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    • Renown Health
    • Director ejecutivo
    • Empleados

    Preguntas y respuestas con el Dr. Brian Erling, director ejecutivo y presidente de Renown Health

    On behalf of Renown’s more than 7,000 employees, we are thrilled to introduce our healthcare system’s next CEO and President, Brian Erling, MD, MBA. Dr. Erling joins Renown after working for more than 20 years in Colorado, most recently as the CEO and President of Penrose-St. Francis Health System in Colorado Springs for Centura Health. “I am so excited to join Renown Health at this important time. Healthcare and our economy are amid a major transformation, and Renown Health is very well positioned for the future,” Dr. Erling said. “Our ongoing success will hinge on our ability to establish positive and productive relationships, maintain high-quality patient clinical outcomes and experiences, reduce healthcare costs, encourage innovation and improve access and affordability for patients and members.” Q: Let’s start at the beginning. When did your interest in healthcare first begin? A: Believe it or not, I started my healthcare career during high school in Minnesota when I worked as a nursing assistant. I then worked as a monitor tech while pursuing my undergraduate degree in biology from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Q: Where did you go to medical school, and what was your first job after training? A: After graduating from The John Hopkins University School of Medicine and spending three years at the University of Virginia for my residency, I spent more than a decade in the emergency department at a level 1 trauma center. Q: Does your experience as a physician impact your approach to healthcare leadership? A: Yes, absolutely. I have worked my fair share of nights, weekends and holidays, and I know the sacrifices healthcare workers – and their families – make to care for our communities. I will never take it for granted. I also understand how complex healthcare organizations are, and I have experienced these complexities from both the clinical and non-clinical sides. I have provided clinical leadership for a large, regional health system and understand that quality, safety and innovation come from the people doing the work, not from a corporate office. But you also need strong managers and leaders to facilitate and prioritize the work while providing support and coaching. Q: What is the key to a successful healthcare system? A: Teamwork. In fact, being part of a high-performing, mission-driven team is my number one motivation. It’s what gets me up in the morning and why I work in healthcare. I view our greatest resource to be our people, meaning Renown’s more than 7,000 employees. Modern technologies – such as fancy robots and imaging equipment – are essential and pretty cool, but they are not why our patients choose us. They come for trusted care in their hometown. Q: Renown Health is going through a lot of exciting changes right now. What is one thing that excites you about joining this healthcare system in a rapidly expanding area of the country? A: I am very excited about the new partnership with Renown and the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. While still in its infancy, it provides the platform for us to be the center for training, research and tertiary care for the region and beyond. Q: What is something you have learned from working with CEOs at other healthcare systems? A: Healthcare leaders often have a short half-life, but that is not me. I believe it is difficult to create and move an organization toward a unified vision when your leader changes every few years. As my track record will support, this is not my style. I have been in Colorado for over twenty years and now look forward to making Reno and Renown my home for years to come. Q: As you know, Hometown Health is Renown’s health insurance arm. How does equitable access to insurance fit into a person’s and a community’s overall well-being? A: Most health systems would love to have their own health plan. The reality is that you cannot meaningfully improve the health of the population without managing value and risk. We are fortunate to have Hometown Health as part of Renown Health, and in our community, and I am excited to work with Bethany and the team to fulfill the mission of the organization. Q: What does working at a not-for-profit healthcare system mean to you? How does it differ from the for-profit sector? A: I have worked in for-profit and not-for-profit healthcare. Renown is unique as the only not-for-profit health system in the market. What that means is that we invest every penny earned back into caring for our community. We don’t send money to shareholders in California or Pennsylvania, we invest it right here in Nevada. Not only is a not-for-profit healthcare organization where I want to work for, but it is where my family and I want to go for care. Q: What do you like to do for fun? A: I love spending time with my wife and three adult children. I met my wife, Jessica, while attending medical school in Baltimore. She was working as a nurse in the surgical ICU, and I was smitten. I offered to help her with a 3 a.m. bed linen change and bath for our trauma patient, and the rest was history. I also love exploring the outdoors, especially snowboarding!

    Read More About A Q&A with Dr. Brian Erling, CEO & President of Renown Health

    • Renown Health
    • Director ejecutivo

    Cuidado amable para aquellos que lo cuidan

    Over the past year, the safety of healthcare providers has received more public attention than ever before. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – and particularly in the early days – the public learned about the vital role of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other important processes that keep healthcare workers safe and healthy. However, people may be surprised to learn that germs and viruses are just one of the many risks that healthcare professionals face every day. Many people are fortunate enough not to have to worry for their physical and mental well-being when they go to work. Unfortunately, this is not the case for countless healthcare workers across the nation, for whom workplace violence is a daily concern. According to the American Hospital Association, healthcare workers are four times more likely to experience serious workplace violence than people in other industries. This is particularly troubling knowing that healthcare workers have dedicated their careers to serving others, putting their communities first- day in and day out. What is Considered Workplace Violence? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines workplace violence as, “Incidents where staff are abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being, or health.” WHO considers both physical and psychological harm, including attacks, verbal abuse, bullying, and both sexual and racial harassment, to be workplace violence. Responding to the Challenge of Workplace Violence At Renown Health, we have no tolerance for abuse against our employees. As an organization, we have several systems in place to support and protect our staff. During staff orientation, we provide classes to prepare employees to prevent and de-escalate verbal or physical abuse. We also offer ongoing education to train our staff to respond to violent situations. If an incident does occur, our Violence Prevention Task Force reviews incidents and ensures the impacted employees receive resources and counseling to help them process what has occurred. We are among the first in the nation to have instituted a Zero Tolerance policy on workplace violence. This policy is in place to let our employees know that we have their backs in preventing workforce violence and we will address it assertively if the environment becomes unsafe. As a leader, I am continually impressed by our team’s desire and ability to support one another. However, I know that it is my responsibility to protect our team. No one should have to face harassment or abuse – in any form – in his or her workplace. I believe so much in this cause that I volunteer as Chair of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence steering committee, which works to understand the causes behind violence against healthcare workers and develops tools and processes to prevent these incidents from occurring. Violence was already a concern facing health care organization leaders prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the ongoing health crisis has elevated tensions. Health care is an industry like no other, with our most precious resource being our employees. As a community, as patients and family members, we have an obligation to ensure that all healthcare workers are safe while they go about their work. This starts with understanding, communication and unequivocal support for the profession. This month we launched the Be Kind campaign across Renown, a reminder to all of the importance of values like patience, kindness and gratitude. If you would like to join us in recognizing a healthcare hero, please submit your thoughts here. Thank you for working with us, and all healthcare providers, to create and maintain places of health and healing for all – and for kindly caring for those who care for you.

    Read More About Kindly Care for Those Who Care for You

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Cómo hacer que sus hijos duerman sin pantallas

    If you’re a parent, you’ve probably been there — the sometimes-nightly struggle to get your little ones off to bed. Elaina Lantrip, an APRN with Renown Pediatrics, offers some tips and explains how your child’s electronics may be getting in the way of a good night’s sleep. These days, kids are consuming media from a very early age on all types of devices — from tablets and phones to TVs. While they can benefit from some media use, it can have a negative impact on bedtime. We asked Elaina Lantrip, an advanced nurse practitioner with Renown Pediatrics, for some advice on downloading a better bedtime routine. What are the most important practices for parents to establish for their children’s bedtime routines? I often have parents tell me that their child won’t go to bed — or to sleep. Parents frequently ask for tips on bedtime routines that work. My first question is whether their regular bedtime routine involves television, iPad, tablet, phone or anything with a screen. It’s very important that bedtime includes a bath, reading a story, talking, singing and bonding with young ones, rather than using any devices. Why shouldn’t children have a device at bedtime? A growing body of research supports that screen time at bedtime contributes to delays in a child’s falling to sleep; overall inability to reach the important REM, or deep sleep; waking up during the night; nightmares and night terrors. For older youth, engaging with social media before bedtime can bring up stresses, emotions and relationship issues with peers that don’t exactly create peaceful bedtime thoughts. Bedtime should be a screen-free, stress-free, peaceful time of day. It’s a great time for parents to promote self-esteem, talk through things going on in the child’s life, to encourage and build them up. Children grow up fast — bedtime is a great the opportunity with younger children to cuddle up and read a story or sing a lullaby. What are other major considerations in making bedtime smooth and relaxing for kids and their parents? Another factor that contributes to positive sleep habits includes children getting enough activity during the the day so they’re genuinely tired at night. Also helpful are ambient noise makers, peaceful music, avoiding sugar two hours prior to bedtime, consistency in bedtime routine, comfortable pajamas and comfortable temperature in the home. Is it important to keep the child’s bedroom dark? Dimming the lights is important, regardless of the time of year. This is another reason to ban screens, as they emit light that stimulates wakefulness.

    Read More About How to Get Your Kids to Sleep, Screen-Free

    • Salud conductual
    • Director ejecutivo
    • Fundación de Renown Health

    Cómo ayuda la filantropía a subsanar los vacíos en la atención

    In Nevada, we are so fortunate to have a number of not-for-profits and philanthropists who are supporting our mission at Renown Health; we couldn’t do it without them. In the world of healthcare, we are doing well in driving community benefit programming through operations. However, the things our communities need investments in are so much broader than we might be able to afford on our own. That is why it is essential for us to be supported by the people who are so in love with this community and want to assure we get the kinds of services and care for those who can’t afford it or add new services that are contemporary and leading edge that have not been offered here before. Establishing Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute We are so excited to receive a very generous donation from Chuck and Stacie Mathewson for the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health & Addiction Institute. This institute is so sorely needed in northern Nevada. Renown Health has a very important role in being able to bring attention to this important problem of mental health and addiction challenges in northern Nevada. Keeping Pediatric Care Close to Home One of the most important areas where philanthropy comes in handy for us at Renown Health is by assuring that we have the foundational programs that we would not be able to afford with operations alone. For example, the William N. Pennington Foundation’s generous gift has allowed us to create 15 pediatric specialty areas here in northern Nevada so children who have an illness or injury no longer need to leave town. The William N. Pennington Foundation supported Renown Children’s Hospital in a way that we never would have been able to support on our own. We are eternally grateful, and their gift — that 100,000 children are assured access to contemporary health and healthcare services — is beyond comprehension.

    Read More About How Philanthropy Helps Address Gaps in Care

    • Director ejecutivo
    • Renown Health

    Violencia en el lugar de trabajo: Protección de los trabajadores de la salud

    Over the past year, the safety of healthcare providers has received more public attention than ever before. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – and particularly in the early days – the public learned about the vital role of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other important processes that keep healthcare workers safe and healthy. However, people may be surprised to learn that germs and viruses are just one of the many risks that healthcare professionals face every day.  Many people are fortunate enough not to have to worry for their physical and mental wellbeing when they go to work. Unfortunately, this is not the case for countless healthcare workers across the nation, for whom workplace violence is a daily concern. According to the American Hospital Association, healthcare workers are four times more likely to experience serious workplace violence as people in other industries. This is particularly troubling knowing that healthcare workers have dedicated their careers to serving others, putting their communities first day in and day out. Responding to the Challenge of Workplace Violence At Renown, we have no tolerance for abuse against our employees. As an organization, we have several systems in place to support and protect our staff. During staff orientation, we provide classes to prepare employees to prevent and de-escalate verbal or physical abuse. We also offer ongoing education to train our staff to respond to violent situations. If an incident does occur, our violence prevention task force reviews incidents and ensures the impacted employees receive resources and counseling to help them process what has occurred.   As a leader, I am continually impressed by our team’s desire and ability to support one another. However, I know that it is my responsibility to protect our team. No one should have to face harassment or abuse – in any form – in their workplace, and I think about the risks our employees face every day. I believe so much in this cause that I volunteer on the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence steering committee, which works to understand the causes behind violence against healthcare workers and develops tools and processes to prevent these incidents from occurring.

    Read More About Workplace Violence: Protecting Healthcare Workers

    • Salud conductual
    • Prevención y bienestar
    • Cuidado personal

    Envejecimiento saludable 5 consejos para mejorar la felicidad y la calidad de vida

    There are a few simple ways to encourage healthy aging that can translate to an improved quality of life. Here are some expert tips.  What does healthy aging mean to you? If you’re like most people, you’re looking forward to removing the negative from your life — negative energy, thoughts, people and activities that don’t contribute to your best life.  And while that’s a noble goal, too often we forget about ways to strengthen the positive parts of our lives. Expert Herbert “Buddy” Coard III, Ed.D, psychologist with Renown Behavioral Health, provides us with five positive behaviors to focus on to improve happiness and life satisfaction. Healthy Aging in 5 Easy Steps: 1. Connect – Make connections with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. When you build strong connections, they can help enrich your life with new experiences and opportunities. Besides, having a support system to call upon when you need a favor is valuable as you age. 2. Be Active – Make time to get moving and work those muscles. Being active can include walking, practicing yoga, playing a game of pickleball or dancing. Exercise makes you feel good and keeps you health. Pick a physical activity that you enjoy, and don’t make excuses. Not only will being active help you build stronger muscles, it also helps you build strong connections with others. If you need a workout buddy, Meetup is a great resource to find like-minded people that share common exercise goals. 3. Take Notice – Be mindful and become more curious. Like a child, see the wonder and beauty of the world. Notice the things around you — the weather, the landscape, the mood and feelings of the people around you. By taking notice, it’s easier to learn to appreciate the things that matter. 4. Keep Learning – We never stop learning. Keep trying something new — a new course you’ve always wanted to try or a more challenging task someone has solicited for your help. Challenges keep us on our toes and increase our confidence and excitement in our day. OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nevada, Reno), brings diverse educational and social opportunities to active older adult learners (50+). EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community), offers a divers curriculum ranging from art classes to Accelerated training certificate courses. 5. Give – Be generous with your time, your knowledge and your talents by giving to friends, family and even strangers. Some easy ways to give is to show thankfulness, smile at people and volunteer. Sharing of yourself to a wider audience gives you a greater reward than just doing things for yourself. Nevada Volunteers Volunteer at Renown Health Practice these five tips to improve happiness and quality of life at any age.

    Read More About Healthy Aging 5 Tips to Improve Happiness and Quality of Life

    • Farmacia
    • Consumo de drogas
    • Medicamentos

    Medicamentos genéricos: lo que debe saber sobre ellos

    Without a doubt, taking medications can not only be expensive, but also confusing. In the United States, generic prescriptions are widely used, with 9 out of 10 people choosing them over a name brand. Pharmacists are a great resource to help us understand the benefits and side effects of any medication. We asked Adam Porath, PharmD, Vice President of Pharmacy at Renown Health, to answer some common questions about generic drugs. What is a generic drug? A generic drug has the same active ingredients of brand-name drugs. Brand-name drugs have a patent (special license) protecting them from competition to help the drug company recover research and development costs. When the patent expires other manufacturers are able to seek approval for a generic drug. However, the color, shape and inactive elements may be different. Per the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version. Why do they cost less? Generic drug makers do not have the expense of costly development, research, animal and human clinical trials, marketing and advertising. This savings is passed on to the public. Also after a patent expires, several companies will compete on a generic version of a drug, further driving down prices.

    Read More About Generic Drugs – What You Need to Know About Them

    • Renown Health
    • Enfermería
    • Seguridad
    • Director ejecutivo

    Enfrentar la amenaza de la violencia laboral en los hospitales

    In recent years, workplace violence against healthcare workers has been on the rise. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), about 75 percent of nearly 25,000 reported annual workplace assaults occur in healthcare and social service settings. Those who don’t work in healthcare may be surprised to learn that violent altercations are so common in our field. Hospital settings can create fear and stress for patients and their families. Pain, mind-altering medications and drugs, and difficult prognoses can amplify these feelings. While inappropriate responses may be understandable, violence cannot be tolerated. As the leader of a health system, protecting our employees is an issue that I take seriously. Reporting Workplace Violence Unfortunately, sometimes employees don’t report dangerous incidents fearing they might be blamed, or not realizing it’s a reportable offense. At Renown Health, we take these events seriously. We have clear, mandatory policies and protocols for reporting and investigating violent incidents. Each incident is investigated to ensure follow through and accountability. We also teach de-escalation skills to our hospital security teams, clinicians, and other frontline employees. As an added layer of protection, Renown Health has a first-rate security team that closely monitors activity on our campuses, addressing potential issues before they escalate. Our organization values our partnerships with community organizations including local law enforcement agencies like the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and the Reno Police Department. Renown Health maintains a close relationship with these partners, and we alert them when our care teams experience an increase in violent incidents. I also recognize that workplace violence is a national problem that demands collaborative solutions. That’s why I am also proud to serve as a member of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence Advisory Committee. Nurses, doctors, paramedics, and frontline health workers care for us every day. It’s our responsibility to support them by ensuring they feel safe at work.

    Read More About Addressing the Threat of Workplace Violence in Hospitals

    • Director ejecutivo
    • Tecnología
    • Asociaciones comunitarias

    Mejorar la forma en que brindamos atención médica rural de calidad

    One of the most pressing issues in modern medicine is the need to improve rural healthcare. This challenge hits particularly close to home, as Renown Health is the only provider covering 100,000 square miles in northern Nevada, an area that’s mostly rural. People in rural areas suffer from chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory disease, at higher rates than the general population. One of the largest contributors to these health disparities is a lack of access to health services. Many rural communities have fewer providers and care facilities. This forces residents to travel farther to receive preventive care and medical treatment. We must identify ways to better support the health needs of the millions of Americans who live in rural communities. Ideas for improving rural healthcare Health systems must identify innovative ways to leverage existing resources and new technologies to care for patients in these communities. For example, telehealth can help diminish a person’s need to travel long distances to receive specialty care. Similarly, online classes can help educate patients about preventive behaviors. Remote monitoring technology also allows patients to track their health conditions from home. Additionally, we can address physician shortages by empowering health professionals such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants and technologists to care for patients. These providers receive excellent training and have demonstrated success in improving health outcomes. Renown Health cares for people from diverse backgrounds and we are dedicated to caring for patients in every community we serve. Renown Telehealth We’re leading the region in using video conferencing technology to provide the best care possible – no matter where you are. Renown Telehealth is telemedicine that gives you access to top-level care and better outcomes with less stress and fewer travel costs. Learn More

    Read More About Improving the Way we Deliver Quality Rural Healthcare

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud de adolescentes

    Adolescentes y redes sociales: ¿Cuándo es demasiado?

    Dr. Max J. Coppes, Physician-in-Chief Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talks about how much is too much when it comes to teens and social media. Social apps (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) have become an integral part of most people’s lives. In contrast to traditional media — where one source goes to many receivers — social media operates in a dialogic transmission system. Many sources interact, sometimes simultaneously, with many receivers and provide for superior interactivity between its users. Not surprisingly, it also plays a significant role in our children’s lives once they are old enough to understand how to access and use these apps. On average, children start exploring social media at around ages 10 to 12. They rapidly discover that electronic communication allows for unique and personalized ways to make and keep friendships. They also use it to develop and expand family ties, get help with homework, share music, art, and experiences, and learn and discover the world. Social Media and Teens Surveys suggest that more than 90 percent of teenagers use social media. Additionally, approximately 75 percent have at least one active profile by age 17. Access to social media is greatly facilitated because more than two-thirds of teens have their own mobile devices with internet capabilities, a substantial change relative to previous generations. The use of social apps can have many positive aspects. But we now also recognize that it can also have negative impacts. The use of hazardous sites or the inherent risks of using social media (identity theft, being hacked, cyber-bullying, etc.) are indeed damaging to children. Any use of hazardous social apps is too much and carries serious hazards. But what about the use of “normal” and/or “safe” social media? Well, data suggest that too much use of “non-hazardous” apps can indeed affect health. How Much Do Teens Use Social Media? First, some basic data. For example, how much do normal teenagers use social media? A study from Pew Research found that more than 50 percent of 13- to 17 year-olds go online several times a day. This quickly increases during the teenage years to more than 70 minutes per day. Teenage girls have the highest usage at just over 140 minutes per day. It is important to recognize that non-school related use of the internet and social media is often beheld by teenagers as important for developing their self-esteem, their acceptance among peers, and their mental health in general. As parents, we recognize that the use of social media can indeed contribute, in many positive ways, to our children’s growth. At the same time, we also worry about them spending too much time online. We worry about their ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face settings or in writing. Many of us also feel and/or worry that our children are addicted. Social Media and Addiction Recent studies suggests that the overuse of social media indeed mirrors addiction. Reports now show that teenagers and college kids experience anxiety when deprived from their connected devices and consequently feel a compulsion to access their social applications. The emotional symptoms they experience are very similar to those seen in substance abuse. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association is considering making internet addition a bonafide diagnosis. Pediatricians therefore encourage limits on the use of social media, a recommendation more easily suggested than accomplished. So when should a parent consider seeking help? Aside from unhealthy use of these apps (cyber-bullying, sexting, online users asking for sexual relations, etc.), which should always trigger concern, the use of social media for more than 120 minutes per day should trigger parental concern. If you feel unable to address the overuse of social media, contact your pediatrician for help and guidance. Renown Children’s Hospital Whether it’s seeing a pediatrician, getting a sports physical or looking for advice, our care is centered around supporting and nurturing patients and families at our many locations. We have pediatricians dedicated to children who have experience recognizing children’s illnesses. They also have knowledge about tests and treatments for young ones to ensure your child gets the best care possible. Explore Children’s Services

    Read More About Teens and Social Media: When Is it Too Much?

    • Director ejecutivo
    • Familia

    Mi inspiración para seguir luchando y convertirme en abuelo

    As a clinician and a cancer survivor, I know that hope is an essential force that drives people to work through difficult situations. I also believe there’s a strong correlation between hope and wellness. Hope inspires us to make healthy choices today with the understanding that these behaviors will benefit us in the future.   In addition, an optimistic outlook helps patients face illness and injury with strength and confidence. While it’s easy for some people to maintain a positive outlook, it’s common to feel hopeless on a bad day. An important part of our job as healthcare providers is to help patients cultivate hope and build a strong foundation that carries them through their medical journey. The Importance of Family A common source of hope, for me and many others, is family. My family has recently welcomed our newest member, my first granddaughter, Emory. Becoming a grandparent has inspired me to reflect on the many blessings in my life. It’s not only been a opportunity to reflect, but also look ahead to the future. I often dream about the things Emory will accomplish one day, the kind of person she will become, and the world I want her to live in. These aspirations have renewed my determination to work hard and lead by example. At Renown Health, we know that hope and resilience are just as important in the recovery process as excellent medical care. That’s why we work with our patients to find sources of strength and inspiration in their own lives. We’re committed to helping our patients keep fighting the good fight for a healthier tomorrow.

    Read More About My Inspiration to Keep Fighting Becoming a Grandparent

    • Director ejecutivo
    • Seguridad

    Hacer de la seguridad del paciente la prioridad que merece ser

    I am regularly amazed by medical advancements and innovation in the United States. However, even as we make significant progress in many areas of medicine, there is still much more work to be done in others. One such area is patient safety.   What is Patient Safety? When we talk about patient safety, we are discussing how hospitals and healthcare organizations protect patients from errors, injuries and infections. Anyone can make a mistake at work, but in healthcare these mistakes can result in serious outcomes. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released a report that estimated 98,000 deaths per year result from medical examination or treatment. The most recent study in 2013 suggested these numbers could range from 210,000 to 440,000 deaths per year. Many of these deaths result from preventable medical errors. This is inexcusable and shows how much more work our industry still needs to do to improve patient safety. Making Patient Safety a Priority Patient Safety is our number one priority at Renown Health. We dedicate a lot of time to establishing, reviewing, and revising our processes to prevent errors. Despite the obvious importance of patient safety, this issue is largely left to individual hospitals and health systems to manage. There is a surprising lack of national attention around this truly important issue. However, a silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it is igniting interest in hygiene and infection prevention. Patients want to learn more about the processes that are in place to prevent the spread of infections. In addition to the many protocols that guide our treatment of injuries and illness, Renown Health has implemented the following measures to prevent the spread of communicable diseases: Requiring everyone entering Renown sites to wear a mask or face covering. Establishing new processes to help patients and visitors practice social distancing. Limiting the number of visitors in our facilities. Screening all employees and patients for symptoms. Enhancing our already-thorough cleaning and disinfection processes. I hope patient safety and infection prevention remain in the national spotlight long after the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. The healthcare industry must come together to develop stronger systems and regulations to minimize preventable medical errors. We have a responsibility to our patients to do better.

    Read More About Making Patient Safety the Priority It Deserves to Be

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