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    • Recetas
    • Sterling Silver Club

    Ensalada cítrica de quinoa y frijoles negros

    Looking for the most delicious plant-based, protein-rich salad to add to your recipe repertoire? Look no further. We asked our registered dietitian, Caitlin Bus, with Renown Healthy Heart Program for the one recipe that all her class participants rave about. Caitlin’s popular recipe offers a bounty of fiber and protein. This dish is a showstopper because quinoa is a healthy grain. A cup contains 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, compared to 4 grams of protein and only 1 gram of fiber in a cup of white rice. With the perfect amount of citrus flavor combined with corn, bell pepper, and beans this dietitian approved quinoa salad will be a staple for all occasions. Enjoy!

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Vida activa

    El arte de ser Beth

    Beth Macmillan is a work of art in her own right. This Sterling Silver Club featured member is also a one-time professional dancer who now takes center stage as the passionate leader of Artown, northern Nevada’s colorful and wonderfully diverse, month-long celebration of the arts –happening throughout Reno in July! So how might we paint a portrait of someone as unique as Beth? We thought an art-full Q&A was a good place to start. Question: Can you tell us how you came to Reno and to your post as executive director of Artown? “I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and eventually moved to Reno, Nevada to dance in a show called ‘Hello Hollywood Hello!’ at the MGM Grand Resort (now known as the Grand Sierra Resort). I joined Artown in 2001, became executive director a year later and have thoroughly enjoyed my journey there – and here in Reno – every single day since.” Question: What do you love about the arts? “I love how the arts build creative minds in all of us. The arts spark our imagination and encourage innovation. We are all artists. We dress with creative intention, decorate our homes imaginatively and cook meals for ourselves and others to impress and satisfy through culinary artistry.” Beth’s Favorite Color: Green “I love the way green clothing looks on me and makes my eyes sparkle. Green is a calming color and my home is painted a soft and calming green on the interior.” Question: What is your personal vision and hope for the arts community in Reno/Sparks and northern Nevada? “My vision for the arts in our community is that we continue to build a cultural center in northern Nevada. We are a destination for the arts and should continue to build strength in that draw. Reno has become a place where artists are finding a home and are able to work and create artistry in every genre. My hope is that everything that is happening with the arts here is just the beginning.” Question: Do you think a person’s health can benefit from exposure to the arts? “I believe wholeheartedly that the arts are tied to health. Renown has a healing arts program which helps patients heal through creating art. I also know that Artown brings people together and out of isolation, which is one of the biggest culprits for depression. Artown encourages folks to come out and enjoy the outdoors, gatherings with friends and enjoyment of the arts – all of which build a healthy lifestyle. During COVID-19, Artown also helped heal of our community through our Heart own program, which encouraged creativity and inspiration. In short, I feel the arts are essential to our wellbeing, on many levels.” Question: What do you do to stay vibrant and healthy? “I always have a project going. I love to restore furniture, sew, paint, garden, knit and cook interesting meals for friends. I try to eat a healthy diet with tons of veggies and fruit. I also enjoy hiking, paddle boarding, gardening and yoga, all of which keep my working-out enjoyable and satisfying.” Beth’s Artown Highlight “When we brought Mikhail Baryshnikov to Reno… it made me proud of our community. It was one of the best performances I have ever seen and I didn’t have to go to a major market to see him perform.” Question: What do you appreciate most about your life at 55+ and what advice would you offer to other club members to help them live their best lives? “I lost my husband to cancer when he was young. His passing reminds me to cherish every moment of every day and take time to look around and be grateful for life. I am eternally grateful for my two sons. One is an engineer for a local construction company, the other is completing his studies in type theory in Gothenburg, Sweden. And I am in the arts – what a contrast!” Question: What excites you about partnering with the Sterling Silver Club for Artown? “I am excited for what Artown offers Sterling Silver Club members and our entire community. I want everyone to know that the best time in Reno to enjoy one another and the arts is in July, because we have Artown!” Question: Finally, how would you define the art of life? “The art of life is to create a world you want to read in a book, see in a painting, watch in a ballet, experience in a play and hear in music.” The Sterling Silver Club thanks Beth for being such an inspiring ambassador and for her tireless dedication to celebrating and supporting the arts in our community through Artown! Sterling Silver Club The Sterling Silver Club’s exclusive benefits are designed with you in mind. From social events and lectures to entertainment, special discounts, and health insights and tips. Sign Up for the Club!

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Vida activa

    Socios de Pandemic Pals y Sterling Silver Club

    A Friendship Gone Viral  When a friendship is strong enough, it can survive just about anything – even a pandemic! Sterling Silver Club members and longtime friends, Marlene and Kim, are living and thriving proof of that.  Career & Community Cohorts  With successful careers in the Reno area and a common passion for community involvement, it’s no surprise the women knew of each other even before their friendship developed. The first time they actually worked together was in 2001 at TMWA (Truckee Meadows Water Authority), where Marlene’s company was brought on board to steer communications and Kim was heading up the then-new utility’s customer relations department. TMWA was where these colleagues became cohorts who have since become the best of friends.  Now retired, Kim’s favorite job these days is being a doting “Noni” to her two granddaughters who live nearby and who she keeps up with by staying active. Kim enjoys practicing yoga and loves to spend time walking and hiking in the great outdoors – with two enthusiastic dogs that are always ready to join her.  Marlene is still working and running her nearly 40-year-old public engagement and outreach company, GoodStanding. Her “fun and interesting” projects help to build community engagement for her clients and often focus on water resource management and conservation.  The Rotary Club of Reno, known as the “downtown club,” is also an important part of both women’s lives. Marlene was just the third woman to join the historically male organization in 1991 and made it her mission to recruit and sponsor female members – like Kim. Today, women make up nearly half of the membership and Marlene and Kim are both heavily involved in the club and its initiatives, including its scholarship program and community beautification projects along Riverside Drive.  A Friendly Q & A  To learn more about the friends and maintaining friendships in these socially distanced times, we asked them some questions.   What drew you to each other as friends?  Kim: Marlene’s honesty, integrity and ethics. Marlene always does what is best for her clients, no matter what.  Marlene: Kim and I communicate very well. It’s hard to explain, but sometimes we are both way ahead of our words. How would you describe each other in a single word? Marlene: Focused. Don’t put anything in front of Kim that you don’t want done, and done expertly. Also, helper. She thrives on helping people and working through their problems.  Kim: Creative! Marlene came up with many unique ideas to promote and publicize TMWA. And her house the most cozy spaces to sit and visit.  Do you have a favorite “That’s so her” moment to share? Kim: Burning Man! Marlene had friends with a camp at Burning Man and she invited me to join them for three days a number of years ago. We rode our bikes, admired the art and did our best to sleep through the techno music that played through the night. It was an amazing time.  Marlene: Kim’s involvement in Rotary’s Achievement Beyond Obstacles (a support and scholarship program for deserving local high school students). She has a heart for kids facing challenges, she is a great leader and she loves to help and make a difference.  How has COVID-19 affected your friendship, how have things changed and how have things stayed the same? Kim: We don’t see each other in person quite as much. However, Marlene has made sure that many of our girlfriends are able to stay in touch.  Marlene: I don’t take for granted we are going to see each other, so we plan it. I am the instigator of walks, socially distanced get-togethers in our green space and Zoom meetings. This new normal has also given me permission to stay home and work. Now, it’s OK to do some gardening or take a walk in the middle of the day. I suppose that’s one pleasant side effect of COVID-19.  Why did you become members of the Sterling Silver Club and why would you encourage others to join?  Kim: So many friends and family members had nothing but good things to say about Renown that I decided to switch providers. I also really liked what Renown was doing with the Healthy Nevada Project. So, when I saw the Sterling Silver Club, it seemed to me to be just another extension of all the good things Renown has to offer!  Marlene: This Club sounded interesting because it would allow me to focus more on my health with like-minded people in my age group. And, I’m with Kim, Healthy Nevada Project is very intriguing for how it could potentially improve health care for all of us.  What is the secret to a lasting friendship?  Kim: Have patience. Don’t take things personally. Be flexible. And just enjoy one another’s company. Marlene: Respect and grace, equally. We are not perfect and we are all different. So give your friends respect always, grace when they flub up and support when they need help.  Thanks to Kim and Marlene for being such generous collaborators and ambassadors of the Sterling Silver Club.  Friend Fun Fact:  Kim helped Marlene find her new house a few years ago – and more recently, a new dog! Marlene and “Levi” have been inseparable ever since.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Vida activa

    Conozca a Ann Sterling, miembro del Club Silver

    If Sterling Silver Club member Ann had an official motto, it would be, “I love to learn new things.” Ann has been a Reno resident for about 25 years after making her way to the Silver State from Arizona and before that, her birth state of Indiana. All along the way, she’s been growing, exploring and learning. Meet Ann From her days as a Girl Scout to her cherished roles as mother and grandmother and her time spent working for the federal government, Ann has enjoyed the adventures she’s had, the people she’s met and the learning opportunities that continue to be an important part of her life’s journey. “Learning never has to end,” Ann says wisely. Today, Ann lives a life full of learning — and giving. She is a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UNR, which offers classes and events for people who are 50 and older. She has also been a foster grandparent for Seniors in Service and has tutored troubled teens at the Jan Evans Juvenile Detention Center and helped out at Title 1 schools. Volunteer Extraordinaire Her volunteer résumé continues with work for the Reno Police Department’s SAVE program through Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for Sanford Center for Aging and time spent with VISTA for AmeriCorps, helping victims of domestic violence and refugees. And with her recent appearance in Ky’s Kab, a segment of Aging & Awesome — the popular 55+ show airing Saturdays at 7 p.m. on local CBS affiliate, KTVN Channel 2 — she’s a bit of a celebrity to boot! Through all of her experiences, Ann has learned something about herself and others. She looks forward to the new memories and friendships her latest membership to the Sterling Silver Club will bring. “I love being a member of the Sterling Silver Club because it’s another opportunity for me to grow, have fun, learn and socialize,” she says. And everyone at Renown is thrilled to help her do those things — and live a happy, healthy life. Please join us in welcoming Ann, one of our first members of the Sterling Silver Club. Today we have more than 2,800 members and we’re happy to be featuring members and getting to know you all along the way!

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