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    • Miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

    El laboratorio interno de Renown Health ya procesa las pruebas de detección de COVID-19 para los pacientes y proveedores de atención médica

    La ampliación de las capacidades de procesamiento de pruebas está dando lugar a resultados más rápidos, lo que reduce la carga del laboratorio estatal y ayuda a mantener la seguridad de los pacientes, los proveedores de atención y la comunidad. Renown Health anunció hoy que su laboratorio interno ahora puede procesar hasta 500 pruebas de detección de COVID-19 por día para pacientes hospitalizados y proveedores de atención médica. La organización ha invertido en ampliar las capacidades de procesamiento de pruebas para atender mejor a la comunidad en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus y para aumentar las pruebas disponibles en todo el estado. El próximo mes, Renown prevé continuar con la ampliación de la capacidad de prueba y duplicarla para poder procesar 1,000 pruebas por día en preparación para dar una respuesta continua a la pandemia. “La pandemia de COVID-19 no va a desaparecer, todavía está con nosotros. Me preocupa el número de nuevos casos y hospitalizaciones que estamos viendo en el norte de Nevada. Debemos hacer más pruebas. Necesitamos una mayor capacidad para asegurarnos de que disponemos de pruebas de aumento a gran escala, de modo que podamos ayudar a las personas a identificar si tienen COVID-19 o no", afirmó Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown. “Si pudiéramos hacer pruebas de detección de COVID-19 a 60,000 personas del norte de Nevada, como hicimos para el Healthy Nevada Project, podríamos entender mejor con datos y hechos la proporción de personas que realmente tienen COVID-19 frente a las que solo tienen catarro y un resfriado”. Lanzado en 2016, el Healthy Nevada Project https://healthynv.org/ es un estudio poblacional basado en la comunidad en el que se ofrecen pruebas genéticas gratuitas a miles de residentes de Nevada para obtener información sobre la salud de la comunidad y conocer los riesgos genéticos de cada persona. Desde el martes, 2,286 personas del norte de Nevada se han sometido a pruebas, y los casos positivos rondaron los 700. Setenta y cuatro personas en el norte de Nevada fallecieron y 1,526 se recuperaron. https://www.washoecounty.us/ El Dr. Slonim dice que las pruebas lo ayudarían a él y a otras personas a tomar decisiones y elaborar planes importantes para el coronavirus con evidencia. Su deseo es poder evaluar a muchas más personas en el norte de Nevada. “Las pruebas son fundamentales en etapas anteriores para prevenir las consecuencias en etapas posteriores”, explica Dawn D. Ahner, DSc, FACHE, directora de Operaciones de Servicios Agudos de Renown. “Al procesar nuestras propias pruebas, hemos reducido el plazo para recibir los resultados a solo 12 o 24 horas, lo que tendrá un impacto profundamente positivo en nuestra comunidad y alivia la carga en el laboratorio estatal. “Las pruebas son una herramienta increíblemente importante en nuestra lucha contra el coronavirus”, afirmó Tim Stephens, vicepresidente de Servicios Auxiliares. “No hay una prueba 100 % perfecta; sin embargo, las pruebas de PCR son tan sensibles que, cuando se realizan a la perfección, tienen una tasa de falsos positivos muy baja. Los laboratorios certificados como el de Renown utilizan una serie de procedimientos para reducir el riesgo de resultados falsos de las pruebas”. “La ampliación de las nuevas capacidades de prueba de nuestro laboratorio durante este tiempo es un testimonio del trabajo innovador e importante que se realiza aquí en Renown”, destacó Erik Olson, director ejecutivo de Renown Regional Medical Center. “A lo largo de la pandemia, nuestro equipo auxiliar, que incluye servicios como laboratorio, radiología y farmacia, se ha adaptado rápidamente a las necesidades de nuestros pacientes y nuestra comunidad. Me complace que seamos capaces de generar resultados de pruebas críticas para los pacientes y los proveedores mientras continuamos la lucha contra la COVID-19 y hacemos un esfuerzo adicional en pos de la seguridad”.   Un esfuerzo adicional en pos de la seguridad Como medida de seguridad adicional, los pacientes hospitalizados que reciben cuidados agudos; los pacientes que se preparan para una cirugía y los proveedores de atención médica que pueden haber estado en contacto con casos positivos para COVID-19 están entre los que reciben las pruebas de PCR obligatorias de Renown en este momento. En el caso de los pacientes que reciben atención hospitalaria, estas pruebas ayudan a determinar si los pacientes deben ser ubicados en un área designada del hospital para mitigar el riesgo de transmisión a aquellos no infectados. Además, todos los pacientes quirúrgicos se someten a pruebas y se aíslan antes de su procedimiento quirúrgico en Renown Regional Medical Center y en Renown South Meadows Medical Center. ¿Cómo funcionan las pruebas de PCR? Las pruebas de PCR utilizan una muestra de mucosidad que generalmente se extrae de la nariz o la garganta de una persona. La prueba busca el material genético del coronavirus mediante una tecnología llamada PCR que detecta la presencia del material genético viral. Aquellos infectados activamente con el virus mostrarán la existencia de ese material. Se recomienda a las personas que crean que deben hacerse la prueba de detección de COVID-19 que llamen a su proveedor médico o se comuniquen con el Distrito de Salud del Condado de Washoe al 775-328-2427 para una evaluación de riesgos. Para obtener información actualizada sobre el enfoque de Renown para mantener la seguridad de la comunidad, visite nuestro sitio web en renown.org/covid-19/.   Consulte el material complementario de esta historia aquí.     Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es una red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios al norte de Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Renown es uno de los mayores empleadores privados de la región y cuenta con una fuerza laboral de más de 7,000. Abarca tres hospitales de cuidados intensivos, el Renown Children’s Hospital, el Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, el grupo médico y la red de atención de urgencias más integrales del área, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local más grande de la región, Hometown Health. Renown cuenta con una larga trayectoria y un compromiso a largo plazo para mejorar continuamente la atención y la salud de nuestra comunidad. Visite renown.org para obtener más información.

    Leer más Acerca de El laboratorio interno de Renown Health ya procesa las pruebas de detección de COVID-19 para los pacientes y proveedores de atención médica

    • Jueves 17 de septiembre de 2020

    El Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar Thomas S. Dolan recibe una certificación respetada del líder de la industria

    El programa se convierte en el primero de su tipo en ser acreditado en Nevada. Renown Health se complace en anunciar la certificación del Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar Thomas S. Dolan en Renown South Meadows Medical Center por parte de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). La certificación de la AACVPR demuestra que el Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar de una organización está alineado con las pautas actuales establecidas por la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar) para la atención ambulatoria temprana adecuada y eficaz de pacientes con problemas cardíacos o pulmonares. La certificación ofrece tranquilidad, para que los pacientes puedan sentirse seguros al saber que el personal tiene la experiencia y las habilidades necesarias para coordinar los distintos problemas que enfrentan las personas que reciben un diagnóstico de enfermedad cardíaca o pulmonar que cambia su vida. Los programas de rehabilitación pulmonar ayudan a las personas con problemas de salud, como asma, bronquitis crónica, fibrosis pulmonar o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) a recuperarse más rápido y vivir de manera más saludable. “Tener acceso a servicios de rehabilitación pulmonar de calidad tan cerca de su hogar, dotados de un grupo altamente capacitado de proveedores de cuidados paliativos, verdaderamente es un obsequio para nuestra comunidad”, afirmó Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown. “Estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo que se realiza en nuestro programa de rehabilitación pulmonar, y también estamos eternamente agradecidos por la donación de Tom Dolan al programa en 2019, que permite a los residentes de Nevada mejorar su salud y su calidad de vida”. “El Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar Thomas S. Dolan es el único programa de rehabilitación pulmonar acreditado en el estado de Nevada”, señaló Chris Nicholas, vicepresidente de Renown South Meadows Medical Center and Rehabilitation Hospital. “Nos enorgullece este distinguido honor de la AACVPR, ya que reconoce el trabajo transformador que se realiza aquí y le da mayor visibilidad. Nuestros cuidadores dedicados brindan apoyo a nuestros pacientes en cada paso del camino, ayudándolos a llevar vidas dinámicas y gratificantes a pesar de sus afecciones de salud”. El programa integral de rehabilitación pulmonar de Renown South Meadows Medical Center ofrece cintas para caminar, bicicletas fijas, entrenamiento de fuerza y un aula educativa para ayudar a los pacientes a alcanzar sus objetivos de salud. Para obtener la acreditación, el Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar de Renown participó en un proceso de solicitud que requería documentación extensa sobre las prácticas del programa. La certificación de programas de la AACVPR es el único proceso de acreditación de revisión por pares diseñado para revisar los programas individuales conforme al cumplimiento de las normas y las pautas desarrolladas y publicadas por la AACVPR y otras asociaciones profesionales relacionadas. En noviembre de 2019, Tom Dolan propietario y fundador de Dolan Auto Group, realizó una donación al Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar de Renown South Meadows Medical Center después de que su experiencia personal en la rehabilitación pulmonar le hiciera percatarse sobre las capacidades y necesidades que había en el norte de Nevada. Su generosa donación le ha permitido a Renown duplicar la cantidad de pacientes que reciben tratamiento y aumentar el acceso a la rehabilitación pulmonar en nuestra comunidad. “Como antiguo paciente, encontré muchos beneficios en mi rehabilitación pulmonar”, manifestó Dolan. “Siempre he querido apoyar este programa y aumentar la cantidad de personas a las que ayuda. Es estupendo ver que ahora tenemos el único programa de rehabilitación pulmonar certificado en el estado de Nevada”. “El componente más esencial de la salud pulmonar es romper el ciclo de la inactividad asociado con la enfermedad pulmonar”, explicó la Dra. Farah Madhani-Lovely, médica de cuidados críticos pulmonares. “Nuestra comunidad tiene la suerte de contar con un programa acreditado como este para empoderar a nuestros pacientes”. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de propiedad y administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. El modelo del instituto de Renown aborda determinantes sociales de la salud e incluye: salud infantil, salud conductual y adicciones, envejecimiento saludable e innovación en la salud. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Para obtener más información, visite renown.org. Acerca de la AACVPR Fundada en 1985, la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation es una organización multidisciplinaria dedicada a la misión de reducir la morbilidad, la mortalidad y la discapacidad causadas por las enfermedades cardiovasculares y pulmonares a través de la educación, la prevención, la rehabilitación, la investigación y el control de las enfermedades. La misión central es mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias. Obtenga más información sobre la AACVPR en www.aacvpr.org.

    Leer más Acerca de El Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar Thomas S. Dolan recibe una certificación respetada del líder de la industria

    • Jueves, 02 de noviembre de 2023

    Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar de Renown Health certificado por la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar

    Renown Health se enorgullece en anunciar la certificación de su programa de rehabilitación pulmonar por parte de la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar (American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, AACVPR). Esta certificación es un reconocimiento al compromiso de Renown Health de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes al mejorar los estándares de atención. Los programas de rehabilitación pulmonar están diseñados para ayudar a las personas con problemas pulmonares (p. ej., enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica [EPOC], síntomas respiratorios, COVID-19 prolongada) a recuperarse más rápido y vivir de manera más saludable. Ambos programas incluyen ejercicio, educación, asesoramiento y apoyo para los pacientes y sus familias. Según el Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, la EPOC afecta a 16 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos, y 1 de cada 13 adultos (7.5 %) tiene síntomas de “COVID prolongada”, definidos como síntomas que duran tres meses o más después de contraer el virus por primera vez, y que no tenían antes de su infección por COVID-19. “Estamos encantados de recibir esta certificación de la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar para nuestro programa de rehabilitación pulmonar en Renown South Meadows Medical Center. Este reconocimiento destaca la dedicación inquebrantable de Renown Health para brindar los más altos estándares de atención y mejorar la vida de nuestros pacientes, independientemente de lo que les depare la vida”, dijo Sam Weller, director ejecutivo de MHPA de Renown South Meadows Medical Center y Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia brilla en todos los aspectos de nuestros programas, y esta certificación refuerza nuestra misión continua de tener un impacto positivo en la salud y el bienestar de los habitantes del norte de Nevada”. Para obtener esta acreditación, el programa de rehabilitación pulmonar de Renown Health participó en un proceso de solicitud que requiere documentación extensa de las prácticas del programa. La certificación del programa AACVPR es el único proceso de acreditación de revisión por pares diseñado para revisar los programas individuales para determinar el cumplimiento de los estándares y las pautas desarrollados y publicados por AACVPR y otras sociedades profesionales relacionadas. La solicitud de cada programa es revisada por el Comité de Certificación del Programa de AACVPR y la certificación es otorgada por la Junta Directiva de AACVPR. “En Renown Health, nuestro programa de rehabilitación pulmonar está diseñado pensando en nuestros pacientes. Nuestro enfoque incluye el ejercicio físico, que se extiende a la educación, el asesoramiento y el apoyo tanto para los pacientes como para sus familias”, dijo John Lynn, gerente de Servicios Respiratorios de Renown Health. “Esta certificación AACVPR es un testimonio del arduo trabajo y dedicación de nuestro equipo para garantizar que las personas con afecciones pulmonares reciban la mejor atención posible para mejorar su calidad de vida”. En 2018, AACVPR pasó a un proceso basado en resultados con mediciones de desempeño que representan resultados más significativos. Por lo tanto, los programas certificados por AACVPR son líderes en el campo de la rehabilitación cardiovascular y pulmonar porque ofrecen las prácticas más avanzadas disponibles y tienen antecedentes comprobados de atención al paciente de alta calidad. La certificación del programa AACVPR es válida por tres años. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada sin fines de lucro más grande de Nevada que presta servicios en Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Renown actualmente está inscribiendo participantes en un estudio de salud de la población genética basado en la comunidad, Healthy Nevada Project®. Acerca de AACVPR Fundada en 1985, la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar es una organización multidisciplinaria dedicada a la misión de reducir la morbilidad, la mortalidad y la discapacidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares y pulmonares a través de la educación, la prevención, la rehabilitación, la investigación y el manejo de enfermedades. La mejora en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias es fundamental para la misión principal.

    Leer más Acerca de Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar de Renown Health certificado por la Asociación Estadounidense de Rehabilitación Cardiovascular y Pulmonar

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    Renown Lab Services - USA Parkway
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  • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño

    Pulmonary Medicine Our expert pulmonary medicine team diagnoses and cares for patients with lung and breathing challenges. Serious breathing problems and long-term conditions, such as COPD and emphysema, are treated by our extensively trained providers. Our board-certified care team has the experience and clinical judgment to ensure the strongest possible patient outcomes. If you have a chronic lung condition diagnosis, you may also benefit from Renown Pulmonary Rehab. Conditions We Treat Asthma Bronchitis (acute and chronic) Chest infections Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Cystic fibrosis Emphysema Lung cancer Lung transplant Pulmonary fibrosis Pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) Other chronic lung diseases Pulmonary Services

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    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Asma
    • Salud pulmonar
    • Prevención y bienestar

    Quédese en casa cuando el cielo esté lleno de humo

    Even when fires burn outside our area, the air quality in the region can reach dangerous levels. Our expert explains how to maintain your lung health when fire season strikes. It’s a sight we know all too well as northern Nevadans — a hazy or thick layer on the horizon when smoke rolls in from nearby fires. Sometimes the smoke is more evident than others, but it’s important to remember, even when the smoke may not be as visible across the valley, it still impacts our air quality. The last week or so, our air quality has been in the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” range, which can be dangerous for people who are sensitive to air pollution. Air Quality Changes: Who’s at Risk? Renown Pediatric Pulmonologist Sonia Budhecha, M.D., explains certain people are especially at risk when smoke moves in: Older people, whose lungs are not as healthy as they used to be Young children, whose lungs are still developing People with heart and lung disease including asthma, COPD and emphysema “Smoke and haze from fires carry particulates that can get into your respiratory system and eyes, which can be a danger for all ages,” Dr. Budhecha says. How You Can Protect Yourself Until the smoke clears and the air returns to the “good” range, it is best to follow these tips to protect yourself and your family: Stay indoors and keep windows closed Turn on the air conditioning to recirculate clean air Drink plenty of fluids to help your body flush out any toxins you inhale Additionally, all community members should reduce their physical activity and try to prevent heavy exertion outside. If you or a loved one has a heart or lung disease, avoid physical exertion altogether because smoke can aggravate these conditions. “People with heart disease may experience shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations or fatigue,” Dr. Budhecha says. “People with lung disease may also have shortness of breath, chest discomfort, wheezing, phlegm or a cough.” Smoky Signs and Symptoms Smoke can also impact healthy people — irritating your eyes, nose or throat. And in some cases, inhaling smoke can lead to bronchitis. When haze moves into our area, keep an eye out for these symptoms: Burning or stinging eyes Runny nose Cough or scratchy throat Headaches Wheezing Shortness of breath Difficult taking a full breath Chest heaviness Lightheadedness Dizziness If experiencing any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention or call your doctor for advice. Sometimes, these symptoms do not appear for as long as 24 to 48 hours after smoke inhalation. For those that have pre-existing lung or heart conditions, consult with a health care provider on action or management plans. To schedule an appointment Visit Renown Pulmonary Medicine, or call 775-982-5000. Understanding Our Air Quality The Air Quality Index (AQI) is broken down by large (PM10) and small (PM2.5) particulates. According to Dr. Budhecha, large particulates are usually ones that can be seen and smelled. They can damage your eyes and nose but don’t often get deep in the lungs or blood vessels.   “The more dangerous ones are PM2.5, which can’t always be seen or smelled,” Dr. Budhecha says. “Any time the AQI is above 51, children with lung or heart disease should not be outdoors.” For the latest air quality update in your area, visit AirNow.gov or call (775) 785-4110.

    Read More About Stay Inside When Skies Are Smoky

    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Premios y acreditaciones

    Programa de rehabilitación pulmonar Thomas S Dolan

    The program becomes first of its kind to be accredited in Nevada Renown Health is pleased to announce the certification of the Thomas S. Dolan Pulmonary Rehabilitation program at Renown South Meadows Medical Center by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). AACVPR certification demonstrates that an organization's Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is aligned with current guidelines set by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for appropriate and effective early outpatient care of patients with cardiac or pulmonary issues. Certification offers peace of mind, so that patients can feel confident in knowing that staff has the experience and skills necessary to coordinate the many issues faced by people receiving a life-changing cardiac or pulmonary diagnosis.  Pulmonary rehabilitation programs help people with health issues such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) recover faster and live healthier.  “Having access to quality pulmonary rehabilitation services so close to home, staffed by a highly skilled group of compassionate care providers, truly is a gift to our community,” said Tony Slonim,MD, D.Ph., president and CEO of Renown. “We are extremely proud of the work being done in our pulmonary rehabilitation program, and also forever grateful for Tom Dolan’s donation to the program in 2019, which empowers Nevadans to improve both their health and quality of life.”  “Thomas S. Dolan Pulmonary Rehabilitation is the only accredited pulmonary rehabilitation program in the state of Nevada,” said Renown South Meadows Medical Center and Rehabilitation Hospital Vice President Chris Nicholas. “We take pride in this distinguished honor from the AACVPR as it acknowledges and amplifies the life-changing work happening here. Our dedicated caregivers provide support to our patients every step of the way, helping them lead vibrant and fulfilling lives despite their health conditions.” The comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program at Renown South Meadows Medical Center offers treadmills, stationary bicycles, strength training and an education classroom to help patients achieve health goals. To earn accreditation, Renown’s pulmonary rehabilitation program participated in an application process requiring extensive documentation of the program’s practices. AACVPR Program Certification is the only peer-review accreditation process designed to review individual programs for adherence to standards and guidelines developed and published by AACVPR and other related professional societies. In November 2019, Tom Dolan, owner and founder of Dolan Auto Group, donated to the Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Renown South Meadows Medical Center after his personal experience thriving in pulmonary rehabilitation brought northern Nevada’s capabilities, and needs to his attention. His generous donation has allowed Renown to double the number of patients who receive treatment and increase the access to pulmonary rehab in our community. “As a former patient myself, I found so much benefit in my pulmonary rehab,” said Dolan. “I have always wanted to support this program and increase the number of people it serves. It’s great to see that we now have the only certified pulmonary rehab in Nevada. “The most essential component of lung health is breaking the cycle of inactivity associated with lung disease,” said Lung Critical Care Physician Dr. Farah Madhani-Lovely. “Our community is fortunate to have an accredited program like this to empower our patients.”   About AACVPR Founded in 1985, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the mission of reducing morbidity, mortality and disability from cardiovascular and pulmonary disease through education, prevention, rehabilitation, research and disease management. Central to the core mission is improving the quality of life for patients and their families. Learn more about AACVPR at www.aacvpr.org.

    Read More About Thomas S Dolan Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Servicios de laboratorio

    Un análisis de sangre: las valiosas pistas que puede darle a su médico

    Blood. It can make you squeamish to think about it, yet every drop is vital to your health. In fact, a tiny vial of it can tell your doctor a wealth of information. We asked Benjamin Hansen, M.D., to explain what providers can learn from a blood test and why it’s important to get one as part of your annual checkup. CBC, the initials, sound innocent enough, right? In fact, when your favorite TV doctor orders a CBC, or complete blood count, it’s often the first step in getting an overall picture of your health. "It primarily measures white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets," explains Hansen. Although a blood test is one test you don’t have to study for, the measurements it takes can point to a host of information. What a Blood Test Says About Your Health White Blood Cell Count "The white blood cell count in your CBC helps us to determine the strength of your immune system," says Hansen. "It also helps us to determine the likelihood of infection because white blood cells fight off infection. Knowing the white blood cell count can also be helpful in patients with compromised immune systems, such as those on certain medicines or with conditions that impair immunity," he adds. White blood cells are made in your bone marrow and are alive only one to three days. Therefore, your body is constantly making them. Red Blood Cell Count "The red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body, while also carrying away waste.  The hemoglobin (red blood cell protein) count is important because it helps us determine how well you're able to deliver oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body," states Hansen. If these counts are low, you may have trouble breathing or experience fatigue. Red blood cells also grow in bone marrow, but they have a long lifespan – generally 100 to 120 days. Why Get a Blood Test? Although the CBC is just one type of blood test, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) there are a number of blood tests available that can help check for diseases and conditions such as: Heart disease Cancer Anemia (low iron) Diabetes High cholesterol Alcohol or Drug use disorder HIV/AIDS Additionally some tests show how well your kidneys, liver, heart and other organs are working. If you are taking a medication, a blood test can also let your provider know if it is helping you. What to Expect From a CBC Blood Test When you are not feeling well, it may take some detective work to figure out what is wrong and sometimes a CBC can be helpful. With this in mind, a lab order from your provider is needed to order a CBC blood test. Some blood tests require you to not eat food (fast) eight to 12 hours before the blood draw. Your provider will let you know the type of blood test(s) they are ordering for you. Usually it's important to drink plenty of water before your blood test, to make it easier to locate your veins. Generally a small sample of blood is taken from your arm vein and then sent to a lab for analysis. Discussing Your Results "A CBC can help your provider determine if there is an infection, your level of immunity, if you are anemic or if you are prone to bleeding," says Hansen. When to Get a Blood Test "A CBC is usually ordered for a specified purpose. If you think you might need a CBC, please call your provider. It's also important to see your provider regularly to keep an eye on your health. Many patients should see their provider at lease yearly," Hansen clarifies.

    Read More About A Blood Test: What Valuable Clues It Tells Your Doctor

    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Fumar

    Explicación de la EPOC: Protección de los pulmones y manejo de los síntomas

    COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a progressive lung condition often mistaken for typical aging signs, like shortness of breath and coughing. While smoking and pollution can contribute to its development, lifestyle changes and medications can help manage its progression. Diagnosis typically involves lung function tests, chest X-rays, or CT scans, with treatments available through a pulmonologist or primary care provider. Renown’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program offers insights into living with COPD. What is COPD? According to the COPD Foundation, it is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases including: Emphysema: Damage to the small air sacs in the lungs (alveoli). Chronic Bronchitis: Irritation and swelling of bronchial tubes, causing shortness of breath and coughing for long periods of time. Asthma (non-reversible): When asthma medications cannot reduce swelling in the airways. COPD Risk Factors Smoking is the most significant COPD risk factor, and the American Lung Association (ALA) says it accounts for nearly 90 percent of cases. If you are a smoker, it is essential to seek help and quit. Other COPD risk factors include: Air pollution Genetics Second-hand smoke Chemical, fumes or dust in the workplace How Can You Protect Yourself?  Stop smoking Renown Health provides support offering 4-week Smoking Cessation Virtual Classes, free of charge! Sign up today. Use natural cleaning products Many household chemicals, especially those containing bleach, can irritate the lungs – a condition called, chemical pneumonitis. Stay away from all types of smoke This includes smoke from fireplaces. Likewise, plan to stay indoors when it is smoky outside, or air quality is poor. Get active Of course, it’s never too late to start an exercise program. When exercising your heart pumps, circulating your blood and sending oxygen to every part of your body. Notably it strengthens your lungs, making it easier to breath. Talk to your doctor to see if you are healthy enough to begin exercising. Eat a healthy diet Surprisingly what you eat can affect your breathing. The American Lung Association encourages those with COPD to watch their sodium intake, eat smaller, more frequent meals (instead of three large ones), limit high fat foods and drink plenty of water. Avoid scented products Perfumes, aerosol sprays and plug-in air fresheners can trigger flare-ups. Get a flu shot Did you know chronic lung conditions, as well as, heart disease, cancer and diabetes, can be made even worse by the flu? Now is the time to get your flu shot for the season if you haven’t already. Renown’s Pulmonary Rehab staff is certified through the American Association for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).  Recently, Renown Regional Medical Center successfully completed a disease specific COPD certification survey by The Joint Commission. For two accreditation cycles in a row, the COPD Program has had zero findings during the rigorous survey.

    Read More About COPD Explained: Protecting Your Lungs and Managing Symptoms

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Fumar

    Celebración del Día Mundial del Pulmón en el norte de Nevada

    In the United States, electronic cigarettes are the most popular form of tobacco product used among high school students. Approximately 21% of Washoe County area high schoolers report current use of e-cigarettes, higher than the national average of 14% reported in the most recent national data. While often viewed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarette use, e-cigarette use, commonly referred to as vaping, exposes users to nicotine and harmful chemicals that stunt brain development, results in lung damage and harms overall health. In partnership with Reno area school principals and nurses, the Renown Health – UNR Med Clinical Research Office was able to provide this year’s World Lung Day Anti-Vaping Program to Galena High School, Robert McQueen High School and Sage Ridge School, reaching hundreds of high school students.

    Read More About Celebrating World Lung Day in Northern Nevada

    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Salud pulmonar
    • Respiratorios
    • Fumar

    ¿Vive con EPOC? Cómo maximizar su experiencia de verano

    June offers an official welcome to summer and the height of outdoor activities in northern Nevada such as hiking, camping, days spent at the lake and embracing long days and warm evenings with friends and family. Enjoying all that the summer season has to offer may not be as easy for those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, which effects more than 15 million Americans. What is COPD? COPD is a group of lung diseases including emphysema and chronic bronchitis that result in airflow blockages from the lungs. People may experience frequent coughing and shortness of breath among other symptoms. COPD typically impacts adults ages 65 and older and is becoming increasingly more common among women. Although smoking plays a key role in the development of COPD, air pollution and indoor air quality, and respiratory infection also contribute to disease development. While there is no cure for COPD, limiting progression of disease and managing symptoms can be achieved through lifestyle changes, therapy, and medications. Tips for Living with COPD This Summer, and Always Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is extremely important for people with COPD, especially during the summer. Not drinking enough water can make breathing more difficult because it increases respiratory symptoms. Make sure to always keep a water bottle with you and aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Be Mindful of Temperature: COPD symptoms can be exacerbated by hot weather. It is best to participate in outdoor activities during the cooler times of day, like the morning or evening. Check Air Quality Before You Go: Before engaging in outdoor activities, be sure to check the air quality index and plan your activities accordingly. Pace Yourself: Exercising can be difficult for people who have COPD. To make the most of your summer, try not to push yourself too hard and take breaks when you need them. If you start to feel out of breath or tired, take a break in a cool, shaded area until you feel better. Take Matters Into Your Own Hands To address the needs of community members living with COPD, the Renown Health Research Office has teamed up with Pulmonary Medicine to provide patients who are former or current smokers and have a history of frequent exacerbations with an option to participate in the ARNASA study. "COPD exacerbations have a huge negative impact on patient’s lung function” states Dr. Farah Madhani-Lovely, Chief of Pulmonary Medicine at Renown Health and Assistant Dean of Clinical Research at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. “We have had inhalers and prednisone for decades but patients are still having exacerbations. Now we have a new pathway we think will prevent exacerbations which is what this clinical trial is designed to prove.” This study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of astegolimab compared with placebo in participants 40-80 years of age with COPD. “This study in particular is so exciting because of the enthusiasm from the sponsor’s end” says Katie Buckley, Lead Clinical Research Coordinator working on pulmonology studies at Renown’s Clinical Research Office. “Often times sites aren’t assigned particularly passionate or engaged personnel who aid in carrying out these studies, but you can tell Roche Genentech’s team truly cares about the success of the study, the safety of their participants, and proving the efficacy of the investigational agent. Working on a study like this takes a village, and when the individuals on all ends share similar mindsets and work towards success as a collective unit instead of as individual moving parts, it’s amazing to see everything we’re able to accomplish.” Renown’s team of expert pulmonologists and researchers are available to join patients with COPD in support of their healthcare journey. If you are interested in learning more about this clinical trial option at Renown Health, talk to your pulmonologist at your next appointment or contact us at 775-982-3646. At Renown Health, our goal is to make it easy for patients to access clinical research as a care opportunity where patients can access a variety of standard care treatment options for their health condition or choose to participate in a clinical trial. For more information about clinical trial opportunities available to you or to ask any questions, contact the Renown Research Office at Renown-CRD@renown.org or 775-982-3646.

    Read More About Living with COPD? How to Maximize Your Summer Experience

    • Empleados
    • Servicios de laboratorio
    • Allied Health

    Departamento destacado: Laboratorio central en Renown Regional Medical Center

    When it comes to your health, tests are not only common but often also required to receive the most ideal treatment plan. From your routine urinalysis to more complex hematology cases, these tests help open the doors to proper diagnosis. Thousands of patients are seen at Renown Regional Medical Center every year, which results in thousands of lab samples needing to be processed every day. So, who rises to the occasion?  Answer: The Core Laboratory team at Renown Regional. With the largest lab workload in our health system, the Renown Regional Core Lab is where compassionate care meets scientific excellence.  While under the care of the Core Lab Team, patients can rest assured that they are in the greatest of hands - literally and figuratively - with every scientist, technical specialist and lab assistant that serves in this department.  A Core Mission of Accuracy and Precision At Renown Regional, the only Level II Trauma Center in the region, the Core Laboratory works on a wide variety of lab tests to help providers diagnose, treat and monitor each patient’s condition. Those testing processes, known as “benches,” include: Blood Gas Chemistry & Immunoassay Coagulation Hematology & Differentials Urinalysis Working together in harmony, each member of the Core Lab team has an equally vital role in our health system, and all share a common goal.  “Our number one priority is to provide accurate results for our patients, ensuring that the providers have all the correct information they need to treat them,” said Lauren Anderson, Manager of Core Laboratory.  As one can imagine, there are several factors involved when it comes to ensuring those accurate patient lab results that Lauren mentioned above.  “Throughout the day in the core laboratory, there are many tasks to be performed for the accuracy and validity of our patient results,” said Jackie Blazquez, Sr. Medical Lab Scientist. “The medical lab scientists perform maintenance on the instruments daily while accommodating patient samples and releasing results. Our clinical lab assistants help the scientists with receiving samples, reviewing patient labels for any discrepancies, answering phone calls and assisting with the automated lab sample line.”  “The roles and responsibilities will vary depending on the bench assignment, but every bench will have one responsibility in common: performing preventative maintenance on our analyzers and running quality controls afterwards,” added Brittany Oliver-Stergiou, Medical Lab Scientist.  From start to finish, there is rarely a dull moment in Renown Regional’s Core Lab. In fact, this capable team can process up to 7,000 samples per day at this hospital alone.  "As a Medical Lab Scientist, for each instrument we use, we have to perform maintenance, calibration and quality control to ensure that the analyzer is ready for patient testing,” said Lauren Anderson. “Once the analyzers are ready for patient testing, we perform analysis on the samples, ensuring that the patient's results are consistent with their condition and no errors are found. Between our inpatient and outpatient centers, we run thousands of samples every day, prioritizing and juggling many tasks at once while producing accurate results.”  “Right when we get in, we are putting samples on the analyzers, reading results and calling critical alerts or recollects,” added Rosalina Lunsford, Medical Lab Scientist. “Our chemistry analyzers have all the analytes one can think of. Each individual chemistry test that the hospital uses is calibrated, quality checked and reviewed by our chemistry maintenance experts.”  Although there are many moving pieces when it comes to the work of our Core Lab experts, these team members work like a well-oiled machine in order to keep patient care at Renown Regional running efficiently.   “I start my shift by reviewing my pending worklist and verifying any outstanding STAT tests; then, I track all my untracked samples for easy retrieval, and I'll go through my pending worklist again to make sure that everything is on track for proper turn-around time,” said Lindsey Randle, Medical Lab Scientist. "I'll retrieve anything that may need further special testing, and before releasing results, I will check the sample for any interferences or contamination. This process is on a constant loop throughout my shift in addition to performing analyzer maintenance and quality control testing at timed intervals. This is all done to ensure that we are releasing precise and accurate test results so that patients can receive proper treatment.”  “We play a major role in keeping the hospital functioning,” added Rosalina Lunsford. “While the hospital doesn’t see us, we keep patient care moving. Core Lab is not stagnant; it is evolving each day. Tests are being added, machines are being updated and policies are changing. We see hundreds of patient results from different departments throughout the hospital. We analyze, question and conclude many times throughout the day and night.”  Think of discovering a diagnosis and monitoring a condition as an ongoing investigation. Our Core Lab professionals are key detectives in the investigation, playing an essential – and often life-saving – role in the diagnosis, treatment and maintenance of each patient’s condition.  “Oftentimes, we are the first to detect a patient's problem and escalate it to their provider,” said Lauren Anderson. “For example, looking under the microscope at a patient's white blood cells, Medical Lab Scientists may be the first to see a patient's leukemia and, with the collaboration of our pathologists, ensure that the next steps are taken towards diagnosis and treatment.

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Core Laboratory at Renown Regional Medical Center

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