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    • Asma
    • Salud infantil
    • Atención pediátrica

    Comprensión y manejo del asma infantil

    Dr. Shipra Singh, a Pediatric Pulmonologist, outlines the challenges of diagnosing asthma in children due to symptoms resembling other respiratory issues. It's particularly difficult to identify in infants and young children, who may not clearly exhibit breathing difficulties. Asthma, often confused with bronchitis, croup, or allergies, is a significant chronic illness causing school absenteeism, as per the CDC. Risk factors include prenatal smoking and family history of allergies or asthma. Infants and toddlers are more susceptible due to smaller airways and respiratory viruses, which can exacerbate conditions like colds and bronchitis. How can I tell if my child has asthma? Unfortunately small children are unable to describe their symptoms, making asthma difficult to diagnose. Your child may even be active, playing and smiling, although they are experiencing chest tightness or labored breathing. Observe your child and let the child’s doctor know if: Your child’s breathing behavior has changed (coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing) Your child’s breathing pattern changes (day vs. night, with rest or activity, inside vs. outside) You have a family history of asthma or allergies Your child’s breathing is triggered by any foods or allergies With your help, your child’s doctor can make the best diagnosis to determine if your child has asthma. A pediatric pulmonologist (lung specialist) or pediatric allergist may also have to be consulted for special testing. Tests may include lung function testing, allergy tests, blood tests and X-rays for an accurate diagnosis. What is the treatment for infants and toddlers? Young children can use many of the same medications as older children and adults, although the way they take them and the dosage will differ. A nebulizer (or breathing machine) creating a medicated mist for your child to breathe through a mask may be used. An inhaler with a small spacer tube connected to a mask is also common to help your child breath medication into their lungs. Either of these options are effective. Asthma in children is treated with both fast-acting and long-term medicines to open up airways quickly for easy breathing and also to lessen asthma symptoms over time. Communicate with your child’s medical providers to create a personalized asthma management plan for them. How can I manage my child’s asthma? Recognize your child’s breathing habits and be aware of worsening symptoms. Consult with your child’s doctor on a daily asthma action plan to recognize worsening symptoms and track medications. Here’s an example of an asthma action plan provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health). Be consistent with the plan and talk to your doctor before changing it. Have an emergency plan in case of a serious asthma attack. Know where the closest ER is and know who can take care of your other children. Also know what the medical treatment coverage is under your insurance plan. Dr. Singh explains, "Discussing asthma with your child may be difficult. Some kids find the subject frightening or confusing. Others, especially the older kids, may resent the treatment and may not be interested in doing it. Talk to your doctor about advice to build an open and trusting relationship regarding your child's asthma care."

    Read More About Understanding and Managing Childhood Asthma

    • Salud conductual
    • Salud mental

    Riesgo de suicidio Cómo detectar a un amigo en crisis

    How can you tell if a friend is in trouble or struggling with suicidal thoughts? And how can you support them in finding help? Are you feeling virtually exhausted? Life is always challenging, but the mental fallout of a global pandemic is real. Contributing to the loneliness epidemic is the shifting American lifestyle. More Americans live alone (28%) now than ever before, and fewer have kids. First, let’s acknowledge this is a time of anxiety and worry for everyone. Economic uncertainty, job transitions, grief, and loneliness are a perfect storm for mental stress. Even before the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic mental health was a concerning issue, now it is a relevant topic of crisis. Secondly, anyone can struggle with suicidal thoughts. Those suffering from drug addiction are especially vulnerable. In particular the U.S. is currently seeing a rise in drug overdoses by almost 18% due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, suicide is responsible for one U.S. death every 11 minutes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not to mention the millions who think about it, make a plan or attempt it. It is important to remember that suicidal thoughts, plans or intent must be helped immediately. Understanding Suicide Risk To clarify, depression is not a choice. No one wishes for endless days of feeling down, sleepless nights, and feeling as if you are in a dark tunnel. Currently, one in five Americans will experience a mental illness this year. This means one of your friends is struggling, right now. Specifically, consider this: When your body feels pain it talks to your mind. When your mind is suffering who does it talk to? So, how can you tell if a friend is in trouble? According to the National Institute of Mental Health be on the lookout for some depression clues below. Signs and Symptoms of Depression Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism Irritability Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities Decreased energy or fatigue Moving or talking more slowly Feeling restless or having trouble sitting still Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions Signs and Symptoms of Suicide Risk Expressing feelings of hopelessness or having no purpose Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain Talking about being a burden to others Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs Sleeping too little or too much Withdrawing or isolation Displaying extreme mood swings. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself (Reference: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) How to Help a Suicidal Friend It can feel awkward to approach the subject of suicide with a friend, but take any of the above warning signs seriously. Other ways you can help are by: Encouraging self-care and making sure they take care of basic needs Listen to their worries without judgement Ask them what they need from you, then follow through with action Let them know they are not a burden Don’t minimize or invalidate their feelings Point them to helpful resources Be their advocate and get them help If someone you know is in a life-threatening crisis situation, call 911 immediately. Suicide Risk Resources: National Suicide Prevention 24/7 Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Ayuda En Español: (Spanish National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) 1-800-628-9454 Crisis Text Line: Text HOME (or CONNECT) to 741741 to chat with a crisis counselor 24/7 free of charge. The National Alliance on Mental Health: 1-800-950-6264 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: (SAMHSA) 24/7 helpline 1-800-662-4357

    Read More About Suicide Risk How to Spot a Friend in Crisis

    • Salud conductual
    • Salud mental

    4 fantásticos beneficios para la salud de estar libre de desorden

    The Benefits of Being Clutter-Free Gives you a better sense of well-being. Did you know procrastination is linked to clutter? According to a recent study clutter problems led to less life satisfaction, especially among older adults. Helps you lose weight. Constantly being in cluttered room, office or car can be stressful. All the undone cleaning tasks in the back of your of mind cause stress, which is linked to obesity. Promotes mental health. Having clutter around can make you feel anxious or overwhelmed. This prevents you from truly relaxing or focusing. Saves you money. It’s not a secret that money worries cause stress. According to a Journal of Consumer Research study, you’re more likely to make a purchase when you’re sitting in a messy room compared to a tidy room. Clutter-Free Tips Start with a plan. Make a list of your clutter-improvement priorities and the tasks needed to accomplish each one. Focus on one section of your home per week, so you don’t get overwhelmed. In fact, organizational expert Peter Walsh suggests starting with the easiest room first to gain momentum. Conversely, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" author Marie Kondo suggests organizing by category (for example clothing or books). Experiment with an organizing plan that appeals to you. There are also many helpful on-line calendars you can use as a starting point. Delegate when you can. Include your children and spouse into your plan. Is uncle Bob an electrician? Then get him to swap out your eyesore of a ceiling fan or update an old light fixture. Of course it’s ok to outsource the duties - such as window cleaning or painting - if your budget allows. Buy less. The less you purchase the less you need to store, clean, keep track of, organize or dust. Seems simple, right? Not for everyone. On average we are bombarded with over 4,000 marketing messages a day, not to mention FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when we see our friends posting about their newest toys on their social media feeds. Focus on quality over quantity. When in doubt, throw it out. Still on the fence about what to throw away? Use these declutter decision-making guide questions to help you. Organize Your Health Along with taking care of your surroundings, make a commitment to get up to date on your health checkup and screenings. Preventing an illness is a bargain compared to the cost of a chronic disease. It's also a good idea to go through all of your medications and check the expiration date. Remember to properly dispose of medications. DO NOT flush medications down the drain or toilet, unless the label indicates it is safe to do so.

    Read More About 4 Fantastic Health Benefits of Being Clutter-Free

    • Salud conductual
    • Salud mental

    Conexiones sociales: por qué benefician su salud

    Some days a chat with a friend is all you need to feel better. Why? Because humans are social beings. Although we have more technology than ever at our fingertips, sometimes we may still feel left out or disconnected. Dr. Buddy Coard, Ed.D., Psychologist at the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health Addiction Institute at Renown, discusses the importance of social connections and tips on how to keep connecting, warning signs of loneliness and how to feel less lonely.  Why are Social Connections Important? Dr. Coard points to significant research on the topic of loneliness and social connections. He uses the findings below to detail how social connections affect our overall health. In a recent survey 40% of participants reported they sometimes or always feel that their relationships are not meaningful and that they feel isolated. Surprisingly, this survey suggests Generation Z (18-22 years old) is the loneliest generation. Another study associates loneliness as a risk factor for early death. It indicates lack of social connection heightens health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, or having alcohol use disorder. In fact, loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2015). A 2018 study investigated several standard measures of social isolation, including marital status, frequency of religious service attendance, club meetings/group activities and number of close friends or relatives. The findings revealed race as a strong predictor of social isolation. In particular, black men and women were more likely to be lonely than were white men and women. Loneliness also switches on your body’s long-term “fight-or-flight” stress signaling system, which negatively affects your immune system. People who feel lonely have lower immunity and more inflammation than people who don’t. Dr. Coard recommends the following tips for those who feel lonely. Tips to Increase Social Connection Get outside. More and more nature prescriptions are common. In fact even a 10 minute walk can elevate your mood and get your blood flowing. Develop a schedule of activities to accomplish in a week, setting realistic goals. Monitor your technology. Of course, watching the 24/7 news cycle can be depressing. Turn off the TV and listen to music or read a book instead. Even better, use technology to connect with family members by having a virtual game night or book club discussion. Write it out. When was the last time you sent a good old-fashioned letter or card? Or even wrote in a journal? Try to brighten someone’s day with snail mail. Writing down your hopes and fears also helps you to get worries off your mind and process your emotions. With this in mind, there are also volunteer opportunities to support others by sending a handwritten letter to others battling depression. De-clutter your surroundings. Go through those old photos and put them in an album. Clean out a drawer, cupboard or closet. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and can donate items you no longer need that others can enjoy. Increase your joy by reducing your clutter. Warning Signs of Chronic Loneliness One size does not fit all when it comes to loneliness. For this reason, loneliness can be different depending on your particular situation and your unique personality. However, if you feel some (or all) of the following symptoms, chronic loneliness may be affecting you: Lack of ‘best’ or close friends. You connect with others on a surface level, but feel no one truly understands you. People are n your life, yet you are not connecting on a deep, intimate level with them. You feel lonely even when people are around. This means feeling disengaged or not part of the group when around others. You feel less than enough. You often doubt yourself or don’t feel good enough when comparing yourself to others. And social situations feel exhausting. What Can Someone Do to Feel Less Lonely? Dr. Coard offers the following suggestion for those with a lack of social connections: Talk with your doctor, psychologist or another healthcare professional. Sometimes chronic loneliness relates to longstanding negative beliefs that an individual has about themselves. Engage in behavioral activation. For example, being more active and involved in life by scheduling activities which can potentially improve your mood and decrease feelings of isolation. Initially behavioral activation can be very challenging due to lack of motivation, but setting a reasonable schedule of activities is a good start. Pay attention to your sleep. Sometimes when people become lonely they experience significant changes in their sleep cycle. Frequently they sleep too much, or too little. Make sure to maintain a normal, healthy sleep/wake cycle, following good sleep hygiene recommendations.

    Read More About Social Connections: Why They Benefit Your Health

    • Atención de urgencias
    • Asma
    • Respiratorios

    Consejos para lidiar con los problemas de salud relacionados con el humo

    Millions of people across the west live in areas where air pollution can cause serious health problems. In addition, local air quality can affect our daily lives.  Who is Affected? Kouros Farro, MD, a physician with Renown Urgent Care, advises that certain people are more likely to be affected when fine particle pollution reaches an unhealthy level. People who have asthma or other breathing conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). People who have heart disease or high blood pressure. Children and older adults. People of all ages who are doing extended or heavy physical activity like playing sports or working outdoors. “Everyone should take precautions when the air quality is unhealthy. Air pollution can aggravate heart and cardiovascular disease as well as lung diseases like asthma and COPD. When the air quality is unhealthy, people with these conditions may experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, or fatigue. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, use your inhalers as directed and contact your health care provider,” says Dr. Farro, who is board certified in family medicine and practices at Renown Urgent Care at 975 Ryland St. in Reno. “If you do not have a health care provider, there is a Renown Urgent Care office on almost every corner, with providers ready to see you.” Dr. Farro advises the following: Take it easy and listen to your body. Limit, change or postpone your physical activity level. If possible, stay away from local sources of air pollution like busy roads and wood fires. If you have asthma or other breathing conditions like COPD, make sure you have your relief/rescue inhaler with you. People with asthma should review and follow the direction in their written asthma action plan. Make an appointment to see your health provider to be sure you have an asthma action plan. Getting Same-Day Care Renown Urgent Care provides same-day treatment for a wide range of minor injuries, illnesses and medical concerns that are urgent but not life-threatening. Avoid the long wait times and high emergency room prices at 11 convenient sites, including Reno, Sparks, Carson City, USA Parkway, Fallon and Fernley. You can walk in or book ahead online. Make an Urgent Care Appointment Community Health Resources The Washoe County Health District offers online health information on its Smoke Smart website, including fire information, daily air quality information, fire and smoke maps and how to protect yourself. In addition, an online subscription page allows you to sign up for EnviroFlash, notifying you about air quality.

    Read More About Tips for Coping with Smoke-Related Health Problems

    • Medicina pulmonar y del sueño
    • Asma
    • Salud pulmonar
    • Prevención y bienestar

    Quédese en casa cuando el cielo esté lleno de humo

    Even when fires burn outside our area, the air quality in the region can reach dangerous levels. Our expert explains how to maintain your lung health when fire season strikes. It’s a sight we know all too well as northern Nevadans — a hazy or thick layer on the horizon when smoke rolls in from nearby fires. Sometimes the smoke is more evident than others, but it’s important to remember, even when the smoke may not be as visible across the valley, it still impacts our air quality. The last week or so, our air quality has been in the “unhealthy for sensitive groups” range, which can be dangerous for people who are sensitive to air pollution. Air Quality Changes: Who’s at Risk? Renown Pediatric Pulmonologist Sonia Budhecha, M.D., explains certain people are especially at risk when smoke moves in: Older people, whose lungs are not as healthy as they used to be Young children, whose lungs are still developing People with heart and lung disease including asthma, COPD and emphysema “Smoke and haze from fires carry particulates that can get into your respiratory system and eyes, which can be a danger for all ages,” Dr. Budhecha says. How You Can Protect Yourself Until the smoke clears and the air returns to the “good” range, it is best to follow these tips to protect yourself and your family: Stay indoors and keep windows closed Turn on the air conditioning to recirculate clean air Drink plenty of fluids to help your body flush out any toxins you inhale Additionally, all community members should reduce their physical activity and try to prevent heavy exertion outside. If you or a loved one has a heart or lung disease, avoid physical exertion altogether because smoke can aggravate these conditions. “People with heart disease may experience shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations or fatigue,” Dr. Budhecha says. “People with lung disease may also have shortness of breath, chest discomfort, wheezing, phlegm or a cough.” Smoky Signs and Symptoms Smoke can also impact healthy people — irritating your eyes, nose or throat. And in some cases, inhaling smoke can lead to bronchitis. When haze moves into our area, keep an eye out for these symptoms: Burning or stinging eyes Runny nose Cough or scratchy throat Headaches Wheezing Shortness of breath Difficult taking a full breath Chest heaviness Lightheadedness Dizziness If experiencing any of the above symptoms, seek medical attention or call your doctor for advice. Sometimes, these symptoms do not appear for as long as 24 to 48 hours after smoke inhalation. For those that have pre-existing lung or heart conditions, consult with a health care provider on action or management plans. To schedule an appointment Visit Renown Pulmonary Medicine, or call 775-982-5000. Understanding Our Air Quality The Air Quality Index (AQI) is broken down by large (PM10) and small (PM2.5) particulates. According to Dr. Budhecha, large particulates are usually ones that can be seen and smelled. They can damage your eyes and nose but don’t often get deep in the lungs or blood vessels.   “The more dangerous ones are PM2.5, which can’t always be seen or smelled,” Dr. Budhecha says. “Any time the AQI is above 51, children with lung or heart disease should not be outdoors.” For the latest air quality update in your area, visit AirNow.gov or call (775) 785-4110.

    Read More About Stay Inside When Skies Are Smoky

    • Atención pediátrica
    • Salud infantil
    • Asociaciones comunitarias
    • Donación

    Centro de Esperanza Panda Cares en Renown Children's Hospital

    When you have an ill child in the hospital, it is a stressful event. And Panda Express is helping local families support children who need special care. Their generous donation provides much-needed equipment, programs, and resources via the new Panda Cares Center of Hope, Renown Children’s Specialty Center. Their partnership directly benefits patients and their families! The ‘Panda Cares Center of Hope, Renown’s Children’s Specialty Center’ In fact, this new center provides care to not only children, but also comprehensive support to the entire family. Similarly, it creates an environment that reduces stress, promotes healing, and provides a superior patient and family experience. This facility upholds Panda Express’ mission, vision, and values and its four pillars: to directly help fund the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs of children. This center, the first-ever in northern Nevada, will provide care for children who have chronic conditions. In particular, it offers ongoing treatment, health management, and specialty medical services, including: Nephrology Endocrinology Neurology Pulmonary Infectious Diseases Medical Genetics Adolescent Medicine How You Can Help! When you order from Panda Express, you can opt to round up your change, which will help support programs and services, such as the Center of Hope for Renown Children’s Hospital. Order Online A Partnership for Health & Education of Underserved Youth This partnership allows Renown Children’s Hospital to continue to strengthen regional services and increase Panda’s visibility within our growing community. Last year, 21,930 sick children received care from Renown Children’s Hospital. To date, Panda Express has raised $449,200 in financial support to assist us in providing health and education to every child, regardless of illness, injury, insurance, or ability to pay. Panda Express funds have already supported: Giraffe omni beds for the NICU Ultrasound machine for the Children’s ER Panda warmers and a hand held Accuvein machine Child Life Program to support sick patients and families Meeting room in the Children’s Specialty Center In kind donations, volunteer time and support of local events such as the University of Nevada Reno, Wolf Pack Dance Marathon

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