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    • Lunes, 28 de junio de 2021

    Renown Health y la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno organizaron un acto para la firma del certificado del acuerdo de afiliación

    Hoy, los líderes de Renown Health, la Junta de Regentes del Sistema de Educación Superior de Nevada (NSHE), la University of Nevada, Reno y la Facultad de Medicina de la University of Nevada, Reno (UNR Med) se reunieron para un acto de firma de certificados relacionados con un acuerdo de afiliación. La firma del certificado conmemora el acuerdo de afiliación (un compromiso de 50 años) entre Renown Health y UNR Med que establece el primer sistema de salud integrado de Nevada para avanzar en la atención médica y la educación médica de primer nivel, en la investigación clínica y en la atención al paciente para nuestra comunidad y nuestro estado. El acto de firma del certificado se produce después de que la Junta de Regentes de la NSHE aprobara el acuerdo el 11 de junio de 2021 y después de que el gobernador de Nevada, Steve Sisolak, firmara el proyecto de ley 342 del Senado el 10 de mayo de 2021, que autoriza a la Junta de Regentes de la NSHE a celebrar un acuerdo como el de Renown Health. Hay una foto de alta resolución disponible para su descarga en med.unr.edu/news/archive/2021/affiliation-signing.   Acerca de Renown Health Renown Health es la red de atención médica integrada de administración local y sin fines de lucro más grande de la región, que presta servicios a Nevada, Lake Tahoe y el noreste de California. Con una fuerza laboral diversa de más de 7,000 empleados, Renown ha fomentado una cultura de excelencia, determinación e innovación de larga data. La organización se compone de un centro de urgencias, dos hospitales de cuidados agudos, un hospital infantil, un hospital de rehabilitación, un grupo médico y una red de atención de urgencias y Hometown Health, la compañía de seguros sin fines de lucro más grande de la región y de propiedad local, Hometown Health. Los institutos clínicos incluyen: cáncer, salud cardíaca y vascular, neurociencias y cirugía robótica. Actualmente, Renown está inscribiendo participantes en el estudio genético de salud poblacional basado en la comunidad más grande del mundo, el Healthy Nevada Project®. Visite renown.org para obtener más información. Acerca de la Facultad de Medicina de la University of Nevada, Reno La Facultad de Medicina de la University of Nevada, Reno, la primera facultad de medicina pública de Nevada, es una facultad basada en la comunidad, con un gran énfasis en la investigación y una visión integral de Nevada para un estado más saludable. Desde 1969, UNR Med ha capacitado a más de 3,900 estudiantes, residentes y becarios. La UNR Med continúa mejorando la salud y el bienestar de todos los residentes de Nevada y sus comunidades mediante excelencia en la educación estudiantil, capacitación de posgrado y atención clínica, investigación con impacto local, nacional y global, y una cultura de diversidad e inclusión. Para obtener más información, visite med.unr.edu.

    Leer más Acerca de Renown Health y la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nevada, Reno organizaron un acto para la firma del certificado del acuerdo de afiliación

    • Recetas
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    • Alimentos y nutrición

    Recetas saludables de brownies de batatas sin harina

    Rich, dark and super chocolaty, these sweet potato brownies are perfect for those following a paleo, vegan, gluten-free or dairy-free lifestyle.

    Read More About Recipes Healthy Flourless Sweet Potato Brownies

    • Ensayos clínicos
    • Investigación y estudios

    ¿Qué significa participar en un estudio clínico?

    Participating in a clinical trial is voluntary and a personal choice. Clinical trials are research studies that involve people and are an important part of patient care. What is a clinical trial?  Clinical trials are research studies that involve people, and they are an important part of patient care. There are several different types of clinical trials; some are designed to understand trends in a disease or identify better ways to diagnose a condition, while others determine if a new treatment is safe and works when treating, improving or preventing a health condition. There are over 400,000 clinical trials currently being conducted in the United States, and even more across the world. This includes health conditions such as heart failure, cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, respiratory conditions like COPD, common infections, cystic fibrosis, and many more. Clinical trials lead the healthcare industry to new discoveries that contribute to reliable and exact care, improving healthcare quality and saving lives. Clinical trials are conducted by a team of researchers, including doctors, pharmacists and clinical research coordinators. These research teams are highly skilled in their specialty areas, often providing traditional patient care and seeing research patients in the same day. These teams are responsible for making sure the clinical trial is completed correctly, and their patients are their top priority. Why should I consider participating in a clinical trial? Participating in a clinical trial is voluntary and a personal choice. There are many reasons why patients decide to get involved in clinical research. While many clinical trials are designed for patients who have a certain health condition, many studies also ask healthy volunteers to contribute in order to compare health outcomes. Clinical trials are also for patients at all different stages of their diagnosis. Depending on the specific study, the patient may receive access to a new cutting-edge treatment before it is widely available. When patients join a clinical trial, the research team becomes a health partner dedicated to their health and well-being. When patients join a clinical trial, they make an informed decision in their healthcare by weighing all available options in addition to routine treatments. Research participants know that they are contributing meaningfully and helping other patients like them. Where can I find more information about clinical trials at Renown Health? Renown Health’s mission is to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the communities we serve. Renown’s clinical trial portfolio offers leading care options to patients in northern Nevada, close to home, in a variety of specialties. Contact the Renown Clinical Research Office for more information on clinical trials available to you!

    Read More About What Does It Mean to Participate in a Clinical Trial?

    • Ensayos clínicos

    5 conceptos erróneos principales sobre los ensayos clínicos

    There are many misconceptions about clinical research, so we have unpacked a few common myths we hear to help you make an informed decision in your healthcare. Misconception #1: If I join a clinical trial, I’ll just be a guinea pig. Quite the opposite is true! Through honest and respectful conversation, we ensure all participants are informed of the benefits and risks associated with the clinical trial during the informed consent process. Being in a clinical trial is voluntary, and we respect our patients’ decision to join or decline to participate in the clinical trial. You can always change your mind at any time as well. When patients join a clinical trial, they receive an additional team of healthcare professionals, including additional physicians, pharmacists and research coordinators, dedicated to their safety and well-being. This means that clinical trial participants often receive more support than they would in the standard treatment setting. Misconception #2: Clinical trials are too dangerous because they use new treatments that haven’t been tested. We recognize that there are different levels of risk associated with participating in a clinical trial depending on the type of study. However, new treatments are only reviewed through clinical trials after they have gone through extensive testing. New treatments that do not show promising results for safety and potential benefit during laboratory testing do not receive approval to begin clinical trials. Your research team reviews any expected benefits and risks identified from previous studies during the informed consent process, as well as any updates that occur throughout the duration of the clinical trial. The research team stays in close contact with you during the entire process, documenting and treating any side effects that you experience for both your safety and the safety of participants like you. Misconception #3: I don't want to join a trial because I could be wasting my time receiving a placebo. A placebo is a substance that has no therapeutic effect, sometimes called a “sugar pill.” Participants who receive a placebo during a clinical trial are very important, helping researchers definitively determine the specific good and bad effects of the new medication. Many clinical trials that involve a placebo also offer what is called an open label extension or cross-over study. Cross-over studies ensure that anyone taking the placebo can begin receiving the new medication, often for several years. Cross-over studies help clinician researchers understand the long-term effects of a medication while also giving patients free access to novel care for several months and even years.

    Read More About Top 5 Misconceptions About Clinical Trials

    • Atención cardíaca
    • Ensayos clínicos
    • Investigación y estudios

    Cómo controlar su presión arterial alta no controlada

    Renown Health, the region's leading cardiology care provider, is offering a clinical trial for eligible patients struggling to control their high blood pressure. Nearly half of adults (119.9 million) in the United States have hypertension, or blood pressure that is higher than normal. Hypertension can put you at risk of other life-threatening disease, such as a heart attack or stroke. There are methods that cardiologists use to manage high blood pressure, but only 1 in 4 adults with hypertension (27.0 million) have their blood pressure under control.* Some patients with high blood pressure experience resistant hypertension, which does not respond well to multiple antihypertensive medications given at the same time. This means that there are many important opportunities for healthcare professionals to explore new ways to treat hypertension.  At Renown Health, we lead the region in cardiology care with our technological expertise and patient-centered approach. That is why our cardiology team is partnering with the Renown Research Office to offer the RADIANCE Continued Access Protocol (RADIENCE CAP) clinical trial to eligible patients. RADIANCE CAP is a non-randomized study designed to allow for continued access to ultrasound renal denervation therapy via the Paradise System, and to allow for the on-going collection of safety and effectiveness data in patients with uncontrolled hypertension despite the prescription of antihypertensive medications. The body’s complex communication system between the brain, heart and kidneys can sometimes become overactive, increasing your blood pressure through messages in the nervous system. Renal denervation is a minimally-invasive procedure which reduces activity from the nerves in your kidneys to lower blood pressure.  This is the third in a series of renal denervation clinical trials Renown Health has offered to patients with resistant hypertension over the last several years, with over 40 local participants.  “All the participants that I have had the pleasure to work with on these studies are very excited and grateful to have this option for helping control their blood pressure” states Lisa English, Lead Clinical Research Coordinator for Cardiology studies at Renown Health. “I love getting to know each one of them and helping on their healthcare journey. We have an amazing team of providers and staff at Renown that go out of their way to make patients experiences positive and the studies successful.” Dr. Michael Bloch, Cardiologist and Principal Investigator for the RADIANCE CAP study at Renown Health’s Institute for Heart and Vascular Health adds, “Despite lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise and the widespread availability of effective and well-tolerated medications, approximately 50% of all people with hypertension have inadequate blood pressure control putting them at risk for stroke, heart failure and kidney disease. As a one-time durable procedure, renal denervation with the Paradise endovascular system from ReCor Medical, Inc. may help millions of patients improve their blood pressure control without necessarily needing to increase their medications.” Our teams of expert providers and researchers are here to support you on your healthcare journey. Talk to your provider about the RADIANCE CAP clinical trial at your next appointment to see if participation may be right for you.

    Read More About Managing Your Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure

    • Neurología
    • Investigación y estudios

    Oportunidades de investigación sobre esclerosis múltiple en el norte de Nevada

    There are nearly 1 million adults living with MS in the United States alone. For comparison, that is roughly the entire population of the Reno/Sparks and Las Vegas areas combined. MS is a neurological autoimmune condition which means that the immune system of patients with MS attacks the body’s myelin, a protective substance that covers your nerves. When this happens, the unprotected nerves can be damaged. Patients with MS may experience many different symptoms ranging from mild to severe, such as mobility and vision problems, fatigue and difficulty thinking. MS is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20-50, but late onset MS can occur in patients over 50 years old. While there is no cure for MS, there are effective treatments that can help reduce the burden of patients’ symptoms and create a positive quality of life. At Renown Health, we have joined the fight against MS through a partnership between advanced neurology programs and providers and our research office. We are proud to offer newly diagnosed MS patients the opportunity to choose between standard care treatment options or participating in an open label clinical trial, the AGNOS study. This study is assessing the impact of a new medication, ofatumumab, as the first disease modifying therapy participants receive for managing relapsing remitting MS, the most common form of MS.

    Read More About Multiple Sclerosis Research Opportunities in Northern Nevada

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