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    • jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

    Estudio de salud poblacional se extiende a todo el estado y abre la inscripción

    El estudio podría expandirse a un cuarto de millón de personas, lo que convertiría a Nevada en el único estado de los EE. UU. en ofrecer dicho programa. Las Vegas, Nevada (2 de mayo de 2019) – El Healthy Nevada Project, un estudio de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad primero en su clase que combina datos genéticos, clínicos, ambientales y sociales, está ampliando la inscripción a Las Vegas. El proyecto aspira no solo a ofrecer pruebas genéticas a todos los residentes de Nevada interesados en obtener más información sobre su salud y perfil genético, sino a desarrollar y expandir el proyecto para comunidades de todos los Estados Unidos con el fin de impulsar resultados de salud positivos en todo el país.   Se agregarán 25,000 voluntarios del estudio en el sur de Nevada El Healthy Nevada Project anuncia extensión a nivel estatal: abre 25,000 vacantes para pruebas en Las Vegas. Ahora que el sur de Nevada abre sus puertas al estudio, el Healthy Nevada Project ofrecerá pruebas genéticas sin costo mediante una muestra de saliva simple a 25,000 voluntarios del estudio. Los voluntarios del estudio realizarán la prueba de saliva de ADN de grado clínico de Helix y recibirán información sobre su ascendencia y características, sin costo alguno, a través de la aplicación My Healthy Nevada Traits. Luego, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de responder una encuesta de seguimiento sobre salud del Renown Institute for Health Innovation (Renown IHI) y, una vez completada la encuesta, participarán para ganar un iPhone. Además, los participantes del estudio pueden aceptar que se les notifique sobre los resultados de las pruebas genéticas que podrían afectar su salud y que podrían usarse para mejorar la atención médica que reciben. Genome Medical, la red líder de especialistas en genética clínica, realizará la devolución de los resultados clínicos, además de brindar asesoramiento genético y otros servicios genéticos según corresponda.   Evolución y expansión continua del Healthy Nevada Project Con más de 35,000 participantes del estudio inscritos en apenas más de dos años, el Healthy Nevada Project se ha convertido en el estudio genético de más rápida inscripción del país. El proyecto fue creado por el Renown IHI, una colaboración entre Renown Health, la red de salud sin fines de lucro con base en Reno, Nevada, y el Desert Research Institute (DRI), el líder mundial en datos ambientales. Aprovechando el enfoque de pensamiento a futuro de Renown para la atención médica comunitaria y el análisis de datos y los conocimientos ambientales del DRI, el Renown IHI ha ampliado sus capacidades para dirigir un importante estudio de investigación más grande y complejo donde se analizarán y modelarán los riesgos de salud pública en Nevada y que servirá como modelo nacional para futuros estudios de salud poblacional que tengan por objetivo mejorar la salud general a través de la integración de la atención clínica. En el lanzamiento piloto del proyecto el 2016 de septiembre, se inscribieron más de 10,000 miembros de la comunidad para realizarse pruebas de ADN en solo 48 horas. En marzo de 2018, en la fase dos, se les ofreció a los residentes del norte de Nevada secuenciación genómica completa mediante una simple prueba de saliva de Helix. En octubre de 2018, el proyecto anunció la devolución de los resultados clínicos a los participantes del estudio. Allí se notificaba el riesgo que tenían de padecer afecciones de Nivel 1 de los CDC, que incluyen hipercolesterolemia familiar, BRCA1 y BRCA2 positivo, y síndrome de Lynch, un precursor del cáncer de colon. Estas enfermedades afectan a más del uno por ciento de la población y son hereditarias, así que también afectan a los miembros familiares. Ahora, el proyecto anunció su próxima fase: la extensión de la inscripción a 25,000 personas del sur de Nevada.   Modelo para el país Esta expansión a Las Vegas realmente hace que este sea un proyecto de todo Nevada, con un impacto estatal que convierte a Nevada en el único estado de los EE. UU. en ofrecer un programa como este. “Nevada estaba listo para avanzar hacia los objetivos de salud poblacional porque, lamentablemente, nuestro estado ocupa el puesto más bajo en lo que respecta a resultados de salud. El Healthy Nevada Project está trabajando para cambiar eso”, dijo Anthony Slonim, M.D., DrPH, FACHE, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health y presidente del Renown IHI. “Nuestros investigadores están trabajando en una serie de programas clínicos y estudios científicos para determinar por qué en el condado de Washoe, el condado en el que se encuentra Renown Health, las tasas de mortalidad etarias para enfermedad cardíaca, cáncer y enfermedad crónica de las vías respiratorias inferiores de Nevada son un 33 por ciento más altas que la tasa nacional. Imagine si pudiéramos recopilar más datos como este a escala nacional y usarlos para cambiar el futuro de la salud y la atención médica. Eso es lo que el Healthy USA Project busca hacer en los próximos años”. “El Healthy Nevada Project se compromete a proporcionar a los participantes del estudio datos clínicamente prácticos que ayudarán a mejorar su salud”, dijo Joseph Grzymski, Ph.D., profesor de investigación adjunto en el DRI, investigador principal del Healthy Nevada Project y director científico de Renown Health. “Estamos proporcionando esta información a nivel individual para que los voluntarios del estudio puedan hacer cambios fundamentales para reducir el riesgo. También lo estamos haciendo a nivel de la comunidad para desarrollar investigaciones de vanguardia sobre determinantes de salud en vecindarios enteros, estados y, eventualmente, en todo el país.   Expansión para convertirse en el Healthy USA Project El ritmo acelerado del proyecto es posible gracias al costo cada vez menor de la secuenciación. Hoy en día, Helix puede secuenciar un exoma completo, lo que permite informar sobre la mayoría de los conocimientos genómicos prácticos, por una fracción de lo que habría costado hace solo 10 años. Además, los avances en la salud digital significan que Helix y los investigadores del proyecto pueden capturar cantidades sin precedentes de datos de salud de manera digital, lo que contribuye significativamente al avance de la salud de precisión. La sociedad ha logrado eliminar las barreras tradicionales a los estudios de salud poblacional, incluida la dificultad para reclutar participantes, establecer sistemas de laboratorio de alto rendimiento de calidad y escalar la interpretación y la devolución de resultados. Este desarrollo será clave a medida que otros sistemas de salud de todo el país se unan al proyecto. “Estamos encantados de ver la evolución constante y acelerada de este proyecto con el Renown IHI”, dijo Justin Kao, cofundador de Helix. “En menos de un año, hemos secuenciado el ADN de miles de participantes del estudio y ahora nos estamos preparando para ofrecer este increíble estudio en otros estados. La combinación de datos ambientales, clínicos, sociales y genéticos nos permite descubrir factores de riesgo dentro de las comunidades y ayudar a las personas a tomar medidas para disfrutar de una vida más prolongada y saludable. Eso es lo que hace que el próximo paso del Healthy USA Project sea tan emocionante para todos nosotros. “Los detalles completos sobre la evolución del estudio y de la inscripción en el sur de Nevada se darán a conocer en un evento de prensa en Las Vegas el martes 7 de mayo a las 3 p.m.     Renown Institute for Health Innovation es una colaboración entre Renown Health, una red de atención médica integrada de administración y propiedad local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California, y el Desert Research Institute, líder mundial reconocido en la investigación de los efectos del cambio ambiental natural e inducido por el humano y en la promoción de tecnologías para la evaluación de un planeta cambiante. Los equipos de investigación del Renown IHI se centran en integrar datos personales de atención médica y ambientales con determinantes socioeconómicos para ayudar al estado de Nevada a abordar algunos de sus problemas de salud ambiental más complejos, a la vez que se amplía el acceso del estado a estudios clínicos de vanguardia y se fomentan nuevas conexiones con empresas biotecnológicas y farmacéuticas. Obtenga más información en https://healthynv.org/.  Helix es una empresa de genómica con una misión simple pero potente: empoderar a cada persona para que mejore su vida mediante el ADN. Nuestra solución de salud poblacional completa y asequible permite a las instituciones escalar rápidamente proyectos que involucran a las comunidades y acelerar la investigación y la detección, lo que, al final, permite que cada persona se beneficie del poder de la genómica. También hemos creado el primer mercado para productos que emplean ADN, donde las personas pueden explorar diferentes productos exclusivamente personalizados, desarrollados por socios de alta calidad, lo cual proporciona herramientas potentes para aumentar la participación y acelerar el ritmo de la genómica a escala poblacional. Helix tiene su sede central en el área de la bahía de San Francisco, una oficina en Denver, Colorado, y opera un laboratorio de secuenciación de vanguardia con certificación CLIA y acreditación CAP en San Diego que emplea tecnología de secuenciación de próxima generación de Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN). Helix fue creada en 2015. Obtenga más información en www.helix.com. Helix, el logotipo de Helix y Exome+ son marcas comerciales de Helix Opco, LLC. Todas las demás marcas comerciales a las que se hace referencia en el presente documento son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.   Contactos adicionales para medios de comunicación: Tracy Bower                                                                                                                                                                          DRI                                                                                                                                                                                      702-862-5404                                                                                                                                                      media@dri.edu Eric Schubert                                                                                                                                                                        Seismic for Helix                                                                                                                                                                    415-939-4366                                                                                                                                                    press@helix.com

    Leer más Acerca de Estudio de salud poblacional se extiende a todo el estado y abre la inscripción

  • Renown Dermatology

    At Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care, our experienced providers offer a wide range of services, coupled with advanced medical technology.   Skincare services include dermatology and competitively-priced treatments and procedures. Our professional and compassionate staff focuses on promoting lifelong health and wellness in a relaxing, modern atmosphere.

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  • Ofertas para el cuidado de la piel

    Seasonal Specials to Help You Stay on Point Revamp your glow without breaking the bank at Renown Health Dermatology! Explore our array of skin care products and services designed to make you look and feel sensational. Swing by our South Reno office to check out our latest product lines. Our skincare experts are on hand to help you navigate your beauty routine and answer all your questions. Why not indulge yourself or surprise a friend? Gift certificates are ready and waiting—perfect for any occasion!

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  • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Compassionate Care in the Comfort of Your Home Welcome to Renown Hospice, where compassion meets comfort in life’s most tender moments. Renown Hospice is a not-for-profit hospice, founded solely on a mission to care for and support those in our community. With a dedicated team of professionals and comprehensive services provided in the comfort of your home, our hospice program is one of the highest-rated quality care and experience agencies in northern Nevada.

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    • Servicios de dermatología
    • Cuidado de la piel

    Winterice su piel con estos 5 consejos sencillos de expertos

    Winter skin alert – cold temperatures can put your skin into chaos. We asked for skin tips from Heidi Nicol, an esthetician with Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care. She shares how to keep your skin glowing through the frosty months ahead. With the change from warm to cold weather, your skin can get stressed out. In fact, issues like flaky skin, irritation and chapped lips can be an everyday struggle. 5 Easy Winter Skincare Tips 1. Re-think your shower Few things feel better on a cold day than a long, hot shower. But hot showers can lead to dry skin because they strip your skin of its natural protective oils. Avoiding them altogether is best – choose a lukewarm, or warm, shower instead. If you have an occasional hot shower, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggests keeping it at five to ten minutes. Nicol recommends using a gentle cleanser and avoid using too much. Moisturizing after a shower or bath while your skin is still damp is also a must. Slathering on your favorite lotion helps your skin hold on to precious moisture. 2. Stay away from smoke and fire Although sitting close to a roaring fireplace can feel good, it is drying to your skin. Smoking and exposure to smoke also harms your skin. Smoking reduces healthy blood flow to the skin. This also causes your skin to wrinkle faster, making you looker older. Additionally your skin heals much slower if you smoke. 3. Consider a humidifier Cranking up the thermostat dries out indoor air. Skin is our largest organ, and in general, heat is very drying to your skin. To clarify, over time dry air degrades your skin’s natural moisture (lipid) barrier leading to flaking, peeling and cracking. Your skin can overcompensate for the dryness by producing even more oil. In other words it is possible for your skin to be both oily and dehydrated at the same time. Even oily skin needs a daily lightweight, non-pore clogging moisturizer. 4. Use SPF daily The sun’s rays damage your skin even on cloudy days. Sunlight contains UVB (burning) and UVA (aging) rays. Although UVB rays are less strong in the winter, the UVA rays are same strength all year. And snow can reflect almost 90% of UV radiation. With this in mind make sure you have suitable skin and eye protection when going outdoors. 5. Take care of your hands and feet Don’t forget your fingers and toes when moisturizing. These areas tend to be drier than other parts of the body. Gloves help to protect hands from winter weather and lock in moisture. Similarly, putting lotion on your feet before your socks will keep them your skin from flaking and cracking. Follow the tips above to make sure your skin is at its best, despite the winter weather. Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care | 775-982-8255 Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care offers a comprehensive range of treatments and products to address any skin care need. Visit our beautiful office in south Reno and browse our product lines. Experts are available to answer any questions concerning your skin care and health and wellness needs.

    Read More About Winterize Your Skin with These 5 Easy Expert Tips

    • Directiva anticipada
    • Atención de apoyo y cuidados paliativos
    • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Aquí le mostramos cómo conmemorar el Día Nacional de la Decisión sobre la Atención Médica

    National Healthcare Decision Day is forthcoming. Here’s an easy and free way to commemorate the occasion: openly discussing how we want to be cared for at the end of our lives. Join Renown Health’s experts at a workshop about making decisions about an advance directive. Among the random national holidays, this one has significance: April 16 is National Healthcare Decision Day. And experts agree that the best time to discuss your views about end-of-life care and to learn what choices are available is before a life-limiting illness or crisis occurs. By preparing in advance, you can help reduce the doubt and anxiety related to decision making for your family if you cannot speak for yourself. “Completing your advance directive is a gift you give your family,” says Mary-Ann Brown, RN, MSN, director of Palliative Care. “The stress associated with these difficult decisions is decreased if everyone knows what is important to you and what you want the end of life.” What Are Advance Directives? An advance directive is a document that states your choices about medical treatment and names another person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to. This document allows you to make legally valid decisions about future medical care. Find more information about advance directives and the form online. The Conversation The first step in completing an Advance Directive is to think about what’s important to you and talk to your loved ones. The Conversation Project provides helpful tools to guide you and your family through this challenging topic. Getting this information together will help you fill out and complete your advance directives. Some things to consider and discuss with your family include: When you think about the last phase of your life, what’s most important to you? Who do you want involved in your care? Who should make decisions on your behalf if you’re not able to? Where do you want or not want to receive care? Are there specific treatments you would or would not want? Complete Your Advance Directive Planning In order to complete an advance directive, you will need either two witnesses or a notary to sign the form. Be sure to note restrictions on the witness process. When an advance directive is complete, you should keep the original. Copies should be given to your agent named in the form, your family, your doctor(s) and the location that you receive care. Renown Health offers four advance directive workshops every month to cover the details of filling out this document. A healthcare team is available to answer questions and work through the process with you. A notary is also present to finalize the process, which means you can complete your advanced directives during this workshop. Find the workshop by calling 775-982-RSVP for more information. Advance Care Planning Workshop April 17, 1-2:30 p.m. | Free Join Renown Health’s experts for a workshop about making decisions regarding end-of-life care. You will learn how to fill out an advance directive, receive one-on-one assistance and have your documents signed by a notary. Workshops are typically held several times each month. To RSVP, call 775-982-7787

    Read More About Here's How to Commemorate National Healthcare Decision Day

    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

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    • Servicios de dermatología
    • Cuidado de la piel

    Mantenga limpios sus accesorios de maquillaje y evite los brotes de acné

    Did you know that your makeup brushes are likely full of built-up dirt and bacteria? Using dirty makeup tools can lead to irritation, breakouts and even infections. The good news? It's completely preventable. An expert explains For anyone who regularly wears makeup, brushes are great tools for powdering, contouring and finishing touches. Unfortunately, these same brushes also harbor harmful bacteria that can clog pores and cause unwanted breakouts. “Brush hairs and sponges are porous, and hold on to oils, debris and bacteria,” says Heidi Nicole, medical esthetician with Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care. “Also, if they are dirty, the application of makeup can be spotty and make blending more difficult." Most dermatologists suggest that you clean your makeup brushes at least once a week. Because they are used on your face, it makes sense to keep them as a clean as possible. In addition, your brushes will last longer if you stay on top of cleaning them. Six simple steps to integrate makeup brush care into your beauty routine: Wet your brush with lukewarm water. (Don’t soak your brushes, as water in the brush barrel can cause the hairs to fall out.) Place a drop of gentle cleanser or specialized brush cleaner in the palm of your hand. Gently massage the tips of the bristles on your palm. Rinse the bristles well. Blot with a clean towel and reshape the head. Let the bristles dry over the edge of a counter. Do not allow the bristles to dry on the towel, which could cause the brush to mildew. Store your brushes in a clean, dry place in between uses.

    Read More About Prevent Breakouts by Keeping Your Makeup Tools Clean

    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Directiva anticipada

    Errores de planificación patrimonial que se deben evitar

    August is National Make-a-Will month. We talked to Renown Health Foundation Planned Giving Officer, Abbey Stephenson, to learn more about wills, trusts, and estate plans and why you should feel motivated this month to get started. Did you know that 2/3 of Americans don't have a will or trust? If this is you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Although there are laws in place to determine who inherits your assets if you die without a will or trust, having a will or trust ensures your assets go where you want them to go after you are gone. They can also help minimize disputes between family members and heirs about who gets what. In Nevada, the laws that govern who gets what if you die without a will or trust can be found in Chapter 134 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. There are other documents that people often prepare at the same time as their will or trust – like an advance health care directive and durable power of attorney for assets. These documents all together are called an estate plan. Although they have other purposes too (like nominating a guardian for a child, planning for disability or avoiding probate, which is a court process), wills and trusts are documents that say who will receive your assets after you are gone. The most common type of trust is often called a revocable living trust or a family trust. People who have a trust usually still have a will, although it is a shorter form of will called a pour-over will. It’s a good idea to talk to an estate planning attorney about whether or not a trust makes sense for your family or circumstances.  Now that you’re ready to get started, here are some mistakes to avoid: 1. Failing to plan Not setting aside the time to plan may be the biggest mistake. Failing to prioritize preparing or updating your estate plan means your last wishes and desires may not be fulfilled. The right documents memorialize what you would like to happen upon your disability and death so that other people can know and follow your wishes with respect to your care and your assets.  2. Failing to coordinate beneficiary designations Certain types of assets like life insurance and retirement accounts are not covered by your will or trust and need to be addressed separately. These types of assets are referred to as non-probate assets because they transfer under contract principles and don’t require court supervision or probate to be distributed to the named beneficiaries. By completing beneficiary designation forms provided by the retirement account custodian, insurance company or financial institution, you can direct your assets to one or more beneficiaries. 3. Failing to title your assets properly Asset titling refers to how you own your asset – such as in your individual name, jointly with someone else, or in a trust or entity. For example, assets titled for two people with a “right of survivorship” will automatically go to the surviving owner. Review your asset titling and make changes, if needed, to ensure your property and assets are passed down the way you intend. 4. Failing to include charities meaningful to you In addition to providing for family members and other important people in your life, you many also choose to give to charities meaningful to you in your estate plan. When you include a charity in your estate plan, that gift is called a planned gift and many charitable organizations, including Renown, recognize such donations through their legacy giving societies. As you prepare to make your own will or a more comprehensive estate plan, we recommend you consult with a lawyer. Here are some free resources that may be helpful too:  Renown Health Foundation is proud to sponsor the Family Estate Planning Series put on by PBS Reno and the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada. The free, 8-week course of 90-minute, in-depth workshops is a great place to learn much more and to help you get started in the planning process. The next course begins on September 7, 2022. More information can be found here. Renown Health offers periodic advance health care directive workshops where attendees can learn about, complete, and sign their directive. The next workshop is scheduled for September 14th. More information can be found here. The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel provides information on a number of commonly asked estate planning questions here. If you are interested in including a charitable gift to Renown in your estate plan, we would be happy to talk to you about how your gift will make a difference for our mission. Please contact Abbey Stephenson at abbey.stephenson@renown.org or visit renown.org/LegacyGiving to learn about Renown Health Foundation’s Legacy Giving Society and ways to give.

    Read More About Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

    • Servicios de dermatología
    • Cuidado de la piel

    11 maneras fáciles de preparar su piel para la primavera

    As we begin to enjoy the springtime weather in northern Nevada, are you finding your skin less than tip-top shape? Here’s how to add moisture back in easy, natural ways. You don’t need to be a medical aesthetician: Dry, cold climates can often wreak havoc on your body’s largest organ — your skin. These tips from Renown Dermatology, Laser & Skin Care will quickly put moisture back and relieve dry, chapped skin. 11 Miraculous Moisturizing Tips Always wear broad-spectrum sunscreen, even during winter months. Don’t forget to use an SPF lip balm, too. Heaters dry out your skin. Use a humidifier to keep moisture in the air. (And try these simple tips to make sure you’re keeping that humidifier clean.) If your skin is dehydrated, try using a nighttime moisturizer during the day. Use a hydrating mask or moisturizing mask twice a week. Don’t forget your hands and feet. Apply a rich cream to the hands and feet at night and cover them with gloves and socks to restore moisture while you sleep. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Try adding a hydrating serum to your morning and nighttime skincare routine to heal the skin. Use a gentle exfoliant to remove dry skin at least once a week, which helps your skin absorb your moisturizer. Apply body oil or lotion in the shower while your skin is still damp to trap moisture. Hot water dries out your skin, so turn down the temperature in the shower and bath.   A little pampering goes a long way, and Renown’s medical aestheticians are here to help. Trained in skincare and advanced therapies, our experts can transition your skin to look healthy, youthful and rejuvenated.

    Read More About 11 Easy Ways to Prep Your Skin for Spring

    • Servicios de dermatología
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    ¿Usa el protector solar adecuado?

    Seeking protection for yourself and your loved ones from the intense sun rays at northern Nevada's elevated altitudes? With so many choices available, selecting the ideal sunscreen can be daunting. To guide you through this, we consulted Dr. Angela Walker, a dermatologist from Renown Medical Group, for her expert insights. Sunscreen Application Dermatologists recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30, but keep in mind that no sunscreen protects against 100 percent of UV radiation and that reapplication is necessary. “No matter the SPF, sunscreen must be applied adequately and frequently, meaning a quarter-sized amount to cover the face and neck and a full shot glass amount for the body when wearing a bathing suit,” said Walker. “Reapplication should be every 80 minutes.” Why not use a high SPF, such as 70 or 100? According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, they don’t offer significantly more protection than SPF 30 and mislead people into thinking they have a higher level of protection. Here’s the breakdown: SPF 15 blocks 93 percent of UVB rays SPF 30 blocks 97 percent of UVB rays SPF 50 blocks 98 percent of UVB rays SPF 100 blocks 99 percent of UVB rays Do specific populations require a higher SPF? Walker explains that infants, seniors, and those with a history of skin cancer must take precautions against UV radiation, as their skin is vulnerable. Sunscreen should be an absolute priority before spending time outdoors and avoiding prolonged sun exposure, wearing a hat with wide brim (recommended 4-inch brim) and UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) clothing. Due to the sensitive nature of an infant’s skin, babies under six months should not spend time in the direct sun. For infants and toddlers six months and older, whose skin is thinner than adults, a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide (physical protectors) should be applied. Zinc and titanium are less likely to irritate because they do not penetrate the skin and instead sit on the surface and deflect UV radiation. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are vital ingredients to seek out in sunscreen due to their strong ability to deflect UV radiation. Sunscreen Terms Explained UVA = Long wave ultraviolet light. Penetrates deep into the dermis, the skin’s thickest layer, causing tissue damage that wrinkles and photo-aging and contributes to developing skin cancer. UVB = Short wave ultraviolet light. The biggest contributor to the development of skin cancer and are more prevalent during mid-day. SPF = Sun protection factor. Calculated by comparing the amount of time needed to burn sunscreen-protected skin vs. unprotected skin. So, SPF 15 means you can stay in the sun 15 times longer than you could without protection.

    Read More About Are You Using the Right Sunscreen?

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