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    • Lunes, 29 de enero de 2024

    Talento excepcional se une a William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown; la Dra. Kate Ward aporta experiencia y visión como vicepresidenta de la División de Oncología

    Renown Health se complace en anunciar que Kate A. Ward, Pharm.D., BCPS, ha sido ascendida a vicepresidenta de Oncología para Renown Regional Medical Center. El Dr. Ward tiene más de catorce años de servicio en la organización, más recientemente como directora de Farmacia Clínica responsable de la supervisión de todas las actividades de farmacia clínica en Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown South Meadows Medical Center y Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Además, el Dr. Ward es el director de residencia de la residencia de práctica farmacéutica del año 1 posterior a la graduación (Post-Graduate Year 1, PGY1) en Renown. Durante la última década en Renown, el Dr. Ward se ha desempeñado como gerente clínico de farmacia, coordinador clínico de farmacia y farmacéutico clínico.   La Dra. Ward aportará su experiencia en servicios clínicos de farmacia (incluidas UCI, infusión ambulatoria, pediatría, oncología y servicios de emergencia), atención para pacientes hospitalizados, investigación clínica y gestión de formularios hospitalarios, integración y optimización de registros médicos electrónicos a esta nueva función importante.   Como socia diádica con Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA, directora del William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown, aportará su experiencia clínica, operativa, regulatoria y administrativa para liderar la división de oncología. El Dr. Ward, el Dr. Coppes y el equipo dedicado avanzarán en la misión de Renown de ampliar la atención, la prevención, la detección, la investigación y la educación con el objetivo de establecer los primeros Institutos Nacionales de Salud, Centro de Oncología designado por el NCI para nuestro estado.   “Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida al Dr. Ward como nuestro nuevo vicepresidente de Oncología. Aporta una gran experiencia y pasión por el avance de la atención al paciente. El Dr. Ward desempeñará un papel fundamental para compartir el futuro de nuestra división de oncología y promover nuestro compromiso de brindar una atención excepcional”, dijo Chris Nicholas, director ejecutivo de Renown Regional Medical Center. Como farmacéutico con licencia, el Dr. Ward tiene un doctorado en Farmacia de la Universidad de Colorado, Health Sciences Center. El Pharm.D. es un título profesional como un Doctor en Medicina (MD) o un Doctor en Cirugía Dental (DDS). Como doctorado, representa la creciente responsabilidad que tienen los farmacéuticos en los sistemas de atención médica y la alta confianza que tienen los estadounidenses en los farmacéuticos. La Dra. Ward completó su residencia en Stanford Hospital and Clinics. Se graduó de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno, con su licenciatura en Ciencias Nutricionales. El Dr. Ward participa activamente en varias asociaciones profesionales y actualmente se desempeña como miembro de la Junta de Farmacias de HealthTrust; vicepresidente del Consejo de Farmacéuticos del Sistema de Salud de la Sociedad Estadounidense® de Terapéutica; y vicepresidente de la Junta de Guiones del Estado Plata para el Estado de Nevada. El Dr. Ward fue el 2022.o ganador del Premio del Presidente de la Sociedad de Farmacéuticos del Sistema de Salud de Nevada (NVSHP). Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización comprende un centro de traumatología, dos hospitales de atención aguda, un hospital para niños, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencia, y la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Para unirse al equipo de Renown Health, visite renown.org/careers.

    Leer más Acerca de Talento excepcional se une a William N. Pennington Cancer Institute en Renown; la Dra. Kate Ward aporta experiencia y visión como vicepresidenta de la División de Oncología

    • Jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

    Renown Health anuncia el equipo de liderazgo del programa contra el cáncer

    El Dr. Max J. Coppes ha sido designado como director del Centro oncológico, y Larry Duncan como administrador del mismo centro del Renown Institute for Cancer, con el objetivo de mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los nevadenses. Renown Health se complace en anunciar que, a partir de hoy, Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA, ha sido nombrado para una nueva función de liderazgo como director del Centro oncológico del Renown Institute for Cancer. El Dr. Coppes, oncólogo pediátrico de formación, tiene experiencia en la dirección de equipos de centros académicos oncológicos de adultos y niños a gran escala y reconocidos a nivel nacional, tanto en Estados Unidos como en Canadá. “Si conoce al Dr. Coppes, sabrá que tiene la pasión, la dedicación y el compromiso de crear y fomentar las asociaciones necesarias para crear un centro y un programa oncológico integral líder que abarque todo el espectro para los pacientes y sus familias, desde la prevención hasta el tratamiento, la supervivencia y los cuidados paliativos”, afirmó Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, presidente y director ejecutivo de Renown Health. También a partir de hoy, Larry Duncan, MS, ha sido nombrado director del Centro oncológico de Renown Health, y trabajará en colaboración con el Dr. Coppes para apoyar el desarrollo de esta importante línea de servicios. Larry también continuará su servicio como vicepresidente de Pediatría y Cirugía y administrador del Renown Children’s Hospital y los servicios para mujeres. “Juntos, como lo han hecho con tanto éxito para Renown Children’s Hospital, el Dr. Coppes y Larry Duncan serán responsables de la dirección estratégica, las operaciones, la gestión fiscal y la contratación de profesionales para el Renown Institute for Cancer”, comentó Sy Johnson, MBA, jefe de personal de Renown Health. “Como una de las líneas de servicio de ‘Destination Health’ de Renown, el Dr. Coppes y Larry seguirán apoyando un modelo de liderazgo integrado que pone al paciente en el centro de todo lo que hacemos”. El Dr. Coppes llegó a Reno en 2014 procedente de la British Columbia Cancer Agency de Vancouver, donde ocupó el cargo de presidente responsable de seis centros oncológicos regionales y dos centros de investigación del cáncer. Fue médico a cargo en el BC Children’s Hospital, profesor adjunto de Ciencias de la Salud en la Universidad Simon Fraser y profesor de Medicina y Pediatría en la Universidad de British Columbia. A lo largo de su carrera, Coppes fue vicepresidente sénior del Children’s National Medical Center en Washington, D.C., y ocupó cargos en varios centros de prestigio de Estados Unidos y Canadá, como el Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) en Toronto, la Universidad de Georgetown, el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer y la Cleveland Clinic. Desde 2016, el Dr. Coppes se ha desempeñado en el rol de liderazgo conjunto como presidente de Pediatría del centro Nell J. Redfield de la Facultad de Medicina de la University of Nevada y pediatra en jefe del Renown Children’s Hospital, un puesto que ha sido posible gracias al generoso apoyo filantrópico de la Nell J. Redfield Foundation junto con las inversiones de Renown Health y la Facultad de Medicina de la UNR. Durante los últimos cinco años, Duncan se ha desempeñado como vicepresidente de Pediatría y Cirugía y administrador del Renown Children’s Hospital y el Renown Women’s Health, y ha supervisado la sala de emergencias pediátrica de Renown y los consultorios médicos pediátricos generales y especializados. También se ha desempeñado como director de Operaciones del Renown Regional Medical Center y ha tenido a cargo la supervisión de las áreas de farmacia, diagnóstico por imágenes, nutrición, servicios de laboratorio y quirófanos. Antes de llegar a Renown, Duncan fue director general de El Paso Children’s Hospital y ocupó cargos ejecutivos en el Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, el Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia y el Rush University Medical Center. “El Renown Institute for Cancer cuenta con la acreditación completa y distinción de la Comisión sobre el Cáncer del American College of Surgeons en todas las 7 áreas. Solo el 25 % de los programas oncológicos alcanzan esta distinción, que reconoce la calidad de la atención integral y multidisciplinar al paciente. El programa de Renown es el único programa oncológico integral acreditado de un hospital comunitario en el norte de Nevada que ha sido seleccionado, y uno de los tres únicos programas de todo el estado”, afirma Max J. Coppes, MD, PhD, MBA. “Es sin duda una excelente base sobre la que construir, y un gran regalo para nuestra comunidad”.  “El personal oncológico de Renown, como los enfermeros, el personal de enlace de los pacientes, los trabajadores sociales, los especialistas en cuidados paliativos, los genetistas, los nutricionistas, los investigadores de estudios clínicos y los especialistas en rehabilitación física, y todo el equipo proporcionan prevención y detección para ayudar a reducir la incidencia del cáncer y reducir la detección de los cánceres en etapa tardía”, señala Larry Duncan, MS. “La tarea de ayudar a los pacientes y sus familias a transitar su recorrido comienza en el momento del diagnóstico, con la ayuda de nuestros enfermeros de enlace, y se extiende a lo largo del tratamiento del paciente. Estamos avanzando en la supervivencia a largo plazo y nos complace ser reconocidos por la naturaleza integral de nuestros programas de investigación, atención, educación y divulgación comunitaria”. De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por edad de 153.5 en 100,000 habitantes debido al cáncer en el condado de Washoe ha experimentado una mejora significativa en los últimos años, y ahora cumple el objetivo nacional de salud de Healthy People para 2020, que consiste en reducir la tasa global de mortalidad por cáncer por debajo de 161.4 en 100,000 habitantes. El objetivo nacional de salud de Healthy People 2030 es reducir la tasa global de mortalidad por cáncer a 122.7 muertes en 100,000 habitantes.  El Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (National Cancer Institute, NCI) define el cáncer como un término utilizado para describir enfermedades en las que células anormales se dividen sin control y son capaces de invadir otros tejidos. Según el NCI, existen más de 100 tipos diferentes de cáncer, pero el cáncer de mama, colon, pulmón, páncreas, próstata y recto produce la mayor cantidad de muertes anuales. Los factores de riesgo del cáncer incluyen, entre otros, edad, consumo de alcohol, consumo de tabaco, dieta deficiente, ciertas hormonas y exposición al sol. Si bien algunos de estos factores de riesgo no pueden evitarse, como la edad, limitar la exposición a factores de riesgo evitables puede disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar ciertos tipos de cáncer. Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración y propiedad local sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que brinda servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. El modelo del instituto de Renown aborda determinantes sociales de la salud e incluye: salud infantil, salud conductual y adicciones, envejecimiento saludable e innovación en la salud. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: Cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, de neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Para obtener más información, visite www.renown.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health anuncia el equipo de liderazgo del programa contra el cáncer

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Premios y acreditaciones

    ¿Cuál es la importancia de tener un Instituto para el Cáncer?

    What is an institute for cancer — and why does it matter that we have one right here in Reno? Here, a radiation oncologist answers those questions and more.  Sadly, our community health needs assessment shows cancer is the second leading cause of death in Washoe County. But many residents may not know there is an institute for cancer right here in Reno that can care for you or your loved one after diagnosis. Dr. Michael Hardacre, a radiation oncologist with Renown Institute for Cancer is here with more. What is an institute for cancer? The way I like to think of it: An Institute has healthcare providers highly trained in patient-centered care. For example, when you have cancer, many times you’ll see a lot of doctors. A program brings those doctors together — so you really have one team working together. An Institute takes that one step further. Say there are other needs beyond the doctor’s office such as nurse navigators, dietitians, physical therapists to help you get on track, etc. An Institute really proactively thinks of the need of the cancer patient. It then makes sure all those things are available to them throughout their treatment. The term “institute for cancer” identifies a cancer program that is comprehensive and multidisciplinary in nature. For Renown, that means that we have the specialists in medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology working together with other specialists to assure that a patient has coordinated care throughout the entire treatment course of cancer care. Together with cancer prevention and diagnostics, genetic assessment, supportive care, clinical trials, and cancer survivorship, the institute for cancer provides care for the community, families and patients along the entire spectrum of cancer care. What types of cancer do you treat? We’re fortunate to be able to provide cancer treatments for all types of cancers, and we’re one of the major referral centers for northern Nevada. Most commonly, just like much of the country, lung cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer are the most frequent we see. Our care spans brain, to neck cancer and everything in between. As an accredited comprehensive community cancer program, Renown Health provides services for all cancer types. The highest volume cancers treated at Renown are breast, colorectal, lung, genitourinary, blood and gynecologic cancers. Most treatments can be done right here in Reno, but when there are specialty needs such as stem cell or bone marrow transplantation, we partner with quaternary centers, like Stanford, to assure a smooth transition of care both to and from the quaternary center. What kinds of care and treatments are offered? We offer a wide range of comprehensive care. We treat the cancer itself — surgical, radiation oncology, medical oncology in the form of chemotherapy or pills. Also addressed: dietary needs, physical therapy and navigation through this whole process. People may be surprised by the scope and scale of the Renown Institute for Cancer. For instance, our Radiation Center has the latest technologies to treat cancers. This includes the Linear Accelerators, which are machines with treatment planning software tools. In addition to the traditional external radiation treatments provided in most centers, Renown performs specialty treatments using High-Dose Brachytherapy, a treatment with an active radiation “source” and in Brain Stereotactic Radiosurgery, assuring that patients can stay right here in northern Nevada — close to home. What does that mean for the quality of care? I think it’s always great in any environment to have external people come into your program and not only share what’s happening nationally and what we could do better, but also to validate “are you doing things at the highest level you can?” That accreditation process is just one way to give us that seal of approval. We’re lucky enough this year to get the gold award by the American College of Surgeons — its highest honor. We were honored to receive it. Why is important that you’re an accredited institute? Accreditation assures our community that quality is a top priority for us. Each of the accrediting bodies has a set of standards that identify service and quality standards. Renown Institute for Cancer has the following accreditations: American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer: Full Cancer Program accreditation, standards address issues from cancer prevention/diagnosis to treatment to survivorship and/or end-of-life. Renown received the Gold Level Accreditation in 2018, the highest level of accreditation possible; American College of Surgeons’ National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers: Full Breast Center/Program accreditation, standards address issues from breast cancer prevention/diagnosis to treatment to survivorship and/or end-of-life; American College of Radiology – Radiation Therapy: Full Radiation Oncology accreditation for radiation equipment, treatment planning, treatment and treatment follow-up; and American College of Radiology – Mammography Services.

    Read More About What Is the Importance of Having an Institute for Cancer?

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Empleados
    • Carreras profesionales

    Departamento destacado: Oncología radioterápica

    Up to half of all men and one-third of all women will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, according to the Nevada Cancer Coalition. Chances are, you or someone you care about has been affected by cancer and has witnessed the ultimate fight for life. More than likely, your loved one’s cancer journey involved radiation therapy – and in fact, more than half of cancer diagnoses are treated in whole or in part with radiation. At first glance, this treatment plan can sound scary to any person. With a cancer care journey, it takes a village, and at Renown Health, we have top-notch leaders of the village roads that lead to radiation.  Meet our Radiation Oncology team at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. From intake to inpatient, this department of passionate physicians, radiation therapists, registered nurses, medical assistants, intake coordinators, schedulers and more are here to help every patient dealing with the intimidating diagnosis of cancer. Any patient that needs radiation as a part of their treatment is in the best of hands with this team, who will stop at nothing to ensure each patient under their care knows that they have a village Fighting the Good Fight right alongside them.  Teamwork in Tackling Tumors One of the most common forms of cancer treatment, radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to minimize cancerous cells. But with Renown’s Radiation Oncology department, the impressive cancer care doesn’t stop there – this team leverages advanced technology right at their fingertips. In fact, our cancer institute has the most state-of-the-art radiation therapy system of its kind – the ultra-precise Varian TrueBeam radiation therapy system – and is the very first program holding American College of Radiology accreditation in the entire region.  Given the advanced nature of their jobs and the high standard of care their patients expect them to uphold, it’s no question that the days-in-the-life of each team member is complex and can continually change every day.  “There are many moving parts in radiation oncology on any given day,” said Sandra Bailey, Manager of Radiation Oncology Services. “The radiation oncologists consult newly diagnosed patients, follow up with previously treated patients and oversee daily treatments for patients actively receiving treatments. Nurses and medical assistants move around the clinic to support the physicians with patients and provide education and other supportive care.”  The physics and dosimetry teams work diligently alongside the physicians to design the most beneficial treatment plan for each patient. Once a patient begins their treatments, the radiation therapists administer the daily treatments with the utmost precision. Intake coordinators, schedulers and patient access representatives make surethe patients have their insurance authorization and are processed through the system appropriately. Like any well-oiled machine, each part is necessary for the other to function at peak performance to ensure our patients receive the quality care they deserve and expect. Like many other clinical departments at Renown, teamwork coupled with education is crucial to best serve radiation therapy patients. Our nurses on this team are experts at exactly that, serving as a reminder of the transformative power of care in the face of a daunting disease.  “Radiation oncology is a unique world,” said Kristen Reed, Registered Nurse. “We have many different team members that play a role in how we function as a department. We all work together in some aspect to provide care for our patients. As a nurse, I provide patient education to all my patients before starting treatment to go over potential side effects and expectations on their treatment. Daily, we see new patients and follow-ups, plan simulations to start patients for radiation treatments and provide radiation treatments, among many other daily tasks.”  The unique role of our radiation therapists, the team members who are on the frontlines of giving radiation treatments, helps this department stand out from the rest with their tireless dedication to fighting against cancer with compassion and expertise. Not only are they armed with technology, but they are also armed with hands that deliver healing rays of radiation.  “As a radiation therapist, our daily tasks can vary pretty widely,” said Casey Johnson, Radiation Therapist. “We rotate between three radiation treatment machines called linear accelerators – one of which we use for stereotactic radiosurgery, a minimally invasive form of surgical intervention. We also staff the CT simulation room where we construct all the patients' treatment devices and perform their ‘mapping’ scan. We then coordinate with the dosimetrists and physicians to determine the specifics of the patients’ course of treatment. The most important parts of our job are patient care and education. Even though our job is very technical and requires tremendous attention to detail, the critical part is remembering that our average workday could be a monumental day for a new patient.”  “Our day-in-the-life in Radiation Oncology is centered around patient care,” added Haley Longfield, Radiation Therapist. “Although we do not spend a ton of time with our patients, we see them every day. We are able to build a wonderful rapport with our patients that is top-notch. We set up the room with their treatment devices, get them set up appropriately and administer their radiation treatment. On average, our patients are here for about 15 minutes.”  The bottom line: our Radiation Oncology team’s unified commitment to both excellence and innovation promises a brighter future for those battling cancer. No one is ever alone in their fight, and this team makes sure of that, no matter what.  Radiating Excellence in Cancer Care The Pennington Cancer Institute boasts a stellar reputation in our community for offering best-in-class, evidence-based care and cutting-edge research, improving outcomes for patients battling cancer. This fact is what inspired many Radiation Oncology team members to take their talents to this department in the first place.   “I chose to work at the Cancer Institute because I believe we offer the best patient care experience, along with the most advanced radiation treatments in the area,” said Casey Johnson.  "I am a fifth generation Reno resident, and I am part of this community through and through,” added Haley Longfield. “I always knew that I wanted to work here.” The success of our cancer institute starts with our people – and many members of the Radiation Oncology team witnessed this firsthand upon their arrival in this department. “I was initially inspired to move across the country to work in the Cancer Institute by the vision of the senior leaders and the future growth plans for the entire institute; once I arrived, I quickly realized what a great team I am now leading,” said Sandra Bailey. “The compassion and care the Radiation Oncology team provides our patients is second to none. Medical errors are rare in our department, and this can be attributed to not only the processes in place to prevent them, but everyone working together to deliver radiation treatments safely. Each day I witness a patient relationship being nurtured and developed. I am truly honored to be part of this team.”  Inspired by Renown's integral role in the northern Nevada community, several team members were drawn to this department because of the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on patients' lives in a quiet healing environment.  “As a student nurse, I had clinical and practicum on the cancer nursing unit here at Renown; I noticed the quiet, healing environment and a patient population enduring some of life’s most challenging hurdles,” said Rachel Bales, Registered Nurse. “It is in these moments that you can really make a difference as a nurse. After pursuing critical care as a new grad and working in Interventional Radiology with cancer patients, I knew that I had to find my way back to oncology. I applied to Radiation Oncology, and I am working towards my third year in this department. I have always known that I enjoy helping others, and the fulfillment that comes from working with this patient population is unmatched.”  “Renown is a huge part of the community in northern Nevada, and I knew while I was in nursing school that I wanted to have a career here,” added Kristen Reed. “I ended up joining the Cancer Institute about two years ago. My patients are a huge part of why I stay. We really get to know these patients and their families well, especially because they come in from Monday through Friday for up to six weeks for treatments. Building connections and being able to support these patients during a difficult time in their life makes my job fulfilling.”  From the initial consultation to the administration of therapy, the staff's commitment to personalized care remains strong. Patients and their families develop profound connections with these team members as they navigate through the challenges of treatment.  “We have knowledgeable and caring staff that help guide our patients through treatment,” said Kristen Reed. “This starts on the day of their consultation and continues even after completion of treatment. The patients and families get to know the staff through their treatment, and having a familiar face can be reassuring to them. We also take time every week to see how they are doing physically and mentally while undergoing treatment and we give them a chance to check in with their doctor. Taking this time helps reassure patients and allows them to ask questions, and in turn, reduce some anxiety and worry.”

    Read More About Department Spotlight: Radiation Oncology

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