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    • Salud conductual
    • Atención pediátrica
    • Atención primaria
    • Salud infantil
    • Salud mental

    Nutrir la salud mental del regreso a la escuela de su hijo

    The back-to-school season is here, and ensuring your child's successful transition involves more than just school supplies and schedules. At Renown Children’s Hospital, and in collaboration with Nevada Pediatric Psychiatry Solutions, we understand the vital role that mental health plays in a child's overall well-being and academic performance. Below we'll guide you through essential tips for a smooth back-to-school experience, with a special focus on nurturing your child's mental health. How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health from Home Remember, the below strategies can be adapted to align with your child's personality, learning style and household dynamics. Flexibility and understanding are key in tailoring these tips to suit your child's unique needs. 1. Be Open to Communication: Recognize that effective communication is the cornerstone of understanding your child's feelings and concerns. Create a safe space where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts. Listen to learn, without judgment. Make it a point to validate their emotions and ensure they are heard. Encourage sharing experiences,worries, friends and challenges they may be facing. Having open conversations about sensitive topics opens the door for discussion and understanding. Make yourself available. 2. Establish a Routine: A consistent routine can offer a sense of stability and predictability for your child, and anticipation helps to decrease anxiety and establish a sense of control. Join forces and design a daily schedule that includes time for schoolwork, play, physical activity, meals and relaxation. Be flexible about the structure to allow room for last-minute changes including extra activities based on that day’s needs as well. Always add time for play and bonding. 3. Practice Compassion: Back-to-school can come with big emotions. Listening reflexively and acknowledging these feelings can help you and your child act positively on these big emotions. 4. Get Involved: Actively engage in your child's school life by participating in school events, meetings and discussions. Show interest in their educational journey, ask about their experiences and provide guidance when needed. Being present in their academic pursuits not only boosts their confidence but also strengthens the parent-child bond. 5. Use Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This allows for a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-esteem. Praise efforts, progress and perseverance, whether it's completing an assignment, making a new friend or overcoming a challenge. This positivity encourages a growth mindset and resilience. 6. Organize a Schoolwork Zone: Create a comfortable workspace at home dedicated to school-related tasks. Customize the area based on your child's preferences and needs. Having a designated space for studying and completing assignments promotes focus, reduces distractions and enhances their overall learning experience.

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    • Atención pediátrica
    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Salud infantil
    • Testimonio de paciente

    El viaje de Jakob en Renown Children’s Hospital

    In August 2016, six-year-old Jakob was admitted to Renown Children's Hospital with what seemed like a common ear infection. Jakob's condition quickly progressed, and he started experiencing neurological symptoms such as difficulty speaking and a full-body shutdown. Doctors, neurologists and specialists from Renown worked with doctors from Stanford, where he was ultimately diagnosed with Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE). BBE is a rare, autoimmune response that attacks the nerves in the body due to an acute illness such as a cold, flu or, in Jakob's case, an ear infection. Jakob could not breathe or eat and experienced paralysis on the side of his face, throat, stomach, bowels, lungs and legs. In addition, he started to rapidly lose weight as well as body function. Jakob lost half his body weight which resulted in the need for a Gastrostomy tube. This device is placed surgically and gives direct access to the stomach to give the child the nutrition needed. He also needed occupational therapy, and after three and a half months of ICU respiratory therapy, surgeries and treatments, he was released home to regain his strength. Forever Grateful Anica, Jakob's mom, said, "If it were not for the quick response and unconditional support and compassion from the team at Renown, Jakob would not be here today." Jakob's family is forever grateful to the staff, community and expertise at Renown for their unwavering commitment to their son and family during their most trying time in life. "When I met Jakob on the first day of his illness, so much was unknown. My team and I were worried, as his symptoms were very unusual. His rapid deterioration, after being a perfectly healthy child, was clearly terrifying for his parents. Handing over a child's care to a team of strangers is one of the scariest things that can happen to parents,” said Dr. Kris Deeter, Physician in Chief at Renown Children’s Hospital. “However, Anica and Jeremiah were also very clear that they did not want Jakob transferred somewhere else. So, we used all our resources to care for him, arrive at a diagnosis, and start aggressive therapies. They listened to every word we said, educated themselves, and became partners in Jakob's care. We all became part of Team Jakob, and soon, he proved to us just how strong he was." Today, Jakob is 13 years old and thriving in every aspect of his life. He is currently on the honor roll in school and finds joy in his newfound passion for the violin. He loves spending his free time learning about mixing music, making new friends and traveling to different parts of the country. This summer, he will travel to Europe to explore his passion for culture. The family says, "We owe it all to the family and staff at Renown."

    Read More About Jakob’s Journey at Renown Children’s Hospital

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud conductual
    • Salud infantil

    ¡Adiós a las fiestas, hola a las rutinas! Hacer que los niños retomen el ritmo cotidiano

    The kids are back in school and the holidays are all but a distant memory: Now what? Karen Wagner, APRN, offers specific tips about getting kids back to their routines in the post-holiday-hustle-and-bustle. Are you finding the kids struggling with bedtime routines? Having trouble getting them to tackle homework? There’s a simple reason: The holidays messed with their mojo! Here, we talk with Nurse Practitioner Karen Wagner about what to do to get them back on the straight and narrow.  Why Routines Are Important “Holidays are a fantastic time to get together with family and friends, so our routines are usually off — and this is understandable, “Wagner says. “While the holidays are exciting, they are chaotic and can put our kids out of the routines.” So how do you get kids back into those routines they crave?  “Consistency/routines are crucial for our kids,” she says. “Most people — kids and adults —  experience a let-down feeling after the holidays, and post-holiday adjustment takes time.” So what can we do, specifically? Wagner recommends the following:  Re-establish family routines, including before- and after-school programs or child care routines. Once kids are back on the regular schedule, they’ll find that sense of familiarity as the old routine returns. But keep in mind, this won’t happen overnight.  Encourage healthy eating, as the upheaval of their schedule can be offset by a balanced diet.  Make sleep time a priority: Keep in mind that it might take up to three nights of strict bedtime to get them back on track. But enforcing normal bedtime will get their bodies back on a normal schedule.  Return to usual chores and expectations. Nothing encourages a return to routine like reminding them of the basics.  Incorporate indoor and outdoor time. They likely spent lots of time outdoors during our unseasonably warm winter break — and they even had a snow day or two! So encouraging both indoor and outdoor time will help them return to a circadian rhythm and tire them out from exposure to fresh air.  “It is never too early to encourage a love for physical activity in kids by exposing them to fun fitness activities and sports,” Wagner says. “Physical activity improves bone health, cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, decreases levels of body fat, reduces symptoms of depression, and improves cognitive skills and the ability to concentrate.”

    Read More About Bye-Bye Holidays, Hello Routines! Getting Kids Back into the Groove

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil
    • Fundación de Renown Health

    Llevando la atención pediátrica cerca de casa

    As our community grows, so does the need for specialized care. Thanks to a generous gift, there’s a healthier future for families in the region as a $7.5 million gift to the Renown Health Foundation is helping keep care close to home. Being in the hospital is often a stressful experience, especially for a child and their caregivers. If you add the need to travel out-of-state for care into the mix, unnecessary anxiety and financial burdens can be placed on a family that is already worried about a sick child. With our quickly growing community and close to 100,000 children under the age of 18 in Washoe County alone, the need for local specialty care is needed. The William N. Pennington Foundation recognized this need and donated $7.5 million to the Renown Health Foundation – the largest gift the health system has received – to keep care close to home and establish the William N. Pennington Fund for Advanced Pediatric Care. Thanks to this gift, Renown Children’s Hospital has hired more than 15 pediatric specialists who provide care for children in our community. Below, we introduce you to three key specialized pediatricians in northern Nevada: Joseph A. Gassen, M.D. “Having pediatric specialists in the community is invaluable,” says Joseph A. Gassen, M.D., pediatric emergency medicine. “It allows families and patients to stay in Reno and not have to travel far distances to get quality care.” Gassen, the only doctor specializing in pediatric emergency medicine in the region, moved to Reno to provide care in the emergency room at Renown Children’s Hospital. “The hospital is dedicated to improving the care of children in northern Nevada, and I wanted to be a part of this amazing vision," Dr. Gassen says. I would not have been able to relocate to Reno without the support from the hospital and the William N. Pennington gift.” Working with children and their families are what Dr. Gassen finds most rewarding. "I get to provide care for a child, which in turn makes the parent feel better,” he says. “Essentially, I get to treat the whole family, even though I only directly care for the kids.”   Colin Nguyen, M.D. Also among the first new specialists is Pediatric Neurologist Colin Nguyen, M.D., who has done extensive work with epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. “In any growing and expanding community, we need the multitude of social, financial, political and well-being services to sustain that growth and progress,” Dr. Nguyen says. “The ability to offer more breadth of medical services to our local population allows families to spend more time together and fulfill work obligations, without the need to travel long distances to obtain that specialized care.” Dr. Nguyen says he enjoys caring for children because they are honest in their emotions and reactions, as well as simple in their intentions. “It is the overall joy and unique sadness that comes in working with children, which drives many of us to continue our work -- I am no exception.” Jacob Zucker, M.D. The third pediatric specialist providing care thanks to the Pennington gift has close ties to northern Nevada. Jacob Zucker, M.D., pediatric hematologist-oncologist, was born and raised in Reno and attended medical school at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine before moving to the Midwest for his residency and fellowship. Dr. Zucker feels fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to return home and give back to the community that has given so much to him. “I can say with absolute resolve that northern Nevada is an exceptional community to practice medicine in. The care offered here at home is top rate and the providers that live and practice here truly understand the purpose of community.” The addition of these three specialists and the future specialists that will be coming to our area will impact thousands of children and their families. “With a growing population, the vision of leadership at Renown, and with the generosity of the William N. Pennington Foundation, northern Nevada is in position for the first time to make local pediatric subspecialty care a reality and to keep our families at home in their community,” Dr. Zucker says.

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    • Atención pediátrica
    • Ortopedia
    • Salud ósea
    • Salud infantil

    Fracturas óseas en niños Consejo de expertos honestos

    Michael Elliott, MD, head of the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Scoliosis, answers some common questions about bone fractures. Is there a difference between broken bones and fractures? No, these are two different names for the same injury. Of course the common term is a broken bone. Using either name will describe your concerns. Medical personnel typically describe a broken bone as a fracture to a specific bone. For example, a broken wrist is also a fractured distal radius. To clarify, this describes the injured bone and the precise location. How do I know  if my child has broken their bone? Many times children will fall and complain of their arm or leg hurting. In most cases the pain goes away and the child will return to their activities. When there is a deformity to the limb (curve in arm) and the child is complaining of pain, it is probably a fracture. If the arm or leg looks straight, look to see if there is any swelling or bruising. Both are signs of a possible fracture. Finally, if the limb looks normal but the child continues to complain, gently push on the bone. Likewise if it causes the same pain, then they likely have a fracture and should have an x-ray. My child fractured their growth plate, what does this mean? Growth comes from this area of the bone. In detail, these are located all over the body but typically at the end of the bones. With this in mind, fractures to these areas can result in the bone growing abnormally. Because of potential shortening of the arm or leg, or bones growing crooked, it is important to follow fractures closely (up to 1-2 years or longer). It is better to identify a problem early. Small problems can be treated with small surgeries. What if the bones of the x-ray do not line up? Because children are growing, unlike adults, their bones will remodel and straighten with growth. The amount of remodeling occurring depends on a child’s age, the bone fractured and the location. In many cases an angled bone will grow straight over the course of a year. For this reason, someone with experience in caring for children needs to follow bone growth. How long does it take fractures to heal? Factors deciding when a cast can come off include: Child’s age. Bone fractured. Fracture location. Young children heal faster than teens, teens heal faster than young adults, who heal faster than older adults. In young children most fractures heal in 4-6 weeks. However, teens generally take 6 weeks to heal, and adults can take much longer. Although your child  is out of their cast, it may not be healed completely to return to all activities. Placing a splint is during this time is common. This typically gives them added protection for several weeks after their cast is removed -  in case they forget their limitations. What if my child is still limping? Whether a child is in a walking or non-weight bearing cast, removing it often leaves them stiff and sore. Therefore many children will walk as though they still have a cast in place. In most cases this resolves in about three weeks. Regardless, if your child is still limping or walking abnormally after three weeks, contact the treating doctor. They may benefit from physical therapy or a repeat evaluation.  (This article was original published in the July 2019 issue of South Reno Kids & Sports.)

    Read More About Bone Fractures in Children Honest Expert Advice

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil
    • Salud conductual

    ¿Cuál es el rol de un especialista en vida infantil?

    What is the role of the child life specialist? Here are common questions and answers about how these special individuals give both parents and kids peace of mind. Let’s face it: A hospital can be an intimidating place for just about anyone. But add in being a small human with very little worldly experience — aka a child — and it’s easy to imagine how overwhelming a hospital visit can be. Enter the role of the child life specialist. Liz Winkler, a child life specialist with Renown Children’s Hospital, explains how a Renown program puts young patients and their families at ease. What does a child life specialist do? Child life specialists help young patients develop ways to cope with the anxiety, fear and separation that often accompany the hospital experience. They give special consideration to each child’s family, culture and stage of development. As professionals trained to work with children in medical settings, specialists hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the areas of child life, child development and special education or recreational therapy. Our child life specialists are also professionally certified and affiliated with the national Child Life Council. Child life specialists also offer tours of Renown Children’s Hospital for families whose children are scheduled to have surgery. Child life supports children and families by: Helping children cope with anxiety, fear, separation and adjustment Making doctors, needles and tests a little less scary Providing art, music and pet therapy Organizing activities Addressing your concerns Telling you what to expect Creating a therapeutic and medical plan Offering a hand to hold What else is available at the Children’s Hospital that helps ease some of the stress of a hospital visit? Whether it’s seeing a pediatrician, getting a sports physical or looking for advice, our care is centered on supporting and nurturing patients and families at our many locations. We have kid-friendly environments to help ease some of the stress of a hospital visit. These include colorful exam rooms, kid-friendly waiting and common areas, and medical equipment designed especially for children. Our children’s ER is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So parents and caregivers have access to emergency care tailored to little ones — anytime, day or night. We have several pediatric specialists on the Renown team in areas including diabetes, emergency medicine, neurology, pulmonology, blood diseases and cancer. How can parents start to ease their children’s mind when they know a hospital visit is in the future? As with many things in life, good preparation can help kids feel less anxious about the experience and even get through recovery faster. It’s important to provide information at your child’s level of understanding, while correcting any misunderstandings, and helping to eliminate fears and feelings of guilt. If you’re anxious and nervous, your child may reflect these feelings and behaviors. So make sure you educate yourself, feel comfortable with the process, and get your questions answered.

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