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    • Miércoles, 04 de septiembre de 2024

    Renown y Great Basin College lanzan un programa de capacitación de 18 meses para terapeutas respiratorios

    Capacitar a terapeutas respiratorios como parte de un equipo de atención médica para ayudar a diagnosticar, tratar y manejar afecciones para ayudar a restaurar o mantener la función pulmonar y respiratoria. Las solicitudes vencen el 31 de octubre de 2024 Great Basin College y Renown Health se están asociando para traer el primer programa de capacitación en Terapia Respiratoria para educar a los nuevos profesionales de atención médica para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de la comunidad. Con la generosidad de los financiadores de subvenciones, Leona M. y Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust y la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud, Great Basin College lanzará el primer y único programa disponible de su tipo en apoyo de varias comunidades rurales del norte de Nevada. Según los líderes de proyecto, el programa y los terapeutas respiratorios capacitados aportarán un gran valor a la comunidad y al sistema de atención médica. “Great Basin College está encantado de unir fuerzas con Renown Health para lanzar este nuevo programa y ser un contribuyente crítico para avanzar en la profesión de la atención respiratoria para nuestra comunidad”, dice la presidenta interina de GBC, la Dra. Amber Donnelli. El programa es un programa acelerado de 18 meses que da como resultado un título de Asociado de Ciencias Aplicadas en Ciencias de la Atención Cardiorrespiratoria. Es increíblemente de alta tecnología, utiliza equipos de capacitación de vanguardia y proporciona experiencia en el mundo real a los estudiantes. Se ofrecerán clases en persona en los campus de GBC en Elko y Winnemucca y en Renown Health en Reno. Las solicitudes abrirán este junio y vencen el 31 de octubre de 2024. Los primeros cursos del programa comenzarán en la primavera de 2025. Existen requisitos previos muy específicos para el programa y los estudiantes pueden visitar la página del programa para obtener más información”.Invertir en la capacitación de nuevos terapeutas respiratorios es crucial para cumplir con la misión de Renown de proporcionar servicios esenciales para nuestra comunidad”, dice el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, director ejecutivo y presidente de Renown Health. “Estos profesionales ayudan a los pacientes a manejar las afecciones respiratorias y su experiencia marca una diferencia en la vida de los demás. Al equiparlos con los últimos conocimientos y experiencia práctica, nos aseguramos de que nuestros pacientes reciban la mejor atención posible durante sus momentos más cruciales. Los terapeutas respiratorios son miembros importantes del equipo de cuidados críticos, por lo que estamos orgullosos de asociarnos con Great Basin College para establecer el primer programa de capacitación para nuestra región”.Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales de los EE. UU., “se proyecta que el empleo de terapeutas respiratorios crezca un 13 por ciento de 2022 a 2032”. GBC ve el increíble potencial de crecimiento y ha trabajado arduamente para brindar esta oportunidad a la fuerza laboral de atención médica de Nevada. “Este programa vital apoyará a nuestros sistemas de atención médica a través de estrategias de enseñanza innovadoras orientadas al desarrollo del terapeuta respiratorio de más alto calibre”, dice Jason Farnsworth, director del Programa de Terapia Respiratoria de GBC y director de Servicios de Atención Respiratoria en Renown Health. El programa Associate of Applied Science Cardio-Respiratory Care Science se ofrecerá en Great Basin College en las ubicaciones de Elko, Winnemucca y Reno, y actualmente está en proceso de obtener la acreditación CoARC para un programa de atención respiratoria. Sin embargo, Great Basin College no puede garantizar que la Comisión de Acreditación para la Atención Respiratoria (CoARC) 264 Precision Blvd, Telford, TN 37690 (817) 283-2835 otorgará la acreditación. Se presume que la acreditación se finalizará alrededor del 2024 de noviembre.      Acerca de Great Basin College Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", ofrece educación de nivel de asociado y bachillerato en campos académicos, profesionales y técnicos. La presencia de GBC, que recibe a más de 4,000 estudiantes anualmente de todos los rincones del país, tanto en línea como en nuestros diversos campus y centros, se extiende a través de dos zonas horarias y abarca más de 86,000 millas cuadradas en todo Nevada. Como líder en educación superior rural, GBC se enorgullece de desarrollar estudiantes que están bien preparados para satisfacer las demandas de la industria y que contribuyen al éxito y la prosperidad de la economía local.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown y Great Basin College lanzan un programa de capacitación de 18 meses para terapeutas respiratorios

    • Jueves, 20 de junio de 2024

    Hito histórico innovador: Programa de ECMO para pacientes en estado crítico de la región ahora disponible en Renown Health

    La tecnología de oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, ECMO) para pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca o respiratoria grave ahora está disponible localmente gracias a una subvención de The Leona M. y Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust Renown Health, el Centro de Traumatología de Nivel II para la región y el líder en ofrecer los tratamientos más innovadores para adultos y niños en estado crítico, ahora es sede del primer y único programa integral de oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ECMO) del norte de Nevada. Las máquinas de ECMO llegaron a la UCI cardíaca en el Renown Regional Medical Center esta semana, y el equipo multidisciplinario de médicos altamente especializados, Intensivistas de cuidados intensivos, Cirujanos cardiovasculares, perfusionistas, enfermeros y terapeutas registrados están listos para brindar apoyo minuto a minuto a los pacientes que reciben tratamiento de OMEC. El equipo multidisciplinario de ECMO incluye farmacéuticos y terapeutas respiratorios que están listos para recibir a su primer paciente. “En Renown Health, invertimos constantemente en nuestros médicos, servicios esenciales e innovaciones médicas para ayudar a mantener la atención local. El acceso a la atención médica, tanto la atención preventiva como el tratamiento avanzado, es fundamental para el bienestar y la salud óptima de una comunidad”, dijo el Dr. Brian Erling, MBA, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Estamos increíblemente agradecidos por el Helmsley Charitable Trust y su subvención de $3.5 millones para ayudar a establecer el primer programa de ECMO para la región en Renown. La ECMO salva vidas. Los vecinos que necesitan soporte vital de ECMO ahora pueden permanecer cerca de su hogar y de sus seres queridos, y ya no necesitan ser transportados a centros fuera de nuestra área para este tipo de atención avanzada”. ¿Qué es la ECMO? “La ECMO es una tecnología de soporte vital para pacientes con las enfermedades cardíacas y pulmonares más graves”, explica el Dr. Richard King, jefe de la División de Medicina de Cuidados Críticos de la FACEP en Renown Health y codirector médico del programa de ECMO. “En Renown, nuestra tecnología permite que el corazón y los pulmones de un paciente se curen y se recuperen de enfermedades, afecciones y lesiones que el cuerpo ha sufrido. La máquina ECMO es un sistema portátil de soporte vital que se utiliza para casos graves de insuficiencia cardíaca y pulmonar. El procedimiento de OMEC proporciona un soporte de derivación corazón-pulmón mínimamente invasivo fuera del cuerpo. Luego, la máquina elimina el dióxido de carbono de la sangre del paciente y agrega oxígeno. Básicamente, la ECMO sirve como corazón y pulmones, suministrando oxígeno a la sangre y bombeado de regreso al cuerpo, permitiendo que sus propios órganos descansen y ayuden a la función deteriorada”. ¿Por qué la OMEC es importante para salvar vidas? “Este procedimiento de última generación puede salvar vidas en casos que de otro modo ofrecerían pocas posibilidades de supervivencia y pueden actuar como puente para aquellos que necesitan trasplantes de corazón o pulmón”, dice el Dr. Kimball Knackstedt, cirujano cardiovascular del Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health y director médico adjunto del programa de OMEC. “La ECMO puede cambiar las reglas del juego y ser un último recurso para los pacientes con afecciones cardíacas y pulmonares graves. El procedimiento no es para todos. La ECMO requiere anticoagulación, por lo que una complicación frecuente es el sangrado. Esto hace que la terapia sea compleja para los pacientes con traumatismo que a menudo tienen insuficiencia cardíaca y pulmonar potencialmente mortal, pero debido a sangrado grave, no pueden utilizar la ECMO. Esperamos brindar atención a los pacientes que son demasiado inestables para el transporte y que podrían morir antes de recibir la atención necesaria”. “Renown Health atiende a más de un millón de pacientes en un alcance de 100,000 millas cuadradas en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el este de California. El subsidio de Helmsley Charitable Trust para la Fundación Renown Health ayudará a brindar a los pacientes con dificultad respiratoria grave y choque cardiogénico una mayor probabilidad de supervivencia y disminuir la necesidad de transferencias riesgosas y prolongadas fuera de la comunidad”, dijo Taralynn Bassham, BSN, Directora de Enfermería, Cuidados Críticos. “Esta inversión en tecnología crítica de soporte vital permite la mejor oportunidad de supervivencia para nuestros pacientes que sufren insuficiencia cardíaca y/o pulmonar grave durante sus momentos más críticos. Este es realmente un regalo de vida para muchos”. Los programas de ECMO que crecen en los EE. UU. La tecnología de ECMO fue desarrollada a fines de la década de 1960 por un equipo liderado por el Dr. Robert H. Bartlett. Su propósito principal era servir como una “máquina de derivación” a largo plazo para sostener los pulmones o el corazón, lo cual no era factible en ese momento con las máquinas de derivación convencionales. La OMEC se utilizó por primera vez con éxito en 1971 pacientes con disfunción pulmonar grave después de un accidente de motocicleta. En 1976, también se utilizó con éxito para un bebé que tuvo lesión pulmonar grave por aspiración con meconio, lo que llevó a un mayor uso en la población pediátrica. En 2009, la ECMO se utilizó en todo el mundo para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia pulmonar grave durante la pandemia de influenza H1N1. Se lanzaron más de 100 nuevos programas de ECMO en los EE. UU. en los últimos 3 a 5 años. Hoy en día, hay 6,120 hospitales en los EE. UU. y solo de 300 a 400 con programas de OMEC según la Asociación Médica Estadounidense. “Estamos lanzando nuestro programa de OMEC con la capacidad de apoyar a hasta 2 pacientes simultáneamente durante los primeros 1 a 2 años y nuestro objetivo es, finalmente, realizar 40 casos al año”, dijo Rob Blamire, gerente de proyectos empresariales de Renown. “Inicialmente, nos centraremos en pacientes adultos y luego nos expandiremos para incluir atención pediátrica. Según las necesidades del paciente, el apoyo de ECMO varía de varios días a semanas. Todo el equipo de Renown se enorgullece inmensamente de presentar esta tecnología de soporte vital de vanguardia a nuestra comunidad, lo que beneficia a los pacientes del área y a sus familias”. ¿Qué afecciones puede ayudar a tratar el apoyo de la ECMO? Existen varias afecciones que el soporte vital extracorpóreo puede ayudar a tratar, como: Síndrome de dificultad respiratoria en adultos (ARDS); quemaduras (inhalación de humo); choque cardiogénico; ataque cardíaco; insuficiencia respiratoria; miocarditis; embolia pulmonar; sepsis; y como “puente” al trasplante. Con el apoyo de Innovative ECMO Concepts “Agradecemos la asociación con el equipo de Innovative ECMO Concepts, un proveedor líder de ECMO que se especializa en brindar apoyo para el lanzamiento y la refinación de los programas de ECMO”, dijo el Dr. Bill Plauth, MMM, CPE, director médico de Renown Health y decano adjunto de Asuntos Clínicos de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno. “Desde la consulta inicial hasta el trabajo junto a la cama, la capacitación del personal y la evaluación continua del programa, el enfoque integral de IEC ha garantizado una integración sin problemas y resultados óptimos para los pacientes. “Estamos orgullosos de ayudar a establecer un nuevo estándar en la atención y seguridad de los pacientes en el norte de Nevada a través del programa ECMO de Renown”, comenta el Dr. John Mehall, director médico de IEC. “Este logro es un testimonio del compromiso inquebrantable del equipo de mejorar los resultados para los pacientes que requieren terapia de OMEC”. Gracias a The Leona M. y Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust “Este procedimiento de soporte vital no sería posible sin la generosidad de The Leona M. y Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. El apoyo continuo del Fideicomiso a Renown Health y a nuestra comunidad nos ayuda a promover nuestra misión de sanación”, dijo Greg Walaitis, director de Desarrollo de Renown Health Foundation. Si usted es un hospital o un proveedor remitente y desea obtener más información sobre nuestro programa de ECMO, comuníquese con el Centro de Operaciones y Transferencias de Renown. Para entrevistas con los medios, comuníquese con news@renown.org o al 775-691-7308. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada, sin fines de lucro, con gobernación local más grande de la región que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,500 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología para adultos y niños, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Hito histórico innovador: Programa de ECMO para pacientes en estado crítico de la región ahora disponible en Renown Health

  • Renown Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation - E 2nd.
    Renown Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation - E 2nd.
    901 E 2nd St Ste 101
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  • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Compassionate Care in the Comfort of Your Home Welcome to Renown Hospice, where compassion meets comfort in life’s most tender moments. Renown Hospice is a not-for-profit hospice, founded solely on a mission to care for and support those in our community. With a dedicated team of professionals and comprehensive services provided in the comfort of your home, our hospice program is one of the highest-rated quality care and experience agencies in northern Nevada.

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    • Directiva anticipada
    • Atención de apoyo y cuidados paliativos
    • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Aquí le mostramos cómo conmemorar el Día Nacional de la Decisión sobre la Atención Médica

    National Healthcare Decision Day is forthcoming. Here’s an easy and free way to commemorate the occasion: openly discussing how we want to be cared for at the end of our lives. Join Renown Health’s experts at a workshop about making decisions about an advance directive. Among the random national holidays, this one has significance: April 16 is National Healthcare Decision Day. And experts agree that the best time to discuss your views about end-of-life care and to learn what choices are available is before a life-limiting illness or crisis occurs. By preparing in advance, you can help reduce the doubt and anxiety related to decision making for your family if you cannot speak for yourself. “Completing your advance directive is a gift you give your family,” says Mary-Ann Brown, RN, MSN, director of Palliative Care. “The stress associated with these difficult decisions is decreased if everyone knows what is important to you and what you want the end of life.” What Are Advance Directives? An advance directive is a document that states your choices about medical treatment and names another person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to. This document allows you to make legally valid decisions about future medical care. Find more information about advance directives and the form online. The Conversation The first step in completing an Advance Directive is to think about what’s important to you and talk to your loved ones. The Conversation Project provides helpful tools to guide you and your family through this challenging topic. Getting this information together will help you fill out and complete your advance directives. Some things to consider and discuss with your family include: When you think about the last phase of your life, what’s most important to you? Who do you want involved in your care? Who should make decisions on your behalf if you’re not able to? Where do you want or not want to receive care? Are there specific treatments you would or would not want? Complete Your Advance Directive Planning In order to complete an advance directive, you will need either two witnesses or a notary to sign the form. Be sure to note restrictions on the witness process. When an advance directive is complete, you should keep the original. Copies should be given to your agent named in the form, your family, your doctor(s) and the location that you receive care. Renown Health offers four advance directive workshops every month to cover the details of filling out this document. A healthcare team is available to answer questions and work through the process with you. A notary is also present to finalize the process, which means you can complete your advanced directives during this workshop. Find the workshop by calling 775-982-RSVP for more information. Advance Care Planning Workshop April 17, 1-2:30 p.m. | Free Join Renown Health’s experts for a workshop about making decisions regarding end-of-life care. You will learn how to fill out an advance directive, receive one-on-one assistance and have your documents signed by a notary. Workshops are typically held several times each month. To RSVP, call 775-982-7787

    Read More About Here's How to Commemorate National Healthcare Decision Day

    • MyChart
    • Atención de urgencias
    • Vacuna contra la influenza

    Lo que debe saber sobre las vacunas contra la influenza

    Flu shots don’t just protect those who get vaccinated; they guard everyone, including your family and the community. Renown Health experts help us understand why everyone should get a flu shot, including children, pregnant women and older adults. Ways to Schedule Your Flu Shot Call Us! 775-982-5000 Urgent Care Appointments Renown Pharmacy Vaccinations Make an Appointment via MyChart Need a Doctor? Find One Now Flu Shot Information Whitney Robinson, Renown Health Infection Prevention Expert Chills, body aches, fever and congestion; getting the flu isn’t fun. When you get a flu shot, you’re not just protecting yourself, you’re also helping reduce the total flu cases and hospitalizations. The ideal time to get your flu shot is September through October. This timing allows the vaccine to provide the strongest protection during the length of flu season. However, getting the vaccine later is better than not at all as it's still flu season well into spring. Flu Symptoms In general, influenza (flu) is worse than the common cold and shares symptoms with COVID-19, causing mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Symptoms include: Fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone will have a fever) Cough and/or sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Headaches, muscle or body aches Fatigue (tiredness) Vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults Who Needs a Flu Shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers it the first and most crucial step in protecting against the flu virus. Therefore, they recommend the yearly flu shot for those six months of age and older. Does the Flu Shot Help with COVID-19? The short answer is no. However, flu vaccines can reduce the risks of flu illness and hospitalization. Therefore, it is crucial for you to get your flu shot to not only protect yourself and the community, but also to help conserve vital, local healthcare resources. CDC Resource: Who Needs a Flu Vaccine and When Kids, the Elderly and Flu Shots  Vanessa Slots, M.D., Renown Medical Group The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year and it happens like clockwork. The onset of flu season is fall and lasts through winter into the spring months. This lung illness is caused by viruses, with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and anyone can catch  to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms Quick onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory symptoms including cough Sore throat and nose Who's at Risk for the Flu? Children and the elderly are at greater risk of complications from the flu, specifically toddlers less than two years old. At this age, their immunity is still developing. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depends on age and prior exposure to the virus. With young children, for example, the flu is more problematic since they cannot talk and communicate their symptoms. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. This can be coupled with issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, all of which put children at risk of dehydration and other complications that can require hospitalization. An average of 20,000 children are hospitalized for flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Ongoing health conditions including asthma, heart conditions, diabetes and more can intensify flu symptoms. Still, many children without risk factors can experience severe flu complications. CDC Resource: Flu Information for Parents Pregnant Moms and Flu Shots Tamsen Carson, PAC, Surgical First Assistant, OB/GYN, Renown Medical Group “During pregnancy, your immune system wards off infection for your baby, leaving you more susceptible to infection and adverse health conditions,” Tamsen explains. She   highly recommends flu shots for ALL women during pregnancy. You must receive the injected vaccine versus the live vaccine, a nasal spray, which can cause the flu to occur. Passing Flu Immunity on to Your Baby Also, remember that you will also be able to pass the immunity onto your baby if you breastfeed, which will protect your baby from the flu. CDC Resource: Flu Safety and Pregnancy

    Read More About What You Need To Know About Flu Shots

    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

    Read More About Generic Drugs – What You Need to Know About Them

    • Atención de urgencias
    • Asma
    • Respiratorios

    Consejos para lidiar con los problemas de salud relacionados con el humo

    Millions of people across the west live in areas where air pollution can cause serious health problems. In addition, local air quality can affect our daily lives.  Who is Affected? Kouros Farro, MD, a physician with Renown Urgent Care, advises that certain people are more likely to be affected when fine particle pollution reaches an unhealthy level. People who have asthma or other breathing conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). People who have heart disease or high blood pressure. Children and older adults. People of all ages who are doing extended or heavy physical activity like playing sports or working outdoors. “Everyone should take precautions when the air quality is unhealthy. Air pollution can aggravate heart and cardiovascular disease as well as lung diseases like asthma and COPD. When the air quality is unhealthy, people with these conditions may experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, use your inhalers as directed and contact your health care provider,” says Dr. Farro, who is board certified in family medicine and practices at Renown Urgent Care at 975 Ryland St. in Reno. “If you do not have a health care provider, there is a Renown Urgent Care office on almost every corner, with providers ready to see you.” Dr. Farro advises the following: Take it easy and listen to your body. Limit, change or postpone your physical activity level. If possible, stay away from local sources of air pollution like busy roads and wood fires. If you have asthma or other breathing conditions like COPD, make sure you have your relief/rescue inhaler with you. People with asthma should review and follow the direction in their written asthma action plan. Make an appointment to see your health provider to be sure you have an asthma action plan. Getting Same-Day Care Renown Urgent Care provides same-day treatment for a wide range of minor injuries, illnesses and medical concerns that are urgent but not life-threatening. Avoid the long wait times and high emergency room prices at 11 convenient sites, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City, USA Parkway, Fallon and Fernley. You can walk in or book ahead online. Make an Urgent Care Appointment Community Health Resources The Washoe County Health District offers online health information on its Smoke Smart website, including fire information, daily air quality information, fire and smoke maps and how to protect yourself. In addition, an online subscription page allows you to sign up for EnviroFlash, notifying you about air quality.

    Read More About Tips for Coping with Smoke-Related Health Problems

    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Directiva anticipada

    Errores de planificación patrimonial que se deben evitar

    August is National Make-a-Will month. We talked to Renown Health Foundation Planned Giving Officer, Abbey Stephenson, to learn more about wills, trusts, and estate plans and why you should feel motivated this month to get started. Did you know that 2/3 of Americans don't have a will or trust? If this is you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Although there are laws in place to determine who inherits your assets if you die without a will or trust, having a will or trust ensures your assets go where you want them to go after you are gone. They can also help minimize disputes between family members and heirs about who gets what. In Nevada, the laws that govern who gets what if you die without a will or trust can be found in Chapter 134 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. There are other documents that people often prepare at the same time as their will or trust – like an advance health care directive and durable power of attorney for assets. These documents all together are called an estate plan. Although they have other purposes too (like nominating a guardian for a child, planning for disability or avoiding probate, which is a court process), wills and trusts are documents that say who will receive your assets after you are gone. The most common type of trust is often called a revocable living trust or a family trust. People who have a trust usually still have a will, although it is a shorter form of will called a pour-over will. It’s a good idea to talk to an estate planning attorney about whether or not a trust makes sense for your family or circumstances.  Now that you’re ready to get started, here are some mistakes to avoid: 1. Failing to plan Not setting aside the time to plan may be the biggest mistake. Failing to prioritize preparing or updating your estate plan means your last wishes and desires may not be fulfilled. The right documents memorialize what you would like to happen upon your disability and death so that other people can know and follow your wishes with respect to your care and your assets.  2. Failing to coordinate beneficiary designations Certain types of assets like life insurance and retirement accounts are not covered by your will or trust and need to be addressed separately. These types of assets are referred to as non-probate assets because they transfer under contract principles and don’t require court supervision or probate to be distributed to the named beneficiaries. By completing beneficiary designation forms provided by the retirement account custodian, insurance company or financial institution, you can direct your assets to one or more beneficiaries. 3. Failing to title your assets properly Asset titling refers to how you own your asset – such as in your individual name, jointly with someone else, or in a trust or entity. For example, assets titled for two people with a “right of survivorship” will automatically go to the surviving owner. Review your asset titling and make changes, if needed, to ensure your property and assets are passed down the way you intend. 4. Failing to include charities meaningful to you In addition to providing for family members and other important people in your life, you many also choose to give to charities meaningful to you in your estate plan. When you include a charity in your estate plan, that gift is called a planned gift and many charitable organizations, including Renown, recognize such donations through their legacy giving societies. As you prepare to make your own will or a more comprehensive estate plan, we recommend you consult with a lawyer. Here are some free resources that may be helpful too:  Renown Health Foundation is proud to sponsor the Family Estate Planning Series put on by PBS Reno and the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada. The free, 8-week course of 90-minute, in-depth workshops is a great place to learn much more and to help you get started in the planning process. The next course begins on September 7, 2022. More information can be found here. Renown Health offers periodic advance health care directive workshops where attendees can learn about, complete, and sign their directive. The next workshop is scheduled for September 14th. More information can be found here. The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel provides information on a number of commonly asked estate planning questions here. If you are interested in including a charitable gift to Renown in your estate plan, we would be happy to talk to you about how your gift will make a difference for our mission. Please contact Abbey Stephenson at abbey.stephenson@renown.org or visit renown.org/LegacyGiving to learn about Renown Health Foundation’s Legacy Giving Society and ways to give.

    Read More About Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

    • Vacuna contra la influenza
    • Salud infantil

    Padres, sus hijos necesitan vacunas contra la gripe. Este es el por qué

    Vanessa Slots, MD, of Renown Medical Group – Pediatrics, explains why getting a flu shot each season can save lives—especially true for the very young and elderly. Why Kids Need Flu Shots The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year. And this year, flu activity is increasing late in the season.  And it happens like clockwork — the onset of an influenza epidemic as fall transitions into winter, and lasts into the spring months. This acute respiratory illness is caused by influenza A or B viruses with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and everyone is susceptible to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms: Abrupt onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory-tract symptoms including cough Sore throat and an irritated nose Who’s at Risk? Once again: Everyone is susceptible, but children and the elderly are at greater risk of complication from influenza, specifically toddlers less than 2 years. At this age, immunities are underdeveloped. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depend on age and prior exposure to the virus. And with young children, flu is more problematic, since they cannot verbalize certain symptoms like body aches and headaches. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. Coupled with gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, children are at risk of dehydration and other complications from the virus that can require hospitalization. In fact, an average of 20,000 children are hospitalized from flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Health conditions, including but not limited to asthma, cystic fibrosis, heart conditions, cerebral palsy, epilepsy or diabetes, can intensify flu symptoms. Still, a substantial number of children with none of these risk factors experience severe complications from the flu. How to Protect Your Child from the Flu The best way to guard against influenza is with a flu shot. Children and adults should get the flu vaccine before flu season kicks in — usually by the end of October. Shots are provided as long as flu viruses are circulating and the vaccine is in supply.

    Read More About Parents, Your Kids Need Flu Shots. Here's Why.

    • Atención de apoyo y cuidados paliativos
    • Directiva anticipada
    • Atención médica para pacientes terminales

    Planifique con anticipación: Cómo completar su directiva anticipada

    We plan for the birth of a child, weddings and retirement, but rarely do we discuss how we want to be cared for at the end of our lives. Getting through this challenging conversation and completing an Advance Directive can give you peace of mind that your loved ones will not have to make difficult choices on your behalf. The best time to complete an Advance Directive is now – don’t wait until a life-limiting illness or crisis occurs to discuss your views about end-of-life care and to learn what choices are available. By preparing in advance, you can help reduce the doubt and anxiety related to decision-making for your family if you cannot speak for yourself. What are Advance Directives? An Advance Directive is a document that states your choices about medical treatment and names another person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to. This document allows you to make legally valid decisions about future medical care.  “Completing your Advance Directive is a gift you give your family,” says Director of Palliative Care, Mary-Ann Brown RN, MSN. “The stress associated with these difficult decisions is decreased if everyone knows what is important to you and what you want at the end of life.”

    Read More About Plan Early: Completing Your Advance Directive

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