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    • Vacuna contra la influenza
    • Salud infantil

    Padres, sus hijos necesitan vacunas contra la gripe. Este es el por qué

    Vanessa Slots, MD, of Renown Medical Group – Pediatrics, explains why getting a flu shot each season can save lives—especially true for the very young and elderly. Why Kids Need Flu Shots The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year. And this year, flu activity is increasing late in the season.  And it happens like clockwork — the onset of an influenza epidemic as fall transitions into winter, and lasts into the spring months. This acute respiratory illness is caused by influenza A or B viruses with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and everyone is susceptible to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms: Abrupt onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory-tract symptoms including cough Sore throat and an irritated nose Who’s at Risk? Once again: Everyone is susceptible, but children and the elderly are at greater risk of complication from influenza, specifically toddlers less than 2 years. At this age, immunities are underdeveloped. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depend on age and prior exposure to the virus. And with young children, flu is more problematic, since they cannot verbalize certain symptoms like body aches and headaches. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. Coupled with gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, children are at risk of dehydration and other complications from the virus that can require hospitalization. In fact, an average of 20,000 children are hospitalized from flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Health conditions, including but not limited to asthma, cystic fibrosis, heart conditions, cerebral palsy, epilepsy or diabetes, can intensify flu symptoms. Still, a substantial number of children with none of these risk factors experience severe complications from the flu. How to Protect Your Child from the Flu The best way to guard against influenza is with a flu shot. Children and adults should get the flu vaccine before flu season kicks in — usually by the end of October. Shots are provided as long as flu viruses are circulating and the vaccine is in supply.

    Read More About Parents, Your Kids Need Flu Shots. Here's Why.

    • Vacunas
    • COVID-19
    • Salud infantil

    Cómo aliviar el miedo de su hijo a las vacunas

    Getting a shot can be scary for kids and anxiety-inducing for parents and caregivers. With flu shot season well underway and children's COVID-19 vaccine clinics in full swing, we wanted to share ways to reduce the stress for you and your child. Plan Ahead and Be Honest A few days before the scheduled appointment, casually mention to your child that you’re both going to the doctor’s office (or vaccine clinic, or pharmacy) soon for their vaccine. Explain to them that this will help protect them and will only take a second. Being honest is important, telling your child that it will hurt for a moment. If possible, try and schedule the vaccine at a kid-specific vaccine clinic, your pediatrician's office or a school-based site. Remember that words are powerful. Take notice if you are using a word that might make them more upset, such as prick, jab, needle or shot. You can interchange words such as vaccine, immunization or injection. Bring Toys Don’t be afraid to let your child bring one of their favorite toys or stuffed animals to the appointment. This can make them feel more comfortable and provide distraction. Ask for Pain Reliever/Numbing Agent If you know from past experience (or suspect) that your child has a needle phobia, talk to the vaccination location ahead of time and ask if they can use a pain reliever or numbing agent before administering the vaccine. Distract. Distract. Distract. Sing a song, tell them a joke, make a funny face. If you can pull your child’s attention away from the needle and make them laugh, they won’t focus all their energy on worrying about the shot. Lead By Example If you haven't gotten your flu shot, COVID shot or COVID-19 booster yet, ask the facility ahead of time if you can also get a shot before your child. Show them that the shot is no big deal and that they will have no problem getting it themselves. Celebrate Don’t be afraid to celebrate this victory with your child once it is over – bring them to the park, go out for an ice cream cone, let them pick what’s for dinner. This reward will show that you’re proud of them for being brave and may also make the next time your child is due for a shot easier.

    Read More About How to Ease Your Child's Fear of Vaccines

    • Alimentos y nutrición

    Nutrir a su ser querido a través del tratamiento contra el cáncer

    Eating healthy is a daily challenge for many, but for those with cancer, it is an even harder struggle. A cancer diagnosis affects not only those diagnosed but family members and friends, too. One key area of concern is making sure your loved one stays well by eating healthy food every day. Here are some vital cancer nutrition tips from Jessica Blauenstein, a Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition and Registered Dietitian at Renown Health. Help to Prepare Meals and Snacks for Daily Cancer Nutrition Make it grab and go. Easy-to-make meals help reduce the burden of having to cook and prepare food. Having easy to grab snacks on the counter or in the fridge can help ensure your loved one has access to those nutrients when needed. Sit outside of the kitchen. This allows your loved one to avoid cooking smells which can make them feel sick as a side effect of cancer treatments. Also try serving them cold foods such as sandwiches, cheese and crackers, or shakes which have a mild scent. Try drinkable meals. Some people with cancer find it easier to sip their calories over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Consider smoothies or supplemental shakes such as Ensure Complete, Fairlife shakes, Orgain shakes, or Boost Plus to name a few. A great foundation for a smoothie is a protein source (Greek yogurt, protein powder, nut butters or milk) with a carbohydrate (fruits, juice or berries). Add other ingredients as desired, such as spinach, kale, and ground flaxseed or chia seeds to give it more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Snack Ideas for Those Undergoing Cancer Treatment The following ideas are both quick and easy to make for your loved one. Chicken or tuna salad with whole grain crackers or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Greek yogurt mixed with cereal, fruit and/or nuts Cottage cheese with banana, cinnamon and/or peanut butter Favorite fruit with 100% natural peanut or almond butter spread - Try peanut butter with bananas, apples, or even celery Their favorite veggies dipped in a salad dressing of your choice - For example, carrots with hummus, tahini, or ranch dressing Cheese and whole grain crackers - Add tomato slices with a small amount of avocado, and a dash of oregano on top for more flavor Eggs scrambled with cheese, vegetables and/or salsa Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread A baked sweet potato with some favorite toppings Hard boiled eggs and/or egg salad with whole grain crackers, or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Oatmeal or cream of wheat prepared with milk, fruit and/or nuts Sometimes your loved one may not feel like eating or refuse to eat. If treatment side effects are impacting your loved one’s ability to eat, please visit the websites below containing recipes tailored to treat side effects. Cook for Your Life ELLICSR Of course, you may also consult a registered dietitian and/or the patients care team, if you have more cancer nutrition concerns.

    Read More About Nourishing Your Loved One Through Cancer Treatment

    • Atención del cáncer
    • Renown Health

    Navegar por los recursos de atención del cáncer de Renowns Su guía esencial

    Cancer is challenging, but no one has to go through it alone. Patients and their loved ones can navigate the journey towards healing and recovery with the proper support and resources from Renown Health.  When faced with a cancer diagnosis, access to reliable and comprehensive cancer resources is key. These resources provide vital information, support, and guidance for patients, caregivers and loved ones throughout cancer treatment and recovery. Cancer Resources Breast Cancer Newly Diagnosed Orientation Class  Cancer Support Groups  Caregiver Support  General Cancer Support Group  Lymphedema & Physical Therapy  Men’s Prostate Cancer Support Group  Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Workshop  Smoking Cessation  Spiritual Center Activities & Programs  Sterling Silver 55+ Club Facebook Group  At Renown and in collaboration with community partnerships, we offer a variety of resources and specialty care programs focused on improving the quality of life after cancer including:  Cancer support groups play a crucial role in providing emotional, psychological, and practical assistance to those affected by cancer   These groups often consist of individuals who have been through similar experiences and can offer guidance, empathy, and understanding.   They provide a safe space for individuals to share their feelings, concerns, and experiences with others who truly understand what they are going through.

    Read More About Navigating Renowns Cancer Care Resources Your Essential Guide

    • Salud pulmonar
    • Atención del cáncer
    • Prueba de evaluación

    Detección temprana y detección del cáncer de pulmón

    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the U.S. The good news is the five-year survival rate increases dramatically if lung cancer is treated before spreading to other parts of the body. Julie Locken, MD, of Renown Health Imaging, explains more. What are the signs and symptoms of lung cancer? As you might expect, most lung cancer symptoms appear in the chest and can affect your breathing. Watch for signs such as: Persistent cough Constant chest pain Shortness of breath Wheezing Bloody or rust-colored phlegm Hoarseness Swelling of the neck Pain or weakness in the shoulder, arm or hand Recurring pneumonia, bronchitis or other lung infections Loss of appetite and loss of weight can also be signs of lung cancer That said, there are usually no symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer, which means getting screened can truly be a lifesaver. If you have a history of smoking, you should get screened as a precaution.  What are the risk factors of lung cancer?  Around 80% of lung cancer cases stem from a history of smoking tobacco. But there are other known causes, such as secondhand smoke, radon, asbestos and diesel exhaust. It’s important to do what you can to eliminate exposure to all of these to reduce your lung cancer risk.  People with an immediate relative – a parent, sibling or child – diagnosed with lung cancer and people between 50 and 80 years old are also at higher risk and may need to consider screening.  People who are at the highest risk are those with a history of smoking tobacco, particularly smokers who averaged one pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years or more, as well as former heavy smokers who quit in the last 15 years.

    Read More About Lung Cancer Screening and Early Detection

    • Neurología
    • Rehabilitación física
    • Niños seguros

    Sepa antes de ir

    Grab your skis, goggles, coat – and don’t forget that helmet. Skiing and snowboarding are fun activities for all ages but come with the risk of injury. Read on for tips to make it a safe day on the mountain. Daydreaming about your next trip to the slopes? We talked to Jared Worchel, DO, about his top tips for gearing up. Get the Gear Before you head out to ski or snowboard, make sure you have all your gear ready and in good condition. Everything should fit correctly so that it keeps you as safe as possible. Wearing proper gear will also help keep you warm. Items to check on before you head out include: Boots Bindings Goggles Poles Helmet Outwear Gloves Pack water and snacks in case the drive takes longer than you except due to weather or traffic. You’ll also want to make sure that your cell phone is fully charged before you head out in case you need to contact friends of staff for help while on the mountain.  Helmet, Helmet, Helmet Having a helmet that fits correctly is the most important thing you can do to prepare for a safe day on the mountain. According to a National Ski Areas Association study, helmet use has increased over the last 15 years, with 80 percent of skiers and snowboarders using helmets. Schubert would like to see that number increase to 100 percent. “If you have a head injury it could take you out for the rest of your life,” Dr. Worchel said. “The most important things to think about when fitting a helmet are making sure that it really fits you appropriately. You want to go into a store and try on as many different helmets as they have available. I know it’s tempting to buy one online, but you’re never going to know if it fits correctly.” If you are in an accident, your helmet’s fit can help protect you. Dr. Worchel has some tips on fitting: A helmet should fit low and snug over the head. Make sure that the helmet doesn’t wiggle or feel loose. Look for a model that has adjustability in the back, which will help you make sure it fits snugly. F ind a helmet with a chin strap that will help it stay in place throughout the day.

    Read More About Know Before You Go

    • Atención primaria
    • Salud conductual

    ¿Qué es el consumo de alcohol desordenado?

    An alcohol problem can affect anyone at any age. Many factors, including job stress, genetics or depression, may contribute to the start of disordered drinking.  Drinking alcohol exists on a continuum. For example, if someone feels down in the dumps for some time, it doesn’t mean they are clinically depressed. So if someone goes through a period with above-normal alcohol consumption, it doesn’t necessarily mean they abuse alcohol. Although “alcoholic” and “alcoholism” are common, they are not clinical descriptions. Alcohol use disorder is the preferred term. Symptoms are often mild but can be the start of a more significant problem. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), over 16 million adults live with alcohol use disorder. Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder Do you recognize any of the following symptoms in yourself or someone you know? Drinking more or longer than intended Trying to cut down or stop drinking but not able to Having to drink more than you once did to get the same feeling Being annoyed when family members discuss your drinking Regretting your behavior while you were drinking

    Read More About What is Disordered Drinking?

    • Diabetes

    5 maneras de prevenir la diabetes

    November is National Diabetes Month, and with cases of the disease at an all-time high in the U.S., individuals must do everything they can to stay healthy. Learn more about diabetes prevention and also how to stop prediabetes in its tracks with these five helpful tips. Diabetes is a disease that is increasingly making its way into the public consciousness, and not in a good way. In fact, according to USA Today, diabetes has a greater health impact on Americans than heart disease, substance use disorder or COPD, with 30.3 million Americans diagnosed with the illness — and many more who are at risk for developing it. And those with prediabetes are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes in 10 years or less, according to the Mayo Clinic. The American Medical Association notes that 4 million U.S. adults have prediabetes. Check out the American Diabetes Association’s prediabetes risk test. The good news: There are ways to manage — and even reverse — prediabetes. Renown’s Certified Diabetes Educator Stephen Compston, RD, LD, CDE, shares five steps for managing blood sugar and also avoiding an eventual diagnosis. How to Prevent Diabetes Eat healthy foods. Plan meals that limit (not eliminate) foods that contain carbohydrates, which raise your blood sugar. Carbohydrates include starches, fruits, milk, yogurt, starchy vegetables (corn, peas, potatoes) and sweets. “Substitute more non-starchy vegetables into your meals to stay satisfied for fewer carbohydrates and calories,” Compston says. Exercise. Blood sugar is the body’s basic energy source. When you exercise, you are lowering your blood sugar. “People with prediabetes usually want to stay off of medication, so they must add something to their normal regimen that lowers blood sugar,” Compston says. “In this case, exercise is medicine.” Lose weight. A small decrease in your weight can drastically decrease your risk of developing diabetes in the future. The Diabetes Prevention Program study showed that a 7 percent decrease in body weight (14 pounds for a 200 pound person) can reduce a person’s risk of developing the disease by 58 percent. Get more rest. Studies link sleep issues to an increased risk of insulin resistance. It can also make it harder to lose weight. Thus, people that don’t get adequate sleep are at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. See your doctor regularly. Schedule an appointment with your primary care provider at least once a year so you can track your health together. “A regular check-up and lab work can help identify what your blood sugars are doing so you and your doctor can develop a good plan for delaying the onset of diabetes,” Compston says.

    Read More About 5 Ways to Prevent Diabetes

    • Neurología
    • Enfermedad de Alzheimer
    • Cuidador

    Consejos de seguridad sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer para que los cuidadores los conozcan

    November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. At Renown Health, we know that Alzheimer's safety for your loved one is a priority, as the symptoms can sometimes lead to unsafe situations. We asked Dr. Jonathan Artz – a neurology physician with Renown Health and an assistant professor of clinical neurology at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine – for tips on keeping loved ones safe and secure.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease affects safety in various ways, specifically due to body and brain adjustments. These changes can include: Judgment, including forgetfulness  Sense of place – getting lost on the way home  Behavior – being suspicious or fearful  Body difficulty – losing balance Sensing ability – noticeable sensitivity in hearing, seeing or temperature  Dr. Artz gives us four major tips to ensure your loved one’s safety as you both navigate this disease together.  Watch for Wandering  Those experiencing Alzheimer’s disease tend to wander and get lost. Try the following tips to reduce the risk of wandering:  Get your loved one an ID bracelet and have them wear it at all times. You can also enroll your loved one in “Wandering Support.”  Install door chimes so you know when exterior doors are open.  Ask neighbors to call you if they see your loved one out alone. Go with your loved one when they insist on leaving the house. Don’t argue or yell. Instead, use distraction or gentle hints to get them to return home.  Discourage Driving  Driving can be unsafe for someone with this disease. With this in mind, ask a doctor whether it’s safe for your loved one to drive. For example, on a case-by-case basis, there are certain situations where doctors are required to report individuals with particular cognitive impairments, wherein a form of a driving assessment will be recommended.  Limit access to the car. Keep the keys with you or lock them away.  Ask an authority figure, such as an insurance agent or a doctor, to tell them not to drive.  Adult-Proof Your Abode  A simple living space is a safe living space. This means reducing clutter and removing any issues that may pose a safety concern. You may also want to get advice from an occupational therapist (home safety expert). Keep in mind that some changes may not be needed right away. Focus on major safety concerns first.  Try the following tips:  Add lighting (or glow-in-the-dark tape) to brighten dark areas, including stairways and halls.  Use color contrast or texture indicators for dials, knobs and appliance controls.  Remind your loved one not to carry items while walking to avoid a fall.  Remove sharp objects from drawers and countertops.  Avoid using small throw rugs or doormats, as they are easy to trip on.  Move frequently used items so that they are easy to reach.  Lock away alcohol and tobacco products, as they are not recommended for dementia patients.  Install handrails in the shower, tub and near the toilet. Bathroom falls are especially common.  Adjust the setting on your hot water heater so water does not scald. Those with Alzheimer’s can lose their sensitivity to temperature.  Move and lock up hazardous chemicals and cleaning supplies, such as bleach and insecticides.  Disable and remove guns or any weapons. Supervise any medication taken by your loved one.  Promote a Positive & Healthy Lifestyle  Continually emphasize the strengths of your loved one by promoting participation in meaningful activities, wellness visits and healthy habits to help them improve their well-being. Here are some ways to keep them physically and mentally active:   Maintain regular vision and hearing screenings and make necessary adaptations.  Establish a routine for daily activities.  Encourage participation in self-care and leisure activities.  Work with your loved one’s doctor to establish a healthy diet.  Ensure proper hydration. It may help to set reminders for your loved one to drink fluids.  Encourage regular exercise. Exercise delivers oxygen to the brain, improving brain health. Promote good sleep habits. Good quality sleep can increase overall brain health and has been associated with improving memory, attention and concentration.  Resources and support are available with the Renown Memory Disorders Program. Providers within this program are specifically dedicated to treating several different memory-related disorders. Memory Disorders Resources & Support.

    Read More About Alzheimer's Safety Tips for Caregivers to Know

    • Telesalud
    • COVID-19
    • Informe anual

    Cuidado confiable desde el hogar

    Renown Health has always been on the frontlines of technological advancement, and that innovation remained unwavering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our telehealth teams heeded the call to provide home monitoring for our patients, transforming how we provide care. The care providers at Renown successfully monitored lower acuity COVID-19 patients from the comfort of their own homes. Bernard Lee was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia, and was able to return home to continue his recovery with a home monitoring system. While at home, Bernard’s health took a turn for the worse while he was sleeping, but thanks to the continuous monitoring of Health at Home, his worsening vitals did not go unnoticed. “This monitoring system really saved my life,” Bernard said. “It was telling me that my sats were low, but I didn’t even feel the common COVID symptoms; I just felt tired.” Because of his low oxygen saturation (sats) and the continuous monitoring, he woke up to providers calling to check on him in the early morning. He was immediately transferred to the Renown Intensive Care Unit to be cared for and monitored by our expert care teams. Today Bernard is recovering, feeling great and continuously refers to the team and the home monitoring system as his guardian angels.

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    • Atención cardíaca
    • Empleados
    • Carreras profesionales
    • Allied Health

    ¿Qué es un Echo-Tech?

    When it comes to our heart, keeping this vital source of life in tip-top shape is of utmost importance. Echo technologists or echocardiographers, otherwise known as "echo-techs," are charged with that mission, providing critical information that leads to life-saving interventions to keep our hearts beating strong.  Adrianne Little, echocardiographer at Renown Health, breaks down the echo-tech's role in the health system, the educational path it takes to get there and the unique perks that come with the profession.  What does an echo tech do?  “Echo techs play a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients,” said Adrianne. “We are members of the cardiovascular imaging team that perform ‘heart ultrasounds’ or echocardiograms. Although we are most commonly known as echo techs, our official title is either ‘cardiac sonographer’ or ‘echocardiographer.’”  Echo techs use imaging technology and sophisticated ultrasound equipment to produce images of the heart. These images show how well the heart functions, as well as the valves, chambers and blood flow. Echocardiograms are used to diagnosis and treat a variety of heart conditions such as murmurs, arrhythmias and heart failure.   At the end of the day, the main goal of echo techs is to help our cardiovascular team provide the quickest and most accurate diagnoses to help with patient management and help them receive the highest standard of care.  “When it comes to looking at the heart, we are part of the front-line team," said Adrianne. “We provide real time critical information that leads to life saving interventions down the road.”

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Vida activa

    Obras maestras para miembros de Sterling Silver Club

    A Gallery-Worthy Member Artistry usually refers to a person’s ability to express their unique creativity in powerful and surprising ways. But there is also an art to living your life in ways that celebrate who you are, your limitless potential, the people you love and the community you care about. So imagine our delight to discover a Sterling Silver Club member and artist whose artistry of life reaches far beyond gallery walls.  An Early Love of Art Born in Chicago, Illinois, Debbie arrived as the last of her parents’ three children and has two older siblings, Cynthia and Henry (a.k.a. Skip). As is usually the case, school played an important role in their shared childhood and Debbie remembers being drawn to art assignments in class from an early age.   “When I was a young girl, I loved working on various art projects at school,” she recalls. “I always found myself learning something new and then teaching it to everyone I knew.”  Later, Debbie would play violin in the school orchestra, join the swim team, and to continue to learn about art and its broader influence.  “I remember taking a class and learning about color theory,” recounts Debbie. “I was so impressed with how colors relate to one another and also discovered how primary and secondary colors can be used together to make everything from products and advertising to what we wear more pleasing to the eye.”  Expression-ism. “Art allows you to express yourself,” says Debbie. “And I’ve always been quite happy being expressive.” Though Debbie’s affinity for art was obvious, it wasn’t destined to be her career… at least initially.  After earning degrees in marketing and public relations at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois and George Williams College of Aurora University in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, respectively, Debbie began what turned out to be a career in technology.  In the Chicago area, she held positions as a systems analyst and computer programmer and a role in marketing and public relations for a computer software company. Then it was off to Los Angeles, California with her new husband, David, where she worked in sales and education for another software company.  The couple returned to Elmhurst, Illinois to start their family but eventually moved to and settled in Minden, Nevada where David had an insurance business for 23 years and their children grew to become the adults their grandparents dreamed of. “My mom and dad would be most proud of our children,” beams Debbie. “They (her parents) always hoped for the best for them and would be over the moon that they are doing what they want to do, two of them in the field of medicine.”  Debbie and David now live in Carson City, Nevada and their three children have established lives of their own. Jeffrey, the oldest, is a pastor and holds two master’s degrees. Rachael is an OB/GYN provider in Southern California and a graduate of University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med). And their youngest, John-Henry, is finishing up his medical training and will soon be a trauma surgeon.  Furry Family Members Debbie’s other “kids” are of the four-legged variety. “Mercedes and Bentley are really our luxury pugs,” she admits. “But are named after famous characters from books, not luxury cars.” She also says they are goofy, much-loved and simply melt the hearts of everyone they meet – “always!”

    Read More About Sterling Silver Club Member Masterpiece

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