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    • Lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

    Talento excepcional se une a William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown; la Dra. Kate Ward aporta experiencia y visión como vicepresidenta de la División de Oncología

    Renown Health se complace en anunciar que Kate A. Ward, Pharm.D., BCPS, ha sido ascendida a vicepresidenta de Oncología para Renown Regional Medical Center. El Dr. Ward tiene más de catorce años de servicio en la organización, más recientemente como directora de Farmacia Clínica responsable de la supervisión de todas las actividades de farmacia clínica en Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown South Meadows Medical Center y Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Además, el Dr. Ward es el director de residencia de la residencia de práctica farmacéutica del año 1 posterior a la graduación (Post-Graduate Year 1, PGY1) en Renown. Durante la última década en Renown, el Dr. Ward se ha desempeñado como gerente clínico de farmacia, coordinador clínico de farmacia y farmacéutico clínico.   La Dra. Ward aportará su experiencia en servicios clínicos de farmacia (incluidas UCI, infusión ambulatoria, pediatría, oncología y servicios de emergencia), atención para pacientes hospitalizados, investigación clínica y gestión de formularios hospitalarios, integración y optimización de registros médicos electrónicos a esta nueva función importante.   Como socia diádica con Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA, directora del William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown, aportará su experiencia clínica, operativa, regulatoria y administrativa para liderar la división de oncología. El Dr. Ward, el Dr. Coppes y el equipo dedicado avanzarán en la misión de Renown de ampliar la atención, la prevención, la detección, la investigación y la educación con el objetivo de establecer los primeros Institutos Nacionales de Salud, Centro de Oncología designado por el NCI para nuestro estado.   “Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida al Dr. Ward como nuestro nuevo vicepresidente de Oncología. Aporta una gran experiencia y pasión por el avance de la atención al paciente. El Dr. Ward desempeñará un papel fundamental para compartir el futuro de nuestra división de oncología y promover nuestro compromiso de brindar una atención excepcional”, dijo Chris Nicholas, director ejecutivo de Renown Regional Medical Center. Como farmacéutico con licencia, el Dr. Ward tiene un doctorado en Farmacia de la Universidad de Colorado, Health Sciences Center. El Pharm.D. es un título profesional como un Doctor en Medicina (MD) o un Doctor en Cirugía Dental (DDS). Como doctorado, representa la creciente responsabilidad que tienen los farmacéuticos en los sistemas de atención médica y la alta confianza que tienen los estadounidenses en los farmacéuticos. La Dra. Ward completó su residencia en Stanford Hospital and Clinics. Se graduó de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno, con su licenciatura en Ciencias Nutricionales. El Dr. Ward participa activamente en varias asociaciones profesionales y actualmente se desempeña como miembro de la Junta de Farmacias de HealthTrust; vicepresidente del Consejo de Farmacéuticos del Sistema de Salud de la Sociedad Estadounidense® de Terapéutica; y vicepresidente de la Junta de Guiones del Estado Plata para el Estado de Nevada. El Dr. Ward fue el 2022.o ganador del Premio del Presidente de la Sociedad de Farmacéuticos del Sistema de Salud de Nevada (NVSHP). Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Para unirse al equipo de Renown Health, visite renown.org/careers.

    Leer más Acerca de Talento excepcional se une a William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown; la Dra. Kate Ward aporta experiencia y visión como vicepresidenta de la División de Oncología

    • Jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

    Renown Health anuncia el equipo de liderazgo del programa contra el cáncer

    El Dr. Max J. Coppes ha sido designado como director del Centro oncológico, y Larry Duncan como administrador del mismo centro del Renown Institute for Cancer, con el objetivo de mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los nevadenses. Renown Health se complace en anunciar que, a partir de hoy, Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA, ha sido nombrado para una nueva función de liderazgo como director del Centro oncológico del Renown Institute for Cancer. El Dr. Coppes, oncólogo pediátrico de formación, tiene experiencia en la dirección de equipos de centros académicos oncológicos de adultos y niños a gran escala y reconocidos a nivel nacional, tanto en Estados Unidos como en Canadá. “Si conoce al Dr. Coppes, sabrá que tiene la pasión, la dedicación y el compromiso de crear y fomentar las asociaciones necesarias para crear un centro y un programa oncológico integral líder que abarque todo el espectro para los pacientes y sus familias, desde la prevención hasta el tratamiento, la supervivencia y los cuidados paliativos”, afirmó Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. También a partir de hoy, Larry Duncan, MS, ha sido nombrado director del Centro oncológico de Renown Health, y trabajará en colaboración con el Dr. Coppes para apoyar el desarrollo de esta importante línea de servicios. Larry también continuará su servicio como vicepresidente de Pediatría y Cirugía y administrador del Renown Children’s Hospital y los servicios para mujeres. “Juntos, como lo han hecho con tanto éxito para Renown Children’s Hospital, el Dr. Coppes y Larry Duncan serán responsables de la dirección estratégica, las operaciones, la gestión fiscal y la contratación de profesionales para el Renown Institute for Cancer”, comentó Sy Johnson, MBA, jefe de personal de Renown Health. “Como una de las líneas de servicio de ‘Destination Health’ de Renown, el Dr. Coppes y Larry seguirán apoyando un modelo de liderazgo integrado que pone al paciente en el centro de todo lo que hacemos”. El Dr. Coppes llegó a Reno en 2014 procedente de la British Columbia Cancer Agency de Vancouver, donde ocupó el cargo de presidente responsable de seis centros oncológicos regionales y dos centros de investigación del cáncer. Fue médico a cargo en el BC Children’s Hospital, profesor adjunto de Ciencias de la Salud en la Universidad Simon Fraser y profesor de Medicina y Pediatría en la Universidad de British Columbia. A lo largo de su carrera, Coppes fue vicepresidente sénior del Children’s National Medical Center en Washington, D.C., y ocupó cargos en varios centros de prestigio de Estados Unidos y Canadá, como el Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) en Toronto, la Universidad de Georgetown, el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer y la Cleveland Clinic. Desde 2016, el Dr. Coppes se ha desempeñado en el rol de liderazgo conjunto como presidente de Pediatría del centro Nell J. Redfield de la Facultad de Medicina de la University of Nevada y pediatra en jefe del Renown Children’s Hospital, un puesto que ha sido posible gracias al generoso apoyo filantrópico de la Nell J. Redfield Foundation junto con las inversiones de Renown Health y la Facultad de Medicina de la UNR. Durante los últimos cinco años, Duncan se ha desempeñado como vicepresidente de Pediatría y Cirugía y administrador del Renown Children’s Hospital y el Renown Women’s Health, y ha supervisado la sala de emergencias pediátrica de Renown y los consultorios médicos pediátricos generales y especializados. También se ha desempeñado como director de Operaciones del Renown Regional Medical Center y ha tenido a cargo la supervisión de las áreas de farmacia, diagnóstico por imágenes, nutrición, servicios de laboratorio y quirófanos. Antes de llegar a Renown, Duncan fue director general de El Paso Children’s Hospital y ocupó cargos ejecutivos en el Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, el Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia y el Rush University Medical Center. “El Renown Institute for Cancer cuenta con la acreditación completa y distinción de la Comisión sobre el Cáncer del American College of Surgeons en todas las 7 áreas. Solo el 25 % de los programas oncológicos alcanzan esta distinción, que reconoce la calidad de la atención integral y multidisciplinar al paciente. El programa de Renown es el único programa oncológico integral acreditado de un hospital comunitario en el norte de Nevada que ha sido seleccionado, y uno de los tres únicos programas de todo el estado”, afirma Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA. “Es sin duda una excelente base sobre la que construir, y un gran regalo para nuestra comunidad”.  “El personal oncológico de Renown, como los enfermeros, el personal de enlace de los pacientes, los trabajadores sociales, los especialistas en cuidados paliativos, los genetistas, los nutricionistas, los investigadores de estudios clínicos y los especialistas en rehabilitación física, y todo el equipo proporcionan prevención y detección para ayudar a reducir la incidencia del cáncer y reducir la detección de los cánceres en etapa tardía”, señala Larry Duncan, MS. “La tarea de ayudar a los pacientes y sus familias a transitar su recorrido comienza en el momento del diagnóstico, con la ayuda de nuestros enfermeros de enlace, y se extiende a lo largo del tratamiento del paciente. Estamos avanzando en la supervivencia a largo plazo y nos complace ser reconocidos por la naturaleza integral de nuestros programas de investigación, atención, educación y divulgación comunitaria”. De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad de 153.5 en 100,000 habitantes debido al cáncer en el condado de Washoe ha experimentado una mejora significativa en los últimos años, y ahora cumple el objetivo nacional de salud de Healthy People para 2020, que consiste en reducir la tasa global de mortalidad por cáncer por debajo de 161.4 en 100,000 habitantes. El objetivo nacional de salud de Healthy People 2030 es reducir la tasa global de mortalidad por cáncer a 122.7 muertes en 100,000 habitantes.  El Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (National Cancer Institute, NCI) define el cáncer como un término utilizado para describir enfermedades en las que células anormales se dividen sin control y son capaces de invadir otros tejidos. Según el NCI, existen más de 100 tipos diferentes de cáncer, pero el cáncer de mama, colon, pulmón, páncreas, próstata y recto produce la mayor cantidad de muertes anuales. Los factores de riesgo del cáncer incluyen, entre otros, edad, consumo de alcohol, consumo de tabaco, dieta deficiente, ciertas hormonas y exposición al sol. Si bien algunos de estos factores de riesgo no pueden evitarse, como la edad, limitar la exposición a factores de riesgo evitables puede disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar ciertos tipos de cáncer. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración y propiedad local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. El modelo del instituto de Renown aborda determinantes sociales de la salud e incluye: salud infantil, salud conductual y adicciones, envejecimiento saludable e innovación en la salud. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: Cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, de neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Para obtener más información, visite www.renown.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health anuncia el equipo de liderazgo del programa contra el cáncer

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Ensayos clínicos

    Un diagnóstico de cáncer y una mudanza a Reno

    Michael Millman was all set to move to Reno from the Bay Area when he noticed a pimple-like growth on his forehead, and he decided to get biopsied "just in case." It was July 2020, less than six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, when Michael got the call that the biopsy came back cancerous. He was in shock. Still living in the Bay Area at the time, he immediately scheduled to have the basal cell carcinoma removed in August. After the removal, he thought he was in the clear, but a few months later, Michael noticed that his lymph nodes felt weird, and he even cut himself shaving because of some persistent swelling in the area. Given his recent history of skin cancer, Michael immediately scheduled an appointment with a specialist in the Bay Area. "I met with an ear, nose and throat doctor who suggested a fine needle biopsy of my lymph nodes, tongue and an MRI, both with and without contrast," Michael said. "I remember feeling dreadful and that I couldn't believe this was happening yet again." A Hard Decision Michael's squamous cell carcinoma, determined by the pathology report to be significantly influenced by the HPV virus, had metastasized to his lymph nodes on both sides of his neck, and his doctor said it could be stage four cancer. He remembers feeling like he was in quicksand, unsure if he should follow through with his move to Reno, or stay in the Bay Area for treatment. By now, it was early December 2020, and hospitals in the Bay Area and across the world were at limited capacity due to COVID-19. But, in what Michael describes as a positive twist of fate, the San Francisco ear, nose and throat provider he had seen about his biopsy results mentioned that he knew many providers in the oncology department at Renown, including Abhinand Peddada, MD. The San Francisco provider called Dr. Peddada's office with a referral, and Michael even remembers that Renown called him to hear more about his diagnosis before he even got the chance to call them "To be honest, I was feeling shut out in the Bay Area, and Dr. Peddada said he could help me expedite the treatment process," Michael said. "I finally felt a sense of relief." And so began Michael's 7-week chemoradiation cancer treatment program at Renown.

    Read More About A Cancer Diagnosis and a Move to Reno

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Fundación de Renown Health
    • Salud de la mujer
    • Testimonio de paciente

    Celebración de la resiliencia: El viaje notable de Raquel a través del tratamiento del cáncer de mama

    Raquel was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was April 2023, when she found a lump in her breast and was referred to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. After comprehensive imaging, she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Between June 2023 and January 2024, she received a total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation at Renown Health. “Breast cancer is uncommon in women under 40, but any woman with a mass or lump in her breast should have an exam by a physician and imaging at any age,” said Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 9% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45. “It was a pretty scary diagnosis, but I’ve been led by great people through the process,” she said. “They were so helpful and there for me throughout the chemo and radiation.” Raquel's journey through breast cancer treatment at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was marked by the exceptional care provided by the Renown Health team, including nurses, nurse navigators, therapists, support teams and providers. Among the dedicated professionals, Dr. Michelle Chu and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg played pivotal roles in Raquel's diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. Their expertise, compassion and commitment to patient care left an indelible impact on Raquel's experience. Their thorough examination and comprehensive approach ensured that Racquel received the best possible care for her invasive lobular carcinoma. In addition to the care provided at Renown, Raquel greatly benefitted from being connected with a mentor by Dr. Chu. This mentor, Kayla, had undergone a similar diagnosis and treatment plan, and at the same age Raquel. They texted and called each other throughout Raquel’s treatment, providing additional support through a challenging time. As of January 2024, Raquel is done with her treatment and continues to see her care team for follow-up appointments. “I’m through the worst and ready to rebuild my life,” Raquel said. To help celebrate this milestone, Nevada Athletics invited Raquel to receive the game ball at a Nevada Men’s Basketball game. She was joined on the basketball court for this special recognition by her husband, Raul; mother, Arlene; and two daughters, Ryleigh and Rhiannon. Racquel's journey is not only a testament to her resilience but also a tribute to the invaluable contributions of Dr. Chu and Dr. Schwartzberg in guiding her towards triumph over breast cancer.

    Read More About Celebrating Resilience: Raquel's Remarkable Journey Through Breast Cancer Treatment

    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Atención del cáncer
    • Reno

    Las piezas del rompecabezas: Thonet LaBadie’s Breast Cancer Journey

    “A breast cancer diagnosis begins much like a jigsaw puzzle to be worked through. It’s an overwhelming mess of scattered pieces that make no clear sense, poured out of the box into a crumbling pile of confusion. But slowly with persistence, focus, determination, a positive attitude and working through the challenges day by day and piece by piece, they in time both become whole and beautiful again.” – Thonet LaBadie On Feb. 13, 2015, Thonet’s life as she knew it took a drastic turn. In just one moment, everything shifted. The happy and healthy wife, mother of 17-year-old twins, former teacher and immunization specialist was about to face the fight for her life. That fateful day nearly a decade ago was when she received the unsettling news: she had breast cancer, and it had metastasized to her lymph nodes.   Though she was faced with a daunting diagnosis, Thonet’s positive spirit and zest for life never wavered. Never did she think, “why me?” Nor did she think, “I’m not strong enough.” Her thought process was quite the opposite – “I am going to ride this rollercoaster until it stops, and I walk away cancer free.”  With her loving family and friends rallying behind her, as well as her expert Cancer Care teams at Renown Health and Cancer Care Specialists (formerly known as Reno Oncology Consultants), Thonet knew that her journey would not be traveled alone, and she was determined to defeat cancer once and for all. She promised her daughter Jourdyn she would stay strong and not give up the fight. The Unexpected Discovery Thonet did everything she believed was right in her preventative healthcare journey. She lived an active lifestyle, she filled her life with love and happiness, she did not have any genetic markers for breast cancer and never missed a preventive check-up. Someone like her shouldn’t develop such a debilitating disease, right?  As it turns out, she was told by professionals that with this disease, it’s become more often not about who develops breast cancer – but when.   Breast cancer makes up for about 30% of cancer diagnoses in women across the U.S. So, when Thonet felt a lump in her breast in Nov. 2014, she knew she had better play it safe than sorry. She took her concerns to her doctors, who ran all the necessary tests.  The unfortunate result: invasive ductal carcinoma (stage 2B), the most common form of breast cancer.  Though Thonet was terrified, she was also tenacious. She was ready to Fight the Good Fight right then and there.  Thonet chose to undergo a bilateral mastectomy. So that’s precisely what she did in April 2015 at Renown Regional Medical Center.  Thonet was ready to put breast cancer behind her, but unfortunately, the trek was just beginning. During her mastectomy, her care team tested her lymph nodes. Four were removed.  What came next was her most valiant fight of all: chemotherapy coupled with radiation, as well as more reconstructive breast surgeries along the way. Courageous Connections With 36 radiation treatments, 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 6 surgeries and 1 brave spirit, Thonet's healthcare journey has been nothing short of vigorous. Fortunately, she had an expert oncology team on her side every step of the way.  And it goes even further – Thonet’s college acquaintance Dr. Jennifer Sutton, an oncology physician at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute (formerly the Renown Institute for Cancer), was her radiation oncologist. She felt comfort knowing that a significant aspect of her care was in the hands of a trusted physician and a team of loving nurses, cancer care navigators and radiation therapists, whom she calls the “Renown Radiation Rockstars.”  Thonet felt an immense connection not only to her warm and welcoming care team but also the other oncology patients she met along the journey. Patients facing cancer often receive radiation treatments several times a week, so Thonet had a chance to make close relationships with the other patients who were on a similar path as she was.  Throughout her treatment process, Thonet participated in cancer support groups, which she believes are vital for anyone diagnosed with the disease.  “Had it not been for my diagnosis, I would have never met all the amazing people I did at Renown and beyond,” she recalls. “At the end of my treatments, I knew I was going to miss them.”  The love and support of Thonet’s care team, fellow patients, family, friends and community helped her remain positive throughout the entire process, always focusing on the positive – even during the most physically and emotionally tolling parts of treatment. Crossing the Finish Line Every day brought a new obstacle to overcome, whether it was a treatment, a side effect or an emotional response to the intense journey. Thonet’s motto throughout it all was “day by day, one foot in front of the other, from start to finish.”  In Dec. 2016, Thonet finally made it to that finish line. With the completion of chemotherapy and radiation behind her, she walked out the front doors of the Pennington Cancer Institute, threw her fist in the air in excitement and finally got to revel in the fact that she had her health back. She had survived.  Inspired by her journey and her breast cancer “sisters” she met while in treatment, Thonet wanted to give the same level of care and attention she received back to her fellow community members battling cancer. She proudly serves as a breast cancer “angel,” offering comfort and support to those who need it most. Thonet is also looking forward to the completion of the Pennington Cancer Institute’s Conrad Breast Center, currently under construction at Renown South Meadows Medical Center, noting how important it is for breast cancer patients to have expanded access to crucial cancer care in south Reno.  Today, at nine years cancer-free, Thonet is thoroughly enjoying her life. She loves traveling, spending time with family and seeing her now-adult son and daughter thrive in their own lives. She also recently underwent hip replacement surgery and is proud to be back on her tandem bike with her loving husband of 33 years, Mike, who she credits for his never-ending support in sickness and in health.  “No looking back – only forward to healthy living. Onward!” Thonet exclaims.  And for anyone out there going through cancer treatments, Thonet has some words of wisdom to take to heart:  “Cancer chose the wrong person when it tried to tackle us. Stay strong and fight on, day by day. On even the most difficult, darkest day, remember that you are stronger than you know.”

    Read More About The Pieces of the Puzzle: Thonet LaBadie’s Breast Cancer Journey

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