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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Vida activa

    Conozca al miembro multifacético Don Chang

    Renaissance Don   The Sterling Silver Club is honored to have thousands of members who’ve led and continue to lead incredibly vibrant and diverse lives. And we’re absolutely thrilled when those members volunteer to share their stories and experiences so we can all appreciate and learn from them.   This issue’s featured member is no exception. From his love of cooking, travel and music to his drive to learn new languages, take on new hobbies and keep himself active and fit, Don is an aspiring Renaissance man who may already be deserving of the title.    Revolutionary Family Roots   Don’s father, who was born in Beijing, China, earned a master’s degree in metallurgical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and was working on his PhD there on a full scholarship from his home country when the Chinese Communist Revolution occurred. In order to stay in the United States and avoid potentially being thrown into prison by the new communist regime (a fate that befell some of his family members), his father married Don’s mother, who was a U.S. citizen and also a student at Berkeley. Together, they started a family.   “My father met my mother in a class and received his green card by marrying her,” says Don. “They proceeded to have six kids in nine years, I was number three. Dad never finished his PhD, but clearly earned what we like to call his “PSK” degree – Papa with Six Kids.”  Proud (of) Papa: Don’s father was a professor of metallurgy and a brilliant research scientist who was responsible for virtually every breakthrough in the development of titanium in the 1960s.

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    • Salud conductual
    • Salud mental

    Riesgo de suicidio Cómo detectar a un amigo en crisis

    How can you tell if a friend is in trouble or struggling with suicidal thoughts? And how can you support them in finding help? Are you feeling virtually exhausted? Life is always challenging, but the mental fallout of a global pandemic is real. Contributing to the loneliness epidemic is the shifting American lifestyle. More Americans live alone (28%) now than ever before, and fewer have kids. First, let’s acknowledge this is a time of anxiety and worry for everyone. Economic uncertainty, job transitions, grief, and loneliness are a perfect storm for mental stress. Even before the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic mental health was a concerning issue, now it is a relevant topic of crisis. Secondly, anyone can struggle with suicidal thoughts. Those suffering from drug addiction are especially vulnerable. In particular the U.S. is currently seeing a rise in drug overdoses by almost 18% due to the pandemic. Unfortunately, suicide is responsible for one U.S. death every 11 minutes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not to mention the millions who think about it, make a plan or attempt it. It is important to remember that suicidal thoughts, plans or intent must be helped immediately. Understanding Suicide Risk To clarify, depression is not a choice. No one wishes for endless days of feeling down, sleepless nights, and feeling as if you are in a dark tunnel. Currently, one in five Americans will experience a mental illness this year. This means one of your friends is struggling, right now. Specifically, consider this: When your body feels pain it talks to your mind. When your mind is suffering who does it talk to? So, how can you tell if a friend is in trouble? According to the National Institute of Mental Health be on the lookout for some depression clues below. Signs and Symptoms of Depression Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism Irritability Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities Decreased energy or fatigue Moving or talking more slowly Feeling restless or having trouble sitting still Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions Signs and Symptoms of Suicide Risk Expressing feelings of hopelessness or having no purpose Talking about feeling trapped or being in unbearable pain Talking about being a burden to others Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs Sleeping too little or too much Withdrawing or isolation Displaying extreme mood swings. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself (Reference: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) How to Help a Suicidal Friend It can feel awkward to approach the subject of suicide with a friend, but take any of the above warning signs seriously. Other ways you can help are by: Encouraging self-care and making sure they take care of basic needs Listen to their worries without judgement Ask them what they need from you, then follow through with action Let them know they are not a burden Don’t minimize or invalidate their feelings Point them to helpful resources Be their advocate and get them help If someone you know is in a life-threatening crisis situation, call 911 immediately. Suicide Risk Resources: National Suicide Prevention 24/7 Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Ayuda En Español: (Spanish National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) 1-800-628-9454 Crisis Text Line: Text HOME (or CONNECT) to 741741 to chat with a crisis counselor 24/7 free of charge. The National Alliance on Mental Health: 1-800-950-6264 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: (SAMHSA) 24/7 helpline 1-800-662-4357

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    • Salud conductual
    • Salud mental

    4 fantásticos beneficios para la salud de estar libre de desorden

    The Benefits of Being Clutter-Free Gives you a better sense of well-being. Did you know procrastination is linked to clutter? According to a recent study clutter problems led to less life satisfaction, especially among older adults. Helps you lose weight. Constantly being in cluttered room, office or car can be stressful. All the undone cleaning tasks in the back of your of mind cause stress, which is linked to obesity. Promotes mental health. Having clutter around can make you feel anxious or overwhelmed. This prevents you from truly relaxing or focusing. Saves you money. It’s not a secret that money worries cause stress. According to a Journal of Consumer Research study, you’re more likely to make a purchase when you’re sitting in a messy room compared to a tidy room. Clutter-Free Tips Start with a plan. Make a list of your clutter-improvement priorities and the tasks needed to accomplish each one. Focus on one section of your home per week, so you don’t get overwhelmed. In fact, organizational expert Peter Walsh suggests starting with the easiest room first to gain momentum. Conversely, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" author Marie Kondo suggests organizing by category (for example clothing or books). Experiment with an organizing plan that appeals to you. There are also many helpful on-line calendars you can use as a starting point. Delegate when you can. Include your children and spouse into your plan. Is uncle Bob an electrician? Then get him to swap out your eyesore of a ceiling fan or update an old light fixture. Of course it’s ok to outsource the duties - such as window cleaning or painting - if your budget allows. Buy less. The less you purchase the less you need to store, clean, keep track of, organize or dust. Seems simple, right? Not for everyone. On average we are bombarded with over 4,000 marketing messages a day, not to mention FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when we see our friends posting about their newest toys on their social media feeds. Focus on quality over quantity. When in doubt, throw it out. Still on the fence about what to throw away? Use these declutter decision-making guide questions to help you. Organize Your Health Along with taking care of your surroundings, make a commitment to get up to date on your health checkup and screenings. Preventing an illness is a bargain compared to the cost of a chronic disease. It's also a good idea to go through all of your medications and check the expiration date. Remember to properly dispose of medications. DO NOT flush medications down the drain or toilet, unless the label indicates it is safe to do so.

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    • Salud conductual
    • Salud mental

    Conexiones sociales: por qué benefician su salud

    Some days a chat with a friend is all you need to feel better. Why? Because humans are social beings. Although we have more technology than ever at our fingertips, sometimes we may still feel left out or disconnected. Dr. Buddy Coard, Ed.D., Psychologist at the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health Addiction Institute at Renown, discusses the importance of social connections and tips on how to keep connecting, warning signs of loneliness and how to feel less lonely.  Why are Social Connections Important? Dr. Coard points to significant research on the topic of loneliness and social connections. He uses the findings below to detail how social connections affect our overall health. In a recent survey 40% of participants reported they sometimes or always feel that their relationships are not meaningful and that they feel isolated. Surprisingly, this survey suggests Generation Z (18-22 years old) is the loneliest generation. Another study associates loneliness as a risk factor for early death. It indicates lack of social connection heightens health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, or having alcohol use disorder. In fact, loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2015). A 2018 study investigated several standard measures of social isolation, including marital status, frequency of religious service attendance, club meetings/group activities and number of close friends or relatives. The findings revealed race as a strong predictor of social isolation. In particular, black men and women were more likely to be lonely than were white men and women. Loneliness also switches on your body’s long-term “fight-or-flight” stress signaling system, which negatively affects your immune system. People who feel lonely have lower immunity and more inflammation than people who don’t. Dr. Coard recommends the following tips for those who feel lonely. Tips to Increase Social Connection Get outside. More and more nature prescriptions are common. In fact even a 10 minute walk can elevate your mood and get your blood flowing. Develop a schedule of activities to accomplish in a week, setting realistic goals. Monitor your technology. Of course, watching the 24/7 news cycle can be depressing. Turn off the TV and listen to music or read a book instead. Even better, use technology to connect with family members by having a virtual game night or book club discussion. Write it out. When was the last time you sent a good old-fashioned letter or card? Or even wrote in a journal? Try to brighten someone’s day with snail mail. Writing down your hopes and fears also helps you to get worries off your mind and process your emotions. With this in mind, there are also volunteer opportunities to support others by sending a handwritten letter to others battling depression. De-clutter your surroundings. Go through those old photos and put them in an album. Clean out a drawer, cupboard or closet. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and can donate items you no longer need that others can enjoy. Increase your joy by reducing your clutter. Warning Signs of Chronic Loneliness One size does not fit all when it comes to loneliness. For this reason, loneliness can be different depending on your particular situation and your unique personality. However, if you feel some (or all) of the following symptoms, chronic loneliness may be affecting you: Lack of ‘best’ or close friends. You connect with others on a surface level, but feel no one truly understands you. People are n your life, yet you are not connecting on a deep, intimate level with them. You feel lonely even when people are around. This means feeling disengaged or not part of the group when around others. You feel less than enough. You often doubt yourself or don’t feel good enough when comparing yourself to others. And social situations feel exhausting. What Can Someone Do to Feel Less Lonely? Dr. Coard offers the following suggestion for those with a lack of social connections: Talk with your doctor, psychologist or another healthcare professional. Sometimes chronic loneliness relates to longstanding negative beliefs that an individual has about themselves. Engage in behavioral activation. For example, being more active and involved in life by scheduling activities which can potentially improve your mood and decrease feelings of isolation. Initially behavioral activation can be very challenging due to lack of motivation, but setting a reasonable schedule of activities is a good start. Pay attention to your sleep. Sometimes when people become lonely they experience significant changes in their sleep cycle. Frequently they sleep too much, or too little. Make sure to maintain a normal, healthy sleep/wake cycle, following good sleep hygiene recommendations.

    Read More About Social Connections: Why They Benefit Your Health

    • Telesalud
    • COVID-19
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    Cuidado confiable desde el hogar

    Renown Health has always been on the frontlines of technological advancement, and that innovation remained unwavering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our telehealth teams heeded the call to provide home monitoring for our patients, transforming how we provide care. The care providers at Renown successfully monitored lower acuity COVID-19 patients from the comfort of their own homes. Bernard Lee was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia, and was able to return home to continue his recovery with a home monitoring system. While at home, Bernard’s health took a turn for the worse while he was sleeping, but thanks to the continuous monitoring of Health at Home, his worsening vitals did not go unnoticed. “This monitoring system really saved my life,” Bernard said. “It was telling me that my sats were low, but I didn’t even feel the common COVID symptoms; I just felt tired.” Because of his low oxygen saturation (sats) and the continuous monitoring, he woke up to providers calling to check on him in the early morning. He was immediately transferred to the Renown Intensive Care Unit to be cared for and monitored by our expert care teams. Today Bernard is recovering, feeling great and continuously refers to the team and the home monitoring system as his guardian angels.

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    • Atención del cáncer
    • Renown Health
    • Informe anual

    De sobreviviente del cáncer a cuidadora

    Meet Haley Carroll Being a new nurse comes with many challenges and gaining experience is a journey, but Haley Carroll’s first day on the job was far from her first day in a hospital. Haley was diagnosed with lymphoma right before her senior year of high school, and she was declared cancer-free on December 2, 2015. Inspired by the incredible care she received during her cancer treatments and during her time at Renown Children’s Hospital, Haley enrolled in nursing school at the University of Nevada, Reno. She graduated in December 2020, just five years after beating cancer. “I’ve always been interested in nursing,” Haley says. “But once I was diagnosed and began to see everything that my nurses did for me, I knew that that’s what I wanted to do for patients, too.”

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    • University Health
    • Renown Health
    • Informe anual

    El legado de una familia

    Dr. Derek Beenfeldt first joined the Renown family in 2014 as a family medicine physician after graduating from University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine (UNR Med) in 2011. His son Davis was only 10 years old when Dr. Beenfeldt decided to change careers and attend medical school. Ten years later, Davis is following in his dad’s footsteps as a third year student at UNR Med. “I am proud of Davis for taking on the challenges and the commitment that I know goes along with attending medical school,” Dr. Beenfeldt said. “I also feel lucky that we have a medical school with such a great reputation and resources close to home.” The affiliation is a great source of pride for Dr. Beenfeldt. Not just because two important organizations in his life are joining forces, but he also sees it as both entities taking on an immense responsibility – the challenge to be better for incoming students, and subsequently to improve healthcare in Nevada. Davis is currently going through his rotations and spending countless hours a week at Renown Regional. His dad is right there by his side supporting him along the way. “It has been really interesting to have discussions about the UNR medical school with Davis, I recognize the names of many of the professors and courses from when I was a student,” Dr. Beenfeldt said. “I tried to be empathetic, as I can relate to how difficult and stressful this time is for him. Dr. Beenfeldt currently works as chief medical officer for Renown’s insurance arm Hometown Health, and Davis is still browsing specialties. “I don’t know what kind of medicine I want to focus on yet, but I feel lucky that I can attend medical school so close to home and have the option to continue helping my fellow Nevadans after I graduate.” UNR Med at a Glance UNR’s Medical School was established in 1969 Over the last 50 years, UNR Med has educated 3,900+ physicians More than 30% of UNR Med physician graduates continue to practice in Nevada UNR Med is the state’s oldest medical school

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Recetas

    Manicotti de calabacín saludable

    Often, when we think of Italian dishes, we think of pasta. In fact, there are more than 600 different pasta shapes, each holding the task of delivering Italy’s flavors.  While we all crave pasta, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a cup of pasta shells contains about 166 calories, 6 grams of protein and 32 grams of carbohydrates. When you add all the other comforting ingredients that comes with cooking Italian, it’s nearly impossible to keep it healthy.  Caitlin Bus, Registered Dietitian with the Renown Healthy Heart Program shares a healthier version of an Italian favorite –deconstructed manicotti using zucchini as a substitute for noodles. If you’re looking for a healthier Italian dish and wondering how to use a spiralizer to turn vegetables into noodles, this recipe is for you.

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    • Testimonio de paciente
    • Derrame cerebral
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    Una guerrera que sobrevivió a un ataque cerebrovascular: la historia de Kimi

    It seemed like a normal Wednesday, except Kimi Woolsey was feeling really stressed. On Sept. 4, 2019 she was rushing to get ready for an appointment when suddenly, she could not feel her legs. Kimi immediately knew something was wrong and called out to her fiancé, Paul, for help. After seeing a bright light in her right eye, she felt a severe, sharp pain in her head traveling down into her leg. Paul quickly called 911, the EMT’s arrived and her stroke survival journey began. At first the medical team thought she had a complicated migraine, but one of them suspected a stroke. On the way to the hospital Kimi felt numbness and her face drooping, then instantly, no pain. For a moment she thought she was dying, going from pain to numbness and realizing she couldn’t move or speak. Kimi didn’t know she was having another massive stroke in transit. Each year nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. suffer a stroke, or “brain attack” – that’s one every 40 seconds. Of those, about 75% occur in people over age 65. However, at only 45 years old, Kimi is proof that a stroke can happen at any age. Stroke Survival Begins for Kimi Upon arriving at the emergency department of Renown Regional Medical Center the Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center team went into action. Kimi received a brain MRI, then was wheeled into surgery for a thrombectomy (clot removal). She was in the intensive care unit for 11 days. She remembers someone telling her, “Generally people don’t survive this magnitude of stroke.” And a doctor saying, “You are here for a reason.” Kimi’s comeback journey began with the comprehensive care team at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. “Literally I had the best day of my life that first day there…I was so happy because I couldn’t imagine being in a safer place with people that literally live for you,” she recalls. During her 41 days there, her biggest milestone was being able to get out of bed and walk. For Kimi the support she felt at the rehab hospital was key to her progress, ”I still feel loved and appreciated and they’re rooting for me still and I can feel it.” Although she left the rehab hospital on Oct. 18, 2019, she is still working on improving the left side of her body. Currently Kimi works with therapists in outpatient physical rehabilitation sessions, continuing to see improvement in both her hand and leg. Her advice to those currently in a rehab hospital setting is, “Stay as long as you can to get the most out of it and push, push, push.” Kimi’s Stroke Survival as a Warrior “Having a stroke is not for the faint of heart,” says Kimi. She experienced despair and felt discouraged. Many days she would ask herself, “Why am I here?” Today she proudly calls herself a stroke warrior and refuses to be a victim of her stroke. Alongside her tenacious spirit, Kimi actively helps others on their stroke survival journey. Before her stroke she never dreamed of starting a non-profit foundation. Now, each day you’ll find her texting inspiration to others, offering advice and connecting with other struggling stroke survivors on her Facebook page, Stroke Warrior Recovery Coach. Her goal is to become the person she needed to talk to after her stroke; she currently coaches several stroke survivors. “Stroke survivors need to know that they aren’t alone. Mental support and encouragement are so important for each person’s stroke journey,” Kimi said. Along with the physical changes, Kimi feels the stroke magnified her empathy. “I was always in a hurry in my life. People didn’t go fast enough for me – on the road, at the grocery store, in a line. Now I have more patience with myself and others." Kimi realizes most people cannot wrap their brain around the concept of a stroke. In fact, the brain fog, physical challenges and frustration are hard to explain… unless you’ve experienced them. “You need to find your tribe,” she explains. “I have a passion for helping people through this process.” Most of all, she encourages people to keep going and never stop. After her stroke, Kimi has a greater appreciation for her family, health and life. She is one of the patients featured in the current “Fight The Good Fight” trauma and physical rehab advertising campaign. “I wake up every day and fight,” she asserts. “Each day you have to fight for your recovery and fight for yourself.”

    Read More About Stroke Survival as a Warrior – Kimi's Story

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