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    • Atención cardíaca
    • Cirugía

    Sus 5 preguntas principales sobre el RTVA respondidas

    Your heart is the muscle in charge of pumping blood to your entire body. This vital organ is made up of chambers, valves and blood vessels. Your heart valves work similarly to a one-way door: they open and close, controlling blood flow in the correct direction through the heart chambers.   For patients who have been diagnosed with a heart-related condition like aortic valve stenosis (narrowing), it is important to know treatment options. Most might think open-heart surgery is the only way to treat a heart valve, but many hospitals, including Renown, also offer a minimally invasive procedure called a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Dr. Abhilash Akinapelli of Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health shares his answers to the top five TAVR questions:  1. What causes aortic valve stenosis?  Aortic valve stenosis can be caused by a variety of factors. The main reasons being wear and tear of the valve due to aging; genetically abnormal heart valve (bicuspid aortic valve); long-standing high blood pressure; and other reasons like radiation exposure.   2. Am I a candidate for TAVR?  Renown’s heart care teams are made up of your primary care provider, cardiologist and cardio thoracic surgeon. They will evaluate if patients are a good candidate for the TAVR procedure by performing a variety of screenings and tests. Some of these include:   Echocardiogram  Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)  Chest X-ray Exercise tests or stress tests  Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan  Cardiac catheterization  3. What are the advantages of the TAVR procedure?  The Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) procedure is much less invasive than open heart surgery, otherwise known as a Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR). Patients can typically return to their normal lifestyles within a week after leaving the hospital.   During the TAVR procedure, a stent valve mounted on a balloon is advanced to the heart through the blood vessels in the groin without any incision. Once in position, the balloon will be inflated to firmly expand the new valve inside the diseased old valve, pushing it away to the sides. Once the new valve is in place, it begins working immediately and the deflated balloon is removed. The surgical procedure is approximately one hour long. Patients can get up and walk after four hours and will be discharged the following day if no complications arise. Compared to a SAVR, recovery time is much shorter and less risky for patients above the age of 75. A big advantage for anyone who fits under the criteria for a TAVR.  4. Is the procedure painful?  The TAVR procedure is not surgery, but you will still be asleep during the procedure. Since no incision is made, it is essentially a painless procedure. Patients may experience slight discomfort such as aches and pains at the entry site of the catheter.   5. Can I have an MRI and X-rays done after having a TAVR valve?  Yes, patients can have MRI scans and X-rays after TAVR.   For further questions and information about the TAVR procedure, please consult with your Renown heart care team at 775-982-2452 or through MyChart.

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    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Atención cardíaca
    • Cirugía

    La excelencia en la atención cardíaca cambia la vida de un paciente

    Being diagnosed with a chronic heart condition like atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can shift the course of your entire life. Embracing heart medications and lifestyle changes become your norm, and thanks to advancements in medicine and medical technology, managing the condition can bring you to a new sense of normalcy.  But what if a different option was possible – one that would make medications and activity limits a thing of the past?  This became the reality for Renown Health patient Richard Preyer after receiving a hybrid catheter ablation. Thanks to the vigilant surgical care of Shining Sun, MD, a cardiologist at the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health, and his compassionate team, Richard has a new lease on life.  Minimally Invasive with Maximal Results  An A-fib patient since 2010 who had been living with an unfinished ablation, the 59-year-old Carson City resident turned to the internet to look for alternate solutions. He had heard that the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health was a top-tier location for cardiovascular care. “I changed health insurance plans through Nevada Health Link to ensure I could see a Renown cardiologist,” said Richard.   Choosing a cardiologist was an even easier decision for Richard. Dr. Sun’s introductory Find a Doctor video on Renown’s YouTube channel, where he displayed his expertise and determination, was more than enough for Richard to choose him as his cardiac care leader.  At his first visit, Dr. Sun reviewed Richard’s records, and noted his prior unfinished ablation. The nine-hour procedure had been performed several years ago. With the enhanced technologies at Dr. Sun's disposal, Richard was excited at the thought of his life potentially being changed for good – with a minimally-invasive solution.  Dr. Sun collaborated closely with Richard’s previous and current care teams – including a surgeon who performed a maze operation on him right before his surgery at Renown, to ensure his hybrid ablation was tailored uniquely to him. “Dr. Sun is clearly a very powerful cardiologist with many connections, and the coordination between his team and my other doctors was great,” said Richard.   After working on the exterior of the heart in the first phase of the surgery and the interior of the heart during the second phase, Richard’s hybrid ablation was successful, completing the unfinished portion of his previous ablation.   “Fixing A-fib can take one to three ablations, and sometimes it never holds,” said Richard. “That is one of the largest reasons why I am so thankful for this procedure and how it ended up.”  Life After A-fib  Now comes the long, arduous healing process, right? Not for Richard. With only eight incisions (four on each side of his chest), he was able to remove his bandages after two days, and he healed completely in one week.  “I was even back to taking three-mile walks within a week of my operation,” said Richard.  No more blood thinners.  No more activity limits. And most importantly for Richard, no more heart-stabilizing medications that came with side effects he didn’t enjoy. He attributes his enhanced life to Dr. Sun and his team.   “I highly recommend Dr. Sun and everyone that works with him,” he said. “Everyone in the group, from the nurses and anesthesiologists going above-and-beyond to the schedulers who helped me navigate the appointment process, made me have a lot of confidence. Their calm demeanors made so much difference.”  Today, Richard now enjoys elongated walks in the northern Nevada outdoors, exotic vacations with his wife and, as he describes, “feeling like I’m in my 40’s again.” Learn more about the region's leader in cardiac health, heart and vascular care here.

    Read More About Excellence in Heart Care Changes a Patient's Life

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Presión arterial

    Tenga un corazón (sano): controle su presión arterial

    Do you know your blood pressure numbers? Dr. Michael Bloch explains how maintaining healthy numbers are important for good quality of life and increasing longevity. High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects 85 million Americans – that’s one in three people. Left untreated, it can lead to serious and sometimes life-threatening health concerns such as vision loss, kidney disease, heart failure, heart attack and stroke. But what is it, exactly, what makes it go up and why is that increase in pressure so dangerous? All About Blood Pressure In order to function properly, your body requires a continual supply of oxygen rich blood, which is goes to organs and tissues via blood vessels called arteries. Your beating heart produces the force (or pressure) your vessels require to move blood. This is your blood pressure. Your blood pressure numbers reflect two forces at work – the pressure created as blood is pumped throughout the body (systolic) and the pressure when your heart is at rest in between beats (diastolic). A normal, healthy reading shows a systolic level at 120 or below over a diastolic level of 80 or less: 120/80. An increase in pressure occurs slowly over time, straining the circulatory system and forcing the heart, blood vessels and tissues to work harder. This friction damages blood vessel walls and lets plaque buildup from LDL cholesterol, setting the stage for hardening of the arteries. As more and more plaque builds up, your blood vessels narrow, further raising blood pressure, damaging the circulatory system and increasing your risk of serious health conditions. The Silent Killer High blood pressure is known as a “silent killer,” as most people with it have no symptoms. In fact, one in six of those affected don’t even know they have the condition. That’s why it’s so important to know your numbers. The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have it measured, either by a health professional or using a home monitor. If your numbers are high, there are things you can do to help lower it – it is treatable, but not curable. You can manage it with medications and lifestyle changes including: Adhering to the Mediterranean diet Decreasing sodium intake Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption Increasing exercise and activity levels Losing weight Prevention and Genetics Even better? High blood pressure doesn’t just happen. You can prevent the condition altogether. How? Know your numbers and know your risk. Look at your family medical history. Genetics certainly increases the risk of it, but those same lifestyle choices that can improve poor blood pressure can also prevent you from developing it. So if your numbers are good, keep them that way – eat well, move your body, maintain a healthy weight and drink alcohol in moderation.

    Read More About Have a (Healthy) Heart: Maintain Your Blood Pressure

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Cirugía

    Vida feliz y saludable después de la cirugía de reemplazo de válvula cardíaca

    Watch what happens when a family’s matriarch finds out she has to have heart valve replacement surgery. Thanks to supportive cardiac care, she is now back to health and enjoying her extended family with a healthy heart.  Marilyn O’Gorman has a full heart full of love: Just ask her six children, 15 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. However, in 2009, tests showed that same heart had medical issues. So her close family was by her side when she underwent heart valve replacement surgery. O’Gorman says her heart doctor, Athan Roumanas, MD, FACS, put her at ease about the surgery. “You’re very nervous — you’re scared,” says O’Gorman. “You don’t know: Are you going to come out of it? Is it going to work?”  Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Comes with an Unexpected Question O’Gorman was asked to choose whether she’d prefer a pig or a cow valve — ultimately inquiring of Dr. Roumanas which one he’d choose for his own mother.  “And he said, ‘Well, probably pig,'” she recalls. “And I said, ‘OK, I’ll oink for you.’ And that’s how I got that, and he did a wonderful job.”  O’Gorman continues her care at the Renown Institute for Heart and Vascular Health, so she can stay heart healthy and spend her free time with the many generations of family in her life.

    Read More About Happy and Healthy Life After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Presión arterial

    Conozca sus valores, salve su corazón

    There are some important numbers to know when it comes to good health. Learn more and receive a free blood pressure check at a primary care open house Feb. 27 at Renown Medical Group – Double R. Know Your Numbers Adults are pretty good at knowing and memorizing numbers — from passwords and PINs to addresses and phone numbers. But what about the numbers that could help save your life? Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., with 633,842 deaths attributed to the disease in 2016, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The American Heart Association lists the vital numbers you need to monitor to help prevent heart disease as blood pressure, total cholesterol, blood sugar and body mass index (BMI). With these numbers, your doctor can assess your risk of developing heart issues such as atherosclerosis, which can lead to other serious heart conditions. Atherosclerosis is a condition wherein plaque builds up in the arteries — the blood vessels that transport oxygen-rich blood to cells, the heart and other organs. These fatty deposits clog the arteries, inhibiting blood flow and reducing the amount of much-needed oxygen the body receives. These blockages can lead to angina, coronary heart disease, peripheral artery disease and even heart attack or stroke. But knowing your numbers and keeping them in healthy ranges can mitigate your risk of atherosclerosis and other heart conditions. First things first: Make an appointment with your healthcare provider to see how you’re doing. Learn your numbers and discuss how they may increase your personal risk of heart disease: Total Cholesterol Because cholesterol contributes to the buildup of plaque, keeping your numbers in check means keeping your arteries free of blockages. Check LDL (bad) cholesterol and HDL (good) cholesterol. Your body needs low levels of LDL, but not enough good cholesterol in your system can also increase risk. You can maintain healthy numbers by staying physically active and consuming a heart-healthy diet low in cholesterol and sodium. Statins, the class of drugs used to reduce LDL cholesterol, have proven so effective that the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force recommended in November that all adults older than 40 with one or more risk factors consider taking them. Blood Pressure High blood pressure places undue strain on your heart and arteries to move blood and oxygen throughout the body. And a heart that’s working too hard can lead to stroke, heart attack and heart failure. High blood pressure cannot be cured, but it can be managed by eating a heart-healthy diet low in alcohol, staying active and maintaining a healthy weight. Blood sugar Given that the body converts most of the food we eat into glucose, or blood sugar, for energy, adding sugar to the diet can raise blood sugar to unhealthy levels and damage the heart, increasing risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. Opt for foods that are low in fat and added sugars and, instead, get your sweets in naturally occurring foods. Let added sugars be a treat and not the norm. Body Mass Index (BMI) Your BMI is used to determine whether you’re at a healthy weight. If you’re carrying extra pounds, the heart has to work harder, which increases risk of heart disease. Losing those pounds and maintaining a healthy weight reduces the burden on your heart and blood vessels and improves your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. So eat a heart-healthy diet and get active — even if you simply walk for 30 minutes a day. Because no symptoms indicate that you have poor cholesterol numbers, high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels, getting screened and learning your numbers is vital. Your doctor can determine what healthy levels look like for you individually and work with you to develop a plan for staying in optimum ranges. That plan will include heart-healthy eating, exercise, abstaining from smoking and, in some cases, medication. It’s up to you to stick with that plan between doctor visits. Do it for yourself, but consider making a pact for a more heart-healthy, active life with a buddy. Research shows people stick with exercise plans longer when they have a partner. This article also appeared in the Reno Gazette-Journal’s Health Source Aug. 27.

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    • Atención cardíaca
    • Cirugía

    True Grit sanando el corazón de los Cowboys

    At 85, James Domingos is still enjoying life as a cowboy, thanks to a transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Always rolling with the punches when it comes to life, 85-year-old James Domingos faced his health issues with the same grit. For many years, he roped cattle for friends and rounded up horses for the Bureau of Land Management. In recent years, a pacemaker controlled the rhythm of his heart, but didn’t slow him down. “We used to be able to take walks for 15 minutes in one direction and take the dog,” says Domingos’ wife, Joy. “Then it got to be less and less.” Tests at Renown Health revealed a heart valve was nearly closed. His heart doctor, Jake Ichino, MD, FACC, FSCAI, suggested a transcatheter aortic valve replacement, known as TAVR, which repairs a heart valve without removing the damaged valve. The procedure is recommended for patients who are at high risk for open heart surgery.

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