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    • Neurología
    • Investigación y estudios

    Oportunidades de investigación sobre esclerosis múltiple en el norte de Nevada

    There are nearly 1 million adults living with MS in the United States alone. For comparison, that is roughly the entire population of the Reno/Sparks and Las Vegas areas combined. MS is a neurological autoimmune condition which means that the immune system of patients with MS attacks the body’s myelin, a protective substance that covers your nerves. When this happens, the unprotected nerves can be damaged. Patients with MS may experience many different symptoms ranging from mild to severe, such as mobility and vision problems, fatigue and difficulty thinking. MS is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20-50, but late onset MS can occur in patients over 50 years old. While there is no cure for MS, there are effective treatments that can help reduce the burden of patients’ symptoms and create a positive quality of life. At Renown Health, we have joined the fight against MS through a partnership between advanced neurology programs and providers and our research office. We are proud to offer newly diagnosed MS patients the opportunity to choose between standard care treatment options or participating in an open label clinical trial, the AGNOS study. This study is assessing the impact of a new medication, ofatumumab, as the first disease modifying therapy participants receive for managing relapsing remitting MS, the most common form of MS.

    Read More About Multiple Sclerosis Research Opportunities in Northern Nevada

    • Neurología
    • Atención primaria
    • Atención de la vista

    ¿Son necesarios los lentes con filtro de luz azul?

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are working from home than ever before, leading to a rise in digital screen time. Between spending eight or more hours staring at a computer screen, and some downtime hours spent looking at a smartphone or watching TV, it’s almost inevitable to feel some adverse effects at the end of a day. Blue Light Effects vs. Digital Eye Strain Blue light is all around us, and the most natural source comes primarily from sunlight. Other forms of blue light are artificial and emitted by digital screens including LED TVs, smartphones, tablets and computers. Surprisingly enough, research shows blue light can actually have health benefits such as promoting alertness, boosting memory and cognitive function, elevating mood and regulating circadian rhythm. However, studies indicate that an excess in blue light exposure can lead to depletion of melatonin production, a hormone that regulates our sleep cycles. In today’s eyewear industry, blue light glasses are one of the more popular items purchased by consumers. Companies who sell the glasses claim they help with reducing or eliminating digital eye strain, while also increasing natural melatonin secretion to get a good night’s sleep. Other than their slight yellow tint to filter out blue light, they mostly look like regular glasses and come in many different stylish frames. You can find blue light glasses through various eyewear retailers. Most adults have experienced digital eye strain. Common symptoms of digital eye strain include headaches, blurred vision, irritated eyes, and fatigue. Many believe that digital eye strain is caused by overexposure to blue light, but medical vision experts say that is not the case. “Digital eye strain is related to how we use our digital devices, not the blue light coming out of them,” says Mitchell Strominger, MD, a neuro and pediatric ophthalmologist with Renown Health. Do Blue Light Glasses Even Work? Since blue light glasses aren’t medically proven to help with digital eye strain, you’re probably wondering if they’re even worth using. “If you’re one to binge a TV show or scroll though social media before bedtime, the blue light from those digital screens can disrupt your circadian rhythm and cause you to lose sleep, which can ultimately lead to other adverse health effects,” says Dr. Strominger. “While more research is still needed, some studies have shown that blue light glasses may prevent melatonin suppression and increase quality of sleep. There is no harm in trying them out and seeing if they work for you.” As for preventing digital eye strain, Dr. Strominger shared several helpful tips: Try using the 20-20-20 rule, which entails looking away from your screen and looking at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Sit at an arm’s length (about 25 inches) away from your screen. Adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen, especially before bedtime. There is a night mode setting on most smart phones you can use. Reduce your screen time whenever you can and give your eyes a break.

    Read More About Are Blue Light Glasses Necessary?

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Alimentos y nutrición
    • Neurología

    Los seis alimentos con más sal: ¿El alto contenido de sodio aumenta el riesgo de sufrir un derrame cerebral?

    Excess amounts of sodium doesn’t just increase your risk of a heart attack, it can also increase your risk of a stroke. Unfortunately, avoiding that saltshaker may not be enough. Did you know that the average American consumes 3,400 milligrams of sodium each day? That’s a dangerous number considering that the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams (about half the weight of a penny) to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The problem is not necessarily that you’re putting too much salt on your food, it’s that salt is already in the foods you’re regularly eating. To help keep your sodium intake at a healthy level, make sure you’re aware of “The Salty Six,” six sneaky foods that are surprisingly high in sodium. Breads, Rolls and Tortillas: Although breads and tortillas may not initially appear to be high in sodium, we often consume several servings. Make sure to keep track of your total servings to see how they add up. Deli Meat, Cured Meats and Poultry: It may surprise you that six thin slices of deli meat can add up to more than half of your daily limit, so be mindful when building those sandwiches. Also, do your best to avoid cured meats, which often means the meat has been salted. Substitute uncured, skinless meats instead. Cheese: Salt is an important addition in the cheese-making process, as it prevents bacterial growth. Unfortunately, that added salt can increase your health risks. Limit the amount of cheese you add to meals to keep your sodium content down. Pizza: Take a quick look at the first three items above and it should be no surprise as to why pizza made the list. One slice and you’ve met at least half of your daily limit. Go easy on the cheese and try adding more veggies instead of meat. Canned Soup: One cup of canned soup can be as high as nearly 1,000 milligrams of sodium. When shopping for canned soup it’s important to check the label – not just on sodium content but serving size as well. Always select low-sodium options when possible or cook your own soup at home. Sandwiches and Burgers: A sandwich or burger from your favorite restaurant can contain more than 100 percent of your daily sodium limit. When dining out, it is best to select low-sodium options or eat a half portion to limit the amount of salt. If some of your favorite foods are on this Salty Six list, don’t panic. Although these foods can be high in sodium, it isn’t necessary to cut these foods out of your diet completely. It’s just important to eat them in moderation and be mindful of your daily sodium intake. Look for low-sodium options, use herbs and spices instead of table salt and do your best to stay under the recommended daily limit of 1,500 milligrams.”

    Read More About The Salty Six: Are High-Sodium Foods Increasing Your Stroke Risk?

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Cómo hacer que sus hijos duerman sin pantallas

    If you’re a parent, you’ve probably been there — the sometimes-nightly struggle to get your little ones off to bed. Elaina Lantrip, an APRN with Renown Pediatrics, offers some tips and explains how your child’s electronics may be getting in the way of a good night’s sleep. These days, kids are consuming media from a very early age on all types of devices — from tablets and phones to TVs. While they can benefit from some media use, it can have a negative impact on bedtime. We asked Elaina Lantrip, an advanced nurse practitioner with Renown Pediatrics, for some advice on downloading a better bedtime routine. What are the most important practices for parents to establish for their children’s bedtime routines? I often have parents tell me that their child won’t go to bed — or to sleep. Parents frequently ask for tips on bedtime routines that work. My first question is whether their regular bedtime routine involves television, iPad, tablet, phone or anything with a screen. It’s very important that bedtime includes a bath, reading a story, talking, singing and bonding with young ones, rather than using any devices. Why shouldn’t children have a device at bedtime? A growing body of research supports that screen time at bedtime contributes to delays in a child’s falling to sleep; overall inability to reach the important REM, or deep sleep; waking up during the night; nightmares and night terrors. For older youth, engaging with social media before bedtime can bring up stresses, emotions and relationship issues with peers that don’t exactly create peaceful bedtime thoughts. Bedtime should be a screen-free, stress-free, peaceful time of day. It’s a great time for parents to promote self-esteem, talk through things going on in the child’s life, to encourage and build them up. Children grow up fast — bedtime is a great the opportunity with younger children to cuddle up and read a story or sing a lullaby. What are other major considerations in making bedtime smooth and relaxing for kids and their parents? Another factor that contributes to positive sleep habits includes children getting enough activity during the the day so they’re genuinely tired at night. Also helpful are ambient noise makers, peaceful music, avoiding sugar two hours prior to bedtime, consistency in bedtime routine, comfortable pajamas and comfortable temperature in the home. Is it important to keep the child’s bedroom dark? Dimming the lights is important, regardless of the time of year. This is another reason to ban screens, as they emit light that stimulates wakefulness.

    Read More About How to Get Your Kids to Sleep, Screen-Free

    • Atención primaria
    • Atención de la vista

    Seis consejos para una visión saludable

    You might think worsening eyesight is inevitable as you age. But the truth is, there are easy things you can do to keep your eyes in tiptop shape for years to come. Clear vision is an essential part of overall health and there are daily habits we can adopt to keep our eyes seeing clearly. Mitchell Strominger, M.D., a registered ophthalmologist with Renown Health specializing in pediatric ophthalmology and neuro-ophthalmology, offers some everyday tips to keep you focused on eye health. Know your family’s vision history Look to your parents and grandparents for clues about the future of your eye health. Were they near-sighted at a young age? Do they have a history of eye crossing or a lazy eye? Did they develop glaucoma or macular degeneration (AMD)? Some genes have a strong association with eye health, specifically macular degeneration. AMD is a leading cause of blindness worldwide and the top cause of vision loss and blindness for Americans over 65, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Also be aware certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and liver disease, increase the risk of long-term eye problems. Receive regular vision screening exams Children under three need vision screening examinations by their pediatrician. A medical concern or family history warrants a comprehensive eye examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist (or general ophthalmologist or optometrist who has experience with children) per the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Vision screenings should occur every two years throughout adolescence unless pain, eye crossing, difficulty seeing the board or reading, or other eye concerns occur. In adulthood the risk of eye problems increases over age 40, so the AAO recommends regular dilated exams. When your pupils are dilated it allows your eye care professional a more accurate view of your retina and optic nerve, located in the back of your eye. This allows them to look for AMD or other eye problems. Eye diseases can be caught at their earliest stages during a dilated eye exam. “It is especially important to have your child evaluated as soon as possible if there is any concern for eye crossing or lazy eye,” says Dr. Strominger. “The visual system develops in the early years so intervention, whether it be glasses, eye patching to strengthen the vision in one eye, or eye muscle surgery is critical. Children at risk include those who are born premature, have development abnormalities, genetic disorders such as Downs syndrome, or a strong family history and should be evaluated at a young age. Often small problems are not clearly evident and cannot be picked up on routine screening examinations in the pediatrician’s office.” Block the sun, improve your vision Everyone knows not to stare directly into the sun, but indirect ultraviolet (UV) sun rays can cause serious harm over time. According to the National Eye Institute, sunglasses (or a protective UV tint) are a daily must to protect your eyes from: Cataracts (a clouding of the eye’s lens causing blurred vision) AMD - macular degeneration Pterygium (a tissue growth over the white surface of the eye that can cause astigmatism) Look for sunglasses which block 99 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. You still need sunglasses if your contact lenses block UV rays. Sun rays can damage your eyelids and other tissue not covered by contact lenses. Wearing sunglasses protects your entire eye area. Eat colorful meals Your eyes need vital nutrients to keep them healthy including vitamin C, zinc, beta carotene and copper. A diet filled with citrus fruits and a variety of vegetables provide these essential nutrients. Regularly filling up on fish high in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, sardines) may reduce your risk of AMD and help maintain your eye health. Green, leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, collard greens) containing lutein and zeaxanthin are also a must for your dinner plate. Water your eyes Eyes, like the rest of your body, need plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Make sure you stay hydrated and steer clear of smoke to avoid dry eyes and irritation. Hours staring at the computer screen can also make your eyes feel dry or tired. Try regularly refreshing them with lubricating eye drops. Taking frequent computer breaks is also important. Follow the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. Eye makeup can also lead to dry eye as the glands at the base of the eyelashes may become clogged, causing dry eye. Make sure all eye makeup is hypoallergenic and is thoroughly removed with a gentle cleanser for the delicate eye area each day. Stop Smoking (or never start) Smoking is harmful to every part of your body, including your eyes. It's not only linked to cancer and heart disease but also cataracts, AMD, dry eye, optic nerve problems and many other problems. Smoking during pregnancy can also harm the eyes of the unborn child. If you currently smoke take steps to quit and your entire body will benefit.

    Read More About Six Tips for Healthy Vision

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Adolescentes y redes sociales: ¿Cuándo es demasiado?

    Dr. Max J. Coppes, Physician-in-Chief Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talks about how much is too much when it comes to teens and social media. Social apps (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) have become an integral part of most people’s lives. In contrast to traditional media — where one source goes to many receivers — social media operates in a dialogic transmission system. Many sources interact, sometimes simultaneously, with many receivers and provide for superior interactivity between its users. Not surprisingly, it also plays a significant role in our children’s lives once they are old enough to understand how to access and use these apps. On average, children start exploring social media at around ages 10 to 12. They rapidly discover that electronic communication allows for unique and personalized ways to make and keep friendships. They also use it to develop and expand family ties, get help with homework, share music, art, and experiences, and learn and discover the world. Social Media and Teens Surveys suggest that more than 90 percent of teenagers use social media. Additionally, approximately 75 percent have at least one active profile by age 17. Access to social media is greatly facilitated because more than two-thirds of teens have their own mobile devices with internet capabilities, a substantial change relative to previous generations. The use of social apps can have many positive aspects. But we now also recognize that it can also have negative impacts. The use of hazardous sites or the inherent risks of using social media (identity theft, being hacked, cyber-bullying, etc.) are indeed damaging to children. Any use of hazardous social apps is too much and carries serious hazards. But what about the use of “normal” and/or “safe” social media? Well, data suggest that too much use of “non-hazardous” apps can indeed affect health. How Much Do Teens Use Social Media? First, some basic data. For example, how much do normal teenagers use social media? A study from Pew Research found that more than 50 percent of 13- to 17 year-olds go online several times a day. This quickly increases during the teenage years to more than 70 minutes per day. Teenage girls have the highest usage at just over 140 minutes per day. It is important to recognize that non-school related use of the internet and social media is often beheld by teenagers as important for developing their self-esteem, their acceptance among peers, and their mental health in general. As parents, we recognize that the use of social media can indeed contribute, in many positive ways, to our children’s growth. At the same time, we also worry about them spending too much time online. We worry about their ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face settings or in writing. Many of us also feel and/or worry that our children are addicted. Social Media and Addiction Recent studies suggests that the overuse of social media indeed mirrors addiction. Reports now show that teenagers and college kids experience anxiety when deprived from their connected devices and consequently feel a compulsion to access their social applications. The emotional symptoms they experience are very similar to those seen in substance abuse. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association is considering making internet addition a bonafide diagnosis. Pediatricians therefore encourage limits on the use of social media, a recommendation more easily suggested than accomplished. So when should a parent consider seeking help? Aside from unhealthy use of these apps (cyber-bullying, sexting, online users asking for sexual relations, etc.), which should always trigger concern, the use of social media for more than 120 minutes per day should trigger parental concern. If you feel unable to address the overuse of social media, contact your pediatrician for help and guidance. Renown Children’s Hospital Whether it’s seeing a pediatrician, getting a sports physical or looking for advice, our care is centered around supporting and nurturing patients and families at our many locations. We have pediatricians dedicated to children who have experience recognizing children’s illnesses. They also have knowledge about tests and treatments for young ones to ensure your child gets the best care possible. Explore Children’s Services

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    • Ortopedia
    • Artritis

    Póngase en movimiento: Cómo hacer ejercicio con artritis

    An arthritis diagnosis doesn’t mean your exercise routine has to end. In fact, a consistent routine can actually improve mobility. Although stiff and painful joints can make it difficult to keep moving, staying active is essential for easing pain. October 11 is World Arthritis Day, so we asked Michelle Higgins, MPT at Renown Physical Therapy & Rehab some advice about exercising with arthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis affects one in five adults and 300,000 children. As a matter of fact arthritis is the nation’s leading cause of disability. Your joints certainly don’t need to suffer when you exercise. In general exercise is actually necessary for those with arthritis. Not only does it reduce joint pain, but it also increases strength and flexibility. Furthermore those adopting a regular exercise routine also have more energy, deeper sleep and find it easier to maintain a healthy weight. “Exercise is a necessary component to managing your arthritis,” says Higgins. “Consistent participation in an exercise program has been shown to promote long-term pain relief, increased body function and an improved quality of life. Alternatively, a lack of exercise can actually increase joint pain or stiffness and eventually lead to long term disability and suffering.” Exercising With Arthritis Exercise truly is the most effective non-drug arthritis treatment available for reducing pain and improving movement. And it can even include daily activities like gardening, dancing or walking your dog. Of course talk to your doctor or physical therapist about what exercises fit into your specific treatment plan. With this is mind, the four specific components below are important to an effective arthritis exercise program: Range of motion Moving joints through their full available range of movement is important. This frequently increases function and decreases joint stiffness and pain. For this reason, aim to complete these exercises daily. Examples include bending, straightening, and rotating specific joints, or static and dynamic stretching. Strengthening These exercises target muscles supporting and protecting our joints and bones. Strengthening is also necessary for weight control, so two-to-three sessions per week are recommended. In order to allow your body to adapt, begin with light resistance and start slow. Strength exercises include weightlifting and using resistance bands. Low-impact aerobic exercise Aerobic exercise is certainly necessary for overall well-being, weight management and heart health. Aim for two-to-three sessions a week. Low-impact exercises include walking, swimming, cycling, elliptical machine exercises and water aerobics. Balance Good balance is also vital for an effective arthritis program. On the positive side, solid balance prevents falls by increasing your ability to stay upright whether you are moving or sitting still. Likewise, it improves your confidence with walking and daily activities. In order to keep excellent balance, incorporate daily balance exercises. Examples of balance exercises include the use of an exercise ball, Tai Chi and exercises such as standing on one foot. Start Slow, Finish Strong As you begin your exercise program, remember to listen to your body. Start slowly – it can take several weeks for your body to adjust to exercise. Consult your doctor, or physical therapist, if you experience increasing pain or swelling which doesn’t go away with rest. Above all, incorporate fun and motivating activities so you’ll stick to them long term and improve your results. Renown Physical Therapy & Rehab 775-982-5001 Through outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy, Renown Physical Therapy & Rehab gives you hands-on, individualized treatment in convenient Reno/Sparks locations. We have the latest, most advanced physical therapy and rehab equipment, specialty services and treatments. Renown Physical Therapy & Rehab is now open on Robb Drive in addition to three additional locations in Reno and Sparks. Call 775-982-5001 or visit us online.

    Read More About Get Moving: How to Exercise with Arthritis

    • Enfermedad de Alzheimer
    • Neurología

    Enfermedad de Alzheimer: cómo detectar los signos

    Alzheimer’s disease is not normal forgetfulness as we age. Instead, it is a specific form of mental decline. And according to the Alzheimer’s Association it accounts for nearly 80 percent all dementia cases. Natasa Dragicevic, MD, PhD., behavioral neurologist and Alzheimer’s disease specialist with Renown Institute for Neurosciences, weighs in on diagnosing it and the importance of early medical action. How to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease In general, the signs of Alzheimer’s disease occur slowly, getting worse over time. For example, forgetfulness is a daily search – for shoes, keys and other misplaced items. Not only is memory affected, but also speech patterns and behavior. There is no single test for Alzheimer’s disease. “Specifically, a neurologist should be the one to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease given differences in presentation,” clarifies Dr. Dragicevic. “And ideally a behavioral neurologist (Alzheimer’s sub-specialist) will be managing the treatment,” she adds. Brain Imaging Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease involves multiple approaches and medical providers. In short, medical history is reviewed along with a physical exam, lab tests and other diagnostic testing. “A medical workup includes a variety of tests. These include MRI and other brain imaging, as well as neurological and psychological testing. Furthermore, a lumbar puncture is performed to look for markers of the disease,” she states. What Causes Alzheimer’s disease? Although no one knows the cause, researchers think many factors play a role. Uncontrollable risk factors include your genetics and having a family member with the disease. However, the controllable risk factors include: reducing the risk of head injury and keeping your heart healthy. It’s important to realize that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke and diabetes play a role in brain health. Blood loss to the brain causes vascular dementia, leading to long-term blood vessel damage. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease Generally speaking, the signs of this disease differ in each person. Yet noticeable behaviors include: • Losing the way to familiar places • Forgetting to pay bills • Trouble finding the right words when talking • Repeating questions • General confusion • Social withdrawal Alzheimer’s Disease – Benefits of Early Diagnosis Equally important, spotting Alzheimer’s disease early allows more time to benefit from medications and possible clinical trials. Likewise, nutrition and exercise changes can be made, increasing blood flow to the body, and perhaps delaying symptoms. Early diagnosis also allows for personal health decisions and quality-of-life conversations to take place.   According to the Alzheimer’s Association, these benefits include: 1. Medical advantage 2. Emotional and social comfort 3. Time to plan ahead 4. Cost savings A Brain Supporting Lifestyle “At the present time, treatment is limited,” explains Dr. Dragicevic. “Usually Alzheimer’s is a progressive ongoing disease – any management at this time is purely symptomatic.” However, she states the following lifestyle changes can help support brain health: • New hobbies such as painting, pottery, music classes or learning a new language • Crosswords, puzzles and playing games, such as Scrabble • Brain challenging mobile apps, such as Luminosity • 30-45 minutes of mild to moderate physical activity per day, such as walking • Eating a Mediterranean diet (primarily plant based foods)

    Read More About Alzheimer’s Disease – How to Spot the Signs

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Inicio temprano de la pubertad en las niñas en aumento

    Many factors are contributing to the rise of early onset puberty in girls. Learn what they are below and how you can support your daughter. The number of girls experiencing early puberty has increased dramatically over the last few years and continues to grow. More and more girls in the U.S. are starting to show signs of development before the age of 8. Recent studies show that up to 10 percent of Caucasian girls and 23 percent of African American girls are showing signs of puberty by age 7. What’s Contributing to Early Puberty in Girls? Determining the exact cause is difficult. But experts agree that several factors may be contributing to these growing numbers. Increasing rates of childhood overweight and obesity. Excess body fat alters the levels of hormones responsible for the acceleration of pubertal timing. Physical inactivity may decrease melatonin levels, which can also trigger pubertal development. Increased animal protein intake. Higher total protein, animal protein and meat intake in children ages 3 to 7 have been associated with earlier onset of menstruation. High protein intake elevates IGF-1 levels and promotes growth, which could accelerate the onset of puberty. Poor diet. Children with lower-nutrient diets tend to enter puberty earlier. A diet rich in processed foods and meats, dairy, and fast food is disruptive to normal physical development. Exposure to EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals). EDCs are synthetic chemicals found in plastics, pesticides, fuels and other industrial chemicals that inhibit or alter the action of natural hormones. Because EDCs accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals, animal foods contain higher levels of these chemicals than plant foods. Exposure to BPA (bisphenol A). BPA is an industrial petrochemical found in a variety of products including plastics, tin-can linings and even cash register receipts. Because it acts as a synthetic estrogen it may speed up pubertal development. Soy products. Soy contain isoflavones which are converted to phytoestregens in the body, and are similar to the hormone estrogen, Dr. Chelsea Wicks says. “Soy consumed from natural food sources is likely safe and will not cause abnormal hormones levels. However, when consumed in large amounts, such as with soy supplements or in more processed foods, there have been links to chronic medical problems due to elevated estrogen levels. I feel a good answer to this is to continue working on eating fresh foods and trying to avoid the processed, packaged foods as this will be best for overall general nutrition as well,” she adds. What You Can Do While some genetic factors play a role in the early onset of puberty, parents can help lessen environmental causes of the condition. Encourage and help your child to maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition and exercise. Avoid exposure to hormones such as estrogen and testosterone that may be found in hair products, medications and nutritional supplements. Avoid exposure to EDCs and BPA. Offer your child a diet centered around whole plant foods rather than animal foods, which will help keep protein intake within a safe range and reduce consumption of EDCs. Create a supportive environment for your daughter. Avoid commenting on her appearance and instead focus on her achievements, academic successes or artistic talents. Speak to her openly and honestly about the physical changes she’s experiencing — that although these changes are normal, she’s simply developing early — and that ultimately her peers will undergo the same changes. Encourage your daughter to continue participating in social activities and pursuing her interests, and reassure her you are always open to discuss any questions or worries. If you are concerned that your child may be going through these changes before expected, speak with your pediatrician. Sources: Early Puberty: Causes and Consequences When Is Puberty Too Early? Precocious Puberty (Early Puberty) Precocious Puberty

    Read More About Early Onset of Puberty in Girls on the Rise

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