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    • Miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

    El laboratorio interno de Renown Health ya procesa las pruebas de detección de COVID-19 para los pacientes y proveedores de atención médica

    La ampliación de las capacidades de procesamiento de pruebas está dando lugar a resultados más rápidos, lo que reduce la carga del laboratorio estatal y ayuda a mantener la seguridad de los pacientes, los proveedores de atención y la comunidad. Renown Health anunció hoy que su laboratorio interno ahora puede procesar hasta 500 pruebas de detección de COVID-19 por día para pacientes hospitalizados y proveedores de atención médica. La organización ha invertido en ampliar las capacidades de procesamiento de pruebas para atender mejor a la comunidad en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus y para aumentar las pruebas disponibles en todo el estado. El próximo mes, Renown prevé continuar con la ampliación de la capacidad de prueba y duplicarla para poder procesar 1,000 pruebas por día en preparación para dar una respuesta continua a la pandemia. “La pandemia de COVID-19 no va a desaparecer, todavía está con nosotros. Me preocupa el número de nuevos casos y hospitalizaciones que estamos viendo en el norte de Nevada. Debemos hacer más pruebas. Necesitamos una mayor capacidad para asegurarnos de que disponemos de pruebas de aumento a gran escala, de modo que podamos ayudar a las personas a identificar si tienen COVID-19 o no", afirmó Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown. “Si pudiéramos hacer pruebas de detección de COVID-19 a 60,000 personas del norte de Nevada, como hicimos para el Healthy Nevada Project, podríamos entender mejor con datos y hechos la proporción de personas que realmente tienen COVID-19 frente a las que solo tienen catarro y un resfriado”. Lanzado en 2016, el Healthy Nevada Project https://healthynv.org/ es un estudio poblacional basado en la comunidad en el que se ofrecen pruebas genéticas gratuitas a miles de residentes de Nevada para obtener información sobre la salud de la comunidad y conocer los riesgos genéticos de cada persona. Desde el martes, 2,286 personas del norte de Nevada se han sometido a pruebas, y los casos positivos rondaron los 700. Setenta y cuatro personas en el norte de Nevada fallecieron y 1,526 se recuperaron. https://www.washoecounty.us/ El Dr. Slonim dice que las pruebas lo ayudarían a él y a otras personas a tomar decisiones y elaborar planes importantes para el coronavirus con evidencia. Su deseo es poder evaluar a muchas más personas en el norte de Nevada. “Las pruebas son fundamentales en etapas anteriores para prevenir las consecuencias en etapas posteriores”, explica Dawn D. Ahner, DSc, FACHE, directora de Operaciones de Servicios Agudos de Renown. “Al procesar nuestras propias pruebas, hemos reducido el plazo para recibir los resultados a solo 12 o 24 horas, lo que tendrá un impacto profundamente positivo en nuestra comunidad y alivia la carga en el laboratorio estatal. “Las pruebas son una herramienta increíblemente importante en nuestra lucha contra el coronavirus”, afirmó Tim Stephens, vicepresidente de Servicios Auxiliares. “No hay una prueba 100 % perfecta; sin embargo, las pruebas de PCR son tan sensibles que, cuando se realizan a la perfección, tienen una tasa de falsos positivos muy baja. Los laboratorios certificados como el de Renown utilizan una serie de procedimientos para reducir el riesgo de resultados falsos de las pruebas”. “La ampliación de las nuevas capacidades de prueba de nuestro laboratorio durante este tiempo es un testimonio del trabajo innovador e importante que se realiza aquí en Renown”, destacó Erik Olson, director ejecutivo de Renown Regional Medical Center. “A lo largo de la pandemia, nuestro equipo auxiliar, que incluye servicios como laboratorio, radiología y farmacia, se ha adaptado rápidamente a las necesidades de nuestros pacientes y nuestra comunidad. Me complace que seamos capaces de generar resultados de pruebas críticas para los pacientes y los proveedores mientras continuamos la lucha contra la COVID-19 y hacemos un esfuerzo adicional en pos de la seguridad”.   Un esfuerzo adicional en pos de la seguridad Como medida de seguridad adicional, los pacientes hospitalizados que reciben cuidados agudos; los pacientes que se preparan para una cirugía y los proveedores de atención médica que pueden haber estado en contacto con casos positivos para COVID-19 están entre los que reciben las pruebas de PCR obligatorias de Renown en este momento. En el caso de los pacientes que reciben atención hospitalaria, estas pruebas ayudan a determinar si los pacientes deben ser ubicados en un área designada del hospital para mitigar el riesgo de transmisión a aquellos no infectados. Además, todos los pacientes quirúrgicos se someten a pruebas y se aíslan antes de su procedimiento quirúrgico en Renown Regional Medical Center y en Renown South Meadows Medical Center. ¿Cómo funcionan las pruebas de PCR? Las pruebas de PCR utilizan una muestra de mucosidad que generalmente se extrae de la nariz o la garganta de una persona. La prueba busca el material genético del coronavirus mediante una tecnología llamada PCR que detecta la presencia del material genético viral. Aquellos infectados activamente con el virus mostrarán la existencia de ese material. Se recomienda a las personas que crean que deben hacerse la prueba de detección de COVID-19 que llamen a su proveedor médico o se comuniquen con el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe al 775-328-2427 para una evaluación de riesgos. Para obtener información actualizada sobre el enfoque de Renown para mantener la seguridad de la comunidad, visite nuestro sitio web en renown.org/covid-19/.   Consulte el material complementario de esta historia aquí.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, el Renown Children’s Hospital, el Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de El laboratorio interno de Renown Health ya procesa las pruebas de detección de COVID-19 para los pacientes y proveedores de atención médica

  • Renown Lab Services - USA Parkway
    Renown Lab Services - USA Parkway
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    Un análisis de sangre: las valiosas pistas que puede darle a su médico

    Blood. It can make you squeamish to think about it, yet every drop is vital to your health. In fact, a tiny vial of it can tell your doctor a wealth of information. We asked Benjamin Hansen, M.D., to explain what providers can learn from a blood test and why it’s important to get one as part of your annual checkup. CBC, the initials, sound innocent enough, right? In fact, when your favorite TV doctor orders a CBC, or complete blood count, it’s often the first step in getting an overall picture of your health. "It primarily measures white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets," explains Hansen. Although a blood test is one test you don’t have to study for, the measurements it takes can point to a host of information. What a Blood Test Says About Your Health White Blood Cell Count "The white blood cell count in your CBC helps us to determine the strength of your immune system," says Hansen. "It also helps us to determine the likelihood of infection because white blood cells fight off infection. Knowing the white blood cell count can also be helpful in patients with compromised immune systems, such as those on certain medicines or with conditions that impair immunity," he adds. White blood cells are made in your bone marrow and are alive only one to three days. Therefore, your body is constantly making them. Red Blood Cell Count "The red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body, while also carrying away waste.  The hemoglobin (red blood cell protein) count is important because it helps us determine how well you're able to deliver oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body," states Hansen. If these counts are low, you may have trouble breathing or experience fatigue. Red blood cells also grow in bone marrow, but they have a long lifespan – generally 100 to 120 days. Why Get a Blood Test? Although the CBC is just one type of blood test, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) there are a number of blood tests available that can help check for diseases and conditions such as: Heart disease Cancer Anemia (low iron) Diabetes High cholesterol Alcohol or Drug use disorder HIV/AIDS Additionally some tests show how well your kidneys, liver, heart and other organs are working. If you are taking a medication, a blood test can also let your provider know if it is helping you. What to Expect From a CBC Blood Test When you are not feeling well, it may take some detective work to figure out what is wrong and sometimes a CBC can be helpful. With this in mind, a lab order from your provider is needed to order a CBC blood test. Some blood tests require you to not eat food (fast) eight to 12 hours before the blood draw. Your provider will let you know the type of blood test(s) they are ordering for you. Usually it's important to drink plenty of water before your blood test, to make it easier to locate your veins. Generally a small sample of blood is taken from your arm vein and then sent to a lab for analysis. Discussing Your Results "A CBC can help your provider determine if there is an infection, your level of immunity, if you are anemic or if you are prone to bleeding," says Hansen. When to Get a Blood Test "A CBC is usually ordered for a specified purpose. If you think you might need a CBC, please call your provider. It's also important to see your provider regularly to keep an eye on your health. Many patients should see their provider at lease yearly," Hansen clarifies.

    Read More About A Blood Test: What Valuable Clues It Tells Your Doctor

    • Servicios quirúrgicos
    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Control del peso

    Un viaje de transformación a través de la cirugía robótica en Renown Health

    Carrie Hintz is constantly on the move. “I don’t sit well,” she said when discussing her career as an Emergency Room nurse at Renown South Meadows Medical Center. She has also earned a PhD in nursing research, a Nurse Executive DNP and an MSN in nursing and healthcare leadership, all while managing the joyful chaos of raising two toddlers under the age of four. She's always been on the move, but her journey to transformation through bariatric surgery with the da Vinci Surgical System is a testament to her determination and the vital need for cutting-edge robotic surgical tools at Renown Health. Carrie's life is non-stop, but her struggle with weight loss was a persistent challenge, compounded by the complexities of medical conditions like PCOS and a pituitary tumor, both of which made losing weight an uphill battle. It was while reading the news one night, witnessing a mother's disappointment at Disney Land due to weight restrictions, that Carrie decided to take charge of her life. She knew she had to make a change. In 2016, Carrie embarked on her bariatric surgery journey, seeking consultation with a Renown surgeon. However, her dreams of starting a family prompted her and her supportive husband to postpone surgery since one cannot have a baby within 18 months of the procedure. After welcoming two beautiful children into their lives, Carrie returned to Renown in 2022 to discuss her surgical options. Finally, in February 2023, and after six months of mandatory weight loss preparation, Carrie was ready to undergo the life-changing surgery. Dr. Alexander Ayzengart, her dedicated surgeon, had a plan that involved utilizing the da Vinci Surgical System for her bariatric procedure, coupled with repairing a hernia that had developed during her weight loss journey. The stage was finally set for Carrie's transformation. To everyone's surprise, the hernia turned out to be larger than anticipated, but miraculously, Carrie experienced no post-operative pain and minimal scarring. She reminisces about her early post-surgery days, confidently attributing her excellent outcomes to the remarkable da Vinci Surgical System. “I was up and walking around the night after the surgery,” she said. The da Vinci is no ordinary surgical tool; it's a state-of-the-art, minimally invasive robotic system skillfully operated by trained surgeons. Renown's commitment to innovation in healthcare paved the way for Carrie's remarkable journey.

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    • Atención del cáncer
    • Control del peso

    ¿El ejercicio realmente puede ayudar a prevenir y curar el cáncer?

    Did you know that being physically active can lower your risk of developing at least thirteen different types of cancer? Exercise plays an important role in preventing and recovering from a cancer diagnosis. Not only does it have a positive impact on building your body’s strength, but physical activity can also help you with your mental well-being and boost your quality of life. For the first time, the American Cancer Society (ACS) projects that U.S. cancer cases will surpass 2 million in 2024. With cancer cases on the rise, help reduce your risk by being proactive about your health. Below, discover how exercise can help you reduce your risk of cancer, assist you on the road to recovery when undergoing treatments, and move forward with a healthy, cancer-free future. How Exercise Helps Fight Cancer A healthy diet and lifestyle have a direct link to cancer prevention, and physical activity has been proven to lower the risk for several types of cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that obesity and being overweight make up 40% of all cancer cases in the U.S. each year, increasing your risk for 13 different kinds of cancer. This accounts for more than 684,000 cancer cases in the U.S. each year. According to the ACS, physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of several types of cancer, including: Colon cancer (for which the link is strongest) Breast cancer Endometrial cancer (cancer in the lining of the uterus) Bladder cancer Esophagus cancer Stomach cancer Physical activity might also affect the risk of other cancers, such as: Lung cancer Head and neck cancers Liver cancer Pancreas cancer Prostate cancer Ovarian cancer Research shows that exercise can help to prevent cancers by: Controlling weight and preventing obesity. Reducing sex hormones or insulin. Strengthening the immune and digestive system.

    Read More About Can Exercise Really Help Prevent and Heal Cancer?

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    • Allied Health

    Departamento destacado: Laboratorio central en Renown Regional Medical Center

    When it comes to your health, tests are not only common but often also required to receive the most ideal treatment plan. From your routine urinalysis to more complex hematology cases, these tests help open the doors to proper diagnosis. Thousands of patients are seen at Renown Regional Medical Center every year, which results in thousands of lab samples needing to be processed every day. So, who rises to the occasion?  Answer: The Core Laboratory team at Renown Regional. With the largest lab workload in our health system, the Renown Regional Core Lab is where compassionate care meets scientific excellence.  While under the care of the Core Lab Team, patients can rest assured that they are in the greatest of hands - literally and figuratively - with every scientist, technical specialist and lab assistant that serves in this department.  A Core Mission of Accuracy and Precision At Renown Regional, the only Level II Trauma Center in the region, the Core Laboratory works on a wide variety of lab tests to help providers diagnose, treat and monitor each patient’s condition. Those testing processes, known as “benches,” include: Blood Gas Chemistry & Immunoassay Coagulation Hematology & Differentials Urinalysis Working together in harmony, each member of the Core Lab team has an equally vital role in our health system, and all share a common goal.  “Our number one priority is to provide accurate results for our patients, ensuring that the providers have all the correct information they need to treat them,” said Lauren Anderson, Manager of Core Laboratory.  As one can imagine, there are several factors involved when it comes to ensuring those accurate patient lab results that Lauren mentioned above.  “Throughout the day in the core laboratory, there are many tasks to be performed for the accuracy and validity of our patient results,” said Jackie Blazquez, Sr. Medical Lab Scientist. “The medical lab scientists perform maintenance on the instruments daily while accommodating patient samples and releasing results. Our clinical lab assistants help the scientists with receiving samples, reviewing patient labels for any discrepancies, answering phone calls and assisting with the automated lab sample line.”  “The roles and responsibilities will vary depending on the bench assignment, but every bench will have one responsibility in common: performing preventative maintenance on our analyzers and running quality controls afterwards,” added Brittany Oliver-Stergiou, Medical Lab Scientist.  From start to finish, there is rarely a dull moment in Renown Regional’s Core Lab. In fact, this capable team can process up to 7,000 samples per day at this hospital alone.  "As a Medical Lab Scientist, for each instrument we use, we have to perform maintenance, calibration and quality control to ensure that the analyzer is ready for patient testing,” said Lauren Anderson. “Once the analyzers are ready for patient testing, we perform analysis on the samples, ensuring that the patient's results are consistent with their condition and no errors are found. Between our inpatient and outpatient centers, we run thousands of samples every day, prioritizing and juggling many tasks at once while producing accurate results.”  “Right when we get in, we are putting samples on the analyzers, reading results and calling critical alerts or recollects,” added Rosalina Lunsford, Medical Lab Scientist. “Our chemistry analyzers have all the analytes one can think of. Each individual chemistry test that the hospital uses is calibrated, quality checked and reviewed by our chemistry maintenance experts.”  Although there are many moving pieces when it comes to the work of our Core Lab experts, these team members work like a well-oiled machine in order to keep patient care at Renown Regional running efficiently.   “I start my shift by reviewing my pending worklist and verifying any outstanding STAT tests; then, I track all my untracked samples for easy retrieval, and I'll go through my pending worklist again to make sure that everything is on track for proper turn-around time,” said Lindsey Randle, Medical Lab Scientist. "I'll retrieve anything that may need further special testing, and before releasing results, I will check the sample for any interferences or contamination. This process is on a constant loop throughout my shift in addition to performing analyzer maintenance and quality control testing at timed intervals. This is all done to ensure that we are releasing precise and accurate test results so that patients can receive proper treatment.”  “We play a major role in keeping the hospital functioning,” added Rosalina Lunsford. “While the hospital doesn’t see us, we keep patient care moving. Core Lab is not stagnant; it is evolving each day. Tests are being added, machines are being updated and policies are changing. We see hundreds of patient results from different departments throughout the hospital. We analyze, question and conclude many times throughout the day and night.”  Think of discovering a diagnosis and monitoring a condition as an ongoing investigation. Our Core Lab professionals are key detectives in the investigation, playing an essential – and often life-saving – role in the diagnosis, treatment and maintenance of each patient’s condition.  “Oftentimes, we are the first to detect a patient's problem and escalate it to their provider,” said Lauren Anderson. “For example, looking under the microscope at a patient's white blood cells, Medical Lab Scientists may be the first to see a patient's leukemia and, with the collaboration of our pathologists, ensure that the next steps are taken towards diagnosis and treatment.

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    Departamento destacado: Punto de atención

    When you visit your provider for your annual exam or to address a health concern, or if you’re admitted to the hospital for any reason, lab draws – including blood tests, urine samples and saliva swabs – are common. When it comes to lab draws when you’re sick with a virus, such as strep, flu, RSV or COVID, or routine tests for chronic conditions, such as blood glucose or hemoglobin A1C, the last thing you’d want to do as a patient is wait a long time to get your results back. You’re focused on getting your results, receiving the proper medication and feeling better as soon as possible. Luckily for patients at Renown Health, we have a talented team to meet that need.  Meet the Point-of-Care team at Renown, an important subset of the larger Core Laboratory department. With decades of collective experience in the field and some of the finest point-of-care technology at their fingertips, this team works with our healthcare teams to ensure you have access to fast, accurate test results to help you on a quicker road to recovery.  Pointed Towards Efficient Solutions Point-of-care testing can be defined as exactly how it sounds – lab testing at or near the patient or their care area, otherwise known as “at the point-of-care.” While our clinicians utilize this specialized equipment every day for point-of-care testing on patients, they rely on the Point-of-Care department for training, everyday guidance, quality checks, audits and leadership.   At Renown, Point-of-Care testing is used in nearly every nursing unit across our hospitals and 53 outpatient care locations, including primary care, urgent care, pediatrics and women’s health – alleviating some of the workload of our central lab. Because so many teams rely on this crucial technology and test processes, this team accomplishes a great deal each day, from checking equipment to ensuring test accuracy.  “Our day starts early, with our first team member opening the department at 5 a.m. and circulating on the nursing units to address broken point-of-care equipment issues or supply shortages that could impact patient testing,” said Joni Boury, Lab Program Coordinator. “Once the point-of-care scientists arrive, they will address any charting issues that arose overnight and ensure all test results are correctly charted in Epic. After critical issues are addressed, we visit the testing locations and performing audits to ensure all testing equipment is functioning, clean and being appropriately maintained.”  In order to provide these efficient tests – in minutes! – to patients anxiously awaiting their results, our first step is to make sure our equipment and processes are up-to-code. Point-of-care testing is regulated at both the state and federal levels, and this team never leaves a checkbox unmarked when it comes to testing regulations.  “As a part of the ambulatory side of the Point-of-Care team, I make sure that state and federal licensing is maintained so the practices that perform these tests can continue to perform in-office testing for patients,” said Wende Lane, Clinical Lab Assistant Lead. “I also round in these practices to make sure they are adhering to state and federal guidelines, as well as Renown policies.”  And it’s not just existing equipment that needs oversight – the Point-of-Care department also implements new equipment and processes across Renown. These team members are expert jugglers when it comes to this effort, handling training, collaborating with leaders, recommending the proper placement of equipment and much more.   "Each day, we work on our many deployments scheduled throughout the hospital and outpatient locations,” said Joni Boury. “That work includes meeting with leaders to ensure new spaces are correctly built to accommodate the point-of-care devices, configuring new equipment, training new leaders and device operators and ensuring appropriate ordering and charting of the test results.”  “In being able to perform these tests in the outpatient setting instead of having to send them somewhere else for a test, providers can begin treating their patients within a matter of a few minutes, rather than hours,” added Wende Lane.  For a small-but-mighty team of six employees, the heights this team reaches knows no bounds. They’ve celebrated many achievements and expansions this year, including offering new-and-improved PCR testing across various outpatient practices.  “Our team has had several notable accomplishments over the past year,” said Breanna Van Dyck, Medical Lab Scientist and Lab Program Coordinator. “We successfully rolled out a massive Cepheid PCR testing initiative to over 30 Renown outpatient locations within the community. This expansion significantly improved our testing capacity and accessibility and will help ensure timely and accurate diagnostic tests for respiratory viruses and strep to a broader patient population, including our rural practices.”  By combining cutting-edge technology with compassionate patient care, our Point-of-Care team members are essential to contributing to Renown’s goal of providing efficient, high-quality care tailored to each patient’s individual needs.  Take a Point-of-Care Tour! The Point-of-Care department covers a lot of ground around Renown, reaching Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Fernley and Fallon. Take a glance at the photo carousel below to put yourself in the shoes of our Point-of-Care team members on a regular day!

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    Departamento destacado: Patología

    Celebrate Leap Day by leaping into the world of Pathology at Renown Health! Think of discovering a diagnosis like solving a mystery: the condition is the suspect, the nurses are the frontline police force and the doctors are the lieutenants or captains finalizing the results of the case. You may notice that one crucial role is missing on this list – the detectives. In the diverse network of healthcare, the detectives are a significant part of each patient’s mystery-solving care team and represent many roles across our health system. When it comes to figuring out the elaborate details of a growth, disease, organ abnormality or cause of death, one team of detectives, quite literally, goes as deep as possible. Those detectives are the team members within Renown Pathology. For each specialized field within medicine or surgery, the Pathology department is here to play a crucial role in accurate diagnoses. With each slide examined and each test meticulously conducted in their bright laboratories, these dedicated professionals shape a path towards wellness and recovery.  Meet Your Anatomy Experts  Whether you have a chronic disease that needs consistent testing, a high-risk birth that requires placenta testing, a suspected cancerous tumor that needs a biopsy or a gall stone that must be removed (or anything in between), Renown’s Pathology team steps in to provide biological answers to your body’s questions. This department offers the most comprehensive in-house diagnostic testing in the region, from routine histology to full pathology.  As the busiest pathology department in northern Nevada, this team boasts the fastest turnaround times from respected experts, including:  Pathologists Pathology Assistants Histotechnicians Histotechnologists Clinical Lab Assistants Let’s break down the complex nature of these team members' jobs by walking through their everyday responsibilities at work!  Pathologists  Pathologists are medical doctors who specialize in the study and diagnosis of disease. With every slide they scrutinize and every sample they analyze, pathologists unravel the mysteries of disease with precision and compassion. Their responsibilities include interpreting laboratory tests, analyzing tissue and fluid samples (obtained from a variety of different sources, including biopsies and surgeries), staging cancer diagnoses and providing diagnostic insights that guide treatment decisions.  “Our job is to help the patients and their doctors figure out what’s wrong,” said Dr. Christie Elliott, Pathologist and Medical Director of the Clinical Laboratory at Renown Regional Medical Center. “As the bulk of our cases deal with cancer, almost every day we start with a tumor board alongside fellow surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and geneticists. From there, we order extra studies, run through our cases to make diagnoses, review slides and ensure all information goes into the charts, which is especially important as 70% of data in medical charts is from the lab. A patient’s history is everything.”  Pathology Assistants With the steadiest of hands, pathology assistants, also known as PAs (not to be confused with physician assistants), guide the diagnostic journey from patient specimen to diagnosis. They can typically be found processing surgical and biopsy specimens (includes accessioning, gross examination, description, and sampling for microscopic analysis), preparing tissue samples for microscopic evaluation, helping the pathologist determine a cause of death for autopsies by conducting organ dissections and maintaining detailed records of all diagnostic findings.  “As a PA, I still impact patient care without being directly patient-facing,” said Andrew Whitner, Pathology Assistant. “I handle 300-350 small tissue blocks a day. During dissections, I identify landmarks, document what I see and turn those landmarks into slides, looking for things that don’t look normal.”  “Our job is 90% all about gross specimens, and we also do eviscerations for autopsies,” added Leslieann Haffner, Pathology Assistant. “We are trained on what normal looks like; our goal is to find the abnormal.”  Histotechnicians Histotechnicians work behind the scenes to help transform ordinary tissue into extraordinary windows of insight, revealing the inner workings of the human body. As vital members of the Pathology team, histotechnicians embed tissue specimens in paraffin wax blocks (a process that preserves the tissue's structure for examination), cut thin sections of tissue from the paraffin blocks using a microtome, mount tissue onto glass slides and stain the tissue slides using histological stains to highlight structures or cells.  “With all the patient specimens we work with, we get to see a lot of organs and learn what is causing the abnormalities,” said Reiny Hitchcock, Histotechnician. “I enjoy the opportunities to expand my knowledge, especially while working alongside the doctors.”  “Our job can change by the week,” added Jessica Fahrion, Histotechnician. “One week I’ll be in the grossing room, and the next week I might be training in cytology." Histotechnologists In a world where every slide holds the key to a patient's future, histotechnologists are the champions of progress. One career ladder step above histotechnicians, these team members often have a broader scope of responsibilities, including more complex laboratory procedures, developing and validating new techniques, managing laboratory operations, interpreting results and troubleshooting technical issues. You can count on histotechnologists for validating antibodies and handling orders from pathologists, oncologists, emergency physicians and more.  “My day always involves looking into cases, reading reports, getting orders together and working with pathologists to help them with their diagnoses; I also work a lot with immunohistochemistry, helping out with routine slides,” said Charles Koeritz, Histotechnologist. “I especially enjoy doing validations, which help maintain the integrity of lab testing and our diagnostic processes.” Clinical Lab Assistants Our pathology clinical lab assistants are the masters at “filling in the blanks,” assisting in whatever area needs it most, especially in cytology and the grossing room. They are essential aspects of the Pathology team, collecting and storing specimens for further testing, assisting in managing test results, gathering data, managing supply inventory and more.  “As a Clinical Lab Assistant, I can be scheduled anywhere, from tissue cassetting to grossing,” said Ellie Somers, Clinical Lab Assistant. “Working in cytology is one of my favorite parts of my job. It’s very rewarding to work with the doctors to uncover what treatments will help each patient. We do cytology very well here.” The Bottom Line Even though the Pathology department doesn’t always experience a lot of patient face-to-face time, they interact with patients in a different way – by uncovering the story that is the inner workings of the human body, one slide and one sample at a time.  “It’s important to remember that the slide IS a patient,” said Dr. Elliott. “We are constantly learning from every case so we can continue to provide the best patient care possible.”  Take a Photo Tour of the Pathology Lab!

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    • Atención primaria

    Comprensión de sus riesgos de enfermedad de hígado graso

    Did you know that about one in four adults and one out of every ten kids in the U.S. might have a liver problem called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? This happens when too much fat builds up in the liver, and it's not because of drinking alcohol. The most serious type of this liver problem is called metabolic and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (M/NASH). It means there's damage and can be scarring in the liver. About 20% of people with fatty liver disease have M/NASH. What's worrying is that many people don't even know they have it. Dr. Catherine McCarthy, a family medicine doctor at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, talks about the main risks of M/NASH and how you can check your risk for liver disease during Liver Health Matters Month, or anytime.  Who Might Get M/NASH?  Doctors aren't sure exactly why some people get fatty liver or M/NASH. While anyone can get M/NASH, people who might be more at risk include those with:  Type 2 diabetes Insulin resistance or prediabetes High body mass index (BMI) or obesity High cholesterol or other fats in the blood High blood pressure Signs of liver problems from tests or biopsies A family member living with M/NASH How Do Doctors Find Out If You Have M/NASH? Doctors can do different checks and tests to see if someone has fatty liver or M/NASH. They might look at your liver health through non-invasive tests such as blood work, ultrasounds or MRIs. They might also suggest a special blood test called an Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) test– offered at no-cost through the Healthy Nevada Project – to check your risks of advancing liver disease.  How Can You Treat Fatty Liver Disease or M/NASH?  Patients with moderate to advanced liver scarring may also be prescribed a recently approved therapy called Rezdiffra. However, prevention of advancing disease is still the best option.  Actions you can take to improve your liver health and reduce your risk include: Eating healthy, especially low-carb foods Exercising regularly Losing weight if needed Not drinking alcohol Keeping an eye on blood sugar if you have diabetes No-Cost Liver Screening Through the Healthy Nevada Project  If you live in Nevada and are 18 or older, you can qualify for a no-cost liver health screening by enrolling in the Healthy Nevada Project, one of the largest community-based population health studies in the entire country. This study helps doctors understand your liver health better and plan early treatments to stop liver disease from getting worse.  By joining the Healthy Nevada Project, you can: Get the FDA-approved ELF test to check your risks for liver disease See your test results in your medical record to help your doctor plan your care better Help doctors and researchers learn more about M/NASH and work on future treatments Participate in genetic sequencing for high-risk conditions linked to heart disease and certain cancers, including breast and ovarian cancer Gain high-level health insights, including food sensitivities, and ancestry information. Enrolling in the study is easy: Schedule a Virtual Consent Appointment through MyChart where a study representative will answer any questions, confirm your eligibility and sign you up. Once you’re signed up, your representative will schedule your blood test. Go to your blood draw appointment. By taking part in this study, you're helping to make a difference in liver health research!

    Read More About Understanding Your Risks for Fatty Liver Disease

    • Control del peso
    • Prevención y bienestar

    ¿Decide perder peso y vivir de manera más saludable? Así es como.

    Weight loss and healthier living tend to top most people’s lists of New Year’s Resolutions. So if you’re like the vast majority, here’s help — a comprehensive look at all of Renown Health’s programs that will help you lose weight and tackle metabolic challenges. Quick quiz: How many of the following apply to you? You have a need to lose weight, but you haven’t been guided on how to make sustainable change; You’re experienced a recent rapid weight gain, but lab tests didn’t reflect a change in your health; You’ve experienced a life-changing event that caused weight gain; You have problems with where you are carrying your weight, such as your mid-section; You’ve tried other weight loss programs, but they didn’t work. If you found yourself nodding in agreement to any one of the above statements, Renown’s programs can help. They cover the spectrum of helping with weight or metabolism challenges. But the million dollar question is: Where do you start? How to Lose Weight and Live Healthier Ideally, it’s best to start by talking with your primary care provider. Your provider knows your medical history and concerns related to your health. Talk to your provider about your past history with weight loss and gain. Your primary care provider will assist with the referral process and provide you with options you might not considered on your own. Most importantly, by starting with your primary care provider, you can take full advantage of all your health benefits. Renown offers four weight loss/management programs: Medical Nutrition Therapy Meet one-on-one with a Registered Dietitian at Renown’s Health Improvement Program to discuss your health goals. You may qualify for this program if you have: Heart or kidney disease Gastrointestinal issues Weight gain or weight loss Food allergies or sensitivities High blood pressure or high cholesterol A thyroid condition Diabetes – classes available, including: Type 2 Diabetes, insulin and gestational diabetes management during pregnancy (Offered in English & also in Spanish). For more information, call 775-982-5073. Medical Weight Management This program includes a one-on-one appointment with a board-certified bariatric doctor. You will receive a comprehensive evaluation and customized treatment plan to meet your needs and medically manage your overweight or metabolic challenges. Treatment options in this program may include nutrition changes, meal replacements, medication, exercises and also behavioral therapy. Here are a few qualifications for the program: A BMI of 25 or higher and health risk such as Type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, stroke, gout, osteoarthritis, infertility or polycystic ovarian syndrome A BMI of 30 and higher A metabolic problem such as diabetes, fatty liver and is not responding to regular medical care. Those with a metabolic problem may be considered normal weight, however may need to lose fat mass or reduce their waist size to get healthier. An increased risk of heart disease, stroke or Type 2 diabetes, regardless of weight that is not responding to regular medical care. For more information, call 775-982-5073. Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery We understand that the desire to have bariatric surgery is a choice you are making for your long-term health. Our team provides education on the necessary steps before, during and after surgery to ensure you are successful in controlling your obesity. You may qualify for this program if you have: A BMI of 40 or more, or: A BMI of 35 to 39.9 with significant health problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, diabetes or diagnosed arthritis To learn more, visit our Bariatric Surgery. You may also attend one of our monthly Weight Loss Surgery Seminars to learn if you are a candidate. Dietary Consultation at Renown Medical Group Many people aren’t aware that you can schedule short, frequent visits with a registered dietitian at Renown Medical Group locations in Reno or Sparks. Telehealth is also available at the Renown Medical Group – Fernley. Qualifications include: A BMI of 30 or greater You have a primary care provider with Renown Medical Group Medicare or Senior Care Plus member Since this program is only offered through Renown Medical Group, you must be an established patient. To establish with a primary care provider, call 775-982-5000. Talk to your primary care provider to see if you qualify for one of Renown’s weight management programs. Going through the referral process is the best way to ensure you are taking full advantage of your health benefits.

    Read More About Do You Resolve to Lose Weight and Live Healthier? Here's How.

    • 12
      • 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
      • Clase virtual de Renown únicamente
      • gratuito

      Liderado por el gerente del programa bariátrico de Renown, este grupo lo conecta con compañeros y líderes para que pueda apoyarse, capacitar, alentarse y apoyarse unos en otros cuando más lo necesite. Ya sea que esté enfrentando desafíos posteriores a la cirugía o pensando en una cirugía para bajar de peso y desee obtener más información sobre la perspectiva del cliente o ayudar a familiares y amigos reacios a comprender mejor el proceso, asistir a esta reunión del grupo de apoyo puede ser invaluable. Este grupo de apoyo es un excelente recurso donde encontrará personas que comparten sus objetivos de salud y bienestar. Estamos dedicados a las personas con experiencias cotidianas, a compartir sus sentimientos en un entorno seguro y a desarrollar relaciones que puedan contribuir a mejorar la salud física y emocional. Hemos descubierto que nuestros clientes más exitosos asisten a grupos de apoyo con regularidad. Se puede asistir por videoconferencia. Los pacientes pueden acceder de forma remota y unirse desde cualquier dispositivo con cámara (teléfono inteligente, iPad, computadora portátil o cámara web de computadora de escritorio). Al registrarse, recibirá instrucciones sobre cómo conectarse virtualmente. La asistencia a esta clase es gratuita.

      Leer más Acerca de Grupo de apoyo virtual de cirugía bariátrica
    • 8
      • 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
      • Clase virtual de Renown únicamente
      • gratuito

      Liderado por el gerente del programa bariátrico de Renown, este grupo lo conecta con compañeros y líderes para que pueda apoyarse, capacitar, alentarse y apoyarse unos en otros cuando más lo necesite. Ya sea que esté enfrentando desafíos posteriores a la cirugía o pensando en una cirugía para bajar de peso y desee obtener más información sobre la perspectiva del cliente o ayudar a familiares y amigos reacios a comprender mejor el proceso, asistir a esta reunión del grupo de apoyo puede ser invaluable. Este grupo de apoyo es un excelente recurso donde encontrará personas que comparten sus objetivos de salud y bienestar. Estamos dedicados a las personas con experiencias cotidianas, a compartir sus sentimientos en un entorno seguro y a desarrollar relaciones que puedan contribuir a mejorar la salud física y emocional. Hemos descubierto que nuestros clientes más exitosos asisten a grupos de apoyo con regularidad. Se puede asistir por videoconferencia. Los pacientes pueden acceder de forma remota y unirse desde cualquier dispositivo con cámara (teléfono inteligente, iPad, computadora portátil o cámara web de computadora de escritorio). Al registrarse, recibirá instrucciones sobre cómo conectarse virtualmente. La asistencia a esta clase es gratuita.

      Leer más Acerca de Grupo de apoyo virtual de cirugía bariátrica
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