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    • Atención pediátrica
    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Salud infantil
    • Testimonio de paciente

    El viaje de Jakob en Renown Children’s Hospital

    In August 2016, six-year-old Jakob was admitted to Renown Children's Hospital with what seemed like a common ear infection. Jakob's condition quickly progressed, and he started experiencing neurological symptoms such as difficulty speaking and a full-body shutdown. Doctors, neurologists and specialists from Renown worked with doctors from Stanford, where he was ultimately diagnosed with Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE). BBE is a rare, autoimmune response that attacks the nerves in the body due to an acute illness such as a cold, flu or, in Jakob's case, an ear infection. Jakob could not breathe or eat and experienced paralysis on the side of his face, throat, stomach, bowels, lungs and legs. In addition, he started to rapidly lose weight as well as body function. Jakob lost half his body weight which resulted in the need for a Gastrostomy tube. This device is placed surgically and gives direct access to the stomach to give the child the nutrition needed. He also needed occupational therapy, and after three and a half months of ICU respiratory therapy, surgeries and treatments, he was released home to regain his strength. Forever Grateful Anica, Jakob's mom, said, "If it were not for the quick response and unconditional support and compassion from the team at Renown, Jakob would not be here today." Jakob's family is forever grateful to the staff, community and expertise at Renown for their unwavering commitment to their son and family during their most trying time in life. "When I met Jakob on the first day of his illness, so much was unknown. My team and I were worried, as his symptoms were very unusual. His rapid deterioration, after being a perfectly healthy child, was clearly terrifying for his parents. Handing over a child's care to a team of strangers is one of the scariest things that can happen to parents,” said Dr. Kris Deeter, Physician in Chief at Renown Children’s Hospital. “However, Anica and Jeremiah were also very clear that they did not want Jakob transferred somewhere else. So, we used all our resources to care for him, arrive at a diagnosis, and start aggressive therapies. They listened to every word we said, educated themselves, and became partners in Jakob's care. We all became part of Team Jakob, and soon, he proved to us just how strong he was." Today, Jakob is 13 years old and thriving in every aspect of his life. He is currently on the honor roll in school and finds joy in his newfound passion for the violin. He loves spending his free time learning about mixing music, making new friends and traveling to different parts of the country. This summer, he will travel to Europe to explore his passion for culture. The family says, "We owe it all to the family and staff at Renown."

    Read More About Jakob’s Journey at Renown Children’s Hospital

    • Salud infantil
    • Oncología pediátrica
    • Empleados
    • Atención del cáncer
    • Atención pediátrica

    Departamento destacado: Servicios de infusión para niños

    Help us celebrate the holiday season by sharing joy with our Children’s Infusion Services team!  Thinking about blood can make any of us squeamish, and seeing it can be even more intimidating to the children in our lives. Being treated for a condition that requires blood transfusions or chemotherapy infusions is no easy feat, especially during the holiday season. This time of year, we are proud that we can offer our pediatric patients the power of proximity and excellence by having access to high level care close to home.  The Children’s Infusion Services (CIS) department at Renown Children’s Hospital is committed to bringing the gift of quality care to our community’s youngest patients. Whether they are caring for a child with a blood disorder or giving expert infusion care for a child battling cancer, no team does what they do better than these expert nurses, medical assistants, intake coordinators and physicians.  ‘Tis the Season to Bring Hope As the only pediatric oncology and hematology program in the region, the CIS department has a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. From inpatient chemotherapy to outpatient infusion services, this team treats a long list of pediatric blood conditions including:  Pediatric cancers Anemias Immune-mediated blood disorders Sickle-cell disease Bone marrow failure syndromes Bleeding disorders  “Our team provides a large variety of services from labs draws, sedations for procedures, infusions for diagnoses such as Crohn's disease, blood transfusions, as well as chemotherapy,” said Jen Torres, RN.  “Our team works extremely well together. We try to go above and beyond for our patients every day. It may be something as simple as a hug to comfort a parent or a special birthday gift for a patient.”  “My job allows me to work with several departments and providers when coordinating care for our littlest of patients,” added Jane Strawn, Intake Coordinator. “I assure proper authorizations are in place for the care that is needed, I communicate with our families when scheduling appointments, I organize End of Treatment Celebrations, as well as birthday shout outs and work closely with our Child Life team to help make the challenging appointment little easier.”  To best serve their patients, the team thrives on being expert multitaskers. Central line care, chemotherapy administration, blood transfusions, medication management, preventative injections, lab draws, lumbar punctures, biopsies, imaging – you name it, they do it. And they do it all with the utmost focus on safety and support.  “Our days have a lot of variation, as we perform a number of different services,” said Meagan Bertotti, RN. “We provide infusions for patients with chronic or acute medical conditions and chemotherapy/biotherapy treatment to patients undergoing cancer treatments. Overall, though, we work as a team to make these difficult procedures and treatments as easy as possible for the patients and families by providing engagement and support.”  “While we handle a lot of chemotherapy treatments for pediatric patients, we also do other infusions and transfusions as well such as blood and platelet transfusions, enzyme replacement therapies, different types of injections such as Rabies vaccine or Synagis for high-risk babies who need that extra protection during the RSV season, and lab draws,” said Chelsea Angues, RN. “We care for patients that get their therapies from outside hospitals, but the patient lives within the Reno area. We receive orders from those outside hospitals to care for those patients, so they can still be with their families and not have to travel.”  As members of the Children’s Oncology Group, a highly-regarded clinical trials group where over 90% of pediatric cancer patients across the U.S. receive treatment, teams like CIS in Renown Children’s Hospital deliver the highest standard of care. This partnership is a true testament to the devoted collaboration and relationship-building this team commits to on behalf of their patients every day.  "One of the biggest accomplishments of our team is the fact that we became a member of the Children’s Oncology Group, and the Children's Infusion Center and Pediatric Oncology became one unit,” said Shelby Nolte. "Instead of being a clinic on one side and an infusion center on the other, we really came together to make it a whole unit that collaborates on almost everything.”  “We've put much time into trying to understand other departments, their flow, their rationales and their processes so we can come to a solution that benefits our patients the greatest,” added Tiffany Macie, RN. “We've taken the last few years to really build our relationships with our pharmacy staff, our lab staff and our central supply resources. Our relationship building extends beyond the walls of the Renown building as well and out to the community providers too. In the past few years, we've been able to build relationships with the providers in the community where they trust they can send us their patients for treatment and lab draws. Finally, we've spent much time working on the relationships as a team. It's emotional work we do on our unit, and these families become our family. It's important to us that we take the time to be together outside of our shifts to enjoy one another and laugh!”  In the compassionate realm of pediatric healthcare, CIS knows that the complexities of a cancer or blood disorder diagnosis can take an emotional toll on their patients and families. The team firmly believes that emotional support can be as important as the physical and medical support throughout each patient’s unique care journey, striving to be a comforting presence during daunting times.  “The most important part of my day is collaborating with the Children's Infusion team to make life manageable for the families that are going through this experience,” added Shelby Nolte, Senior Medical Assistant. “We work as a team to make life easier for the blow of a cancer diagnosis.  We are there for our families in every way.  If they need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen or just someone to play cards with or tell a funny story too, we are there.”  “One of the things our team does extremely well to help our patients and their families with new diagnoses is to simply meet them where they are,” said Tiffany Macie. “That looks different for every family and every patient. We work in an environment where can build relationships with our patients and their families. This allows us the unique opportunity to really get to know them. We learn their fears, their joys, their worries, what their family lives are like, and we learn how to best meet them where they are.”  Transcending the conventional boundaries of care, the CIS department closely supports each patient, offering them solace tailored to the unique fabric of each family's life.

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Children’s Infusion Services

    • Viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2022

    ¿Problema de estómago? Renown Children’s Hospital agrega otra nueva especialidad, gastroenterología pediátrica

    Dos gastroenterólogos pediátricos brindan atención que salva vidas a los niños y hacen de Renown su nuevo hogar. El equipo de Renown Children’s Hospital y nuestra comunidad celebran la incorporación de una nueva especialidad pediátrica que salva vidas a su práctica que atiende a niños y familias en el norte de Nevada. Los padres y tutores ahora podrán buscar atención profesional de gastroenterólogo pediátrico con la incorporación de los Dres. Juan Gregory y Kathleen Holland a Renown Medical Group. “Reconocer la importancia de diagnosticar y cuidar a los niños que tienen afecciones que afectan los órganos del sistema digestivo, incluido el estómago, el hígado y el intestino, al mismo tiempo que ayuda a los niños que tienen problemas para alimentarse y comer, es de vital importancia para nosotros en Renown”, dijo la Dra. Kristina Deeter, MBA, FAAP, presidenta de Pediatría de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada Reno (UNR Med) y médica en jefe del Renown Children’s Hospital. “Tanto los Dres. Gregory como Holland son excelentes médicos, nos complace que se unan a Renown Children’s Hospital para ofrecer servicios de gastroenterología pediátrica, incluida una amplia gama de procedimientos y exámenes de detección complejos y vitales, endoscopias y colonoscopias”. El Dr. Juan Carlos Gregory tiene 18 años de experiencia en el cuidado de niños en el norte de Nevada. Es profesor clínico asociado de pediatría en UNR Med con un interés especial en la enfermedad celíaca, el dolor abdominal y el reflujo gastroesofágico en niños. Gregory obtuvo su título universitario en la Universidad Cristiana de Texas en Fort Worth, TX, antes de completar su capacitación médica, incluida una residencia en pediatría en la Universidad de San Diego en Pediatría y becas en Gastroenterología y Nutrición Pediátrica en el Centro Médico Nacional Infantil en Washington, DC, y en la Sección de Enfermedades Digestivas de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud en Bethesda, MD. Está certificado por la junta en gastroenterología pediátrica y habla español. Kathleen Holland, MD, MPH aporta una perspectiva de salud global a su trabajo en el cuidado de niños. Graduada de la Facultad de Medicina Reno de la Universidad de Nevada (UNR Med) con su doctorado en medicina y su maestría en salud pública con énfasis en la salud social y conductual, ha donado sus habilidades para proporcionar ayuda médica internacional a niños en Uganda y Nicaragua. Holland obtuvo su título universitario en University of Nevada Reno en Biología, Ecología de la Salud y Ética de la Atención Médica antes de completar su capacitación médica y residencia en Pediatría y una beca en Gastroenterología Pediátrica en Indiana University School of Medicine en Indianápolis, IN. Sus intereses científicos y de investigación incluyen tasas de vacunación y barreras familiares entre los niños con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, enfermedad de Crohn y colitis, pancreatitis autoinmunitaria pediátrica y fibrosis quística. Cómo ayudan los gastroenterólogos pediátricos a los niños y las familias El Programa de gastroenterología pediátrica de Renown Children’s atiende a niños que experimentan problemas comunes relacionados con el sistema GI en la infancia; náuseas, vómitos, dolor abdominal, diarrea, estreñimiento, reflujo, cólicos, alergia a las proteínas de la leche, problemas de crecimiento y alimentación deficientes, y atiende a pacientes desde la infancia hasta los 18 años de edad. “Como especialistas en la atención de niños con problemas gastrointestinales y hepáticos, nos enfocamos en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de estos problemas”, dijo el Dr. Larry Duncan, vicepresidente de Pediatría y Cirugía y administrador de Renown Children’s & Women’s Services. “Nuestros médicos desempeñan un papel activo en la enseñanza y la investigación. Contamos con varias áreas de experiencia que incluyen la prevención, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de enfermedades del tracto digestivo, incluidos el esófago, la vesícula biliar, el estómago, el páncreas, el colon, el intestino delgado y la enfermedad hepática”. La experiencia especial incluye: Trastornos pediátricos de alimentación y crecimiento Trastornos aerodigestivos Trastornos alimentarios e de hipersensibilidad Enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria Enfermedad celíaca Enfermedades hepáticas Niños que requieren nutrición parenteral y enteral Renown Children’s Hospital es el único hospital infantil dedicado en el norte de Nevada, que ofrece programas y servicios para familias de un área de 100,000 millas cuadradas, desde Sacramento, CA hasta Salt Lake City, Utah. Renown Children’s cuenta con la única sala de emergencias para niños; una UCI pediátrica (PICU); un centro de imágenes para niños; y la UCI neonatal (NICU) más grande, una unidad de cuidados intensivos de nivel III. Specialty Children’s Care en Renown Today, más del 90 % de las familias en el norte de Nevada buscan atención de los expertos de Renown Children’s Hospital. “Estamos muy agradecidos con la Fundación William N. Pennington por su apoyo para establecer el William N. Pennington Fund for Advance Pediatric Care en 2016, que nos permitió contratar a nuestros primeros 15 especialistas pediátricos”, dijo el Dr. Deeter. “Hoy tenemos más de 40 especialistas médicos pediátricos en Renown Children’s Hospital que brindan atención en medicina adolescente, endocrinología pediátrica, hematología/oncología pediátrica, neumología pediátrica, neurología pediátrica, nefrología pediátrica, enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas, oftalmología pediátrica, cirugía ortopédica pediátrica, cirugía de hendidura y craneofacial pediátrica, urología pediátrica, odontología pediátrica, medicina pediátrica de emergencia y, ahora, gastroenterología pediátrica. Nuestros médicos brindan 30,000 visitas de pacientes al año, lo que ofrece un nivel excepcional de atención. El regalo de Pennington es realmente un regalo que sigue dando a las familias de nuestra área”. Ahora en construcción: Ampliación de la atención para pacientes hospitalizados en Renown Children’s Hospital Nueva construcción de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, NICU) ampliada con mayor capacidad para 49 moisés, una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, PICU) ampliada con mayor capacidad para 16 salas privadas de pacientes y familiares, y un nuevo piso para pacientes hospitalizados de Renown Children's Hospital con capacidad aumentada para 38 pacientes privados y cuartos familiares con capacidad total de 58 camas pediátricas se están construyendo actualmente en Tahoe Tower, Nivel 5 de Renown Regional Medical Center. Se espera que las nuevas unidades se abran a los pacientes y sus familias el 2023 de abril. En las clasificaciones más recientes de US News & World Report Best Hospital, Renown Regional Medical Center fue nombrado el hospital número uno en Nevada. Ningún otro hospital del estado cumplió con sus estrictos estándares para el ranking de 2021. Renown Health es de alto desempeño, su calificación más alta posible, en ocho procedimientos y afecciones que incluyen insuficiencia cardíaca, cirugía de cáncer de colon y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, reemplazo de cadera y reemplazo de rodilla. El puntaje de un hospital se basa en múltiples categorías de datos, incluidos los resultados de los pacientes, la seguridad y los volúmenes. Los hospitales calificados como sobresalientes eran significativamente mejores que el promedio nacional. Renown Medical Group es un proveedor dentro de la red de Hometown Health y otros planes de salud. Los Dres. Gregory y Holland se complacen en ver a nuevos pacientes en su ubicación en la Clínica de Subespecialidades Infantiles de Renown dentro del Centro Médico Regional de Renown en 75 Pringle Way, Suite 505, Reno, Nev. Pídale a su pediatra una derivación a un especialista médico cuando sea necesario realizar una evaluación adicional de un problema en particular. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada sin fines de lucro más grande de Nevada que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Renown actualmente está inscribiendo participantes en un estudio de salud de la población genética basado en la comunidad, el Proyecto® de Nevada Saludable. Acerca de UNR Med La Universidad de Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), la primera escuela de medicina pública de Nevada, es una escuela de medicina comunitaria intensiva en investigación con una visión estatal para un Nevada saludable. Desde 1969, UNR Med ha capacitado a más de 3,900 estudiantes, residentes y becarios. La UNR Med continúa mejorando la salud y el bienestar de todos los residentes de Nevada y sus comunidades mediante excelencia en la educación estudiantil, capacitación de posgrado y atención clínica, investigación con impacto local, nacional y global, y una cultura de diversidad e inclusión. Para obtener más información, visite med.unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de ¿Problema de estómago? Renown Children’s Hospital agrega otra nueva especialidad, gastroenterología pediátrica

    • Salud infantil
    • Atención pediátrica

    ¿En la sala de emergencias de los niños, atención de urgencia o espera? Esta es su guía

    We’ve all been there: Your child gets sick right after urgent care closes — or worse, in the middle of the night. So do you wait it out, or do you load up and head to the Children’s ER? Pediatric Emergency Physician Joey Gassen, MD, with Northern Nevada Emergency Physicians, has insight. As parents, we often wish we had all the answers. And while a short-and-sweet comprehensive parenting guide is elusive, we can help if your questions involve whether to go to the children’s ER or wait it out. Here, a pediatric emergency physician explains when you should take your child to the Children’s ER at Renown Children’s Hospital, and what makes a children’s ER different. How do you know when it’s time to take your child to the ER? Having a sick or injured child is stressful. If you have a true emergency, you should go straight to the ER or call 911. When to go to the ER: Allergic reactions Asthma or severe shortness of breath Fever (infants less than two months old) Choking or poisoning Coughing up or vomiting blood Fainting, confusion or seizures Fractures or broken bones Head injuries Severe bleeding If you determine your child’s condition isn’t life-threatening but needs to be taken care of right away, urgent care is the best choice. Those conditions include: Cold and flu Coughs and sore throat Fevers Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain Cuts and severe scrapes Minor injuries and burns What is different about Renown Children’s ER compared to the adult ER? The difference starts when you first bring your child in. We have a lobby dedicated to our community’s smallest patients. The 24/7 lobby incorporates a child-friendly atmosphere with vibrant colors to help decrease anxiety that can accompany emergency situations. Our children’s ER also has equipment sized just for kids of any age. We offer a distraction machine, as well as games and movies, to help children cope with what can be a traumatic experience, like getting an IV. In addition, we have Child Life Specialists available to provide the emotional support to both children and their families. Why is it important to have an emergency room and lobby open 24/7 dedicated to children? Children aren’t just little people. They have special needs that require specialized care. Our children’s ER is staffed with skilled physicians and pediatric nurses certified in advanced pediatric emergency care to give your child the highest level of support. Renown Children’s Hospital From newborns to teens, Renown Children’s Hospital offers many different services and treatments designed specifically to take care of our community’s children. We provide a range of specialized services — from a dedicated Children’s ER and Pediatric ICU to a children’s imaging center and child’s asthma program. Explore Children’s Services

    Read More About Children's ER, Urgent Care or Wait it Out? Here's Your Guide

    • Salud conductual
    • Atención pediátrica
    • Atención primaria
    • Salud infantil
    • Salud mental

    Nutrir la salud mental del regreso a la escuela de su hijo

    The back-to-school season is here, and ensuring your child's successful transition involves more than just school supplies and schedules. At Renown Children’s Hospital, and in collaboration with Nevada Pediatric Psychiatry Solutions, we understand the vital role that mental health plays in a child's overall well-being and academic performance. Below we'll guide you through essential tips for a smooth back-to-school experience, with a special focus on nurturing your child's mental health. How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health from Home Remember, the below strategies can be adapted to align with your child's personality, learning style and household dynamics. Flexibility and understanding are key in tailoring these tips to suit your child's unique needs. 1. Be Open to Communication: Recognize that effective communication is the cornerstone of understanding your child's feelings and concerns. Create a safe space where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts. Listen to learn, without judgment. Make it a point to validate their emotions and ensure they are heard. Encourage sharing experiences,worries, friends and challenges they may be facing. Having open conversations about sensitive topics opens the door for discussion and understanding. Make yourself available. 2. Establish a Routine: A consistent routine can offer a sense of stability and predictability for your child, and anticipation helps to decrease anxiety and establish a sense of control. Join forces and design a daily schedule that includes time for schoolwork, play, physical activity, meals and relaxation. Be flexible about the structure to allow room for last-minute changes including extra activities based on that day’s needs as well. Always add time for play and bonding. 3. Practice Compassion: Back-to-school can come with big emotions. Listening reflexively and acknowledging these feelings can help you and your child act positively on these big emotions. 4. Get Involved: Actively engage in your child's school life by participating in school events, meetings and discussions. Show interest in their educational journey, ask about their experiences and provide guidance when needed. Being present in their academic pursuits not only boosts their confidence but also strengthens the parent-child bond. 5. Use Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This allows for a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-esteem. Praise efforts, progress and perseverance, whether it's completing an assignment, making a new friend or overcoming a challenge. This positivity encourages a growth mindset and resilience. 6. Organize a Schoolwork Zone: Create a comfortable workspace at home dedicated to school-related tasks. Customize the area based on your child's preferences and needs. Having a designated space for studying and completing assignments promotes focus, reduces distractions and enhances their overall learning experience.

    Read More About Nurturing Your Child's Back-to-School Mental Health

    • Vacunas
    • Salud infantil

    Retomando las citas de su hijo

    If you’ve been putting off care for your child, know that Renown Health is prepared with updated processes and procedures to ensure safety for you and your little ones.   Doctor Max Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA, Physician-in-Chief of Renown Children’s Hospital, is concerned there could be an outbreak of serious illnesses if parents continue to delay getting their children immunized. Dr. Coppes and team understand your anxieties when it comes to visiting your pediatrician, and would like you to know; not only are well visits important to assess your child’s overall health, crucial vaccinations are administered to guard your little ones against disease. Immunizations Immunizations protect children from communicable diseases. Other benefits include: Children that are unable to have vaccines due to age or illness are protected through herd immunity Vaccinations are at given at specific intervals, and missing an appointment may put your child behind schedule Elderly populations are protected where immunity may be decreased Dr. Coppes states, “What we have noticed nationwide, and also in Washoe County, is that the number of kids immunized has gone down by about two-thirds. If that goes on, we’re just waiting for chickenpox, measles, any of those childhood diseases that were eradicated to come up again.” 4 Easy Ways to Schedule an Appointment: Call Us: 775-982-KIDS (5437) Request Appointment Online MyChart Virtual Visits In-Person Wellness Visits/Checkups Maintaining your child’s health is important! Contact your pediatrician to schedule an in-office visit. When you call to make an appointment, you’ll talk to a specialist at our Customer Care Center who will screen you to make sure you and your child have not been exposed to someone with COVID-19, and ensure symptoms of a respiratory illness are not present. Virtual Visits When appropriate, many pediatric appointments are available through virtual visits. Please call 775-982-KIDS (5437) to request a visit with your child’s established provider. All virtual visits require a MyChart account. Don’t have a MyChart account? You can easily sign up online. If you need assistance with your MyChart account, please call 775-982-6686. Virtual visits are able to connect to an ASL interpreter (sign language interpreter), and 37 languages including Spanish.

    Read More About Getting Your Child's Appointments Back on Track

    • Ensayos clínicos
    • Investigación y estudios
    • University of Nevada, Reno
    • Empleados

    Investigación clínica destacada del departamento

    May 20 is National Clinical Trials Day. Celebrate with us by recognizing the Clinical Research team at Renown Health!  The root of every medication, treatment and procedure in healthcare can be traced back to research. From the beginning of the history of medicine, research has always played a crucial role in improving the lives of patients around the world, leaving a permanent mark on how we expand our medical capabilities to this day.  Renown Health’s Clinical Research team, in partnership with the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med), are leading that effort in our very own community. As our in-house leaders of clinical trials, this team is dedicated to advancing the science of medicine to help further our bottom line of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the patients they serve.   Trial by (Medical) Jury  Every day looks different for the Clinical Research team, especially when it comes to interacting with patients, providers and “sponsors,” which are the organizations providing the treatment for the study. One fact always remains true: communication and collaboration are key, especially among the team who act as the face of this process.  Meet Lisa English (pictured above on the far right in a blue shirt), a Lead Clinical Research Coordinator at Renown who serves as the study "project manager." One aspect of Lisa’s day-to-day is seeing patients through their clinical trials from start to finish.  It all begins with the setup.  “Before we can launch a study, there is a lot of back-and-forth dialogue between everyone involved to ensure the best fit,” said Lisa. “Sponsors will come to us with novel treatments, such as medications or devices, and the inclusion criteria that patients need to meet in order to qualify for the study. We then immediately jump into working with the providers, looking closely at the science and comparing the treatments to what is on the market already.”  From there, Lisa coordinates conversations between the providers, sponsors and study teams to gauge everyone’s capacity based on the length of the study, ensuring everyone involved has the time to dedicate to the process. Next, the providers identify patients that meet the criteria for the study, and together, the team decides where the patient visits will happen and discusses any potential barriers that may affect patient retention. The budget is clearly defined at this stage, set up to make sure no patient is ever billed for medical costs incurred as a result of the study.  Often, research participants are seen within the specialty clinics throughout the health system, while other times the Clinical Research Coordinators see patients at the recently centralized Clinical Research Office at Renown Regional Medical Center. This location provides an essential public-facing space for the community to learn more about clinical trials and demonstrates the breadth of resources available at Renown to sponsors to strengthen external partnerships and research funding opportunities.  Once the study officially begins, team members like Lisa will set patients up for a “screening/qualifying visit.” During this appointment, she makes sure patients get scheduled for their lab work, imaging scans and anything else the provider may need to make an executive decision on whether or not the patient is a good candidate for the study.  “I build it all in Epic,” said Lisa. “The study information, directions, requirements and next steps are all loaded in Epic for easy tracking. We are also required to input any notes in the sponsor’s electronic data capture website. All the information I track is inputted without protected health information (PHI), so every patient is completely anonymous.”  After the patient officially qualifies, the study goes full steam ahead. Team members like Lisa and the providers receive continual updates from sponsors on the status of the study.  “Throughout the entire process, I make sure patients get scheduled for everything that meets the requirements for the study,” said Lisa. “I meet with patients one-on-one to discuss their needs and concerns and ask questions about the study, organize their appointments and charts and deal with any issues or pivots that may arise. It’s very important that every patient fully understands what is going to happen with their care.”  The Clinical Research department strives to serve as a care partner to patients, providers and clinics they work with. The majority of our Clinical Research Coordinators are trained phlebotomists and medical assistants, performing their own assessments such as lab draws and electrocardiograms (ECGs) to streamline the research visit process and reduce resource constraints on the clinics and health system.  Lisa typically sees a couple of patients per week, depending on the study and where patients are in the cycle. Depending on the complexity of the trial, patients may see the research team only one time or several times over many years. Typically, clinical trial patients are seen in clinic every 2-4 weeks. There are many tasks required before, during and after a research visit to ensure everything runs smoothly, so Clinical Research Coordinators dedicate an average of 5-11 hours of work per patient, per visit.  Regardless of patient load, each employee in the Clinical Research department – as well as participating teams across Renown and UNR Med – always step in to help each other out. According to Lisa, the environment is immensely supportive.  “We have a program here at Renown to train employees who have never done clinical trials,” said Lisa. “We love seeing people get more engaged with the important work we do, and every department has been great at collaborating with us. Everyone brings a different perspective.”  At the end of the study, Lisa gathers all the information and collects notes into a zip drive or paper binder for archiving. The sponsor lets the Clinical Research team, providers and patients know whether they are on the trial drug or on the placebo. The teams use the data gathered during the study to publish a report or present at conferences, promoting the critical research done to better the lives of patients in our community, and potentially, the world.  “I appreciate the time everyone gives us to make sure our research is successful,” said Lisa. “It feels great to work together to make a difference, improve healthcare quality and save lives.”  Behind-the-Scenes, Yet on the Frontlines  The impact of research studies transcends hospital walls, and this can all be attributed to the dedication of our Clinical Research department. The constant collaboration between this team, lab science, medical assistants and providers, cardiology technologists, sonographers, finance teams and our partners at UNR Med is crucial to safeguarding the success of the studies.  Devoted to keeping research close to home, Renown and UNR Med teamed up to form the Clinical Research Office (CRO) in 2021. With the strength of northern Nevada's largest not-for-profit health system and Nevada’s first medical school, this team is dedicated to giving our community access to the latest care innovations.  “At UNR Med, we are working with students, residents and academic faculty; on the Renown side, we are working with clinicians and community participants,” said Amber Emerson, Manager for Community Outreach and Research Engagement for UNR Med.  “Everything we do is data-driven,” added Kristen Gurnea, Manager of Clinical Research for Renown. “Our main goal is to optimize our impact and provide a community benefit for our patients. The scope of our roles in the Clinical Research office is very diverse.”  To help meet the growing need locally for healthcare and cutting-edge treatment solutions, the CRO has continued to grow, expanding its research capabilities and helping bring new medications, medical devices and more to patients across northern Nevada and northeastern California.  “Once upon a time, our team had only six members; today we have grown to a team of 25,” added Diana Torres, Research Resource Analyst for Renown. “We used to be considered one department, including Medical Education, and we have since branched off into our own cost center. We branched off even further and created a separate Genetics department that runs the Healthy Nevada Project. Throughout this process, the Clinical Research department was always the main point of the umbrella.”  “We participate in hospital-wide outreach and marketing, and we feel this has really helped us get the word out about our department,” added Raul Arellano, Research Resource Analyst for Renown. “In fact, we doubled our clinical trial portfolio from last year.”  The CRO currently operates over 100 clinical trials locally in cardiology, endocrinology, infectious disease, neurology, pediatric and adult oncology, pediatric sub-specialties and pulmonology.   Behind the curtains of in-person research, the CRO is home to several experts who help turn our research studies into a reality, from budgeting and billing to barrier-breaking and building relationships.  “I help with barriers patients and Clinical Research Coordinators are facing, building connections and relationships inside and outside of our health system,” said Kristen Gurnea. “I enjoy handling all the supporting pieces that are required for studies to happen.”  “My role changes every day,” added Jenna Berger, Administrative Assistant for the CRO at Renown. “Some days, I’ll be helping coordinate patient stipends and going through document management to ensure we have all necessary signatures. Other days, I will be planning events – like Clinical Trials Week – for our department and creating marketing materials and fliers.”  “Our day-to-day involves going over anything related to research financials,” added Diana Torres. “We handle sponsor billings, process efficiency and collecting revenue for research contracts, and we collaborate closely with our Finance department and Revenue Integrity in order to accomplish this. It’s important for us to make sure all billing on both the sponsor and patient side is taken care of, especially because patients should never receive a bill for medical services they receive for the trial. A year and a half ago, we started doing budget negotiations for research contracts,” said Diana Torres. “We are proud to help clinical teams with any training they may need on these negotiations as well as billing reviews and allocations.”  Seeing patients progress during a study and transform before their eyes inspires the CRO team to continue doing what they do every day.  “I’ve been here for many years, first working on the floor as an oncology nurse and transitioning to oncology research in 2005,” said Anna Winchell, Cancer Protocol Nurse for Renown. “I love getting to know the patients and seeing them progress into a healthy lifestyle.”  Medical students and residents at UNR Med also play a significant role in the research process, advancing medicine by exploring causes and novel treatments for a wide range of conditions, including HIV, muscular dystrophy, gastrointestinal disorders, infectious diseases and more. Medical research at UNR Med is headed by committed research coordinators, community outreach managers, grants managers, pharmacists and physicians.  “I oversee scientific review and help the physicians that come to us for those resources,” said Amil Trujillo-King, Medical Research Coordinator at UNR Med. “I guide medical students in their research protocols and help with different projects to improve research activities for both students and medical residents.”  It takes a village to make clinical research happen. Because of that, the ACRO cannot thank the following teams enough for moving mountains for the future of medicine:  Renown Health and UNR Med leadership for demonstrating the integrated health system’s commitment to expanding access to clinical research in our community within both the Renown / UNR Med affiliation and Renown active strategic plans.  Renown Pharmacy especially Research Clinical Pharmacist Tim Morton, who supports all clinical trial medication dispensing and patient education across all clinical trials at Renown.  Accounts Payable for having a huge impact on patient and employee reimbursement.  Renown Medical Group for their participating providers, especially in oncology, cardiology, pulmonology, pediatrics, endocrinology and neurology, who are involved in research year after year.  Marketing and Communications for helping with printed materials and raising awareness for clinical research at Renown and UNR Med.  An Affiliation to Last Through the Ages  A collective, shared vision of exploring community health – that is the impetus behind the affiliation between Renown and UNR Med. By leveraging resources across both institutions, the CRO has maximized their impact, giving the people of northern Nevada greater access to new interventions and treatments and promoting an impassioned culture with patients, providers, residents and medical students.  “Community-based research always sat well with me,” said Amber Emerson. “As Renown and UNR Med, we have this unique opportunity to shape clinical research here in northern Nevada. We always make sure we present research in a meaningful way that speaks to the work we produce and demonstrates the opportunities we offer. After all, participating in clinical research doesn’t mean our patients are ‘guinea pigs’ – quite the opposite! They are partners in their health care, and we support them through providing access to novel treatments.”  “Research is my passion, and my career has spanned broadly from grants administration to study coordination,” added Valerie Smith, Clinical Research Center Administrative Manager at UNR Med. “I am excited to be at the forefront of research frontiers in northern Nevada.”  Through robust engagement and collaboration with healthcare providers, department administrators, internal research team members and leadership, the strength of this affiliation is unmeasurable. The CRO’s ultimate goal is to have clinical trials be the standard of care for every condition that Renown and UNR Med treats. Clinical research participation is all about patient autonomy, shared decision-making between patients and their providers and advancing medicine to save lives. From their beginnings as a small group of passionate researchers to their present reality as a leader in the research space in northern Nevada, their efforts do not go unnoticed.  “The success of our department is inspiring,” said Amil Trujillo-King. “Renown and UNR Med supports the wellbeing of all employees and contributes directly to the growth of the department.”  “When I first joined Renown in Patient Access, I didn’t realize that we had a research department; with a strong healthcare background in my family, I knew I wanted to grow in my career, and our expanding Clinical Research office was that next step,” said Raul Arellano. “With our affiliation with UNR Med, it’s especially inspiring to be able to apply what I learned as a Patient Access Representative to help further outcomes for our patients through managing our finances.”  Through their unwavering commitment to research excellence and patient-centered care, the CRO will continue to pave the way for groundbreaking medical discoveries and improved outcomes for patients for years to come.  “Fundamentally, we’re working to build a culture of research in our community because we believe it is the right thing to do. Our community deserves to have access to clinical trials and novel care close to home with a dedicated team to support them every step of the way,” closes Kristen Gurnea.

    Read More About Department Spotlight Clinical Research

    • Salud infantil

    Cómo administrar medicamentos de venta libre de manera segura a los niños

    How can you ensure you’re giving your children safe doses of over-the-counter medications? The safest bet: Confirming dosages and recommendations with your doctor. With that in mind, here are a few answers to basic questions about OTC medications and children. It’s cold and flu season in Northern Nevada. This means you’ll find parents in the aisles of practically every drug store, wondering what will and will not work for their sick children. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications — and their dosages, side effects, interactions and more — can inspire abundant anxiety for parents. At the outset, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers the following warning about use of medicines for cough and colds in children:   The FDA doesn’t recommend over-the-counter medicines for cough and cold symptoms in children younger than 2 years old. Prescription cough medicines containing codeine or hydrocodone are not indicated for use in children younger than 18 years old. Codeine and hydrocodone are opioids that are available in combination with other medicines, such as antihistamines and decongestants, in prescription medicines to treat cough and symptoms associated with allergies or the common cold for adults. Caregivers should also read labels on OTC cough and cold products, because some might contain codeine. So how can you feel comfortable administering any OTC medication to your children? The short answer is: Check with a doctor first. And with that in mind, here are a few common questions and answers from Kristin L. Wilson, MD, of Renown Pediatrics about children and OTC medications. Please talk about the importance of correct dosage of pediatric medications. Pediatric dosing is weight-based and unique to each medicine (and sometimes even the circumstance you are treating.) Therefore, there are no standardizations of “safe” amounts that apply to all medications. What are signs of an overdose of pediatric medications? Signs of intoxication/overdose are also unique to each medication and supplement. And to make it more confusing, mixing current prescriptions with various supplements or over-the-counter medications can cause significant adverse effects as well. Is there an age at which children take adult over-the-counter medications? Infants through adolescents can take medications that are also prescribed to adults, but only under a healthcare provider’s careful guidance. Dosing is determined by various factors dependent on child’s age and also medical history, as above. What is the takeaway about administering medications to children? When in doubt, ask a healthcare professional whether a medication or supplement is safe for your child based on his/her age and medical history as well as recommended dosing based on recent weights and other vital signs.

    Read More About How to Safely Give Children Over-the-Counter Medications

    • Salud infantil
    • Familia

    Guía para un fin de semana de verano divertido durante el año escolar

    Although students are heading back to school, that doesn’t mean the summer fun has to be over. Weekends and after-school hours still call for engaging activities for the kids, even if the extreme heat and thunderstorms don’t beckon you and your kids outside. There are several creative ways you can keep your children active indoors during those coveted out-of-school hours.   Below are 10 activities sure to spark fun for the kids from the comfort of your own home.  1. Dance It Out  Children are bundles of energy. Turn on your child's favorite music station, roll up the carpet and dance it out.  2. Paint Pictures  Above all, kids love to use their imagination. Why not gather up some paintbrushes and some colorful paints to let your child create a masterpiece?  3. Scavenger Hunt  Whenever children go on a scavenger hunt, it's a mini adventure. Collect some of your child's favorite items, and hide them around the house, giving them clues to help them find them.   4. Balloon Toss  Many kids love balloons. Tossing balloons into the air and having your child keep them up in the air without having them touch the floor is an active energy burner.  5. Science Experiments  In case you have a budding scientist at home, choose a science experiment to spark their imaginative spirit. Making water bottle lava lamps or frozen slime are terrific indoor STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) activities.  6. Arts and Crafts  From scrapbooks with their favorite photos to crafts from household items, arts and crafts are a great way for your kids to work their innovation muscles.  7. Indoor Bowling  Bowling in your own home – unexpected? Sure. Loads of fun? Absolutely! You can purchase an indoor bowling set for less than twenty dollars or create your own with household items.  8. Board Games  Because of the limitless options, board games are another favorite indoor activity for the whole family. Your child can learn vital social skills like learning to wait their turn, as well as memory formation and problem-solving skills.  9. Stage a Puppet Show  Making sock puppets (or even just using “hand puppets”) can really spark a day of spectacular imagination. Draft a script and perform a puppet play for the whole family!  10. Karaoke Concert  Singing certainly gets you in the groove of having a great time with your family and building memories – and you don’t even need a karaoke machine to do it! There are many digital karaoke options available for your family’s delight.  It’s no surprise that after-school hours and weekend days are premium play time for kids, especially during the summer months. As shown above, indoor summer activities when the weather isn’t conducive to spending time outdoors can still be fun and engaging for everyone.

    Read More About A Guide to Summer Weekend Fun During the School Year

    • Fumar
    • Salud infantil

    Los riesgos del vapeo y los cigarrillos electrónicos

    In this article reprinted with permission from the Galena Times,  Dr. Max J Coppes, Physician-in-Chief, Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield, Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talk about adolescents vaping, and how an estimated additional 10 million teens are at risk to start using e-cigarettes. What are E-cigarettes? E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices heating a liquid (e-juice) into an aerosol to be inhaled. Breathing in this flavor vapor, which usually contains nicotine, anti-freeze or other cancer-causing chemicals is called ‘vaping.’  There are many forms of these electronic nicotine delivery devices - and they're not always obvious. They not only appear to be cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, but also pass for everyday items, such as flashlights, flash drives or pens.   The Effects of Vaping and E-cigarettes Regardless of the nicotine delivery, vaping is addictive and is quickly becoming a public health concern. Nicotine levels in e-cigarettes vary greatly, and they may also contain toxic chemicals. Currently there is a wide range of variability among vaping products. In other words - they deliver different ingredients, hardware, levels of nicotine, and possible toxic chemicals to the user. This makes it challenging to create an overall public health recommendation on their use. Nevertheless, there is no confusion about the harmful effects of the chemicals used in e-cigarettes to the young brain, which develops until age 25. Studies show e-cigarette use serves as an introductory product for teens to go on using ‘regular’ tobacco products. The American Academy of Pediatrics has several recommendations on their use. Such as increasing the minimum age to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to age 21 nationwide. (Update: nationwide the age as of January 2, 2020 is now 21.) A common misunderstanding with teenagers is the belief e-cigarettes are less harmful than other tobacco products. Moreover, there is a wide range of flavor choices, from mint, mango, crème brûlée to cucumber to attract users. As of September 6, 2019, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting over 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarette products in 33 states.    What Should Parents Know about Vaping? Parents and teachers should know JUUL is a very popular e-cigarette among teenagers, capturing about 68% of the market. JUUL is sleek, small, hides easily, and resembles a flash drive. Surprisingly it charges in an USB port, and can also instantly be mistaken for a real flash drive. One JUUL cartridge contains twice the nicotine found in other e-cigarette cartridges. This roughly equals the amount of nicotine in an entire pack of cigarettes. To repeat, the use of JUUL in young people continues to grow, and this is why parents and teachers need to be aware. Be alert, teach, communicate, and talk to your child about the serious risks of smoking in all forms, whether at home or parties. Tell them how difficult it is to quit and why they should not start. Loving your children is caring; caring for their current and future health and well-being.

    Read More About The Risks of Vaping and E cigarettes

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil
    • Fundación de Renown Health

    Llevando la atención pediátrica cerca de casa

    As our community grows, so does the need for specialized care. Thanks to a generous gift, there’s a healthier future for families in the region as a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation is helping keep care close to home. Being in the hospital is often a stressful experience, especially for a child and their caregivers. If you add the need to travel out-of-state for care into the mix, unnecessary anxiety and financial burdens can be placed on a family that is already worried about a sick child. With our quickly growing community and close to 100,000 children under the age of 18 in Washoe County alone, the need for local specialty care is needed. The William N. Pennington Foundation recognized this need and donated $7.5 million to the Renown Health Foundation – the largest gift the health system has received – to keep care close to home and establish the William N. Pennington Fund for Advanced Pediatric Care. Thanks to this gift, Renown Children’s Hospital has hired more than 15 pediatric specialists who provide care for children in our community. Below, we introduce you to three key specialized pediatricians in northern Nevada: Joseph A. Gassen, M.D. “Having pediatric specialists in the community is invaluable,” says Joseph A. Gassen, M.D., pediatric emergency medicine. “It allows families and patients to stay in Reno and not have to travel far distances to get quality care.” Gassen, the only doctor specializing in pediatric emergency medicine in the region, moved to Reno to provide care in the emergency room at Renown Children’s Hospital. “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," Dr. Gassen says. I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.” Working with children and their families are what Dr. Gassen finds most rewarding. "I get to provide care for a child, which in turn makes the parent feel better,” he says. “Essentially, I get to treat the whole family, even though I only directly care for the kids.”   Colin Nguyen, M.D. Also among the first new specialists is Pediatric Neurologist Colin Nguyen, M.D., who has done extensive work with epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. “In any growing and expanding community, we need the multitude of social, financial, political and well-being services to sustain that growth and progress,” Dr. Nguyen says. “The ability to offer more breadth of medical services to our local population allows families to spend more time together and fulfill work obligations, without the need to travel long distances to obtain that specialized care.” Dr. Nguyen says he enjoys caring for children because they are honest in their emotions and reactions, as well as simple in their intentions. “It is the overall joy and unique sadness that comes in working with children, which drives many of us to continue our work -- I am no exception.” Jacob Zucker, M.D. The third pediatric specialist providing care thanks to the Pennington gift has close ties to northern Nevada. Jacob Zucker, M.D., pediatric hematologist-oncologist, was born and raised in Reno and attended medical school at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine before moving to the Midwest for his residency and fellowship. Dr. Zucker feels fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to return home and give back to the community that has given so much to him. “I can say with absolute resolve that northern Nevada is an exceptional community to practice medicine in. The care offered here at home is top rate and the providers that live and practice here truly understand the purpose of community.” The addition of these three specialists and the future specialists that will be coming to our area will impact thousands of children and their families. “With a growing population, the vision of leadership at Renown, and with the generosity of the William N. Pennington Foundation, northern Nevada is in position for the first time to make local pediatric subspecialty care a reality and to keep our families at home in their community,” Dr. Zucker says.

    Read More About Keeping Pediatric Care Close to Home

    • Vacunas
    • COVID-19
    • Salud infantil

    Cómo aliviar el miedo de su hijo a las vacunas

    Getting a shot can be scary for kids and anxiety-inducing for parents and caregivers. With flu shot season well underway and children's COVID-19 vaccine clinics in full swing, we wanted to share ways to reduce the stress for you and your child. Plan Ahead and Be Honest A few days before the scheduled appointment, casually mention to your child that you’re both going to the doctor’s office (or vaccine clinic, or pharmacy) soon for their vaccine. Explain to them that this will help protect them and will only take a second. Being honest is important, telling your child that it will hurt for a moment. If possible, try and schedule the vaccine at a kid-specific vaccine clinic, your pediatrician's office or a school-based site. Remember that words are powerful. Take notice if you are using a word that might make them more upset, such as prick, jab, needle or shot. You can interchange words such as vaccine, immunization or injection. Bring Toys Don’t be afraid to let your child bring one of their favorite toys or stuffed animals to the appointment. This can make them feel more comfortable and provide distraction. Ask for Pain Reliever/Numbing Agent If you know from past experience (or suspect) that your child has a needle phobia, talk to the vaccination location ahead of time and ask if they can use a pain reliever or numbing agent before administering the vaccine. Distract. Distract. Distract. Sing a song, tell them a joke, make a funny face. If you can pull your child’s attention away from the needle and make them laugh, they won’t focus all their energy on worrying about the shot. Lead By Example If you haven't gotten your flu shot, COVID shot or COVID-19 booster yet, ask the facility ahead of time if you can also get a shot before your child. Show them that the shot is no big deal and that they will have no problem getting it themselves. Celebrate Don’t be afraid to celebrate this victory with your child once it is over – bring them to the park, go out for an ice cream cone, let them pick what’s for dinner. This reward will show that you’re proud of them for being brave and may also make the next time your child is due for a shot easier.

    Read More About How to Ease Your Child's Fear of Vaccines

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