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    • Medicina deportiva
    • Medicina del dolor, la columna vertebral y el deporte
    • Salud infantil

    Por qué su atleta adolescente debe consultar a un médico especialista en medicina deportiva

    Seeking specialized care for your teen from a sports medicine doctor is essential. Like a coach fine-tunes a player's skills, our experts fine-tune your teen's health, ensuring they stay at the top of their game. Luis Palacio, MD, a sports medicine physician with Renown Health, shares information to help young athletes safely push their boundaries and achieve their personal best. The Role of Sports Medicine Sports medicine is a specialized branch of healthcare that focuses on preventing, diagnosing and treating injuries related to physical activity and sports. Renown's Sports Medicine team consists of skilled professionals passionate about keeping young athletes performing at their peak while minimizing the risk of injury. With a comprehensive approach to care, our sports medicine doctors provide tailored guidance and solutions to help your teen reach their full potential. Injury Prevention and Education Prevention is the key to maintaining a long and successful athletic journey. Our sports medicine doctors collaborate with young athletes to educate them about proper warm-up techniques, body mechanics, and techniques to prevent overuse injuries. From understanding the importance of rest days to practicing correct form, our experts empower teen athletes with the knowledge they need to stay in the game.

    Read More About Why Your Teen Athlete Should See a Sports Medicine Doctor

    • Fumar
    • Salud infantil

    Los riesgos del vapeo y los cigarrillos electrónicos

    In this article reprinted with permission from the Galena Times,  Dr. Max J Coppes, Physician-in-Chief, Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield, Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talk about adolescents vaping, and how an estimated additional 10 million teens are at risk to start using e-cigarettes. What are E-cigarettes? E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices heating a liquid (e-juice) into an aerosol to be inhaled. Breathing in this flavor vapor, which usually contains nicotine, anti-freeze or other cancer-causing chemicals is called ‘vaping.’  There are many forms of these electronic nicotine delivery devices - and they're not always obvious. They not only appear to be cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, but also pass for everyday items, such as flashlights, flash drives or pens.   The Effects of Vaping and E-cigarettes Regardless of the nicotine delivery, vaping is addictive and is quickly becoming a public health concern. Nicotine levels in e-cigarettes vary greatly, and they may also contain toxic chemicals. Currently there is a wide range of variability among vaping products. In other words - they deliver different ingredients, hardware, levels of nicotine, and possible toxic chemicals to the user. This makes it challenging to create an overall public health recommendation on their use. Nevertheless, there is no confusion about the harmful effects of the chemicals used in e-cigarettes to the young brain, which develops until age 25. Studies show e-cigarette use serves as an introductory product for teens to go on using ‘regular’ tobacco products. The American Academy of Pediatrics has several recommendations on their use. Such as increasing the minimum age to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to age 21 nationwide. (Update: nationwide the age as of January 2, 2020 is now 21.) A common misunderstanding with teenagers is the belief e-cigarettes are less harmful than other tobacco products. Moreover, there is a wide range of flavor choices, from mint, mango, crème brûlée to cucumber to attract users. As of September 6, 2019, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting over 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarette products in 33 states.    What Should Parents Know about Vaping? Parents and teachers should know JUUL is a very popular e-cigarette among teenagers, capturing about 68% of the market. JUUL is sleek, small, hides easily, and resembles a flash drive. Surprisingly it charges in an USB port, and can also instantly be mistaken for a real flash drive. One JUUL cartridge contains twice the nicotine found in other e-cigarette cartridges. This roughly equals the amount of nicotine in an entire pack of cigarettes. To repeat, the use of JUUL in young people continues to grow, and this is why parents and teachers need to be aware. Be alert, teach, communicate, and talk to your child about the serious risks of smoking in all forms, whether at home or parties. Tell them how difficult it is to quit and why they should not start. Loving your children is caring; caring for their current and future health and well-being.

    Read More About The Risks of Vaping and E cigarettes

    • Ensayos clínicos
    • Investigación y estudios

    Mantener la investigación cerca del norte de Nevada

    Clinical research provides agency for our patients navigating a scary diagnosis, and the field has never been stronger in northern Nevada. This strength is thanks in part to the Affiliate Clinical Research Office (ACRO) formed by the 2021 affiliation between Renown Health and the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. Since its creation, the ACRO team has been busy ensuring that community members have access to the latest care options and exceptional experiences as participants in both research and their healthcare. Here are just a few things that set this office apart from the rest. 1. A focus on engagement In 2022, the ARCO team focused on promoting a research culture with patients, clinicians, residents and students by intentionally engaging with healthcare providers, department administrators, internal research team members and leadership. They educated the community with learning materials that emphasized the importance of doing research. This team also worked with front-line staff to raise awareness and excitement about the clinical research options available for Renown Health patients. 2. Meaningful partnerships The most impactful partnership to date is between Renown Health and UNR Med. By identifying opportunities and leveraging resources across institutions, we have maximized our impact and built a solid and sustainable foundation. This gives the people of northern Nevada greater access to new interventions or novel treatments. This team is also investing in the community and national partnerships to provide training opportunities for our research staff and learning opportunities for our medical students. 3. Novel treatments across many disease areas Our research study offerings must reflect the healthcare needs of our community and the expertise of practicing clinicians. The department has over 80 active studies in neurology, pulmonology, oncology, cardiology, pediatrics and disease prevention. The ARCRO team strives to expand care opportunities to allow our community members to stay close to home when seeking care. This year, they will continue exploring our community's unmet healthcare needs by bringing new treatment options to the greater Reno area.

    Read More About Keeping Research Close to Northern Nevada

    • Miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

    Estudiantes de escuela primaria: Participe en el examen virtual de la vista gratuito

    El oftalmólogo pediátrico del Renown Children’s Hospital, el Dr. Mitchell Strominger, llevará a cabo un evento virtual para todo el estado a fin de realizar exámenes de la visión de rutina para niños y el recorrido “Walk with a Doc”. El Dr. Mitchell Strominger, oftalmólogo pediátrico del Renown Children’s Hospital, organizará el evento virtual “Walk with a Doc” (Recorrido con un médico) el domingo, 14 de junio a las 10 a.m. para niños de escuela primaria y sus padres. Durante este evento gratuito, el Dr. Strominger dará una breve charla para niños sobre la importancia de los exámenes de la visión de rutina y les mostrará a los padres cómo realizar un examen de la visión con sus hijos en el hogar. Cerrará la charla matutina con una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en directo. Después del evento, se alienta a las familias a salir y a disfrutar de un paseo al aire libre. El evento está patrocinado por el Renown Children’s Hospital y es gratuito para los participantes, aunque hay que inscribirse para recibir el enlace de acceso. “La visión es importante para aprender, experimentar cosas nuevas e interactuar con los demás, por lo que es fundamental que los niños se sometan a exámenes de la visión de forma temprana y rutinaria”, afirmó el Dr. Strominger. “El mejor momento para examinar la visión de un niño es desde el jardín de infancia hasta el tercer grado, ya que las células del cerebro responsables de la visión se desarrollan continuamente hasta los ocho años. Si detectamos los problemas de visión a tiempo, aquí en Renown Children’s Hospital contamos con la experiencia y tecnología necesarias para corregir estos problemas de visión y permitir que los niños vivan vidas saludables y productivas”. Las personas que se inscriban en este evento recibirán por correo electrónico una hoja de examen de la visión para facilitar la realización de un examen en casa, así como un formulario que deberán enviar al pediatra o al oftalmólogo pediátrico de su hijo una vez finalizado el examen para determinar el mejor procedimiento a seguir. El Dr. Strominger agregó: “Muchos padres y colegios han pospuesto los exámenes de la visión debido al cierre de los colegios por la COVID-19, a las dudas respecto de la seguridad al salir de casa o a los posibles costos financieros. Me complace organizar este evento virtual en nombre del Renown Children’s Hospital, para que los niños y los padres participen en una conversación sobre la importancia de la visión y para recordar a la comunidad que estamos aquí para ayudar y proporcionar la atención que necesitan, tanto en persona como virtualmente, ya sea a través de un teléfono inteligente, una tableta o la pantalla de una computadora”. Este evento virtual se llevará a cabo en el recién renovado Fianna’s Healing Garden, que reabrirá sus puertas a finales de este mes y el 100 % de su renovación se financió con donaciones a través de la fundación de Renown Health. En el centro del Renown Regional Medical Center, el Fianna’s Healing Garden sirve como lugar para disfrutar de la serenidad y belleza de los espacios al aire libre. El Dr. Strominger es uno de los 26 subespecialistas pediátricos reclutados en Renown Children’s Hospital desde 2016, gracias a la donación de $7.5 millones que Pennington Foundation realizó a la fundación de Renown Health sin fines de lucro para expandir los servicios de salud de los niños. En junio se celebra el cuarto aniversario de la participación de Nevada Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Nevada APP) en el evento nacional “Walk with A Doc”. El Dr. Strominger es el secretario y tesorero de Nevada AAP. El Renown Children’s Hospital se dedica a ayudar a los niños a sentirse bienvenidos, seguros y bien atendidos. Este centro abarca desde especialidades pediátricas, atención en la sala de emergencias y cirugía las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, hasta el diagnóstico por imágenes, la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) pediátrica y los especialistas en vida infantil. En cada visita, los padres pueden esperar el más alto nivel de atención para la salud y el bienestar de su hijo desde el nacimiento en adelante. Para apoyar a Renown Children’s Hospital y ayudar a los niños locales necesitados a obtener acceso a servicios de salud vitales como exámenes de la visión de rutina, visite la fundación de Renown Health.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, el Renown Children’s Hospital, el Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Estudiantes de escuela primaria: Participe en el examen virtual de la vista gratuito

    • Renown Health
    • Ensayos clínicos
    • Investigación y estudios

    Investigación clínica: Avance de la atención médica en el norte de Nevada, un estudio a la vez

    Did you know that the Renown Research Office has partnered with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Clinical Research Office to form the Integrated Clinical Research Office? This means we are able to provide more clinical research opportunities and expertise to our northern Nevada community than ever before. Over the past two years, we have significantly expanded our clinical trial offerings from 35 to 101 studies to meet the healthcare needs of our community members and keep care options local. Currently, we offer clinical research as a care opportunity in areas such as cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, oncology, pediatrics, neurology and immunizations. What is Clinical Research? Clinical research is simply medical research that involves human volunteers (participants). Research studies have to be reviewed and approved by ethics committees to ensure that the questions researchers want to answer are appropriate and that research participants are protected throughout the study. Often when we talk about clinical research, we are referring to a clinical trial. Clinical trials are a type of clinical research study that places research participants into groups to study the safety and effectiveness of new medications and devices on a specific health outcome. Clinical trials follow rigorous standards and must pass four phases of testing, where each phase works progressively to understand the correct dosing and effects in larger and more diverse groups of people. Why is Clinical Research Important? Did you know that all medications, diagnostic tests and medical devices prescribed and used today by physicians and health practitioners were once tested in clinical trials? Clinical research advances medical care by helping us understand how to prevent disease and to provide new and better treatments for a wide range of health conditions. At Renown Health, we know the importance of offering the latest opportunities in healthcare, especially when standard of care options have been exhausted. What Are Some Considerations for Participating in Clinical Research? Research volunteers are often drawn to participating in studies because they are interested in accessing the latest health care treatments and/or they want to contribute to scientific discovery. If you are interested in becoming a research volunteer, you should first make sure you fully understand what the study and researcher is asking you to do and consider whether you are comfortable with the study activities and commitments to time and travel such as for required study appointments. Remember, participating in a research study is completely voluntary. That means you choose whether to participate, and you can choose to stop participating in a research study at any time, for any reason. Where Can I Find More Information About Clinical Research? There are many resources you can access if you have questions or want to learn more about clinical research. Your healthcare provider can assist you in your healthcare journey by discussing care options and exploring if participating in a clinical trial may be right for you. The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health recently launched their Clinical Trials Info for Nevadans webpage which provides information on finding clinical trials in Nevada, understanding the importance of diversity in clinical trials, and linked resources to learn more about clinical trials. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections provides informational videos, questions to ask researchers prior to participating and information on regulations in place to protect research participants. Finally, at the Renown Research Office, we are always here to support your clinical research journey and can be reached at Renown-CRD@renown.org or 775-982-3646. At Renown Health, our goal is to make it easy for patients to access clinical research as a care opportunity where patients can access a variety of standard care treatment options for their health condition or choose to participate in a clinical trial. For more information about clinical trial opportunities available to you or to ask any questions, contact the Renown Research Office at Renown-CRD@renown.org or 775-982-3646.

    Read More About Clinical Research: Advancing Healthcare in Northern Nevada One Study at a Time

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil

    Un día en la vida de un especialista en vida infantil

    March is Child Life Month, meaning this is the perfect time to ask: What exactly does a Child Life Specialist do? To find out, we “virtually” tagged along with one for a day. This is what a typical day looks like in this important role. For Child Life Specialist Brittany Best, play is a natural part of her work day. She approaches her role with a keen understanding of how the seemingly small tasks she performs every day — comforting children prior to a procedure, writing thank-you notes to donors, training interns — positively impact the lives of the children she serves and their families. So what does it take to work in Renown’s Child Life Program? Best shares some of the highlights from a “typical” shift. A Child Life Specialist’s Day 7:30 a.m. Clock in, put my belongings in my office, and print the patient census information. This helps me to get a sense of the day ahead, as I’m covering three areas today. 8-9 a.m. I look over the census sheets for all three areas and check in with the nurses in each area and then try to prioritize my day. 9:00 a.m. I attend Interdisciplinary Rounds for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where the most critically ill or injured children are treated. Additionally, Interdisciplinary Rounds enable several key members of a patient’s care team to come together and offer expertise in patient care. 10:00 a.m. I come up to the specialty clinic/infusion center to check on the patients that have arrived already and see how things have been going since I had last seen them. We see patients frequently up here, as they are receiving treatment for cancer or other disease processes. 10:55 a.m. I’m notified by an RN that a patient needs an IV started, so I go meet with the patient and their family. I meet with a 6-year-old and mother to explain what an IV is and why it is needed. We go through an IV prep kit, looking at all the different items the nurse will use including cold stinky soap, a tight rubber band and also a flexible straw. I also teach this patient a breathing exercise to help them relax during the procedure with a simple exercise known as “smell flowers, blow out candles.” I demonstrate how to take a deep breath in through the nose — like smelling flowers — then how to blow that breath out — like blowing out birthday candles. 11:10 a.m. I walk with the patient and mom to the procedure room on the Children’s Patient Floor for an IV procedure. The Vecta distraction station is set up and running with its bright lights and water tube that bubbles with plastic fish swimming. The parent holds the patient in their lap, and with the distraction and medical preparation, we are successful! I give the patient a toy and provide emotional support to both the young patient and his mom. It’s easy to forget that these procedures can be stressful for the parents as well. 11:30 a.m. I finish rounding with staff to catch up on patients. In addition, I introduce myself to patients and put my contact number on the board in each room so the families know how to get a hold of me should they need anything. With support from volunteers, we distribute movies, games, and “All About Me” forms to patients and their families. These forms help us get to know our patients with things like their favorite foods and televisions shows. 12:45 p.m. I help with a lab draw in Children’s Specialty Care. A 3-year-old patient is very anxious about the “shot,” so I meet with the patient and parents to discuss coping techniques. The patient holds the Buzzy Bee and does well during the lab draw. The mom is relieved, and the patient is excited for a toy. The Buzzy Bee actually helps block the transmission of sharp pain on contact through icy numbing and also tingly vibration. 1 p.m. Joan, an artist with our Healing Arts Program, arrives on the Children’s Patient Floor to perform art therapy with patients. She helps two young patients who are interested in watercolor paintings. 1:15 p.m. Time for lunch and also a trip to Starbucks. 1:45 p.m. I finishing rounding and introducing myself and our services to the patients I have not met yet. 3 p.m. At this time, I meet with the parents of a newly diagnosed diabetic patient who is in intensive care. A new chronic diagnosis is always difficult, so I am there to provide emotional support. It’s instances like this that remind me every day why I love the work I do. 3:30 p.m. I meet with a new volunteer, discuss their role and also give the new volunteer a tour of the units. We are very thankful for all our volunteers on the floor, as their contributions help us provide a variety of basic services to a larger number of children. This also allows the Child Life Specialist to devote time to children who require more intense or specialized service. 4-5 p.m. I finish charting on patients and help two newly admitted families before I start to wrap up for the day. This evening we have a volunteer covering the times during shift change, which is helpful as it makes for a smooth transition for families during the meal time and change of shift. During this time, I write a note for this volunteer indicating the patients I want her to focus on. 5-5:30 p.m. Check in with critical patients and families before leaving for the day. All-in-all, it was a good day.

    Read More About A Day in the Life of a Child Life Specialist

    • Ensayos clínicos
    • Investigación y estudios
    • University of Nevada, Reno
    • Empleados

    Investigación clínica destacada del departamento

    May 20 is National Clinical Trials Day. Celebrate with us by recognizing the Clinical Research team at Renown Health!  The root of every medication, treatment and procedure in healthcare can be traced back to research. From the beginning of the history of medicine, research has always played a crucial role in improving the lives of patients around the world, leaving a permanent mark on how we expand our medical capabilities to this day.  Renown Health’s Clinical Research team, in partnership with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), are leading that effort in our very own community. As our in-house leaders of clinical trials, this team is dedicated to advancing the science of medicine to help further our bottom line of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the patients they serve.   Trial by (Medical) Jury  Every day looks different for the Clinical Research team, especially when it comes to interacting with patients, providers and “sponsors,” which are the organizations providing the treatment for the study. One fact always remains true: communication and collaboration are key, especially among the team who act as the face of this process.  Meet Lisa English (pictured above on the far right in a blue shirt), a Lead Clinical Research Coordinator at Renown who serves as the study "project manager." One aspect of Lisa’s day-to-day is seeing patients through their clinical trials from start to finish.  It all begins with the setup.  “Before we can launch a study, there is a lot of back-and-forth dialogue between everyone involved to ensure the best fit,” said Lisa. “Sponsors will come to us with novel treatments, such as medications or devices, and the inclusion criteria that patients need to meet in order to qualify for the study. We then immediately jump into working with the providers, looking closely at the science and comparing the treatments to what is on the market already.”  From there, Lisa coordinates conversations between the providers, sponsors and study teams to gauge everyone’s capacity based on the length of the study, ensuring everyone involved has the time to dedicate to the process. Next, the providers identify patients that meet the criteria for the study, and together, the team decides where the patient visits will happen and discusses any potential barriers that may affect patient retention. The budget is clearly defined at this stage, set up to make sure no patient is ever billed for medical costs incurred as a result of the study.  Often, research participants are seen within the specialty clinics throughout the health system, while other times the Clinical Research Coordinators see patients at the recently centralized Clinical Research Office at Renown Regional Medical Center. This location provides an essential public-facing space for the community to learn more about clinical trials and demonstrates the breadth of resources available at Renown to sponsors to strengthen external partnerships and research funding opportunities.  Once the study officially begins, team members like Lisa will set patients up for a “screening/qualifying visit.” During this appointment, she makes sure patients get scheduled for their lab work, imaging scans and anything else the provider may need to make an executive decision on whether or not the patient is a good candidate for the study.  “I build it all in Epic,” said Lisa. “The study information, directions, requirements and next steps are all loaded in Epic for easy tracking. We are also required to input any notes in the sponsor’s electronic data capture website. All the information I track is inputted without protected health information (PHI), so every patient is completely anonymous.”  After the patient officially qualifies, the study goes full steam ahead. Team members like Lisa and the providers receive continual updates from sponsors on the status of the study.  “Throughout the entire process, I make sure patients get scheduled for everything that meets the requirements for the study,” said Lisa. “I meet with patients one-on-one to discuss their needs and concerns and ask questions about the study, organize their appointments and charts and deal with any issues or pivots that may arise. It’s very important that every patient fully understands what is going to happen with their care.”  The Clinical Research department strives to serve as a care partner to patients, providers and clinics they work with. The majority of our Clinical Research Coordinators are trained phlebotomists and medical assistants, performing their own assessments such as lab draws and electrocardiograms (ECGs) to streamline the research visit process and reduce resource constraints on the clinics and health system.  Lisa typically sees a couple of patients per week, depending on the study and where patients are in the cycle. Depending on the complexity of the trial, patients may see the research team only one time or several times over many years. Typically, clinical trial patients are seen in clinic every 2-4 weeks. There are many tasks required before, during and after a research visit to ensure everything runs smoothly, so Clinical Research Coordinators dedicate an average of 5-11 hours of work per patient, per visit.  Regardless of patient load, each employee in the Clinical Research department – as well as participating teams across Renown and UNR Med – always step in to help each other out. According to Lisa, the environment is immensely supportive.  “We have a program here at Renown to train employees who have never done clinical trials,” said Lisa. “We love seeing people get more engaged with the important work we do, and every department has been great at collaborating with us. Everyone brings a different perspective.”  At the end of the study, Lisa gathers all the information and collects notes into a zip drive or paper binder for archiving. The sponsor lets the Clinical Research team, providers and patients know whether they are on the trial drug or on the placebo. The teams use the data gathered during the study to publish a report or present at conferences, promoting the critical research done to better the lives of patients in our community, and potentially, the world.  “I appreciate the time everyone gives us to make sure our research is successful,” said Lisa. “It feels great to work together to make a difference, improve healthcare quality and save lives.”  Behind-the-Scenes, Yet on the Frontlines  The impact of research studies transcends hospital walls, and this can all be attributed to the dedication of our Clinical Research department. The constant collaboration between this team, lab science, medical assistants and providers, cardiology technologists, sonographers, finance teams and our partners at UNR Med is crucial to safeguarding the success of the studies.  Devoted to keeping research close to home, Renown and UNR Med teamed up to form the Clinical Research Office (CRO) in 2021. With the strength of northern Nevada's largest not-for-profit health system and Nevada’s first medical school, this team is dedicated to giving our community access to the latest care innovations.  “At UNR Med, we are working with students, residents and academic faculty; on the Renown side, we are working with clinicians and community participants,” said Amber Emerson, Manager for Community Outreach and Research Engagement for UNR Med.  “Everything we do is data-driven,” added Kristen Gurnea, Manager of Clinical Research for Renown. “Our main goal is to optimize our impact and provide a community benefit for our patients. The scope of our roles in the Clinical Research office is very diverse.”  To help meet the growing need locally for healthcare and cutting-edge treatment solutions, the CRO has continued to grow, expanding its research capabilities and helping bring new medications, medical devices and more to patients across northern Nevada and northeastern California.  “Once upon a time, our team had only six members; today we have grown to a team of 25,” added Diana Torres, Research Resource Analyst for Renown. “We used to be considered one department, including Medical Education, and we have since branched off into our own cost center. We branched off even further and created a separate Genetics department that runs the Healthy Nevada Project. Throughout this process, the Clinical Research department was always the main point of the umbrella.”  “We participate in hospital-wide outreach and marketing, and we feel this has really helped us get the word out about our department,” added Raul Arellano, Research Resource Analyst for Renown. “In fact, we doubled our clinical trial portfolio from last year.”  The CRO currently operates over 100 clinical trials locally in cardiology, endocrinology, infectious disease, neurology, pediatric and adult oncology, pediatric sub-specialties and pulmonology.   Behind the curtains of in-person research, the CRO is home to several experts who help turn our research studies into a reality, from budgeting and billing to barrier-breaking and building relationships.  “I help with barriers patients and Clinical Research Coordinators are facing, building connections and relationships inside and outside of our health system,” said Kristen Gurnea. “I enjoy handling all the supporting pieces that are required for studies to happen.”  “My role changes every day,” added Jenna Berger, Administrative Assistant for the CRO at Renown. “Some days, I’ll be helping coordinate patient stipends and going through document management to ensure we have all necessary signatures. Other days, I will be planning events – like Clinical Trials Week – for our department and creating marketing materials and fliers.”  “Our day-to-day involves going over anything related to research financials,” added Diana Torres. “We handle sponsor billings, process efficiency and collecting revenue for research contracts, and we collaborate closely with our Finance department and Revenue Integrity in order to accomplish this. It’s important for us to make sure all billing on both the sponsor and patient side is taken care of, especially because patients should never receive a bill for medical services they receive for the trial. A year and a half ago, we started doing budget negotiations for research contracts,” said Diana Torres. “We are proud to help clinical teams with any training they may need on these negotiations as well as billing reviews and allocations.”  Seeing patients progress during a study and transform before their eyes inspires the CRO team to continue doing what they do every day.  “I’ve been here for many years, first working on the floor as an oncology nurse and transitioning to oncology research in 2005,” said Anna Winchell, Cancer Protocol Nurse for Renown. “I love getting to know the patients and seeing them progress into a healthy lifestyle.”  Medical students and residents at UNR Med also play a significant role in the research process, advancing medicine by exploring causes and novel treatments for a wide range of conditions, including HIV, muscular dystrophy, gastrointestinal disorders, infectious diseases and more. Medical research at UNR Med is headed by committed research coordinators, community outreach managers, grants managers, pharmacists and physicians.  “I oversee scientific review and help the physicians that come to us for those resources,” said Amil Trujillo-King, Medical Research Coordinator at UNR Med. “I guide medical students in their research protocols and help with different projects to improve research activities for both students and medical residents.”  It takes a village to make clinical research happen. Because of that, the ACRO cannot thank the following teams enough for moving mountains for the future of medicine:  Renown Health and UNR Med leadership for demonstrating the integrated health system’s commitment to expanding access to clinical research in our community within both the Renown / UNR Med affiliation and Renown active strategic plans.  Renown Pharmacy especially Research Clinical Pharmacist Tim Morton, who supports all clinical trial medication dispensing and patient education across all clinical trials at Renown.  Accounts Payable for having a huge impact on patient and employee reimbursement.  Renown Medical Group for their participating providers, especially in oncology, cardiology, pulmonology, pediatrics, endocrinology and neurology, who are involved in research year after year.  Marketing and Communications for helping with printed materials and raising awareness for clinical research at Renown and UNR Med.  An Affiliation to Last Through the Ages  A collective, shared vision of exploring community health – that is the impetus behind the affiliation between Renown and UNR Med. By leveraging resources across both institutions, the CRO has maximized their impact, giving the people of northern Nevada greater access to new interventions and treatments and promoting an impassioned culture with patients, providers, residents and medical students.  “Community-based research always sat well with me,” said Amber Emerson. “As Renown and UNR Med, we have this unique opportunity to shape clinical research here in northern Nevada. We always make sure we present research in a meaningful way that speaks to the work we produce and demonstrates the opportunities we offer. After all, participating in clinical research doesn’t mean our patients are ‘guinea pigs’ – quite the opposite! They are partners in their health care, and we support them through providing access to novel treatments.”  “Research is my passion, and my career has spanned broadly from grants administration to study coordination,” added Valerie Smith, Clinical Research Center Administrative Manager at UNR Med. “I am excited to be at the forefront of research frontiers in northern Nevada.”  Through robust engagement and collaboration with healthcare providers, department administrators, internal research team members and leadership, the strength of this affiliation is unmeasurable. The CRO’s ultimate goal is to have clinical trials be the standard of care for every condition that Renown and UNR Med treats. Clinical research participation is all about patient autonomy, shared decision-making between patients and their providers and advancing medicine to save lives. From their beginnings as a small group of passionate researchers to their present reality as a leader in the research space in northern Nevada, their efforts do not go unnoticed.  “The success of our department is inspiring,” said Amil Trujillo-King. “Renown and UNR Med supports the wellbeing of all employees and contributes directly to the growth of the department.”  “When I first joined Renown in Patient Access, I didn’t realize that we had a research department; with a strong healthcare background in my family, I knew I wanted to grow in my career, and our expanding Clinical Research office was that next step,” said Raul Arellano. “With our affiliation with UNR Med, it’s especially inspiring to be able to apply what I learned as a Patient Access Representative to help further outcomes for our patients through managing our finances.”  Through their unwavering commitment to research excellence and patient-centered care, the CRO will continue to pave the way for groundbreaking medical discoveries and improved outcomes for patients for years to come.  “Fundamentally, we’re working to build a culture of research in our community because we believe it is the right thing to do. Our community deserves to have access to clinical trials and novel care close to home with a dedicated team to support them every step of the way,” closes Kristen Gurnea.

    Read More About Department Spotlight Clinical Research

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