de COVID-19 para que donaran su plasma de convaleciente. Los equipos de investigadores trataron de entender cómo responde el sistema inmunitario del cuerpo al virus a lo largo del tiempo, para ayudarles a desarrollar nuevos tratamientos para la COVID-19. “La capacidad del mundo para atravesar la crisis de la COVID dependerá de cuatro cosas: ciencia, tecnología, innovación y asociaciones”, dice el Dr. Tony Slonim, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “La capacidad del mundo para superar la crisis de la COVID dependerá de cuatro elementos: ciencia, tecnología, innovación y asociaciones, pero con UNR Med y nuestros socios, estamos haciendo grandes progresos en el avance de la investigación clínica que tiene el poder de salvar vidas y crear un estado de Nevada más saludable”. “Es tremendamente prometedor colaborar en la investigación clínica que no solo nos ayudará a entender mejor la enfermedad, sino que también ayudará a informar sobre el tratamiento para aquellos que combaten el COVID-19 que ha tenido un impacto tan devastador en los nevadenses, en nuestro país y en el mundo”, afirma Dean Thomas L. Schwenk, MD, de UNR Med. Renown, UNR Med y otros socios de atención médica del área colaboraron con Vitalant para recolectar plasma de donantes recuperados para un estudio sobre la eficacia del tratamiento. Los donantes elegibles tenían al menos 18 años, pesaban más de 110 libras y estaban sanos. Los donantes se habían recuperado completamente de un diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19. Los coordinadores del proyecto en la Oficina de Investigación de Renown se vieron abrumados por el apoyo de la comunidad y las donaciones de plasma. Las asociaciones adicionales con el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el estado de Nevada y la Oficina del Gobernador, Saint Mary’s Medical Center, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Carson Tahoe Health y VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, junto con muchos proveedores de atención médica del área, ayudaron al equipo a alcanzar sus objetivos de inscribir a 120 participantes elegibles en el estudio. “Nuestro éxito en este estudio depende en gran medida del apoyo de nuestra gran comunidad, así como de la innovación y la colaboración demostradas por Renown y UNR Med”, afirmó Sara Healy, MD, MPH, investigadora principal del estudio y médica de enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas en Renown Children’s Hospital y UNR Med. “Estamos orgullosos de estar a la vanguardia respecto de la realización de investigaciones esenciales durante un tiempo tan importante de la historia, y esperamos que nuestra asociación se prolongue en el tiempo a medida que continuamos con esta importante labor”. “El control de la COVID-19 en nuestras comunidades depende de las pruebas. El estudio, que se está realizando para desarrollar una forma sensible, específica y más sencilla de recoger muestras (sangre), está avanzando en este campo y promete alcanzar nuestro objetivo común de tener la prueba de diagnóstico correcta para la situación clínica correcta en el momento correcto”, explica Mark Riddle, MD, DrPH, FISTM, investigador asociado del estudio, decano asociado de Investigación Clínica y profesor del Departamento de Medicina Interna e Investigación Médica de UNR Med. El equipo de investigación pide ahora a los residentes del área que participen en un estudio para analizar la eficacia de dos pruebas de detección de la COVID-19. Los participantes se someterán a dos análisis de sangre: uno de ellos consiste en una punción digital para obtener los resultados de una prueba rápida, y el otro consiste en una venopunción tradicional que confirma la presencia o ausencia de anticuerpos contra la COVID-19. Este estudio es una colaboración con InBios International, Inc. una empresa líder en biotecnología con sede en Seattle. Los investigadores buscan: Personas que han dado positivo para COVID-19 y que se han recuperado recientemente del virus. Los participantes del estudio deben estar en un período de entre 7 y 28 días posteriores al inicio de sus síntomas. Personas que recientemente hayan dado negativo para COVID-19 y nunca hayan dado positivo. Los interesados en participar en el estudio pueden ponerse en contacto con los coordinadores del proyecto en la Oficina de Investigación de Renown al (775) 982-3646, o por correo electrónico a covidplasmascreening@renown.org, de lunes a viernes, de 7:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Se anima a las personas de entre 18 y 75 años con buena salud en general a que consideren la posibilidad de participar en este estudio en curso. No hay costo alguno por participar en este estudio y la participación es voluntaria. Su decisión de participar no afectará sus relaciones actuales o futuras con sus proveedores de atención médica, con el distrito de salud ni con la comunidad. Aquellos que decidan participar son libres de retirarse en cualquier momento. “El tiempo es vital cuando se trata de la COVID-19. Si podemos entregar los resultados de las pruebas a las personas y sus médicos de manera más oportuna, podremos hacer un diagnóstico más rápido del estado de salud de un paciente”, explica Christopher M. Kozlowski, MD, MHA, funcionario de Investigación Institucional de Renown y director médico/vicepresidente del Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health. “A medida que perfeccionamos la precisión de nuestras pruebas, aplicamos las pruebas de sensibilidad y especificidad para obtener resultados verdaderos negativos y verdaderos positivos. Esto proporciona a las personas resultados más oportunos y precisos y una atención de calidad mejorada”.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown tiene una larga trayectoria y un compromiso de larga data con la mejora de la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad.     Acerca de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR Med), la primera facultad de medicina pública de Nevada, es una facultad basada en la comunidad, con un gran énfasis en la investigación y una visión a nivel estatal de un estado de Nevada saludable. Fundada en 1969, la UNR Med está mejorando la salud y el bienestar de todos los residentes de Nevada y sus comunidades mediante excelencia en la educación estudiantil, capacitación de posgrado y atención clínica, investigación con impacto local, nacional y global y una cultura de diversidad e inclusión. Para obtener más información, visite med.unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de Investigadores de Renown buscan participantes en el estudio de plasma de convaleciente

    • Miércoles, 03 de agosto de 2022

    El Dr. Max Coppes liderará el Instituto William N. Pennington

    Max Coppes, M.D., Ph.D., MBA, quien se desempeñó como presidente de Pediatría de Nell J. Redfield en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada (UNR Med) y pediatra en jefe en Renown Children’s Hospital durante los últimos seis años, anunció que renuncia para dirigir el Pennington Cancer Institute de Renown a tiempo completo. El Dr. Coppes continuará desempeñándose como Profesor de Pediatría y Medicina Interna en UNR Med. “Nuestro objetivo es mejorar la salud de los nevadenses y reducir la carga del cáncer”, dijo Thomas Graf, director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Contar con el Dr. Coppes como nuestro líder clínico para el William N. Pennington Cancer Institute a tiempo completo refleja el compromiso de Renown y UNR Med de aumentar el acceso a la atención del cáncer, fomentar una asociación más profunda con UNR Med en ensayos clínicos, colaborar en oportunidades de investigación del cáncer y mejorar la educación médica y la capacitación de posgrado. Estamos encantados de que el Dr. Max lidere este importante esfuerzo”. El anuncio de hoy llega dos semanas después de que la Fundación William N. Pennington anunciara un regalo de $15.5 millones para la Fundación Renown Health para ayudar a establecer el William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown. El Dr. Coppes, oncólogo pediátrico con capacitación, tiene experiencia en liderar equipos de centros oncológicos académicos reconocidos a gran escala a nivel nacional tanto en los EE. UU. como en Canadá. El Dr. Coppes llegó a Reno en 2014 procedente de la British Columbia Cancer Agency de Vancouver, donde ocupó el cargo de presidente responsable de seis centros oncológicos regionales y dos centros de investigación del cáncer. Fue médico tratante en BC Children's Hospital y profesor de Medicina y Pediatría en la Universidad de Columbia Británica. A lo largo de su carrera, Coppes fue vicepresidente sénior del Children’s National Medical Center en Washington, D.C., y ocupó cargos en varios centros de prestigio de Estados Unidos y Canadá, como el Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) en Toronto, la Universidad de Georgetown, el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer y la Cleveland Clinic. Desde 2016, el Dr. Coppes se ha desempeñado en la función de liderazgo conjunto como presidente de Pediatría de Nell J. Redfield en UNR Med y pediatra en jefe en Renown Children's Hospital, un puesto posible gracias al generoso apoyo filantrópico de la Fundación Nell J. Redfield junto con las inversiones de Renown Health y la Facultad de Medicina. En 2016, la Fundación Pennington reconoció la necesidad de una mejor atención y experiencia para la pediatría y donó $7.5 millones al Renown Children’s Hospital para establecer el William N. Pennington Fund for Advanced Pediatric Care. “Como presidente de pediatría de Nell J. Redfield en la Universidad de Nevada, Reno School of Medicine y pediatra en jefe en Renown Children's Hospital, el Dr. Coppes abrió el camino para la integración de misiones académicas y clínicas en UNR Med y Renown. Demostró un liderazgo visionario y sin duda aportará la misma energía y visión que el líder clínico del William N. Pennington Cancer Institute”, dijo Melissa Piasecki, decana interina de UNR Med y directora académica de Renown Health. “El Dr. Max Coppes es un líder extraordinario. En los últimos seis años, ha hecho mucho para elevar el estándar de atención pediátrica disponible en nuestra comunidad”, dijo Sy Johnson, presidente y jefe de personal de Renown. “Gracias al liderazgo del Dr. Coppes, a la generosidad de la donación de Pennington y a otros donantes, 100,000 niños del área ahora tienen acceso a especialistas pediátricos y servicios de atención médica contemporáneos en el único hospital infantil de la región. Ahora, menos del 3 % de todos los pacientes pediátricos y sus familias deben abandonar el área para recibir atención especializada. Ese es un logro increíble”. Los logros significativos logrados bajo el liderazgo del Dr. Coppes incluyen: Avanzando en el Renown Children’s Hospital, el único hospital infantil dedicado en el norte de Nevada, que ofrece programas y servicios para familias de un área de 100,000 millas cuadradas, desde Sacramento, CA hasta Salt Lake City, Utah. Renown Children’s cuenta con la única sala de emergencias para niños; una UCI pediátrica (PICU); un centro de imágenes para niños; y la UCI neonatal (NICU) más grande, una unidad de cuidados intensivos de nivel III. Bajo su liderazgo, se establecieron las siguientes líneas de servicio: medicina adolescente, hematología/oncología pediátrica, nefrología pediátrica, enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas, oftalmología pediátrica, cirugía ortopédica pediátrica, cirugía de hendidura y craneofacial pediátrica, urología pediátrica, odontología pediátrica y medicina pediátrica de emergencia. Contratar y apoyar a un equipo de más de 40 especialistas médicos pediátricos. Estos médicos brindan 30,000 visitas de pacientes al año, ofreciendo un nivel excepcional de atención para ayudar a las familias. Como testimonio de la confianza de la comunidad en la atención brindada, la participación en el mercado de los servicios pediátricos en Renown Health ahora está cerca del 90 %. La membresía de Renown en el Grupo de Oncología Infantil (Children’s Oncology Group, COG), que brinda a los pacientes pediátricos con cáncer locales acceso a la organización más grande del mundo dedicada exclusivamente al cáncer infantil y a la mayoría de los tratamientos de vanguardia. Solicitud para establecer un programa de residencia pediátrica acreditado de 3 años (por el Consejo de Acreditación para la Educación Médica de Graduados (ACGME) en Reno. Si se aprueba el 2022 de septiembre, Renown Health y UNR Med comenzarán a capacitar a cuatro nuevos pediatras cada año a partir del 2023 de julio. Solicitud exitosa a la Oficina de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología del Gobernador de Nevada para recibir apoyo financiero para financiar un nuevo programa de Educación Médica para Graduados. Renown Children’s Hospital recibió $870,433 por el nuevo programa de residencia pediátrica. Nueva construcción de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, NICU) expandida con mayor capacidad para 49 basinatos, una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, PICU) expandida con mayor capacidad para 16 salas privadas de pacientes y familiares, y un nuevo piso para pacientes internados del Renown Children's Hospital con mayor capacidad para 38 salas privadas de pacientes y familiares con capacidad total de 58 camas pediátricas en el Nivel 4 del Renown Regional Medical Center. En 2021, el Dr. Coppes fue nombrado socio comunitario de héroes de atención médica por la revista Northern Nevada Business Magazine.

    Leer más Acerca de El Dr. Max Coppes liderará el Instituto William N. Pennington

    • MyChart
    • Atención de urgencias
    • Vacuna contra la influenza

    Lo que debe saber sobre las vacunas contra la influenza

    Flu shots don’t just protect those who get vaccinated; they guard everyone, including your family and the community. Renown Health experts help us understand why everyone should get a flu shot, including children, pregnant women and older adults. Ways to Schedule Your Flu Shot Call Us! 775-982-5000 Urgent Care Appointments Renown Pharmacy Vaccinations Make an Appointment via MyChart Need a Doctor? Find One Now Flu Shot Information Whitney Robinson, Renown Health Infection Prevention Expert Chills, body aches, fever and congestion; getting the flu isn’t fun. When you get a flu shot, you’re not just protecting yourself, you’re also helping reduce the total flu cases and hospitalizations. The ideal time to get your flu shot is September through October. This timing allows the vaccine to provide the strongest protection during the length of flu season. However, getting the vaccine later is better than not at all as it's still flu season well into spring. Flu Symptoms In general, influenza (flu) is worse than the common cold and shares symptoms with COVID-19, causing mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Symptoms include: Fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone will have a fever) Cough and/or sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Headaches, muscle or body aches Fatigue (tiredness) Vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults Who Needs a Flu Shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers it the first and most crucial step in protecting against the flu virus. Therefore, they recommend the yearly flu shot for those six months of age and older. Does the Flu Shot Help with COVID-19? The short answer is no. However, flu vaccines can reduce the risks of flu illness and hospitalization. Therefore, it is crucial for you to get your flu shot to not only protect yourself and the community, but also to help conserve vital, local healthcare resources. CDC Resource: Who Needs a Flu Vaccine and When Kids, the Elderly and Flu Shots  Vanessa Slots, M.D., Renown Medical Group The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year and it happens like clockwork. The onset of flu season is fall and lasts through winter into the spring months. This lung illness is caused by viruses, with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and anyone can catch  to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms Quick onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory symptoms including cough Sore throat and nose Who's at Risk for the Flu? Children and the elderly are at greater risk of complications from the flu, specifically toddlers less than two years old. At this age, their immunity is still developing. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depends on age and prior exposure to the virus. With young children, for example, the flu is more problematic since they cannot talk and communicate their symptoms. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. This can be coupled with issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, all of which put children at risk of dehydration and other complications that can require hospitalization. An average of 20,000 children are hospitalized for flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Ongoing health conditions including asthma, heart conditions, diabetes and more can intensify flu symptoms. Still, many children without risk factors can experience severe flu complications. CDC Resource: Flu Information for Parents Pregnant Moms and Flu Shots Tamsen Carson, PAC, Surgical First Assistant, OB/GYN, Renown Medical Group “During pregnancy, your immune system wards off infection for your baby, leaving you more susceptible to infection and adverse health conditions,” Tamsen explains. She   highly recommends flu shots for ALL women during pregnancy. You must receive the injected vaccine versus the live vaccine, a nasal spray, which can cause the flu to occur. Passing Flu Immunity on to Your Baby Also, remember that you will also be able to pass the immunity onto your baby if you breastfeed, which will protect your baby from the flu. CDC Resource: Flu Safety and Pregnancy

    Read More About What You Need To Know About Flu Shots

    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

    Read More About Generic Drugs – What You Need to Know About Them

    • Vacuna contra la influenza
    • Salud infantil

    Padres, sus hijos necesitan vacunas contra la gripe. Este es el por qué

    Vanessa Slots, MD, of Renown Medical Group – Pediatrics, explains why getting a flu shot each season can save lives—especially true for the very young and elderly. Why Kids Need Flu Shots The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year. And this year, flu activity is increasing late in the season.  And it happens like clockwork — the onset of an influenza epidemic as fall transitions into winter, and lasts into the spring months. This acute respiratory illness is caused by influenza A or B viruses with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and everyone is susceptible to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms: Abrupt onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory-tract symptoms including cough Sore throat and an irritated nose Who’s at Risk? Once again: Everyone is susceptible, but children and the elderly are at greater risk of complication from influenza, specifically toddlers less than 2 years. At this age, immunities are underdeveloped. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depend on age and prior exposure to the virus. And with young children, flu is more problematic, since they cannot verbalize certain symptoms like body aches and headaches. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. Coupled with gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, children are at risk of dehydration and other complications from the virus that can require hospitalization. In fact, an average of 20,000 children are hospitalized from flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Health conditions, including but not limited to asthma, cystic fibrosis, heart conditions, cerebral palsy, epilepsy or diabetes, can intensify flu symptoms. Still, a substantial number of children with none of these risk factors experience severe complications from the flu. How to Protect Your Child from the Flu The best way to guard against influenza is with a flu shot. Children and adults should get the flu vaccine before flu season kicks in — usually by the end of October. Shots are provided as long as flu viruses are circulating and the vaccine is in supply.

    Read More About Parents, Your Kids Need Flu Shots. Here's Why.

    • Salud infantil
    • Vacunas
    • Vacuna contra la influenza

    Protéjase y proteja a los demás con la vacuna contra la influenza

    Flu shots don’t just protect those who get vaccinated; they protect everyone, including your family and the community. As we continue navigating the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Renown Health infection prevention expert Whitney Robinson explains how getting your flu shot is vital for staying healthy. 5 Ways to Schedule Your Flu Shot Call Us! 775-982-5000 Urgent Care Appointments Renown Pharmacy Vaccinations Make an Appointment via MyChart Need a Doctor? Find One Now Reasons to get the flu shot Chills, body aches, fever, congestion; getting the flu isn’t fun. But in addition to protecting yourself with a flu shot, you’re helping reduce flu cases and hospitalizations, Whitney said. Flu shots are currently available at pharmacies throughout the Reno area. Whitney says the ideal time to get your flu shot is September through October, but remain relevant throughout the winter months as it only takes two weeks for the antibodies to develop in your body. This timing allows the vaccine to provide the strongest protection during the length of flu season. Who needs a flu shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the yearly flu shot for everyone six months of age and older. Equally, they consider it the first and most crucial step in protecting against the flu virus.

    Read More About Protect Yourself and Others with the Flu Shot

    • Vacuna contra la influenza
    • Vacunas

    Disminuya la propagación de la gripe con la inmunidad colectiva

    As the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisper, it's not just pumpkin spice lattes that should be on your mind – it's also time to think about your health. Fall time also means it’s flu season and with new cases on the rise, we at Renown Health encourage you to do your part in keeping your Fall activities community safe. How can you protect your whole community you ask? Through something called Herd Immunity. We spoke with Renown Health infection prevention expert, Susanne James to talk about how getting your flu shot is vital for staying healthy and protecting your families and community.

    Read More About Slow the Spread of the Flu with Herd Immunity

    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Donación
    • Filantropía

    Por qué doy: La historia de Tami y Richard

    If you have the chance to meet Tami and Richard Dethmers, you will quickly discover a remarkable couple who embody a heartwarming spirit. Married for 44 years, they cherish family above all else. With five children and 10 grandchildren, their family is not just their priority—it's their whole world. It is this love and their steadfast faith that led Tami and Richard to make a transformative donation to Renown Children’s Hospital. The Heart of Giving In 2023, Tami toured the construction of the new Wilbur D. May Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Renown Children's Hospital. She was touched by the idea of creating a special place for sick children and their families. That night, she talked with Richard about how they could help. Together, they both agreed to make a generous donation that could help ease the pain for families with children in the hospital. A Comforting Consultation Room Their donation established a consultation room in the Wilbur D. May NICU and PICU at Renown Children's Hospital. Tami and Richard's motivation stems from personal experience, having seen their grandson endure four open-heart surgeries. "I remember challenging conversations with doctors, surrounded by other families in the open PICU. It was difficult,” said Tami.  In this new consultation room, families have a private space to learn about the next steps in their journey, gaining insights into the illnesses affecting their children. It is a dedicated space where doctors can discuss treatment plans and medical information with families. Designed to be a supportive and calming environment, the room features art on the walls, and a window bathes the space in beautiful, natural light, offering comfort to families in need. Tami and Richard’s donation ensures that families in the NICU and PICU can navigate difficult conversations with doctors in a thoughtfully designed space. Because We Love You and We Care In the new consultation room, a powerful message is printed and framed: 'Because we love you and we care.' This phrase is an important part of Tami and Richard’s donation, reflecting words they spoke to their children while they were growing up. For them, it symbolizes love, care, and a commitment to offering support. A Legacy of Comfort Tami and Richard, along with their family, are dedicated to an ongoing legacy of giving. Together, they also donated blankets to patients and families who use the consultation room. “I hope they provide an added layer of comfort,” said Tami. Each blanket includes a custom tag repeating those same words 'Because we love you and we care.' Richard echoes Tami's sentiments. “We do what we can because we love children, and there is no greater pain than a child in distress,” Richard said, emphasizing their shared dedication to helping children in need. Together, with their children and grandchildren, they continue to make a difference, embodying the power of compassion and generosity in their family's legacy.

    Read More About Why I Give: Tami and Richard's Story

    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Donación
    • Filantropía

    El papel impactante de la Junta Directiva de Renown Health Foundation

    Above: Brian Cushard (left), Renown Health Foundation Board Chair, with his family At Renown Health Foundation, our mission is simple yet powerful – to raise funds that support Renown Health, the largest not-for-profit health system in northern Nevada. We are the driving force behind initiatives that bring state-of-the-art equipment, conduct groundbreaking research, enhance healthcare services, improve patient outcomes and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.  Our Dedicated Board of Directors  Our impactful work would not be possible without our Board of Directors – a fantastic team of 27 local volunteers. They bring diverse skills to the table, working together to create positive changes in healthcare for northern Nevada. Our board is at the core of our Foundation's success by guiding important decisions, sharing valuable insights and actively engaging in community relationships.  Meet Brian Cushard – Renown Health Foundation’s Chair  Brian Cushard took on the role of Foundation Board Chair at the beginning of 2024. Brian, who is the President of LP Insurance Services in Reno, will lead us for the next two years, bringing a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to community well-being. Since joining Renown Health Foundation’s Board in 2018, Brian has been instrumental in shaping our strategic direction.  Brian’s Vision: Advocating for Renown Health’s Mission and Making a Difference  We had the opportunity to sit down with Brian and explore his passion for healthcare philanthropy and the positive changes he envisions. Brian's 'why' is firmly rooted in the belief that a robust health system serves as the backbone of the community. His vision extends beyond fundraising; it's about inspiring the community by sharing remarkable stories of care and championing Renown's impactful contributions.  Q: Why does Renown's mission matter to you, and how do you see your role making a difference?  A: Renown's mission matters deeply to me because, without a highly functioning healthcare system, the economic structure of the community can be impacted. At LP Insurance, where I work, we see ourselves as guardians of our clients' hopes and dreams. This translates to my role on the Board as stewards for the health of others. Advocating for a highly functioning health system is crucial in supporting community members and clients alike. Surrounding ourselves with a solid network is essential. As advocates, our voices are integral in ensuring that everyone's voices are heard.  Q: Can you share a moment that made you want to support healthcare causes?  A: There are those stop-in-your-tracks healthcare moments that make you reassess life's priorities. I've had moments where life comes to a standstill, and what you once thought was important takes a backseat to the basics of life—getting better, one step at a time. In those vulnerable moments, you realize the importance of every person at the hospital. In desperate need, we rely on them. It's eye-opening and gives perspective on what's truly valuable in life.  Q: Tell us about a time when you saw the positive impact of healthcare or philanthropy. How did that influence your decision to get involved?  A: One impactful moment in philanthropy stands out — the Music and Miracles concert featuring the Beach Boys. LP Insurance was a major donor, contributing $100,000 to benefit Sophie’s Place, a music therapy room coming to Renown Children's Hospital. On the day of the event, my wife and I volunteered and saw the remarkable community support for Renown Children’s Hospital. The collective efforts that day raised over $1 million, specifically designated to establish Sophie’s Place. This experience inspired me to want to do more, as I recognized the profound positive impact that philanthropy can have on healthcare and the community.  Note: Sophie’s Place, opening later this year, will offer vital care and healing experiences for young patients at Renown Children’s Hospital.

    Read More About The Impactful Role of Renown Health Foundation's Board of Directors

    • Medicamentos
    • Consumo de drogas

    Tenga precaución: Mezclar medicamentos de venta libre puede ser perjudicial

    When you’re too sick to go to work but not sick enough for a doctor’s visit, over-the-counter medicines are a welcome relief to help alleviate that fever, runny nose or allergies. But because those medicines aren’t signed off on or managed by your doctor and pharmacist, you must be especially mindful of what you put into your body. Whenever you pop a pill, you want to ensure you’re taking the correct dosage, waiting the right amount of time before taking another dose and not mixing certain medicines. Too Much Tylenol/Acetaminophen Tylenol — or acetaminophen — is a popular pain reliever for many, but too much can be bad for your liver. “Our bodies have a finite ability to metabolize Tylenol,” says Andy Wright, clinical pharmacist at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “When too much builds up in the liver, it becomes toxic. In patients with medical conditions like cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, this could be disastrous.” Remember, acetaminophen is in more than just Tylenol and generic pain relievers. You may also see acetaminophen in flu, cold and cough medicines, like Nyquil, and some prescription medications including Norco and Percocet. Keep a list of the medications you take, and limit daily acetaminophen use to 3,000 mg per day. When you’re scanning medicine bottle contents, remember acetaminophen is also referred to as APAP, AC, acetam or paracetamol. Mixing Painkillers When you’re dealing with pain and not getting any relief, taking a different medication may seem like the easy solution. Maybe you take some Aleve — a form of naproxen — for a headache, but it isn’t working, so you switch to Motrin, an over-the-counter form of ibuprofen. Not a smart idea. Ibuprofen and naproxen along with aspirin are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Because these medicines work in similar ways, they should never be combined or used in larger doses or more frequently than directed. Otherwise your risk of side effects can increase, which range from mild nausea to severe gastrointestinal bleeding.  It’s also important to consider your family history when taking NSAIDs because, “recent studies have shown NSAIDs may have greater cardiovascular risks for people taking blood thinners or those with hypertension,” explains Andy. “A good example is ibuprofen: It has a relatively low gastrointestinal bleed risk while it has a moderate to high cardiovascular risk. The opposite is true for naproxen.” Rather than experimenting with multiple medicines, figure out which drug works best for you. You may find muscle soreness improves with aspirin, whereas when a headache hits, naproxen is best. Keep in mind that these medications aren’t always best for everyone in the family. “Aspirin in children and teens is not recommended unless under the supervision of a doctor,” Andy says. And pregnant and lactating women should generally avoid NSAIDS due to risk of birth defects and bleeding. “In both of these cases, acetaminophen or Tylenol are preferred but only if approved by an OB/GYN.” Fighting Allergies Over-the-counter antihistamines like Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra have made fighting itchy eyes and runny noses a little easier. But these daily medicines — when taken inappropriately or in the wrong combinations — can also have an adverse effect. Similar to acetaminophen, you need to watch for antihistamines in other products. Sleep aids — like Tylenol PM and Unisom — commonly use an antihistamine known as diphenhydramine, which may increase your risk of overdose. “Combining antihistamines, or overdosing, can cause many adverse effects including dry mouth, blurred vision — even arrhythmias,” Andy says. “Only take these medications on their own.” If you’re still struggling with symptoms, you can talk to your doctor about adding an over-the-counter nasal steroid.  Andy confirms the importance of closely following the directions listed on antihistamine (and all medicine) bottles. He has seen extended release nasal decongestants cause significant arrhythmias requiring medical care after a patient took the medicine with warm fluids. “The decongestant in question is designed to slowly release, but it can dissolve suddenly in the presence of warm liquids like coffee,” Andy explains. “This can cause the pill to deliver 12 to 24 hours of medication all at once.” Taking an Antidiarrheal with Calcium Calcium supplements and antidiarrheal medicines are another harmful combination. Calcium firms up your stool, but if taken with an antidiarrheal, can cause severe constipation. If you need to take an antidiarrheal, take a break from your calcium for a few days until you’re back to normal. Another consideration when taking calcium supplements or calcium-based antacids is gas. “I’ve had several patients report cases of excessive gas using Tums or calcium carbonate-based supplements.” Andy suggests instead “trying Maalox or Mylanta for indigestion and Citracal as a supplement.” Talk with Your Doctor or Pharmacist About Your Medications If over-the-counter drugs aren’t providing the relief you need, it’s time to see your doctor. And remember, for your safety it is important to keep your doctor and pharmacist up-to-date with any medications — prescribed or over-the-counter — that you are taking.

    Read More About Use Caution: Mixing Over-the-Counter Medications Can Be Harmful

    • Vacunas
    • Prevención y bienestar
    • Vacuna contra la influenza

    Resfrío y gripe 101: lo que necesita saber

    Due to the stubborn nature of this year’s flu season, Hometown Health and Renown Health are adding additional flu shot events. Learn more about being protected and how to weather this year’s cold and flu season. Typical for this time of year, Renown is currently seeing a rise in patients with flu-like symptoms and other winter illnesses. To help protect the community, flu shots will be offered at the dates and times listed below: Friday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Feb. 28, 5-7 p.m. Both flu shot events will be held at in the Hometown Health building located at 10315 Professional Circle, Reno NV 89521. These are walk-in flu shot events — no appointment required. No out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries (Part B), Senior Care Plus members and Hometown Health fully insured HMO and PPO plans. Please bring your insurance card and current ID. Without a qualifying plan, the individual cost is $35. If you have questions regarding these flu shot events, please contact Hometown Health Wellness Services at 775-982-5433. And to help you weather the intense cold and flu season this year, we asked Kathleen Burns, an advance practice registered nurse at Renown Health, about flu prevention and how to know the difference between the flu virus and the common cold. How do you prevent the seasonal flu? The annual flu vaccine is truly the best form of protection to help prevent the spread of the flu. Even if you do get the flu after being vaccinated, your symptoms will be lessened. Flu vaccines are still available in the community, including health providers at Renown Medical Group. Call 775-982-5000 to make an appointment. Although they are not substitutes for the flu vaccine, simple preventative actions can do a lot to help slow the spread of the virus, including: Covering your mouth when coughing and staying away from people who are coughing. Washing your hands often. If you have the flu, stay home. If you have the flu and need to go out, including a visit to the doctor’s office, wear a protective mask. Other precautionary measures include cleaning shared spaces and avoiding shared utensils and drinks. Who should get the flu shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against influenza. Different flu shots are approved for people of different ages, but there are flu shots that are approved for use in people as young as 6 months of age and up. Flu shots are approved for use in pregnant women and people with chronic health conditions. Bottom line: Your best chance of avoiding the flu this season is to get your flu vaccine. How do you know if it’s the flu or a cold? The flu and the common cold have similar symptoms and it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two. Your healthcare provider can give you a test within the first few days of your illness to determine whether or not you have the flu. In general, the flu is worse than the common cold. Symptoms such as fever, body aches, fatigue and cough are more common and intense with the flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Flu symptoms include: A 100 degree or higher fever or feeling feverish (not everyone with the flu has a fever) A cough and/or sore throat A runny or stuffy nose Headaches and/or body aches Chills Fatigue Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (most common in children) Does washing your hands really help prevent sickness like cold and flu? Yes. Again, the single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent illnesses like the cold and flu. The proper way to wash your hands is to wet them with clean, running water (warm or cold) and apply soap. Lather your hands by rubbing them together. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. If you need a timer, hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice. Rinse your hands well and dry them using a clean towel or air dry them. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol to clean hands. Other good health habits include covering your cough; avoiding close contact with people who are sick; staying home when you are sick; and practicing a healthy lifestyle by getting plenty of sleep, being physically active, drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious food.

    Read More About Cold and Flu 101: What You Need to Know

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