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    • Jueves 13 de agosto de 2020

    Reconocido por su atención de calidad por ataque cardíaco e insuficiencia cardíaca

    Los premios de la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón destacan a nivel nacional los cuidados ofrecidos en el norte de Nevada. La Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón (AHA) ha reconocido nuevamente al Renown Regional Medical Center por su atención cardíaca de alta calidad. El enfoque de Renown en la calidad y en la aplicación de las pautas de tratamiento más actualizadas y basadas en la evidencia mejora los resultados de los pacientes, lo que hace que las personas regresen a casa antes y vuelvan a hacer lo que les encanta. “Nos complace reconocer a Renown por su compromiso con la atención de la insuficiencia cardíaca”, afirmó Lee H. Schwamm, M.D., presidente nacional del Comité de Supervisión de la Calidad; vicepresidente ejecutivo de Neurología; y director de Servicios Agudos para Derrames Cerebrales del Massachusetts General Hospital en Boston, Massachusetts. “Reconocer la importancia de prevenir, diagnosticar y cuidar a las personas con enfermedades cardíacas y vasculares, las cuales continúan aumentando y cobrándose demasiadas vidas, es de vital importancia para nosotros en Renown”, afirma Tony Slonim, M.D., DrPH, FACHE, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. “Estamos orgullosos de nuestro increíble equipo por brindar atención clínica de la más alta calidad y agradecemos a la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón por este reconocimiento nacional”. Renown Regional recibió el premio Get with the Guidelines – Heart Failure Gold Plus Quality Achievement por garantizar continuamente que los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca reciban el tratamiento más adecuado de acuerdo con las pautas de investigación reconocidas a nivel nacional, así como con la misión de la AHA: Lifeline Gold por el tratamiento de pacientes que sufren ataques cardíacos graves. “Renown cuenta con el equipo de profesionales de cardiología y atención vascular más experimentado y capacitado, y con el centro de atención cardíaca más avanzado de la región. Contar con el reconocimiento nacional por ser el líder regional en atención cardíaca es fundamental para una estrategia de Destination Health”, afirmó Josiah “Sy” Johnson, MBA, jefe de personal de Renown Health. “En Renown nos enorgullece ofrecer un alto nivel de proveedores de atención de primera calidad, atención de vanguardia y nuevos enfoques de prestación para satisfacer las necesidades de las personas en el norte de Nevada a través de nuestro Institute for Heart & Vascular Health”. Por qué este reconocimiento es importante para usted: atención del ataque cardíaco Cada año, más de 250,000 personas experimentan un infarto de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST (STEMI), el tipo más mortal de ataque cardíaco, causado por un bloqueo del flujo sanguíneo al corazón que requiere tratamiento oportuno. Renown ganó el premio al cumplir con criterios y normas de desempeño específicos para un tratamiento rápido que restablece el flujo sanguíneo a las arterias bloqueadas en pacientes con ataque cardíaco. “Nuestro personal experto trata problemas que van desde los más leves hasta las emergencias más críticas”, señaló Christopher M. Kozlowski, MD, MHA, vicepresidente y director médico del Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health. “Los médicos especializados, incluidos cardiólogos, radiólogos intervencionistas, cirujanos cardíacos y vasculares, cirujanos de emergentología y urgencia, proveedores de atención primaria, enfermeros y otros médicos, trabajan en equipo para determinar el mejor plan de tratamiento para cada paciente. Recomendamos a todos los pacientes que analicen con su equipo de atención si deben someterse a exámenes de detección formales para la cardiopatía temprana”. Por qué este reconocimiento es importante para usted: atención de la insuficiencia cardíaca De acuerdo con la AHA, más de 6.5 millones de adultos en los Estados Unidos experimentan insuficiencia cardíaca. Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca pueden llevar una vida plena y agradable cuando su enfermedad se controla con los medicamentos o dispositivos adecuados y con cambios en el estilo de vida saludables. “La reputación de Renown como líder regional en atención cardiaca se ha construido a lo largo de muchos años. Realizamos la primera cirugía a corazón abierto, la primera angioplastia y los primeros reemplazos de stent y de válvula hace décadas. Renown Regional ofrece avances increíbles, como reemplazo de la válvula aórtica transcatéter (trans-catheter aortic valve replacement, TAVR) y reparación de la válvula mitral transcatéter (trans-catheter mitral valve repair, TMVr) con la terapia MitraClip y alternativas a la cirugía a corazón abierto que salvan la vida de pacientes considerados de alto riesgo o inoperables”, señaló Erik Olson, director ejecutivo de Renown Regional Medical Center. “Al ofrecer el más alto nivel de cuidado completo a los pacientes que sufren enfermedades cardíacas y vasculares, Renown desarrolló su primera división de cirugía cardiotorácica dedicada a los pacientes elegibles para cirugía cardíaca en 2019”. El programa de Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health ahora ofrece un laboratorio de electrofisiología diagnóstica; un Centro de dolor torácico que utiliza la cámara cardíaca D-SPECT®; múltiples laboratorios intervencionistas; un Programa para la insuficiencia cardíaca; varios laboratorios de cateterismo cardíaco; cardiología intervencionista y cirugía cardíaca cuando sea necesario; y el único Programa de corazón saludable certificado por Pritikin en el oeste, que crea planes de rehabilitación individualizados adaptados a las necesidades de cada paciente para que puedan hacer ejercicio de manera segura, comer de manera saludable, controlar el estrés y cocinar comidas nutritivas y equilibradas, mientras adquieren una mentalidad saludable. Renown se encuentra entre los hospitales de mejor desempeño del país para el tratamiento de ataques cardíacos y es uno de los únicos 105 hospitales de todo el país en recibir el premio ACTION Registry Silver Performance Achievement Award del Colegio Estadounidense de Cardiología, que reconoce el éxito en la implementación de un estándar de atención más alto para pacientes con ataques cardíacos. Las unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) cardíacos y las unidades de cuidados intensivos de Roseview y Sierra de Renown son las únicas UCI de Nevada que han recibido el Beacon Award of Excellence de la American Association of Critical Care Nurses. El ranking de U.S. News and World Report ha nombrado recientemente a los hospitales de Renown como los mejores del estado de Nevada. Los pacientes que necesitan atención cardíaca avanzada pueden hablar con su proveedor de atención médica sobre la atención de especialidad de Renown Medical Group, con el que puede comunicarse si llama al 775-982-6270 o visitar renown.org/HeartCare.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración y propiedad local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. El modelo del instituto de Renown aborda determinantes sociales de la salud e incluye: salud infantil, salud conductual y adicciones, envejecimiento saludable e innovación en la salud. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información. Acerca de Mission: Lifeline EL programa Mission: Lifeline de la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón ayuda a los hospitales y a los servicios médicos de emergencia a desarrollar sistemas de atención que sigan normas y procedimientos comprobados para pacientes con STEMI. El programa funciona movilizando equipos en toda la cadena de atención para implementar las pautas de tratamiento clínico de la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón y la American College of Cardiology Foundation. Visite heart.org para obtener más información. Acerca de Get With The Guidelines Get With The Guidelines® es el programa de mejora de calidad hospitalaria de la Asociación Estadounidense del Corazón y la American Stroke Association que proporciona a los hospitales las últimas pautas basadas en la investigación. Desarrollado con el objetivo de salvar vidas y acelerar la recuperación, Get With The Guidelines ha influido en la vida de más de 9 millones de pacientes desde 2001. Visite heart.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de Reconocido por su atención de calidad por ataque cardíaco e insuficiencia cardíaca

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Alimentos y nutrición
    • Neurología

    Los seis alimentos con más sal: ¿El alto contenido de sodio aumenta el riesgo de sufrir un derrame cerebral?

    Excess amounts of sodium doesn’t just increase your risk of a heart attack, it can also increase your risk of a stroke. Unfortunately, avoiding that saltshaker may not be enough. Did you know that the average American consumes 3,400 milligrams of sodium each day? That’s a dangerous number considering that the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams (about half the weight of a penny) to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The problem is not necessarily that you’re putting too much salt on your food, it’s that salt is already in the foods you’re regularly eating. To help keep your sodium intake at a healthy level, make sure you’re aware of “The Salty Six,” six sneaky foods that are surprisingly high in sodium. Breads, Rolls and Tortillas: Although breads and tortillas may not initially appear to be high in sodium, we often consume several servings. Make sure to keep track of your total servings to see how they add up. Deli Meat, Cured Meats and Poultry: It may surprise you that six thin slices of deli meat can add up to more than half of your daily limit, so be mindful when building those sandwiches. Also, do your best to avoid cured meats, which often means the meat has been salted. Substitute uncured, skinless meats instead. Cheese: Salt is an important addition in the cheese-making process, as it prevents bacterial growth. Unfortunately, that added salt can increase your health risks. Limit the amount of cheese you add to meals to keep your sodium content down. Pizza: Take a quick look at the first three items above and it should be no surprise as to why pizza made the list. One slice and you’ve met at least half of your daily limit. Go easy on the cheese and try adding more veggies instead of meat. Canned Soup: One cup of canned soup can be as high as nearly 1,000 milligrams of sodium. When shopping for canned soup it’s important to check the label – not just on sodium content but serving size as well. Always select low-sodium options when possible or cook your own soup at home. Sandwiches and Burgers: A sandwich or burger from your favorite restaurant can contain more than 100 percent of your daily sodium limit. When dining out, it is best to select low-sodium options or eat a half portion to limit the amount of salt. If some of your favorite foods are on this Salty Six list, don’t panic. Although these foods can be high in sodium, it isn’t necessary to cut these foods out of your diet completely. It’s just important to eat them in moderation and be mindful of your daily sodium intake. Look for low-sodium options, use herbs and spices instead of table salt and do your best to stay under the recommended daily limit of 1,500 milligrams.”

    Read More About The Salty Six: Are High-Sodium Foods Increasing Your Stroke Risk?

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    • Allied Health

    ¿Qué es un Echo-Tech?

    When it comes to our heart, keeping this vital source of life in tip-top shape is of utmost importance. Echo technologists or echocardiographers, otherwise known as "echo-techs," are charged with that mission, providing critical information that leads to life-saving interventions to keep our hearts beating strong.  Adrianne Little, echocardiographer at Renown Health, breaks down the echo-tech's role in the health system, the educational path it takes to get there and the unique perks that come with the profession.  What does an echo tech do?  “Echo techs play a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients,” said Adrianne. “We are members of the cardiovascular imaging team that perform ‘heart ultrasounds’ or echocardiograms. Although we are most commonly known as echo techs, our official title is either ‘cardiac sonographer’ or ‘echocardiographer.’”  Echo techs use imaging technology and sophisticated ultrasound equipment to produce images of the heart. These images show how well the heart functions, as well as the valves, chambers and blood flow. Echocardiograms are used to diagnosis and treat a variety of heart conditions such as murmurs, arrhythmias and heart failure.   At the end of the day, the main goal of echo techs is to help our cardiovascular team provide the quickest and most accurate diagnoses to help with patient management and help them receive the highest standard of care.  “When it comes to looking at the heart, we are part of the front-line team," said Adrianne. “We provide real time critical information that leads to life saving interventions down the road.”

    Read More About What Is an Echo-Tech?

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    Aspectos destacados del departamento Cardíacos: Laboratorio de cateterismo

    February is American Heart Month, but our incredible heart heroes are here to serve you all year long. So please join us in honoring the Cardiac Cath Lab team at Renown Health! At the core of who we all are, we find the heart: one of the largest sources of life that gives us the blood and oxygen we need to live full and healthy lives. When the heart doesn’t function to the best of its ability, a delicate approach led by cardiac experts might be necessary. These individuals can not only save lives but also help facilitate a higher quality of life.  The team entrusted to protect that vital source of life includes the hard-working and talented individuals in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab (a.k.a. “Cardiac Cath Lab” or “Cath Lab”) at Renown Health. These team members are known for their expertise, precision and quick-thinking in emergencies. When it comes to the function of your heart, you are in the best hands with this team. Their passion for Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people they serve is a testament to what they do every day.  Cardiac Champions  Whether the procedure is emergent or planned, the Cardiac Cath Lab wears many different hats. The team is a well-coordinated group of nurses, imaging professionals, electrophysiology technologists, interventional technologists and more who band together to provide a diverse array of services, including stent placements, pacemakers, balloon pumps, interventional angioplasties, TAVRs and of course, catheters.  “A day in the life in the Cath Lab can go various ways,” said Erica Drummer, RN at Renown Health. “Every day, you are either a part of the electrophysiology team, doing cardiac ablations and placing devises such as pacemakers; the structural heart team, which includes MitraClips for mitral regurgitation and TAVRs; or the heart catheterization team, which includes diagnostic angiograms, heart catheterizations, angioplasties and stents for clogged arteries.”  With the wide variety of cases the team sees daily, an average day in the Cath Lab consists of many moving parts.  “We handle cases from left and right heart catheterizations, where we can diagnose and fix the artery right then, to electrophysiology cases like heart ablations and pacemaker implants, all the way to emergency STEMI (heart attack) patients,” said Michael Blankenship, Electrophysiology Technologist at Renown Health.  “We do so many things in the Cath Lab,” added Laurel Douglas, RN, Imaging Manager at Renown Health. “We ensure we have 24/7 coverage for emergencies, as we often have to act at a moment’s notice to care for emergent situations.”  Many of those emergency situations involve heart catheterization.  If someone has a heart attack, the team immediately steps in to place stents to open the coronary arteries that are causing the attack. If a patient’s heart needs any assistance during an emergency, the team can place devices such as Impella (temporary ventricular support) or intra-aortic balloon pumps. Renown is a major advocate for advanced medical technology, and the Cardiac Cath Lab team embraces these technologies to perform life-saving procedures, all while working together as a cohesive unit.  “We work amongst each other to ensure sterility, safety and the best outcome for each patient,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN at Renown Health. “We try to fit in as many cases as possible into the workday, and sometimes after hours, so patients can get the care they need.”  “Each team usually has 3-4 members, and each member has a critical job to carry out in order to implement excellent cardiac care,” added Erica Drummer, RN. “Many of our patients tell us that we all work well together, and I couldn’t agree more. We have become like a well-oiled machine or a NASCAR pit crew.”  Naturally, patients undergoing any heart procedure might feel frightened and anxious. Never fear – the compassionate Cardiac Cath Lab team is here to ease those fears throughout each patient’s entire visit. Their main solution? Communication.  “Being a patient in the Cath Lab can be daunting,” said Erica Drummer, RN. “When we have patients who may feel scared or have concerns, we try our best to connect with them, keep them informed and educate them on the procedure and the step-by-step process, including what they may feel before, during and after.”  “Overall, we try to keep spirits light,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “Our team is excellent at explaining the procedure as it is happening. We also advocate for comfort throughout the procedure, which helps tremendously with anxiety, including giving patients warm blankets and music of their choice!”  Our experts in the cardiac Cath Lab make sure that no stone goes unturned when it comes to optimal heart function for every patient. Together, the team mends hearts and saves lives, day in, day out.  A Growth Mindset  Always learning, always improving, always reaching new heights – that's the Cardiac Cath Lab team.  This team’s accomplishments speak for themselves on both a local and national scale.  “Over the years, we have achieved several milestones, including becoming a STEMI Receiving Center, gaining our Chest Pain Center Accreditation (which is achieved by Cath Labs who provide emergent percutaneous coronary intervention for heart attack patients 24/7) and having our accredited electrophysiology program,” said Laurel Douglas, RN. “We also offer services that other facilities do not offer. We have brought in several new procedures to the Cath Lab over the years. This is impactful, as the community members get to stay here for treatment.”  The Cath Lab team is anything but ordinary. There is never a dull moment in this department, and despite an ever-growing caseload, the team is always ready to rise to the challenge and continue pushing to surpass the average.  “I am so proud of my team for providing care for such sick patients,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “We never really know how the day is going to go because emergencies happen, and things always change. Recently, we had a record high volume of cases, and my team powered through these busy weeks like champs.”  “We strive to get our STEMI door-to-balloon times at or below 60 minutes,” added Erica Drummer, RN. “Door-to-balloon time refers to the time from when a patient arrives in the ER to the time the Cath Lab has a catheter guide wire crossing the culprit lesion in the coronary artery that is causing the heart attack. The national average (and current guideline) is 90 minutes, so our 60-minute time is a notable accomplishment for us.”  The importance of staying on top of your heart health comes center stage during American Heart Month, which is a prime opportunity for our cardiology professionals to educate the community and help them grow their cardiac knowledge. The cardiac quality team participates in community events throughout the month (and beyond!) to raise awareness for cardiac health. The team also outreaches to other health systems and healthcare partners to highlight what Renown has to offer in the way of heart care. Each Cath Lab team member always reminds patients about lifestyle choices and diet changes that can improve cardiovascular health, and they take this outreach with them all around Renown Regional Medical Center as well, walking through the hallways promoting many different ways of living a heart-healthy life.  The journey continues! The team will soon welcome a new Cardiac Cath Lab at Renown South Meadows Medical Center. The new lab will allow our experts in heart care to treat patients at our South Meadows location experiencing a heart attack and needing immediate intervention to open vessels in their hearts. The team is looking forward to embracing even more access to emergent cardiac care for our community at large.   Learn more about how Renown is building more ways to care for our community.  Now Hiring for Heart Heroes  Those looking to join a caring, committed and tight-knit group of cardiac care professionals will be in good company with the Cath Lab team. According to the members of this department, being a quick-thinking, dependable team member is key to predicting a successful Cath Lab professional.  “A good coworker communicates with everyone and is able to be flexible when things get hectic,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “Our team stays so close with each other because of everyone’s ability to recognize where help is needed. Especially in the Cath Lab, it is important to be always aware of the patient’s vitals and clinical presentation so you can speak up if you notice changes. There are always new procedures or products coming out that become integrated into our practices, so it’s also good to welcome new policies and be adaptive.”  “We are a small team, and everyone sees each other as a friend,” added Laurel Douglas, RN. “We all know we will need help at some point, whether it be covering an on-call shift or helping during a procedure, so we all help each other. Teamwork and positive attitude are really what makes you a good team member.”  Not only are these individuals dedicated to impacting the lives of patients with the very organ that beats life into them, but they also are devoted to Renown – and it shows.  “I started working for Renown when I was 19 years old, and Renown was the medical system I went to for care; as I spent more time working here and becoming a part of the community, I could not see myself working anywhere else or getting care at any other hospital,” said Zohra Benbrahim, RN. “I truly believe Renown provides the best care and best serves the growing community of northern Nevada.”  The Cath Lab team members agree that Renown is a great place to both start and continue your career. Many of them have taken advantage of Renown’s training and educational opportunities, which in turn have helped them expand their knowledge to better serve the community.  “I chose to work at Renown because it gave me the place to grow in my career and experience different avenues within my career,” said Michael Blankenship. “I first started off as a student here, and I quickly realized that everybody I worked with genuinely cares for our patients. I started off in x-ray seeing patients and eventually did rotations up in the operating room, and I got hired full time in the Cath Lab.  After a short time being here, I was crossed trained in the electrophysiology lab, where I furthered my knowledge in my career.”  This dynamic department is actively hiring, and many open positions are sign-on bonus eligible. The team cannot wait to welcome you to their, as Erica Drummer puts it, “well-oiled machine.”  “Being a Cath Lab nurse is very rewarding, especially when you’re able to be a part of a team that can save someone’s life,” Erica closes.

    Read More About Department Spotlight Cardiac: Catheterization Lab

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    Cómo Dorismae recuperó su vida y sus zapatos para caminar con RTVA

    When lifelong trekker and adventurer Dorismae Weber learned her aortic valve was shutting down, she was afraid she was losing something she loved most: her daily walks. But following a trans catheter aortic valve implantation, Weber reclaimed her walking shoes — and her life. This is her story. An avid walker and traveler, Dorismae Weber’s life changed dramatically when she was exploring Mongolia and began having trouble breathing. Weber, 84, learned her aortic valve was shutting down. “It’s scary when you lose what you’ve always done,” Weber says. “I’ve walked all my life, and it’s always been the place I’ve gone to for comfort, for solving problems, for just enjoying. But all of a sudden, I couldn’t do this anymore.” Weber was not a candidate for traditional open heart surgery because she had heart surgery in the past. Then Weber learned about about trans catheter aortic valve implantation, also known as TAVR. She went to see Renown cardiologist Jake Ichino, MD, who put her through a battery of tests before performing the procedure. “Unlike the standard traditional open heart surgery, TAVR is a less invasive approach,” Dr. Ichino says. “We traditionally go up the artery of the leg with a catheter tube device and then we implant a valve without opening the chest.” After the TAVR procedure, Weber was once again able to complete her daily five-mile hikes. “When I woke up, all I can tell you is that I looked around and I thought, ‘I have a whole new life ahead of me — when I was told there was very little left,'” Weber says. She has also planned a trek just below the arctic circle with the environmental group Earthwatch. “I’m here because I had that procedure,” Weber says. “I’m here because they offered that procedure. And I’m very grateful for it, because I wouldn’t be here without it.” To learn more about TAVR, visit Renown’s Institute for Heart and Vascular Health.

    Read More About How Dorismae Reclaimed Her Life and Walking Shoes with TAVR

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Buen estado físico
    • Alimentos y nutrición

    El No-So-Fab-Five: Alimentos que aumentan el riesgo de accidentes cerebrovasculares y enfermedades cardíacas

    Did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable? Learn which foods should be eaten in moderation to reduce your family's risk of stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the nation and a major cause for disability, killing 130,000 people each year. But did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable, according to the American Stroke Association? Several stroke risk factors -- high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical activity level, obesity, high cholesterol and heart and artery disease -- can be controlled, treated and improved, right down to the foods we choose to consume each day. Diets high in sodium can increase blood pressure, putting you at greater risk for stroke. A high-calorie diet can lead to obesity -- another risk factor. And foods high in saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol will raise your blood cholesterol levels causing blood clots, which -- you guessed it -- can lead to a stroke. The “not-so-fab” five foods listed below play a large role in damaging your body and causing vascular disease, stroke and heart disease and should be avoided on a regular basis. However: Moderation is the key to life, in my opinion. Sure, everyone is going to have a soda here and there or a steak off the grill, but keep it off the main menu.  1. Packaged and Fried Food Have you noticed foods like hot dog buns and bottled salad dressings rarely go bad? Ever asked yourself why? This is due to the use of hydrogenated oils, which are trans fats. Hydrogenated oils stay solid at room temperature and do not require refrigeration. Convenient? Yes. Healthy? No. Unfortunately, many frozen foods and meals also fall into this category, except for frozen fruits and veggies. So here’s the lowdown on trans fats: They’re considered by many experts as the worst type of fat you can consume, raising your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lowering your HDL (“good”) cholesterol. While some meat and dairy products contain small amounts of naturally occurring trans fat, most dietary sources are formed through an industrial process adding hydrogen to vegetable oil, causing the oil to solidify at room temperature.  The FDA is in the process of restricting or possibly banning trans-fats from food in the U.S. A study published in JAMA Cardiology compared data from counties with and without trans-fat restrictions and the findings were substantial: There was a 6 percent decline in hospitalizations for heart attack and stroke in counties with trans-fat restrictions.  Bottom line: Ideally no processed food should pass your lips, but realistically, aim for less than 2 grams of trans fat per day. Skip the store-bought treats at the office and fries at lunch. Also avoid crackers, regardless of what you are dipping them in. Choose to eat fruits to satisfy your sweet cravings and veggies and hummus to satisfy the savory.  2. Lunch meat Processed meats, including bacon, smoked meats and hot dogs, are all on the DNE (Do Not Eat) list, unless you want to play with fire. Processed meats are a no-go if you want to keep your arteries clear of plaque buildup. So what is the alternative to your salami sandwich?  Try a healthy alternative like a tuna sandwich with avocado (a great alternative to mayo) or a veggie sandwich. 3. Diet soft drinks First of all, when a drink is sweeter than a candy bar but it contains zero sugar and zero calories, buyer beware. Many consumers think because a soda is labeled “diet” it’s a better choice, but studies have linked diet soft drink consumption with an increased risk of stroke and vascular disease. In a nine-year study of more than 2,500 people, those who drank diet soda daily were 48 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from those events, compared with those who rarely or never drank soda. What else are you supposed to drink? If you must drink soda, break the everyday habit and drink it on special occasions; otherwise water rules. And if you don’t like water, try flavoring your water with fruit slices. 4. Good-old red meat So is there ANY good meat out there you ask? The answer is yes, but it’s not red. In the journal Stroke, an article showed women who consumed large servings of red meat regularly had a 42 percent higher incidence of stroke. Red meat is high in saturated fat, which clogs arteries with plaque. The alternative to red meat is a heart-healthy protein like poultry or fish, or even non-animal products like beans, nuts and tofu.  5. Canned foods Steer clear of factory processed soups, beans and sauces. Canned items all have incredible amounts of sodium or MSG or baking soda/powder to maintain their freshness and shelf life. One study showed if you consume more than 4,000 mg of salt per day, you more than double the risk of stroke compared to diets with less than 2,000 mg. Another tip: When possible, plan and make meals from scratch. Making the wrong meal or snack choices is one of the biggest contributing risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Most people know what good food choices are, but they don’t realize the serious impact the bad choices have on overall health. Learn what is most beneficial to your body to consume. It will be a life changer – literally.

    Read More About The Not-So-Fab-Five: Foods That Increase Stroke and Heart Disease Risk

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    Enfoque del equipo de Carl y Janis para el programa Healthy Heart de Renowns

    Meet a couple that's all heart. After each had a heart attack one year apart, they committed to Renown's new Healthy Heart Program and support each other along the road to heart health. Almost a year to the day that Janis VanHorn had a heart attack, her partner, Carl Edson, had one too.  "That kind of doubled the dose of making sure that we were doing everything that we could to continue with our life," VanHorn says. "It's a very life-altering thing.” And after Edson's quadruple bypass open heart surgery, he was grateful for the simple act of getting into the car with the woman he loves. "I was so relieved," he says. "I didn't realize how precious life was until that moment." The couple see the same cardiologist, Richard Seher, M.D., FACC, FSCAI, who recommended they participate in Renown's new Healthy Heart Program, a 12-week, 36-visit intensive cardiac rehabilitation curriculum that includes monitored exercising and cooking classes. Now they're both familiar faces at the program, which is located at the Renown South Meadows Medical Center. After several weeks, Edson says he has lost 10 pounds and VanHorton has lost inches and feels more toned. Tackling the program together has brought the couple closer and given them the opportunity to fuel one another's health goals and longevity. "I would be lost without this man," VanHorn says," and anything I can do to help him live longer, I'm going to do that." Edson adds, "She is to me my whole life, and I mean that sincerely. There's no one else I can turn to that has helped me in my life as she has, and I'm just trying to return the favor in a big-time way. She is my everything."

    Read More About Carl and Janis Team Approach to Renowns Healthy Heart Program

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