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    Arraigada con Renown, historia de una familia de probabilidades notables

    Renown Health is proud to debut our newest commercial spot, Days, on Thanksgiving Day 2022. This commercial features members of the greater northern Nevada community, former Renown patients and employees. Chris and Ann Cook are some of these community members, and we are grateful we get to tell their story. Family is everything for Chris and Ann Cook. Their loved ones span across the United States and even farther to Germany, so time spent with their children and grandchildren means the world to them. When Chris went to the emergency room for a persistent headache and drooping eye over twenty years ago, they could have never predicted the number of hours their family would spend at Renown care facilities in the coming years. “Whenever we step inside a building with that purple logo, we know right away we will be supported by friends, family and Renown staff. Our family has turned countless hours inside hospital walls into memories of gratitude for the care we receive.” Chris Cook said. “It is these memories that make us appreciate the health of our family today.”   A Relationship with Renown that Spans Decades The Cooks can remember a time before Renown Regional Medical Center’s inception when Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) stood in its place. It was at Washoe Med that Chris received emergency brain surgery after a visit to the emergency room over 20 years ago. Immediately following a CT scan, Chris was transported to Washoe Med, now Renown Health, for emergency brain surgery and eventually to treat a hematoma. Doctors close to his case were amazed by his survival, considering Chris’ divergent situation resulting from a raisin-size colloid cyst and dissected corotated artery. He spent three weeks in the ICU recovering at the hospital, his spirits lifted by the amazing staff who brightened his day with gestures of kindness. From there, he was supported by countless friends and family members over the next three months while recovering at home. A Home Away from Home Later, the Cooks’ daughter received cancer care at Renown at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Ann, Chris and their daughter found small comforts when running into the familiar faces of their daughters' past schoolmates, who are now Renown employees, in the hallways. The family became well-acquainted with the food options at Renown Regional’s Sierra Café, even finding favorites like the sushi bar. Reliable Care, Close to Home  The Cooks have also experienced many happy and comforting memories at Renown and Washoe Med over the past twenty years, including the births of three of their seven grandchildren. And when Chris needed an emergency appendectomy on a Friday night four years ago, they felt confident that the best care would be received at Renown Regional Medical Center.    From lab work to routine procedures or visits to urgent care, the Cooks feel rest-assured knowing Renown will be the place they can consistently trust for care with many locations close to their home in Sparks, Nevada.  After spending many hours within Renown walls, Chris and Ann remarked how impressed they were by Renown Regional Medical Center’s growth in the past decade from their first encounter over twenty years ago. With a deep appreciation for the care received at Renown facilities and the technology used to help treat patients, Chris and Ann said, “We really feel confident that if something bad were to happen, you’d want to be in the care of Renown.”  Family, Health and The Future "Our care at Renown has changed the course of our family’s lives and led to the success of who we are today. So, when the team at Renown approached us about participating in the commercial shoot, we knew this was meant to be the next piece in our Renown story." Chris and Ann said. "Of course, it was nice to be back at Renown, not as a patient this time, but to help the team create something great."

    Read More About Rooted with Renown, One Families Story of Remarkable Odds

    • Martes, 20 de abril de 2021

    Investigadores de Renown buscan participantes en el estudio de plasma de convaleciente

    Los médicos investigadores tratan de entender cómo responde el sistema inmunitario a la COVID-19 y crear un Nevada más saludable. Durante las primeras fases de la pandemia, el plasma de convalecencia se consideraba la única opción de tratamiento viable disponible para los pacientes con COVID-19. El plasma de convaleciente es el componente de la sangre de los pacientes recuperados que puede contener anticuerpos de COVID-19 que ayudan a combatir la infección. Desde entonces, los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud han elaborado directrices de tratamiento para la COVID-19 basadas en los datos de los estudios clínicos, y todavía se están realizando muchos estudios en todo el mundo que evalúan diversas opciones de tratamiento adicionales. El plasma de convaleciente tenía una gran demanda pero era difícil de localizar para los pacientes con COVID-19 en la zona del norte de Nevada. Austin Meegan, un auxiliar de enfermería de 24 años, fue hospitalizado y pasó semanas evitando la insuficiencia renal y pulmonar antes de enterarse de que cumplía los requisitos para recibir una transfusión de sangre experimental que parecía prometedora para el tratamiento de la COVID-19. Los médicos estimaron que Meegan solo tenía un 3 % de posibilidades de encontrar un donante compatible con su raro tipo de sangre. Thomas Gibson, un sobreviviente de la COVID-19 y residente de Texas con el mismo tipo de sangre, viajó a Reno para donar sus anticuerpos víricos y realizar una donación de plasma de convaleciente, la cual se cree que ayudó a salvar la vida de Meegan. Los investigadores clínicos y los científicos de Renown y de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR Med) sabían que necesitaban crear mejores opciones para los pacientes y los médicos. Los investigadores clínicos desarrollaron un estudio para ayudar a otros pacientes como Austin, y solicitaron donaciones de pacientes recuperados de COVID-19 para que donaran su plasma de convaleciente. Los equipos de investigadores trataron de entender cómo responde el sistema inmunitario del cuerpo al virus a lo largo del tiempo, para ayudarles a desarrollar nuevos tratamientos para la COVID-19. “La capacidad del mundo para atravesar la crisis de la COVID dependerá de cuatro cosas: ciencia, tecnología, innovación y asociaciones”, dice el Dr. Tony Slonim, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “La capacidad del mundo para superar la crisis de la COVID dependerá de cuatro elementos: ciencia, tecnología, innovación y asociaciones, pero con UNR Med y nuestros socios, estamos haciendo grandes progresos en el avance de la investigación clínica que tiene el poder de salvar vidas y crear un estado de Nevada más saludable”. “Es tremendamente prometedor colaborar en la investigación clínica que no solo nos ayudará a entender mejor la enfermedad, sino que también ayudará a informar sobre el tratamiento para aquellos que combaten el COVID-19 que ha tenido un impacto tan devastador en los nevadenses, en nuestro país y en el mundo”, afirma Dean Thomas L. Schwenk, MD, de UNR Med. Renown, UNR Med y otros socios de atención médica del área colaboraron con Vitalant para recolectar plasma de donantes recuperados para un estudio sobre la eficacia del tratamiento. Los donantes elegibles tenían al menos 18 años, pesaban más de 110 libras y estaban sanos. Los donantes se habían recuperado completamente de un diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19. Los coordinadores del proyecto en la Oficina de Investigación de Renown se vieron abrumados por el apoyo de la comunidad y las donaciones de plasma. Las asociaciones adicionales con el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe, el estado de Nevada y la Oficina del Gobernador, Saint Mary’s Medical Center, Northern Nevada Medical Center, Carson Tahoe Health y VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System, junto con muchos proveedores de atención médica del área, ayudaron al equipo a alcanzar sus objetivos de inscribir a 120 participantes elegibles en el estudio. “Nuestro éxito en este estudio depende en gran medida del apoyo de nuestra gran comunidad, así como de la innovación y la colaboración demostradas por Renown y UNR Med”, afirmó Sara Healy, MD, MPH, investigadora principal del estudio y médica de enfermedades infecciosas pediátricas en Renown Children’s Hospital y UNR Med. “Estamos orgullosos de estar a la vanguardia respecto de la realización de investigaciones esenciales durante un tiempo tan importante de la historia, y esperamos que nuestra asociación se prolongue en el tiempo a medida que continuamos con esta importante labor”. “El control de la COVID-19 en nuestras comunidades depende de las pruebas. El estudio, que se está realizando para desarrollar una forma sensible, específica y más sencilla de recoger muestras (sangre), está avanzando en este campo y promete alcanzar nuestro objetivo común de tener la prueba de diagnóstico correcta para la situación clínica correcta en el momento correcto”, explica Mark Riddle, MD, DrPH, FISTM, investigador asociado del estudio, decano asociado de Investigación Clínica y profesor del Departamento de Medicina Interna e Investigación Médica de UNR Med. El equipo de investigación pide ahora a los residentes del área que participen en un estudio para analizar la eficacia de dos pruebas de detección de la COVID-19. Los participantes se someterán a dos análisis de sangre: uno de ellos consiste en una punción digital para obtener los resultados de una prueba rápida, y el otro consiste en una venopunción tradicional que confirma la presencia o ausencia de anticuerpos contra la COVID-19. Este estudio es una colaboración con InBios International, Inc. una empresa líder en biotecnología con sede en Seattle. Los investigadores buscan: Personas que han dado positivo para COVID-19 y que se han recuperado recientemente del virus. Los participantes del estudio deben estar en un período de entre 7 y 28 días posteriores al inicio de sus síntomas. Personas que recientemente hayan dado negativo para COVID-19 y nunca hayan dado positivo. Los interesados en participar en el estudio pueden ponerse en contacto con los coordinadores del proyecto en la Oficina de Investigación de Renown al (775) 982-3646, o por correo electrónico a covidplasmascreening@renown.org, de lunes a viernes, de 7:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Se anima a las personas de entre 18 y 75 años con buena salud en general a que consideren la posibilidad de participar en este estudio en curso. No hay costo alguno por participar en este estudio y la participación es voluntaria. Su decisión de participar no afectará sus relaciones actuales o futuras con sus proveedores de atención médica, con el distrito de salud ni con la comunidad. Aquellos que decidan participar son libres de retirarse en cualquier momento. “El tiempo es vital cuando se trata de la COVID-19. Si podemos entregar los resultados de las pruebas a las personas y sus médicos de manera más oportuna, podremos hacer un diagnóstico más rápido del estado de salud de un paciente”, explica Christopher M. Kozlowski, MD, MHA, funcionario de Investigación Institucional de Renown y director médico/vicepresidente del Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health. “A medida que perfeccionamos la precisión de nuestras pruebas, aplicamos las pruebas de sensibilidad y especificidad para obtener resultados verdaderos negativos y verdaderos positivos. Esto proporciona a las personas resultados más oportunos y precisos y una atención de calidad mejorada”.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, un hospital de rehabilitación, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguro sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown tiene una larga trayectoria y un compromiso de larga data con la mejora de la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad.     Acerca de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno (UNR Med), la primera facultad de medicina pública de Nevada, es una facultad basada en la comunidad, con un gran énfasis en la investigación y una visión a nivel estatal de un estado de Nevada saludable. Fundada en 1969, la UNR Med está mejorando la salud y el bienestar de todos los residentes de Nevada y sus comunidades mediante excelencia en la educación estudiantil, capacitación de posgrado y atención clínica, investigación con impacto local, nacional y global y una cultura de diversidad e inclusión. Para obtener más información, visite med.unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de Investigadores de Renown buscan participantes en el estudio de plasma de convaleciente

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Empleados
    • Proveedores

    Departamento destacado: Oncología médica

    The month of September recognizes several cancer-related health observances. Join us in celebrating our Medical Oncology team at Renown!  No person ever wants to hear the words, “You have cancer.” Those three short yet impactful words immediately change the course of someone’s life. As these patients Fight the Good Fight against cancer, there are a lot of intimidating unknowns that can take over their minds. What happens next? What will my treatment be like? What is my prognosis? How will I be able to handle this physically and emotionally? What will it take for me to beat this?  Who is better to be by their side than the devoted team members at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute at Renown Health? From helping patients manage the process of complex paperwork and referrals to delivering personalized oncology and hematology treatment options tailored to each individual diagnosis, those fighting virtually any type of cancer are never alone, thanks to this team. The William N. Pennington Cancer Institute always lives up to that promise, guiding patients through the daunting journey of cancer treatment ahead, one step at a time.  Courageous Against Cancer Our exceptional Medical Oncology department inherently understands that each moment in life is precious, especially for patients battling cancer. This team is dedicated to orchestrating the most comprehensive plan for each patient, seamlessly weaving together diagnoses and treatments, oral chemotherapy, medication management, clinical trials, radiation oncology and more.   With the many patients they impact, there’s no question that there is never a dull moment in the day of the life of a healing hero like those in this department.  “No day is the same in Medical Oncology,” said Hollyann Dehm, Registered Nurse. “As a nurse, we wear many hats in the clinic. Our role is to educate patients on their treatment plans and specific drugs they are receiving, triage symptom calls from patients, refill medications and implement our oral chemotherapy program.  We help provide direct patient care by accessing ports, drawing labs and giving IV hydration when needed.  We also help fill out family and medical leave (FMLA)/disability paperwork, help with physician orders, help obtain prior authorizations for prescribed medications and treatments.”  “We do our best to let our patients know that they will not be going through this alone,” added Danielle Say, Physician Scheduling Coordinator. "We will be here for them every step of the way, guiding them and making sure their treatment is as smooth as possible and making ourselves available to them as much as we can. We end up getting to know many of our patients on a very close, personal level, and this helps to build that trust.”  “Our day-to-day activities include seeing patients and helping to manage their therapies as well as their toxicities,” added Dr. Harry Menon, DO, Oncology Physician. “We work closely with our infusion room staff and have a robust team to help us deal with these complex patients. We also work very closely with our surgical and radiation oncology colleagues in a multidisciplinary fashion to provide comprehensive care for our patients.”  The Medical Oncology team excels not only in providing cutting-edge cancer care but also in their compassionate approach to helping patients reduce the anxieties they understandably feel. Recognizing that a cancer diagnosis can be an emotionally overwhelming experience, this dedicated team combines medical expertise with unwavering support to create a healing environment.  “When patients are referred to our department, a lot of them have many fears and questions,” said Heather Cortez, Medical Assistant. “A majority of what our team does is focused on the mental support that our patients require to help them have the most successful outcomes. One thing I have learned about cancer care is that positivity in the face of adversity is everything. Just being there to listen to our patient’s concerns can make all the difference. Helping them to navigate their many appointments and taking the time to explain things in a patient and compassionate way, is part of how our team serves this vulnerable population.”  “The uncertainty is one of my patients' biggest fears: How far has my cancer progressed? How long will I have left? Is treatment even an option?” added Mary Wilson, Senior Medical Assistant. “The best advice that I can give my patients is that they are not alone. While this battle is going to be one of the hardest parts of their lives, they are surrounded by constant support to try and help with any burdens they may be facing. I also tell my patients that we have to take the little wins no matter how small they may be, because while cancer treatment is a physical battle, it is also a large mental battle."  “While we don’t have answers to all the questions patients and their family members may have, we do our best to listen to their questions and concerns regarding their cancer diagnosis and treatment and guide them through their cancer journey," added Hollyann Dehm. “We provide emotional support and education on their type of cancer, managing their pain and side effects of their treatment.  We also connect them to nurse navigators and our social worker who also help identify barriers to care and provide the patient with resources.”  Whether it's explaining treatment options in understandable terms or offering emotional support through difficult moments, this department is committed to empowering patients on their journey toward healing. Their holistic approach not only treats the disease but also nurtures the spirit, all while being a strong advocate on each patient’s behalf.  “Getting a cancer diagnosis can be the worst news that a person can hear; what we try to do is focus on improving quality life and focus on goals that help to promote quality of life,” said Dr. Harry Menon. “If the option for a cure is on the table, we try and focus on that goal in concert with promoting quality life. I try and have our patients focus on what they can control, with the understanding that even if some things are out of our control, the way we approach and manage those things, including our mindset, is still within our control.”  “In our clinic, we truly value our patients and how they are cared for,” added Mary Wilson. “The amount of compassion our team shows is incredible. Patients constantly commend our team on how much they feel like the provider's care. Our providers and staff are not afraid to advocate for patients and that truly is an accomplishment in and of itself.”  “We know patients are only hearing a small amount of the immense volume of information we provide them, so we encourage them to ask questions until it makes sense because the timeframe is different for every patient,” said Lillian Morton, APRN of Medical Oncology. “Cancer is an anxiety inducing lack of control whirlwind – if we can help by being responsive to patient calls and messages, we do so.”  With their harmonious and integrated approach, each patient’s treatment journey progresses uninterrupted, bringing them closer to a brighter and healthier future.

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Medical Oncology

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