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    • jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

    La despensa de alimentos de Renown Health está nutriendo a los pacientes sin costo

    Los pacientes que reúnen los requisitos para una “Receta de alimentos” pueden recibir una bolsa de alimentos para ellos y cada miembro de su familia todas las semanas a través de este programa de asistencia gratuita. Renown Health se enorgullece de ofrecer alimentos complementarios a los pacientes necesitados a través de su banco de alimentos. El banco de alimentos se creó hace casi un año. Los pacientes que se identifican como personas con inseguridad alimentaria trabajan con los trabajadores comunitarios de la salud de Renown para recibir productos frescos, productos enlatados, artículos no perecederos y otros productos básicos del banco de alimentos para alimentarse a sí mismos y alimentar a su familia sin costo alguno. Gracias al apoyo del Banco de alimentos del norte de Nevada y otros socios de la comunidad local, el banco de alimentos de Renown está ayudando a satisfacer las necesidades alimenticias de personas sin hogar y de bajos ingresos en nuestra comunidad. “La respuesta de los pacientes a nuestro banco de alimentos ha sido asombrosa”, afirmó Seth Rubin, trabajador comunitario de la salud de Renown. “Se sienten muy agradecidos cuando les damos una bolsa de comida. Sus ojos se iluminan al saber que tendrán suficiente comida para la semana sin tener que preocuparse por encontrar una fuente de alimentos para su familia”. Para hacer posible este programa de asistencia, el banco de alimentos de Renown recibe cada miércoles entregas de alimentos del Banco de alimentos del norte de Nevada. Este banco de alimentos se reúne con el equipo de trabajadores comunitarios de la salud de Renown, junto con las iglesias y otras organizaciones médicas, con un semirremolque cargado con una variedad de alimentos. Tras recibir un palé con su pedido de alimentos, el equipo de trabajadores comunitarios de la salud de Renown recoge un surtido de productos frescos, donados por las tiendas de comestibles locales y otras organizaciones comunitarias. Después de eso, los alimentos se descargan en el banco de alimentos de Renown ubicado dentro de The Healthcare Center. Los trabajadores comunitarios de la salud de Renown atienden a los pacientes en el hospital y las salas de emergencias, así como a las personas que reciben atención en The Healthcare Center, que proporciona acceso asequible a la atención médica a todas las personas de nuestra comunidad. Después de expresar la necesidad de asistencia alimentaria, a los pacientes se les ofrece un alimento que es una “Receta de alimentos”. Con esta receta, pueden ir a un banco de alimentos participante una vez por semana para recibir una bolsa de alimentos por cada persona en su hogar. EL BANCO DE ALIMENTOS CONTINÚA FUNCIONANDO EN MEDIO DE LA PANDEMIA Desde el comienzo de la pandemia de COVID-19, los trabajadores comunitarios de la salud de Renown han trabajado de manera remota, pero eso no les ha impedido llegar a los pacientes que se benefician de este programa. “Actualmente estamos coordinando las entregas a domicilio con nuestros pacientes”, dijo Rubin. “Todos los martes y jueves, entregamos una bolsa de alimentos en el domicilio del paciente. Ha sido una forma estupenda de seguir proporcionando alimentos saludables a nuestros pacientes y, al mismo tiempo, seguir ofreciendo una atención segura a los pacientes que vemos en persona en nuestra clínica. A pesar de que nuestras operaciones actuales son un poco diferentes, los sentimientos de gratitud y alivio de nuestros pacientes siguen siendo los mismos. Se trata de un trabajo extremadamente gratificante y estamos orgullosos de seguir sirviendo a nuestra comunidad en estos tiempos difíciles.”. El banco de alimentos de Renown está actualmente a disposición de los pacientes de The Healthcare Center. Renown está trabajando para conseguir más refrigeración, estanterías y personal para ampliar el servicio a más pacientes de Renown Medical Group. Se anima a los pacientes de Renown que reúnen los requisitos para recibir una “Receta de alimentos”, pero que no son pacientes de The Healthcare Center, a que visiten estos bancos de alimentos participantes una vez a la semana. The Healthcare Center acepta todos los planes de Medicaid además de otros planes de atención médica. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web de Renown. Para consultar el material complementario de esta historia, haga clic aquí.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Para obtener más información, visite renown.org.

    Leer más Acerca de La despensa de alimentos de Renown Health está nutriendo a los pacientes sin costo

    • Viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022

    ¡La comida es una expresión de amor! Nueve opciones de carreras profesionales en Renown para amantes del café y la gastronomía

    ¿Le apasiona la gastronomía y el café? ¿Le interesa servir a pacientes y héroes de la atención médica? ¿Es cortés y diplomático? ¿Tiene un diploma de escuela secundaria? Continúe leyendo para descubrir la carrera profesional para usted. Cuando piensa en la palabra AMOR, ¿piensa en COMIDAS deliciosas o en una taza de CAFÉ caliente? Cuando charla con amigos, ¿las conversaciones comienzan y terminan hablando de una receta, un restaurante o un programa de televisión de cocina nuevos? ¿Le da mucha satisfacción preparar platos deliciosos? ¿Sueña con poder preparar un latte humeante con leche de almendras en cuestión de minutos? ¿Le gusta cuidar de otros y se ve creando y entregando deliciosos y nutritivos platos calientes a personas que se están recuperando de un procedimiento quirúrgico o de una enfermedad? ¿Disfrutaría de hacer una comida especial de celebración para una familia que acaba de recibir a un bebé, o un pastel para celebrar una boda junto a la cama de un paciente o para una familia que se reencuentra con el abuelo tras recibir buenas noticias sobre su recuperación del cáncer? ¿Busca algunas opciones profesionales que lo mantengan conectado con excelentes comidas y café? Renown Health ahora ofrece una serie de opciones profesionales que le permiten satisfacer su amor por la comida, ganar dinero, tener vacaciones pagas/permiso por enfermedad, grandes beneficios de salud, un cronograma regular, progresar en su carrera profesional y obtener un título universitario o terciario al mismo tiempo. Trabajar en el sector gastronómico del mejor empleador de la región y la organización benéfica sin fines de lucro más grande de la región tiene algunos beneficios excepcionales. Los empleados de Renown trabajan todos los días para marcar una diferencia real en la vida de las personas, y queremos que se una a nosotros. Muchos profesionales de servicios gastronómicos comenzaron su carrera en puestos de nivel inicial y fueron ascendiendo. Otros beneficios de trabajar en Renown incluyen habilidades profesionales transferibles, alimentos gratuitos o con descuento y la oportunidad de retribuir y servir a su comunidad. Ya sea que recién esté comenzando su carrera profesional o que esté buscando un nuevo desafío, seguramente encontrará algo perfecto para usted. Muchos puestos requieren solo un diploma de escuela secundaria o GED. Empiece a explorar hoy mismo nuestra lista de nueve excelentes oportunidades laborales relacionadas con los alimentos y las bebidas disponibles hoy en Renown Health y postúlese en línea en renown.org  1) Sea barista en Starbucks; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos Si le encanta hablar con la gente, tiene buen sentido del humor y le gusta el ritmo dinámico, entonces este trabajo es una excelente oportunidad para usted. Conocerá a personas de todas las áreas y se hará amigo de muchas de ellas. Aprenderá a ser un experto en la elaboración de bebidas deliciosas y perfectas, y tendrá el orgullo de usar el delantal verde de Starbucks. Formará parte del primer Starbucks en el área que funciona las 24 horas al día, los 7 días de la semana. El sueldo promedio por hora en Starbucks como barista se encuentra en el promedio nacional de aproximadamente $12.32. Además, recibirá capacitación paga, propinas, un paquete de beneficios completo de Renown Health que incluye atención médica, jubilación, vacaciones/tiempo de enfermedad pagos y acceso a puestos que se publican internamente. Necesitará un diploma de escuela secundaria o GED; sin embargo, no necesita experiencia para este puesto de nivel inicial. Los empleados de Starbucks pueden beber tantos lattes como quieran, ¡ya que la mayoría de las bebidas son gratuitas para los empleados durante los descansos de trabajo! 2) Jefe de cocina y líder de cocina hospitalario; Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. Si le encanta preparar alimentos nutritivos y apetitosos para los demás, comprende la importancia de los requisitos individuales de las dietas médicas y culturales, este puede ser el trabajo perfecto para usted. La mayoría de las personas que trabajan como cocineros en un hospital tienen cinco o más años de experiencia de trabajo en restaurante, pero no tienen un título universitario. Sin embargo, pueden ganar un rango salarial promedio de entre $26,860 y $61,870. Los beneficios incluyen un cronograma predecible, que puede significar más tiempo con su familia y en el hogar. También recibirá vacaciones y días de enfermedad, y beneficios de salud, visión y odontología. Además, sus platos darían energía a los médicos, enfermeros y otras personas para poder atravesar las largas jornadas laborales, marcando una diferencia genuina en las vidas de los otros y teniendo un impacto positivo en la sociedad.  3) ¡Entrega especial! Servidores de alimentos; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. Si le encanta armar y servir comidas a los pacientes, este es el trabajo para usted. Realizará las tareas de preparación, armado y limpieza para el servicio de comidas para pacientes y podrá servir como enlace entre los Servicios de Nutrición y los pacientes. También puede transportar carritos de comida a los pisos de habitaciones de pacientes y ayudar con la limpieza y el saneamiento general de la cocina. 4) Muestre su lado creativo como preparador de alimentos; preparador principal de sándwiches; Renown Regional Medical Center, tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos. En este puesto, preparará y servirá ensaladas, postres y sándwiches con ingredientes frescos, para entregárselos rápidamente a clientes con hambre y felices. Se buscan preparadores principales de sándwiches en el restaurante Subway ubicado dentro del Renown Regional Medical Center). 5 ¡Hecho especialmente para usted! Representante de nutrición; Renown Regional Medical Center; diario, todos los turnos En este puesto, se reunirá con los pacientes, les ayudará a revisar sus opciones de comidas y se asegurará de que los platos especiales y personalizados se les entreguen en su habitación. Como agente de servicio al cliente, responderá el teléfono para tomar los pedidos de comida, ingresará las elecciones de comida en el sistema informático y comprenderá los menús, las restricciones de las dietas, las recetas y el inventario de alimentos. 6) Cajero de servicios gastronómicos; Regional Medical Center; tiempo completo/parcial, todos los turnos 7) La alimentación como medicina, dietista clínico; Renown Regional Medical Center; tiempo parcial, días Los pacientes que se recuperan de una enfermedad deben alimentarse con los platos más nutritivos. En este puesto, proporcionará asesoramiento y educación sobre nutrición, evaluaciones de nutrición clínica, planificación y evaluación de bebés, niños, adolescentes, adultos y pacientes geriátricos, y trabajará para satisfacer las necesidades físicas, cognitivas y psicosociales del paciente mediante una educación y nutrición adecuadas.  8) La respuesta es ¡SÍ! Gerente de Hospitalidad; Renown South Meadows Medical Center; tiempo completo Como gerente, su función es brindar una atención al cliente excepcional en todos los aspectos de los servicios gastronómicos y ambientales. Podrá crear, contratar, capacitar y liderar un equipo comprometido y brindar servicio de la más alta calidad para satisfacer las necesidades de los pacientes, empleados, visitantes y médicos. 9) ¿Es fanático del servicio al cliente? Supervisor de alimentos y bebidas de venta minorista; Starbucks En esta función, usted sería un líder muy popular en las operaciones de las franquicias de Starbucks y Subway en el Renown Regional Medical Center. Se encargaría de liderar, empoderar y capacitar a su equipo para que sea el mejor, y se aseguraría de tener un presupuesto equilibrado y de que el servicio al cliente sea excepcional. En Renown Health, compartimos una visión sin límites que nos inspira a aprender, crecer y superar las expectativas de los pacientes, sus familias y los demás. Una carrera profesional con nosotros le ofrece: • Un entorno estimulante y progresista enfocado en iniciativas de salud y bienestar de la comunidad • Una cultura que valore sus contribuciones y apoye su desarrollo personal y profesional • Afiliaciones con la University of Nevada, Reno, el Desert Research Institute y otras organizaciones que ayudan a estimular la innovación y las oportunidades Para postular a estas y otras oportunidades profesionales, visítenos en línea en https://careers.renown.org/ Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de ¡La comida es una expresión de amor! Nueve opciones de carreras profesionales en Renown para amantes del café y la gastronomía

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Informe anual

    Sobreviviente de un ataque al corazón pelea la buena batalla

    Something wasn’t right. Even though it was the holiday season, on December 23, 2018, Mondo Corona didn’t feel good…not to mention his sudden earache. Although Christmas was a happy celebration with his family. He still felt tired. Was it the flu? And that darn earache wouldn’t go away. On that cool winter day, Mondo could not imagine he was near death. Or that he would become a heart attack survivor. Know Your Heart A few days later, on December 27, he wasn’t feeling any better. He decided to go to the emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center. That’s when a simple blood test revealed shocking results. “I thought about death a lot. I was calling people to ask them to help take care of my family if I wasn’t going to be here anymore,” he emotionally confesses. Although Mondo loves his job as a railroad engineer, it involves on-call shifts and an erratic sleep schedule. At that time his exercise and eating habits weren’t the best either. Yet he never imagined he would have a massive, often lethal, type of heart attack called ‘the widowmaker.’ In fact, his family had been concerned about his health for awhile. “He worked so much and he didn’t take care of himself and he didn’t exercise – he was burning the candle at both ends,” shares his wife, Alison. His daughter Justice, an avid exerciser, was always encouraging him to join her at the gym, but could never quite convince him. Mondo remembers the time before he became a heart attack survivor. “I didn’t have any exercise whatsoever in my life. At that point my eating habits were just terrible,” he shares. He went to the emergency room due to his earache, but nothing was found until one of the doctors ordered some tests. Specifically blood work showed high troponin levels. Troponin is a blood protein often released in large amounts when the heart muscle has damage, sometimes by a heart attack. Heart Attack Survivor “My surgeon came in and told us that it was going to be a triple bypass – that three of the four…major arteries were clogged 100 percent,” Mondo explains. Amazingly his heart was pumping on only 10 percent blood flow. Heart surgeon, Joseph Brandl, MD, told him he survived a widowmaker heart attack. This type of heart attack happens when there is a 100 percent blockage in the critical left anterior descending artery (LAD) of the heart. Frequently the symptoms can often be mistaken for the flu. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every 40 seconds a person in the U.S. has a heart attack. And 1 in 5 heart attacks are “silent” – meaning you can be a heart attack survivor, but not know it. For Mondo’s children, seeing their strong father struggle after heart surgery was difficult. Justice tearfully shares, “It was really hard seeing him so vulnerable. He really needed anybody’s and everybody’s help at that point.” A Heart Attack Survivor Program After leaving the hospital on January 5, 2019, he was extremely weak. On February 12, Mondo began Renown Health’s Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation (ICR) Program called the Healthy Heart Program. This program, requiring a doctor referral, includes 12 weeks of supervised exercise along with nutrition education and stress management skills. In spite of heart disease being the leading cause of death in the U.S. – more than all cancers combined, the risk can be lessened with daily lifestyle habits. Mondo credits the ICR program with motivating him and getting his focus back on his health. He saw the team members setting an example and also caring about his health. He describes one of his favorite recipes, “In ICR Sara showed us how to make this incredible fruit salad, with jicama, watermelon, grapes, oranges, red onion, and ginger!” Of course, the recovery process was not overnight. “It did take a long time to really realize that he was going to be back to normal, that he was going to be okay and that he was going to be that strong provider for me and my children,” Alison reflects. “Mondo’s had an amazing outcome and he’s not limited in his activities at all and should hopefully have a life that’s not limited at all from heart disease as we’re monitoring everything and everything’s looking good,” reports his heart doctor Jayson Morgan, MD. Mondo describes his care experience being a heart attack survivor as life-changing. “The care teams at both Renown and ICR were incredible. There wasn’t a single person we came across who didn’t immediately become a part of the family. They truly cared for us, all of us, including the extended family that came to visit. They were informative and supportive. I felt like I created lasting bonds with so many of them, especially the gang in ICR. What amazing people.” Lynice Anderson, Director of Intensive Cardiac Rehab, Healthy Heart Program, shares,” Mondo is one of the most genuine, thoughtful and humble people I have ever met. His love for his family is palpable. His impact on me personally and our team is forever.” She acknowledges family support is key to his success, “Mondo’s family is his rock and they are his. I have never met a family that was so ‘all in’ in the support of their loved one. His new heart healthy lifestyle is modeled through his family every day.” Fighting The Good Fight Of course, Mondo may look familiar to you. That’s because he is featured in Renown Health’s “Fight The Good Fight” brand campaign. For this reason, you may have seen him in advertising working out on a treadmill, shirtless, with his open heart surgery scar in full view. When asked how he feels about showing his scar he confidently says, “I don’t mind showing it to people. I don’t. I earned that scar.” He is a proud heart attack survivor. Today, he’s grateful to be alive and takes his health commitment seriously. “Things have a different feel now. The skies and lakes are bluer and the trees greener. My family is so much more a part of my day. We go on so many more outdoor adventures, trying to incorporate a little exercise into our fun. We watch what we eat more and are trying to teach our children and loved ones about healthy choices. And I think with a few we’ve even been successful!” he observes. “Don’t take life for granted.” “Unconditional love. I get nothing but support from my family without them I wouldn’t be where I’m at. What happened to me definitely makes me a fighter for sure. I’m fighting for my life – the good fight – I think life is good,” he adds.

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    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Derrame cerebral
    • Informe anual

    Una guerrera que sobrevivió a un ataque cerebrovascular: la historia de Kimi

    It seemed like a normal Wednesday, except Kimi Woolsey was feeling really stressed. On Sept. 4, 2019 she was rushing to get ready for an appointment when suddenly, she could not feel her legs. Kimi immediately knew something was wrong and called out to her fiancé, Paul, for help. After seeing a bright light in her right eye, she felt a severe, sharp pain in her head traveling down into her leg. Paul quickly called 911, the EMT’s arrived and her stroke survival journey began. At first the medical team thought she had a complicated migraine, but one of them suspected a stroke. On the way to the hospital Kimi felt numbness and her face drooping, then instantly, no pain. For a moment she thought she was dying, going from pain to numbness and realizing she couldn’t move or speak. Kimi didn’t know she was having another massive stroke in transit. Each year nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. suffer a stroke, or “brain attack” – that’s one every 40 seconds. Of those, about 75% occur in people over age 65. However, at only 45 years old, Kimi is proof that a stroke can happen at any age. Stroke Survival Begins for Kimi Upon arriving at the emergency department of Renown Regional Medical Center the Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center team went into action. Kimi received a brain MRI, then was wheeled into surgery for a thrombectomy (clot removal). She was in the intensive care unit for 11 days. She remembers someone telling her, “Generally people don’t survive this magnitude of stroke.” And a doctor saying, “You are here for a reason.” Kimi’s comeback journey began with the comprehensive care team at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “Literally I had the best day of my life that first day there…I was so happy because I couldn’t imagine being in a safer place with people that literally live for you,” she recalls. During her 41 days there, her biggest milestone was being able to get out of bed and walk. For Kimi the support she felt at the rehab hospital was key to her progress, ”I still feel loved and appreciated and they’re rooting for me still and I can feel it.” Although she left the rehab hospital on Oct. 18, 2019, she is still working on improving the left side of her body. Currently Kimi works with therapists in outpatient physical rehabilitation sessions, continuing to see improvement in both her hand and leg. Her advice to those currently in a rehab hospital setting is, “Stay as long as you can to get the most out of it and push, push, push.” Kimi’s Stroke Survival as a Warrior “Having a stroke is not for the faint of heart,” says Kimi. She experienced despair and felt discouraged. Many days she would ask herself, “Why am I here?” Today she proudly calls herself a stroke warrior and refuses to be a victim of her stroke. Alongside her tenacious spirit, Kimi actively helps others on their stroke survival journey. Before her stroke she never dreamed of starting a non-profit foundation. Now, each day you’ll find her texting inspiration to others, offering advice and connecting with other struggling stroke survivors on her Facebook page, Stroke Warrior Recovery Coach. Her goal is to become the person she needed to talk to after her stroke; she currently coaches several stroke survivors. “Stroke survivors need to know that they aren’t alone. Mental support and encouragement are so important for each person’s stroke journey,” Kimi said. Along with the physical changes, Kimi feels the stroke magnified her empathy. “I was always in a hurry in my life. People didn’t go fast enough for me – on the road, at the grocery store, in a line. Now I have more patience with myself and others." Kimi realizes most people cannot wrap their brain around the concept of a stroke. In fact, the brain fog, physical challenges and frustration are hard to explain… unless you’ve experienced them. “You need to find your tribe,” she explains. “I have a passion for helping people through this process.” Most of all, she encourages people to keep going and never stop. After her stroke, Kimi has a greater appreciation for her family, health and life. She is one of the patients featured in the current “Fight The Good Fight” trauma and physical rehab advertising campaign. “I wake up every day and fight,” she asserts. “Each day you have to fight for your recovery and fight for yourself.”

    Read More About Stroke Survival as a Warrior – Kimi's Story

    • Alimentos y nutrición
    • Estadounidense

    Prepare un sándwich de queso asado más saludable

    Friday, April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! So Let us help you create a healthier melt-in-your-mouth version to this popular cheesy sandwich. Ah, the grilled cheese. It’s the quintessential comfort food that not only pairs easily with a cup of soup, but it’s easy to whip together with just a few ingredients. There are many reasons to celebrate the gooey cheesiness of this toasted sandwich, but at nearly 700 calories, it’s definitely an occasional treat. But with just a few ingredient swaps — think light mayonnaise or toasting the bread in a toaster instead of slathering it in butter — you can remake your grilled cheese into a mouth-watering and nutritious meal. We’ve compiled a couple of easy substitutions, and some of our favorite healthy twists, so you can try a new variation of an old favorite. Be Choosy with Your Cheese It’s the star of your sandwich, but do you need to always grab the yellow slices? Try to opt for stronger flavors, like blue cheese or extra-sharp cheddar, to help you retain flavor while using less cheese on your sandwich. Better Bread Goes A Long Way Plain old white bread might be your toast of choice, but by choosing a whole wheat or multi-grain bread for your sandwich you’re not only adding in new crunch and flavor, you can also increase your fiber and nutrient intake. Hold the Butter Your mom, and maybe even your grandmother, probably spread a layer of butter on your grilled cheese throughout your childhood. But know this: It isn’t necessary. While butter helps crisp the crust, it doesn’t add too much in the way of flavor. Instead, brush the bread with olive oil, or try using a thin layer of reduced-fat mayonnaise or a creamy spread. Or skip grilling altogether by toasting your bread and then baking your sandwich open faced in the oven for a few minutes at 350 degrees. Healthier Options Looking for a new twist? Here are three incredibly tasty (and healthier) versions of the traditional grilled cheese sammy. 1. Baby Swiss And Tomato Grilled Cheese 2. Green Grilled Cheese 3. Spinach, Pesto & Havarti Grilled Cheese

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    • COVID-19
    • Vacunas
    • Virus

    Vacunas de refuerzo contra la COVID-19, lo que debe saber

    Getting the COVID-19 booster is the best way to protect yourself from severe illness or death due to COVID-19, and both the CDC and the FDA have approved booster shots for people ages 18 and older. So, with the holidays right around the corner and infection rates on the rise both in Nevada and nationally, the best thing you can do to prevent the continued spread of this deadly virus is to get boosted today. The Basics: Who: It is recommended that everyone 18 years or older get a COVID-19 booster shot. When: At least 6 months after completing your primary COVID-19 vaccination series. What: Any of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States. The CDC allows for mix and match dosing for booster shots. How: To make an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine booster, please visit vaccines.gov today. Appointment Reminders: Don’t forget to bring your CDC vaccination record card to your appointment. Refresh yourself on the potential side effects and remember that these are normal signs your body is building up protection. Commonly Asked Questions: Q: Does anything change if I received the Johnson & Johnson as my first COVID-19 vaccine? A: If you received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, you are elidable for a booster two months after completing your primary vaccine. Q: Is the formula the same for the boosters as it was for the primary vaccine? A: COVID-19 booster shots are the same formulation as the current COVID-19 vaccines. However, in the case of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine booster shot, it is half the dose of the vaccine people get for their primary series. Q: Am I still considered “fully vaccinated” if I don’t receive a COVID-19 booster shot. A: Yes, everyone is still considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two-shot series, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as the J&J/Janssen vaccine. All information courtesy of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. All information courtesy of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

    Read More About COVID-19 Booster Shots, What You Need to Know

    • University Health
    • Renown Health
    • Informe anual

    El legado de una familia

    Dr. Derek Beenfeldt first joined the Renown family in 2014 as a family medicine physician after graduating from University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine (UNR Med) in 2011. His son Davis was only 10 years old when Dr. Beenfeldt decided to change careers and attend medical school. Ten years later, Davis is following in his dad’s footsteps as a third year student at UNR Med. “I am proud of Davis for taking on the challenges and the commitment that I know goes along with attending medical school,” Dr. Beenfeldt said. “I also feel lucky that we have a medical school with such a great reputation and resources close to home.” The affiliation is a great source of pride for Dr. Beenfeldt. Not just because two important organizations in his life are joining forces, but he also sees it as both entities taking on an immense responsibility – the challenge to be better for incoming students, and subsequently to improve healthcare in Nevada. Davis is currently going through his rotations and spending countless hours a week at Renown Regional. His dad is right there by his side supporting him along the way. “It has been really interesting to have discussions about the UNR medical school with Davis, I recognize the names of many of the professors and courses from when I was a student,” Dr. Beenfeldt said. “I tried to be empathetic, as I can relate to how difficult and stressful this time is for him. Dr. Beenfeldt currently works as chief medical officer for Renown’s insurance arm Hometown Health, and Davis is still browsing specialties. “I don’t know what kind of medicine I want to focus on yet, but I feel lucky that I can attend medical school so close to home and have the option to continue helping my fellow Nevadans after I graduate.” UNR Med at a Glance UNR’s Medical School was established in 1969 Over the last 50 years, UNR Med has educated 3,900+ physicians More than 30% of UNR Med physician graduates continue to practice in Nevada UNR Med is the state’s oldest medical school

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    • Atención del cáncer
    • Renown Health
    • Informe anual

    De sobreviviente del cáncer a cuidadora

    Meet Haley Carroll Being a new nurse comes with many challenges and gaining experience is a journey, but Haley Carroll’s first day on the job was far from her first day in a hospital. Haley was diagnosed with lymphoma right before her senior year of high school, and she was declared cancer-free on December 2, 2015. Inspired by the incredible care she received during her cancer treatments and during her time at Renown Children’s Hospital, Haley enrolled in nursing school at the University of Nevada, Reno. She graduated in December 2020, just five years after beating cancer. “I’ve always been interested in nursing,” Haley says. “But once I was diagnosed and began to see everything that my nurses did for me, I knew that that’s what I wanted to do for patients, too.”

    Read More About From Cancer Survivor to Caregiver

    • Telesalud
    • COVID-19
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    Cuidado confiable desde el hogar

    Renown Health has always been on the frontlines of technological advancement, and that innovation remained unwavering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our telehealth teams heeded the call to provide home monitoring for our patients, transforming how we provide care. The care providers at Renown successfully monitored lower acuity COVID-19 patients from the comfort of their own homes. Bernard Lee was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia, and was able to return home to continue his recovery with a home monitoring system. While at home, Bernard’s health took a turn for the worse while he was sleeping, but thanks to the continuous monitoring of Health at Home, his worsening vitals did not go unnoticed. “This monitoring system really saved my life,” Bernard said. “It was telling me that my sats were low, but I didn’t even feel the common COVID symptoms; I just felt tired.” Because of his low oxygen saturation (sats) and the continuous monitoring, he woke up to providers calling to check on him in the early morning. He was immediately transferred to the Renown Intensive Care Unit to be cared for and monitored by our expert care teams. Today Bernard is recovering, feeling great and continuously refers to the team and the home monitoring system as his guardian angels.

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    • Rehabilitación física
    • Terapia física
    • Renown Health
    • Informe anual

    El camino hacia la recuperación cerca del hogar

    Meet Connor Smith Life was hectic for Connor Smith. He had just finished at the top of his class at both the fire academy and paramedic school and was looking forward to starting work in northern Nevada. It was winter 2019, and he was ready to have some fun. The plan was to ride ATVs at Sand Mountain with his brother Cody, dad Lance and some friends, but a jump would change everything. Connor’s ATV took off but landed awkwardly, and he remembers immediately knowing he was paralyzed. Connor’s mom, Dana Shugar, was at home when she received the upsetting call from Cody, who told her he had an accident. Connor was flown to Renown Regional Medical Center, the area’s only Level II Trauma Center. After a seven-hour emergency surgery, Dana learned that Connor would live but only had a slight chance of walking again due to a spinal fracture. “The surgeon saved his life. It’s amazing how your life can change in a matter of seconds,” she said. Once his condition stabilized, Connor moved to the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital and began physical rehabilitation. “Thank God for the people at rehab,” Dana said. “Dr. Pence, the therapists, nurses and all the employees were a wonderful support system, explaining everything and answering all our questions. The kindness they showed got me through.” Connor agrees, calling the Renown rehab team nothing short of amazing.

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    • Recetas
    • Alimentos y nutrición

    Bruschetta Chicken Bake

    Bruschetta Chicken Bake is quick, affordable, and super easy to prepare on a busy schedule. The best part is that you don’t even have to pre-cook the chicken! Instead, serve this meal with a bagged salad and a crusty loaf of bread, and you’ll have a healthy, homemade dinner on the table in no time!

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    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

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